Wow! I agree with the previous commenter. Great interview! The questions were really thoughtful and well executed. To Kyle: I was one of those devastated fans who really wanted you to win. I always want kind people with integrity to win. Quite the challenge being that person in a game of such a high level of walking that line of keeping true to who are are as a kind person and still win. Your story resonated with me specifically with not being able to afford the basics or barely being able to afford them. I lost my livelihood due to illness and my husband from an accident. We can not make the base bills without family help as I grind through the disability process for the 5th year and it feels embarrassing and humiliating. We also have a half constructed house as things ground to a halt with the loss of income. Yesterday was a bit of a low finding mushrooms growing out of one of our roof leaks... then I thought about how much we do have...a roof over our heads, a warm bed, running water, a tv to watch Survivor on etc inspired by you and learning the little bit I know of you. I can't say enough good things about you regarding your outlook on life, kindness, integrity, looking out for your family etc. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story and helping to take away the stigmas. I'm hoping that by some way or someone that your financial burdens are lifted. You would be a great motivational speaker.