Apocalypse 罪狩りの聖女 Close youe eyes,keep silent (眼を閉じて 何も言わないで) Think about the reason you are born (あなたがなぜ生を受けたのか考えなさい) Look inward to learn the truth (真実を知るため、内側へ目を向けなさい) You're born to develop your soul (あなたはその魂を磨くため産まれて来た) Starry sky healed their minds (星空が、傷ついた彼らの心を癒してくれた) The blue sea wrapped them with a generous mind (この青い海は、大いなる慈悲を以て彼らを包み込んでくれた) Yet they repeat the same mistake many times (それなのに、人々は幾度となく同じ過ちを繰り返している――今も昔も) Losting their reason,like a beast (人々は、まるで獣のように理性を手放していく) The truth is only one (分かることは一つだけ) "As you sow,so shall you reap" (”蒔いた種は刈らなければならない――”) Swans sing before they die (白鳥たちが、唄をうたいながら死んでいく) Their songs resound throughout the sky (その音色は悲しく空に響き渡っていた) And I drop a rose petal down the sea of blood and tears I keep praying (そしてわたしは一片の薔薇の花弁を血と涙の海へと落とし、 祈り続けている) Why do you feel nothing ? (どうして何も感じないの?) Why do you injured one another ? (どうして人を傷つけるの?) Why? Aggressive culture of despotism (どうしてこんな野蛮な暴政がはびこるの?) Why? You never win the cursed war (こんなひどい争いに”勝利”なんてないのに、どうして争うの?) Do not you hear god's voice? (あの声が聞こえないの?) Without defiling my beautiful world (満ち足りていた世界の輪郭が失われていく) I feel myself change into something very frightening (自分自身が、何かとても恐ろしいものに変わっていくのを感じる) Glory Decline Delusion Arrogance Silence Anger Silence Madness (栄光 衰退 妄想 傲慢 沈黙 怒り 沈黙 狂気) Gluttony Wrath Pride Sloth Corruption Envy Lust Greed (暴食 憤怒 驕り 怠惰 堕落 嫉妬 色欲 貪欲 ――こんなにも、世界は罪悪に満ちている) Now the fire has burnt out (殲滅の炎は、もはや全てを焼き尽くした) And what is left is built of ice (その後に築かれる氷の世界) This sounds like heaven (その音色はまるで天国のよう) I vaguely hear a moan of pain It's a solemn note (わたしはただぼんやりと聴いていた 苦痛に呻く罪人の声が、荘厳な音色を紡ぐのを――)
TeirusuFX, I don't know who you are, or why you decided to start uploading this music, but I want to say thank you.
@Catzillator5 ай бұрын
2024 still loving this Tierusu!!
@NintendoGirl497 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: The person who sang this is actually the person who sung murmur twins. 3:40 This part sounds awesome..
@michikoo0985 жыл бұрын
Yuu Tokiwa
@hellatze10 жыл бұрын
wanna cry :'(
@hellatze9 жыл бұрын
after reading the story... mybe cry a little.
@SilencerXLR85 жыл бұрын
@@hellatze this has a written story?
@yoshisarethebomb5 жыл бұрын
@@SilencerXLR8 part of a series called "The Epic Of Zektbach"
@EmmettDoyleDDR4352 жыл бұрын
One time for me and not me. 😏
@michikoo0985 жыл бұрын
Hannes Ferrugia, The Holy Daughter.
@fushigiman1405 жыл бұрын
Apocalypse has two version Dirge of swans version and Memento mori version the different is Speeds of Rythm
@MysticMusic75811 жыл бұрын
This song is sad.
@EmmettDoyleDDR4354 жыл бұрын
me too. 😥🎵❤
@SilencerXLR85 жыл бұрын
I used to listen to this song Tripping balls on triple C's Now I am coming to the conclusion That this song is talking about our existence
@cocobacho5 жыл бұрын
Memento mori Recuerda que has de morir Remember that you'll die
@saintsinna12 жыл бұрын
Is it weird that I sort of agree with the lyrics?
@SilencerXLR812 жыл бұрын
listening to this song. high on ccc's Life is Magical
@Mon-uq1en5 жыл бұрын
Thánh ca nhật hay wa
@SilencerXLR812 жыл бұрын
nope not in the slightest. is it weird that i think song is trying to tell me the meaning of life in so many words and i think im to dense to figure it out?
@EmmettDoyleDDR4354 жыл бұрын
That song makes me feel lonely since I wish I was a character from True Tail by Allison Sribnick and Zachary Rich to me. 😥👻💀🎵🧸
@noinncampusulife735112 жыл бұрын
@musics4u8742 жыл бұрын
@SilencerXLR813 жыл бұрын
@fevimaster just curious and y do u say "of course not" as if its so wrong?
@石森藍4 жыл бұрын
@SilencerXLR813 жыл бұрын
@fevimaster you don't do drugs do u?
@hutch7824014 жыл бұрын
@DoomTay Tomosuke is a guy.
@904mappy37 жыл бұрын
just dance wii 3
@SilencerXLR812 жыл бұрын
im doin what this guy said he was doing right now Deal with it
@SilencerXLR813 жыл бұрын
@fevimaster but thats my favorite thing about this song T_T