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Naked Science

Naked Science

11 жыл бұрын

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Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare...
Does telepathy exist? Scientists have argued for years about the existence of telepathy, the claimed ability to transmit words or thoughts to another mind outside of the channels of the recognized senses. Sceptics insist that humans possess no such power, but fail to provide answers for many phenomena suggesting that direct transmission can, and does, take place. Now, we investigate this mysterious sixth sense and commissions new experiments to find an answer to this age-old question, does telepathy exist?
Unsubstantiated claims are not proof, so several experiments are conducted to put the phenomenon to the test. This includes exploring the telepathic connection that some twins claim to experience through a series of tests on one twin and recording the other twin's reaction, and a Ganzfeld test where a person in one room attempts to transmit mental pictures to another person in a different room.

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@Ostrichlegs111 3 жыл бұрын
Telepathy isn’t just “thoughts” it’s pure energy transfer. That’s what people don’t understand. It’s very fluid
@Msenlightened1 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been a therapist since 2002- In 2011 One of my clients was going through a really hard time with a break up and just really depressed- well 20min into the session I felt this overwhelming presence of LOVE beaming through every cell of my being and then there was an instant download into my mind.. (telepathic communication) I am a family member that has passed away and I am here to love and support him- so I asked him, do you have any family relatives that have passed away... There was silence for a minute and then he said yeah my dad- In that moment I was shown that we never stop existing and that we are truly magnificent beings ! Telepathy IS REAL!!
@josephreed8047 2 жыл бұрын
Thats strange. I happen to have those often like very often. Maybe you just really wanted to pick up on that one. Can I ask you if what you heard seemed more like natural reception or if it felt like you had to grasp for it such as you would while brainstorming was it silent and instant or was it said as you would hear a speaker? What emotions did it bring out or was it just exemplifying the ones you presently held?
@josephreed8047 2 жыл бұрын
I totaly skip videos on this subject just because I am capable and whats theorized barley touches how amazing we are but I still have yet to amass one claim anyones claim of actual communication telepathicly as every human does constantly with eachother from a deceased infact its been a subject lately off and on again what does the inner human say right before death to make this subject so interesteing you have to realize as a human your mind even not paying attention is able to predict what peble will shoot up off the road from a truck ahead of you and fly into your window and time it up with a funny joke if wanted its truly amazing, but still no after death sharings or even last moments some things we all respect too much or are covered up instantly by those who do respect them from someone unsensitive enough to try to share them as in they send the message but 100 others send a message at the same time interupting anything inteligable from being interpruted this is one truth I have seen is that most everyone is willing to cover up this aspect but basicaly nothing else in this auto correct type of fassion. Not speaking against your experience this is actualy just like the last goodbyes I am talking about the only few sorta things that I have heard in this realm are more like funny jokes to lighten the fact they are dying or especialy cussing ones self out for being so absent mindes and saying something like well shit I guess my lesser finaly put me down or whatever right befor geting hit by a car. I have let myself know this happens rather often but communication is so fast you must assume thats what they sent the area that actual is aware of the death and not what they sent to their loved ones its sorta a grace even those dying send to make others not feel so bad after all we could alp be more aware and it is scary to us all how uncareful our outwards physical self acts
@Msenlightened1 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephreed8047 I had no clue this experience was about to happen. Cause you must remember I was in the middle of a session working on my client... which puts me into a meditative state.... BUT right before this telepathic communication I felt this overwhelming loving beaming energy surge through every single cell in my body.
@Msenlightened1 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephreed8047 After that intense experience I started getting telepathic communication telling me to take photos of the sky... One time I was driving and was told telepathically to take a photo of the sky. I didn't see or hear anything- You look at the photo and there are tons of craft in the photo! Another time I was walking at the park and again was told to take a photo-And this boomerang looking craft is in the photo 2012 After those experiences I went looking for answers as to what that love was that beamed through my entire body! And I came across a few channelers and was just thinking how amazing it would be to fly in a craft with them. Well two nights later I went to sleep and I found myself in this oval room with three very tall beings! I was sitting on this seating that goes all around this oval room.. and I was looking into space and I saw this huge explosion then this mothership just appeared!!! Biggest thing ive ever seen! So I got goosebumps on my arms and went to look down and rub them and boom! I was back in my in bed. Knowing I was just on a craft with three ET beings! Its called Astral Travel. Feb 2017 I was driving home late one night and was fidgeting with my radio when I heard in my head ACCIDENT ACCIDENT - I looked up at the road and I was reaching an intersection and there was a car stopped in my entire lane. I knew I was gonna T bone this guy and I slammed on my breaks and turned my wheel over to the side and our tires maybe touched! That was my proof that we have spirit guides with us 24-7-
@Msenlightened1 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephreed8047 You have what very often? clients dead relatives communicating with you?
@michaelgardner4602 8 жыл бұрын
it happens naturally when you least expect it. when you try, you make it more difficult because you cloud your mind with other thoughts, clear your mind and it happens.
@SonOfTheDawn515 2 жыл бұрын
Can anyone provide evidence to support that claim?
@daniellebehan294 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I could talk to someone without hearing I'm crazy
@bringer-of-change 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Ya godda be open to it and surrender to it. It's more of a releasing and an opening up rather than a pushing and forcing of something. I've been working on it ever since I had it happen to me acouple times
@bringer-of-change 2 жыл бұрын
@@daniellebehan294 I know the feeling. The only way to prove it would be to master it to the point of being able to do it on command so that you can demonstrate it. Or you may wanna keep it hidden and use it to keep the advantage over others. 🤷‍♂️
@drewlawrence696 Жыл бұрын
Citation required.
@natalie8212 5 жыл бұрын
With everything they mentioned of twins, I can't believe they never mentioned the story of the " Jim Twins". Separated at birth and raised by different adoptive famies, both had similar interests, had given their pets the same names, each had married women named Linda, divorced, and remarried women named Betty. They smoked the same brand of cigarettes, named their sons the same name, and even built identical wooden benches around a tree in their yards. They discovered each other at the age of 39 or 40, having no knowledge of the other until one of them went delving into adoption records out of curiosity. Truly an amazing case.
@arthurallenbrown1305 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t find any video of these twins
@IllusionOF-Freedom 2 жыл бұрын
Lol ugly ass aliens
@alivevooo5577 Жыл бұрын
@@arthurallenbrown1305 i got so interested now , will watch this video and search them up , it's been 10 months , try to look more , maybe you'll find something new
@Ostrichlegs111 3 жыл бұрын
My brother and I have read each other’s minds through energy when we did DMT and we knew exactly what our energy was and what our thoughts were. Nothing was hidden anymore. We knew everything. Pure bliss. Absolute peace. We knew how to console each other
@daniellebehan294 2 жыл бұрын
@@fromorf6388 Oh my god ...I can hear what my family is thinking and saying from miles and miles away. This all started while on Adderall. When I saw you mention amphetamine I felt like someone could be experiencing or have had experienced the same thing. Please respond back even if you disagree, I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much
@Voyxerl.67777 Жыл бұрын
@@daniellebehan294 could you please tell me how ? like how can u read people's thoughts ..
@lezzman 7 жыл бұрын
1:25 Telepathic or not, trying to have a conversation with these two would drive me stark raving mad!
@keithliscott1020 5 жыл бұрын
lezzman But sex would be a blast.
@kendraanderson6818 5 жыл бұрын
;Its being smart enough to predict something before it happens. its not telepathy.
@spookyshadowhawk6776 5 жыл бұрын
Kendra Anderson I've often been walking in town and felt someone stareing at me from behind, turned and pointed at a window, seeing the person jump back in Surprise. If you stare at wild animals, it will spook them because they can feel it. This isn't uncommon, but how does it work? There is some kind of connection between living things we don't understand, for us, we only notice it when the feeling is so strong we pay attention to it. For wild animals, it puts them on alert and might save them from being eaten. DARPA has developed a Brain Computer Interface inplant that originally was to Control artificial arm's and legs for people crippled in combat or accidents that resulted in lost limbs or the person being paralysed. They can also use this inplant to Control Drones and Aircraft. Receiving Information from the Machines as images in their minds. They refer to the link as a telepathic iink, is it? Maybe a artificial telepathic link, like having a smartphone in your brain. One experiment years ago had Scientists watching the dreams of the test subject on a computer monitor. The Remolt Viewing worked but made people uncomfortable with it, because they couldn't prove how it worked. Either way, telepathic Control of machines is a reality, now they want to find a way to do it without the inplant, useing a external connection. So far these aren't as effective as the direct connection to the Brain. Government Cyborgs? It does seem they are going in that direction.
@kendraanderson6818 5 жыл бұрын
@@spookyshadowhawk6776 i havent read all of your comment yet but every can be explained logically in my option. Its a primal instinct feeling some one stare at you, we actually have neurons. The same as in your brain in your stomach. And something about' light partals.
@spookyshadowhawk6776 5 жыл бұрын
@@kendraanderson6818 Playing Risk I've rolled triple sixs on the dice up to 12 times in a row, doing this 4 times in a row is common. The only way to stop this from happening is to change the dice every time I roll them, if I roll the same dice several times, the triple sixs begin to happen too many times. Whether it's into a shoe box or across the floor, the same thing happens, unless it's a different set of dice every time. It's interesting, the dice are being affected whether they are bounced off a box or rolled 12' on the floor, no attempt to Control them, all subconscious. LoL, Hot Dice!
@stephenkholer4873 5 жыл бұрын
My wife and I are CONSTANTLY reading each others minds, and I don't mean something as cliche as we finish each other sentences. We can be completely quiet doing our own thing. We could even be in separate rooms of the house. We will not have said a word, and then I'll have a thought about going to see a movie, or going to a specific restaurant for dinner, and within seconds to a minute at most, she'll ask me "Do you want to go see a such and such movie?" or "Do you want to go to such and such restaurant for dinner?". I always respond with "Stop reading my mind!" We both get a good laugh. Now I know people could say, well, you guys like going to the movies or you guys like the same restaurants, but it happens ALL THE TIME.... multiple times a week. I'll say something that she was thinking, or she'll say something that I was thinking, and we never know whom was the receiver and whom was the transmitter, but it's eerie at how specific, and how well timed the thought to verbal communication is.
@bruceblake9942 5 жыл бұрын
You don't need to be twins for experiencing telepathic communication. Any loving couple could do so too. [Aussie in BC]
@pamjam6609 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, this is very true.
@BorisNoiseChannel 9 жыл бұрын
why do these tests (like those with the twin boys at the beginning) if they don't stand the test of science? ("they might have been not separated enough in that old house". Well; why didn't you deal with that on forehand?
@darrendorsun 9 жыл бұрын
They are retarded and want you to be too is why. Most people soak up this shit without question.
@BorisNoiseChannel 9 жыл бұрын
Sonny Loop maybe we're all born with it, but then most of us _unlearn_ it? Who can tell...who the bleep can tell.... (sigh)
@TheDarkDutchman 9 жыл бұрын
Boris B Well spoken Boris! Just wanted to type the same. :D Why do these scientific test to prove something and when something is found say its not scientifically proven enough.. wtf !@!
@BorisNoiseChannel 9 жыл бұрын
DarkDutchman that's not what i said, though.
@andylester4634 9 жыл бұрын
Exactly. They say the test wasn't in lab conditions and the boys might not have been far enough apart. Then why didn't they deal with that instead of doing the test and then saying this doesn't prove any thing.
@theresidentoxymoron 5 жыл бұрын
if you're gonna make your experiments, make sure you won't have any complaints on how you performed it after. it's like you purposely underdesigned everything so you could say it still leave some doubts.
@mikimiyazaki 5 жыл бұрын
@mikimiyazaki 5 жыл бұрын
"with great power comes great responsibility" Quote by :Drexel Munglin Bucerio
@ThuyTran-um3xh 4 жыл бұрын
I didn’t watch the whole document but based solely on your comment, I just want to say it’s a part of a research report to acknowledge the flaws and suggest on what could be better for future experiment.
@jordanpeters3746 7 жыл бұрын
Here's a practical use for telepathy: Follow someone of the opposite sex ... keep your distance if you're a guy (50 yards back), best to do it during the day when there's lots of people around - send an image of your naked body aimed at the small of their back. It's up to you to work out if they're reacting to you when they look behind them or change the way they walk.
@pingasucia7379 7 жыл бұрын
What was their reaction to you when you did this? Did they go blind?
@markoveselinovic4683 7 жыл бұрын
Pinga did you never had that awkward feeling that somebody is watching you?? I did and it was real...
@danielleking1171 7 жыл бұрын
@james-sy5js 3 жыл бұрын
@@pingasucia7379 yes they did go blind
@Menelik.videos 3 жыл бұрын
@jennifermcdonald5432 5 жыл бұрын
I think most people have a very basic level of telepathy, that stuff when you know someone is looking at you, ect. I also think we will be able to improve it very much, once we work out how to do so. I don’t think it’s paranormal, I think it’s just a normal sense we haven’t learnt to use yet
@jenuinejoneszenproductions8355 5 жыл бұрын
jennifer McDonald varying degrees of telepathy due to varying degrees of reduced corrosion of the sensory receptors. The more the residue imposed or removed, the more heightened your ability or experienced. I’m pre-cog. I feel, smell, see, reflect moods and personality traits of others. It’s horribly unnerving, and almost got me killed one time.
@IvanaXavierFanCRO 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you...thats my opinion as well 🙂
@adamrspears1981 8 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I hear music in my head. & when I turn the radio, the song is playing, cued up exactly with the song playing in my head. Telepathy is real.
@lissymarie232 6 жыл бұрын
this has been happening to me all the time lately. it's scaring me a little. i was driving the other day, thought, i wish i could hear brown eyed girl. turned on radio and the song was starting. then i thought, i want to hear you should be here - voila - turned station and it was on.
@purplehz97 5 жыл бұрын
This has happened to me several times. Is it possible we're picking up radio waves somehow?
@levitaedwards4249 5 жыл бұрын
Adam Spears same with me
@sarah-orionacres3595 5 жыл бұрын
Law of attraction too.
@jeanetteyork2582 5 жыл бұрын
How do you distinguish this from coincidence?
@michaelpaoneofficial 10 жыл бұрын
It's sad that they take this perspective. Instead of opening up people to new possibilities and capacities, they remain trapped in a worldview that came online hundreds of years ago (the scientific paradigm). Human evolution moves on, sadly, some will be left in the dust.
@SuperGhostuk 10 жыл бұрын
I do agree with you 100% as for opening up new possibilities. Sadly "Evolution" doesn't work that way for example we evolved flexible legs for hunting and thumbs to grip on to tools etc. But Telepathy?!?!? there is nothing in this day and age that would naturally require us to develop such a thing (if it is real) to survive. That is how evolution works, you don't evolve something just for a laugh or to look in to someone's mind. Then again not saying it doesn't exist but if it does then it would most likely be an unnatural mutation. But hey science is all about discovery :)
@SuperGhostuk 10 жыл бұрын
Me thinks Mr Darwin would disagree with you (i.e. the dude that looks a tad 1800's Santa that discovered evolution lol) to a point. Essentially you don't necessarily evolve things randomly, you evolve them out of necessity i.e. we have arms and legs because we were hunters etc. It wasn't per chance that we became such a successful species. Best example is breeds of dogs as they are evolved for very specific purposes such as hunting for certain animals etc. in certain climates.
@michaelpaoneofficial 10 жыл бұрын
SuperGhostuk I'm thinking more of psychological, mental, and spiritual evolution. On a physical level, I'm sure we'll be able to intervene with that in interesting ways through genetic manipulation and cybernetics soon enough. But there are dimensions of reality that we are infants in picking up on. The tricky part is, they may not be visible to the senses or our instruments. We have to use interior tools such as our introspection and subtle senses which need to be fine tuned through meditation and practice and adopting new worldviews and intellectual paradigms.
@SuperGhostuk 10 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with most of what you are saying, although looking in to ourselves and senses just pretty much asks why do we feel the way we do, which scientists would explain through how actions create memories and from that actions and memories the brain creates different hormones. But all in all I do agree with you. We are mere cavemen when it comes to advanced science and for all we know everything we know could be wrong.
@michaelpaoneofficial 10 жыл бұрын
SuperGhostuk Definitely. Check out: Michael Talbot - Part 1 Complete- Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe - Thinking Allowed.
@bris1tol 9 жыл бұрын
Plato-Leibniz as the mediator of Language Acquisition, Telepathy, and the Zeitgeist Some common points of interest: 1) The zeitgeist of thought. One of the most remarkable things I learned at college was from a course, using Randall's text, of the intellectual history of the west, in which I found a remarkable commonality and contemporaneity of thought in the western world, spread across various countries, which spoke different languages and during less travelled times. The Renaissance, for example, occurred in europe, england and scotland at about the same time. There seemed to be one history of the west, with a common zeitgeist. The very appearance of that word due to its recognition ccurred before this age of rapid communication. 2) Music. The same is also historically true of music. For example, Bach (in Germany) and Vivaldi (in Venice) were contemporaries in the 18th century and never met. But if you listen to the transcriptions for organ Bach made of a number of Vivaldi's music (and I am a life-long lover of Bach's music), you cannot tell if Bach had not composed them himself. 3) Art, I am less of a student of art than music, but an examination of the history art of the west shows that it follows a similar pattern spread across a number of countries. Granted that much of this art was first supported by the christian church and later by the aristocracy, so that their subject matter was so influenced, There are similarities in style, contemporaneously spread across many countries by different artists, not many of which saw each others' work. 4) Language Acquisition. It is remarkable how readily children acquire language, especially notable in mandarin, in which there are three different but unaccountably related versions: a) The written form, which admittedly are based on pictoral symbols, but which seem at least to me to be not readily recognized as to their identity , b) the spoken version, which is much more complex than that of tongue, english, since it is tonal (with four versions) and tends to produce musicians which have a higher percentage of perfect pitch than their western counterparts, and c) the meaning of the symbols, which are not as context-free as in english. The beauty of chinese poety comes from this disperssion of meaning. So the task to learn 1000 basic words in mandarin , which would be a minimum, would be roughly equivalent to a) learning the faces of all of the people of a small town like Earlville, NY, which has a population of 853, b) what their names are and c) something else, like where they live, friend or foe, etc. The list is essentially large.. This task may have been studied as a feature of brain development in Chinese children, perhaps among the most advanced in the world, and indicative of the superior intelligence of chinese and other asian children.. This of course would be produced by the complexity of the language, but the source of the brain complexity would have to come from its being used, and since the brain does not have any intelligence on its own, this would have to come from its master, mind. And mind's master, Plato's Mind. No doubt because current neuroscience believes that the brain controls the mind, not the reserve as in Plato-Leibniz (where indeed mind plays the brain like a violin), this seems to be a mystery tio current researchers. Thus we have from Chomsky's correct diagnosis of, but so far unattained, solution to this puzzle: “Skinner's behaviourist idea was strongly attacked by Noam Chomsky in a review article in 1959, calling it "largely mythology" and a "serious delusion".[8] Chomsky believed Skinner failed to account for the central role of syntactic knowledge in language competence. Chomsky also rejected the term "learning," which Skinner used to claim that children "learn" language through operant conditioning.[9] Instead, Chomsky argued for a mathematical approach to language acquisition, based on a study of syntax. “ 5) Telepathy. Telepathy is the reading of thoughts (mind-reading) form other individuals or prediction of events, such as deliverance of random symbols without any direct public communication. A related idea is that of influencing events by intent (the Leibniz term for thought). And of course there is prayer. All of this of course could be a myth, but it has been shown to have some credibility from research tests, and especially J B Rhine and Lynne McTaggart's in her fairly recent book, “The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World” (1908). Here I am again in danger of being called a quack by the establishment, but my response is that anyone who calls me a quack without a logical reason, providing he does not reject Plato-Leibniz, who are thoroughly logical, is himself a quack. There, I've said it. At least I can give a rational response to these issues, this being from from Plato-Leibniz. [ See my Leibniz site:] The role of Plato-Leibniz in these effects The role of Plato-Leibniz in these effects is, as usual, dual, that of Plato and that of Leibniz. In Plato-Leibniz, Plato's Mind is the mind of all thought. Yours, mind, and that which moves the stars. Leibniz supplies the correspondents (the populace) of Mind t(which is the Monarch of the universe), being the monads. Mind knows everythingh and continually monitors all of monads of the universe, some of which are events, some of which are individual minds. It reports these results back to each monad in the universe according to its standpoint, in a periodic, indexed fashion, not continuously, since Mind is timeless. As we have reported elsewhere, the monadology of Mind is thus holographic, with each monad representing a respective holographic element. In addition to reflections from each monad, Mind also contains, though individual minds, what we have called intendeds (following Meinong's idea). These do not have associated physical bodies, so are not monads, We can simply think of them as thoughts or images. So Mind can report these thoughts or intendeds of others back to all minds. But like perceptions, which when first perceived, are unconscious and not made conscious until intended or reflected on (apperceived, to use Leibniz's term), these thoughts are simply part of our unconscious sea of petite “perceptions”. At this point I pause to gather up all of the above points into a bundle and throw them as unconscious intendeds into the sea of the unconscious. Thus all of the information of present and past is potentially availabe to all. It is important to note at this point that Plato also remarks that Memory keeps all thoughts and so forth in Memory, which we can also refer to as the a priori. And continue by referring back to Leibniz's dictum that all perceptions are at first unconscious and remain so (are in our person memory) until with time they face, as Hume and Locke say. We can recall these (make them conscious as Leibniz's apperceptions) from memory if we have the ability (intelligence I suppose) to do so, by reflecting on them, keeping in mind that these memjories are also present in the universal Memory of Plato. Plato in fact said that all wisdom is recovered memory. In one of his dialogs he educes basic philosophy from an untutored boy. Part of this recalling is by interest in the subject, which causes us to think about a subject.. Thus philosopher share philosophical thought, the artist, artistic thoughts, children find their language, already in common use elsewhere, from that source, and so-called mind-readers read the thoughts of others through the Platonic communcation channel. -- Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000). See my Leibniz site: For personal messages use
@jheanellebrown9094 5 жыл бұрын
did anyone watch this and tried to communicate with their soulmate?
@bobthompson4319 4 жыл бұрын
shes all it made me think of. lol
@mr.meeseeks2060 4 жыл бұрын
No just you weirdo... Nice last name btw.
@Yeshuahamashiac 4 жыл бұрын
I did😂😂😂
@Cliffworks 4 жыл бұрын
Its when they talk back, that one should be concerned.
@jheanellebrown9094 4 жыл бұрын
@@Cliffworks lol
@anthonysam7741 10 жыл бұрын
Being a telepath is a curse. A person learns quickly... Not to share others thoughts aloud.
@Living_Connectedness 4 жыл бұрын
Wish I'd learned that by now... I'm still ignorant that I'm doing it. I always finish people's thoughts before they've begun saying what they were going to say, and it's not a good thing, they think I'm rude or weird. I need to just listen, even if I know what they are going to say, let them SAY it.
@adonaiorion 4 жыл бұрын
Curse is crack - eternal slaves. If you see talent as curse it's because you are egotistically managing it or are not aware of your actual purpose. Why advancing things are not for everyone.
@mookjones2375 4 жыл бұрын
@@Living_Connectedness hey If I become telepathic will I be able to know my opponents moves?
@rockchilliad905 4 жыл бұрын
@@mookjones2375 kinda
@Living_Connectedness 4 жыл бұрын
@@mookjones2375 I was going to say "if only it worked like that" but actually... Yes, kind of 😉 Whenever I play "go fish" I know what cards the other player has, as long as they repeat it in their mind.
@michaelatkinson1949 8 жыл бұрын
shit im a twin and when i brother got into a car crash i didn't feel shit.
@dunmegatate7478 8 жыл бұрын
Were you in the car w/ him?
@michaelatkinson1949 8 жыл бұрын
no i was somewhere else, the accident was bad but he wasn't hurt.
@MrUnattainable 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Atkinson well if he wasn't hurt, could that explain why u didn't feel anything? lol
@dunmegatate7478 8 жыл бұрын
MrUnattainable Classic, lol
@dunmegatate7478 8 жыл бұрын
I guess, shit, idk
@MySpace662 9 жыл бұрын
Telepathy with twins is like how telecommunication works till there is a break in the line. In the twins if one of them is in danger or sorrow, the other one can sense the break in the line.
@tinglesrosyrupeeland 2 жыл бұрын
those twins at the beginning....oh my god I can't imagine being that physically affectionate with a sibling
@jordanpeters3746 8 жыл бұрын
My grandmother had two sets of identical twins ... my father was a twin, so were my aunts. I grew up in a family where telepathy was an accepted fact. I experience telepathy on a daily basis. I also observe that everybody is telepathic .... but most people seem to blot out their experiences because telepathy is not psrt of their understanding of how things work. Communication between mothers and babies involves a lot of telepathy .... although most mothers are not conciously aware of this. One of Britain's most senior psychiatrists declared that: Telepathy is impossible! All people who think that they have telepathic experiences are mentally ill.
@armandonava8891 8 жыл бұрын
Why are you here if you aren't remotely interested in the art that is also an imperfectable science.
@JaCeLyN1431 7 жыл бұрын
Is there a way to learn or improve telepathy skills?
@duniazaddenna9627 7 жыл бұрын
so telepathy briefly is communication between people without words.... right!!!!!!
@twombonu 7 жыл бұрын
@joshtubbs2301 7 жыл бұрын
you are ignorant to this idea just keep looking you will find it to be true
@theflyingcatz 9 жыл бұрын
Reading the comments I really felt like people were being sarcastic. They aren't. Are they? Fuck.
@ares3052 4 жыл бұрын
The whole documentary: we can’t be certain
@lalad.934 5 жыл бұрын
Well I can read people's minds. I didn't understand this when I was younger but now as an adult I understand it even tho it scares me sometimes. If I'm next to someone I can actually pick up what they are thinking or what they are about to say to me before they say it 💁 It might sound crazy but it's actually true.
@JS-rd3hf 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. Not always necessarily accurate to a tee yet stunningly detailed.
@heartbreakandmotorjive1867 2 жыл бұрын
I've had a few experiences. Mostly between ages 10 and 30. I hear the person talking in their voice and respond accordingly only to be met with a "why did you say that" or something similar, to which I would respond because you said "X" for them to say "no I didn't, but I was thinking it". I can think of 3 times this happened. Pretty weird. Nothing ever of any importance. Just an anomaly to scratch my head thinking about occasionally.
@TheBangersnSmash 9 жыл бұрын
As a mechanical engineer i used to think Telepathy was just crazy stories. But over many years i realized that the brain works on tiny electrical pulses. So i think it could be possible to receive some sort of short range radio type transmissions from one brain to another.
@emgregory528 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting how in the beginning of the video they showed the twins walking on the corner of NYC which is named Nikola Tesla s corner. Coincidence?
@clivewells1736 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but no. Did you listen to the first twins communicating 10,000 miles apart?
@mcd4039 Ай бұрын
@@clivewells1736its true u can be close or far apart and i can almost tell, the ones who have passed on, they also communicate in such a way of telepathy. Its strange but also comforting and hard to explain if one has never experienced it
@KangJangkrik 7 жыл бұрын
6:16 did she said telepathy through dream?? wew, they can connect their dream just like LAN multiplayer :D that's kinda fun..
@kipkiruikorir6142 2 жыл бұрын
One twin was involved in an accident and died, the other twin collapsed at home and died same time in Kenya. It was reported in the newspaper.
@missvic659 5 жыл бұрын
My roommate was dog sitting for a month, she took the dog to a dog park a couple of times and one time, after they got back she said the dog ran away. She obsessed over the dog for a few days, then she went to clean out the car and I went into the house, I sat at my desk and started to do something and when I closed my eyes and saw a vision of a dead animal curled up in an odd shape, I shook my head to rid myself of the picture in my mind, and opened my eyes to shake it off. At that moment I heard my roommate scream my name. Not thinking about the vision I ran out side, to see why she screamed. Once outside I saw her holding the dog in the same position as the vision I had seen inside, the black dog with it's neck twisted and it's head at it's chest! She said she found the dog in the back of her car, with it's head on the floor. To me, it seemed I got the image from her, in the shock of the moment she found the dog! And that was not the only time that kind of thing has happened to me.
@tannerroberts8285 6 жыл бұрын
Like a cellphones ability to take waves out of the air and turn it into a code that becomes an image or a sound, I wouldn't be afraid to wonder if our brains couldn't do something similar to that. A smartphone is a computer, seemingly doing incredible things no doubt, but what if we were to compare it to what we know about our brain. The eyes receive light, an informational field of frequencies, and the information travels through the optic nerve to our brain where it then gets processed and arranged into an image. Sound, an informational field of frequencies, hits the nerves in our ear and the information gets sent to the brain where it gets processed and arranged into sound. A phone can take a picture, store the data, and display it over and over again. You should be able to look at something, remember what it looks like, see it in your mind later and be able to describe what it looked like. That to me explains why a camera and an eye, a microphone and an ear, ways of processing information used by both a smartphone and our brains could open a path of inquiries on other ways of receiving and processing information. A smartphone can receive already processed information from outside sources over long distances, can an even more powerful computer with components we don't understand yet be able to do the same thing? Finally, if concrete evidence is found by the scientific community that supports such a theory and declares it to be fact, what else could it do? Maybe reality is like our imagination, limitless.
@johnbroomhead1039 4 жыл бұрын
If we went back in time 200 years with a cellular phone we would b burnt at the steak chops anyone
@horspirit5670 7 жыл бұрын
Yes telepathy is real, you can feel it coming from a region in the back of your brain. I had a rough beginning and it was a survival gift. Faded away when we were adopted but occasionally comes and goes in times of high stress. I want to learn more about how it works, but that probably won't happen until I'm on my deathbed.
@daniellebehan294 2 жыл бұрын
the strongest/worst is in high times of stress. I'm glad you said that.
@wezilla21 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! When it first started I had a headache in the back of my head. Like it was growing the capacity to do telepathy. Now it's permanent and no more headaches. I talk with a few individuals but I can't control it so we have our ups and downs with it. I wish there was a way to shut it off
@RaptureHead1993 2 жыл бұрын
@@wezilla21 find a shaman.
@James-lo4tk Жыл бұрын
@@wezilla21hello I struggle with the same problem!
@bobreidel1589 10 жыл бұрын
if you want to do a practical experiment..........just concentrate on an individual who is calm and unaware of your looking at them. from behind . after a short period, seconds to a minute, that person will almost always turn around and look at you. try it at libraries , churches, etc. i usually do this at quiet parties. always freaks out the nonbelievers. telepathy is a manifestation of the transfer of electromagnetic energy. have fun learning how instead of being ignorant.
@nervozaur 5 жыл бұрын
And not once you stopped to think that it could be all sorts of indicators from the environment, like footsteps, or faint sounds, or lack of sounds, gusts of wind, smells, you have no idea how many inputs your brain collects every second. You're not aware of it, most of it gets processed by your subconscious, and only very little gets passed forward to your conscious mind. But if you want to live your life believing in fairy tales and mystic voodoo, be my guest, I won't stop you. And just so you know, you're the ignorant one instead. Have fun with that. :)
@elisavetmist3752 5 жыл бұрын
Mihai-Ciprian Ghilinta, one of the purest forms of ignorance is actually the act of trying to say something without having absolutely any experience on the subject. Therefore it's a fact that you are the ignorant here. I see you're going on comment-after-comment trying to push your poor opinion, that's more than childish, not just ignorant. I have had some experiences in my life that can only be explained through telepathy, no matter how it works, it's a fact for me that it exists (and actually there are some scientific explanations and also research papers). It's really bothering me seeing ignorant people like you. You remind me of medieval-period people who would burn one alive for a different opinion, because of their extreme "cognitive dissonance".
@rishijai 5 жыл бұрын
yeah because he saw your shadow
@michealdavis9884 5 жыл бұрын
Yes I think electomagnetic force is the key to many phenomanon.
@atlasadonis3752 5 жыл бұрын
EMS 76 lmao
@fkgabbana 10 жыл бұрын
The first set of twins are experiencing empathy. I don't mean typical empathy but the ability of extremely sensitive ability of "empaths" which is considered a psychic ability. (Google it if you want to know more!) I believe I am empathic (being empathic is one of the most common abilities that we don't typically recognize) as people's emotions I don't even know seem to invade my being beyond my control. And it is very irritating most of the time.
@SmoofthSailing 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah im somewhat like this, and agreed its very annoying. I always know by instinct what someone is feeling/generally thinking when they are around me, without needing to look at them or have a conversation
@Bepmimfunga 10 жыл бұрын
luke doyle Is it something you believe because you can prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt or is it something you believe because it makes you feel extraordinary and good about yourself?
@ajhproductions2347 5 жыл бұрын
I thought I was the only one...all my life I’ve been trying to “tune out” all the noise and pain I feel from others. It can be crippling at times.
@karinbarger9192 5 жыл бұрын
And it is especially painful and debilitating these days. I try to keep sending out thoughts of love and tolerance, kindness and hope. So many are hurting
@Giveupbit 8 жыл бұрын
Two twins in my school has telepathy one could be on the opposite side of the school get hurt and the other twin runs in about 5 mins later to make sure the other is ok and then the say they felt same pain in the same area.
@summit9681 9 жыл бұрын
I am not a twin, but had many dreams which have instantly told me the state of my close friend's emotions at the time or predictions of an even that have or will take place that affect me personally from a tenant having stolen from items from my rental property to temperature changes to meeting and having verbal exchanges with people for the first time in far away places. I believe it is just a matter of time before we learn how to consciously choose and channel these kind of experiences. If ever you have seen the IMAX film Hubble, it really puts into context the size of our planet in comparison to the vast universes that surround it. Perspective changes completely and one realizes that we are on the same planet in this vastness. Whether in China or Ontario, we are in closer proximity to each other. We simply haven't fully reached our potential where telepathy is concerned, but it's coming.
@Cortexion 9 жыл бұрын
you had a dream therefor you know everything about everyone... wow
@gemkrause 9 жыл бұрын
i am not alone O.O omg, pm meeeee! ive been looking for someone with same experiences as im having for 4 years now!
@Elkagor 9 жыл бұрын
Gem Teng Me too. In last 11 years I have had about 40 "prophetic" dreams in which I experienced some moments or events of my own future or reactions and thoughts of some people regarding some important events. And my mummy has had such dreams during her life even much more, some of them unbelievably precise. Many people have (although still only minority).
@RobertMcPhalen 9 жыл бұрын
Perspective changes everything. Google "the Parallax effect". Then look into the research done at the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory (part of Stanford Research Institute); the Laboratories for Fundamental Research; Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab; the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences; the work of Dean Radin & Jessica Uts. The existence of telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, prestimulous response etc. has been validated over and over and over - over a period of 30 years at just about every single major university. It's not even debatable any more & anyone who refuses to believe in it is simply choosing to deliberately ignore the evidence because they don't "like" it. I can think of a variety of reasons why people don't "like" the existence of precognition or telepathy - they are pedophiles and scared that people will find out the truth about them; or murderers and scared that people will find out the truth about them; or liars and scared that people will find out the truth about them - either way, it's always based on a personal fear that people will find out the truth about you. Some people can't handle the existence of such phenomena so they will attempt to debunk it as a preemptive defense mechanism - simply out of fear of being "found out". Just imagine if mankind one day reached a point in it's evolution - a "critical mass" you might call it - where every single person suddenly attained the ability to read minds clearly and concisely. It would be just like the "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast - there would be so many people that wouldn't be able to handle the reality of telepathy... they would be jumping out of windows and committing suicide due to their fear of being "found out". Sorry if I've depleted your cranium! :P The truth is out there - all you have to do is look for it. Look into "Hemi-Sync and Remote Viewing" (on KZbin)
@mr.n476 2 жыл бұрын
Why do they have to make both the twins looked like a psycho serial killers walking side by side together in this documentary? Can't finish the video bcs of how creepy it looked
@Cluless02 8 жыл бұрын
I still have pretty serious doubts. One occurrence I do remember though. My brother and OD's on some kind of drugs - this was back in the late 60's and my mom in California received a call from her aunt in Utah late at night and her aunt immediately asked "what's wrong with Roger?" No one in our family believed in telepathy but after that call at a critical moment when my brother was dangerously close to death. I guess we shall never know.
@DAVIDPETERS12C 8 жыл бұрын
I live in St. Louis. I twice heard my girlfriend's voice when she was in Dallas, 600 miles away. I called each time and confirmed that she said what she said. Once the voice came from the middle of the room. The other time the voice came through the pillow I had my left ear on. What she said was completely inconsequential... closer to silly. As if someone in another dimension made it happen for those moments and that someone had a sense of humor.
@kyleking3153 3 жыл бұрын
Its coming from in your head but it seems like its not. Your lucky it stopped The people im connected with never stops. Every thought desire not private. All day everyday yo. But I believe u. I just feel like a freak and im alone in my kind of severe psychic case
@keyboardwarrior3346 7 жыл бұрын
I can make someone feel uncomfortable or make them talk about me without saying one word or looking in their direction.
@jetsetter8541 3 жыл бұрын
Telepathy works on the same principle as radio waves. Brain is capable of generating electromagnetic fields tuning up to the frequency of specific individual, just like radio dial on receiver one can tune in or as the transmitter adjustable frequency of waves to the person who is anticipating the message. Advanced Yogis use it like we use walkie talkie. The interesting thing is the range, distance these waves can be perceived, it is supposedly around the whole globe . The practical application of telepathy can be very interesting.
@alibabasing6798 2 жыл бұрын
Did you got any disconnect method?? I am also facing problem
@deandeann1541 Жыл бұрын
If telepathy existed, at least in the form that most people imagine when they think of the word, it seems to me that there would be little to no privacy in our crowded world.
@Jayli0 10 жыл бұрын
It always caught my attention that something mysterious was going on when twins say the same thing at the same time during certain key moments.
@johnalfredreves2490 5 жыл бұрын
scientists probing on telepathy -and trying to quantify human experience. hell, we haven't even delved deeper on "quantum entanglement"! lolz
@MeatsackMiracle 6 жыл бұрын
I was married to a twin. We moved from SoCal to Reno, her sis still in SoCal. One eve my wife and sis were talking on the phone, then we went to sleep. I was awoken to my wife talking in her sleep, seemingly carrying on the convo they had on the phone earlier. After about 10 min it subsided and in the morning we were woken up by the phone ringing. It was her sister and they had carried on with the conversation they had when they were talking in their sleep. There were numerous other situations also. Although science may not be able to harness it, twin telepathy is a fact.
@SmoofthSailing 10 жыл бұрын
When I was younger and in thailand I broke my wrist skateboarding, my mother in england on the same day felt in her that something was deeply wrong and that I was in trouble, and that she needed to fly to thailand ASAP. She immediately went to the airport and slept there I guess, like with this show, that no matter what evidence is brought fourth, its considered simply coincidence. I dont see what evidence these guys are expecting since they seem to want physical evidence, when this could clearly be something non physical
@ajhproductions2347 5 жыл бұрын
“But can we draw any conclusions about telepathy from the tests? Probably not.” Then what was the point of taking part in them!? Because it was set up that way. They say telepathy is not real, but can telepathy be completely disproven? Not for me. And I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of others in here who’d agree.
@jeanetteyork2582 5 жыл бұрын
The challenge is not to disprove telepathy...but to prove or demonstrate it. What is the mechanism? What amplitudes, frequencies are involved? What power levels energize the signals? How does the brain interpret the signal...I mean physically? How does the whole process happen? If it's real, it's discoverable.
@GloxGlox-nl4cd Жыл бұрын
Recent studies suggest that mirror neurons may play a role in this type of phenomenon.
@scarlettsteele7999 3 жыл бұрын
I often experience something similar with my mother with whom I am extremely close to. We finish each other’s sentences have the same dreams, feel sympathy pains etc
@jlcaius5668 5 жыл бұрын
After seeing all they found, then hearing the final conclusion. I wonder to myself just how more advanced we would be in our understanding of the nature of everything if those guiding our science weren't such Mugles !
@silversunastrology 9 жыл бұрын
Thoughts and words are only the language for emotions and physical sensations. Telepathy is only a step away from empathy. I am planning to make a video about this.
@bethbartlett5692 6 жыл бұрын
Whackowitch Astrology Wise
@wiltuhoward8164 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. I'm an empath & I feel people around me energies. I knew my ex mother dad before he even knew. I felt it.
@jeanetteyork2582 5 жыл бұрын
You can make any number of videos. What evidence will you cite? That is, not what is presumed to be happening...but rather how it actually happens if it does. Radio signals have power, amplitude and frequency, for example. Please explain the mechanics or method of transmission in terms of physics that everyone can understand.
@moviestar995 3 ай бұрын
If you communicate mentally with people does that make you telepathic ? because i could. From my early twenties till mid/late twenties i've spoken with people using my mind. This was a fun way of talking, you could talk about anything. This gift was fun to have but olso, quite not. I mean i didn't had any privacy withing my own thoughts anymore when people knew what i was thinking. I could also tell my biggest secrets and blunders, sometimes accidentally. I don't know why sow many skeptics are so against the existence of telepathy.It's just mind to mind communication.I don't know about mind reading or hypnoses even. To me mind reading is not really communicating, seeing what others are seeing or knowing/feeling/sencing what's in someone else's mind.Thought transmission is treu telepathy but, also that comes in forms i believe. Telepathy along side Physics and music is also a universal language. It's a language everybody understands but, not everybody speaks.
@dreamsoftornadoes 8 жыл бұрын
Addendum: If a debunker, or an person conducting the experiment has a degree of doubt about the validity of the test, the debunker cancels out any evidence with their own frequency. The key is that the experiment has to be conducted with an "open mind".
@UnisonicAscension 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this interesting documentary. I do feel there is some substance to telepathy and it's good science is investigating this field.
@habalula15 8 жыл бұрын
im 1:28 seconds in and im NOT going any further
@mesnounou888 5 жыл бұрын
If the story of the two twin sisters was true she wouldn't say "oh really that's nice" cause she seems like it's the first time she heard this information and I dont think they wouldn't discuss this before if it happened
@i-evi-l 6 жыл бұрын
The single most stellar use of Remote Viewing was Ingo Swann's accurate description of volcanoes on a moon of Jupiter.
@dentonfender8872 10 жыл бұрын
("Spooky action at a distance". Albert Einstein) At the Quantum level telepathy is definitely possible. And if it is possible with the human brain, then it might be even simpler using a computer to detect distant events, actions, and places.
@zoki.to974 10 жыл бұрын
why do you think that computer is more capable than brain? just dont forget, brain invented computer not opposite
@dentonfender8872 10 жыл бұрын
Zo Mi Well of course we need to find out the exact mechanism that allows us to have instant knowledge of an event at a distance without direct knowledge. The Computer is much faster doing mathematical calculations than the human brain. The same may be true of Computers utilized to detect events at a distance in the presence and or the future. There are computer scientists that are utilizing the internet as a means to predict present and future events with some success. So far the success rate with humans is unclear at best. Some times it works, but many times it doesn't work. Once somebody discovers the algorithms needed to apply to the phenomenon, the computer can work 24/7 till it comes up with the best answer. With the human brain it is so far difficult to tell the difference between actual success and coincidence.
@zoki.to974 10 жыл бұрын
Denton Fender there is some people who can compute faster in their heads and give you result faster than you can type it in in computing device :) you are right, for majority of population, computers are much much faster. but i dont see solution for this subject to be done by computers. there is no way that computer can give you answer what i am looking at right now, he can give you list of the all possible things based on information where i am right now and possibility that i have in my surroundings all objects, persons and other stuff what is in database, but not exactly what. if you attach some sensors on my head and connect to the computer, then yes, he "can read my brain activity" and based on database may be able to determine exact object, letter, person i am looking at. but without predetermined database and signatures, computer will not be able to do that. take it this way, if you do not have camera in the living room, your tv in the bedroom cannot reproduce picture from living room. or computer cannot show you picture of next Ferrari model because all models till now are quite different, they have nothing in common. but again, it may be able to give you next Lamborghini model because all of them are very similar and they has a lot of common lines and already exist in database... same task, same object (car) but totally different results. your example of utilizing computers to get some predictions about human reactions are based on numbers, and are just lucky coincidence, if people are able to use computer for that kind of predictions, you will have huge amount of reach people who know exactly when to buy or sell some shares on stock market or to bet on right team every time... computer will never be able to tell you if some player tonight will make some stupid mistake what will cost team of victory. i dont know did you ever experienced that you was thinking about someone close to you, and in next couple of minutes receive call from that person? it happen to me often. coincidence? maybe, but its too often... you must to understand something about science and scientists, they dont like nothing what they cannot explain easy. its easier to claim that some events are coincidence than actual thing on what they dont have answer.... sorry for this short writing, but i bet you expected something like that, i send you trough telepathy all this so you are prepared :P
@dentonfender8872 10 жыл бұрын
Zo Mi Don't forget that the brain is a biological type of computer. We do not understand everything involved in how it works, but I think it is definitely a very complicated computational device based on a simple biological structure, just as the computer is today. I think the complication is in the information accrued in the biological structure as it lives in a particular environment. Genetic predisposition in its structure decides its direction of emphasis and what it does with any information accrued. A computer is only as good as the software programmed into its memory banks. The structure of the electronic computer is still evolving toward self consciousness. Some Scientists state that self consciousness is an illusion, but I'm not sure.
@nervozaur 5 жыл бұрын
"Zo Mi 4 years ago why do you think that computer is more capable than brain? just dont forget, brain invented computer not opposite" Yeah, I mean, I totally agree with you.. Just, off the top of your head, could you please tell me what 4395023 multiplied with 923092193 is? I'm sure you're better at this than a computer, we invented it after all.
@seektruthdiehard653 10 жыл бұрын
Ive had telepathic powers. Im now using medicine that stops it, it was getting annoying I am schizophrenic
@DAVIDPETERS12C 7 жыл бұрын
I heard my girlfriends voice from a point in the room while I was in St. Louis, she in Dallas. I called to confirm and she did so. Then it happened again when her voice came through my pillow. A call confirmed it. She was not sending, I just heard it. What she said was meaningless. I see this as an indication of a higher plane with someone 'up there' deciding to 'open the circuit' for a few seconds then closing off the contact. No other reason than to show it can happen.
@judymccoy5204 4 жыл бұрын
I don't like adds interrupting the program.
@inekemateman273 8 жыл бұрын
My father served in the military in 1939 in the Netherlands Indies, now called Indonesia. He was sleeping at the time he received a telepatic message his mother died in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Europe), stood right next to his bed! A few months later the message arrived by sea mail that his mother indeed died at that same time he received the telepatic message months before! I encountered the same when my mother died, only I was just a few miles away! Too bad we did not develop this kind of communication! The telephone won!
@yuls.2570 9 жыл бұрын
It´s true, but it usually happen with a person you love much.
@IvanaXavierFanCRO 3 жыл бұрын
Egzactly, because the energetic bond between people who love each other is the strongest...
@shredwarfare5446 3 жыл бұрын
I wake up in the middle of the night when I sense my dog is about to shit in the house
@Bean31600 3 жыл бұрын
Lol i needed a good chuckle thanks bro, bad dog haha
@natashachiware4882 3 жыл бұрын
I am currently suffering from people 😫 😪 watching me and reading my mind telepathically and im in sick and tired of these people doing this to me! How can I stop these people from watching me from a far and been able to hear my thought? My privacy is gone because of these people! I need them to stop ✋ 😩 😫 😪 its taking my energy and its making me depressed. I cant do anything because they will copy me. How can I stop this? Its been happening for years and I want it to stop!
@kerrykeaton4475 3 жыл бұрын
Hang in there. I’m going through the same right now. How I handle it? I just go with it. Surrender. Adjust to it. Imagine this new way of life like driving on a highway. Don’t hit the brake, keep your foot lightly on the gas. Any resistance will cause you to crash and hurt others. You and I, if there was a society, would be put in a category as a mutant. Like, X-Men. See, it’s up to you to look at it as a curse or a blessing/gift; right now, even myself included, the beginning when I actually was aware of my telepathic experience was horrible and very scary because I didn’t know how to control. But like with anything in life, being potty trained, eating, tying shoes, putting on clothes, bathing, driving a car takes repetition and focus to master those tasks. The reason why you and myself (at times) are “suffering” because we/you aren’t using it correctly. How to get better? Interact back with it. Start there. Anywho, take care. You got this Natasha. We got this.
@mrnutritionlife5396 8 жыл бұрын
all of us have some ability regarding telepathy. I often feel I'm being looked at from behind and when I check and look back I'm being stared at .
@nervozaur 5 жыл бұрын
Whoah, you must have superpowers! There's totally no other reasonable explanation other than something that's never been proven to exist before.
@michaelpapageorgious5053 5 жыл бұрын
actually they see you turning around peripherally and before you have time to see them they've already shifted their gaze at you. you must be pretty slow to think they were looking at you the whole time lol
@trudytru8224 5 жыл бұрын
If the one twin upstairs then he would of heard the plates drop and balloon pop its not a well thought out test really
@MaSsiVeGaming1 9 жыл бұрын
I had this telepathic experience with myself. So... I was asleep and all of a sudden I got this rumbling feeling in my guts, next thing I notice I'm awake in the bathroom taking a dump. It's unbelievable!
@pikachuu3842 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion it is a resonancing of our brain's frequency. The more similar their genetical, the more precise and better the resonance. You can see your guitar resonancing with another string if you tune it in the same frequency. Just the same with the two person that told to relax and having the same alpha frequency.
@antinwo3664 3 жыл бұрын
Amazingly correct ... .. ..
@wonka4 4 жыл бұрын
This doco totally proves telepathy for me. The polygraph, the anecdotes .. what else do we need? Sometimes we can be too gullible but at the same time sometimes we can be ridiculously skeptical.
@user-albertGramirez 5 ай бұрын
Where or who do I contact for those Test. I past polygraph. But my receiver betrayed me. My identity and opportunity’s is his game. I have a LONG DISTANCE FULL CONVERSATION 24/7 mind bond. Plus I past remote viewing Test on line. 4 letters.
@johnlaccohee-joslin2113 9 жыл бұрын
Maybe you remain unconvinced but then you started of as a sceptic. The information found during remote viewing for the government is as usual is not available to you or anyone else. However, the reason that this was started was not because of America was clever enough to think they could get information from Russia. The starter was the fact that America found that they themselves were being remote viewed, with extreme clearness by Russia, who to this day are way in front of America in a number of fields within this subject. Today tge practice is still ongoing even though the goverment of America completely deny the fact, and they do so in the curtain knowledge that they are being remote viewed, and records kept. If you want to know the truth about 9/11 ask the Russians who by thevway are a lot more open about the fact that they do it, not only to members of other countries but to their own people with the idea that it will encorage a more open mind and more posative research into the subject. I for one really do have to laugh at the American atitude towards the knowledge of the average person inthe world. America has spent the last twenty years intensionally dumbing down its populas, and it shows when the more unusual things come into conversation, the result is usually a dogged stick to what we have been told atitude. A very good example of this is indeed 9/11, even when the information before your eyes tells a different story. If you were to ask just abut any American, even the more educated ones, "What is the fastest thing we know of the answer would be light, when the correct answer is telepathy with a speed of infinity regardless of distance. The government know differnent in America where they too have remote viewed some of the planets, but the general public have not a clue about this, and many other things that the Average American has paid very hansomly for thecreal answers, and to date have nothing for their money. I would be the first to encarage the average American to start insisting on being told the truth, while at the same time to start reading factual books and educate themselves, a good pkace to start is with the properties of water?
@ismschism5176 9 жыл бұрын
+John Laccohee-Joslin Wondering how America has been able to make "not available" their use of remote viewing, by the same token, how do you know that America found that Russia was using remote viewing to find its secrets?
@vickielawson3114 6 жыл бұрын
The twins at the beginning, I was thinking, "yeah, I'm seeing some twins alright!"
@vickielawson3114 6 жыл бұрын
And why are they all over eachother?
@vi-xivix-v8931 4 жыл бұрын
Man, i swear people are so damn hard headed/stupidly skeptical, to the point where, it takes me back to when i read a verse in the bible where Jesus was preaching to his followers and he criticized them for hearing, but not believing til seeing, then seeing and not believing until actually done to them, to the point where you could see he was shocked by the ignorance, so much that, just by reading the words of his reaction, i could leterally feel his dismay, people are unsatisfiable, to the point where nothing you could do, say, show or teach, would be good enough 💯💯💯
@EileenMachida 9 жыл бұрын
I doubt if one could design an experiment that would satisfy these people. It is easy to say coincidence and pick out the one or two things that don't match. I lived in the Bay Area for 15 years and from the photos could not identify that she was at the Dumbarton Bridge. Just like other science, you pick and choose what you consider important without getting the whole picture. To me, it is significant that the colleage matched the sketches with her photos without knowing in advance where she was going. Perhaps the most telling was when he successfully identified the overpass that was above the road to the shore. Thumbs down for Naked Science.
@ausendundeinenacht1 8 жыл бұрын
+Eileen Machida Naw i agree with naked Science here Reminded me of sth I witnessed once I was in my twenties A Girl from the Uk had invited me in Bristol it was, to accompany her to a seance All the ppl in that church communed at some stage with that female medium, all seemed to rejoice in her bringing them in contact with their loved But Gone Ones To one girl the medium even said she wondered whether she d had an an abortion once.. Confirmed ; with graet astonishment, by said girl;; statistically not all that improbable though , ey? When it was FINALLY my turn with the medium, she turned away and went I think she was the most experienced and gifted psychologist the medium For instance she knew somehow she couldn t ve fooled me even as a young one I was to sceptical...* So i think it s the same strategy with this Mc Mullin guy And i also think he s done it deliberately:::::
@jeanetteyork2582 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe he had prior knowledge of the overpass and/or sign. A well designed experiment is easy to perform...but the largest question in the idea of telepathy is: how is it transmitted? What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is involved? What amplitudes, power and frequencies?
@HeyBusterLuke 4 жыл бұрын
1:27 A cow, in the outback? Their little story smells of cowshit already
@mr.meeseeks2060 4 жыл бұрын
Says the guy who's never left his parents basement XD
@nicholastrice8750 5 жыл бұрын
Like many things in parapsychology I have had limited but nonetheless real experience with telepathy. My own experience, plus the many anecdotal reports (not all of which ought to be summarily dismissed as hoaxes or insanity) lead me to believe that telepathy is but one of many ESP capabilities that humans possess. The problem is, of course, that these phenomena aren't very amenable to scientific examinations in a laboratory setting. Hopefully we'll one day be able to seriously investigate these fascinating powers latent deep within the human brain, but until then we'll need to keep an open mind, and not let clickbait like this video lead us to dismiss all ideas of extrasensory perception and communication as the exclusive domain of liars and lunatics. One day I think we'll figure out how to rigorously study and even induce these experiences scientifically. Until then I guess I'll have to just dream of the possibilities. I don't know why even the suggestion of ESP being a reality is so beyond the pale for many people; our whole society tends to underestimate our mind and the depth of its secrets. The brain is extraordinarily powerful! We've barely even begun to understand it. Dismissing all ESP as charlatanism and stupidity, madness or a joke is hardly a very scientific way of looking at the question. Science is great, but dogmatic scientism can handicap progress by limiting the scope of acceptable inquiry. tl;dr keep an open mind y'all!
@flatlineheartbeat1851 8 жыл бұрын
I know this is true.My mom's mom was telepathic as well as her mom and me and my brother.My brothers wife had a bad car accident one day and before anyone was notified my brother called mom and said I feel like something bad has happened.Of course it was at the same time the accident happened. I had a similar incident when I was in middle school.There was this girl that went to the same school as me and I always thought something tragic would happen in her life but only when I heard a certain song on the radio.I don't remember the song but it had a link to my thought of this incident.I didn't know what the tragic event would be.I guess it was about six years or maybe more but her brother shot and killed two men over a comment made about his girlfriend at the time.It had haunted me ever since.These things don't happen because you want them to,they just happen without your knowledge.It baffles me still to this day.I am a skeptic about things unexplained unless I witness them personally.I know now it is real.
@wickedcha4202 4 жыл бұрын
Do you really wanna get into people's heads these days?
@adonaiorion 4 жыл бұрын
Wish to get out. That's more powerful.
@jackiehammond5231 5 жыл бұрын
Testa said when spirituality meets science we will go ahead in leaps and bounds !
@JBattler 4 жыл бұрын
I think science has to make the first move..spirituality has never doubted the validity of science, but science has always doubted anything it can't prove within its own blinkered limitations. Science says " if I can't see it, it doesn't exist".We have been experiencing these phenomenon for thousands of years and only studying them for a few hundred at most and with only one tool. You don't use the sharp end of an axe to pound in a use it differently or find a more appropriate tool...
@FOE_AM 4 жыл бұрын
So I felt when my father passed I grabbed my sleeping brother crying saying "you're okay you're ok"BALLLLING my eyes out with anxiety. also I'll be singing a random ass song and the radio will play that song almost every day (maybe not but almost honestly) it would happen and be such a random song. Like straight up random not even a common song or something I listen to commonly.
@wareyhattlonnvy967 6 жыл бұрын
It's real! I left my mother when I was 11, years old. I went to see her after 14, years. But before I did that I send her telepathic message saying that I was coming. When I saw her the first thing she said to me was. I had a dream you said that were coming. She said exactly what I said. Kept it to myself to this day. Telepathy is like phones,etc. any two human beings can communicate through telepathic means.
@brianwong3441 9 жыл бұрын
49:00, many brain spaceship flew across the screen.
@sasarg7609 8 жыл бұрын
my friend has twin daughters when they were 1 she had told me that one of them had fell an hit her head and the other twin was in a different room and she came out of the room rubbing her head.
@bradwhitham4115 7 жыл бұрын
"Spooky action at a distance" is not fiction. Einstein coined this phrase to belittle the hypothesis, which later was proven by experiment to be true. Read "Einsteins gloves / Bohr's card trick" to learn more.
@TranquilE3 9 жыл бұрын
I've had that stuff happen, exactly as he described. in meditation and in between sleep and awake... seen the entire room in a white-blue energy layout, against dark background. not in my mind, in clear vision. Like with my eyes, but they were shut. Ive seen this and astral projected many times.. What this guy is doing is just slipping into his etheric body while awake and lessening the physical body's input. thus the inky black... a the sudden flash of light is him going from his physical senses to his etheric body's vision.
@vinayseth1114 8 жыл бұрын
Damn science is pretty hard on these people lol.
@jeanetteyork2582 5 жыл бұрын
Is it "science" that's being hard on them...or the lack of evidence?
@ForeverRepublic 10 жыл бұрын
Yawn. "Takes bong hit"
@pastorgijon3872 8 жыл бұрын
the telepathy is real and because we have 7 amazing glands , the pineal gland located in the center of the brain also known as the third eye that has many other abilities to offer but only if you use it.
@DandSCreations 8 жыл бұрын
The reenactment where the twin smashed her face, I started laughing hysterically.
@merkurii3877 8 жыл бұрын
Same lol
@hanesbeef4429 8 жыл бұрын
While I think it is a great idea to examine things like telepathy with science instead of either rejecting it just by principle or only telling it exists, there is one big problem with this program: Why - the hell - do they claim to use scientific methods at the beginning of each episode - only to say these methods were "not scientific enough to proof anything" at the end of each episode? This does not make sense at all and is stupid! If they used real science, they would think about an experimental setup that would rule out concindence or other factors right from the beginning!
@theultimatereductionist7592 5 жыл бұрын
"hy - the hell - do they claim to use scientific methods at the beginning of each episode - only to say these methods were "not scientific enough to proof anything" at the end of each episode? This does not make sense at all and is stupid!" Because the bigger the more sensationalist the richer the media, the dumber the less scientific the media is.
@elmerjfapp5730 8 жыл бұрын
im only here cus i got the gift of telepathy nojoke :D
@elvispablo93 8 жыл бұрын
ive found out ive been telepathic for 5 months now and and so far i dont know how to control it yet if ir really one of us can u plz help me out??? that is if u have more experience than me and if ur forreal a telepath
@elvispablo93 8 жыл бұрын
+Joe f bruh I know ur just kidding but it's real and it's a nightmare for most I'm really telepathic...
@elmerjfapp5730 8 жыл бұрын
Elvis Pablo i am one. and im sorry i don't know much about using it either. its a difficult thing to interpret yet to explain also. i don't understand it for others. but from what i know for me its like having a idea in my head that just comes to me without warning or a reason why but i've had the opportunity to test it by sitting near 1 person and i could blurt out these things that come to me and they say thats exactly what they were thinking and i can do this quite a few times for a while but i've only been able to do this with a few people. its different for every one from what i know. try crystals. as stupid as it sounds a piece of crystal can help with psy skills but i've noticed amethyst has a effect for some reason. it well worth researching.
@Franco_City 8 жыл бұрын
+Elmer J Fapp lol i think youve been doing some CRYSTAL thats for sure....
@elmerjfapp5730 8 жыл бұрын
Franco Toma yhea cus all nut jobs on the internet are meth addicts and lying idiots and its that kind of thinking that doesn't let you open up your mind to accept new ideas and the possibilities you can behold. :D but its also the internet so what do you even care skeptic?
@veresnarancs 10 жыл бұрын
It can be very easy to check if it is a real connection between the two people or just a given reaction to subconsciously sensed phenomena around (does not apply eg. for the feeling of cold). Twins are always tested simultaneously. The tests first of all should be carried out separately to see if they are giving any reactions at all to the activities in the shown test. Then the research could continue. I think it should be also checked with people very closely bond to each other but not being relatives by blood. Comparism of the two groups also would answer a couple of questions
@IAmNumber49 5 жыл бұрын
Mom got a super natural power too...she automatically knows when i got money and when I'm broke 😂
@ianstockwell7632 7 жыл бұрын
You use telepathy without even realizing it just by looking at someone. Not with words more so like a sixth sense
@candilicious8146 7 жыл бұрын
I never used words to do it... telepathy must be nonverbal it's just more complicated to talk in words through telepathy, unnecessarily complex...
@princessesdontcry7028 3 жыл бұрын
Ainda bem q vc não é o único BR perdido aqui não é msm?😊
@theunpossiblefile 9 жыл бұрын
Recently a Charles Stross blog entry dealt loosely with telepathy. Like comments here, none came close to work-around methods of detecting thoughts that avoids quantum entanglement. Over stimulating the brain's verbal centers might enable thoughts to be picked up indirectly word for word at the vocal cords, the chest & breath. How do you affect the brain to produce that effect? Possibly by disrupting a persons REM sleep when young coupled later on with extreme total sleep deprivation. TSD for months. Impossible? Hardly. Using sound frequencies as weapons legalities are completely bypassed since sound is invisible and those few on the receiving end are never touched leaving no evidence. Victims aren't the usual suspects. Not activists, criminals, the insane, terrorists or whistleblowers. Everything is designed to be deniable exactly mimicing psychosis. IOW, not sf or even speculation. Speaking of Stross and deniability: In the recent movie Ex Machina, inventor (Oscar Isaac) has the short cut hair & long beard that makes him look suspiciously like an in-shape nerd/ non-nerd version of CS. The latest edition of Saturn's Children by CS has a female humanoid on the cover whose lattice-like "skin" looks the same as the "females" in the movie. (See CS on YT & clips from the movie) The fictional next step: When humanoids are achievable (2030's) the ability to upload a human consciousness might also be done for space travel. "Wasp ships" the size of cans with fully uploaded "crew" (Accelerando). "Light ships" traveling almost to the speed of light pushed by light or laser protons. In the book an indentured crew are "instances" of flesh and blood humans existing elsewhere powered by an accelerated BCI. Spielberg's movie "AI" depicts a "light" ship not even solid. The ship itself is an upload. Possibly an idea from Asimov. *Speaking of Asimov, his 1980's videos on greenhouse effects are enlightening. He was a writer & not a scientist but compare those videos to today's presidential candidates. The "I'm no scientist & even they can't agree" politicians running for the Republican nomination paying homage to certain conservatives with even more $ than they have.*
@MrLeighman 9 жыл бұрын
If you go thru life waiting for hard evidence from scientists about telepathy then you will most likely wait and wait and wait...better to do your own investigations: start by thinking about this seed and see if you can discern the feeling: have you ever been in say a public place and felt someone looking at you then looked up to find someone is looking at you?
@resignator 9 жыл бұрын
There is no way having a sub-conscience and peripheral vision or even coincidence could produce those results, right? Why dont you go out and buy a two way mirror and conduct this experiment yourself? Show the world indisputable proof of telepathy.
@TheCakeIsNotaVlog 10 жыл бұрын
Wait, why are all the sets of twins female?
@Mr.Possums 10 жыл бұрын
Because that's the dream.
@TheVariableConstant 10 жыл бұрын
The 2 young twins were male. The reason most were female is because of 2 things, one is society the other is biology. The right hemisphere of the brain is mainly responsible for telepathy, that is the same side which is heavily repressed in males by society through school and media. Which explains why the only twin subjects were very young.
@TheCakeIsNotaVlog 10 жыл бұрын
TheVariableConstant *is >believed to be< mainly responsible It remains unproven
@lodewijklangeweg742 10 жыл бұрын
Twins are known to have a more feeling connection, and feeling is more of a female thing. Successful telepathy experiences have also been done with long time married couples and mothers with their children, described in Dean Radins's book "Entangled Minds". The subjects were sometimes on different continents, In some experiences both subjects were hooked up to identical physical reaction measuring equipment but in different labs, and only one of the two saw and heard a sudden strong emotion evoking scene on a video screen, the other wouldn't. Yet also the latter would show to have a similar physical reaction at that same instant as the other had. Comparing the results of the two measuring equipment devices showed it clearly. It is known in physics that there exists a phenomenon called "quantum entanglement." One photon is split in two, and no matter how far away the two parts or quanta of light are from each other from that moment on, if the polarity of one of them is changed, instantaneously (simultaneously) the polarity of the other light particle is also changed to the same polarity. This was proven for the first time by a scientific team under the guidance of physicist Alain Aspect in 1982.
@TheCakeIsNotaVlog 10 жыл бұрын
Are there any other documents to back it up? The first part I mean, the book. I already know about the latter. CalTech have been doing experiments with experiments for a while now. I'm dubious that it has anything to do with telepathy personally
@64Magick 8 жыл бұрын
100% REAL.....................if you can get out of your way!! Your DENIAL, DISBELIEF, CLOSE-MINDED & JUDGEMENTAL behavior repels any and all connections. Emotions can work against you....or for you. EVERYTHING & ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE......even a Superman! EVERYTHING & ANYTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.......even Life!
@rezasorna 9 жыл бұрын
In this documentary they didn't manage to prove or reject telepathy with sound statistical methods. I think the director didn't have any background in scientific method and how we accept or reject claims in science.
@HansDunkelberg1 3 жыл бұрын
It now is becoming possible to measure the significance of such complex descriptions of what someone sees. You need a complicated algorithm, but it isn't much worse than the ones used in self-driving cars. On the one side, you need a catalogue of words for the language the clairvoyant uses, on the other a mathematical, non-verbal catalogue of qualities of objects and sceneries. These two catalogues have to be connected, on the basis of a strict protocol. Then you have to repeat such experiments often enough, and that is it. It will certainly work. McMoneagle describes his experience of recognizing the overpass credibly, at 28:39ff. His words feel exactly like an experience that is common for me when I recognize places I have dreamt of, without ever having seen them ordinarily. That you cannot explain such a process completely doesn't mean much. We also cannot explain how an electron or other subatomic particles should be imagined. We know bonds between sorts of input into the brain and effects of that input in our consciousness (for example, the color white resulting from pressure to the retina), but we do not know what consciousness, itself (here: seeing the white color), constitutes. The question what consciousness means is tackled much too little, anyway. Experiments like the ones here presented are an overdue advance to filling such a scandalous gap of our understanding of basic set-scenes of reality. A major reason why the work of Gregor Johann Mendel on heredity first wasn't widely appreciated, for many years, lay in the fact that Mendel described results of a process nothing was known about. Now every schoolboy tells you that genes are responsible for those results. Nevertheless, we still do not really understand genes. We accept rules of genetics as "explained" because we have subdivided them into so many little steps that it impresses us. You just would have to subdivide experiments like the ones on telepathy here presented similarly, to achieve a comparable recognition by the scientific world. When Mendel lived, people still widely assumed organisms to have been instantaneously created by God, a few millennia before Christ - in a 19th century many of us today would perceive as utterly superstitious and ridiculous. Against this background, it strikes you quite a bit how much we today still take our self-consciousness - things like souls within us - for granted, without wondering where it should come from. Our consciousness now begins to be more accurately divided into its components. Perhaps, in another fifty years thousands of psychologists will begin to systematically calculate it, simply as a mathematical formula like the genome. Then, its invisibility might cease to confuse us as much as it still is doing today. You then will probably obtain a matrix of consciousnesses and smallest set-scenes of consciousnesses just like you today have the periodic table of elements. That much achieved, you'll begin to forget about the question how a transfer of a bit of consciousness from one body to another might occur, just like you today do not ask what a magnetic field might be. You'll simply quantify such a transfer. Concerning the question what such an ability should be good for, an explanation would even appear as terribly simple. It's a huge advantage to be able to communicate in such a way. I often wonder how animals communicate, given their lack of speech, and I strongly assume they use telepathy much more than man. If there has ever developed but a slightest start of such an ability, that should have happened early on in evolution; we are dealing with such a basic enrichment that, say, at least all creatures with a brain should possess it. Once admitting this, you'll have to expect a high refinedness of the mechanism, and you'll have to expect it's constantly and everywhere influencing us. Of course, though, natural selection may also have ensured that only the one who earnestly attempts will be rewarded with a success.
@antinwo3664 3 жыл бұрын
Outstanding and amazing! Bravo! You are correct on an obvious line of thought even though you are IN the thick forest looking for the spelled word, seen only from an altitude, by looking for each individual letter to the word while not knowing the word but know that the letter's sizes are 100 feet long and yet you know where to look by the subtle differences of the landscape on a macro level and thus solve the problem. What is the word? ... .. ..
@HansDunkelberg1 3 жыл бұрын
​@@antinwo3664 The word will possess varying nuances, for every thinker. These nuances will concern aspects of the outer appearances of things, as well as feelings. Of course, there are several sorts of words - a conjunction is a basically different thing than a noun. This betrays that we must have some operating system, within ourselves, in which the several sorts of words are from the beginning demanded, as set-scenes in the functioning of a computer and of programs running on such a computer. Thanks to the differences of the landscape on a macro level being processed by such a machine, you'll be able to achieve a high conformity between the incarnations of words within the various brains, enabling for a usable identification. The macro level ensures that a rough estimate is made, providing you with a control mechanism. You can imagine it all in a fairly banal fashion. When McMoneagle sees the photograph of a person, he'll tap into some reservoir of consciousness hovering between people, in which individuals are categorized by their looks. Words involved in this process will be symbols for gender, the color of the hair, the shapes and expressions of the face, etc. Having identified who's in the picture, the clairvoyant, obviously, in some way develops the capacity to dive into that person's inner life. You can imagine the identification of the person like the determination of how an email address runs. The dive into the person's consciousness then equates to opening the email account, on a screen, possibly after having identified also a password. Apparently, the looks of people are unique enough to enable such a reliable identification. Mathematically, that's not a wonder, given the myriads of possibilities to vary the appearance of a face.
@antinwo3664 3 жыл бұрын
​@@HansDunkelberg1 ,,,, The single six letter word is the most powerful relative to a soul. It created the technological wonders of destruction and remorse and yet that of creation, survival and love from source. It demands counterbalance even to those things very small such that all is compensated for one and all. The word traverses all dimensions, beginnings and ends, closed loop systems and love the magic therein. For every cotton seed floating in a breeze of chance and for every conscious thought the bewilderment of nature's creative dance. From DNA design and the sun and stars to wheat fields and live stock and moon beams in a jar the universe populates its grand scheme of things not by random but by the universe's dreams. Though the universe offers its word of creation it still takes a conscious to manifest civilization and from that unity a holographic wife like the double slit experiment the universe manifests life. In a word relative to the soul, for the most powerful word you may pay a toll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C H O I C E . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
@HansDunkelberg1 3 жыл бұрын
​@@antinwo3664 The sheer existence of the world anyway is astounding enough to let appear things like telepathy as minuscule extensions. On the other hand, it would not appear as imaginable that a world should not exist. A nonexistence of the world would have to be diagnosed somewhere, i.e., in a world. Such a nonexistence would simply mean a world without a world and hence, a world, again. Thus, you can expect all those apparently fantastic things like angels, wonders, witches, gnomes, ghosts, etc., including, last not least, gods or god-like entities, to exist. And as soon as such entities have abilities surpassing ours, it also is to be expected that they'll use these abilities to exert their influences, on our planet. It would be surprising, especially given our planet's comparative youth, if life had grown to its most complex forms, within the entire universe, on Earth, independently. As much more likely must appear that influences of a telepathic or telekinetic nature from farther-developed places are unfolding, in the Solar System. Such a scenario can explain much of an often astounding stability of our societal conditions, down into details like the one that McMoneagle could be recruited to an institution like Stanford, in the middle of the second half of the 20th century.
@stevev3664 5 жыл бұрын
Telepathy is real. I have experienced it.
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