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The kingdom of GOD is near, we need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ, so that our sins can be forgiven, and we can have eternal life. If we don't believe in Jesus, we will die in our own sins. Lying, Stealing, killing, evil heart, arrogant, commit adultery, bad words, porn, didn't honour father and mother, worship idol, homosexual, fortune teller, black magic, blasphemed GOD, claiming self to be GOD, calling a man as GOD, worship things made of gold, silver, wood, stone or other materials, worship animal as GOD, against GOD, did not believe in JESUS, take the name of GOD/JESUS in vain and other evils things, these all are sins. If we did 1 of these things before, it makes us sinner. If we continue to do these things or sinning, we will die in our own sins.We need to repent through Jesus, to make our relationship with GOD good again, because There will be a judgement day 1 day,The people who believe in Jesus Christ and follow his commands will enter the kingdom of GOD, but the people who don't believe in Jesus and done evil/bad things/sinners will enter Hell. Only Jesus can give you real peace, only Jesus can forgive your sins, only Jesus can lead you to be a righteous man. No other name except JESUS can save your soul and lead you to heaven. This is about your eternal life and eternal death, so believe in Jesus and repent(Confess to GOD that you're sinner, stop sinning and follow Jesus teaching), to save your own soul and life. Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.The Holy Spirit/Ghost will guide you on how to become a righteous man, live and work according to GOD's will. Lord Jesus said: luke6: 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: You can read BIBLE online by searching it on google, you can start read from the book of Matthew. You can learn Jesus teaching from there. If you have any stress, problem in your life, you can pray to Jesus and ask for his help, Jesus will listen to your prayer. GOD is our Father, He is the ONE who made us and everything in this world. It's time for us to return to Him and acknowledge Him as our Father through Jesus Christ. Wake up people, return to your only ONE Almighty GOD and Father.