He is Not setting fighters in hope that the enemy cv will kill more of his mates. So he can kill more
@NomiosApollo4 күн бұрын
Which is really his only forebrain activity. He's not thinking at all about where players are trying to position when he's dropping. And he straight-up shouldn't even bother trying to use torpedoes. United States is by far the best ship in the game, and the most that can be said for this player is that he doesn't give up that edge. It's just not very thoughtful or technical play.
@F350Z Жыл бұрын
Each time i wanna reinstall wows i remember CVs and subs are there, keeping me from doing so
@YahagiVonBismarck Жыл бұрын
So what?... this CV did so much damage still he lost lmao
@F350Z Жыл бұрын
@@YahagiVonBismarck It happens, sometimes no matter what the team still loses But you cannot deny that any competent CV player can make a huge impact at their team favor, moreover ruin the fun of other players getting farmed with massive dmg without even a possibility of striking back or at least dodging their attacks And subs, we don't even talk about that mistake, a gato or u-2501 appearing 2km in front of you taking a devstrike leaving basically unscathed, if not then requires about 4 asw strikes to sink, not thanks i'm having fun with other stuff rn
@larsisaksen Жыл бұрын
@@F350ZIf the enemy team plays as a team then a CV can't do much about them. It's only when the enemy team spreads out trying to solo everything a CV or a sub shines.
@F350Z Жыл бұрын
@@larsisaksen Playing as a team? That already is asking too much Random battles nowadays is either tryhards on their own farming for damage while others have no idea what's going on that's why a decent sub/cv user will be effective most of the time
@squidwarddiesel8462 Жыл бұрын
There's wolf pack 🐺 and sky Cancer 🛫
@Dmitryi-chelovek Жыл бұрын
Але !Гараж рахработчиков! С какого перепугу вы сильно понерфили на русском сервере Lesra эффективность авианосцев ?Поэтому мало кому хочется брать в бой авианосец. Ни урона,ни опыта ,ни фарма. Зато тут на WOWS вы тут хвастаетесь как круто хреначить на этом типе кораблей.