係 Macey & Sons 啦,終於有人講依間公司! 中環雲咸街兩層,賣畫同Whiskey,我有朋友比佢地呃過,又係買畫投資攞唔番錢
@dsp2go2 жыл бұрын
This needs to be the top comment so that people won’t make such a bad mistake. Fuck this company.
@henrya30782 жыл бұрын
@@dsp2go 贊成公開啲騙徒名,等大家小心啲
@KhicasGems2 жыл бұрын
常收到此公司的電郵推銷. blocked him !
@pixelchow8992 жыл бұрын
依間 Macey & Sons 睇佢個網係 73 Wyndham Street,我去過另一間個case係一樣,個gallery 係雲咸街8號樓上
@lamjoyce16072 жыл бұрын
@@pixelchow899 你 search 番 8 wyndham street 之前係 Art Futures Group, 就係比 Macey & Sons 收購左個間。Art Futures 既其中一個老闆又係 Johnathan Macey. E 條友呃左人都好長時間,唔知點解而家先有人講,又無人拉佢 ~ Art Futures d 苦主都好多,之前 bloomberg 都有報導過 ~ 不過都係好低調 ...
@ahcarthur12 жыл бұрын
公司名叫 Macey and Sons. 我都買過嘢,合約條款同片中一樣。公司係存心唔比番錢人,當時我都放棄左,因為真係無辦法,警又報左,追又追左,唯有努力工作揾番。我見到好多 comment 都話無做功課抵死貪心,旁觀者清是一定,我當時都覺得自己好廢好內咎,自己白做工1年,因為買左咁既嘢浪費1年生命,其實因為衣件事已喊過幾次。如果當時我買個陣,係有好多資料報導同功課可以比我做,又有好似衣條片咁成個故事整合好比我睇,有人出來講衰過無晒錢,咁我相信我都唔會買。苦主同黑糯米拍衣條片,唔係理所當然,一般苦主比人呃完,唔會理之後有無人比人呃,我係過來人。希望大家好好珍惜,香港人可以守望相助 😪
@jamesko81522 жыл бұрын
@choiken12152 жыл бұрын
你都中Macey and Sons 招,我乜是!其實Macey and Sons 在港已成立十多年,我在2017 年 9 月参觀了「2017 亞洲當代藝術展(秋季展)」,地點在香港港麗酒 店舉行,得知 Macey and Sons Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd.及 FIJI Water 是該展覽其中贊助商之一,其間去到 Macey 的展覽房間(租用酒店房 間),得悉 Macey 是一間從事藝術投資、藝術畫評估價值及買賣的公司!心念Macey and Sons 同出名FIJi Water 都係贊助商,一定係有實力同埋正派的公司,令我對Macey and Sons 冇乜戒心,同時在簽定合同之前,我online search Macey and Sons , 搵唔到有任何對Macey and Sons 的負面評語, 或有受害者怕羞不敢在網上出嚟指證!今日終於有人出嚟講Macey and Sons 的營商手法,希望將來少一位苦主,謝謝呢個頻道及平台!
你講緊Macey and Sons 係上環的一家公司!我都中招! 該公司以不良銷售手法欺騙消費者,當消費者想行使Macey and Sons buy back 承諾時,Macey and Sons 的Sales故意逃避、及以種種理由不回覆消費者的查詢,直至消費者喪失buy back 的權利⋯⋯當中手法太純熟…
貪心! Modern arts are for tax purpose, not for investments. e.g. A guy can pay 黑糯米 ($100,000) to paint him 20 pieces of paintings, whatever 黑糯米 wants to paint. This guy can then get with an art dealer who will promote 黑糯米's newly finished paintings, and take 2 of those 20 pieces to an auction house (Sotheby or Christie) this is just for show because this guy and his associates will bid (100,000 each total 200,000 - 25% commission for the auction house so buy now this guy has spent 100,000 + 50,000 + art dealer fees = roughly 200,000) on the paintings and buy them back himself. By now with the help of the art dealer, each painting Hellomate makes will worth roughly 100,000 and this guy is holding 20 of these. This means this guy now has 2,000,000 worth of paintings. Now, lets say this guy made 1,000,000 taxable income this year, and he decided to donate two of Hellomate's painting (200,000) to a museum (if he is really into this scheme, he can create his own museum) can claim the charity donation deduction so he only have to pay tax on 800,000 instead of 1M. *this is the way modern arts works, the figures I have provided is not real but hope you guys get the idea. Bottom line is do your own research, I learn this from youtube plus a bit of reading else where. All these info are free and available to whoever has internet access. Lazy ppl learn from the hard way most of the time. Sad but true.