Thalassophobia In Video Games

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@GregBroDudeMan 3 жыл бұрын
Give my mods something to do
@timothysokoloff7603 3 жыл бұрын
Hey now I have plenty of things I can do :(
@kriskorn2130 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for things to do
@pacooftaco 3 жыл бұрын
Yes we need stuff to do
@PinkPanther45518 2 жыл бұрын
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's water temple is pretty spooky in my honest humble opinion. It's absolutely terrifying to me as a kid at the time. Also the most tedious annoying most hated level in a Zelda game. The only level that has it beat for me is the Shadow temple/any levels with the undead. The scariest levels for me was those who had anything to do with Redeads. Hate those things so much, sooooo creepy. The water temple is a walk in the park compared to the Redeads temples/shadow temples.
@ladydi1076 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's old school but bioshock would be a good fit for this category. Especially 2.
@DHBat 3 жыл бұрын
I always enjoyed Endless Ocean on the Wii. Particularly the deep dark trench where you find skeletal remains on the ocean floor, bump into Megamouth sharks in the tunnels and realise that Angler fish are surprisingly small.
@f1shwhiskerz 3 жыл бұрын
Seconding Endless Ocean big time, one of my earliest experiences with fear of the depths was the dropoff in Gatama Atoll in the second game
@amogus205 3 жыл бұрын
@@f1shwhiskerz OMG same here. I was always so afraid of the trenches bc the music also got scary, I always turned off the sound lol
@f1shwhiskerz 3 жыл бұрын
@@amogus205 RIGHT? And then the message when you’ve hit the level boundary is also inordinately terrifying???
@FernFeathers 3 жыл бұрын
I had such an irrational fear of the trench in that game. I also played the sequel Endless Ocean: Blue World, and swimming in the depths still terrified me, except for that game I was also afraid of a bunch of other stuff like swimming in the ice sections cuz of hypothermia and sharks
@f1shwhiskerz 3 жыл бұрын
@@FernFeathers oh CHRIST yeah the ice sections with no visible seafloor
@taklampan650 3 жыл бұрын
"It's not a polished game" I've never heard anyone describe ARK that accurately before. It's a game I hate being addicted to
@olseaweedbeardye8622 3 жыл бұрын
That’s how everyone feels about ark. It’s too fun for how broken it is
@taklampan650 3 жыл бұрын
@@olseaweedbeardye8622 Yeah, it shouldn't be fun, but it is, somehow
@nicolepennington677 2 жыл бұрын
I would not describe ark as fun with how often the game likes to screw you.
@BlueTyphoon2017 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you hate being addicted to it?🤨
@pugasaurusrex8253 2 жыл бұрын
@@BlueTyphoon2017 Terror Birds
@oneubemochi 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you checked out my suggestion on Mass Effect 3! Probably the scariest part is the main character talking about how they have to shut off a lot of auxiliary systems just to have enough power to make it back up to the surface. That and there’s a pressure gauge constantly spiraling into the danger zone the further you go. The Leviathan itself isn’t meant to be horrific by any means, but knowing there’s massive creatures lurking at the bottom of the ocean is freaky for sure.
@bobdolesrevenge 3 жыл бұрын
For me the worst part is the loading screen in between jumping off the wreck and reaching the bottom, where it's just a wide shot of the walker sinking in ever darkening water with the muffled hum of its engine as the only sound.
@Shippo28 Жыл бұрын
Ughh I hate that scene I tried to get through it as fast as I can
@Kappafaith 3 жыл бұрын
Okay hear me out, Ty the Tasmanian tiger, that under water level with the sharks you’re forced to swim through it’s my earliest memories of panicking in a video game!
@Hannah57293 3 жыл бұрын
i thought it was scary and beautiful
@kyledinschel1232 3 жыл бұрын
This^ I was thinking of that section through the whole video. When I was a kid I was so afraid I had to ask my dad to beat this part for me
@Joaopereira-dh3dw 3 жыл бұрын
Titanic vr look scary
@q2m829 3 жыл бұрын
love ty
@brandontadday6288 2 жыл бұрын
That game was my entire childhood
@millieh3179 3 жыл бұрын
There's also an underwater mission in cyberpunk you might find scary. You go deep diving in a lake where a town once was. One of my favorite missions actually.
@jackoblllllllll 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t take my eyes off of Judy’s butt to be honest
@withering_gloxinia 2 жыл бұрын
I played Skyrim VR and holy ---- did the water in the game scare me! Every time I tried to get into the water I got freaked out, I used my horse for walking through the water because I was terrified. I also have thalassophobia.
@moseygosey 3 жыл бұрын
One is definitely this really old diving game i used to play on my Wii, called Endless Ocean, and then the sequel (which is actually a better game), both are very thalassophobia-strong
@FernFeathers 3 жыл бұрын
This ^ I loved that game so much - so many different choices and options, Like doing the bluebird path or finding the washed up dog on the atoll. And GG, I don't know why but I just really liked him. But gosh some of the deep ocean sections of that game terrified me.
@FernFeathers 3 жыл бұрын
I saw some other people mention it but personally Endless Ocean:Blue World was the best underwater game I've played. Basically you're traveling around the world scuba diving trying to uncover the secret behind some lore stuff. The artic ocean and deep sea ocean particularly scared me. The music was also phenomenal and whenever you were in a dangerous situation or nearing a predator beautiful and eerie classical music would start to play in the background. Great characters, beautiful environments, terrifying sea creatures, and countless replayability (It's near impossible to 100% the game because there's so many different aspects of things you can do - take the salvaging routes path, try to discover all the animals, map the entire ocean, and a whole bunch of secret stuff that you can't find unless you accidentally run into it while exploring.) But I'm kind of nostalgic so take what I say with a grain of salt 😅
@Cajun_knifeguy 3 жыл бұрын
I find Skyrim’s waters is still terrifying just the vast darkness is just spooky and the thought of a big Cthulhu like creature slumbering in the depths of the void is just horrific
@-barulf9756 Жыл бұрын
Sameeeee omg... that's how I noticed my Thalassophobia. I just could NOT go down there, the north eastern ocean be like... JESUS. Even though I know there's nothing bigger in there than those bitey fish, it still creeped me out so much. All seems fine and cool while you're swimming on the surface, then you take a look below and bam. Instant panic mode activated. The lakes and caves were better and also more clear, but those oceans... damnnnnn...
@jacob-the-awsome-autist 8 ай бұрын
Torvus bog from Metroid prime 2
@AwesomeStuffAndMore 3 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that no one suggested any of the bioshock games
@Johnprestonevans74 3 жыл бұрын
The opening of the 1st Bioshock comes to mind with the sinking plane. For me, the fear is more of big machines in deep water (planes, propellers, etc)
@sushibut6112 3 жыл бұрын
I mean i get your point but you dont really spend much time in the water, maybe in some cutscenes for a bit but nah. The atmosphere in bioshock feels more like claustrophobia than thalassophobia if you get me
@ThinkingClairely 2 жыл бұрын
Same! Genuinely shocked, the Bioshock series was my first thought for this video
@phatyeet2167 3 жыл бұрын
i remember being so scared fighting that eel in shadow of the colossus as a kid. it can pull you all the way down if you hang on to it. terrifying.
@i_dot_n_hot7291 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, Tomb Raiders have always been a guilty pleasure of mine. Assassin's Creed Odyssey had some good ruins you got to swim up to and had sharks going after you. Wish games would use other "enemies" since there are more than sharks in the ocean. Speaking of which, have you tried "Man Eater"? Where you play the shark and grow, better graphic version of "Hungry Shark".
@persephone9872 2 жыл бұрын
The underwater sections in the new pokemon snap freaked me out so much actually. The wishiwashi is probably the scariest but the milotic gave me shivers as well.
@TheCasualGamer3578 3 жыл бұрын
If you wanted to explore the Gta v ocean ever, there is a mod that removes the water completely, leaving you to free run aroundand explore, it's pretty cool. I believe it was noahj456 who did a video showing off all kinds of secrets there, but I could be wrong on the person.
@anderkhan06 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you decided to include Ark, although the video you used for it seemed old. The graphics have been updated a lot since then and the ocean water is terrifying now.
@Jimboymebob 3 жыл бұрын
Ooh ooh, there are two big ones that legit gave me nightmares as a kid: The giant piranha that keeps you from swimming out of bounds in the Jack and Daxter games, and the underwater level from Gex. I legit had to make my mom come sit next to me while I beat it cause the sharks scared me so much
@corylister1243 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I have been waiting for this. Fantastic vid as always Greg. Have you played Sekiro?Fighting the underwater headless always gave me the creeps.
@pennyc7833 3 жыл бұрын
RAFT is a good one. I love the game, but it triggers the heck out of me every time I have to dive for resources.
@leftisbest6669 3 жыл бұрын
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is also pretty damn deep and murky
@jonservo 3 жыл бұрын
In Stranded Deep I was away from my home island and decided to head back even though it was nightfall. I thought I knew which heading to take but got lost. Long and short of it I ended up falling off my raft and it sailed away without me. I swam and swam after it for as long as I could until I realized I would never catch it. I was alone at night in the ocean, and suddenly became aware that something big was in the water next to me. I recognized the outline of a shark and nearly had a heart attack. I then saw spots on its back, I’m surprised I could make it out in the dark, and realized it was a whale shark. I paused the game and took a break to come down from the adrenaline rush I had experienced. I literally felt exhausted afterward, like I had run 10 miles. I never fell off my raft again, I made sure of it lol
@DarkRubberDucky 2 жыл бұрын
My ears are rumbling at this. That game has me legit having near panick attacks. I was lucky and found an island with three islands immediately next to it. Open water made me have anxiety as severely as I've ever experienced
@lewisillustration498 3 жыл бұрын
Also resident evil 4 has a pretty creepy lake monster you have to harpoon. And original resident evil with the zombie shark level on a nope for me
@raulhays6426 3 жыл бұрын
Assassins creed odyssey’s deep ocean is also pretty spooky. There’s these sounds affects and all which make it worse.
@taklampan650 3 жыл бұрын
The boss fights in stranded deep always scare the shit out of me
@chrisl3193 2 жыл бұрын
You used to just be the guy I looked at scary water pictures with, but the more I've watched you the more your personality and humor has really shown through and I'm here for all of it. I'll comment again when you're at 100k, I know it won't be long! Your subtle dry sense of humor is perfect and I'm a big fan now, love all the content (even the not scary water ones)
@sannyan848 2 жыл бұрын
Soma is honestly one of the best game to ever exist and the whole underwater section (which is most of it) scared tf out of me.
@TheMountainMan-wz8xf Жыл бұрын
The trench near the end of the game was one of the only times in horror gaming where I actually had to stop at points and remind myself "it's just a game, it's just a game, it's OK, it's just a game." And I've played a good share of horror games!
@tgall0194 3 жыл бұрын
You should play Returnal. The last area is completely DEEP underwater and it does a really good job at scaring you
@DarkRubberDucky 2 жыл бұрын
Stranded Deep is the absolute most terrifying for me. It not just the giant things that try to kill you, its smaller fish, too! Add that to the sounds, and the way you mo e, everything about this game almost gives me legitimate heart issues.
@davilemes3249 3 жыл бұрын
Minecraft can have give you a bit of thalassophobia too
@AlottaBoulchit 2 жыл бұрын
This reminded me of when my little brother and I were younger and he was playing a Mario game on either the N64 or GameCube. There was this one section where you had to go under water into like a cavern with holes/pipes and there was a giant eel monster that lunges out at you when you get close. I believe you *had* to interact with it to get something or progress the level. He was scared of that section and asked for my help to complete it. That was like the last time I was able to play an underwater section without feeling freaked out. LOL Not sure if it unlocked the phobia for me or just happened to hit just before I realized how much I hated the ocean.
@shawn6066 Жыл бұрын
There’s a few scenes in the first bioshock that I feel could be included as well, like the plane crash or elevator in the beginning.
@HysteriaAlice201 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Greg, one i remembered while watching this was when my brother and I played super Mario galaxy and those big eels in the water galaxies were horrifying
@L4ughable 2 жыл бұрын
Sea of thieves, Im legit pissing myself knowing a shark, meg, or kraken could pop up no-where when I fall off my crew’s chip-
@Onaterdem 3 жыл бұрын
It's not necessarily thalassophobia but Sonic 1/2's underwater sections are raw underwater anxiety. The most anxiety inducing drowning music is just the icing on the cake :)
@FR4NGOS 3 жыл бұрын
I FELT THE LAST OF US FEAR I would get up from the couch and pace around for a bit saying "I literally can't progress in this game there's WATER" when my sibling was watching me play 😭
@taklampan650 3 жыл бұрын
One that I feel should've been on here is Dying Light, the following more specifically. There's basically a volatile cave entrance under water if you're playing on the countryside (A map) and that shit made me jump out of my seat. It was a few years ago, so I don't remember the details so well, but I think there was a sound effect when you discovered it as well
@michaelfoley4247 2 жыл бұрын
I do not know how thalassophobia scary it is but the first 2 BioShock's take place in a deep underwater city
@eva1585 2 жыл бұрын
Im surprised Raft isnt on here. If you hop in the water at any point there isnt an island its horrifyingly dark and empty. If you dont have motionsickness mode on there'll be huge waves that make you think your whole lifeline (the raft) is about to be tipped over and there's a hungry shark tailing you wherever you go that'll take chunks out of you AND the raft whenever it gets a chance. I have a very specific memory of my first playthrough: I was drifting along the sea, my raft was still fairly small and there was a storm (like those previously mentioned with the waves). At this point I didnt have the hours to make me comfortable with looking down from the surface nor was I any less terrified of the shark. I dont know if I accidentally pressed S to walk backwards or if the storm made the floor slippery but suddenly I slipped off the edge of my raft and the very first thing I see as I break the water's surface is the open mouth of the hungry hungry shark almost completely covering my screen with the dark empty abyss behind it. Safe to say... I had to go lay down for a while before picking the game back up after that.
@meyrin1927 2 жыл бұрын
underwater caves in The Forest are creepy too and also there is one segment of the story in Amnesia where rooms are flooded with water and you have to jump on boxes and furniture and something follows you in the water
@TheCasualGamer3578 3 жыл бұрын
One I found was back when I played Gears of war 3. There's a part where you go underwater in a submarine, and while down there its dark and gloomy (and really pretty) and then a giant leviathan swims over heads and I believe attacks, although I don't remember whether or not you fight it or not.
@Wild_Danimal 3 жыл бұрын
Greg could be a mustache-only man if he wanted to
@Solarmyr Жыл бұрын
As a kid I was really into the Tomb Raider series, so my dad got me Tomb Raider: Underworld not long after it came out. To this day I don't think I've ever gotten past the first mission where you're in the Meditterranean sea. It unnerved me way too much even back then and to this day I'm convinced it contributed towards my thalassophobia. I hate how deep the water is.
@Shythalia 3 жыл бұрын
I wish there are games though where you play as a mermaid. Anyway, Alice: Madness Returns has a water level but I'm not sure if that would spook you.
@rockstarJDP 8 ай бұрын
There's two that came to mind for me, first one being that mission in San Andreas where you have to sneak on board a cargo ship by swimming under it, the other is the side quest at Rivet City in Fallout 3 where you have to jump into the water at a certain place to enter. At least the latter was optional, but man there's just something about objects far bigger than you when you're floating vulnerable, even when they're not real that is just nightmare fuel!
@reydragonclaw1128 Жыл бұрын
Okay those Ark Survival Evolved clips really did not do those oceans justice. Ik the game is really old now and it's pretty janky in comparison to other games, but goddamn those oceans scared the crap out of me. It's not really about fighting the sea creatures, it's about knowing they're there; it's about flying above those oceans and accidentally dismounting your ride and plummeting into abyss. The most terrifying moments are the ones before the predators notice you, where you're just hovering, flailing, waiting to be found and devoured. Also ARK has tons of cave systems with underwater tunnels and mazes, packed with aggressive and gigantic creatures. The waters are black. One of my earliest thalassophobia-triggering experiences where I started to realize I had this primal, deep-seated fear was when my cousin dropped me into the ARK oceans. I had been screaming at him over Discord before the drop, but once I was in the water I went dead silent and dropped my controller. I almost cried. Just dead silent, staring down at the abyss in terror, waiting for a pack of megalodons to consume my soul. Also the giant squids in that game are horrifying.
@SuperSoundtracks 2 жыл бұрын
Try Barotrauma. It's 2D sideview but when you're in the water with only a flashlight, you kinda get a bit paranoid.
@bigrudd9346 3 жыл бұрын
Ayy I like your material and I joined your discord. I do have your phobia, but in games isn't a fear for me.
@lewisillustration498 3 жыл бұрын
One that gets me is the shark in the original crysis game keeping you from going too far out to sea
@khalyasongofnerdsandwriter5473 3 жыл бұрын
Time Lost Isle, World of Warcraft, Mists of Pandaria - the stupid flipping whale shark that eats you... actually EVERY water area in that game has it’s scary moments. Except for 2 spots.
@SocialMermaids 2 жыл бұрын
What awakened my fear of big oceans as well as big creatures in them was when I was a kid playing on my Gamecube. Zelda Wind Waker gave me so much stress, especially because of the enemies in the water! Also the giant eel teeth-cleaning part in Super Mario Sunshine was so horrifying😖😖
@Punkpsychobilly 3 жыл бұрын
Fallout 4 has a lot of creepy underwater areas. Too bad they didn’t do anything with it. The Yangtze submarine is also pretty spooky looking. The worst is accidentally falling to the bottom of a lake with your power armor on and not being able to get back out. New Vegas had that whole Boomer side quest about raising the sunken plane. Resident Evil 4 had that awesome lake monster and Bioshock is another good one. Let’s not forget the underwater levels in Super Mario Bros. either.
@SoddenPython244theBurrow Жыл бұрын
Raft, it’s on steam. The sharks get me all the time but it’s pretty fun. You’re stranded on a raft and you have various tools to make your boat better and just surviving. I believe there’s story to it, but i’ve just always played with friends without trying to advance that much
@gamersupreme7980 3 жыл бұрын
In COD: Cold War, there's a no-clip glitch you can do on yacht where you can swim in the ocean. Since the devs didn't intend for people to swim in the water, looking down sucks
@jessy3706 26 күн бұрын
100% agree with Far Cry - I freak out every time I have to go into the water just swimming going “oh my god oh my god” while my partner laughs at me
@BennettMarks 3 жыл бұрын
I played Halo 2 recently and the water elevators freaked me out for a little bit. Just the movements of the elevator and the angles it was going on freak me out hella! Didn’t really enjoy that level very much
@DenWell-SeedsOfChaos Жыл бұрын
I loved seeing Tomb Raider 2 here! I use to turn off the sound to get through the sharks/shipwreck parts. The water sounds just caused unbelievable terror in me,
@BS-si6pj 3 ай бұрын
There's one in Megaman Legends 2 for the PS2 which is the Nino ruins, especially the one room with the giant reaverbot. I think it perfectly encapsulates the feeling of thalassophobia, since the whole ruins is pitch black and underwater.
@JohannesVanDerStuyvebode 2 жыл бұрын
It's surprising nobody mentioned Assassin Creed black flag and Odyssey. That will absolutely break your spirit and i dont even have Thalassaphobia.
@FriendlyKrisp 2 жыл бұрын
Stranded deep has to be one of my favorite thalassophobia games just because its a classic.
@thejordanruiz 3 жыл бұрын
I hate to even say it but a "Man With Fear Of Water Goes Diving For The First Time" would be a moneymaker of a video.
@sorryiateurcookie 3 жыл бұрын
i dont know how many of you remember the game spore, but i loved it so much. you were able to swim in the sea amongst other game mechanics, yet if you swim too far out, a giant creature would pop out of the water and swallow you. i get nervous in any large body of water now, both in videogames and in real life. thanks for traumatizing me as a child spore 👍
@blblbl115 10 ай бұрын
In Far Cry 3, there's an underwater Deep Blue Hole (not to scale with the real one) There's an artifact collectible at the bottom, and you have to swim to the bottom to get it, if you want it... Nothing dangerous in it, no jumpscares or anything. I usually get the collectibles, including this one, but this one "gets me" everytime.
@RodrigoLimalepotatolord 3 жыл бұрын
Hey dude do you plan to finish Alien Isolation? I really liked your gameplay on it so far and i want to see you finish the game.
@ErinShellyMason 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve played inside and that whole game is unnerving. It’s not a jump scare or spooky horror game, but it’s scary in the fact that you’re always running from /something/. The suspense is the worst.
@giovanniamisani8952 2 жыл бұрын
The Witcher 3 in Skellige, open water, the ocean seems like an abyss, and sometimes you can spot a whale swimming at distance, it scared the shit out of me
@thegalaxyfox8148 2 жыл бұрын
Driving a submarine and collecting waste in the ocean as Trevor in GTA 5 is all well and good for about 5 minutes, but the SECOND that ocean drops off, I'm out, I couldn't do it, I tried, I shit myself
@penusbutter4182 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure i dont have thallasophobia but holy shit i was on edge this entire video
@lharrisonart 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if anyone has mentioned already but Narcosis is a pretty spooky deep sea game, you're walking around the sea floor with this super heavy underwater suit on and the story is really haunting, I'd definitely recommend! Would be cool to watch you play it on your channel too :)
@tossfaucet8500 3 жыл бұрын
I can hardly bare to look at sea of thieves ocean underwater
@lexbutcher864 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t have thalassophobia but my fear of drowning came from the original sonic game. I remember one of the first few levels was an underwater section, and when you were about to drown it would play that terrifying music. Thinking about it now still terrifies me.
@adamjoseph6122 3 жыл бұрын
Just subscribed today! Love the content!
@dallinaq 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing video Greg! Thank you so much!
@axolottelchen9592 Ай бұрын
Abzu and Endless Ocean are literally one of my favourite games ever. I sneaked out of bed at night to play EO when I was a kid
@NoahDaONE2001 2 жыл бұрын
Call of Duty Ghosts got me on that mission with the sharks and then everything falling apart around you
@micahfoley9572 8 ай бұрын
it's two years later, but beneath the waves is a really cool ocean game. good balance of ocean majesty and holy crap ocean big the sinking city has a small amount of quite cool deep sea diving too, old school style.
@EvilSisterOfChicken 2 жыл бұрын
I always remember playing world of Warcraft and being in Vashj'ir. There’s an underwater quest you do and you can see a huge shadow of a fish in the distance. I was feeling brave(or stupid) and swam up to it but never seemed to get closer then BOOM it was right next to me…and this thing was HUUUUGE it was a whale shark and I’ve never felt terror like it
@jessiestinks 3 жыл бұрын
thoughts on bell diving in assassins creed black flag? creeps me out
@brianm7356 2 жыл бұрын
For me the award goes to Shadows of the Empire for N64. There's one level with dianogas (those one-eyed tentacle monsters from the trash compactor in A New Hope), and the boss is a giant one that you have to fight underwater. Ugh.
@Atrav7 2 жыл бұрын
There’s a game called beyond blue, it’s not a horror game but there are sections where you have to go deep and there are giant squids, football fish(they look like angler fish) you also see reef sharks and hammerheads, there is also a section where it’s just open ocean and some creatures
@amogus205 3 жыл бұрын
You should definitely check out endless ocean and endless ocean 2 for the wii. I love both of the games, they play a huge part in my childhood and also my love for the ocean and it’s creatures but also discovering how absolutely horrified I am of the deep open waters. Endless ocean 2 especially is an amazingly beautiful yet sometimes scary game and one of my biggest wishes would be a remake for the switch or a new game :”)
@the98themperoroftheholybri33 2 жыл бұрын
There's a VR game i can't remember the name of, but it involves scientists researching the bottom of the Mariana trench but you get stuck outside the base in a big metal diving suit, you can only see about 3 feet infront of you and theres lots of giant spider crabs and other creatures that will get in your way
@ryanbennett4495 Жыл бұрын
Thelassophobia in games started with Jak and Daxter for me. The second you drop into some deep water, a lurker shark will start barreling towards you and will eventually eat you whole.
@shismith8785 2 жыл бұрын
Ik this was 6 months ago, but there's a game called "Sky: children of the light" and they recently added a whole new underwater section. There was a cut scene during a mission and it released these things we call "dark dragons" which are already scary when placed underwater, but also an absolutely enormous fish monster that you only cat h a glimpse of, UNLESS you go looking for it. Which I have not, no thank you 🤣
@TheFort...t._.t... 2 жыл бұрын
Have you ever played the bioshock games? Cuz it freaked my brain also The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan was pretty crazy so ya check it if you want or this may never be seen but thank you for helping me feel not so werid cuz in tell I found your videos I never really knew about it but it fits how I feel about open ocean water so I guess ya thank you is the best way to tell you ^^
@anxia-tea5846 2 жыл бұрын
I play a game that’s like the opposite of Abzu lol. Instead of diving underwater, you fly. Speaking of, I actually do have a bit of a phobia of heights, so… yeah. note: for anyone who wants to know, it’s called Sky: CotL
@AliUdWk 2 жыл бұрын
The jaws unleashed game for ps2 freaked me out, i was like 8 or 10yrold when i played it and thats the oldest memory i have of me being afraid of the underwater, there is a particular part of the map where the water is all foggy and, there is a dead whale there, i could never stay on that part of the map for too long, there is also a mission where you fight a giant squid on a small room, i've always played that game very scared but having a lot of fun at the same time
@ImpressionismFTW 2 жыл бұрын
Really surprised not to see Barotrauma on this list. I have Thalassophobia and it triggers me to the max. Its set under the ice on Europa.
@nikimariesixx14 3 жыл бұрын
The amount of jumpscares from Sarcos and Kapras in ARK is like omfg I hate it lol
@linkxmidna57 2 жыл бұрын
There’s also the shark in Banjo Kazooie that stalks you when deep in the water. It doesn’t help that he has a Jaws theme but what takes the cake is a honeycomb piece at a deep corner where he will catch you. It’s even worse in Tooie where you have to fight a giant angler fish and burst his pimples, but it’s better as a mini submarine
@Valhal1776 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap. I thought I was the only person who thought that that underwater fan in The Last of Us was horrifying. No one else ever understood. It's such a giant monstrosity in a dark, dank, pool that shouldn't be there and it's the worst. I must have a mild fear of underwater manmade objects, and a mild fear of big, because it's just a double whammy.
@gaymerkitty6240 10 ай бұрын
The Assassin Creed games with underwater sections (especially Odyssey when you dive down to ruins and there are sharks). One thing I hate about the water in GTA 5 is swimming next to the huge cargo ship... Not a good time with thalassophobia and megalophobia. 😬
@darknessmoto9912 3 жыл бұрын
First game: meant to be artistic, relaxing and fun, not scary. Me: fuck no! Go to hell with all that!
@mai-oc7ih 3 жыл бұрын
the sea of ghosts in skyrim always pains me since its the way you get to septimus signus in the mq
@bellazombirella Ай бұрын
I would love to watch you play some of these undersea horror games! ❤
@christiancancel-id4do 4 ай бұрын
Not including Bioshock is CRIMINAL! That's the game that made made me fear it in the first place
@Implidoodaa 2 жыл бұрын
banjo kazooie clanker's cavern, was so cute, even with the strange critters floating about :D
@inarencommander4663 3 жыл бұрын
That footage from Metroid Prime is after you get the Gravity Suit. Before that it's even murder. 😅
@rrrandy9776 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if people can relate to this but a few months ago i decided to play The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask for the first time ever (i know, shame on me) and it's a great game, but there is this one mission where you need to save some eggs from this zora girl and most of these eggs and are located at "Pinnacle Rock", which basically is just a deep hole in the ocean filled with big, creepy sea serpents which shoot out of their hidings trying to get you.. I hated it SO much
@jessiestinks 3 жыл бұрын
I loved swimming in video games as a kid, felt like a mermaid then I tried swimming in GTA & was never the same again
@BloodylocksBathory 3 жыл бұрын
Abzu is so good. You also get to swim with prehistoric animals like plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs. The big finale is a teensy bit upsetting since your shark buddy briefly gets hurt, but otherwise it's a really beautiful game to play, look at, and listen to.
I Might Have Thalassophobia
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ISSEI / いっせい
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