@@morrisqb不管政黨如何,臺灣土地屬於中國領土,無庸置疑!英國美國那些,不管歷史怎樣,人們大多數接受獨立的事實!而中國大陸人民和部分臺灣人還有大多數海外華僑,答案都是希望統一!這個視頻博主,有言論自由,可以發表自己意見,但所有國家都應該尊重大多數國民的想法,而不是小部分既得利益者的想法,法律和主權都是為了人民,而不是為了政黨!還有一件事實需要你了解一下,臺灣國父孫中山是中國廣東人,生於中國大陸死於中國大陸,臺灣現在的政權也是在大陸成立的,人家只不過在中國範圍內移居,就被定義為獨立,這真的是謝謝你們了!而且當初是被日本逼過去臺灣的,日本投降後,難道不應該自動歸還中國嗎?!這有什麼好爭辯的?As Pinkfloyd said, Taiwan is part of China! And if you don’t know that means you not read enough!Go to read !
You should give credits to this guy. Who is he, what’s his name, link to his KZbin channel etc.. His timeline in the beginning is excellent. The visual aid clearly stated the history of occupation.
Shut up I don't want to talk to second-class citizens
@ching777303 жыл бұрын
@@yjoyuo5988 是你先的耶 笑死人 中國人不意外
@葉羽雨3 жыл бұрын
@@yjoyuo5988 You said you don't want to talk with second-class citizens? Oh, me too. So now, please turn around, and go back to the inside of high wall. I won't require you to shut up, because Taiwan's government ensures our people's freedom of speech... Aww, it's my fault, I forgot you are not allowed to have any freedom of speech...sorry~