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Prime Of Midlife

Prime Of Midlife

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Just a bit of a catch up.

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@nancyjackson1981 10 күн бұрын
Hi Karen, last nights and tonights vlogs really resonated with me. I am an 85 year od widow, own my 3 bed bungalow and manage on my pensions quite well. Recently I started thinking about all the "stuff" I have, ie ornaments, nice furniture, good bedding etc. and what was going to happen to them all when I pop my clogs. So I made a new will, leaving money to those people I care about, designating certain items to people who have shown an interest in them and then my friend has been given the task of clearing what is left (all done legally). I recently spent two days going through "paperwork", shredding everything that was no longer relevant, sorting ou t and giving to charity unwanted clothes etc. I have only one room now to clear and boy do I feel better for doing it. Thanks to you I have a good store cupboard (I had trouble keeping up with you mind) and an air-fryer which I love. Thankyou Karen for all your sage advice over the years, I realise how lucky I am to be in my position and wish I could help you out (I would love one of your blankies, especially the one your doing now, love the colours ) so perhaps you could sell them? Both my parents died young, lived in a council house so I was spared what you are going through now, just stay strong, you seem to have a good plan between you and remember we are all here for you (I love your rants), my gran was Scottish. With much love and support. xxxx
@tracyburton3458 10 күн бұрын
When we moved abroad I took everything we didn't give to family and friends to a local church charity shop. I remember one of the ladies telling me that when her husband died she'd had a horrible time sorting out his 'stuff' after a lifetime of him hoarding - there was a garage, at least one shed and a huge amount of belongings in their house. Like you, she vowed not to do the same to her family when she died and set about organising her own life. I'm not religious but one of the reasons I kept going back to that same charity shop was because I loved that lady's outlook so much. She was thinking ahead and wanting to make things as easy as possible for her family. Sadly, my own in-laws are massive hoarders - I don't think there's even a square foot of empty wall in their four-bedroom bungalow.
@witcherwoo8938 Күн бұрын
Nancy, whst a lovely encouraging post.well done you! ❤
@seandaly2486 10 күн бұрын
Be very proud of what you have done for your parents. It's a disgrace the way governments claw back the wealth of the elderly. They gave their lives and taxes for decades and it's taken back in Care Homes and inheritance taxes. Same in Ireland. stay strong you and Kathleen
@alysunchained1298 10 күн бұрын
Same in the United States, as well. My mom is doing fine so far but my father has Parkinson's and just went blind recently due to giant cell arteritis. His care will wipe out his house that he and his wife are now selling. It will probably also wipe out all of his savings, etc. He is a retired government employee with excellent insurance and owned a business for 20 years after that, so he has paid plenty into the Social Security pot as well. Still, care is so expensive that it probably won't be enough...
@chichestermaritime8174 10 күн бұрын
Hi Karen. Thanks for such an honest video. My parents didn't throw anything away ever. When they died, clearing their house was a nightmare. A couple of points I would like to add. If you don't have kids to deal with all this stuff when you're needing care yourself - imagine having a major stroke out of the blue - then someone needs to have a power of attorney to access bank accounts; sell the house and contents; empty the fridge; deal with pets etc. The second point is that many of us wives, once retired with a husband, begin to suffer what I call 'wife syndrome' where the husband always takes the driving seat in the car; deals with the online banking; sorts out the computer problems and so forth. I have several friends that have been carers then widowed in the past couple of years and they are all finding similar issues. All have had to get back in the driving seat to go farther than the shops. This may sound like nothing but it's a major confidence problem if all you've done is driven to the local shops for 20 years! Online banking can be a nightmare. Online anything can be a nightmare when you have never done it. On the other hand if I go into care or shuffle off before my husband he will need to get out the instructions for the washing machine, dishwasher and all the rest of domesticity.
@roblloyd1879 10 күн бұрын
A real human being in a world that has gone mad.
@beaulieuc8910 10 күн бұрын
I over paid my mortgage, best thing ever, sick of that debt looming over my head
@philodowd8080 10 күн бұрын
My heart aches for you but your brilliant and you will sort things ❤
@chorky2 10 күн бұрын
This was a very good video and should give people plenty of food for thought in their own lives. Heather
@frugalitystartsathome4889 10 күн бұрын
Paying off the mortgage early was the best thing we ever did, worth everything we went without in order to do it. I cannot encourage you, or anyone with a mortgage, enough to do that if you possibly can.
@sunnihunny 10 күн бұрын
Karen, I've been subscribed for quite some time but I'm one who usually just sits in the shadows and not commenting often. However I just had to say that not only have I been in a similar situation, I am now old and although my property is settled (everything legally in my only son's name!), I am wrestling with who will love my stuff! So I'm giving things to various friends and family now. Hopefully they will treasure the stuff. But if not..ok. at least it won't all go into garbage when I kick the bucket! I said a prayer for you. Will keep in touch. ❤sunni Ps.. wish I could buy some of your crochet!!
@SuzanneChloe 10 күн бұрын
Karen, I saw last night's video, . I just didn't have the words. It is awful how people are being treated. It is greedy and cruel. You are loved and appreciated.
@beaulieuc8910 10 күн бұрын
if everything is in your son's name couldn't that make you more vulnerable ie could he kick you out
@sunnihunny 10 күн бұрын
@beaulieuc8910 oh my absolutely not! First of all, he's my heart!! My only child. And I do have a 'life estate' on the acreage that my house is on. But the entire rest of the property is in his name only. He has built a gorgeous new house quite near mine and is raising his two sons to farm just like the generations before him farmed this property. So, no. He would never do such. Besides being so very close to me, he is a fine and upstanding Christian who will always do the right thing🩵
@joannacurran8475 10 күн бұрын
Check how your mortgage is calculated. Some are done on an anual basis, in which case save the money during the year and earn the interest yourself, then pay the mortgage just before the end of the year.
@aliliveswellonless 10 күн бұрын
It's not a depressing thought to think about what happens when parents/we are not here. I'm on a mission to encourage women our age (and younger) to be prepared for old age/pensions/care when parents/we can't look after ourselves. By talking about what you're doing you are helping so many people!! Also a big batch cooker here! 🙂
@beaulieuc8910 10 күн бұрын
well said, it has to be talked about. We are adults not kids
@essanjay8604 9 күн бұрын
I'm definitely decluttering on a regular basis as I approach 70. I've had to help clear out too many cluttered homes in the past decade. I don't want anyone to have to do it for me!
@rbhstudios2177 10 күн бұрын
I enjoy your voice and the topics you share. I’ve watched/listened to them multiple times as part of my nighttime ritual. I tremendously appreciate that you don’t have opening or closing music to your videos. I often use them to fall asleep at night. You have a wonderful voice. Thank you for making these videos. God bless from the USA.
@prepperfortheages878 10 күн бұрын
Have been paying extra on the mortgage from the get-go to pay down the principal to avoid having to pay the large interest. Am almost done with the mortgage and have saved $70,000 in interest payments. Crossing my fingers the last of the mortgage payments go smoothly. BTW there's a wool wash and conditioner product available, to soften wool. I get mine through The Woolery but am sure it's available elsewhere as well. Hope your day is getting better, Jill
@BeFree-BeFrugal 10 күн бұрын
It gives me peace of mind to know I’m going through my stuff so my son doesn’t have to…at the moment I’m concentrating on paper work
@lynns.1855 10 күн бұрын
I’m 61 and I’ve started doing the Swedish death cleaning. My father is 85 and won’t even talk about declutterring. I don’t want to leave my stuff to burden my son. God bless you Karen for all you’re dealing with.
@beaulieuc8910 10 күн бұрын
agreed my elderly mother won't talk about declutting or even talk about what happens when she gets older and inform, she wants me to get absolutely stressed. I wish my parent would be more grown up
@2222fine 10 күн бұрын
@@beaulieuc8910 Ask yourself, if her life and future death is all about you and how you feel. Ask yourself how you would feel, when your kid tells you to make plans about your death and clear your rubbish out just in case....? What gives us the right to tell our aged parents, who gave us life and tidied up after us, that they have outlived their usefulness and must make provisions that their passing is more convenient for us?
@tracyburton3458 10 күн бұрын
@@beaulieuc8910 All hints to my in-laws are also ignored. Some people just can't part with anything, even when they know what's to come for their family. :(
@essanjay8604 9 күн бұрын
Some people are just selfish. It's me me me right to the end!
@essanjay8604 9 күн бұрын
​@@2222fineA caring parent doesn't need to have such things spelled out to them!!
@marydoyle4911 10 күн бұрын
Wishing you all the best with your future plans . It does give each and everyone a lot to think about , nobody wants to burden their children with debt, so thanks again for letting us know of you situation. Please God everything will work out for you.
@stephenasmith49 10 күн бұрын
Another really great video, so much sense and thoughtfulness. Thanks so much !
@lindacleveland1289 10 күн бұрын
I hope all your plans work out Karen , it will put you back in charge and will make you feel more positive ❤
@gerriwalsh9846 10 күн бұрын
Before 2018 in this part of Canada, seniors were in the same predicament as your parents if they owned a home. To get around it, my grandmother transferred ownership of her house to her son a few months before she needed to move into a care home - maybe that is something you could do in the future for your daughter. Fortunately in this area, the rules changed as of late 2018 and now seniors are assessed based only one their taxable income from the previous year - other assets like their homes are not factored into it at all - this seems way more humane for people who have worked all their lives and paid taxes on every dollar they earned! Private care homes for high level care are very expensive; luckily, the provincial government has a long list of homes that are subsidized for people who can't afford that kind of private care.
@Lousialee-hm3gu 10 күн бұрын
When I was wee and jumble sales were a thing we used to buy handknitted stuff, unravel the wool and wrap it round a bit of card or a wire coat hanger so we could steam it to straighten out the kinks. We then had wool for our own projects at a much cheaper price. I have sensitive skin and can't stand wool against it or I'm clawing myself to shreds.
@sandraparry8653 10 күн бұрын
My mother used rip wool, to knit socks and sleeveless tops for me and my sister. She taught me how to use it up , so I always done it to. My daughters had the same items knitted for me, by me. I am Left handed but I learned to knit right handed when I was 4 years old, on 2 ply wool.
@Lousialee-hm3gu 10 күн бұрын
@@sandraparry8653 This shows how much value a hand made item has. I bet your daughters are proud to wear what you made and wore yourself.
@tonette6592 9 күн бұрын
It all sounds like sounds like great plans! There our Karen's keen mind!
@margaretbagur3553 10 күн бұрын
You are doing great. And if you ever can't pick yourself up we're here. As for wool, I love wool and would not part with mine. But there is a Merino wool that might be something you might like.
@candacehammond5919 10 күн бұрын
Call the Midwife is an excellent series! It takes place in England. Best wishes to you!😊
@Dutch_Gonneke 10 күн бұрын
You deserved the warm blanket from your community Karen! I am sure you will overcome this disappointment due to your strong head... I never had anything other than a few thousands guilders when my dad died. Have a toxic mother and disconnected with her years ago. Meaning I can not relate... have nothing to leave my children. But I trust they will find their way through life by adapting to change as we all have to (learn to) do! Thankfully I do not have a lot of stuff. Mostly papers (manuscripts of unpublished books/diaries/old news paper clippings etc). I asked my youngest son if he thought it was necessary for me to get rid of it myself or leave it for him to deal with after my death. He said he would just rent a container, throw all my belongings in it without even looking and bring it to the dumpster 😂😂😂 (He does want to keep one antique cabinet that has been in the family for generations. And my oval teak wood table. I have nothing else of any value). It is good to speak of these things with your kids. Especially if there is no partner or close friend to discuss important topics with.
@alyxayto8800 10 күн бұрын
You could always back the blanket with some material, to stop the itchiness. I have done this with a couple of blankets that I use. I actually used a tablecloth from a charity shop for one and blanket stitched around the edges.
@sharonj7234 10 күн бұрын
Good video, gave me something to think about. I can knit simple projects but much prefer crocheting. There are lots of crochet wrist warmers/fingerless glove tutorials right here on KZbin, from beginner easy to fancy. Check out Crochet Crowd and Bag O Day, two of my favorites.
@May-su8xv 10 күн бұрын
I really like my stuff but I have way too much of it my kids don’t want it and I’m 76. So I’ll try to get rid of some things
@joycef8443 10 күн бұрын
In your zeal to pay down mortgage quickly, make sure you still have adequate savings for any big house repair or car repair , vet bill.
@debbieframpton3857 10 күн бұрын
My mom has been in care for a year using her savings sold her house in January to continue paying for her care I put my home in an irrevocable trust leaving to my daughter as long as I would not have to go into a nursing home for 5 years the house will not have to be sold for my care instead of putting her house on the deed now she will inherit at the time of my death to avoid having to pay Capital Gains this why she does not have to pay anything . I made sure my mortgage was paid for before I stepped down to part-time for a year before totaly quiting work in 2020
@alibali672 10 күн бұрын
Is there somewhere with information on irrevocable trusts? Did you do it through a solicitor?
@bernieozzie7480 10 күн бұрын
May I suggest trying radio plays. Ytube has so many different genre and I love listening while working in the house. I also bought a pair of ear phones and now listen when gardening. There are heaps of audiobooks there as well. For tv I have Tubi, it is a free channel and has so many movies and TV shows. Love the blanket.
@moonviolet27 10 күн бұрын
I love the old Sherlock Holmes radio shows from the 1940’s. The Basil Rathbone movies also, which are on KZbin. I find them comforting 😊
@lynnoorman2144 10 күн бұрын
Well done you for going forward with a positive plan despite depressing ( and imo cruel) events. My Mum left me not only her will but a list contacts; a list of where het finances were and instructions for her funeral. She passed within 2 weeks of being diagnosed ( she would have hated a care home! So it was better for her, in a way). And she showed me love and care by leaving things thus prepared to make it less stressful for me. At 66 I am now doing the same for my kids. I have not had your experiences with care homes, but many of my friends are now going through this. I think it is cruel and disrespectful to the hard work of previous generations. I can only give my heartfelt best wishes and sympathy, as i am blessed not to have had that experience.
@varinafulcher5898 10 күн бұрын
We have our blankets out now when we are sitting, and we are in the south!
@Vanessa-yd1sb 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for this video i luckily still have healthy parents thankfully but I am going to have a talk with them , just in case events quickly change. Sending love to you and Kathleen ❤
@judithmorganjudyteen 10 күн бұрын
Yes, best time to do it whilst you can discuss it calmly and with some humour, hopefully.many of us leave it till too late ❤
@alibali672 10 күн бұрын
Make sure you set up the lasting power of attorneys if you haven't already. There are 2 types of LPA: one for health and welfare, and another for property and financial affairs. Set up both, otherwise you will have no control over what happens. You might consider setting these up for yourself as well as your parents, just in case.
@lynnoorman2144 10 күн бұрын
Please do it now. I did with my mum who passed away quite suddenly - it was a relief that I knew where all the finances were; who to contact and inform of her passing; how she wanted to go ( cremation);what kind of service etc. Whatever our age, we should do it NOW. I have pushed my 41 year old and 38 year old into doing this now. Because I love them and want to minimise their stress as my mum ( bless her) did for me.
@Fritz0616 10 күн бұрын
My home is cluttered but its 99% to make things for yourself as in pressure canning equipment, kitchen gadgets to help me make foods from scratch as I age with all my muscle loss and torn rotator cuff, candle making supplies, soap making supplies, lots of butters, essential oils molds Micah's to make body products, candy and medicines. Everything that I have invested in is to help make my own things as well as to make things to sell, including my sewing machine with material and everything that's needed to make clothing. And as we go further into this depression because we are definitely in the beginning stages of a depression in the United States all of this will come handy for my oldest son as my other two sons are already set. I hope and I pray that the house will get paid off and I can sign it over to my oldest son and if I have to, we will pay the $10,000 to the lawyer so that if my husband or myself going to a nursing home the Nursing Home can't touch it.
@maysloman5313 10 күн бұрын
Hope you feel you more empowered to make the best decisions. Make sure you get good legal advice.
@amandachapman4708 7 күн бұрын
Scratchy wool can be softened with a bit of hair conditioner in the final rinse. Best if you can work it in by hand like you would work it into your hair, but a good dollop into the machine rinse works reasonably well
@naomipurdy7045 9 күн бұрын
@colinrea-nu7ue 10 күн бұрын
Hiya I'm Colin Just found your channel on KZbin. Practical advice for a world that hates everyone over 40. Keep up the good work and keep surviving, those in power hate survivors 😆
@paulamartin6049 10 күн бұрын
I thought that i was the only person who thought this . Well said you i am in the over 50 group currently worrying about my old age px
@colinrea-nu7ue 10 күн бұрын
@@paulamartin6049 I'm 61 but it's a free club to join 😁
@monkeeblue 10 күн бұрын
For soft against the skin wool you want to go with a merino or a merino blend. There are superwash merinos/blends out there. Not sure what's available in your country(I'm in Canada), but there are online buying options.
@s.kurzeck3020 10 күн бұрын
Last year I rediscovered the hot-water bottle! No, not the rubber thing, a Weck glass bottle filled with hot water! Like those fancy picknick bottles, the expensive olive oil bottles, the homemade bramble juice bottles! Or the fancy craft beer bottles! I even considered buying an old-fashioned pottery hot water foot warmer at the flea market!
@juliawood8016 10 күн бұрын
Hope all works out for you
@pheart2381 10 күн бұрын
I wear wool thermals,merino. Not itchy at all,amd last several winters and can then be made into the other things. Silk/wool mix only last half that long. Tried buying wool off ebay? There are loads of people selling old wool stock.
@sandraparry8653 10 күн бұрын
Hi, The way you were explaining how when the seasons change how you layer up. Well I do the same thing , down to short sleeves, long sleeve, cardigans trousers. Just yet same way. It really put a smile on my face😊 Lovely. With your mind set you'll do it! And we will be with you all the way ❤. Sandra. Rhyl.
@laurierowan1632 10 күн бұрын
You very good mom. I need do same thing for my son too.
@corinnedews7277 10 күн бұрын
Could you line your blankie with a cheap fleece blanket so the wool isn't next to your skin? Apparently the wool itches because the fibres are cut into short lengths before it's spun.
@dscrerar1111 10 күн бұрын
That's sounds lush.
@bernadettenightingale4495 8 күн бұрын
There are some wonderful DVDs series in charity shops . And wool. I just double the wool for thickness and wsrmt. It doesn't have to be " wool," especially when your wearing clothes!❤
@debbiesavage7107 10 күн бұрын
Bless your heart! ❤
@FrugalQueeninFrance 10 күн бұрын
I looked up full nursing home care here in the huge EPHAD it's 1800€ . There's some ruling here that care must be in line with average earnings. The extras are whether you're in an apartment, whether you have a cleaner, hair dressing ect. But a room in the EPHAD full nursing care and board is 1800€
@lynnoorman2144 10 күн бұрын
Yep, cruel, isn't it? But, on the other side of the argument we are an aging population and governments cannot afford our care ( if given to a reasonable standard)
@FrugalQueeninFrance 10 күн бұрын
@@lynnoorman2144 I personally feel it should be provided at cost not profit.
@dscrerar1111 10 күн бұрын
I am 55, my son is 25 years old and lives with me. My own mother passed away suddenly at 63 years old, 15 years ago. Then my dad passed away suddenly 7 years ago. They both had poor health, but nonetheless, it was shocking. So, my son and I do talk about what happens when a loved one dies. As there are only the two of us, I think you have to talk about these things. Watching your channel, and others about decluttering, it motivates me to become more minimalist. At the moment its hard to start the habit, but I really want to get going. My stumbling block is transporting the stuff out of the house. Neither of us drives or has a car. So, its one bag at a time. Enjoy your vlogs. You can do this.
@tracyburton3458 10 күн бұрын
I love The Minimal Mom - I find her posts so inspiring. She's real about it too - she has four children and knows things pile up again no matter how much you declutter.
@dscrerar1111 9 күн бұрын
Thanks 👍🏼 I am watching a lady called Libby who is decluttering one bag at a time.
@essanjay8604 9 күн бұрын
Can't you contact a charity shop to collect from you?
@Beingnessing 10 күн бұрын
Merino wool is not itchy
@martaromero478 10 күн бұрын
Karen, ❤ from Argentina 🇦🇷
@anncarmichael1267 10 күн бұрын
Wish you all the best and good luck for all your future plans x
@ohmcintyre2067 10 күн бұрын
Ironically, although I’m American my favorite TV is British, especially Vera, Midsomer Murders, and Silent Witness. For American, my favorite is the original NCIS series, but I watched The Mentalist recently and it is pretty good. The Australian Doctor Blake mysteries are good, too. (Can you tell that I like crime/mystery shows that aren’t too gruesome?)
@myoldvhstapes 10 күн бұрын
The "British TV" subreddit is a great place for discussing these shows/programmes.
@varinafulcher5898 10 күн бұрын
I do love knitting in real wool.
@charlottemacgregor5061 9 күн бұрын
Big hug from me x I think my Nana ended up paying about £80K fees for her 2.5 years in a nursing home I’m only 45 but I’ve made a will after both my parents died young without a will
@lollys9041 10 күн бұрын
Thinking of you Karen, big virtual hug. Once we got in a position of being debt free we have been paying extra off the mortgage each month, you are right the overpayments go straight off the capital and so you save on interest. We are at a stage where we have 5 years 8 months left on the mortgage but if we carry on overpaying as we are 🤞 we should have it paid off in 2 and a half years, I will be 64. I add these overpayments into my monthly budget just like a bill or direct debit and is paid straight off so it’s not lingering in an account. As long as we stay under the 10% of the balance each year we are ok. So any over that we stick in another account to pay off at a later date when we are near the end of the term. Hubby has done the lion share of the earning for the last few years but I do my bit with the budgeting, meal planning, prep, reuse, recycle etc. We do not live in lack we have holidays, not abroad but affordable UK holidays, plenty of fresh air, nature and walks all budgeted for each month. We are lucky now we are at a stage where we can do this but for many years we were in debt both in low paying jobs living from pay day to pay day, spending the overdraft until next pay day. It is exhausting and demoralising but I think once you find your own system that works for you, you are away. However little can put a side is a start. I started putting £2 away a month into a separate account until I got my system going. Being frugal I think is just living a more simple life and for me it was life changing. We decided what was important for us, such as the holiday and again put it in the budget like any other bill. It was very freeing to let go of all the stuff that I thought I wanted and being happy and content with the things I have. Best wishes to you Karen you are doing a brilliant job for you and your family.😻❤️🙏
@tracyburton3458 10 күн бұрын
Wow, not long to go now. When we were paying off our mortgage (we made the final payment eight years ago), everytime I talked myself out of buying something, having a meal out, grabbing a taxi, etc. I'd move the amount of cash I'd 'saved' into the mortgage account (we were lucky we bank with Nationwide and had a mortgage with them so this was easy to do). Those tiny amounts really do add up over time. It was amazing how quickly we paid it off once we got started ... and our mortgage was still over £100k when we made our decision and neither of us had regular full-time jobs (we freelance). And like you, we never missed out on our holidays. It's just about prioritising what's really important to you - we realised that eating out really wasn't so started inviting people around instead and saved ££££s.
@lisaf7909 10 күн бұрын
You need to take legal advice on protecting your daughters inheritance they can still take it after you've transferred ownership to pay for your care fees.
@aljocammo765 10 күн бұрын
Karen try line of duty and the fall. Both amazing crime series. 😍
@mariedamon5655 10 күн бұрын
Arrr karen that was duch s dhock for you hope your feeling little better this eve .i went to a charity shop and brought some lovely knitted cat blsnkets they are square pated ones two different dark colours but two layers thick my cat apps loves them x
@AJ-wt5zy 10 күн бұрын
Crochet wrist warmers, measure the palm of your hand make a chain that length then crochet to length required sew side up leaving a gap for thumb
@s.kurzeck3020 10 күн бұрын
My dear mother-in-law knitted them from colouful sock-wool on four sock-needles - left a slit for the thumb and crocheted around that! My little ones loved them for their warmth and her love, I loved them for bridging the gap of too short sleeves of winter jackets! Best-loved were rainbow yarn 2left/2right - worked for boy and girl! When hands got bigger she switched to thicker yarns and experimented with frilly yarns on the edges!
@trinaquilts 10 күн бұрын
Superwash wool is much softer, very nice to work with. It is a bit more expensive.
@dscrerar1111 10 күн бұрын
Do you still get Lux flakes? I remember that from when my mum was a knitter. Especially for baby knitting.
@marylynch2510 10 күн бұрын
@anniegreen4205 10 күн бұрын
Maybe as soon as the mortgage is paid off sign the house over to your daughter, a living Will type if thing.
@johnrodger1248 8 күн бұрын
@primeofmidlife 6 күн бұрын
Thank you John, that is very kind of you
@cattenfk7006 10 күн бұрын
Where I live the really rough wool is for extra thick "socks" and the softest is for babycloths :) Heard you could put the wool in the freezer and it won't itch as much but it didn't really work for me but give it a try, doesn't hurt it at all. I got used to wool when the electricitycost skyrockeded so I am more stindgy than bothered by wool xD
@preppernut 10 күн бұрын
Sounds like an excellent cunning plan. Does running the videos over and over, help you out?
@janetmackinnon3411 10 күн бұрын
Only twelve weeks to sell the house? That's a crooks' charter! Easy enough to buy cheap when there is that sort of pressure on the seller. Don't throw out stuff till you know you can't sell it. I'm sure you'll cope.
@judithmorganjudyteen 10 күн бұрын
I didn't understand why 12 weeks
@ashleybosvik3031 10 күн бұрын
What happens if you can't sell it in that time
@lynnoorman2144 10 күн бұрын
​@@judithmorganjudyteen those are the UK government regulations in this instance
@kathywolfe6606 10 күн бұрын
So sorry you are having to go thru this.
@rebeccaramsden4777 10 күн бұрын
Merino wool is very soft x
@juliawigger9796 10 күн бұрын
To stopmwool being scratchy wash in Comfort.
@darrylgrimaldi5101 10 күн бұрын
Death in paradise, return to paradise and doc martin
@ruby-f7e 10 күн бұрын
Karen, so glad you are feeling more positive and determined.Happy Friday to you and Kathleen. Side note: Could you to a bit of a tutorial on how you do your crochet blankies ? 🧶🧶🧶
@user-do3qz7kt2m 10 күн бұрын
❤❤❤love Australia 😊
@rachell4694 10 күн бұрын
Could you attach cotton backing to one side of your wool blanket, so that you have one soft side nearest your body ?
@beaulieuc8910 10 күн бұрын
I didn't know that they make you sell within a few weeks. That's tough. There more all of us are educated on this the better on when it is like when our parents get older, the media doesn't about it much. I am scared of my mother getting older and perhaps into a care home or dying, with probate and inheritance tax to sort out.
@juliawigger9796 10 күн бұрын
Get legal advice NOW. You can get legal free advice for an hour .Get power of attorney, which covers finance and health matters. Buy 1% of parents House. Make sure there is a will in place. Phone Age concern for totally free advice if you're not happy with lawyers. Above all keep social services at barge pole length. This only applies if your in England.
@marydoyle4911 10 күн бұрын
​@@juliawigger9796Well said Julia , that sounds like very good advice. God bless you 🙏
@connievaughn8468 6 күн бұрын
Someone has probably already told you this, but merino wool is not scratchy. I have never been able to wear wool because it itched me so badly! I read that merino did not itch so I bought a pair of merino wool socks, and they did not itch at all. They are wonderful. So, try merino, dear girl. I hope it works for you. Blessings to you, Karen.
@judyrousonelos418 10 күн бұрын
Wicked little letters…pretty good movie on Netflix
@gwenbrown6173 9 күн бұрын
Merino wool or baby alpaca wool won't itch.
@lilithwesainen9082 9 күн бұрын
I can understand your point of view but I also think everyone should enjoy their hard earned possessions for as long as they want to. "Decluttering" your house is an idea I never understood - unless one is suffering from a hoarding disorder, why would there be a need to declutter? I will happily keep all my things until the day I do not need them anymore. And what happens after that, is really not my problem.
@essanjay8604 9 күн бұрын
Hopefully you don't have kids to whom the miserable task will fall then? It's fine taking that attitude if you arrange in your Will for a house clearance company to do it.
@misfit7610 10 күн бұрын
I believe alpaca wool is not scratchy
@joyceCarnivore4490 10 күн бұрын
@ElizabethShaw-h9z 10 күн бұрын
So what is your plan?To sell your house and buy one in your daughter’s name?A very good idea but I bet they’ll have you for capital gains,I do hope you can pull it off.
@independentpuppy7520 10 күн бұрын
Hello. How are you these days?
@michellevaleriewilkins-tur274 10 күн бұрын
Do you watch Vera? I love her shows.
@tracyburton3458 10 күн бұрын
It's good to see you sounding more positive, but I still hate what's happening to you and thousands of other families. It is so wrong. You shouldn't have to be worrying about your own home and what happens to Kathleen.
@2222fine 10 күн бұрын
Swedish death cleaning?!? Good grief, what is the world coming to? Next time we have to appologise for having had a life or have to bury ourselves as not to 'burden' our offspring with any kind of effort on their part... I hate how little regard we have for ageing people and that ageing people apologise for having homes with more than one room or having possessions that they gathered over the decades. I worked for years as a landscape gardener and spend a lot of time around retirement and care homes. The residents often engaged me in conversation and opened up how much they missed their homes and gardens, but it seemed the right thing to do to downsize....bla bla bla. They lived in one room - can't swing a cat in it - with a tiny kitchen nook and an insult of a bathroom. They are nothing more than glorified prisons, where people wait to 'unburden the world of their existence'. But yeah, their children didn't have to bother with them and often didn't. What kind of a society have we created, where people apologise for growing old? I came across this video by accident a couple of weeks ago. It helps to make one look forward: .
@judithmorganjudyteen 10 күн бұрын
You may have misunderstood what it means
@2222fine 10 күн бұрын
@@judithmorganjudyteen No, I haven't misunderstood it at all.
@AJ-wt5zy 10 күн бұрын
Just popped over to your channel 95.5 years old wow! Will look at your channel more after this catch up with Karen 🎈🎈🎈
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