The Truth About the Philosopher's Stone in Alchemy

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Symbol Sage

Symbol Sage

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@SymbolSage 7 ай бұрын
What does the Philosopher's Stone mean to you?
@Neiscience 7 ай бұрын
It's, the solidifying my divinity. I rise too fall, givin my self too the fates, Judged and tested, I underwent a Heroes journey too attain, mine internally. Then I Took piety, too the craft for 2 years i prepared for magnus opus, The longest preparations undergone by a mortal. We were ignored for our arrogance, the path too the divine has been locked up. It means, the Salvation and the sovereigning of my soul. Ive been reconized by higher demensions. Blessed with knowing.
@stevescott8060 7 ай бұрын
The Stone is exactly that, a Stone! Unlike any other stone, obviously, but is only the one singular component. Prima Materia! As for how long is the process, or what all is involved, translations of formulae, all that is Forbidden to describe due to the Individualistic nature. Unity of One. As the Individual and the Stone itself , are one. The Formulae becomes a Syntho-Organic Series of Process, Steps of the phases of each aspect of a single process. Dangerous that's fact. If it was easy then gold would be everywhere. In Truth you would not want the Stone once you have it because you have at least perfected a much higher level of self. Keep at it and you will Succeed! First Rule, You must learn to be at one with the Environment!
@lorentsmuller 6 ай бұрын
The philosophers stone is made from special salts of life. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. How ironic people are told the matters for producing the philosophers stone when they are 6 feet under. A little late lol
@Jamie-j6o 6 ай бұрын
@piotrstefanowicz2706 5 ай бұрын
God revisited.
@JohnDoe-bc1fo Ай бұрын
It’s an allegory about how through ancient times how people would pass on stories of people of significance on a stone and at the time to of the story of the stone philosophers where the ones who was considered most notable to speak about or read about in the future so essentially the stone without writing is our lives and if we can make a big enough contribution to the world our lives would be written in stone to transcend our lives after we pass also if you make a big enough contribution to the world you turned you messily everyday pay of silver or whatever it was at the time into gold
@SymbolSage Ай бұрын
That’s a really interesting take! The idea of leaving a lasting legacy “written in stone” certainly ties into the deeper symbolism of the Philosopher's Stone. It’s interesting how these ancient concepts still resonate today, don't you think? Thanks for sharing your insight with us!
@edhardwick2538 Ай бұрын
​@@SymbolSageJung explains it similarly on the stone next to his home.
@azurplex 2 ай бұрын
Good description of the history of the Stone. It is steeped in spirituality and a metaphor for enlightenment and self betterment but is also a real substance the making of which is a spiritual journey that teaches one patience, humility and persistence and rewards those who are worthy (and discreet) with health, life and wealth.
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@azurplex Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@RandallColombo Ай бұрын
Is the stone inside of us? Spirit soul body that’s a living thing?
@Neiscience Ай бұрын
@BlaBlabla-c6x 27 күн бұрын
Perhaps both
@satansjihad6353 8 ай бұрын
What is your opinion o Justin Sledge's videos on the lack of historical validity of spiritual alchemy?
@DamienZshadow 8 ай бұрын
This video doesn't contradict anything that Justin Sledge has expressed. They touch on the idea of spiritual alchemy, but mentioned by the end of the video how it is completely a modern interpretation of historical Alchemy.
@thedude5740 8 ай бұрын
The philosopher's stone is a balanced state of mind, the elixir of life is a legacy.
@SymbolSage 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for your input!
@theclaybeartravels3596 4 ай бұрын
Or its a crystal grown from urine, look up turmaline crystals
@LordEJ. 4 ай бұрын
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@thedude5740 Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@stevescott8060 7 ай бұрын
Found this video interesting.
@inconspicuous-new--account 8 ай бұрын
This isn't bad. I was picking up some interesting stuff at the start. The Mute Book for instance. I'd not heard of that before, so I shall certainly be checking that out. We used the Rosarium Philosophorum, and we found the pictures to be sufficient, without the text. I was sceptical about the idea you were going to speak about the truth regarding the stone, but it started to move in the right direction about half way through, which was quite pleasing. However, I have had to stop the video at the point you said "more practical discoveries". The pursuit of the Philosophers' Stone itself, is literally the most practical thing that any human being could ever be doing. To find some other random chemical stuff, might be nice if you are some kind of alchemical train spotter, or stamp collector, but there is nothing as practical as finding the Philosophers' stone. It is more practical than all human technology put together. The holy grail is much easier to find than the Philosophers' stone. At least, that has been my experience anyway. The principles of alchemy are obviously scientifically valid. They wouldn't work if they weren't scientifically valid. With Jung, you are onto something. Jung was more than people realise. If you've not read The Red Book, then I recommend that. I've not read it all. I've just lifted bits out here and there, as needed. Your use of terms like "metaphor" is funny. As if the Philosophers' stone is some kind of literary fragment. It offers vast power. To speak of metaphors, makes it sound like its just some kind of poetic device. The spiritual journey stuff is obviously in line with it, but the imagery you use to symbolise that is not appropriate. Read Jung's Red Book to see the appropriate imagery for discussing these things. It's not cross legged hippies sitting in sunshine with crystals or anything like that. It's more like the labours of Hercules, or the Odyssey, or Daedalus escaping a labyrinth. In fact, that is literally what it is.
@SymbolSage 8 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks so much for your input! We really appreciate it. By practical discoveries, we mean those that are tangible and physical. The pursuit of the philosopher's stone, while of course immensely valuable, tends to combine the metaphysical with the practical. But either way, thanks for sharing and will definitely check out Red Book.
@inconspicuous-new--account 7 ай бұрын
@@SymbolSage What makes The Red Book interesting is that Jung did not publish it during his life time, because of the danger it might damage his career, reputation, and legacy. So it wasn't published until relatively recently, this century. What you were saying about Flamel attributing his success to the Philosophers' Stone makes sense, because it changes the way you interact with the world. You start to walk a blessed path. You might also be interested in looking deeper into Isaac Newton's writings too. There is mention of an Angelicall Stone as well as a Philosophers' Stone. The closer you get to harmony with the environment, the more you are guided. Some people say that Isaac had mental health difficulties at one point in his life, but he didn't. 'mental health difficulties' is a modern expression, which is used to prevent people looking too deeply into things like sorcery and magic, so that they will focus more on commercial stuff, and making money for the wealthy. There's all manner of balances that sway over the centuries. I would say they are sociological expressions of weakness versus strength. However, they also come across as greedy sinfulness and creative asceticism. Those who feel pain create, and look deeply into things. Those who do not, merely plod along, being of service to their "superiors". It is in the interests of people who like to make lots of money, by having people serve them, to ensure they feel as little pain as possible. People naturally go along with this, because they don't like pain. However, over time society starts to lose its creativity and vision, and just become drones, serving masters. Thus we end up with this weird class divide we have now, where only a few entertainers rise up out of it, and the majority sit on the sofa, staring at televisions or playing games, listening to music. What must be sought by some people, can come naturally to other people. It's a lot about learning to follow your intuition. Björk has said something interesting on the topic. She's kind of a natural, but she uses the same method. There's a speech she gave, last year. June 16th 2023. It's up on KZbin. She was receiving an honorary doctorate for arts. It's less than a minute long, and in Icelandic, but it has subtitles. She gives the secret of her success. She naturally does, what is done by those who have been through the alchemical process of psychological individuation. She may not realise the full significance, because it seems to come naturally to her, but if you have lived without it, and then been driven into living with it, you notice the difference very strongly from the contrast. Her lyrics are fascinating. I suppose most musicians aren't exactly "normal" but with Björk, it is quite recognisable that something different is going on.
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@inconspicuous-new--account Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@inconspicuous-new--account Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@Tanjutsu4420 25 күн бұрын
1:21 yeah he 's where we get jibber jabber from
@SymbolSage 23 күн бұрын
Why do you find it jibber jabber? please elaborate.
@Tanjutsu4420 22 күн бұрын
@@SymbolSage non alcimests tried to read it all they understood was it was by jabbir
@gcara2122 8 ай бұрын
Where can I find one ??
@Ayopne 8 ай бұрын
Well probably next to any tree, rock or grass
@valeriewilliams1103 7 ай бұрын
The why files has all the info you'll need on the Stone and a book called The Age of Aquarius, if I'm not mistaken. WF files.
@Only_truth_matters 5 ай бұрын
Read "The Book of Aquarius".
@garagegorilla5x5 6 ай бұрын
What if the key to the philosophers stone is as simple as pissing in a jar, capping it and allowing it to sit in the sun to evaporate and once the urine is gone and the sediment is dry, re do the process again. Until Idk its just a thought I had.
@chasethemaster3440 5 ай бұрын
You’re not far off and I’m not even joking life Energy is within well living things and it’s a long and tedious process to make the philosophers stone it’s made of life Energy so a way to make it is to do pretty much what you said boil a liquid with life Energy so piss is technically a option and redo it until you get the stone it takes a while and I’m not sure if any of what I just said is true because I haven’t tried it so idk
@garagegorilla5x5 5 ай бұрын
@chasethemaster3440 I've fermented urine until it turned a dark redish brown before, and the sediment at the bottom was very thick and white. I poured it out and didn't do anything with it. But I think I'm going to do it again using the sun this summer. I'll use a glass Mason jar and cover the top with cheese clothe to minimize contamination. Maybe put it out about 12pm and bring it in once the day cools or I may not even need to being it in I might just be able to leave it outside. We shall see.
@gallant439 5 ай бұрын
@garagegorilla5x5 5 ай бұрын
@@gallant439 Do you have any insight?
@DavidAre777 4 ай бұрын
Read the Book of Aquarius. Urine is the base material used. The formula and equipment are also explained in the book. It's urine in a retort, heated to collect the distillate, then the salt remaining is calcined, a small amount of the distillate is reintroduced, then the sealed retort is subjected a long time by a gentle heat until colors change. Then it is fermented with silver or gold shavings to produce the white, or red stone. That's my quick recap of it. There are a few more steps. A good read though The white heals, the red heals and reverses or extends life.
@FulcanelliTrismegistus 6 ай бұрын
As a rosicrucian, i can saftley tell you, that the elixer of life is real, but the word 'stone' is simply a metaphor alike most texts dated back, most occult writings are written in subliminal texts.
@Joshbenjock 4 ай бұрын
I'm interested in more
@MoneyGood-n5j 4 ай бұрын
It’s the crystallized essence of life
@david-jr5fn 3 ай бұрын
You mean you belong to a Rosicrucian reenactment group like AMORC etc
@FulcanelliTrismegistus 3 ай бұрын
@david-jr5fn oh yes, i forgot. What you say is what i am. You are the divine being that all secret societies vibe to. what else am i just to make sure cuz i forget.
@gracefultimes 3 ай бұрын
Blood? Urine?
@amandamarie5337 4 ай бұрын
I wonder what the magic levels where back in The Tartarin Empire, before The Mud Flood. I stay up at night thinking what could have been, and what once was 😢
@EliwazMoonites 7 ай бұрын
The symbol must mean something it's upon the front of the cathedral of Notre dame line that symbol up with the roof the circle in its middle an even the edges of the square are there too! The center dot is the one in the middle of the circle of the window. Unsure who I found this key out about form but thank you too that person. You can use it on a lot of manuscripts an such as well too an see the alignment's their as well. Whats even more powerful is the fact that it all lines up with the 369 symbol as well too.
@OneWhoRemains2023 18 күн бұрын
चिंतामणी, परिस 💎
@YungZaBuu 6 ай бұрын
Does anyone know where i can possibly find this stone?
@SymbolSage 6 ай бұрын
They've been searching for it forever, mate.
@ReptilianXHologram 2 ай бұрын
The Prima Materia(one and only ingredient needed to make the Stone) is found inside the mines of earth(human body). "There are two parts to our Great Work. Both parts follow the same laws of Nature that we addressed in our theory. The first operation, which is done by hand, is the first stage of the work, which consists in xxxxxx and xxxxxx. The second operation, in which the artist has nothing to do but look on, is the second stage of the work.” - The New Pearl of Great Price, by Peter Bonus, 1338 AD
@ReptilianXHologram 2 ай бұрын
Also read the Splendor Solis to learn more and pay attention to the 22(same number as the major Tarot cards and 22 Hebrew letters in Alphabet) colored plates.
@Bamibein 4 ай бұрын
what would Hudson Hawk think?
@tommynorthwood 3 ай бұрын
Awesome movie. Fuck yes sir
@mennehgambia1962 Ай бұрын
What they called elements we call states of matter. We progressed in accuracy... Fire could mean plasma or combustion or just very high temperature stuff in general. The mix of all of it is simply matter at all temperatures or states. Or the transitions between all of them... Or something like that.
@SymbolSage Ай бұрын
Interesting perspective!
@home8630 2 ай бұрын
I was given things that no one wants to hear. They treat me like garbage, and I am treated like I don't deserve to have anyone respond back to me, because I sit alone in silence. To have no interaction with another greives me beyond measure sometimes. I was given another element. But no one wants to hear what it is, not from me anyway and when you are simply not allowed to tell. I was born with Understanding and was gifted with another understanding when I was a baby and received it. Everything means something. Its not about prescious special stones in the earth for me, the Philospher's Stone, is the witness of the truth about Philosophy and learning, which is the gold itself. The base is the lowest of the low and the ignorance that needs to be transformed and transmuted, transcended and restored back to its orginial condition. Even those 4 colours mean something, the Black and death, which is also not just a physical death, and being able to face death and not die.Its also being able to deal with the incurable and the aging of facing death daily along with dealing with the ignorance of being uninformed or the ignoring of the whole towards you. The white, the purity, the mother's milk of wisdom, which is also spiritual milk that cleanses people, and nourishes and sustains life, fulfilment and everyone and everything, along with the blood without, we would not be alive. The yellow is the restoration process and its a huge gift as the sun lights up the earth and brings day, transforming the night into a great light. Its so many things, and yet to me its being given back the perfection I was born with. To also be able to process the grief. Thankyou for sharing, sometimes you are given things, that in that moment that you have been given it, it takes you on a journey quite like no other, the journey of discovery, which is as the dawning of a new day. Thankyou to this video, I am grateful and thankful for everything I am given and what I learn along the way. So thankyou for sharing.
@formeolosuslasvenators1777 Ай бұрын
You are not alone, if you are it’s because you are evil around good people or you are good around evil people, go somewhere else
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@home8630 Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@ShannonNunn-s6f 7 ай бұрын
The spiritual mercoba is a portal
@StevenSchoolAlchemy 7 ай бұрын
The stone which bears the sign of the sun.
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@StevenSchoolAlchemy Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@KennethSunde 8 ай бұрын
I saw and toutched this stone in my dream, before I had ever even heard of it… and in my dream it looked red exactly how the video shows and describes it.
@SymbolSage 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment and sharing your dream!
@AgoraSage 7 ай бұрын
you forgot to eat it and absorb it power. too late now, noooooo.
@EliwazMoonites 7 ай бұрын
Funny too how that they keep saying no ones made it yet long before it was known how to make colloidal gold they knew the stone an gold would become red. Why would they not pick gold as this ultimate color instead if they had not known gold makes red color. Blood from a young mouse has made an older one when they are attached to each other the older one gets the vitality of the young one an shows it. The power is locked away within us all the fire inside which as well brings up we are mostly water which itself is fire too for hydrogen an oxygen come from it
@Mattlikes2skate 6 ай бұрын
Those who claim to possess the physical stone have fallen down the trap door
@KisheaCrowl 8 ай бұрын
Isn't it made of years of someone's urine basically cooked down? Different stages tells the color. And after it's a certain color, you eat it. The story about turning base metals into gold, somehow toes to the midas touch. I haven't gotten much farther yet into research. There's also a fun video from The Why Files.
@SymbolSage 8 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for sharing. Do you have any sources that refer to this?
@andersonfarmstead8308 6 ай бұрын
The book of Aquarius?
@garagegorilla5x5 6 ай бұрын
Thats what I've always understood it to be. I made a comment about it a few minutes ago.
@theclaybeartravels3596 4 ай бұрын
Check out turmaline crystals. They heal the body with negative ions. I don't think the philosophers stone is much different. It's probably not a cooking job but actually a growing job like taking care of a garden. Crystals do take a very long time to grow.
@danielboomers 3 ай бұрын
i like rumpelstilzken better..faster process to get gold..
@zynark777 Ай бұрын
I don't have the time or place to do the operations since I'm an autistic nomad unable to fit into normal society and some times I live in the outdoors if I must. But if anyone who has it wants to share a sample, you would save my family and children a lot of heartache, since I am planning my own demise currently. Thank you.
@SymbolSage Ай бұрын
I'm really sorry you're feeling this way. Please reach out to a mental health professional or someone you trust for support. You're not alone, and there are people who can help.
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
@@zynark777 Don't do that. I was the 777nth like on this channel today. Here is part of my experience with the Philosopher's Stone. The dollar bill is a magick talisman that acts as an infectious disease that corrupts those who can't decipher the origami symbolism hidden within it. It is the 'Libre Ultima', the Philosopher's Stone. Thirteen folds will stop time and open the path to Eternity. 🧘🙏👁️. 🌞🌎🌚🌝🪐💫🕳️. 👁️ Once, upon the End of Time, I looked deeply into the one dollar bill and resonated with it until it shattered like a glass under the influence of a tuning fork. The dollar, (from the Germanic, 'taler', the same root as talisman), is an occult magick talisman that has the world under it's spell. The number 13 represents regeneration and the one dollar bill is coded with a great many thirteens. While I could go on for hours about the particulars, in this post I will do my best🙄to come to the point, to ascertain your sufficient interest to know more about this. Looking at the back of the dollar, I thought it strange to have two circles, the same distance apart between two eyes, representing the 'one' dollar bill. In the middle it says, 'IN GOD WE TRUST-ONE'. If you are 'IN' god, you only trust one, not two. On the left side, is depicted a pyramid with 13 levels, which, to my eye, represents universal consciousness. On the right side, is depicted an eagle/Phoenix, or individual consciousness, under a cloud hiding the Saturnalian star configuration or star of David. I thought it looked like the circles were moving apart, due to the watery Acanthus leaves surrounding them, which made me think of the first stage of mitosis (cell division), where one cell becomes two, the first representative of 'the many'. I noticed the eagle/Phoenix holding a banner in it's beak that read, 'E Pluribus Unum', 'from many, one', in Latin. So, I deduced, I should fold the bill to form one circle within one square. The real squaring of the circle!🤯 Eureka! The seal created when making this, opens the Seal of Solomon. What is revealed, to one who is symbolically literate, is the Grand Ultimate Truth. The Tai' Chi. The square envelopes a circle that envelopes a bifurcated triangular representation of fire or sulfur. Fire in two aspects, the material and the spiritual and the immolation of the individual at the top of the pyramid, where the Phoenix loses its face/left (sinister)eye/ego.The Phoenix is sacrificed at the top of the 13 layered pyramid (middle of the fire) to be elevated to the vision of a right (argent) eye, seeing through the opening in the 'clouds of unknowing', through a Pythagorean triangle, calculating the stars. This transformation is surrounded by the Latin term, 'Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum' or 'Anu favors the endeavor of creating a new world order'. Anu was the ancient Babylonian god of the Annunaki, (those, who from Heaven fell). The fire symbol is surrounded by a circle. This represents the watery metal, Mercury, a metal that beads into a sphere and is, like Prometheus the fire-bearer, the one closest to the sun. This is further contained by a square representing salt, (Earth) which grows as a cube. The cube stands for stillness, the circle for motion and the pyramid for balance of these opposites. So then, Salt, Mercury and Sulfur combine to form the Philosopher's Stone, while also describing Earth, air (the Phoenix, a bird rising into the air), water, fire and spirit (the transformation) in this sacred seal. Above this, the capital letters at the top, denote an acronym, 'THCA', which I believe stands for the Latin moniker of the title of this seal, 'Theologica Hermeticum Corpus Absolutum', or in English, 'the Hermetically sealed, (which is to say, not exposed to air or corruption) Body of the Absolute Knowledge of God). When folded the readable text says 'Anu favors- unum/one- New Order' and outside of and below the circle, but within the square, it says in vulgar English, 'The Greed States'.😱 In the corner's of the earth symbol, (4 seasons), are ones, each atop a 12 spoked web. Four 13's are 52. 50 states plus Guam and Puerto Rico is 52. All is one in the United States of America. '1111,' a message from the 'Son of the Void, Crowned in Glory'. The ecliptic Coronal Sun. ☀️🕳️💫😱🤫 My peculiar resonance with this number is as follows: I was born on December 31, 1965 @ 9:13 p.m., two hours, fourty-seven minutes from the beginning of the 12th hour, 12:00 a.m., the transition to a new day and a new year. Ourobouros bites it's own tail. 9,1 and 3 add to 13. 2,4 and 7 add to 13. New Year's Eve is the transition from 12 to 13. 31 is the reverse of 13. Furthmore,🙄 if you subtract the number of man/The Beast, 666, from the year of 'our' lord, 1965, you get 1299. This is 'me', minus my 'self/ego'. Annoint me with One(ness), to come to 1300, a higher order 13 or 'Christ/Krishna/Buddha consciousness. Regenerated, I am what I am, all over again.🤯 Also, there are 13 letters in my first and last name. My middle name is Nelson, from the Dutch, Nil's son. Steven means, 'crown' or 'crowned in glory', a term coined, in English, in 1111 A.D. I am literally, named 'Crowned in Glory, Son of the Void (Nil). 🌞🕳️. P.S.- The dollar further folds 13 times, by halving and doubling, to reveal a three dimensional obelisk with George Washington's eye at the top. Much more is revealed, symbolically, as we observe and unfold this tiny book, I will dub, 'Libre Ultima'. If you get back to me, I will show you the origami and further explain the symbolism. It is 3 a.m., eternal. Time to rest.🥱 The K.L.F. has NOW left the building.😘
@sourcetext Ай бұрын
I have a kidney stone .
@gallant439 5 ай бұрын
Just like the movie Legend of the Seeker...
@asthajha5195 6 ай бұрын
I don't think the philosopher's stone is a tangible thing at all. I think it's our mind or, to be more specific, it's our belief. In the end, it's our belief that a yellow stone becomes precious gold, and it's our mind that makes us rich.
@jake-ru7nx 7 ай бұрын
Laura Branigan - Power Of Love - Martes 13
@philliplumpkin6369 18 күн бұрын
Currently playing KCD
@HortonGourcuff 5 ай бұрын
From all my research the stone is property of the atlanteans Colombus was sent to the Americas to find it but he allowed in the temple that the Spanish called El Monte de Cristo. It's still there to this day but at a different temple
@privatethoughts85 3 ай бұрын
Bless your heart.
@cece3194 Ай бұрын
The unknown element is sound
@BlaBlabla-c6x 2 күн бұрын
@@cece3194 or perhaps some Common sense
@theendtimesreveal 15 күн бұрын
We are living through the ritual of the Philosophers Stone. Think transhumanism and mR N A
@BxgChasing_ Ай бұрын
Didn't want to mention The Book of Aquarius?
@pruost 7 ай бұрын
👌🏻 🙏🏻 💪🏻
@blackeyeboxing5233 5 ай бұрын
Embryo is the way to extend life or good diet and non harmful products in your body.
@cece3194 Ай бұрын
or Lava
@BearBearandhat 5 ай бұрын
I'd be looking at atomic gold or manner
@Bamibein 4 ай бұрын
@SymbolSage 4 ай бұрын
Rebis is an interesting alchemy concept. We picked all the major ones - unfortunately we had to leave out some symbols.
@AngelDiMauro1 Ай бұрын
Monday, July 29, 2024, AD, CE, & Common Era, 9:14 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Temporary milky way galaxy.
@Neiscience 8 ай бұрын
I have the stone, its a white pearl with a deep crimson core. It's made from the 4 elements plus the 5th missing element of aetheric. spirit energy, It, was gifted, too me. I cannot transform base metals.. nor is it magical in anyway... valuable yes.
@MAW51187 8 ай бұрын
When is your bday?
@love-xo4rd 8 ай бұрын
It’s not a real stone
@MAW51187 8 ай бұрын
@@love-xo4rd its a mythos
@love-xo4rd 8 ай бұрын
@@MAW51187 yes it’s not a real stone
@Neiscience 8 ай бұрын
@@love-xo4rd I see you gave up too soon.
@andrewlankes Ай бұрын
Urine Therapy! The greatest health secret witheld.
@TheSouthParkVidsFTW 5 ай бұрын
Anyone want to make the real stone read the book of aquarius it's no bs
@TheSouthParkVidsFTW 5 ай бұрын
The youtube channel called (The Why Files) has a great video on this if you want to know more its called (Atlantis, Thoth, the Emerald Tablet & the Secret to Immortality)
@HarlemShaman Ай бұрын
It’s super easy to make it. It’s both esoteric both symbolic and literal.
@BumbaclartRG 6 ай бұрын
lifeforce/energie concentrated to the point it becomes physical so it takes lifes to create (human sacrifice insane amounts) forbidden knowledge for a reason. might be how all those sivalisations before us got wiped. haha jk ofc just the plot of an anime FMA worth the watch if ur in to this stuff, kinda connects to the adr...chromethings u hear about nowadays....👻🌑👁
@MAW51187 8 ай бұрын
@Whfkl14927 4 күн бұрын
i like content of your acc. but not AI gen. Images, isn't generated voice enough? Is just shit quality then…
@Joey_Kelly 7 ай бұрын
The Philosopher's Stone is the evolution of human breath. The transformation of carbon upon exhalation and the assimilation of matter via the carbon. As our physical organs evolve this process will become more and more specialized. True all chemical study reveals that when the Ancients conducted this research in a laboratory they were researching the evolved organs of the future period
@SymbolSage 7 ай бұрын
Interesting interpretation. Where does this idea come from?
@rustycaplinger8036 7 ай бұрын
I heard pee was one of the main ingredients for the stone. Was i told wrong?? I heard it from the Why Files channel.
@SymbolSage 7 ай бұрын
Hey! Yeah, it sounds a bit wild, but you're actually on to something! Alchemists back in the day were pretty experimental and did use urine in their quests, including their search for the Philosopher's Stone. It had some unique properties they thought were useful. Alchemy was all about trial, error, and a bit of mystery, so urine was just one of many ingredients they played around with.
@rustycaplinger8036 7 ай бұрын
Go watch the Why Files about it i think you will like it. Thanks for writing back and i do like some of your videos.
@KimDiamond57 7 ай бұрын
I figured it out. The symbol used for the Philosophers Stone. Breaking it apart was simple, and it just mad a whole lot of sense. But I won't tell you my Secret. You'll have to figure it out for yourselves. Have fun! I did!
@derwinward6363 7 ай бұрын
According to master Samael Aun weor. And gnostic kabbalah. An Alchemical symbol of the intimate Christ dressed with bodies of gold. It is also the cubic stone of yesod( parsifal unveiled) the stone that Jacob anointed with oil and a stone of stumbling, a rock of offense. In esoteric gnostic kabbalah it is yesod on the tree of life. The 9th sphere. The foundation of all spiritual work. It is transmutation of sexual energy practiced between husband and wife. Also known as white tantra, sexual magic, alchemy. Jesus taught it esoterically in his first miracle at a wedding feast. Wedding is the clue. It takes 3 forces to create . How we're you born physically? Sex. How are you born spiritually? Sex without orgasm. Transmutation of sexual energy. Water ( mem in Hebrew) into wine of the spirit. Unless ye be born of water and spirit. Its not something outside of you . The Samaritan women at the well is another story about alchemy. Jesus told her to go get her husband and come hither. What does her husband have to do with drinking water from a well??? Clue =water. Sexual waters. Just like in Genesis. And the spirit of God was hovering upon the waters. Think internally. So much symbolism. Eveytime people fornicate ( orgasm)it's a crime against the holy Spirit within your body. Father= Aleph ( wind, air,breath) nostril Son= shin( fire) heart Holy Spirit= mem (water) sexual organs. So when you see pictures of Jesus pointing towards the heart . Nobody comes to the Father except through the son. Raise sexual energy up 33 vertebrates!!!!! Beautiful
@ReptilianXHologram 6 ай бұрын
The Book of Aquarius is the closest to the true nature of how to make the Philosopher’s Stone, but it does not tell the whole truth about how to make it.
@piotrstefanowicz2706 6 ай бұрын
Any ideas of different prime than mentioned in BOA ?
@ReptilianXHologram 6 ай бұрын
@@piotrstefanowicz2706 There is but only one prime and that is the one mentioned in BOA. "The Hermetic Gold is not only a true dogma, a light without Shadow, a Truth without alloy of falsehood; it is also a material gold, real, pure, the most precious that can be found in the mines of the earth." -- Albert Pike
@piotrstefanowicz2706 6 ай бұрын
@@ReptilianXHologram Decomposition/fermentation at the begining is missing in BOA.
@ReptilianXHologram 6 ай бұрын
@@piotrstefanowicz2706 I told you not everything is in the BOA. Only the first and only ingredient aka Golden Calf aka Azoth aka Mercury aka Golden Dew is in there. It even shows you in the second colored plate of the Splendor Solis.
@piotrstefanowicz2706 6 ай бұрын
​@@ReptilianXHologram Thank you. Can we chat somewhere ?
@fvoel7468 7 ай бұрын
The stone is received after the second coniunctio following integration of the minor (fourth) psychological function. Not an easy task as few achieve it.
@ahmedsaiyad1943 3 ай бұрын
best way to immortality is to get bitten by a vampire
@BlaBlabla-c6x 27 күн бұрын
But isn't that different than the stone
@ahmedsaiyad1943 27 күн бұрын
@@BlaBlabla-c6x their teeth kind of works like stone 😅
@BlaBlabla-c6x 27 күн бұрын
@@ahmedsaiyad1943 hm
@bitofwizdomb7266 5 күн бұрын
Really? 🤦🏼‍♂️ Adam got it from yaweh ? Smh
@HnaniG 4 ай бұрын
The shame of philosophers is real, and it was discovered by Jabat Ibn Hayyan and King Qarun
@SymbolSage 4 ай бұрын
Care to elaborate? Sounds interesting.
@Mattlikes2skate 6 ай бұрын
Magnum opus
@billkhod.a1955 8 ай бұрын
به روز رسانی کر......
@Stjwoo99 7 ай бұрын
@SymbolSage 7 ай бұрын
Do you feel that way about Algebra too?
@nindaturtles613 6 ай бұрын
@@SymbolSagealgebra is Indian
@AnthonySmith-ip6wr 4 ай бұрын
@@nindaturtles613Islam reached India so…
@selfscience Ай бұрын
Nothing of value in this video. I found the stone for anyone who cares to ask.
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
I am asking.
@NaLege 27 күн бұрын
The philosophers stone isn’t something you find externally.
@kricketflyd111 3 ай бұрын
The Bible says we are given a white stone on judgement day. ❤
@aliceneely2647 3 ай бұрын
Which scripture says that?
@blurtling 3 ай бұрын
fiction written by men
@PiandI-o5r 4 ай бұрын
I was stupid to hope a master could be found here
@SymbolSage 4 ай бұрын
@twmm71 4 ай бұрын
​@SymbolSage if you made a stone would you tell anyone?
@13SonoftheVoid13 Ай бұрын
Mine was the 777nth like. 😂
@SymbolSage Ай бұрын
Thanks for that :)
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