Anyone who wants to use a Mirage F1 in sim should look into the F1CT, it has the Mirage 2000 HUD and RWR and can fully utitilise the 530F's "stealthy" launch. Albeit you get one less gun.
@muhamadafrifauzi56958 ай бұрын
why is F1CT can launched 530F stealthier?
@BF-1098 ай бұрын
@@muhamadafrifauzi5695 530F doesn't trigger a launch warning since it's pulse and not CW, it works for both F1's
@muhamadafrifauzi56958 ай бұрын
@@BF-109 Well I never know about that. By this logic then 530F launched is like IR Missile?
@mishkalewis84098 ай бұрын
@@muhamadafrifauzi5695 not in the slightest, its till a radar missile, but aircraft dont have the measures to detect that band type. you still need radar lock and well because it is pulse it is also weak towards chaff..
@nicolaspeigne14298 ай бұрын
a good thing about the F1CT is you get a 4 x 2000 pounds bomb loadout which mean you can get 2 base by yourself
@SeekerHead8 ай бұрын
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
@jeandelacroix67268 ай бұрын
The S530F should likely be chaff resistance it has a seeker shutoff if it detects chaff. S530F has a rate gate and can detect a target slowing down very quickly than natural = chaff. The thing known for sure was that the feature was present on the R530 and R530M with a 3s seeker shutoff . As the S530F manuals are all classified or only says it is resistance without any explanation, reliable data is not accesible. The community has argued to give it the same shutoff mechanic on the same timer until we can get more details on the delay. Gaijin has refused to do so because they are not sure about the delay. The RWR on the C200 is partly wrong the later ones that were transformed got the same RWR as the early CT (Sherloc) but since Gaijin never bothered to model the screen for any Mirage F1, they can do whatever they want, so they gave it the BZ RWR (without the display either).
@dnfluffles7728 ай бұрын
They stealth gave it chaff resistance 2 updates ago. It works kind of like a worse aim9m but with chaff.
@TheOreoOverlord8 ай бұрын
It should be said that the magic 1 also got the huge maneuverability buff as well, so on planes like the mirage III series you can launch them from unexpected angles and nobody flares because nobody expects a missile from side aspect at .6 kilometers
@davidhunt1221228 ай бұрын
I just picked up the F1C-200 and I’ve been very happy with the performance of it. The 11.3 matchmaker paired with the Magic 2 missile is a very fun time.
@patriktoth62588 ай бұрын
If you know how to play sim then you will gon a praise the F1C-200 😂 I had 2 matchs where i had a stable 3:1 K:D (my best so far is 24 kill 8 death and 2 is by my fault other 6 i got killed by enemy). I have the F4J/Mig23MLD as well,but the mirage holds a special place in my heart. Even if you go against 11.7 bracket you still not gonna have many problems
@jerichostevens27113 күн бұрын
i wish it was still at 11.3 now its at 12.0... and I'm lucky to get a couple of kills per game with the magic 2s...
@davidhunt1221223 күн бұрын
@@jerichostevens2711 it’s a bit of a double edged sword, cause most of the things it flew against also got moved up, it feels like the same matchmaker as before just with some dangerous variety in an up tier
@unoriginalplays1208 ай бұрын
If only it got the 530Ds, the 530fs seem to either get chaffed or people can just straight up dodge them by turning
@mishkalewis84098 ай бұрын
unfortunately the F1 never got the 530D's irl. And it gets chaffed because of the different seeker. its pulse instead of the more common CW type. its till the exact same missile.
@thegreenbolt28198 ай бұрын
@@mishkalewis8409 However the 530F is still pretty badly modeled, irl the 530F has an ECCM and it should ignore chaff, and apparently theres a source that claims that the seeker head of the 530F is a monopulse CW like the 530D, with the difference being that the 530D seeker head has much better low altitude performance as it won't lose lock easily compared to the 530F at low altitude
@mishkalewis84098 ай бұрын
@@thegreenbolt2819 thats fair, i know that, but ingame it isnt like that, like always france underperforms ingame compared to il because gaijin couldn't be bothered with accurate modelling
@rain-er65375 ай бұрын
@@mishkalewis8409 I wish we had a Mirage F1 early with only magic 1s at 10.7/11.0
@Urssaff5 ай бұрын
Would be very painful imo @@rain-er6537
@Registered_Simp8 ай бұрын
Did some limited testing with the S530F's a few months back once I heard they got some chaff resistance modeled. From my testing, it appears to work somewhat like Aim-9M's tracking suspension, where the missile will try to side-step the chaff and look where it expects the target to be in maybe half a second or so. Works best in MTI mode, but is still vulnerable to countermeasures spam. If you rip like 8-10 chaff out in rapid succession, the missile is still trashed
@tk03_858 ай бұрын
This thing can also carry 3x2000lb bombs, which is very good for casual grinding & Ground RB. And the bombs don't replace the Magic 2s, so you don't have to worry about sacrificing too much A2A capability if you wanted to run it in Sim. Cockpit doesn't have great visibility though.
@Threxer8 ай бұрын
I think all SARH missiles are completely suicidal but the 530s are just the worst. I've never seen one actually function properly without extreme jank.
@gumduck25048 ай бұрын
The F in 530F stands for Fucking useless But 530D is ight. Usually works well
@a.e.richardson2188 ай бұрын
I've found the r530 works well
@vha12078 ай бұрын
530D in SB is a beast. I killed a lot of Mig-23ML and F-4S
@Northern008 ай бұрын
@@gumduck2504 Its more along the lines of a sparrow: sometimes itll hit, sometimes itll die off the rail; still much better than the 530F but definitely worse than anything else at top tier (24R, 7F/M, 27R/ER, are all better). Currently just want MICA EM/IR to really dunk on mfs, since MICA IR is the only long range IR missile besides the 27ET in use (as far as i am aware, maybe china has something but idk).
@СергейНикольский-я2ц8 ай бұрын
@@Northern00you should remove 24R from the list, 530D is 2x faster, 1.3x more manoeuvrable and has 3x max range (I’ve made a lot of kills from 30-40km using 530D while 24R can’t reach a straight flying target from over 10km and can be easily defeated by just doing barrel roll) and it almost never loses targets so at least in sim 530D is muuuuuch better than 24R or 27R(this one is even worse than 24R for some unexplainable reasons)
@Florida_Man1-8 ай бұрын
Thank you for making a video on the F1C-200
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
My pleasure!
@LatinaGaming883 ай бұрын
The milan is in a fun bracket of jets while this is in f14 land
@Loudward__8 ай бұрын
Okay so afaik, the Chaff filter is most present when using the 530F with the M2K radars. On the MF1C It’s less present if at all. People don’t talk about it in the M2K’s because using the 530F is just difficult at the BR’s the 2K’s are at.
@rodneycook36748 ай бұрын
Any evidence to back this up? How do you know the resistance isn’t tied to the seeker itself and not the radar?
@IRLFlightSim8 ай бұрын
Don’t matter the Gen Lee content. I’m a simple man. I see Gen Lee post, I click.
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
o7, I appreciate it :)
@GKG_12148 ай бұрын
so glad lee decidedd to talk about this plane again. It is genuinely one of my favorite planes at the BR. I enjoy bringing in two 530Es to try and meme people. I don't even need to say anything about the magic 2's. In uptiers it absolutely sucks but at Br or lower it is an absolute demon.
@PlagueOfWasps8 ай бұрын
Figured people would catch on eventually. Take the magic2s and gunpods, stay low and fast-you can go about 900mph at sea level without ripping. You get one really good turn before your speed is gone, time it so you can fire your missile within 1.5km rear aspect and enjoy the free kill. Repeat and then farm AI or take headons until the game ends. The gunpods more than double your ammo and drag is negligible, with the targeting computer you can easily get 10-15 ground kills and 2 player air kills a game. Went through the French tree up to the mirage 4000 in around 300 games.
@patriktoth62588 ай бұрын
In SB you can take 530F's. Even tho gunpods are much better there too,but still i somehow managed to get 1 kill out of 2 launch. Not to mention that a lot of planes like the (F14A,Mig23's or Japanese F4E's) can't really identify the threat. So i personally use it as a bait to get the enemy to a defensive position since breaking to lock on the MTI mode requires some sort of manouver (notching for example) and it gives me the power of surprise for the magics.
@nightshadedawn8 ай бұрын
between the F1C, F1C-200, and F1CT, the CT is the one you want. You get the same kit as the other F1Cs minus the centerline missile and one gun but you get a better RWR and increased CAS capabilities.
@Jaeger_898 ай бұрын
I got this before I ever got familiar with top-ish tier (~11.3 - 12.0) and actually enjoyed it a lot. Ever since I learned how to fly high in these tiers and survive it became even more fun. It's not the king when it comes to performance but if you know how to properly defend yourself, you can even challenge F-16s in a dogfight if you do everything right. OFC, by "everything right" I mean a very tight window of opportunity that, if missed, means you are dead...
@duebro8228 ай бұрын
For grinding I use the Magic’s and one set of the rocket pods, I have a 60%+win rate with 2-6 kills per game. It’s an absolute monster😭
@NotAnWildPig8 ай бұрын
General Lee turned into Bruce Lee of War Thunder at the beginning with them reversals
@rodneycook36748 ай бұрын
I have this plane and only shoot the 530F when the target is above me. While it has look down mode it lacks look down shoot down and the pulse seeker gets confused by ground clutter.
@AWACSHOUND5 ай бұрын
Ah yes the “Giraffe” method
@KaguyasBeat8 ай бұрын
530F just wants to fly freely. Can't tell it what to do.
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
Honestly you might be onto something
@splabooshkey33438 ай бұрын
I'm glad the F1 performs so much better now than it used to - it's such an incredible looking aircraft and it's nice that's finally reflected in its combat performance
@MobinBrown6 ай бұрын
So the 530F buffs have made it comparable to a sparrow now. I can reliably get kills with it and chaff alone doesn't seem to affect it as much. You can out maneuver it if its launched too slowly though. The Mirage F1 now has a decent kit and BR rating making it a fun vehicle to fly in air RB and Sim.
@VIT-ey8wo3 ай бұрын
Sorry for necroposting, but what radar mode do you use on it?
@DotVanish8 ай бұрын
Double check that stat card. Both the Matra 530 F and 530 D both say Sahr now. No CW Very weird.
@papiijujuu4 ай бұрын
I cant even grind my mirage anymore ig imma have to gold eagle my way to success….
@PotatoeJoe695 ай бұрын
I want to add that if you plan on beating even an F4 reliably in a dogfight, you need to be belw 15 minutes of fuel. If you plan on beating anything else, you need to be sub-10 minutes.
@true2the_3225 ай бұрын
After this video I decided to give it another try. I faced F16s literally every single game
@thaeloskolarr18242 ай бұрын
They updated its BR for air RB to 12.0 its only 11.3 when mixed with ground vehicles.
@jcool0178 ай бұрын
The R530F is genuinely the most infuriating radar missile I have ever had the displeasure of using. I will lob them at 4 - 6 km in 10 - 2 o-clock position against someone flying in a straight line doing literally nothing and I'm genuinely convinced that it's a 30% - 40% chance the missile actually hits... the guy that is literally afk 1000 meters above the ground. Before you even try to say it too, yes, I use MTI, I've used every other radar missile extensively and even the 7Ds and R3Rs feel more consistent. I am positive that I have a higher success rate even with the R530. It has gotten to the point that I have given up on trying to actually use them and just shoot them off as soon as possible to ditch the dead weight and maybe get a kill provided the missile isn't more brain damaged than the player I'm launching it at.
@ZigaZagu8 ай бұрын
why not take gunpods
@jcool0178 ай бұрын
@ZigaZagu because the 2 DEFAs are perfectly fine for me. I actually know how to aim and don't need the drop in flight performance. I don't ever have times where I miss a shot and go "man, I wish I had extra guns to miss with"
@galacticthreat31648 ай бұрын
Can you give the Su-25T, SM3, and the 39 a new look? The r-73 seems to be underperforming and I do however love the insanely short turning circle of these aircraft and the two circle is fantastic with them.
@TheKaMeLRo8 ай бұрын
I already got Ace crew with this jet, I have fun playing it than Mirage 4000, Mirage-2000-5F, using 2 gun pods+Magic 2. It becomes one of my "comfort" jet.
@Skoodelly8 ай бұрын
I've never noticed how many members you have for such a relatively "small" channel wtf
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
Hahaha, yeah it's wild
@ReepsWasteOfTime8 ай бұрын
I remember when the f1c used to be a joke. It’s really a good competitor in most jets not
@kelvinanjos8 ай бұрын
looks like the mirage f1 is a more solid choice now
@cookiecracker28 ай бұрын
I spaded the f1c today, the stock grind was awful, I had to limit myself to only a few matchs a day so I wouldn't lose my mind. The radar missile are only useful for some headons and for clueless enemies, anyone who knows how to notch and chaff will easily counter the missile, the magic 2s are VERY nice as they play like r-73 at home. The ONLY thing I like about the f1c is the speed, which can be very nice if played correctly, in some cases I got to mach 1.5 and spooked some players from above. everything else about this plane is hot trash, almost everything you fight can beat you with ease, unless it's a tornado or phantom. and even then a good phantom player can give you a run for your money. Anyway, let's just say I'm happy I finally got my mirage 2k!
@DieErsteKartoffel8 ай бұрын
The Milan isn't even an option anymore, they removed it from sale
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
They bring it back for GE periodically
@WCIN8 ай бұрын
Great info thank you
@halolong43998 ай бұрын
How much did you paid the 2 F-16s huh?
@luckyjack61978 ай бұрын
Please make the updates, and thanks for the nice well explained videos
@emonster3178 ай бұрын
Scrolling member list next video??? Also I’m on it twice lmao
@true2the_3228 ай бұрын
Yoo, I just started playing this thing again a few days ago and was actually getting kills in it lol. I was thinking something must have been different 😅
@GroundyGFX5 ай бұрын
how is it holding up after the new major update
@rowanyuh63266 ай бұрын
Its good except 3 of your missiles and your guns spark
@goliath34138 ай бұрын
im afraid of fighting this thing in an SMT. one wrong move and its death
@MoisesMartinez3815 ай бұрын
Very good video
@Hexekonig8 ай бұрын
I'll give this plane 4th place between mig 23, f4s and kfir. I prefer kfir than this piece of snail, look, he both have 2 very good missile at his BR, but then kfir has lower br and has better flight performane.
@MikkoLehtovirta8 ай бұрын
Yes please.
@weasel19598 ай бұрын
I skip all the missiles except the magic 2s. They're just heavy and nearly always get chaffed. Run the gun pods. Hella ammo and they're lighter than the missiles. 4 defas smacks
@Crippled_Pug5 ай бұрын
Where i can find this delivery ?
@nilychkirilov8 ай бұрын
Isurus is sponsoring Lee at this point.
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
Honestly true ahaha
@GualaSZN8 ай бұрын
did i put the idea for this video in your head?
@GeneralLee20008 ай бұрын
@_S1mba8 ай бұрын
530e best meme change my mind
@Raiders19176 ай бұрын
What sucks is I just got this to grind le France, and Gaijin pulls a mulipathing. Seriously other then the fact you have CMs out the a**, and nothing else. Against AMRAAMs, and a newly buffed R-27ER is going to make this thing not enjoyable at all to play.
@jfd96166 ай бұрын
Mirage f1c200 is a good premium.... Not for its br, sure its got a good loadout, but its not the best. Half the time the radar barely works, so you're resorting to your magics. Would be lovely if France got a new jet, or if this thing got brought to 10.7, it cannot compete for it's br personally.
@blitzkrieg18088 ай бұрын
chat at 4:30 and 5:42😅
@suzybean138 ай бұрын
Wassup lee?
@CptBliksi8 ай бұрын
Maybe I'm blind but I think you're voice is similar to Matthew McConaughey
@PANZER3-j5s8 ай бұрын
Yo 9 minutes
@jerichostevens27113 күн бұрын
there'zero reason the f1 mirage's should have at 12.0 br with the f4s and f4j phantom.. and making it face off against f15s, f16s, mig29s, and su27s is completely unreasonable i think.. and every game at 12 is an uptier... so you'll be facing those jets every game.
@gusty8445 ай бұрын
Just bought it and I can do a few kills per match. Radar missle are good at head on or close range
@gateausalaire18728 ай бұрын
As much as the F1C 200 is better its still really not fun at all to play to grind the tech tree, struggling to even get 3k rp a game WITH premium account, the mirage 2000 is still very far away
@patriktoth62588 ай бұрын
Its fun in SB tho. I always got a blast with it 😂 Call me crazy,but RB is painful for me and if i pick the fighter role then i get less RP i know,but no regret buying this thing 😂 I played only around 10-15 rb match with it (mostly severe damage test match and when i needed only a few point to finishing a research).