practice makes perfect ^_^ 我是一個很笨拙的人,初中時只顧背誦,高中剛開始成績真的差了大截,爸爸都在家長日責怪班主任,也認為是我分心了,事實上就是大家都盡了本分,是我溫習方法不適用在高中的批判思考課程了。自責與不甘心過後,我不斷調整溫書方法,由集中背誦變成了集中操卷,變得不斷問為什麼這種答題方法比較高分,成績也明顯進步了。如果我是天資聰穎,就能一直保持高分,但我不是呢,領悟力高、會反思、願意努力、心態謙虛,也是能令我這種平庸的人學習做好呢。
1. Theory Fundamental-Link to more complicated theory 2. Memorize Learn something with curiousity/question Memorize with experience, story, visual, feeling, touch senses, other senses. Loyal to the same book/text book for visual memory 3. Revision Revise N, N+1, N+7, N+14 days This will help strengthen LTP(long term potentiation) 4. Others Create sense of accomplishment Sleep for brain to store memory Teach others to strengthen own memory