General Order No. One (September 2, 1945) a. The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indo-China north Vietnam of 16 north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. f. The above indicated commanders are the ONLY REPRESENTATIVES of the Allied Powers empowered to accept surrenders and all surrenders of Japanese Forces shall be made only to them or to their representatives.
@@苏先生-y8t 不同文件的法律位階是不同的 Legally Binding ✍🏻Treaty: a formal, legally binding agreement (international law) Ex. Treaty of Peace with Japan (signed at San Francisco, on September 8, 1951) Article 2 (a) Japan, recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claims to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dalagat. (b) Japan renounces all right, title, and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores. ✍🏻Covenant: a usual formal, solemn, and binding agreement (international law) Ex. International Covenenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), adopted December 16, 1966 by General Assembly Resolution 2200A(XXI) Article 1. (1) All people have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. (2) All people may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of substance. (3) The State Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right and self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. {Taiwan belongs to Taiwanese people according to 1951 San Francisco Treaty and 1966 CCPR} 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Non-Legally Binding 🗣Declaration: a formal statement or announcement (non-legally binding) Ex. Cairo Declaration (27 November 1943) Potsdam Declaration(July 26, 1945) 🗣Communique: an official announcement or statement made to the media (non-legally binding) Ex. Shanghai Communique (February 28, 1972) and U.S.-PRC Joint Communique (January 1, 1979) 你「說」要買某一間房子 vs. 真實房子過戶契約 在法律效力上是完全不同的2件事情
Once Taiwan becomes independent, it will make the CCP's intention to invade Taiwan difficult and completely illegal. The CCP is well aware of this, so it includes Taiwan's independence as a reason for launching a war in the Taiwan Strait, using the position of democratic countries to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait to contain Taiwan's move towards independence, and then The CCP took full advantage of this situation, changed its flight route M503, and unilaterally refused to recognize the existence of the central line of the Taiwan Strait. It recently took advantage of the accident that occurred when the CCP's illegal ships invaded the Kinmen waters in an attempt to unilaterally declare the Taiwan Strait to be China's internal sea. Don’t blame the Taiwanese government for being passive and powerless in the above-mentioned incidents. Unfortunately, the pro-China parties in Taiwan have won a majority of seats in Congress, and for the sake of peace across the Taiwan Strait, the incoming Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te no longer insists on advocating Taiwan’s independence, but follows The current president's "maintaining the status quo" diplomatic line with China; this is strangely in line with the expectations of the democratic camp and the CCP. Faced with Taiwan's awkward independent positioning in the world, how can Taiwan effectively assert its rights to counter the CCP's arrogant declaration of sovereignty? It has become a common issue for the Taiwan government and democratic countries.
日本應該"被剝奪自第一次世界大戰或 1914 年以來奪取的所有太平洋島嶼”“, "日本從中國竊取的領土”,'“被驅逐出她通過暴力和占領奪取的所有其他領土”。 韓國將在適當的時候自由和獨立。You see Taiwan and Korea, both Japan's colonies, were given different treatments. 台灣和韓國同為日本的殖民地,受到的待遇也不同。
(舊文再再增修新貼) 二戰後期,美國政府曾派人到台灣明察暗訪,想瞭解台灣人的想法,但台灣的士紳們,大多表示希望回歸中國,美國也就把台灣交由中國託管 。(但沒多久,台灣人就後悔了,林獻堂也去了日本滯留不歸 。) 😂😢😮 讀歷史有助瞭解事實真相, 例如: 蔣介石國民黨政權的中華民國,當初根本是非法佔據台灣,只因老蔣反共,所以老美才予以容忍;讓他託管台灣,也權宜或權謀地支持中華民國。 (其實,老蔣反共,也並非全基於理念,泰半是權力私慾驅使。) 😁😂🤣😊😃 蔣介石在1949年1月12日曾從南京致電當時的台灣省主席陳誠表示,台灣只不過是我國一托管地。(文件還在,請上Google 查。蔣介石可是開羅會議三巨頭之一,會議内情他最瞭解。) 😃😍🤣😄😂 開羅宣言,無人簽字,說得好聽是一張新聞紙,說得不好聽,根本就是一張廢紙。 台灣地位,根據有國際法效力的舊金山和約是未定。 而根據聯合國憲章精神,台灣前途當然是應由台灣住民決定。 (開羅會議中,英國首相邱吉爾甚至 rejected 蔣介石將 Formosa be handed over to China 的 suggestion。 按:suggestion 為建議,連會議的提案 proposal 都不是。) 😀🤣😅 蔣介石集團當初其實是非法竊佔台灣, 因為, 蔣介石當初是奉盟軍統帥麥克阿瑟之命令 (General Order No. 1 ), 前來台灣受降並接管, 但並未授與台灣主權。 (當時中國也受命接收越南 。) 😯😃😁😉😆 麥克阿瑟將軍在1949年12月14日寫給美國國防部長的備忘錄中說:Formosa • • • • • The Nationalist Government of China is merely a custodian。 (中國國民政府對台灣只是個看守人而已。) 註:當時舊金山和約尚未簽訂,舊金山和約簽訂後,當時的美國國務卿杜勒斯曾表明和約內容僅叙述日本放棄台灣和澎湖諸島,但未說明台灣及澎湖的歸屬,此即所謂台灣地位未定(論)的由來 。 1954年,美國國務卿杜勒斯 (John Foster Dulles) 曾就舊金山和約發表評論如下:「Technical sovereignty over Formosa and Pescadores has never settled . That is because the Japanese peace treaty merely involves a renunciation by Japan of its right and title to these islands.」 😁😃😂😊😉 蔣匪介石把台灣害得不夠惨嗎 ? 當年美國等盟邦曾力勸蔣介石,以「台灣」名稱留在聯合國,美國等盟邦願意力挺。 但蔣卻私心自用,予以拒絕,還胡謅什麼「漢賊不兩立」(其實是為繼續維持其對台灣的專制統治 。) 搞到今天,台灣的外交陷入如此困境。 😁😀😆😅🤣 蔣介石於1950年3月13日在台北陽明山對國民黨幹部說:中華民國已於去年年終就已經滅亡了。(所以我認為現在凡是講或寫中華民國,前面都應該加個鬼字,即鬼中華民國 。) 😃😅🤣 現在全世界幾乎都稱台灣,台灣,台灣……,而不再稱什麼中華民國,美國政府的所有公文書也都稱台灣,而不稱什麼中華民國,可見全世界已經替台灣正名了,中華民國已經名存實亡了,只有國內外一小撮蠢貨,頑固份子還天天夢囈鬼中華民國,可謂無聊可笑至極 。 美國的一中政策(One China Policy ) 始終未變,但此一中,以前確是指中華民國,現在卻是指中華人民共和國 。(但美國始終未承認台灣屬於中華人民共和國,也從未承認台灣屬於中華民國;當初兩者只是「託管關係」 。) 😆🤣😅 台灣的現狀是, 已經實質上獨立,但尚未法理上獨立 。 而所謂法理上獨立,其實也只是正名制憲而已 。 現在世界各國大多稱台灣,台灣,台灣……,早已不稱什麼鬼中華民國,因此,世界早已經為台灣正名了 。 剩下的制憲,就需要公投了 ,只 是目前尚未達適當時機 (中共匪幫) 。 😆😅🤣 1950年11月30日,聯合國安理會曾正式函文中華人民共和國,稱台灣及澎湖的主權,並不屬於中華人民共和國。 (按:未含金門及馬祖。) 😀😂🤣😁☺️ 1954年的中美共同防禦條約( Mutual Defense between the United States of America and the Republic of China) 及1979年的台灣關係法( Taiwan Relation Act), 其內容都只包含, 台灣及澎湖諸島。 不含金門與馬祖。 🤣😅😀 2007年,當時的聯合國秘書長潘基文,曾說台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分,美國立即發表聲明: 其中有: There is no mention in Resolution 2758 of China's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan . (2758號决議並未提及中國主張對台灣擁有主權。) 又有: If the UN secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC , or on nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status , the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position. (如果聯合國祕書處堅持視台灣為中華人民共和國的一部分,或以暗詞指台灣屬此一地位,美國將不得不以國家立場對此觀點劃清界線。) 其後,英國、日本、加拿大等國亦附和此聲明。 而潘基文這老丑也道歉並收回其謬論。 🤣😅😂 台灣現在事實上仍是美國的佔領地 ,但享有實質上的獨立性 。 所以, 台灣如果要在(法理上)獨立,也是從美國獨立出來,和中華人民共和國沒有半毛錢關係 ,也和鬼中華民國沒有關係 。(中華民國其實早已經名存實亡了,而這個「名」,現在也只是供島內外極少數人的意淫自爽而已 。) 再者,所謂「統一」,「武統」,也全是鬼扯,正確的用語應是「併吞」,「侵略」 。 😅😆🤣 公子沈 美國承認台灣獨立現狀, 中華民國已經名存實亡。 逅麗 紅彩妹妹/鳳陽花鼓 (很好聽,也可看本人留言「一人一款命」 。)
This is because Truman was biased against the Republic of China, and the State Department was still staffed by Soviet spies, to be purged by McCarthy in the 1950s.
But I think 'Han' people souled not translate to 'Chinese'. They are very different concepts! The other problem is the translation of '”鄭“ is Cheng in Taiwan rather than 'Zheng' (this is China's spelling).
@@稷仲子 如果這麼喜歡(中華民國)的國號,那麻煩去美國大街上大喊Long live for Republic of China 然後不許用任何Taiwan字樣試看看,我敢保證當他們一聽到China馬上就會衝上來圍毆你了,你這時候就會發現(是台灣救了中華民國) 我早就剪了身分證了~反正只有遊民會用到~XD 反倒是你~為什不剪掉台獨教父岩里政男發的健保卡,這健保卡可是台獨身分證喔~健保卡上面沒有任何中華民國字樣與圖案,而且還是(綠色)的喔~~ 剪啊~~俗辣~~XD
@EmptyHu11 ай бұрын
最早期荷蘭統治過台灣 !
@hansenyang34533 ай бұрын
😂硬拗台湾地位未定。。。联合国成立之时,台湾已经作为Taiwan, a province of China存入联合国档案馆,这就是最有利的证明。