Although your experiences brought friends and mentors to you, I believe there must be jealous and envy people who didn't like you because of your talents and achievements. It's so fortunate that people helped you out and gave you so many chances to study in a relatively carefree environment.
I think the pricipals courage that make him special too, if when he didn't hang out with the army soldier, he wouldn't know that they are also have a lot of knowledge, with the courage to start talking to them he got the chance to gain insight from them. so courage also needed in tooking over the chance, or else the chance will just fade away by itself
腦神經潛能到底多深厚,我們還不能探測想像。需要發掘,整理,後天學習,融合經驗,統合吸取的資訊,如何按邏輯安排,發揮最大的效益,結果的評估是傍觀者的各自設定標準。智商測試對多數人而言,不過是小聰明的表面顯現。能堅持誠信,虛懷如谷,超越私利,維護公義,只有大智的人可以做得到,也常被俗人當成愚蠢。在學校時,常被提醒,優才生成教授,好學生成良醫,平凡學生成富豪名醫(rich and famous)。會考試,進名校,一半是聰明人,一半是苦學死讀出來,是很公平的,當然偶爾有極端罕例,如自己既不讀書,更不認真,又是過目即忘的掉車尾不良學生也能光明正大,在五院校聯合招生,考進臺大,純屬異數。所以我們平凡窮苦人家也有參予競爭的機會。決心與意志也是決定成敗的關鍵。For all fairness ,我們一定見識過會讀書,拿高成績的人上人,完全沒有為人處事的常識。