An old friend of mine was hit biking and died (driver was texting)- you showed his white bike memorial here thank you. RIP Jonas
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
This breaks my heart. I'm sorry for your loss.
@susanb4816Ай бұрын
Cars are never stuck in traffic, they are traffic
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
I have never thought of it that way, before.
@aldosano841Күн бұрын
Sorry but cyclist seems dosent know a huge city like Toronto works & all the need millions people need, all the services we need, the apple dosent come from the trees to your table etc..first i see most of the cyclist dosent respect light or stop signs, + they think the road belong to them, when i was a kid, my mom told me to watch when i cross the street, there is a reason, always bigger than a human, my sister walking get hit from cyclist? she was in the way apparently, no matter what walk, ride or drive i am aware of bigger than me, bcuz is going to be me who's is going to suffer is not rocket science, second, vehicule safety are doing a lot of progress for pedestrian alert, cyclist alert bcuz human factor, sun factor, heart attack while driving, mechanical issue, i drive & i get cut often, i dont make a big story, i saw more vehicles than cyclist, some bike lane are totally empty? i understand some area bike are more usufull, its easier for a bike to ride anywhere than vehicules, why can you cyclist use quiet street, Doug got a point about emergency service, if you cyclist live on bloor & your house is on fire & becuz bike lane each side, fire fighter can not reach you in time, you might die.....if you dont like vehicules go live in a quiter city :) no one force you to live here, i see a lot of zombies everyday, I love Toronto & Doug Ford is a business men. he care for Ontario people, he was not the first to close the border when covid arrived.....stay alert, chill, dont chew for nothing life is too short ? enjoy!!!
@jferoxАй бұрын
Who else clicked to see Ford ride a bike?
@ali1tАй бұрын
This is what makes cyclists so irksome. lol
@TheAwsomeness324Ай бұрын
Same but I’m not disappointed one bit. This bike lane focus on this newly proposed bill isn’t even half of the truth. The other is about ruining natural habitats and lining the pockets of developers. Not to mention that building more highways (which in the bill refers to highways and regular roads) is not gonna reduce gridlock. It’s been proven all across the world and especially in Toronto over the course of the last 60 ish years. Plus the new add ons to the highways will probably be privatized and sold off like 407 and be tolled because they’re making room for internet cables just like they did for 407 for the toll cameras. And then no one will want to use it anyway. 😢😢
@ruthkirkparick3535Ай бұрын
Well done for showing that clip of Jagmeet and Doug on bikes, with Doug's words.
@Mr.Who3Ай бұрын
So true. Even if Torontonians didn't want bike lanes (which is not true), it should be up to the people to say so, not the province.
@darkglass3011Ай бұрын
Here's the messed up part: Ford is pandering to his base who lives in the suburbs and his base wants to get rid of our bike lanes. Those people don't even LIVE here, so it's the equivalent of your neighbour trashing your stuff in your own backyard when it's not even their backyard, and they think we're the entitled ones when we put our foot down and tell them we're not catering to their sensibilities. Downtown Toronto alone is not gonna be enough. We need to somehow get people who live in the suburbs to be on our side so that Ford loses his leverage.
@supersaiyan2Ай бұрын
Chill, nobody supports his proposed changes, even in the suburbs. In the suburbs we have some of the worst biking infrastructure, the last thing we'd want is to get rid of more of them!
@reverie6083Ай бұрын
@@supersaiyan2 I would hope so but unfortunately this was not the case. As a bilingual person and I checked the a few news websites in my language and everyone (literally) there supports Ford’s decision to remove bike lanes, and I can assure you that this is not a small number. Even in comments below some of the news in English you can see many supporting Ford. One reason is I haven’t seen any educational videos in my language promoting bike lanes and urbanism and people are not well informed.
@PossumMedicАй бұрын
@@supersaiyan2 speak for yourself! I've heard plenty
@earthwormjim6962Ай бұрын
There is no pandering. The vast majority of ALL people living in GTA (more than 90%) support this initiative. We have plenty of bike lanes, bike paths and bike trails. NO MORE! And need to trim these back quite a bit to normalize traffic.
@PossumMedicАй бұрын
@@earthwormjim6962 🙄🙄🙄
@sisueditionsАй бұрын
I was hit by a driver who was texting years ago, in a different city which had no bike lanes. I’ve been too scared to ride in Toronto; still working up the courage. Thanks for making this video.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
I'm sorry that happened to you. Ride safe
@rabbitfishtvАй бұрын
We are fighting to keep our bike lanes and expand the network. I hope that soon you feel safe to ride here.
@TheInsaneupsdriverАй бұрын
I was hit when i was 3 by a transport truck while i was on a bike, also 3 more times by other cars. I've had allot more and worse things happen to me.... helicopter crash set on fire shot at stabbed electrocuted, you name it...
@rileybaker8294Ай бұрын
I think you communicated your anger really well, and channeled it into a very convincing argument. I feel well spoken-for. Thank you.
@AlexMakesGames40Ай бұрын
Agreed the problem is Doug Ford is too incompetent and lacks basic empathy and won’t watch, listen, or acknowledge this video
@bronekszulc3272Ай бұрын
Toronto could be known in North America for its amazing cyclist infrastructure….. if we only got the support we need from Doug Ford and Prabmeet Sarkaria
@bengt_axleАй бұрын
That's like saying Mars could be inhabitable, if it had oxygen.
@georgeg7840Ай бұрын
I’m in Montreal and I can tell you that cycling works well for commuters when you have good cycling infrastructure, even in winter.
@eXTreematorАй бұрын
@Antinous99Ай бұрын
"World class" cities like Berlin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Paris and Montréal have all integrated bicycle infrastructure into their cities.
@CharlieBirnieАй бұрын
Anyone who doesn’t support bill 212, please go to the Ontario environmental registry and leave a comment about how you do not support the bill. The bill is in the public commenting period until end of day on November 20. That’s 4 more days. Go make your voice heard!
@wpok101Ай бұрын
LOL you and the other 50 people in ontario who bike. Get a job and a car like everyone else and stop making them bend to how you want to live.
@kateb2643Ай бұрын
@wpok101 You're out of touch, gramps. There's a petition against the bill with over 20,000 signatures on it. The city of Toronto even conducted a study on cycling in 2019 and found that a large percentage of people who don't bike, would bike if they had protected lanes. People just don't wanna risk the very real chance of death inherent in the current setup.
@agentzapdos4960Ай бұрын
@@wpok101News Flash: Bill 212 isn't just about bikes, that's actually a distraction. The real meat of Bill 212 is that it lets the government take your land without negotiation or any ability to challenge it in court. The bike lane stuff is because the Ford government knows it'll get suburban and rural folk up in arms in his support.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
I gleefully ride behind, alongside and pass more than 50 cyclists every day in Toronto :) Why would I get a car if I don't have to? It would make me miserable. Costs 5k~ a year to maintain, time spent sitting in traffic. I could ride my bike and smile, instead. Further, petitioning and protesting your government for the world you want to see is an example of trying to be/make the change you want to see in the world. Thanks, @CharlieBirnie for doing that. I'm sorry you disagree@wpok101, but thanks for taking the time to share how you see things.
@thedukeofdukersАй бұрын
@@wpok101 bro, can you even double-clutch?
@georgeemil3618Ай бұрын
Something just occurred to me while we were looking at one of those white bikes. If the driver who killed the cyclist was charged, state the name of the driver. If not charged, then state that no one was charged. I bet there would be very few drivers names displayed.
@rafalpruszynski6129Ай бұрын
Who dissolved your brain?
@harvey6661628 күн бұрын
Holy smokes! Such a well-made, well-reasoned, articulate presentation! The vibe is perfect: no anger, just sharing, cyclists are not the enemy, motorists and cyclists not only can get along, motorists who want to remain motorists will also have it easier if people who want to use their bikes can.
@myotherbikeisabike28 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words!
@stefxcАй бұрын
I'm so thankful for vocal people like you, who are defending our city! It's just unbelievable that Ford thinks he can revert decades of progress that has drastically improved Toronto.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you for the kind words
@GobbiExistsАй бұрын
Well, his last name is Ford for a reason
@eXTreematorАй бұрын
you are jsut liberal plebs thst know nothing about cyclists jsut like about immigration fucking women rights, birth rste housing . you are clueless about everything. remove thsoe bike lanes lol. those streets are not designed for them nor thise separated lanes with parking to boot are safe for real fast riding bicyclists. (nor slow one because they have shit bikes and skill)
@borreLoreАй бұрын
Sadly that's what some conservative politicians do. Not all of them of course, but some make it their mission to roll back progress whenever it is made due to some misplaced outrage. Bike lanes benefit all members of the public regardless of political views. Cyclists are safer, drivers have fewer cars to contend with on the roads, smog is reduced and public health is increased. Even parking lots have empty spots instead of being constantly full. Very sad to see it will be undone and we will be fighting another bunch of years just to return to the safety we enjoy today.
@tedd962127 күн бұрын
When I arrived Toronto in 2017, I was so shocked that about 80 pedestrians and cyclists were killed by cars and trucks that year. It was incomprehensible that how a city so advanced that it protected pedestrian lives less than other Canadian cities.
@glennnicholls8510Ай бұрын
I didn't know DF could be such a good listener.
@martin228927 күн бұрын
Man, that was an absolutely brilliant piece of advocacy. Excellent in every way. 👏
@myotherbikeisabike26 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@AfrahRaza29 күн бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I hope Dougie sees it
@myotherbikeisabike29 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@francineprevost8536Ай бұрын
This felt like a love letter to the city and my morning route. Thank you ❤
@weak_tyАй бұрын
Thank you :)
@parkjihong7148Ай бұрын
I felt so frustrated reading the news about it a weeks ago. Three years ago I got hit by a car turning right while I was on bike lane in Vaughan. the cop didn't even charge the driver because he didn't really take it seriously. GTA still has far to go to make our city safer for bike riding, which is an ideal alternative for transportation that betters environment and traffic. There's statistics and research done on car accidents in GTA where many of accidents actually happen on the suburb roads--the gist was that the more car centric the roads are, the more careless the drivers tend to be against pedestrains/cyclists. Thank you for posting this video.
@adamwpgАй бұрын
Really well done. This channel is about to blow up. Sending positive vibes and support from the Winnipeg bike community.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you
@tealcedarАй бұрын
I lived in Toronto for 12 years and recently moved down to Melbourne, Australia. I truly miss riding my bike around Toronto, especially in the warmer months. This video made me super nostalgic and angry at the same time; screw you, Ford. You just earned yourself a subscriber.
@LaceyArtemisАй бұрын
This is such a well done video (including that clip of Doug himself)! I hope enough people see it, going to share now!
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you!!
@davidreichert9392Ай бұрын
Additional note: the group fighting to have the bike lanes removed, calling itself "Balance on Bloor" is led by a group of very wealthy businessmen with close ties to the Ford family posing as average everyday people. One of whom is George Pappas who owns the Crooked Cue. Please spread the word to as many supporters of bike lanes as possible not to go to the Crooked Cue. Because it's definitely crooked!
@davidreichert9392Ай бұрын
@@Jopie2112 He and BoB are such absolute hypocrites. They also aren't rallying against on-street parking which takes up way more space on the roads than bike lanes do. These guys really need to be exposed.
@spaceremains27 күн бұрын
I've been riding my bike in Toronto since before there were any bike lanes, and I have been clipped and knocked down by a car several times. I'll tell you right now that it has never been safer because of bike lanes.
@_oaktree_Ай бұрын
Just discovered your channel. Looking forward to tomorrow's ride for World Day of Remembrance, 4:30 pm at Queen’s Park. I'll be joining the feeder ride from Alexander the Great Parkette. Hope to see you there!
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks for letting me know about this - I'll try to make it back from a hike in time for this!
@thomasknighttАй бұрын
Well said! Happy to hear from other people who are just as frustrated with this bill as me. The people who live in the city need to speak up, so I appreciate you taking the time to make content like this.
@andrew8501Ай бұрын
A voiceover of heavy breathing would've been a nice tough for Ford
@barryrobbins7694Ай бұрын
Doug Ford having a hard time keeping up would be a good metaphor.
@CyclingMartin0731Ай бұрын
Thanks for making this video for us Toronto cyclists. 👊
@MaoTheMageАй бұрын
I bike to work from about April until October, in another city in the GTA. I really enjoy cycling, I have been doing so for about 7 years, when the weather is nice enough for it. But I made a realization early on that biking to work is somewhat risky, and I could easily get into a bad accident in which I might not bounce back from. And it's sad that I had to accept that. Thank you for making this video.
@oldbrokenhands25 күн бұрын
The fact you can have a conversation with Ford without shouting over traffic.
@the1andonly7 күн бұрын
This is a fantastic video! Such a great idea. I wonder how you could get Doug to watch it though. I think you Ontarian's need a new premier. Greetings from Edmonton, where we're concerned because we also have a premier who likes to stick her nose into everything.
@myotherbikeisabike7 күн бұрын
Agreed! Thank you kindly, and greetings from Toronto 💛.
@kookamunga2458Ай бұрын
I think Doug ford actually likes riding a bicycle but he doesn't want to ruffle Ontarain's feathers come voting time 0:16 . Doug is conflicted. Maybe they should name a major bike lane after him to leave a lasting legacy.
@toddjalАй бұрын
Well done piece. Thanks for putting this together for the world. You expressed my thoughts exactly.
@mmmcatsoupАй бұрын
Where did you find the TVO epsiode with Doug riding a bike? They seem to have taken it off their site/channel.
@kookamunga2458Ай бұрын
You can tell Doug feels alive and invigorated riding that bicycle. You can see it in his eyes .
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
The internet archive / way back machine ;)
@victorperelman2255Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. Despite the grim facts, it made feel a little bit of optimism, that there are other people who want to make this city better, and maybe together one day we will.
@Garden_Core99Ай бұрын
will start to keep an eye out for you on the bike lanes. this was awesome thank you for sharing your passion.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Don't hesitate to say hi! Thanks for watching and ride safe
@zippy.bikelogisticsАй бұрын
Absolutely love this! Keep it up-you're doing amazing work for cycling advocacy. As someone who went from suburban car life to downtown biking bliss, I can’t imagine getting around without my trusty two wheels. Sure, dodging cars feels like a real-life video game sometimes (can we get a power-up for cyclist safety?), but the freedom, health benefits, and zero road rage make it all worth it. Cars dominating cities? Meh, outdated. Bicycles? The real MVPs-cheaper, healthier, and way cooler. Keep pedaling forward, and if you ever need extra support or a loud cheer from the sidelines, count me in! 🚴♂👏
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. I'm glad you can ride and not drive :). Ride safe!
@hemantarijal6375Ай бұрын
You got one more subscriber. Thank you for this incredible video.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks for coming along :)
@AndrewSmykАй бұрын
I started riding everywhere again because of bike lanes. Bike lanes getting ripped out because a few grumpy business people.
@susannemarquardt7806Ай бұрын
Excellent video. I especially like the clip of Dougie. I was injured while riding my bike, hit by a car and 15 years later I'm still experiencing the repercussions. Bicycle safety really is a matter of life and death. Think about it Dougie. Don't you want your kids and grand kids to be safe?
@olivierwery7336Ай бұрын
I swear if Bill 212 passes I'm running for Premier of Ontario... As a conservative voter living in Toronto I've had enough of Doug Ford's non-sense.
@benjamintang8131Ай бұрын
0:01 My Dahon folding bike was stolen from this bicycle rack, outside 126 Simcoe 😭
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Brutal. Sorry that happened to you!
@TheAwsomeness324Ай бұрын
This bike lane focus on this newly proposed bill isn’t even half of the truth. The other focus is about ruining natural habitats and lining the pockets of developers. Not to mention that building more highways (which in the bill refers to highways and regular roads) is not gonna reduce gridlock. It’s been proven all across the world and especially in Toronto over the course of the last 60 ish years. Plus the new add ons to the highways will probably be privatized and sold off like 407 and be tolled because they’re making room for internet cables just like they did for 407 for the toll cameras. And then no one will want to use it anyway. 😢😢😢 Giving people more better and reliable options besides a car is what will solve gridlock issues. Imagine being able to depend on transit and high speed rails to help reduce the single drivers and give them a better option to help them not rely on using their car. Seems like a pipe dream but that’s where they research should be focused on and that’s where our taxpayer money should be going to. As a single driver myself, who would rather bike to save money and get to work without needing to rely on the unreliable TTC, this is disheartening.
@stevebarratt6912Ай бұрын
What a refreshing way to make a point, well done, p.s. very cool ( real ) brodie.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you!
@kizzmitten1Ай бұрын
Great vid man. Ive seen a lot of vids about the negativity towards cyclists in Toronto. Sucks. Some issues here in Vancouver, but I think we are a smidge better off. Hopefully Ford will pull back on his backwards thinking. Hes obviously under pressure from business and other.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks for the kind words. Ride safe out there.
@IllyafastyАй бұрын
Great video - let's keep cycling culture alive and safe in TO
@nphipps228 күн бұрын
This is great. Thanks for making this.
@myotherbikeisabike28 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@davidreichert9392Ай бұрын
I'd also like to ask Ford and Sarkaria how a 2m wide bike lane can be converted into a 4m wide car lane.
@rafthegoatАй бұрын
Great video, thank you for sharing. It's awesome to see a fellow cyclist share the joy of riding a bike!
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you! There's more negativity than joy in this video, but lots more joy to come.
@rafthegoatАй бұрын
@ I understand; I share all your frustrations, believe me. but it all comes from a place of love and enjoyment of using cycling as a viable mode of transportation. anyhow, I’ve learned that using positives to advocate for something is always more convincing and sustainable than other avenues. looking forward to your future videos
@GerGilmoreАй бұрын
Kudos to you for making this. A very important message for those who get to make up the rules that impact our lives. Bike lanes forever. 💪
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you!
@donaldoutterson3071Ай бұрын
I do not use bike lanes only bike paths. In Canada I noticed that bike paths and bike lanes were also used by motor scooters. I have seen many cyclists ride in the road (with or without a bike lane) when there was a perfectly good bike trail going to the same place. Take control of your own safety.
@davidcrighton343127 күн бұрын
You raise an issue which car drivers can't seem to comprehend. Cyclists won't simply go away, they'll get off their bikes and simply get in their cars, adding to the congestion.
@billjohnson7904Ай бұрын
Also you have trucks from companies like FedEx totally BLOCKING bike lanes to deliver a parcel, and this can result in cyclists getting hit by a car and hurt or killed.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Yep, I am not a fan of that one bit.
@tgkilgourАй бұрын
Fantastic video! Well done.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
@@tgkilgour thanks, friend ;)
@TheRealFreznoBobАй бұрын
A drug dealer can go a long way in the city of Toronto, all the way to Parliament.
@MikeyMikey2113Ай бұрын
Vancouver loves to talk about its bike lanes like it's a cyclist's haven but the infrastructure looks much better in Toronto. They're trying to take our lanes away too. First time watching your channel, love your energy.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you! I am surprised and disappointed to hear Vancouver is doing the same.
@MikeyMikey2113Ай бұрын
@@myotherbikeisabike I think it's more about 'specific lanes' here rather than all of them. But the point still stands!
@ashleyyyy8833Ай бұрын
Strictly Bulk is my favourite bulk store too!
@wannagohikingАй бұрын
Well spoken, man. Great video.
@oourdumbАй бұрын
Protecting the public areas and historical sites also comes at a cost. Look at San Fransisco now, it's a corporate hellscape because of the protections on public/historical sites. Ontario Place isn't the best example, but some public spaces will need to be altered to residential to accommodate for the insane population growth of the city, and that might mean some parks or nice riding areas are no longer available. Bike lines are needed though.
@jacksonhill1813Ай бұрын
Well done. Really done. Subscribed.
@ItsGuffleАй бұрын
Kinda disappointed I’m not watching ford struggle bus his way on a bike while being interviewed by you but the header got me to click so good job 👍
@italdisc0Ай бұрын
Sharing this with everyone I know who rides or does not.
@TheBenirons23 күн бұрын
You know, i only found out not long ago what those white bikes were about. Upsetting :( IMHO to reduce accidents, vehicle drivers need to be focused on as well. They r sooooo bad. Most of them oblivious, dont check for cyclists b4 turning through a bike lane, almost never signal turns/lane swaps, drive over half the bike lane (the not separated ones). I dont have a drivers license, yet i feel i could drive better than a lot of these ppl. Personally i just take up a lane unless there is a dedicated, separated bike lane. Much safer not letting a car next to u. I dont even get honked cause they know they cant do anything about it :) To my fellow cyclists: ALWAYS be alert. Nobody cares about or looks out for u on the street. U can only do that urself.
@duckyj7241Ай бұрын
yup-if they cared about traffic congestion, they'd ban street parking on the major arterial roads. Dundas, for instance, has multiple choke points created by parked cars.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Well put.
@samin90Ай бұрын
I'm from Caledon, surrounded by farm. Whenever I have to drive to Toronto for anything I'm always thinking "wow it's miserable driving here, why the fuck would anyone want to pander to cars in a city where it's already so awful to drive in?" Seems most people don't make the connection that reducing the number of people in cars in a city like that also reduces traffic. Entire lanes can be converted into protected bike lanes, and roads can be put on a diet, and traffic would probably improve overall. Also why the fuck is the Premier of Ontario meddling with Toronto's bike lanes? Leave that to the mayor of Toronto. Why the fuck are my tax dollars going towards undoing bike lanes in a city where I don't even live?
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences!
@PapaJenkinz27 күн бұрын
So frustrating how us in toronto even have to deal with these insane premiers
@peterudkins1588Ай бұрын
Good stuff. Thanks
@deecalemel27 күн бұрын
I only felt safe enough to even attempt a bike ride to work because Edmonton has been finally connecting bike lanes to make a more integrated network - no way I feel safe sharing a lane with cars and trucks, many of whom are actively hostile around bikes. I'm not contributing to traffic, I'm not adding to downtown parking congestion. I wish the drivers would stop and think, even if that bike-lane was a lane for cars, the traffic would not be any different - they would still be bumper to bumper. With the cost of cars, fuel, parking, more and more people will start to consider bikes especially if the infrastructure promotes a safer ride.
@jwhyteanimАй бұрын
The worst part is all of this bad policy on bike lanes and municipal over reach is a cover to allow the province to skirt federal regulations on construction as long as they claim its for a highway. The whole bike vs car notion is an artificial conflict to distract from that, but at the same time has awful ramifications in and of itself.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Well said.
@kayceemartinАй бұрын
Thank you! As someone who's thinking about moving back to Toronto, I really hope to the bike lanes stay and more get added!
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks for watching
@nicthedoor29 күн бұрын
I loved this a little too much.
@BruceBaklarianАй бұрын
Thanks for this dude.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
My pleasure!
@EricN73158Ай бұрын
Ty for fighting for more bike infrastructure and bringing up valid points. How can someone in the public push for more options to get around. I am getting so sick of always having to drive. You want to go shopping? Oh just get in the car and drive! You want to go to work? Oh just drive, duh! Want to go see a movie on a hot date? Sounds like a drive in the toxic pumping, gas guzzling, nature destroying car. Build more for bikes, buses, and trains GUYS WTF am I paying taxes for! Literally nothing...
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks for watching. Our reliance on cars is silly, isn't it? It's not too late to start making a change to our infrastructure.
@forest_green20 күн бұрын
Doug Ford in all his power fantasy strong man existence never puts himself in the place of a cyclist being hit by a driver. He's only ever the driver.
@416cyclestyleАй бұрын
I’m going to start driving on bloor at the same speed as my bike.
@yinglyca1Ай бұрын
Can you just imagine Dougie on a bike in tight spandex?
@rafalpruszynski6129Ай бұрын
Doug is going to make his friends rich and himself too from banning bike lanes.
@lonkwuzhere4433Ай бұрын
I seriously hope your channel takes off. Your audio is clean, transitions and footage are on-point and you have a clearly defined message. Best of luck to you in getting your voice out there.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
@@lonkwuzhere4433 Thanks, that’s kind of you to say.
@petermcmurtry4670Ай бұрын
Go Ty!! Another excellent vid and thanks for so eloquently explaining to DoFo why we can’t lose these protected bike lanes
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thanks, pal ;)
@kodymeloАй бұрын
Well done, positive way to share some frustration impacting vulnerable road users.
@Davmm96Ай бұрын
! Important! Bill 212 is mainly on building another highway, yes there's a part about bike lanes but it's just to be able to continue the statu quo of MORE LANES BABYYYYY
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
@SkysTrainsАй бұрын
I saw the aftermath of a cyclist hit in Ottawa yesterday, it was on a road with a painted and unsafe bike lane where the bike and turning lanes crossed, I really hope the cyclist is okay but I've heard nothing yet... I cant believe what doug is doing..
@eXTreematorАй бұрын
news news all bike lanes are not safe so isn't the road . you have to look and bike lanes give people imaginary illusion of seifty
@borreLoreАй бұрын
If the bike lanes go, cyclists should just form clouds and ride on the roads lol. Very quickly demand for bike lanes would return.
@supersaiyan2Ай бұрын
Guys don't forget, these bike lane changes are distracting us from his proposed highway 413 that will be paved through greenbelts and leads pretty much nowhere
@gautiergacon5483Ай бұрын
I wish you made this video at rush hour on bloor to show how many people use them.
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Good point. But it would have also been more dangerous to film 🙃.
@gautiergacon5483Ай бұрын
@ ha ha yeah… very true.
@eddieYT2002Ай бұрын
as a follow ontarian that relies on cycling to get around i 100% feel your frustration. Doug is addicted to sucking up to drivers. He’s done away with license plate renewal fees and provided drivers with rebates costing the province billions of tax dollars. Now he wants to waste more of our tax dollars removing bike lanes paid for by municipalities. Not the mention the cost of the proposed 413 and the tunnel under the 401. Doug’s so obsessed with pleasing drivers and he’s too much of an orangutan idiot to understand that cycling is a more efficient mode of transportation that gets people out of cars and eases traffic! To encourage more cyclists, less drivers/traffic and ensuring safety, we need bike lanes.
@NoNotThatPaulАй бұрын
Very well done, thank you
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Many thanks!
@travellingyeti633327 күн бұрын
Theres another ride this weekend
@OBITOUCHIHAA11229 күн бұрын
I was riding my bike when i saw a car coming on bike lane I thought maybe that person wanna take a right turn however took me second to realise it was to soon to be on bicycle lane she didn’t turn her signal it was red light so when i was beside her car she was using her phone and accidentally came on my lane and she didn’t actually wanted to take a turn I waved at her and she took off fast i mean as a cyclist i think we should just be super extra careful stop and take turn when you see a car on curve always expect them to take turn and be attentive i know people like to listen to music but put it in one ear only be careful last thing i want some stupid person” accidentally “ unalive someone btw i am indian been facing alot of things here even though i am trying my best to be super nice but didn’t have a good experience but i guess there always some people try to ruin other day i guess i happened to face them alot often in Canada Kitchener waterloo
@OBITOUCHIHAA11229 күн бұрын
There are super nice people here good thing that’s normal to hear something like it just shared my experience didn’t mean to hurt anyone feelings have a great day
@Fenthule28 күн бұрын
The bike paths thing is a dog and pony show. Have you read the 28 page document? 1 page for bike lanes, yet that's all everyone's talking about and that's intentional. MOST of 213 is about expropriating land from farmers and making it easier for him to do so for his bs highway 413. Conman with builder buddies is at it again, manipulating the public to look left while he does things to the right.
@spencers-adventuresАй бұрын
Awesome video buddy! As a fellow TO cyclist I’m happy to see content like this standing up for our bike lanes. Really great format and I can’t wait to see what else you share on here!
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you for the kind words!
@zrnewfАй бұрын
I am starting to petition my local town to install bike lanes etc in our town. I cannot believe that I read douggie (trumpie wannabe) ford wants to remove lanes in T.O.! SMDH. Good luck My other bike is a bike. I hope all cyclists win this battle there!
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you, and good luck on your petition! I hope you can get bike lanes.
@carolion4829 күн бұрын
It seems like Doug Ford makes lots of decisions while lacking basic information that should be and is available to him. Look around the world, major cities, Doug they are doing more to improve biking not less and their cities are more friendly and greener.
@TamYouMoveАй бұрын
Thanks for summing up the feels so well.
@anthonypeterson428Ай бұрын
Great video! ❤
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you!
@lunatixsoyuz9595Ай бұрын
While I do agree with everything you said, Ford has proven that he doesn't liste to people until somethjng forces him to like a lawsuit. Instead of appealing to decency and morality, we cyclists need to point out the terricle things this bill is trying to do that drivers hate. That is, his 3 billion dollar bypass is actually expected to cost 10 billion, and is a bypass for a bypass that maxes out at 30% capacity. Not to mention that everybody is saying it's going tk be a tolled road. This project won't alleviate amy congestion, anf not because of induced demand. His own government's study concluded that it will reduce commute time between 10 to 30 seconds! Then there's the fact they the bill is slipping in a provision that people who owns property in Ontario are required to sell their land if it is required for a provincial project. This bill isn't just anti-cyclists. Ford is trying to sell this province to his billionare buddies once again.
@charlottedeacon7939Ай бұрын
Yes!! Exactly!!
@julianallen515Ай бұрын
Nicely done. 👍
@myotherbikeisabikeАй бұрын
Thank you! 👍
@alfredogarbanzo2276Ай бұрын
i wish doug were a normal person and could just make normal choices, much love from Michigan I'm hopeful the Government will at least see the financial idiocy of this bill and end up cancelling it, that is if the human cost isn't enough to sway them.