I do not speak chinese and yet this video was the best I have found so far anywhere on the internet, using automated AI translation I was able to follow everything in real time, in our schools what this video took 20 minutes to explain, would be spread over 6 months and not be understood in the end, it is a tragedy It doesn't take more than this video to explain, it's completely wasted time, how can anyone who has to learn hundreds of times slower ever be expected to do something great? That is why there are so few great mathematicians, the vast majority of humans will go through a school system that teaches barely anything, in a very slow way, so that they learned almost nothing and remember very little after 20 years of being in the school system... I am glad I found your channel and I will be watching all your other videos, at this efficiency, you could learn most courses combined in a few days
@minzeng5049 Жыл бұрын
how can u understood the video only by AI translation, u r smart guy
@scottdamien8395 Жыл бұрын
you are so smart
@张伟生 Жыл бұрын
So try your best to learn Chinese first, since it will be a effective tool for you to learn this sery of videos.
牛顿一直信神,他还是个炼金术师。牛顿出生在普世圣公宗的家庭,但他信基督教,至少30岁的时候就是个基督徒。这没啥奇怪的,其实现代科学早期就是从神学分支出来的,像遗传学祖师爷孟德尔就是天主教神职人员。那时候这帮人研究自然规律就是为了想方设法走得跟上帝再近一点,他们要看看上帝是怎样具体干预这个世界的。他们要探究明白上帝的干预手法,以此确凿无疑地证明上帝的存在。牛顿那个年代science这个词应该还没出现,那时候就叫自然哲学,以至于今天的博士学位Ph.D仍然是Doctor of Philosophy。不过这帮人研究来研究去,事情开始起了变化。起初人们以为万事万物都是在万知万能的上帝完美干预下才能被held together,但后来越来越多的自然规律被揭晓,人们逐渐意识到这些自然物都是自己就可以在一起愉快地玩耍,不需要任何外部智能的干预。上帝就完全从世界事务中隐退出去了。这其中自然包括人间,因此影响了当时的宗教思想。既然上帝不再处处干预人们的行为,本着权责对等的原则,人们也不再有借口将一些罪恶怪罪于上帝,而应当为自己的选择承担全部责任。上帝从世界事务中隐退得如此之快,以至于拿破仑拿着拉普拉斯的鸿篇巨著《天体运行》问他上帝在其中扮演什么角色的时候,拉普拉斯回答:“陛下,我不需要那个假设。”
Newton himself had said in a humble tone “If I have seen farther than any of my contemporaries, it’s because I am standing on the shoulders of giants. “ He is paying homage to his predecessors like Galileo, Kepler , Copernicus whose years of patient research lay the foundation for the future generation.