Synthesizer V: MEDIUM⁵ Cangqiong - 涟漪 [Official Voicebank Demo]

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Synthesizer V: MEDIUM⁵ Cangqiong - Ripples [Official Voice-Database Demo]
【SynthV 五维介质・苍穹】涟漪【官方演示视频】
Voice-Database: 苍穹 (Cangqiong) / quad_stardust
Music, Arrangement & Lyrics: Zeno
Synthesizer V Tuning: 坐标P
Illustration: Kurumimi
✡ Original VOCALOID version by Stardust, from the album『Freesia』produced by Zeno × 匙
(。 ・ω・`)ノTo purchase Synthesizer V Editor & Cangqiong's Synthesizer V voice-database →
"Synthesizer V", "SynthV" ©Dreamtonics Co., Ltd.
"五维介质(MEDIUM⁵)", "苍穹(Cangqiong)" ©Beijing Photek S&T Development Co., Ltd.

Пікірлер: 173
@Susan-vi1jh 5 жыл бұрын
Her voice is very human like and wonderful. Also, I like her design of modernized traditional chinese cloth
@itsyuuki 4 жыл бұрын
what part of her clothes are modern ma’am
@itsyuuki 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly the transparency is t modern it’s just anime That’s just my opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What’s yours?
@srehh5529 4 жыл бұрын
@@itsyuuki the arms straps are the only pieces where it doesn't look modern. The rest is basically a more sexualized version of a qipao, which is a modern clothing. The qipao is to traditional Chinese outfits just like how the bodycon is to traditional European dresses.
@user-uk6bh2ul6d 3 жыл бұрын
@@srehh5529 Well, Hanfu is most traditional than Qipao, Qipao is most recently than Qipao
@birdtiredoflife5360 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly, my favourite synth from the new Quadimension sisters we've been getting. I already loved her other demos but THIS one takes the cake! Shes fantastic
@STPromosMusic 5 жыл бұрын
I think her and Chiyu voice wise are the best : )
@monkeke9595 3 жыл бұрын
I wasn’t aware of many voicebanks besides utaus and vocaloids so finding this voicebank was surprising to me and it’s so freaking realistic wow
@SakumaP 3 жыл бұрын
@wanhl2440 5 жыл бұрын
SynthV is an excellent engine, probably a strong competitor to current Chinese vocaloids. However, I don't think Luo TianYi will have SynthV engine version in the future.
@jessieli5718 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah they are from different companies and I heard negative reviews about how vsinger (the company who owns Luo Tianyi, Yan He, Yuezheng siblings, Moke, and QingXian) are treating their they do little to none promotions comparing to Quadimensions. So they probably won't do any crossover :/
@Infoholic 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessieli5718 Vsinger literally advertises like crazy what
@annaferns1840 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessieli5718 huh? Do you know that they give more attention to their loids than Crypton? Though mostly most of the advertising is done only in China and other Asian countries, they try to give the others attention too, not just Tianyi.
@wiwewawowu 2 жыл бұрын
Years later… she will have a Synthesizer V AI bank now!
@huhuhuhurricanestreamwow7937 2 жыл бұрын
@@wiwewawowu not luo tianyi. Vsinger is still under yamaha contract. Only stardust will get synthv
@meicheung5262 3 жыл бұрын
歌詞 將漂浮的聲音都吞沒 描繪著貝殼上的輪廓 趁暮色未乾枯讓淚水藏匿那 未曾見過的顏色 如果胸中回想同一個景色 透著純白寂靜光澤 請慢慢閉上眼搖曳著那水面 黑夜吞噬了地平線 那哭泣的歌聲破碎的波紋 即使揮手無法割捨 遺忘的話那嗜睡的花 就請你於此沉睡吧 你盛開於那盛夏的污濁 我流連於那溫柔的疼痛 燃燒墜落的那星火 如夢一閃而過 在淚水溢滿的湖中種下 那翠綠婆娑的情枝欲芽 夢中緩慢生長萌發 蠶食心底流沙 陪我多一些多一些的時間 讓困倦隨著時間忘卻 困在沒有呼吸的世界 與你之間逐漸失去關聯 一天天一天天地沉澱 讓漣漪隨風擁抱湖面 困在沒有交集的世界 歸於泥濘在那天亮之前 你盛開於那盛夏的污濁 我流連於那溫柔的疼痛 燃燒墜落的那星火 如夢一閃而過 在淚水溢滿的湖中種下 那翠綠婆娑的情枝欲芽 夢中緩慢生長萌發 蠶食心底流沙 陪我多一些多一些的時間 讓困倦隨著時間忘卻 困在沒有呼吸的世界 與你之間逐漸失去關聯 一天天一天天地沉澱 讓漣漪隨風擁抱湖面 困在沒有交集的世界 歸於泥濘在那天亮之前
@euthyphro8064 3 жыл бұрын
I think chinese voicebanks are underrated. Cangqiong sounds amazing in this song. Other songs I liked are Someone New, D!slodge, and Suspended Spero.
@inspirerp219 5 жыл бұрын
such an adult voice ... and realistic ....
@itsyuuki 4 жыл бұрын
Are you are a circusp fan ain’t ya
@meteorx56 5 жыл бұрын
Her voice is so beautiful 😍
@RinoshaIsTheWorstTrashEver 5 жыл бұрын
thats my baby uwu
@elspeth6244 3 жыл бұрын
To say I am gay for her is an understatement
@seriedad4 3 жыл бұрын
me too, same
@starberrystudios13 2 жыл бұрын
@Zidakuh 2 жыл бұрын
This might be 'just a demo', but damn this song slaps! Giving me some Powerless vibes for sure! Props for that
@liux5631 2 жыл бұрын
《涟漪》 lyric: 贴一下歌词 Swallow up all the wake whispers 将漂浮的声音都吞没 【吞没所有微弱的低语】 Lightly flit the mirror-like lake 描绘着贝壳上的轮廓 【轻轻掠过平滑如镜的湖面】 Before moonlight shining 趁暮色未干枯 【在月光照耀之前】 Please let my tears dropping 让泪水藏匿那 【请让我的眼泪落下】 Hidden the view appearing only in dreams 未曾见过的颜色 【藏起只于梦中出现的景色】 If we back to the place in our same memories 如果胸中回想同一个景色 【如若回到我们相同记忆中的地方】 With the white lights,lonely and quiet 透着纯白寂静光泽 【伴随着孤寂的纯白光芒】 Could you please close your eyes 请慢慢闭上眼 【请闭上你的眼】 Drown to the shadow of sky 摇曳着那水面 【沉溺进天空的影子里】 Along with the fading horizan 黑夜吞噬了地平线 【同那逐渐淡去的地平线一起】 The sing coming with tears 那哭泣的歌声 【与眼泪一同到来的歌声】 And trembling waves 破碎的波纹 【和颤抖的涟漪】 Though said “good bye ” 即使挥手 【即使道别】 I can’t throw it away 无法割舍 【我无法将其舍去】 If you forget it 遗忘的话 【若你遗忘了它】 Those yawning lotus 那嗜睡的花 【那些欠伸着的睡莲】 Sleeping under lake’s dark place 就请你于此沉睡吧 【于阴暗的湖底沉沉睡去】 You blooming in the mess of summer 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 【你在酷暑的杂乱中盛放】 I am trapping in the deepest pain 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 【我困在最深的痛楚之中】 ​
@liux5631 2 жыл бұрын
Those burning dancing fire 燃烧坠落的那星火 【那些燃烧跃动着的焰火】 Falling with the star 如梦一闪而过 【与星一同坠落】 Let me down to the lake of tears 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 【让我下到泪水汇成的湖泊里】 And plant those fragile freesia 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 【种下那些纤弱的小香兰】 Growing slowly inside of my dream 梦中缓慢生长萌发 【于我的梦中缓慢生长】 Swallow the love in my heart 蚕食心底流沙 【吞噬我心中的爱意】 Give me one more a chance 陪我多一些 【再多给我一个机会】 I need a chance to say 多一些的时间 【我需要一个机会去倾诉】 I will tell all the time I have stayed 让困倦随着时间忘却 【我将诉说我所有存在过的时间】 Though my soul is bleeding and paining 困在没有呼吸的世界 【纵使我的灵魂疼痛着且血流不止】 Addicted to you 与你之间 【对你上瘾】 I can’t run away 逐渐失去关联 【我无法逃离】 Step by step on the sharp of knife 一天天一天天地沉淀 【一步一步行走在刀尖之上】 I will give all the treasures I have 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 【我将献出我所有的珍宝】 Though I will lose all of my life 困在没有交集的世界 【即使我将失去我的生命】 Devote to you till death do us part 归于泥泞在那天亮之前 【忠诚于你 直至死亡将我们分离】Sleeping under the darkness lake 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 【沉睡在阴暗的湖底】 Can you hear I’m calling ,my flower? 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 【你能听见我的呼唤吗,我的花儿】​ (The lyrics are from the English version, from bilibili-BV134411F7yB. If that is infringement I will remove it)
@aurasentai9602 2 жыл бұрын
Why does this sound better than every Chinese vocaloid I have heard!
@15_heidune72 2 жыл бұрын
Because she's not a vocaloid. Like Eleanor Forte said, "We are SynthV. That means we're better than you."
@bluforrestleaf 2 жыл бұрын
Well to be honest, the Chinese Vocaloids are very good quality. The tuning, and Mix/Mastering will show it the best you can.
@potetopancakes 5 жыл бұрын
HKGKGKGKGKLLHGKFGLGLG THIS IS A SYNTH?!?!?! She sounds so real omg!! I wish I was good enough at using synthv (i just have the trial version rn) to get more voice banks. I don't know any Chinese though, so I wouldn't know how to type all the syllables and stuff for the quadimension sisters
@furiech 5 жыл бұрын
Chinese looks like a mess but honestly is not that bad (Mandarin in my opinion), if you start learning it you'll get a hand on how to type things much easier since there're not much compliclated on pinyin. Good Luck if you decide to learn it btw :3
@kyd-pt4om 4 жыл бұрын
Do you guys think there will ever be an english or japanese release ? If there isn’t already one?
@potetopancakes 4 жыл бұрын
@@kyd-pt4om synthV itself is in multiple languages i believe. if you mean whether these characters will get different languages for voicebanks, no idea
@n-Chantreuse 3 жыл бұрын
I've played with Chiyu myself recently. It would definitely help to have a guide, and lucky for you there is one. In the clf-data folder are listings of symbols used by the interface. mandarin-xsampa-dict.txt contains the pinyin-phoneme mapping used to convert pinyin lyrics into phonemes, while mandarin-xsampa-phones.txt contains the list of phonemes themselves. Mandarin has quite a bit of tongue involvement, so even if you were to match up phonemes to english, it tends to sound a little difference than you might expect from the letters they use. But once you've studied the list you'll at least be able to experiement.
@n-Chantreuse 3 жыл бұрын
@@kyd-pt4om the interface for chiyu has been translated to those languages, but so far she only sings in mandarin
@user-wb6po6xu5e 5 жыл бұрын
Hold on let me pick up my jaw-
@Tomeiame 5 жыл бұрын
It's Cangqiong's turn now! I'm glad to hear this demo here too, both her and Stardust/Haiyi's versions are good, while Cang also sounds really human. + Please add Zeno & Haiyi's 浅滩 someday too! :D
@TedoSama 5 жыл бұрын
Wont deny, shes sofar the best SynthV voicebank out now, I hope she has a physical release.
@Tomeiame 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, she actually has one! You can buy it in the Taobao store of Quadimension.
@alis9492 5 жыл бұрын
She sounds so human >w
@rorot1210 3 жыл бұрын
I can't believe she scalped Miku and made it into a side pony.
@huhuhuhurricanestreamwow7937 2 жыл бұрын
She didn't scalped. Miku got bald after hearing his masterpiece
@nuraortoma1820 2 жыл бұрын
Chinese is such a beautiful and unique language!
@lyacherry1096 5 жыл бұрын
Bye bye vocaloid, now i'm using SynthV and it's awsome as hecc!! Also it's easier to use than vocaloid and more realistic Rip english
@nopenopenope1744 5 жыл бұрын
SynthV is easier?
@lyacherry1096 5 жыл бұрын
@@nopenopenope1744 yep,in my opinion
@user-ey9ny9ie1r 5 жыл бұрын
yuni yuni but vocaloid has its charm
@MariaHelena-sv2lb 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-ey9ny9ie1r vocaloid it's diying lol
@user-ey9ny9ie1r 5 жыл бұрын
Maria Helena it’s still good, vocaloids are good and many good vocaloid producers still exist. It’s not “dying” it’s just that the community seems to mostly be in japan now adays hmmm
@uhlillie 5 жыл бұрын
i love her 🥴💞 her voice is so quality and the tuning is rllllllly goood
@itsyuuki 4 жыл бұрын
It’s a demo so there is little to no tuning lol just basic stuff so it sounds presentable
@cefrinaldi8060 2 жыл бұрын
That sound exactly like human. Wow, it left me speechless.
@tansan039 2 жыл бұрын
가사 번역 :) -------------------------------------------------------------- 곡 제목 : 잔물결 Voice-Database: 창충 (Cangqiong) Music, Arrangement & Lyrics: Zeno Synthesizer V Tuning: 좌표P (坐标P) Illustration: Kurumimi -------------------------------------------------------------- 将漂浮的声音都吞没 Jiāng piāofú de shēngyīn dōu tūnmò 표류하는 소리를 삼켜버리고 描绘着贝壳上的轮廓 Miáohuìzhe bèiké shàng de lúnkuò 조개껍데기의 윤곽을 그리고 있어 ​趁暮色未干枯 Chèn mùsè wèi gānkū 아직 저녁빛이 시들지 않은 틈을 타서 ​让泪水藏匿那 Ràng lèishuǐ cángnì nà 눈물을 물 속에 숨겨 ​未曾见过的颜色 Wèicéng jiànguò de yánsè 본 적 없는 색깔 如果胸中回想同一个景色 Rúguǒ xiōngzhōng huíxiǎng tóng yīgè jǐngsè 마음 속에서 같은 풍경을 떠올리면 透着纯白寂静光泽 Tòuzhe chún bái jìjìng guāngzé 고요하게 순백의 빛이 비쳐져 ​ 请慢慢闭上眼 Qǐng màn man bì shàng yǎn 천천히 눈을 감아줘 摇曳着那水面 Yáoyèzhe nà shuǐmiàn 수면이 흔들리고 黑夜吞噬了地平线 Hēiyè tūnshìle dìpíngxiàn 어둠이 지평선을 삼켜버렸어 那哭泣的歌声 Nà kūqì de gēshēng 흐느끼는 울음소리 破碎的波纹 Pòsuì de bōwén 깨진 물결 即使挥手 无法割舍 Jíshǐ huīshǒu wúfǎ gēshě 손을 흔들어도 헤어질 수 없어 ​遗忘的话 Yíwàng dehuà 잊어버린 말 那嗜睡的花 Nà shìshuì de huā 잠들어 있는 꽃 就请你于此沉睡吧 Jiù qǐng nǐ yú cǐ chénshuì ba 나를 깊이 잠들게 해줘 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 Nǐ shèngkāi yú nà shèngxià de wūzhuó 당신은 한여름의 혼탁함에 활짝 피어나 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 Wǒ liúlián yú nà wēnróu de téngtòng 나는 부드러운 통증에 눈물을 흘렸어 燃烧坠落的那星火 Ránshāo zhuìluò dì nà xīnghuǒ 타들어 떨어져가는 성화 ​ 如梦一闪而过 Rú mèng yī shǎn érguò 꿈결에 스쳐지나가는 것 같아 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 Zài lèishuǐ yì mǎn de hú zhōng zhǒng xià 눈물이 흘러넘쳐 호수에 가득 차올라 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 Nà cuìlǜ pósuō de qíng zhī yù yá 감정의 가지에서 아른거리는 욕망의 씨앗 梦中缓慢生长萌发 Mèng zhōng huǎnmàn shēngzhǎng méngfā 꿈 속에서 느리게 자라서 싹이 터올라 蚕食心底流沙 Cánshí xīndǐ liúshā 모래가 마음 속을 잠식해가 ​​ 陪我 多一些多一些的时间 Péi wǒ duō yīxiē duō yīxiē de shíjiān 나와 좀 더 많은 시간을 함께 해줘 让困倦随着时间忘却 Ràng kùnjuàn suízhe shíjiān wàngquè 잠들어 시간을 망각해버려 ​ 困在没有呼吸的世界 Kùn zài méiyǒu hūxī de shìjiè 괴로워서 숨쉬지 못하는 세상 ​ 与你之间逐渐失去关联 Yǔ nǐ zhī jiān zhújiàn shīqù guānlián 당신과 사이가 점점 멀어져서, 관계를 잃어버리고 ​ 一天天一天天地沉淀 Yī tiāntiān yī tiāntiān dì chéndiàn 하루하루 가라앉아가 ​让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 Ràng liányī suí fēng yǒngbào húmiàn 잔물결이 바람과 함께 호수를 포옹하게 해 ​困在没有交集的世界 Kùn zài méiyǒu jiāojí de shìjiè 괴로워서 숨쉬지 못하는 세상 归于泥泞在那天亮之前 Guīyú nínìng zài nèitiān liàng zhīqián 날이 밝기 전에 진흙탕으로 돌아가 ​​ 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 Nǐ shèngkāi yú nà shèngxià de wūzhuó 당신은 한여름의 혼탁함에 활짝 피어나 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 Wǒ liúlián yú nà wēnróu de téngtòng 나는 부드러운 통증에 눈물을 흘렸어 燃烧坠落的那星火 Ránshāo zhuìluò dì nà xīnghuǒ 타들어 떨어져가는 성화 如梦一闪而过 Rú mèng yī shǎn érguò 꿈결에 스쳐지나가는 것 같아 ​ 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 Zài lèishuǐ yì mǎn de hú zhōng zhǒng xià 눈물이 흘러넘쳐 호수에 가득 차올라 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 Nà cuìlǜ pósuō de qíng zhī yù yá 감정의 가지에서 아른거리는 욕망의 씨앗 ​梦中缓慢生长萌发 Mèng zhōng huǎnmàn shēngzhǎng méngfā 꿈 속에서 느리게 자라서 싹이 터올라 蚕食心底流沙 Cánshí xīndǐ liúshā 모래가 마음 속을 잠식해가 陪我 多一些多一些的时间 Péi wǒ duō yīxiē duō yīxiē de shíjiān 나와 좀 더 많은 시간을 함께 해줘 ​让困倦随着时间忘却 Ràng kùnjuàn suízhe shíjiān wàngquè 잠들어 시간을 망각해버려 ​困在没有呼吸的世界 Kùn zài méiyǒu hūxī de shìjiè 괴로워서 숨쉬지 못하는 세상 与你之间逐渐失去关联 Yǔ nǐ zhī jiān zhújiàn shīqù guānlián 당신과 사이가 점점 멀어져서, 관계를 잃어버리고 一天天一天天地沉淀 Yī tiāntiān yī tiāntiān dì chéndiàn 하루하루 가라앉아가 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 Ràng liányī suí fēng yǒngbào húmiàn 잔물결이 바람과 함께 호수를 포옹하게 해 困在没有交集的世界 Kùn zài méiyǒu jiāojí de shìjiè 괴로워서 숨쉬지 못하는 세상 ​归于泥泞在那天亮之前 Guīyú nínìng zài nèitiān liàng zhīqián 날이 밝기 전에 진흙탕으로 돌아가
@aoyon_p 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my God, this is the first vocaloid i can say i truly am in love with
@sleepyhonoka 2 жыл бұрын
This isn't a VOCALOID!! Actually she is a Synth V, which is a similar product for a completely different editor :)
@mr.mistersquidspongesquare9652 3 жыл бұрын
her voice is like asmr to my ears..
@s3tsun444___ 3 жыл бұрын
Whats this?! A chinese song I can actually make out?! For real though, I've never heard such clear chinese from vocaloids before, so now I'm inlove.
@s3tsun444___ 3 жыл бұрын
@ᗩᔕᑌKOI-ᗰᑌI淺草 yeah I know. I'm comparing how good and clear SynthV Chinese Vocals are compared to Chinese Vocaloids 😁
@ancelotl 2 жыл бұрын
The tuning is just amazing, and also I love the choice of song... gives Leia vibes :D
@user-gp6qg7lp8b 5 жыл бұрын
@Nina_-dj4fi 4 жыл бұрын
@krisyot8114 4 жыл бұрын
@umisaka6104 4 жыл бұрын
@@Nina_-dj4fi ???synthesizer V是大陆人开发的,公司在日本,而五维介质在北京,怎么成台湾科技了???
@mysteryz0ne272 5 жыл бұрын
finally it's been uploaded on yt!! love cangqiong!!!!!
@DandelionFunky 4 жыл бұрын
I would love if this synth got an English voicebank.I would buy her in a heartbeat.
@moo-kun 2 жыл бұрын
They've updated SynthV AI so all voicebanks are multilingual! They can all sing Japanese, Chinese and English now 😻✨
@bluforrestleaf 2 жыл бұрын
@@moo-kun Not Cangqiong. Or Quaddimension other than Xingchen Infinity. They are updating them to what is called “+ banks”. They’re taking the standards and making AI compatible
@emmapolcyn9505 5 жыл бұрын
Cang is absolutely gorgeous!
@pxu14610 5 жыл бұрын
太棒了 久々に中国語歌唱に聞き惚れた 日本語歌詞欲しい
@umisaka6104 4 жыл бұрын
synthV 2代发布会上好像有涟漪的日语歌词
@thecumchalice 2 жыл бұрын
Это так красиво! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
@chocoearly 5 жыл бұрын
She sounds so warm!
@tananansad 3 жыл бұрын
i'm so straight for her rn tbh
@quinadams3181 3 жыл бұрын
very distinct and beautiful voice bank, i'm in awe!
@insect4912 11 ай бұрын
@nola- 4 жыл бұрын
My favorite part is 1:20 - 1:56 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@armaggielenon3706 5 жыл бұрын
@weiwen5488 4 жыл бұрын
歌词 将漂浮的声音都吞没 描绘着贝壳上的轮廓 趁暮色未干枯让泪水藏匿那 未曾见过的颜色 如果胸中回想同一个景色 透着纯白寂静光泽 请慢慢闭上眼摇曳着那水面 黑夜吞噬了地平线 那哭泣的歌声破碎的波纹 即使挥手无法割舍 遗忘的话那嗜睡的花 就请你于此沉睡吧 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 燃烧坠落的那星火 如梦一闪而过 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 梦中缓慢生长萌发 蚕食心底流沙 陪我多一些多一些的时间 让困倦随着时间忘却 困在没有呼吸的世界 与你之间逐渐失去关联 一天天一天天地沉淀 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 困在没有交集的世界 归于泥泞在那天亮之前 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 燃烧坠落的那星火 如梦一闪而过 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 梦中缓慢生长萌发 蚕食心底流沙 陪我多一些多一些的时间 让困倦随着时间忘却 困在没有呼吸的世界 与你之间逐渐失去关联 一天天一天天地沉淀 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 困在没有交集的世界 归于泥泞在那天亮之前
@Novaelaria 5 жыл бұрын
She sounds absolutely amazing :o
@Oxmodius19 3 жыл бұрын
Unbelievable chorus. Absolutely beautiful!
@chuuia Жыл бұрын
Gorgeous looks AND voice? She's got the whole package, my favorite Quadimension vocal
@ollie8509 Жыл бұрын
this is absolutely beautiful!!!
@KeisariEurobeat 4 жыл бұрын
Insane tuning
@thbchi2079 4 жыл бұрын
OMG her voice s so awesomely realistic... guess that s a thingy of Syn V?
@Kitty294_ 3 жыл бұрын
omg she sounds so real 🤯
@sasukeisacat 5 жыл бұрын
If you put it in the music category people can listen to this in KZbin music
@ihaveadegreeinmemes6377 4 жыл бұрын
She's amazing, really
@starberrystudios13 11 ай бұрын
She’s so stunning omg 😩🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
@lyna2905 4 жыл бұрын
@kanako2495 5 жыл бұрын
@Staticwolf387 4 жыл бұрын
@ovkae1559 3 жыл бұрын
Her voice is so pretty.
@blinbin8415 3 жыл бұрын
@tinygreenleaf 3 жыл бұрын
@jamesc3097 5 жыл бұрын
@toastw7105 4 жыл бұрын
@theinfantmetroid 5 жыл бұрын
@webb_sounds 3 жыл бұрын
Please she sounds so good
@dchen8874 3 жыл бұрын
wow beautiful!
@SakumaP 3 жыл бұрын
Bro where this been all my life
@fabricioaf89 3 жыл бұрын
Vocaloid sounds experimental compared to Synthesizer V
@user-bh4ov4rc7q 5 жыл бұрын
@pelokio233 4 жыл бұрын
将漂浮的声音都吞没 描绘着贝壳上的轮廓 趁暮色未干枯让泪水藏匿那 未曾见过的颜色 如果胸中回想同一个景色 透着纯白寂静光泽 请慢慢闭上眼摇曳着那水面 黑夜吞噬了地平线 那哭泣的歌声破碎的波纹 即使挥手无法割舍 遗忘的话那嗜睡的花 就请你于此沉睡吧 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 燃烧坠落的那星火 如梦一闪而过 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 梦中缓慢生长萌发 蚕食心底流沙 陪我 多一些多一些的时间 让困倦随着时间忘却 困在没有呼吸的世界 与你之间逐渐失去关联 一天天一天天地沉淀 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 困在没有交集的世界 归于泥泞在那天亮之前 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 燃烧坠落的那星火 如梦一闪而过 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 梦中缓慢生长萌发 蚕食心底流沙 陪我 多一些多一些的时间 让困倦随着时间忘却 困在没有呼吸的世界 与你之间逐渐失去关联 一天天一天天地沉淀 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 困在没有交集的世界 归于泥泞在那天亮之前
@mimmy566 2 жыл бұрын
This is way too good
@ravenblackheart555 5 жыл бұрын
Whoever have no soul.
@gumi_matryoshka 3 жыл бұрын
@momouchiha7331 5 жыл бұрын
omygod im in LOVE
@42na88 3 жыл бұрын
She looks like a genshin character
@Hatsukoi839 2 жыл бұрын
Probably because genshin is made by a Chinese company following China animation style?
@user-ki4ji9uw8d 5 жыл бұрын
@jinbass01 3 жыл бұрын
@ravenblackheart555 5 жыл бұрын
To the 2 people that disliked this...LOOKING AT YOU YAMAHA...burn.
@monkeke9595 3 жыл бұрын
I was looking up Chinese names that mean sky and somehow I ended up finding this
@layyyla470 3 жыл бұрын
me enamoré
@jonathanarriaga5179 4 жыл бұрын
I love her voice and the soundtrack. Did someone know what's her name?
@Tomeiame 4 жыл бұрын
It's Cangqiong ^^)b And an English name of the song is "Ripple", created by Zeno.
@ravenblackheart555 5 жыл бұрын
@toastw7105 5 жыл бұрын
FRICC we have the same b i r t h d a y
@Ana-py9px 4 жыл бұрын
@itsyuuki 4 жыл бұрын
@djp6137 5 жыл бұрын
an English version soon? Please :O
@armaggielenon3706 5 жыл бұрын
SHE just release tho
@user-il8xy7ee1k 5 жыл бұрын
eleanor forte
@n-Chantreuse 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-il8xy7ee1k eleanor lacks the charm of the chinese sisters
@nutanddash8552 3 жыл бұрын
holyy fucckk?
@JoeKis 4 жыл бұрын
where can i buy/download this song??
@user-kh9ee3dv9y 3 жыл бұрын
まじで中国語分からない者から見ると人間にしか聞こえないんだけど、中国語話者からしたらこの子の発音は自然なのかな 昔VOCALOIDで出た中国語のライブラリは聞き取りにくかったらしいけど(V3の時の話。今は知らん)
@JP-in1wu 5 жыл бұрын
I think she sounds different from her other songs ):
@Yuni_C 5 жыл бұрын
That is because CangQiong used to be in a different engine but also because she sings higher here. Her new demo is lower and tuned by my favourite Voice Synth tuner so you might like it more. I don't know when they will upload it to youtube though so I will link the bilibili link: Personally I still like the other version more, though her other synth version seemed to struggle in high notes, which she doesn't at all in synthV (we will see how low she can get when she releases I guess) I still love both very much though Edit: Actually I just reheard the album previews of her again and her previous VB didn't struggle with high notes, it sometimes just sounded like that on another song
@Yuni_C 5 жыл бұрын
Nvm. they just released it to youtube
@JP-in1wu 5 жыл бұрын
Oh yes, i know that, and finally i liked the way she sings in this new demos
@bestiegachapoid7580 3 жыл бұрын
Comentarios en español ?
@noelieidinger6517 3 жыл бұрын
Acá 🙋
@menonalevi6984 2 жыл бұрын
Hola, k pedo, k tranza XD
@tmth_ndrvlna3374 Жыл бұрын
Is her voice included in pro basic version or sold separately ?
@three_wood_sen Жыл бұрын
sold separately
@user-yy5mp9rk7x 5 жыл бұрын
창충 힘내세요 창충 목소리 담당자님도 힘내세요
@haetaeyt_translator 2 жыл бұрын
한국인 ㄷㄷ 아직도 MEDIUM5 노래둘 듣고서 계실진 모르겠지만 듣고 계신다면 (홍보)제가 번역하고 있습니다만 서브 채널과 본채널에서 확인 할 수 있습니다 다른 버젼이지만 현재 이 영상과 같은 涟漪(잔잔한 물결)도 있습니다...
@charlesnogales3039 3 жыл бұрын
What is the title of the song? So Beautiful❤️
@liux5631 2 жыл бұрын
《涟漪》(dimple)lyric:[置顶]贴一下歌词 Swallow up all the wake whispers 将漂浮的声音都吞没 【吞没所有微弱的低语】 Lightly flit the mirror-like lake 描绘着贝壳上的轮廓 【轻轻掠过平滑如镜的湖面】 Before moonlight shining 趁暮色未干枯 【在月光照耀之前】 Please let my tears dropping 让泪水藏匿那 【请让我的眼泪落下】 Hidden the view appearing only in dreams 未曾见过的颜色 【藏起只于梦中出现的景色】 If we back to the place in our same memories 如果胸中回想同一个景色 【如若回到我们相同记忆中的地方】 With the white lights,lonely and quiet 透着纯白寂静光泽 【伴随着孤寂的纯白光芒】 Could you please close your eyes 请慢慢闭上眼 【请闭上你的眼】 Drown to the shadow of sky 摇曳着那水面 【沉溺进天空的影子里】 Along with the fading horizan 黑夜吞噬了地平线 【同那逐渐淡去的地平线一起】 The sing coming with tears 那哭泣的歌声 【与眼泪一同到来的歌声】 And trembling waves 破碎的波纹 【和颤抖的涟漪】 Though said “good bye ” 即使挥手 【即使道别】 I can’t throw it away 无法割舍 【我无法将其舍去】 If you forget it 遗忘的话 【若你遗忘了它】 Those yawning lotus 那嗜睡的花 【那些欠伸着的睡莲】 Sleeping under lake’s dark place 就请你于此沉睡吧 【于阴暗的湖底沉沉睡去】 You blooming in the mess of summer 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 【你在酷暑的杂乱中盛放】 I am trapping in the deepest pain 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 【我困在最深的痛楚之中】 ​
@liux5631 2 жыл бұрын
Those burning dancing fire 燃烧坠落的那星火 【那些燃烧跃动着的焰火】 Falling with the star 如梦一闪而过 【与星一同坠落】 Let me down to the lake of tears 在泪水溢满的湖中种下 【让我下到泪水汇成的湖泊里】 And plant those fragile freesia 那翠绿婆娑的情枝欲芽 【种下那些纤弱的小香兰】 Growing slowly inside of my dream 梦中缓慢生长萌发 【于我的梦中缓慢生长】 Swallow the love in my heart 蚕食心底流沙 【吞噬我心中的爱意】 Give me one more a chance 陪我多一些 【再多给我一个机会】 I need a chance to say 多一些的时间 【我需要一个机会去倾诉】 I will tell all the time I have stayed 让困倦随着时间忘却 【我将诉说我所有存在过的时间】 Though my soul is bleeding and paining 困在没有呼吸的世界 【纵使我的灵魂疼痛着且血流不止】 Addicted to you 与你之间 【对你上瘾】 I can’t run away 逐渐失去关联 【我无法逃离】 Step by step on the sharp of knife 一天天一天天地沉淀 【一步一步行走在刀尖之上】 I will give all the treasures I have 让涟漪随风拥抱湖面 【我将献出我所有的珍宝】 Though I will lose all of my life 困在没有交集的世界 【即使我将失去我的生命】 Devote to you till death do us part 归于泥泞在那天亮之前 【忠诚于你 直至死亡将我们分离】Sleeping under the darkness lake 你盛开于那盛夏的污浊 【沉睡在阴暗的湖底】 Can you hear I’m calling ,my flower? 我流连于那温柔的疼痛 【你能听见我的呼唤吗,我的花儿】​ The lyrics are from the English version, from bilibili-BV134411F7yB. If there is infringement I will remove it
@itsyuuki 4 жыл бұрын
@flanringo 3 жыл бұрын
Ngl chinese synthvs sound realistic
@Traewulong 2 жыл бұрын
What exactly is Synthesizer V?
@euthyphro8064 2 жыл бұрын
Synthesizer V is a computer program. A program like Synthesizer V in general, is called a Vocal Synthesizer. Vocal Synthesizers are programs that create vocals that music producers can use for songs. So, you are listening to a computer program sing. Vocal Synthesizers take an audio-recording of a real person singing and use it to generate words/vocals for many different songs. Producers need skills and work hard manipulating Synthesizer V to make the vocals sound good. The vocals produced can use different words and be at different pitches. Cangqiong is like a cute avatar made that represents a specific library of recordings. The girl in the video is Cangqiong. There are many different avatars out there that Synthesizer V, the program may use. There are also other programs (Vocal Synthesizers) out there too like Vocaloid, Cevio, and Utau. These programs have their own libraries of recordings and cute avatars. I'm not exactly using correct jargon here, but this is the best explanation I can give you.
@Traewulong 2 жыл бұрын
@@euthyphro8064 it was perfect thank you!!!
@euthyphro8064 2 жыл бұрын
@@Traewulong No problem
@gengchen3560 3 жыл бұрын
@evenios2831 3 жыл бұрын
might want to kill the long intros if your trying to demo the voices....
@lemonbie9308 5 жыл бұрын
She sounds like if Chinese Hatsune Miku XSY'd with dark and solid. WHICH MEANS ITS ABSOLUTELY WORTH MY MONEY if I had some 😢
@wiwewawowu 3 жыл бұрын
imagine cangqiong ai
@wiwewawowu 2 жыл бұрын
@LeshyP 4 жыл бұрын
It's Hatsune Miku from song Magnet!!!
@Tomeiame 4 жыл бұрын
It isn't
@asTWOrism 4 жыл бұрын
B r u h
@thinkingofaname3135 3 жыл бұрын
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