Tanque Argentino Mediano - TAM | A brilliant but unfortunate initiative

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@_____Z_____ Жыл бұрын
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@teorinolagamba Жыл бұрын
I forgot that today was the premiere.
@WeaponDetective Жыл бұрын
@@teorinolagamba Thanks for your interest. We did not deliberately make the Premiere. some sources claim that it is not beneficial for the algorithm. We are testing this claim.
@daltonagre Жыл бұрын
I watched your video, here in Brazil. TAM itself wasn't a bad tank. Argentina's governments in other hand; were ever terribles.
@legatomo6428 Жыл бұрын
“Argentina lost this opportunity which would have made it a global player…” wraps up our entire history as a nation.
@ulforcemegamon3094 Жыл бұрын
Basically yeah
@ultraarg6615 Жыл бұрын
Culpa de USA que intervino cuando Argentina queria exportae tanques a medio oriente
@Elsturba Жыл бұрын
La cruel realidad, somos una sombra de lo que proyectabamos. Culpa de propios y ajenos.
@francolares6314 Жыл бұрын
​@@ElsturbaMás de propios que de ajenos, mucho más.
@Elsturba Жыл бұрын
@@francolares6314 No te creas...te sorprenderías cuánto esfuerzo pusieron los anglos en desmantelar la industria de defensa Argentina.
@Black_Razor 11 ай бұрын
very good insight of this Family, The Argentinians have everything to make great things, i hope they can stand up from they current situation, much love from Chile.
@rat_king- Жыл бұрын
"Due to budget Problems.. " ah. there is the argentina we all know.
@the5gen Жыл бұрын
More banquets for the political elites.
@SanSnow.777 Жыл бұрын
😂 carajos Bro, esos somos nosotros 🇦🇷
@marceloal777 Жыл бұрын
Posiblemente ya se resuelva con Milei. Pero primero estabilizar la economía. Luego ya presupuesto militar vendrá solo...
@TheBucho66 Жыл бұрын
El problema de presupuesto que tenemos es gracias a ustedes imperialistas piratas.
@fakuz08 Жыл бұрын
Industria nacional de armamento con milei?​@@marceloal777
@reportedebatalla6528 11 ай бұрын
Hello. Some clarifications and corrections: 2:18 Argentina considered the AMX-30 and Leopard 1, both modernized. The commissions went to France (to continue with the same technology) and to Germany (where they contacted several companies, not just Henschel). The American M60 was offered later. 3:09 The first TAM prototype (TAM-A) was received in 1977; It was the TH-300 without modifications. Later two more prototypes were received (TAM-2 and TAM-3) for more tests. With all the modifications made, the final TAM (TAM-4) was obtained; It was the equivalent of the TH-301. 4:55 The hatch can be used to recover crew from another armored vehicle (removing the ammunition present there). 5:50 Not all tanks have that cannon. Those that were prototypes have the German versions and the first series has the Israeli versions of the famous 105mm L7. 8:59 There is no such thing as a TAM 2C-IP, it is not a real project. 10:08 The VCDA has not been serialized because it was an idea or preliminary project, which was not formalized or prototyped. 10:16 This is false. The TAP draft does not exist, it is an invention of social networks. But apparently around 1978 Tyssen-Henschel took the TH-301/105 and modified it to carry 120/44 guns. 13:12 Here we must add the German restrictions, the fall of the Soviet Union and the overflow of armored vehicles that depreciated the value and canceled negotiations of their analogues in the West. Regards, Coldown.
@lawLess-fs1qx Жыл бұрын
USA is starting production of the m10 Booker. nearly identical spec as the TAM. Ukraine wants more leopard1's. Argentina was 50 years too early.
@cachu3779 11 ай бұрын
@imerastrojerodiesel9393 9 ай бұрын
Hola ...soy de la ciudad de Azul..y a 2 cuadras de mi casa . está el regimiento de caballeria 10 (Húsares de Pueyrredon) están los TAM y sus derivados incluso el Palmaria y los VCTP....nobles carros muy bien pensados para nuestra Nación...incluso eh andado en los TAM cuando se festeja el dia del Ejército....(Incluso hubo un proyecto que no paso mas de los papeles el TAP Tanque Argentino Pesado)..saludos excelente canal.
@mohammedsaysrashid3587 Жыл бұрын
A wonderful video about Argentine medium tank ( TAM ) ..video clearly explained all characteristics of this tank and historical background of Argentine Armored projects since 1940. Video shared by an amazing ( weapon detective) channel. Thank you ( weapon detective) channel for sharing this remarkable video
@catmeow11111 Жыл бұрын
God I love this channel! You just don't find content like this. Every other channel just recycles the greatest hits and never cover rare material like this.
@JTA1961 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@donutrangerr Жыл бұрын
Brilliant tank no doubt, kind of sad Malaysia didn't get to procure it but the situation of Argentina at that time is totally understandable.
@nizammahmadi2963 Ай бұрын
We could have bought them from Germany (TH301) and maybe setup tank production here but probably the cost is expensive.
@donutrangerr Ай бұрын
@nizammahmadi2963 cost aside, production locally would've saved way more in the long run if you include operational and maintenance cost. TAM is very suitable with our doctrine too (low visibility, mobile) and can fire modern rounds unlike our Pendekar tanks - which is still a decent tank that's light and suitable with our terrain but not mobile enough with the horrible reverse gear and super cramped space. Even the Japanese Type 16 would've been better with tbh... But too bad they can't sell
@nizammahmadi2963 Ай бұрын
@@donutrangerr well I think nowadays if our military needed new armor, the tulpar light tank and centauro II would be a good choice because both can use either a 105mm gun or 120mm gun mated with the hitfact mk2 turret and the tulpar have rear ramp door similar to the TAM.
@bigdikdude4207 Жыл бұрын
Thank you TAM 2IP. Helped me loads grinding German tech tree
@PetIDArgentina Жыл бұрын
La familia TAM si entro en combate, buen video.
@patriciomassun Жыл бұрын
Your pronunciation of "Tanque Argentino Mediano" was almost perfect! -- great video
@IvanQuaglia 11 ай бұрын
thanks, I'm argentinian, love the TAM but there are some things in your video I didnt know, very informative. Sadly today we are no better in terms of economic stability and our 30 years since the last military government was really bad for military development, and the army in general. That is not only bad for the defense of the country but also a big lost oportunity in research and developement and in a commercial way. Hopefully this may change, but it will take a long time
@LeanMartin2 Жыл бұрын
Es un buen tanque, se adapta muy bien a las adversidades del territorio Argentino. Bueno, bonito y barato
@chapiit08 Жыл бұрын
Adversidades tales como ausencia de puentes en la red vial que puedan soportar el peso de tanques de peso mayor.
@ulforcemegamon3094 Жыл бұрын
​@@chapiit08 y si , es un factor importante, incluso vehículos que pueden desplegar puentes , por lo general tienen una carga máxima de 35 toneladas , por lo que la mayoría de mbt no lo pueden usar
@chunaslopez Жыл бұрын
Industria militar en La Argentina tiene que estar poniendo ojo en lo que pasa en Ukrania con los blindados !!!
@LeanMartin2 Жыл бұрын
@@chunaslopez Eso es seguro. Pero cuántos blindados pueden soportar misiles Antitanque? Tendría que pesar como 80 toneladas. Lo bueno del TAM es la agilidad y velocidad que tiene. Lógico que no va a escapar de un misil, pero si de tendría una reacción más rápida a ataques improvisados
@juanpablosanhueza5524 Жыл бұрын
@@LeanMartin2 exacto, ademas ya se estan empleando otro tipo de defensas ante misiles, por ejemplo israel.
@lucasmconcordia 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for this little history research about our little beloved vehicle! It makes me feel weird looking at some scenes from my city, Concordia, where it is located the 6th Cavalry Regiment, the oldest unit of the argentine army. Greetings!
@cowboysfhestrelladelcamino8949 Жыл бұрын
Great channel. Greetings from Mar del Plata,Buenos Aires,Argentina 🇦🇷
@EmilicoYamigos Жыл бұрын
Our beloved tank, it may not be the best or the nicest but its ours, and thats what matters.
@T_34_85 Жыл бұрын
El TAM no podia ingresar en las malvinas por que tiene un terreno muy fangoso, para que se entienda mejor es Rusia y Ucrania cuando se acerca el invierno X2, y esta tan mal que nisiquiera un tanque de 30 toneladas puede entrar sin ser tragado y convertirse en un naufragio terrestre así de firme es el jodido suelo. Y esto lo comento por que también hay muchos Argentinos que no entienden el por qué no estaban en malvinas
@valentinomordacci8646 Жыл бұрын
La verdadera pregunta es porque no llevaron a los m113 del ejército para ayudar en el transporte y si llevaron camiones a ruedas
@T_34_85 Жыл бұрын
@@valentinomordacci8646 no se por que, los políticos mandaron a pibes en vez de los soldados entrenados, no lo se
@nestorenriqueleiva Жыл бұрын
La respuesta es mucho más simple, el desarrollo del TAM es posterior a la guerra de Malvinas.
@nestorenriqueleiva Жыл бұрын
@@T_34_85 grupos especiales fueron desplegados para el inicio de los conflictos, así que decir eso es una completa burrada que los zurdos repitieron por décadas en las escuelas. Los buzos tácticos y la compañía 601 ya estaban en Malvinas. La situación es que, Chile también estaba desplegando soldados en las fronteras, y estaban a presto de iniciar ataques.
@somefurryguy1811 Жыл бұрын
@@T_34_85 varias compañias de los comandos anfibios estaban desplegadas en malvinas, fueron los que lideraban el primer asalto durante la operacion rosario, la mayoria de soldados "profesionales" estaban en la frontera con chile por miedo a una posible represalia en forma de un ataque militar, y la mayoria que fueron desplegados a malvinas tenian varias semanas o meses de entrenamiento(casi lo mismo que alrededor del mundo) y esos "pibes"(hombres de 20-25 años en mayoria, no se niega que algunos fueron con 17-18 años pero es lo mismo que en el lado britanico el ejercito estaba compuesto en su mayoria por pibes de 20-25 años, algunos de 18 o 17 y las fuerzas especiales 25-30 años.) mandamos gente a pelear por un monton de tierra pero en ningun momento los tiramos como ovejas al matadero, se hizo lo posible hasta la parte final del conflicto cuando la moral se quebro y la cadena de mando era casi inexistente, lo sufrido por el clima y la guerra fue igual en el lado britanico, es mas, los britanicos perdieron mas veteranos al suicido despues del conflicto que bajas en la guerra.
@T_34_85 Жыл бұрын
El M60 nunca fue pensado por los Argentinos y más bien los estadounidenses se lo propusieron a los Argentinos pero fue rechasado casi al instante por no cumplir casi ninguno de los requisitos, como el coste por unidad, el peso, la agilidad y la velocidad, y por eso nunca fue aceptado para participar en primer lugar
@SantiagoAriasEskapa Жыл бұрын
y que los puentes argentinos no aguantan las 60 tn de peso...
@T_34_85 Жыл бұрын
@@SantiagoAriasEskapa algo asi
@Argentvs 11 ай бұрын
​@@SantiagoAriasEskapamito. Todos los puentes regulares soportan 150 TN de carga mínima. Solo puentes viejos de piedra o madera no podrían. En el interior es normal que camiones pedregueros anden con 60 TN de carga y en la zona agrícola pasan 2 o 4 camiones por los puentes chicos con carga de 32 TN y Tara de 15/18 TN ( 55-60tn ).
@wiktorberski9272 Жыл бұрын
Really interesting vehicle, or rather the whole familly of vehicles
@28ebdh3udnav Жыл бұрын
So many countries south of the border had great potential to become a great regional power but corruption always has something to do with their current situation today
@jonybgood1996 11 ай бұрын
hello sir, nice video, i was from Brasil and live in argentina, we are ally, hermanos.
@imerastrojerodiesel9393 9 ай бұрын
@chucktom7783 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant video, thank you
@hongmingkoo8906 Жыл бұрын
Marder medium tank RI of Indonesia is the other production standard "cousin" with different Italian sourced turret by Leonard.
@lukejohnston4666 Жыл бұрын
Yet we prefer the Harimau later on. (I wish for more, as well as its IFV variant)
@Cyan_Nightingale Жыл бұрын
You mean *GERMAN* Marder APC/IFV
@notjohnnyrico Жыл бұрын
Rheinmetall Mk 20 Rh-202 cannon standard of German Marder IFV are still being used by majority of Indonesia's Marder 1A3 purchased 2nd-hand from Germany.
@AleCeverino Жыл бұрын
Modernize the article, the TAM is being updated to the TAM 2CA2 already in mass production, maintaining its agility, improving technology to 2023, the same used by the Merkava 4, same producers, fact that make surpassing the forty-year-old Leopard 2A4, his only rival in the region.
@mononciovisual Жыл бұрын
Tam 2 Ca ca II non plus ultra
@rodrigobastias982 Жыл бұрын
Jajajajajajajjajajaja en masa y solo llevan unos pocos desarrollados en varios años , como siempre las cosas a medias.
@AleCeverino Жыл бұрын
ayer vi en impsa 120 torretas ya fresadas y listas para enviar. @@rodrigobastias982
@federicoaprile2046 Жыл бұрын
con el mismo motor que hace 40 años.-
@LeanMartin2 Жыл бұрын
@@federicoaprile2046 con el mismo motor???
@valentinomordacci8646 Жыл бұрын
A small error is that the tam palmaria does not have a modified tam chassis but rather the rest of the prototype chassis of the tap project. If the 155 mm cannon could be adapted to the tam, they would have already changed the 105 mm one to the 120 mm one. Don't you think? . the tam palmaria is called itself so as not to cause confusion with the names but it is still not a member of the tam family even though it is one in essence
@reportedebatalla6528 11 ай бұрын
The 120mm TAP never existed as a project. There is not a single record in the Argentine Army that mentions it. It's fan fiction. The Palmaria chassis was designed exclusively to be 155mm Artillery.
@valentinomordacci8646 11 ай бұрын
@@reportedebatalla6528 I said about a prototype chassis, not a tap prototype, learn to understand texts
@Jorge94-ck8qs 11 ай бұрын
El TAP es un What If, no es real. El TAM sí puede montar el 120mm L/44, de hecho el TH400 se hizo con una torre de TAM y ese cañón de 120mm y eso que es apenas un vehículo de ruedas 6x6 que en teoría soporta una menor carga de peso en su estructura y suspensión.
@valentinomordacci8646 11 ай бұрын
@@Jorge94-ck8qs te recuerdo que lo que realmente está en juego es la estructura del chasis del tam que es incapaz de soportar la potencia de un cañón de 120 mm y no la torre . Además yo digo un chasis prototipo que se iba a usar para el tap no que se usó el chasis de un tap no es lo mismo decir que se usó un pedazo de madera de un mueble a decir que se usó un pedazo de madera que se había separado para un mueble
@Jorge94-ck8qs 11 ай бұрын
@@valentinomordacci8646 es MENTIRA de internet que el TAM no puede soportar ese cañón y a esa mentira la inventaron los mismos que inventaron el TAP para justificar la existencia de un modelo pesado con cañón de 120mm. Te lo repito, el TH400 era un vehículo LIGERO de 6 ruedas y podía montar ese cañón. El cañón de 120mm L/44 es más liviano que el L7 105mm. Otros vehículos similares al TAM, como el CV90-12, utiliza un de cañón de 120mm L/50, éste cañón es de Ruag y de corto retroceso, significa que el vehículo debe soportar parte del disparo, y ningún problema con eso.Te doy un caso más extremo, el anfibio ruso 2S25 Sprut de apenas 18 toneladas y menor blindaje que el TAM monta el mismo cañón de 125mm de un T-72 y nuevamente parte del retroceso se lo come el vehículo y la estructura no sufre ningún problema ¿En serio creen que la estructura del TAM es tan débil como para no poder montar y operar un cañón de 120mm? En ese caso queda en evidencia que sus 30 toneladas no sirven para nada y es obsoleto. El Palmaria tiene un chasis alargado y con apenas un par de rodillos de rodamientos, no sé incrementó el blindaje ni reforzó la estructura y puede disparar sin problemas el monstruoso cañón de 155mm. Con ese mismo criterio, el chasis del AMX13 F3 nunca podría haber montado un cañón de 155mm. Al parecer deberíamos habernos quedado con el AMX13 y equiparlos con un cañón de 120mm ¿No? 🤦🏻
@peterboy209 Жыл бұрын
Ok, it's an Argentine/German coproduction. Promising concept 👍
@lwysparagon8109 Жыл бұрын
The Thyssen Group did the roadshow in Thailand back in the 80s and offered for locally building plan but the RTA ultimately chose Cadillac Gage Light Tank Stingray instead. It wouldn't be different to chose either one, being a sole or dual user nations of the types.
@marcelot8989 Жыл бұрын
El Tam posee tecnologia Alemana ,francesa, desarrolo completo en Argentina es el mini merkaba falta que vean el TAM 2c con desarrollo en partes israelii. 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@habahan4257 Жыл бұрын
An excellent video as always. So, we have learnt that nationalist policies and a totalitarian regime, like a junta, might be good for the industry but highly harmful for the business in the international market.
@_____Z_____ Жыл бұрын
Free free Palestine 🇵🇸
@habahan4257 Жыл бұрын
@@_____Z_____ Who wants to make payment for Palestine anyway?
@noobda4932 Жыл бұрын
@julianfernandez533 5 ай бұрын
Lo que estados unidos quiera SIEMPRE, va hacer bueno para el mercado internacional
@juanmarcos8987 Жыл бұрын
I remember that in 2021, on an anniversary, I think that from the air force you could support the remodernization of the TAM by buying things like color prints of X planes, models and collectible insignia. Unfortunately they resort to these practices due to the low military budget. I hope it can be solved with Milei, very good video, new sub.
@Eluxivo Жыл бұрын
Que ganas de mentir que tenes flaco... 😂😂 El TAM 2CA2 entro en producción masiva desde el año pasado, gracias al fondef. La ultima modernización lo pone por arriba de los Leopard de Chile, muy por encima. Es esencialmente un Merkava con gran movilidad. No nos dejes mas en ridiculo y llamate al silencio.
@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 11 ай бұрын
​@@Eluxivo0,76 PIB tenía el ejército, ahora va a pasar a tener el 2% del PIB lo que dice juan es muy creíble, y no, el tam no supera al leopard chileno (todavía le falta mucho)
@Eluxivo 11 ай бұрын
@@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 Vos aparte del 0,76 que decis aumentaste lo presupuestado del 0,8 adicional para el año 2023 del FONDEF. Los gastos son publicos, por mas que un fanatico en un blog me diga que no se gasto eso, es facil rastrear porque las compras/adquisiciones son publicas, investiga. Y el Leopard 2A4CHL solo mejoro las comunicaciones y el motor para funcionar a grandes alturas, por lo demas sigue siendo el mismo leopard 2A4, que no te vendan humo, fijate lo que resiste el 2A4 en Ucrania contra tanques con cañones de 105mm que es la doctrina Rusa, no sobrevive un solo disparo, tenes cantidades enormes de videos de esto, RPG7 tampoco sobrevive. El TAM viejo te concedo que es muchisimo peor casi un chiste, pero el nuevo TAM2CA2 no, hasta tiene un sistema de defensa activa de Elbit Systems.
@fabianmorosini8487 Жыл бұрын
El TAM, compensa su cañon de 105 mm, con municion israeli M326. Lo que lo hace, aun letal
@victorhugo716 Жыл бұрын
lo que estaria bueno que esa municion se fabrique en argentina para no nesecitar reabastecimiento de israel en caso de una guerra
@pablofortain4945 Жыл бұрын
Y lo hace dependiente de Israel. Como siempre
@fabianmorosini8487 Жыл бұрын
@@pablofortain4945 y si, hasta no tener licencia y dinero para producirla. Se trae desde Israel
@Pucará86 11 ай бұрын
Es M426
@Argentvs 11 ай бұрын
​@@victorhugo716Fabricaciones Militares tiene la licencia y capacidad. Solo que no es rentable producirla en bajos números, cada una tiene un costo superior a una docena importada.
@TheRandCrews Жыл бұрын
Seeing that my country, Philippines got a new tank, being 30 tons and using 105mm gun…I wonder if they ever thought of having the TAM decades ago to replace the role. Being tanks used before then were APCs with 90 and 76 milimetre cannons and decades ago M41, M24, and M4 tanks being near the 30 tons limit.
@LucasGator2 Жыл бұрын
Next video about the EE-T1 Osório, please?
@T_34_85 Жыл бұрын
El osorio era superior al abrams en las pruebas
@suburbia57 Жыл бұрын
Love the late 70s / 80s look
@tegtactics1966 Жыл бұрын
First: They saw combat: Tablada battle 1989, there is footage. TAM itself and VCTP with its 20 mm. Second: more than economic "problems" there was always some sort of boycott to punish Argentina since Churchill era to this day but not limited to the 40s since in early 1800s the brits tried to conquer Buenos Aires twice. Every time some indigenous military development might have been produced some sort of anglosaxon boycott was implemented. You have another example with Condor missile family. Third: the isles are called Las Malvinas. It was a good video though
@Sebastianbertolotto1880 Жыл бұрын
Oh man thank you very much for your video! I didn't expect to learn so much from a tank from my own country from an international source. I hope that the TAM can regain the recognition and budget that deserves to be competitive in the modern world and international market. The new government had already give 2 Russian Mi-171E helicopters to Ukraine, so I think that are good chance that in time we will send tanks or armored vehicles from the TAM family.
@dizzxk1 Жыл бұрын
No, Argentina no debe enviar equipos militares que no sobran, a una guerra que ya esta perdida.
@agustinm8230 9 ай бұрын
no enviamos ni media moneda a Ucrania. Noticia completamente falsa la de esos helicopteros
@arn_ice 11 ай бұрын
the looks of this tank has always been pretty appealing to me. That alone has this one up there for me at least in style. (and it has roots with the Leo1 so hey)
@cwf_media9200 Жыл бұрын
Man i didnt get anY notification i chilled the whole Time at the Channel Info but nothing happend this time without Premiere Just Upload?
@WeaponDetective Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your interest. Some internet sources claim Premiere is not beneficial for the algorithm. We are testing this claim.
@cwf_media9200 Жыл бұрын
@@WeaponDetective okay so IT wasnt my fault thanks
@juanmanuellatorre6779 11 ай бұрын
As an argentinian I can say that our history is always either brilliant but unfortunate OR dumb but fortunate.
@michaelsnyder3871 Жыл бұрын
Really, a "domestic" product? Have you ever looked up the TAM in Jane's Armour and Artillery between 1985 and 1992? The TAM design was a product of German design and engineering. The TAM family was based on the Marder. In the early production models the diesel engines, 105mm guns and fire controls were imported from the German firm, Thyssen-Henschel. The same German firm offered an upgraded version, the TH 301 for export.
@patopato9668 Жыл бұрын
70% of it was made in Argentina local factorys, so its more "domestic" than buy used USA tanks that were not adequated for the requierements of the argentinas army.
@Cyan_Nightingale Жыл бұрын
It is all literally explained in this video
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
its a TH 301 with 1.470 modifications an made 70% in Argentina.
@Davey-Boyd Жыл бұрын
I love it when idiots waffle on without even watching the video.
@reportedebatalla6528 11 ай бұрын
The 1976 TH-300 prototype was the full-german. The 1978 (earlier) TH-301 is the TAM-4 prototype wich was serialized as TAM (with all the argentine modifications). The 1980s (late) TH-301 was again full german again.
@5anjuro Жыл бұрын
Given the warm relations between Milei and Zelenski, and the high degree of commonality with Ukraine's existing German equipment, I won't be surprised if some or all of the AMTs end up in Ukraine. They are definitely looking into that. Even with the Marder chassis, it's probably a logistical challenge.
@eldeivid7460 Жыл бұрын
Se dice TAM,no ATM
@Vice_87 Жыл бұрын
Nunca se dará a los ucraniano esos tanques, ya que argentino no regala armamento.
@frqnci2764 Жыл бұрын
I highly doubt this, unless there is a certain replacement use, they are not been given away.
@eldeivid7460 Жыл бұрын
@@frqnci2764 It's not going to happen, but even if Zelensky was interested in the TAMs, he would have to buy them (by the way, I'm Argentine)
@frqnci2764 Жыл бұрын
@@eldeivid7460 si ya lo se, es por eso que digo, a menos que se busque un remplazo que lo dudo mucho, lo mas cercano es el m10 brook de EEUU que es lo mas cercano al TAM o el VT-5 chino que seria mas accesible el TAM jamás sera entregado. Hay muy pocos tanques modernos que pueden ser usados en Argentina. Los 2 de arriba que mencioné cumple la mayoria de las condiciones.
@arn_ice 11 ай бұрын
With Ukraine having both Marder 1A3 (performing well I hear) and Leo1A5 (and its variants like the Gepard and bridge layers) I wonder if these could be useful.
@carlosmanuelalvarez4744 Жыл бұрын
Yo me pregunto porque las autoridades militares de Argentina no ven como son equipados los mejores tanques del mundo. Todos tienen grande polleras blindadas para proteccion de las orugas, uno de los lugares mas comprometidos en un evento belico. Otros detalles serian a revisar como para hacer maquinas de gran utilidad en caso de conflicto.
@Argentvs 11 ай бұрын
Siempre estuvieron los faldones en el diseño original. Es un agregado de saca y pon y nunca se fabricaron porque no había necesidad. Recientemente se autorizó la modernización de los TAM2CA y se ordenó la producción de los faldones.
@prathamsingh4595 Жыл бұрын
You guys have done a great job but please when you show the dimensions and the other stats of the military system please scrap the 90's green theme if possible. Other than that fabulous video fam.
@arifeldman6365 Жыл бұрын
Looks like the Marder and the Leopard I had a baby
@agent304 9 ай бұрын
Very impressive tank.
@TutiDelme 11 ай бұрын
Great video about the TAM. But there are a few things to correct (although mostly are going to try and deny me, because the historical revisionism our country has suffered) What happened between 1987 and 1990 was an internal conflict in the Army, there was nothing even related to a "coupe" being discussed. It was against the generals, who were a bunch of traitors that didn't even care about the wellbeing of the army in general (it was more complex). And those generals started filling the ears of the politicians with the pretext that it was a coupe, to gain favor and to be authorised to repress the "rebels". The "war against subversion" started as an order of the then president Isabel Perón, to ANNIHILATE the subversive elements (literal wording of the decree 261/75) who were attacking civilians, military and police personnel indiscriminately since 1964 (ERP and Montoneros were the biggest ones). After the Malvinas War, the government fell out of favor of the people (because most people liked the military government), the democracy returned, and the military personnel who committed war crimes was judged and sentenced per the military law, which was still in place inside the army. In 1989, president Menem extended an indult to both sides, military and guerrillas. In 2003, president Nestor Kirchner nullified the indult only to the military and police personnel, and started again with the trials. Most of them were seniors at this point, and have already been judged (which is against the constitution). Luis Labraña, Mario Firmenich, and others (who were militants of the guerrilla, and confessed of having committed crimes against civilians), recognised that the number of 30.000 "disappeared" was invented, because the real number was around 8.000, because the UNHRC didn't consider the number to be a "genocide" (word they use here). Of the 8.000, a vast majority of them were accounted in documents of the armed forces and police (like in every conflict, there were some horrible people who did heinous things, but like I said before, those were dealt with since the beginning). The terrorist attacks continued until 1989, with the last one being the attack on the military base La Tablada. Meanwhile, the families of the victims of those terrorist groups are silenced, segregated and all the memories of their beloved ones erased from history. And I could write a lot more, but I'm going to end with this: it was a war, and in a war, there is righteousness and evil. No one is exempt. But here it has become a prosecution of the military, not just the ones who were really guilty, but of anyone who was involved in any way, and even of their descendants and the armed forces as a whole.
@jaws848 Жыл бұрын
Wonder how well trained and equiped the Argentine armed forces are now compared to how they were back when they lost the Falklands war.
@Anubis-zu7wt Жыл бұрын
very bad equiped, with years of budget cuts by all democratic governments, lack of equipment in all areas...only five fighter aircraft in service, the total loss of supersonic aircraft without replacement, almost non-existent sea fleet, total loss of submarines, none in service. the soldier does what he can with what he has in his hands, it's the sad truth.
@jaws848 Жыл бұрын
@@Anubis-zu7wt really still that bad in 2023?....im from Ireland and served my time in the Irish army and we too are sadly under equipped...it pains me to say it as i love my countries defence forces and am proud to say i served my time but its the truth..the Irish defence forces are a joke,especialy the Naval service
@yamazakiJumpei Жыл бұрын
@@jaws848 2 facts to give you and idea: 2 training vesels of 24 meters were issued in 2012 and as of today only 1 started the sea trial last week. 2nd: Mirage interceptor were disaffected of service in 2015, no replacement in view as of today, with many offers made. and 3rd (just a bonus), we had by that time (80s) at least 5 subs, there is none in service as of 2018.
@JTA1961 Жыл бұрын
Let's just say that the Falken sheep aren't nervous
@sanignacio1999 Жыл бұрын
These tanks you see in the video work thanks to the hard work and dedication of their crews. Despite the budget matter, the argentine soldier is well trained and motivated. They learn to do what they can (and more) with what they have. Conscripts no longer exist and everyone is a volunteer. Some lessons were learned. Dont forget that despite what british propaganda says, in the Falklands an underestimated "army of conscipts" ruined the british picnic. Ask the british veterans.
@objetivosimperio3659 11 ай бұрын
Alto tanque amigooo!! ¿que tira sebita?
@cyberarchitect9280 Жыл бұрын
Oh the TAM in WarThunder it designated as a light tank and if I would be honest it is quite fitting. The only thing that makes Argentine special in my heart, and my friend I can tell you the fate of it is a tragedy. It had so much potential, but it was createdat the wrong place wrong time. Maybe in I don't know....in Austria (for example) whould have been a more succesful vehicle. The change of it to wheeled vehicles is quite logical I'm curious which one will be (Centauro B2, Patria AMV...etc...) the Centauro would be a good choice I think because the Freccia wheeled IFV is based on it as well, but I would be happy to see a proper and entirely executed modernization programme for the TAM. Also the Rhm Lynx platform would a good replacement too. Anyhow, thanks for the video, I consider it as the Christmas present pf mine from you dear Detective. Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year for you.
@augustoch.7341 Жыл бұрын
Sadly not going to happen any time soon. Argentina is like the poorest country of SA bar Venezuela and Equador with poverty rates reaching 40% this year by government's own admission (so real number are probably higher) and even if they fix all their economical and social issues it'll be decades before they are in shape to buy a new tank. Most likely they'll drag the TAM as long as they can while buying surplus Leopard for spare parts or maybe some Chinese or Brazilian vehicles if they are feeling fancy and don't care about lack of tech transfer (any gear featuring English parts is sanctioned due to the Falklands and all of the heavy industry that built the TAM is long gone).
@cyberarchitect9280 Жыл бұрын
@@augustoch.7341 What a shame
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
@@augustoch.7341 Hola Chilote, el TAM se encuentra actualmete en su programa de actualizacion completa, incorporando tecnologia que no existe todavia en Sud America en tanques operativos. Mas allé de eso, nunca te olvides que ser pobre en Argentina tiene otros standares de medicion que en otros paises. No quiere decir que todo vaya bien si no que no es lo mismo calificar de pobre en Argentina que en Chile por ejemplo. Saludos.
@augustoch.7341 Жыл бұрын
​@@leandrocaricato3259 With whose money? Argentine government can make all the modernization plans it wants but the at the end of the day it can't afford it and the country doesn't has the institutional knowledge or industrial output to produce parts locally. And with the current president the armed forces will only be gutted further. Also, I thought it was an internet joke but Argentinians really have a conditional, borderline schizophrenic, fear of Chileans. No dude I'm not Chilean, you can relax.
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
@@augustoch.7341 Argentina Is already making the parts for the upgrade to 2C A2 standards, theres plenty of industrial capacities. Even the cannon Is Made in the country. Of course its better to purchase all the electrónics and some other systems to outside companys the already made the development. And is cheaper. And the joke with the Chilena side ITS because THEY aré all the Time talking about us.
@jatochgte 7 ай бұрын
It is not a tank, it is an infantry fighting vehicle with a 105mm turret
@P0TATIT0 11 ай бұрын
Someone noticed that the turret is similar to the one in concept 3
@rubenortiz2794 11 ай бұрын
El tam 2ip es una versión mejorada del brindaje pero no es factible porque argentina no busca esas mejoras si no todo lo contrario argentina quiere un tanque liviano con munición flecha israeli y que a la hora del combate sea rápido y facil de maniobrar y disparar en movimiento es diesel eléctrico y esta preparado para el combate nocturno cosa que en la actualidad no hay muchos en la región aparte de tener toda la tecnología israeli ❤️🇦🇷❤️
@Bergmann.Alaska Жыл бұрын
It looks like the love child of a Leopard I and an MTLB..
@jrotela Жыл бұрын
1:35 well, thats more complicated than it appears
@EstoUgric Жыл бұрын
4:07 such good armor ? in wt it cant even take 30mm
@EdyAlbertoMSGT3 Жыл бұрын
Real life is not War Thunder.
@aviatorx1772 3 ай бұрын
El frontal puede soportar 50 mm
@yarmud Жыл бұрын
Am i late
@JimmySailor Жыл бұрын
Argentina has a New Tank! Is it a Marder? Yes!
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
Just add the 1.478 modifications made by Argentina before production and there you have...¿Have you seen the video ?
@erumc5839 Жыл бұрын
it is a marder body with a leopard turret
@twanabaiz9516 Жыл бұрын
This tank assembled in Argentina but made in Germany
@campoelpumacampoelpuma3139 Жыл бұрын
No , se frabrico en Argentina el chasis torreta cañón orugas de alemania solo se trajo el motor y la transmisión lo demás se hizo en argentina
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
70% made in Argentina.
@fasfas8999 Жыл бұрын
Whats stupid?????
@josefacto95gaming27 Жыл бұрын
chile detectado
@imerastrojerodiesel9393 9 ай бұрын
​@@fasfas8999te referís a tu mujer?
@teddy2738 Жыл бұрын
Kaman chiriguey ... viteh' 😁😎
@camaradadimitry 11 ай бұрын
12:56 ☠
@theowlfromduolingo7982 Жыл бұрын
0:35 Congratulations to the worst camera man ever
@MarcoScetta 11 ай бұрын
Aajajjajjajjajjaja...sorry, hahhahahahahahah
@miguelagarcia65 Жыл бұрын
MALVINAS war folks! NOT Falklands war! Haven't you seen a map in your lives!? Have you ever heard the "colonialist" word!?
@jothesniper02videos70 Жыл бұрын
Nuh uh
@EdyAlbertoMSGT3 Жыл бұрын
@Pvt_Badger0916 Жыл бұрын
😂😂 yeah I seen maps and in English the islands are known as the Falklands islands 🇦🇨 with people that that have lived on the islands longer then Argentina as existed ask the Spanish and French
@ohlordy2042 Жыл бұрын
I thought the Ukraine war had proven that tanks in general, and lightly armoured tanks in particular, are fundamentally obsolete and militarily completely useless. I certainly wouldn't want to be stuck I one of these coffins on a modern battlefield.
@tuff9486 Жыл бұрын
Heavy tanks are not effective in Argentina´s terrain. Ukraine veterans also prefere light tanks. Tanks are not obsolete. Soviet pushes are.
@ohlordy2042 Жыл бұрын
@@baronvonslambert Fair points. But one major lesson learned from Ukraine is that rifle armed, "screening" infantry do not stand a chance of stopping the infantry-portable anti tank team hiding in the tree row 800 metres away. Or behind the earthen bank 1200m away. Or behind the shed 1800m away. Or even in the next village 2.5 kilometres away. Man portable anti tank rockets are now lethal from ranges that make "screening" infantry fundamentally obsolete. And then we need to discuss the new and extreme dangers of small attack drones and drone guided, precision artillery. As I said, I really wouldn't want to be in a tank on the modern battlefield (or a close support aircraft for that matter).
@darrenjones3681 Жыл бұрын
What exactly is the modern battlefield, there isn’t one as things are rapidly evolving and conflicts differ greatly for region to region, think of both gulf wars , not a drone (except predator) in sight but full on larger scale tank and IFV battles, with mechanised infantry support, Afghanistan completely different, Ukraine completely different, Serbia cosovo completely different, the Isreal West Bank is completely different to the golan heights, as will the impending South China Sea will be
@ohlordy2042 Жыл бұрын
@@darrenjones3681 Again, fair points. But, as you say yourself, the battlefield is rapidly "evolving". Gulf wars 1 and 2 may not have involved the use of many drones (or infantry portable anti tank systems with effective ranges of up to a few km). But you could bet Gulf War 3 would be characterised by those weapon systems. The South China Sea? Will be a maritime (air and navy) war. Tanks not appropriate at all. Taiwan? I'd bet my bottom dollar that any attacking Chinese army would be loaded with drones and effective, man portable anti-tank systems. Tanks (light tanks, especially) would be a useless death trap in a battle for Taiwan. Afghanistan.....very few tanks needed or used. It was not a "positional" war. Instead, it was an irregular, guerilla war fought against small, fast moving, unpredictable groups of lighly armed fighters who's main tactical advantage was that they blended in with the civilian population. Tanks were not appropriate. Israel-Lebanon.....the Israeli's learned some hard lessons about the limitations of tanks on a modern battlefield in their last war (2006?) against Hezbollah. Tanks will be far less effective, again, in the next war because anti-tank capabilities have grown enormously in the mean time. There will be vanishingly few military environments in the future where tanks are both useful and effective. If small units of infantry armed with modern, man portable anti tank weapons, can find a place to hide within a few km of an attacking force, if they have suicide attack drones, if they are supported by precision artillery systems or if they are supported by high altitude aircraft with precision guided munitions, then tanks will prove to be a death trap. The infantry anti-tank weapons and suicide drones are available to almost any enemy. The precision artillery and high end air force capabilities will, inevitably, be rapidly acquired by potential enemies like China.
@frqnci2764 Жыл бұрын
@@ohlordy2042 light tanks are better suited in a destroyed infrastructure country like Ukraine, makes logistics possible, tanks can be sent from plane, and be deployed anywhere. You can't deploy tanks in mountains and less in areas where bridges can't wistand no more than 40 tones.
@_NoName_314 Жыл бұрын
yeaaaahhhh Leopard 1 Auf Marder 🤣Our pretty boy ❤ Argentina had the potential to be a military world player but failed bc of the instability... yep, like on every other aspect 😭
@jonsouth1545 Жыл бұрын
If they could build enough of them they should sell TAMs to Ukraine as Ukraine has shown optics and decent fire control trump armour every time and if it can pop a T-72 by getting the first round off and then get out of dodge to fight another day then that's really all you need.
@nachoacerbi2909 Жыл бұрын
Sadly Argentina does not longer produce TAM's
@frqnci2764 Жыл бұрын
Why should we give tanks to Ukraine in the first place? Also with what money will Ukraine pay those tanks?.
@vicopujia 11 ай бұрын
So, its a german tank.....
@guillermogimenez8871 Жыл бұрын
Maybe not the most powerfull or pretty but its from national fabrication🤙👍🏻
@senioriltis Жыл бұрын
Ein Veranstalter Panzer von 1979 ..... ein gutes Hartziel für die Russen in der Ukraine oder die Chinesischen Leo 2 Panzer !
@alangcanosa8978 Жыл бұрын
Nice mobile coffin though
@alangcanosa8978 Жыл бұрын
Literally a 300 US$ Drone with a grenade and that stuff blows up to space.
@buscadiamantes1232 Жыл бұрын
@@alangcanosa8978 like that wouldn't happen to more modern tanks... well, it's happening with russian ones which already had a fear of top attacks, it can happen to even bigger and bulkier, more expensive tanks like the entire nato fleet
@alangcanosa8978 Жыл бұрын
@@buscadiamantes1232 It's true, it happened with the Merkava tanks in Israel
@MetalGonza15 Жыл бұрын
Bueno bonito y barato, el tam era un excelente proyecto. No hay nada mas dañino para las naciones intelectuales que una moneda pobre y el socialismo.
@noosi9599 Жыл бұрын
La historia de los cañones de fabricación Argentinos en croaciakzbin.info/www/bejne/hpTOm4ODg79lp6Msi=nJQHtIwDfPwPxfXg que pararon un guerra
@ElMaxRaikkonen 11 ай бұрын
Wait, we had tanks? xdd
@tommygun333 Жыл бұрын
Shermans were better armoured😢
@EdyAlbertoMSGT3 Жыл бұрын
But also slower, and you'd need to somehow give it modern day systems like fire control, sights and all of that fun stuff. And the gun, you aren't going anywhere with that 75mm. You also won't be getting any spare parts unless you can somehow get the US to make you more.
@dylanmcgill9544 Жыл бұрын
todays era has changed, tanks have come a long way since ww1. back in ww2 for example Germany favors armour and firepower instead of mobility but after the war, Germany decided to abandon the armour doctrine and decided to go the mobility and firepower route. tanks like the leo 1 is still armoured to an extent but it is no where near armoured enough to protect itself from anti tank rounds. my point is, it doesn't matter how much armour there is to a vehicle anymore. most likely, there is a cannon out there that is able to penetrate it. the question is, how much armour is needed to protect the crew of the tank or at least reduce the spalling caused be the penetrated round.
@mebsrea Жыл бұрын
Hmm. Maybe Argentina would be interested in selling a few dozen of these to Ukraine? Or perhaps donating them in exchange for a promise of some Leopard 2s from Germany a few years down the road?
@mebsrea Жыл бұрын
⁠@@matiasmontaldo2616Not the same gun, but a NATO-standard 105mm cannon, the same as that used by the Leopard Is Ukraine already operates. Also, much of the technology is based on the Marder IFV, which Ukraine also already has. It would functionally be like expanding Ukraine’s stock of Leopard Is, which would be more useful than the T-54/55s that as far as I know no NATO country still uses.
@goforbroke4428 Жыл бұрын
Maybe people should stop giving up good equipment to Ukraine since all of that charity is ending up being hell on national defense preparation.
@juanperonistaradical Жыл бұрын
And then what? Replace it with new tanks from US or Europe? That in fact, is impossible becouse its not easy to make this kind of things happen and here some reason: -Argentina Army has very poor equipment and dosent has any upgrades or full scale of reestablish the capacity thar has lose some decades ago. So gifting or exchanging is not an option. - Everything has a price and gifting some equipment, considered the economy that cross Arg in now, its impossible. At least Ukraine has to buy it and being trained in Argentina, it could be considered like an option. - Theres seem no intresting in helping more than say: "good luck" and being "allies" in some economic resource in a very few amount. First Arg. need to fix his own country, then probably help others. Last reason: *No hay plata* (Theres no money)
@robertorojas1972 Жыл бұрын
Promesas... Naa deja máquina!!!
@frqnci2764 Жыл бұрын
" donation then in excha get for a promise of..." Dude ur a joke.
@rubenlopez4344 Жыл бұрын
No hay como los Chalenguer para hacer maceteros en los campos ukranianos.
@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 11 ай бұрын
Y tampoco no hay nada como un buen abecedario para que aprendas a escribir bien 👍
@rubenlopez4344 11 ай бұрын
@@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 auj...auj...auj...euq oneub ehc, oso nu oinge.
@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 11 ай бұрын
@@rubenlopez4344 entendible que tenga un buen día
@rubenlopez4344 11 ай бұрын
@@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 Y disculpame q insista pero el problema no es el abc-dario, en todo caso son las faltas ortográficas, el tamaño del teclado, la vista, y la nacionalidad, porque en definitiva las REGLAS ORTOGRÁFICAS son españolas y fueron hechas pra unificar la escritura dentro de España, q lidia con sus cinco lenguajes, el problema no es mió ya que no nací ni vivo allí, pero cumplo a rajatabla, en el apuro, con la frase «las reglas están para ser violadas», porque LA LIBERTAD SIEMPRE ESTÁ.
@ElPibeDeLaEzquina56 11 ай бұрын
@@rubenlopez4344 me dejaste sin palabras... 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@coment0_138 Жыл бұрын
Funny how an infantery platoon armed with 50cal can perfectly destroy an argentinian tank 🤣🤣🤣
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
I would love to know how that vehicle would approach the TAM without being eliminated from 3 km away...
@coment0_138 Жыл бұрын
@@leandrocaricato3259 im not talking Bout vehicules, im tslking of infabtery platoon, and im just saying thet in most combat situations it wouldnt even be necesary to bring another tank to destroy a tam, anyway i can name hundreds of scensrios were tanks can be ambushed by light vehicules, infantery or other tanks, but thats not the point
@psychoperxtor Жыл бұрын
​@@leandrocaricato3259A Chilean Leopard 2, or a Brazilian Leopard 1a5, or a Chilean Leopard 1V, or infantry, or a fucking jeep with a recoilless 106mm cannon. The TAM can't shoot for shit while moving
@psychoperxtor Жыл бұрын
This was already simulated by the Chilean army. It works
@leandrocaricato3259 Жыл бұрын
@@psychoperxtor in fact, TAM can shoot perfectly while moving. There a Lot of videos of that. And the new 2C A2 ITS even More acurate.
@angelfranciscosabolapalerm2506 Жыл бұрын
@cjthebeesknees Жыл бұрын
Looks.. susceptible to instances of misfortune cooking off incidents, and implosions.. bulky and sluggish, Molotov Cocktails perhaps.. if any, anti fash comrades happen to come across this, solidarity.
@aviatorx1772 Жыл бұрын
Lo hemos puesto a 100 km/h
@Капитанбригадышезлонгов Жыл бұрын
Simple leopard 1
@lucasemilioromeo8738 Жыл бұрын
We must sold it to Ukrania
@EdyAlbertoMSGT3 Жыл бұрын
Another stupid Ukraine supporter. No. Argentina can't even get enough TAM's for themselves, they aren't gonna send them to die.
@jankustra22 Жыл бұрын
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!
@conectamayor6855 Жыл бұрын
W guenono gasta prtroleo solo usa carburo jajsjajajaja
@_____Z_____ Жыл бұрын
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@habahan4257 Жыл бұрын
Yes, Palestine should be free, everyone could get it without payment
@MC-ht8ud Жыл бұрын
No one cares!
@_____Z_____ Жыл бұрын
@@MC-ht8ud your mom does
@MC-ht8ud Жыл бұрын
@@_____Z_____ I had your mother, she was a lousy lay.
@gingercat6128 Жыл бұрын
Click here to claim your free palestine. Delivery charges extra.
@josesanmartincordova8499 Жыл бұрын
Con el Loco de Milei los venderá 😂😂😂
@elezquizofrenicopg5596 Жыл бұрын
@guillermocrespo175 Жыл бұрын
Bobito, dentro del mundo castrense Milei ganó con más del 80% de votos, es el único que toma en serio las FFAA, después de décadas de gobiernos progres odiadores seriales de los militares
@sebiita1988 Жыл бұрын
una bazofia de tanque
@osvaldodieguez2156 Жыл бұрын
Después de ver lo tanques que se baten a duelo en Ucrania, me parece un tanque de blanco fácil para volar lo con un misil convencional.
@andresgarrido2778 Жыл бұрын
El TAM existe gracias al gobierno militar.....que penso y planifico a futuro....ni ellos pensarian que en el 2024 aun seguirian rodando algunos....
@ultr0fury519 Жыл бұрын
@vladimirj.fuentesl.3548 Жыл бұрын
Ésos tanques los utiliza chile para jugar tiró al blanco!.....😂😂😂😂😂
@Coyote27981 Жыл бұрын
Sabes por que nunca cruzaron la cordillera? Por que nuestro pais no mide 5 cuadras de ancho. El TAM esta especificamente diseñado para derrotar a Chile en territorio Argentino. Los tanques de ustedes no tienen rango para moverse en Argentina, el TAM si. Los tanques de ustedes no pueden usar el grueso de los puentes argentinos por su peso, el TAM si. Y por ultimo, si esos tanques que crees practicarian tiro entran... Solo hay que dejarlos entrar... Y dado el tamaño de Argentina, solo hay que dejar que sus lineas de suministros esten sobre extendidas y atacarlas. Y ahora sus tanques, son nuestros tanques. El TAM esta hecho para Argentina, y tu ejercito lo sabe, por eso jamas hizo nada.
@mtsa5652 Жыл бұрын
los TAM estan diseñados para combatir rn territorio argentino, de hecho su peso se debe a la infraestructura de los puentes del sur del país. Además, se lo pensó para rivalizar con los Leopard 1A5 que se encuentran en el sur de Chile
@giancarlosarias5456 Жыл бұрын
@@mtsa5652 Dale hombre osea que creen que le van a ganar a un leopard 2 solo porque pesa menos el tam? jsjsjajajaa.
@mtsa5652 Жыл бұрын
@@giancarlosarias5456 el TAM 2CA2 es mucho más tecnológico que un Leopard 1A5 y aún superior al 2A4, solamente su blindaje es muy inferior. Pero de todas formas, al ser el TAM un cazatanques y tener mucha mayor movilidad y ayudas tecnologicas, puede perfectamente contra un Leopard, sin mencionar la alta capacidad de penetración de la munición israelí que utilizan. El blindaje es cosa del pasado... actualmente el que dispara primero es el vencedor, si de todas formas la munición actual (sin mencionar los drones) puede batir cualquier objetivo independientemente del blindaje que posean.
@ulforcemegamon3094 Жыл бұрын
​@@mtsa5652 otra cosa es que el peso le juega en ventaja , al pesar tan poco el TAM puede usar los puentes que están en el país , un leopard es incapaz de hacer eso , por lo que en el territorio Argentino un TAM es *mucho* más móvil que un leopard
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