Tesla PROMISED Full Self Driving | Is It Worth It Now?

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Tesla Torque

Tesla Torque

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@B0BHW 3 жыл бұрын
A really good summary of the Full Self Driving software in your latest episode Andrew. Many thanks. I have a Model 3 Long Range delivered in September 2019 with Full Self Driving. The car is fantastic and a delight to drive every day. My wife and I are big fans of everything Tesla is doing... except for FSD. Having driven our Model 3 for nearly 18 months now, we’ve come to the disappointing conclusion that the Full Self Driving package is near useless. Honestly, I wish I hadn’t opted for FSD when I placed the order. My wife is less than impressed with that decision too. She wouldn’t have ticked that box if she’d placed the order. Of course she wouldn’t! Pretty much in line with your comments, these are our issues with FSD: Our car will summon out of our garage just fine, if a little hesitantly and we frequently need to reconnect the app. But will it go back into the garage on summon? No chance. Even though our garage didn’t get any narrower or change shape while we were away from home! We haven’t bothered trying summon out in car parks anywhere for fear of embarrassing ourselves as we explain to onlookers “well it did do this before”. The Autopark feature was interesting initially. Especially as you are not required to use the throttle or select gears, but it takes for ages to accomplish what I can do with a couple of turns of the wheel - annoying other drivers waiting for you in the supermarket car park as your car goes forward, back, forward, back, forward... Honestly, our other car, a Ford Focus Titanium X does auto parking better, plus the rear view camera guidelines are way more intuitive, accurate and helpful in the Ford. That’s why I’ve yet to kerb the wheels of our Ford in five years of driving it, but the rims of the lovely sport alloys on our Tesla, sigh. And yes, it has done this on Autopark too. OK, the quality of the rear camera display has nothing to do with FSD, but it’s kind of surprising that the Ford has something that Tesla would do well to copy. As for Autopilot, I’ve had enough of of the heart stopping moments caused when Navigate On Autopilot is engaged on dual carriageways and motorways. Our car inexplicably brakes and/or swerves from time to time, typically when approaching trucks, bridges and when passing slip roads (‘ramps’) that are not even on the route designated by NOA. On our most recent journey on the M5 yesterday, various messages appeared on the display warning that Navigate On Autopilot was disabled due to various cameras being ‘blocked or blinded’. Imagine fare paying passengers in your car operating as a ‘robotaxi’ when this occurs? Yes ‘robotaxi’. I can’t see that working anytime soon unless self-cleaning cameras become a thing. In summary, for anyone thinking of buying a Tesla, don’t hesitate. The car is utterly fantastic. No shadow of doubt it’s the best car we have ever owned including previous Porsche, Mercedes and BMWs. I just question the validity of ‘investing’ in the FSD package or the Enhanced Autopilot ‘upgrade’. FSD doesn’t work in anything like a trustworthy and consistently safe manner presently. I think it is going to be many many years before our investment in FSD pays off. If ever.
@MahmoudBennett 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Bob. Thanks for your very thorough comment. As someone who will be taking delivery of my Model 3 LR this week, I've been endlessly contemplating forking out extra cash to get the FSD. The consensus that I'm hearing is that it's not worth it at this stage. The feedback from owners like yourself makes it easier for me to say no. The standard Autopilot is already beyond what I see myself using, realistically. Can't wait to take delivery.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I mainly bought FSD for hopefully robotaxi in maybe 5 years time and to enable me to make full content for this channel, plus the potentially for it to increase in value and maybe increase the value of the Model 3. You'll note, none of that was because any of it actually replaces my driving - which I know sounds ridiculous, but Bob summed it up nicely. Currently if you are buying it to take over your driving, its not worth it. If you are buying it for other reasons, then it might be worth the gamble. The subscription model might be worth waiting for, where you can pull out when you realise you don't need it much on a daily basis. Thanks for the detailed comment as well Bob, I always like it when owners put their experience forward, as helps people make better decisions
@mshumway78 3 жыл бұрын
I think they should remove the option and make it an affordable subscription. Those who bought it already should have it tied to their account (for life) not the car. So those who paid in early and helped fund the development are rewarded. Then at the same time, those who want to wait until its full implementation have an affordable option.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I think that would be a fair way to do it, a token gesture of goodwill and also develop brand loyalty as more likely to stick with Tesla. Great plan 👍🏻
@polyglotuk 3 жыл бұрын
How many times, they are UNECE regulations, not EU Regulations. Until the UNECE change their tune, it is simply not worth it. I say that as someone who bought it.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
The UNECE regulations are interpreted differently by different nations it appears though, as Australia signed up to UNECE and are able to use more than UK and EU. There is something specific in EU interpretation that states the amount the car can turn and how close the operator needs to be to the car and the distance a car can travel autonomously, even though the regulations are the same each country uses. It all appears pretty confusing I'm not gunna lie - so apologies if I have it wrong, but I did try to get my head round it, as it looks like the UK is potentially breaking free of the EU regs and allowing auto lane keeping systems to travel up to 70mph, which looks different to the way the EU/UNECE amendments. I think the issue is these were signed up to/written in the 1940/50s, when obviously autonomous vehicles were not considered. So for example a regulation that "The driver needs to be in operation of the vehicle", each country can take what that means differently, even though its a UNECE regulation. The UK are considering the Driver to mean the person controlling the vehicle, which is happy to accept they are through an app, but as they don't state the driver needs to be in the vehicle it can let the car do more. EU interpret that differently, from what I can grasp? Not sure.
@danbron 3 жыл бұрын
When you say 2022, do you mean actually working or regulations allowed in the UK? I think even having L5 autonomy with Tesla in 2022 is pushing it, while they are making great progress to have a complete hands off, go to sleep, play a game, experience, i think is quite far off wherever you are. Right now there are only certain states that have L5 allowed, and Waymo are running services in some of them, however they are heavily mapped areas and there are people monitoring the cars to check they are ok and can take over if need to. I would be surprised if the regs changed here in the next 5-10 years to allow L5 autonomy on city streets. While we are out of the eu I believe we can still adjust the rules even in the EU, it is an UN rule not an EU rule, Germany for example are running a consultation on L4 autonomy at the moment. There was a consultation here recently allowing some sort of L5 autonomy on the motorway (autopilot, I.e alks and tacc) without the steering nudges and allow you to do other things, play a game etc, but this was only for the left hand lane on a motorway (which doesn’t work out well as they often change into a slip road) and you wouldn’t be able to overtake, the results ended up being much worse and only allowed to be used up to 37mph on the motorway, i.e in traffic jams. The regulations have a long way to go here
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
There’s a consultation which should be announced soon about allowing auto lane keeping systems up to 70mph, taking the EU decision one step further in UK, not sure what the result will be. I know UK government is keen to be a leader in autonomous cars. I can see maybe regs being relaxed for cars to do L5 but in geofenced zones, maybe in some cities which might allow robo taxis. I imagine it will be 5-10 years like you said before we would get it on all roads, like country lanes and villages.
@JohnnyZenith 3 жыл бұрын
@@TeslaTorque I'd rather still be in the EU thanks. Mostly because I have a high awareness and intelligence.
@Matt-pt3vq 3 жыл бұрын
Until they make FSD a package that stays with the purchaser and not the car it will never be worth the momey
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
It’s a shame that’s not an option, Elon seems dead against the idea and more leaning towards a subscription service. Which could be good for those that lease or change cars frequently
@d3lta1 3 жыл бұрын
I have a M3 and I don’t think FSD is worth it at all. That’s not to say I do t think it’s cool, it is, it’s very very cool, even at this early stage. Maybe available and legal to use in some states in the US in 2022, but it’s a very long way off being functional in the UK. It doesn’t even recognise roundabouts, let alone know how to go round them. Just think about how will it lane keep on a mini roundabout? Single track roads? Etc. I love the robo-taxi idea, Johnny Cabs, but what happens when the car hits a pot hole, bursts the tyre and you’re then stuck at work on the other side of town from your broken down car? By the time FSD is working, we won’t be buying cars but just reliant on robo-taxi Tesla service.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I think that’s the future everyone is expecting to be fair. Car ownership won’t be a thing. It will just be a luxury you don’t need. I imagine we are still 10+ years from that though. It better than you think on UK roads and gets better every update. The system is being updated to avoid pot holes and debris on the road, and to be fair there is no sound way to repair the tyre anyway 😂. But yeah, I still don’t know if it’s going to be a waste of money for me 🤷🏼‍♂️
@B0BHW 3 жыл бұрын
When Tesla FSD can safely negotiate the Swindon Magic Roundabout in all directions, more than once, only then will I believe!
@d3lta1 3 жыл бұрын
I can see how it makes sense in the US, wide, straight roads, but here in the UK I’m not so sure. My M3 still slows for cars parked at the side of the road when AP is on and that’s even with this weeks update. I agree it’s the future and if you’re in it for the long haul with your current car, then buying in now I guess makes sense. Mine is a company car, so doesn’t make sense for me.
@gride5153 2 жыл бұрын
Thank-you for the video. Many people will likely have an opinion on FSD - but I doubt many see it as an INVESTMENT. I believe it is positioned poorly. The choice now is: a) make an upfront overpriced payment, locked to one vehicle, and hope it helps make an ageing piece of technology more valuable, b) pay a monthly overpriced subscription that is only ever linked to one vehicle. Or, let’s say it was sold in other ways: a) An individual, as an early adopter, invests in FSD that is linked to “THE PERSON - NOT THE CAR”. This would make it more appealing and valuable. b) Or, a user could pay for the use of the software on a day/trip pay per use basis. In reality, we are currently only arguing over how to help a corporation charge us more money. IMO, AT THE PRICE THESE CARS COST, IT SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THE CAR. These vehicles are not high quality vehicles - they are high technology vehicles. With the exception of the “CURRENT BATTERY PACK COSTS”, I suspect these vehicles are a lot cheaper to manufacture than many ICE cars, and their profit margins are much greater.
@mariacornwallis1602 3 жыл бұрын
I live 5 miles from a hydrogen gas filling station. I have just orderd a Toyota Mirai, stuff your EVs.
@yordaman1 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched loads of videos of people using the misnamed FSD and I’ve rarely seen one that hasn’t required driver intervention of some sort to avoid an incident. It’s a cool bit of kit, but it isn’t a ‘full’ self drive thing yet.....nowhere near it on our UK roads, even ignoring the current laws. So, paying for it now is just paying for a snazzy adaptive cruise control, which many other cars have as standard, and also remain with the car. For some reason, Tesla currently make you pay for it again if you change cars.....so you pay twice, or more, for a product that doesn’t really do what you think it might/should. By all means buy the car, but unless you have money to burn, the cost of FSD isn’t worth it just now. What does p1$$ me off, though, is Elon’s continued statements that FSD is imminent - this is crap - he stated in 2015 that a full coast-to-coast drive (in the US) would be happening within 2 years (so, end of 2017), and look where we are now. FSD *still* isn’t fully usable but he keeps trying to say it is ‘almost there’, and people with more money than sense are believing him, despite the clear evidence that he’s been wrong for so many years.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. His constantly missed deadlines are frustrating. But my view is expect them to be missed, and you get less annoyed when they do. I’m not saying that makes it okay, but his misled optimism though is probably what has got Tesla where it has today, as lots of people believed in him and invested. It’s either misled or very calculated to get the backing he needs to make it a success. I bought off the back of my own experience with how quickly the cars behaviour is improving, rather than the deadlines given by Musk. I drive the same routes quite a bit and update by update it takes more and more bends on its own. I could live to regret the purchase though, as I bet lots of people are doing who believed the 2017 promise
@yordaman1 3 жыл бұрын
@@TeslaTorque I like your pragmatic approach. It’s good that the car/software can ‘learn’ about certain roads, but my concern is whether the s/w would cope with unplanned but all too frequent issues that humans should detect but s/w can’t, such as reading another car’s ‘body language’ and just knowing they are going to pull out on you, etc. I say ‘should’, but what does support FSD is that many humans are no better than the s/w anyway, which doesn’t make FSD great, just that it’s not much worse than some existing human drivers.....which isn’t really a valid selling point for me!
@stuart_thomas 3 жыл бұрын
I think for the time being it’s novelty unfortunately. I understand the investment side to it, but it’s a lot of money on whim that FSD will one day be here. In the UK our roads and hazards are just to much to deal with for FSD. I have a model 3 and even auto steer as good as it is struggles sometimes and don’t get me started on phantom breaking!😉 Great video and keep up the great work.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I could do a whole video on phantom braking, but it scares me so much I don't want too 😂 I feel like its a roller coaster, sometimes I think it will be awesome in a few months, then I think about how complex the task is, and can't see it ever happening, literally no clue what to expect or when
@johntisbury 3 жыл бұрын
Like you I purchased FSD on my Model 3 when we brought it in Sep 2019. I saw it as an investment for the long-term, as we plan to keep the car and saw it as locking in future value. Heartened to hear from Elon that hardware 3 will still be okay for FSD when eventually released even through they are working on hardware 4. I use all of the features apart from parking and smart summon (mainly as you stated because it's dead in the water over here). If the UK government pushes forward with it's plan to become a world leader in autonomous cars, then we should see restrictions lifted sooner rather than later. I see that Germany are also making strides in the same area with their legislation. Having watched many of the beta testers in the USA and the improvements being made on each release I feel confident that we will eventually get it. The big question is when. If I was a betting man, I'd say towards the end of 2021.
@hood182ie 3 жыл бұрын
Germany cannot do anything independent of EU regulation
@johntisbury 3 жыл бұрын
@@hood182ie that's not technically true. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (under Federal Minister Scheuer) is now planning another milestone with its new legislative proposal on autonomous driving and hopes to pave the way for autonomous vehicles to take to the country’s roads. The draft act is currently still subject to several consultation processes, with the legislation expected to be passed in mid-2021. Since the act includes technical provisions, which could in turn lead to certain trade barriers within the meaning of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), it will also have to go through the EU notification procedure.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I think with hardware 4 we will see and improvement with the cameras. They are pretty low resolution at the minute. I think NIO have 4K cameras, I was surprised how low res they are in the Tesla, but they seem to do the job okay. I'm not optimistic now for a 2021 release, I think they have been focusing on a massive overhaul of general software and that's why we haven't had any significant updates. The fact we drive on the opposite side of the road makes me think we may be bottom of the list :(
@paulhumphries3795 3 жыл бұрын
I own an M3 and I still wouldn’t buy it...
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Fair play. Its a gamble and depends on what your motivation is as well
@tomfpv1982 3 жыл бұрын
Same m3p owner and no way would i pay the extra money. Autopilot is poor in my eyes from what Ive witnessed
@spchang2000 3 жыл бұрын
For now what you are using isn't FSD. It's just driver-assisted autopilot. In a couple of weeks you will have an option to try FSD Beta. I am looking forward to your comment then.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, you are right it is really an advanced driver assist, I don't think we will be getting the FSD Beta in the UK for quite some time, but as its currently sold using the term Full Self Driving Option, that's why I referred to it as such. I think its important for people to know that "Full Self Driving" isn't really full self driving....yet. But it will be coming hopefully sooner rather than later
@tooflesstesla 3 жыл бұрын
At 4:30 and 5:15 during the lane change, does the Tesla actually move the steering wheel?
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, I know you can't see because of the edit, but when you indicate it will move the car out of lane automatically turning the steering wheel. It won't start making the manoeuvre unless it knows that you are holding the wheel though
@davehaller6477 3 жыл бұрын
Self Driving is the 3D TV of car features. If I have a car that handles great, 0-60 in 3.1 seconds or better like a Tesla, why would I want the machine to drive me? It's a complete contradiction. Complete self driving is a gimmick, nothing more.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Good analogy - I see you point for the fun driving parts, I think when it comes in handy is when you've had too many at the pub, or sat in boring standstill traffic and 0-60 isn't really applicable. The open roads with the sun, drive yourself. Sat in busy traffic in a town centre, I'd rather have a snooze or watch Netflix
@user-kb8gh5jv9t 3 жыл бұрын
Mark my words and timeline, at least for the USA, as much as the FSD is being promised becoming a reality soon by certain People, the fact is that it won’t happen for at least another 7-10 years at the earliest. The government approvals are nowhere near ready, not even close and governments work at a notoriously slow pace😉... enjoy driving because you’ll be doing it for a long time to come...
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Haha, thankfully I do enjoy driving. I'm (maybe naively) hoping the UK government will move a bit quicker. We are small in land mass size, just not population, not tied to EU anymore and the government are making bold statements about wanting to be a leader in autonomous driving. So with that I hope they push it forward. For rural areas I see it taking longer, but maybe bigger cities it may be near? Who knows. I guess it depends on just how quick Tesla can really prove its safe and can handle any situation, which I guess with a rapidly growing fleet will get easier
@timbrowne 3 жыл бұрын
I own a Model 3 LR, and was one of the lucky ones who got given FSD free of charge for 3 months, as I took delivery of my car in the last 3 days of 2020. I can see your point as an investment, but I have to say, I would have been very disappointed if I had purchased it. If they offer it as a subscription in the future, with more working features, then yes I would more and likely subscribe.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say I think they should offer FSD more often, but I think you prove the point, if they did, no one would buy it at the moment, as its just not there yet. Lots of people seem keen for the subscription, so fingers crossed that will come, seems like it is going to
@hood182ie 3 жыл бұрын
Makes sense for a subscription service but ridiculous as an optional extra locked to the car with zero hardware?!? If there is ever a buoyant second hand market you could justify it more if a price premium could be achieved over none FSD models as per sat nav 10 years ago... but I doubt a £6800 software feature that can be added anytime would be as desirable as factory fitted options that are expensive to retrofit.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping that when I come to sell the car the FSD will be priced well over £10,000, so fingers crossed it will add at least what I paid for it onto the cars value. But who knows. Very much an unknown at the minute. My fingers and toes are crossed. Subscription will open it up to more people I think, and like gym memberships, probably people will keep paying even if they don't use it
@ericpratt1493 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry folks, I think a fully practical FSD is years away, especially in UK or Europe considering all our variable weather conditions (ie snow up north obliterating all road markings) and small town and country roads. Investment? Do you really want a bunch of oiks using your lovely car...even with an activated rear facing camera, you’ll not really know what goes on in your car!! Plus if your toy is last used miles away from where you want it to be, are you going to summon it? Plus, why does a robotaxi need to be ‘car-like’, when some kind of smaller ‘pod’ type vehicle would be more appropriate!! It’s all kinda silly .... and I’m an invester fanboy!
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
You could be right. I keep getting sucked into Elons optimism 😂. You are right I wouldn’t want any old folks in my car, but I’m expected by the time FSD actually materialises I won’t be quite as car proud and won’t mind so much. I think we might see some geo fences options. I agree. can’t see it handling all circumstances in he UK for a very long time yet 👍🏻
@Boricuahbg 3 жыл бұрын
Rumors are FSD will be a paid subscription. $100-$150 a month. I would do that instead.
@PropertyAtAuction 3 жыл бұрын
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I think that will be the better option, be interesting to see if Tesla would make more or less money from this way, as people that don't use it can opt out. As I think that's quite a bit of money to pay for the convince of a personal taxi, would be good for those that can do other things whilst driving.
@rimtasvilnietis2991 3 жыл бұрын
Full autonomous price is painal
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I'd go with more painpocket...but I can see your point 😂
@austinedwards1918 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reviews. I would like to buy an EV in the future as I feel this is the way to go, apart from buying a horse but there aren't many saloons to tie up a horse. I find your reviews very informative and realistic.
@danpaul4975 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of this depends on the user's needs. While I'd love the summon feature, I wouldn't even need enhanced autopilot at £3400 let alone FSD. FSD is gonna get better and the critical point is when all cars are able to directly communicate with each other. Standard autopilot will be more than enough for me where most of my driving is city/short journeys or "longer but local" driving. Summon needs to be a standalone feature for £300
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I do wonder if they broke down each section and let you pick and choose if they would get more sales overall
@tc-ac83 3 жыл бұрын
I didn’t order it with my new M3. Not because I didn’t want it, but it’s on lease, and having seen the history of Elon-time I just can’t see how it will be much better by the time my lease expires and that money will just disappear. For me, I basically see it as £6800 for automatic lane change and slip road exiting, the rest doesn’t seem worth it, and the traffic light recognition seems a faff.
@davidsworld5837 3 жыл бұрын
if you watch other uk video - tesla driver - it can do streets just not always that good
@tc-ac83 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidsworld5837 so still not worth it then 😉
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think it on lease. Definitely avoid it 👍🏻
@computerm142 3 жыл бұрын
Well, just wanna say. In UK, regulations are vy loose already by comparing with those in hong kong. In hong kong, we dun even hv summon, and ofcos FSD is completely not working. Also, those youtube, netflix, racing games are all missing from the system in hong kong's tesla as well... All limited by regulations.... :( and the FSD costs HKD54000 in HK. Btw, thanks for your clip! Looking fwd for more videos related to model 3 from u!
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I'm guessing its not going to come to Hong Kong anytime soon. If it's any consolation, I don't tend to use Netflix too much as by the time I've gone into the services, the car is generally charged and I'm good to go. When you can watch Netflix in motion, that will be the game changer
@ipswichrealestate2354 3 жыл бұрын
For the money you pay, auto parking should be standard considering most new cars, including cheap cars have it as standard.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you there, or maybe at least on the Long Range and Performance Models to help differentiate the price. As I don't feel like there is a massive difference between the premium and partial premium interiors (I know you get more for the price like all wheel drive and range), but would be a nice touch and maybe push people towards the long range more
@stevedollery9252 3 жыл бұрын
Same. I’v got FSD on my 2019 Model 3 performance minus which I purchased to be on the journey, hopefully in the UK FSD will be as good as the US! Was it worth it, as you, not at the present, but hopefully in the near future. Like the show regards Steve
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Steve. I'm waiting for that day when we wake up and the news is the beta is released in the UK. I've just done a test run using autopilot on city streets, and it reminded me how far off the current software is, I guess we don't know what's round the corner though and no major updates for a while now, so maybe a surprise WOW soon
@eringreen2000 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t own a Tesla but it’s my future dream car. If you have Self driving I noticed you have to pay it each time you get a new car. Why don’t Tesla make it transferable for each car you get??
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Theres been huge debate over this, I think they should give owners the option who bought it earlier to transfer to a new vehicle, especially as Tesla were the ones missed the deadlines. I'm not sure when the cut off should be, but I do think if full self driving hasn't been delivered within 5 years of the purchase of the feature, transfer should be an option, I don't see that as too unreasonable.
@tartanwallpaper 3 жыл бұрын
Hmm eeek...didn’t realise the actual details of full self driving. Good video. 👍🏽 Is there a risk that future Tesla models could have better or additional hardware to make full self driving work “properly”, and it all can’t be done in software?
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Gordon, there is that risk, I think it might be cameras that could enhance it with higher resolution. In the past Tesla has actually upgraded hardware as well for free, so for example the full self driving computer was replaced in older Tesla’s. but it wasn’t the quickest upgrade process
@jamesradley5202 3 жыл бұрын
Considering a M3LR this year and deliberating over FSD, so useful video - thanks! I am tempted to take an interim step and get enhanced AP as I like the idea of auto lane change....
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Auto lane change is nice on longer trips, its a tough decision, if there was a definite time line and you could see the end result it would make it so much easier
@cbromley562 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, when we bought our SR+, we didn't bother with FSD. Two years later, I think we would, seeing the progress it's making. As to when it's fully functional, it's a bit like the Pope and Michael Angelo regarding progress in the Sistine Chapel, "When will you be finished?" "When I'm done!"
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
What convinced me was how quick I saw improvements in basic autopilot. I’ve noticed the latest update 2021.4.10 it appears way more confident on country roads and sharper bends. Even through it only said minor bug fixes. I honestly have no clue when it will be feature complete. but the US beta testing looks very good and I think learning will be exponential as more Tesla’s hit the road
@cbromley562 3 жыл бұрын
@@TeslaTorque Yes, it is truly amazing. We intend to keep the car for as long as it holds together, so we'll probably dive in at some point.
@davidsworld5837 3 жыл бұрын
i think it not good to buy if you always sell your car every 2 or 3 years at the minute selling your tesla to tesla for a new car then it does not add any value to the car when sold - refer to jack massey welsh channel were he got nothing for the full self driving. i think its better for those who keep there car for long term. i have owned a car for 12 years and it was not new when i got it. so if i had a tesla and self driving was 6k say that would be a charge of 500 quid a year so not really that much in the cost of owning a car.
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
Tesla have recently changed the policy or are in the process of doing so, they now recognise FSD in trade in value. If you were to sell it privately though, it would have added value. It was Tesla themselves devaluing FSD. I agree, not worth it for lease or if you change cars every couple of years, as the deadlines Tesla give for software delivery can’t be trusted. I’m anticipating keeping this for 5 years + though. So hopefully will see some use.
@davidsworld5837 3 жыл бұрын
@@TeslaTorque some one selling put a tweet up saying it was unfair and elon tweeted back that it would be looked into so it is nice to see that action was swift. it should be only right that the self driving should be transferable to different tesla's. on a simple point it means the owner is highly likely to buy a new tesla or buy any tesla full stop and not move to another brand. Since it is not hard to do turn off and on then there is no reason why a person should not be able to keep there self driving at what ever price they paid. since really it is a loan to tesla an investment that they can do it so when it is worth more then they can sell to someone else if they dont want to use it so no different than shares.
@TrishLee 3 жыл бұрын
Very helpful!
@TeslaTorque 3 жыл бұрын
No problem, glad you found it useful
@TrishLee 3 жыл бұрын
@@TeslaTorque Keep sharing and always keep safe! ❤
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