THE BEAR SEASON 3 Recap And Ending Explained

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@waqarcpm4321 3 ай бұрын
It feels like by the end of the season, very little has actually happened. What I liked about s2 is that it was able to take the more single character focused episodes and still have them contribute to the greater plot of getting the restaurant ready. It's not that I didn't like the season or anything, it just feels a bit unsatisfying reaching the end and having basically none of the plot lines they set up get resolved at all. I think once s4 is out, s3 will become a lot better.
@newellhome 3 ай бұрын
I feel similar but I think for me I know season 3 and 4 were filmed back to back and this season felt like it was answering a lot of questions I had about characters. Especially seeing the timeline of Carmy’s career in the first episode and seeing him confront the asshole chef at the end, that felt like it’s been building up since season 1. I don’t think it was as good of a season as the first two but having all of these characters more or less explored over the last 3 seasons has me excited for the finale season cause I think they’ll be able to completely focus on the storyline conclusion instead of having to fill in the blanks with these characters
@manuelrojas7843 3 ай бұрын
@@newellhomethe back to back filmings was reported a couple months ago but now it turns out that wasn’t the case
@Jewls1000 2 ай бұрын
I loved the episode about Tiff and would love to see more episodes like that about other characters there. Especially the guy from Somalia. But this whole season I feel like I'm just waiting for Carmy to get it together, get the stick outta his ass, and apologize to everyone. So he can become the great Chef & leader he is meant to be. I feel bad for Syd not getting any credit too that's another person he needs to apologize to as well.
@shirleyparkersk 29 күн бұрын
It's a character's season IMO so a lot happens, but it is more internal than something from outside.
@royalsinside5031 3 ай бұрын
I feel like people, myself included, would be less disappointed in this if it was labelled Season 3A and 3B rather than Season 3 and 4. My main issue with the season is that, while the characters, cinematography, dialogue, etc were all great, nothing really happened? At the end of last season we were left with the breakup, Richie/Carmy fight, Nat pregnancy, and Marcus mom. This season there’s no resolution to either of the Carmy issues, and Marcus’s storyline (other than the funeral which was a great scene) kinda takes a back seat. Natalie is the only one to get any resolution with that amazing episode. If anyone here is a book reader, this feels like Robin Hobbs Assassins Apprentice series. An extremely slow development following alongside a fundamentally flawed and self sabotaging main character. If you’re into that, you’re gonna love it, but if not you’re gonna be left going Where’s the plot? All that said, I fucking love these characters. Winger being unrepentant in his shitbaggery, “Andrea Terry loves this shit”, Luca fanboying. Plus Richie and Natalie’s dynamic developing, even Ebra getting a win. I think episode 1 might be one of the best 30 minutes of visual storytelling I’ve ever seen. Overall 8/10, a step down from 2 but hopefully setting up 4 to excel
@griffinarnold1993 3 ай бұрын
My biggest complaint is that a season shouldn't be determined by the next season. Even in your 3A and 3B idea, I would've liked some sort of closure on smaller things and have the ever looming threat of the restaurant closing as the main event propelling the "season" forward. Even if that means that Carmy at least reaches out to Claire and / or Syd actually telling Carmy about the new job she may take. The other main issue is dropping this all at once, sure it gets me and many others to binge it all, but now we have to wait a year to get the continuation of a half baked idea. I think in many peoples' minds this "cliffhanger" won't have them itching for the next season due to hype for where it goes, rather to get any answers to anything, and by the time the next season comes out if it isn't anything other than spectacular people are gonna be really pissed; feeling like their time was wasted.
@elkpapa 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for referring to asshole chef as Winger, can't unsee it 🤣
@cv8499 3 ай бұрын
Luca fanboying was the cutest thing. And him doing some light flirting with Syd. Would it be too much to hope he joins the cast as a regular? Perhaps if Syd really does leave, Carmy recruits him to replace her. And that puts Luca in an awkward situation since he's friends with both of them, but they aren't speaking to each other anymore.
@mi12no Ай бұрын
It’s implied that it’s 3A because it’s a “To Be Continued” ending. They will not be putting “Act IV” in the next season.
@MicahelWaqar 3 ай бұрын
I think the theme of this season is being stuck. Everyone just repeats their actions which leads to no real growth. Professionally you can see the it with the constantly changing menu, carmy and sydney swapping between their kitchen roles, and richie being so indecisive with the table settings for the photo. but their personal lives are messes as well, since none of the characters taking action to say what they really want to (carmy to claire, sydney to carmy, richie to his ex) so no one can really move on. you can even see it in tina's episode (my fave) where she has the same daily schedule but can't find a job until she breaks the cycle and does something different that day by standing up for herself. It's an interesting contrast to Carmy who is also stuck in a cycle of trauma from both his family and chef community which he manages to repeat onto Syndey I'm not sure I really liked how Claire was used in this season either. It was nice that they showed more of her as a doctor but they really empathized that she's Carmy's great love. My issue is that by having her almost exclusively appear in Carmy's flashbacks, she somehow became more of this perfect unrealistic ideal that seemingly literally only exists in his mind The only development that happens is with sugar because she actually vocalizes her fears and feelings to their mother. she brings up the things that haunt her and it lets her connect with donna. overall i think this season mostly seems to act as a set up for the final one. it does have some lovely moments but it mostly feels kind of aimless.
@fennec2395 3 ай бұрын
You are a smart person
@JoshBlanksby 3 ай бұрын
Has it been confirmed anywhere that season 4 will be the final season?
@medfeedsnews2070 3 ай бұрын
It felt too...obvious? More telling and not showing (did you know Claire is Carmy's peace? No? Well, you know now, because the writers had Fak tell you), more clunky. S1 and S2 felt so smooth and confident in their writing. This felt more desperate, more anxious, like Carmy endlessly fucking with his dishes to try to improve them while forgetting what made them good. It also felt like the writers trying to recapture the magic of S2 by piling on what fans responded to in S2. More Ever, because everyone loved Forks. (And they weirdly chose to call it Ever in the show when they could have called it anything else, even though Ever is still a real restaurant and the real chef of Ever is notably not Olivia Colman.) More Olivia Colman. More Faks. A whole episode's worth of Jamie Lee Curtis; 10% of the season wasted on that awful character. More celebrity chef cameos and stunt casting. (Josh Hartnett? John Cena? Really?) More 90s rock, and some questionable music choices at that, if I'm being honest (In the Garage? Are you kidding me?). It was as if they fed a prompt and all the glowing S2 reviews to ChatGPT praising Fishes and Forks and it spat out this season.
@elkpapa 3 ай бұрын
As much as I love Weezer, I agree the rock music bits were overdone to the point of being incredibly distracting 💀
@suzzylouloudougherty5237 3 ай бұрын
Jamie Lee Curtis was phenomenal
@mi12no Ай бұрын
Instead of having sausage hands (EEAO), she was the cook
@vanessamonroe1917 Ай бұрын
I was disappointed in Season 3 other than the Ice Chips Episode. It doesn’t feel like much of anything happened.
@mrmusickhimself 3 ай бұрын
This entire season felt like a disjointed mess. The "Ice Chips" episode is sure to get Jamie Lee Curtis a much deserved Emmy win, but as a whole, Season 3 felt like a slow burning soap opera that attempted to juggle way too many plot threads and flashbacks at once. It wouldn't be so jarring to me if I didn't have to wait another year for a "good" season.
@waqarmasood2016 3 ай бұрын
A lot of this season felt like it was spinning its wheels with Richie and Carmy fighting again feeling a bit stale, Carmy and Claire stuff dragging on, and the whole deal with the review didn't feel as urgent as fixing up the restuarant in season 1 and the restaurant opening in season 2. Nat had a great solo ep with Donna at least and I'm liking what they are doing with Richie and the whole wedding situation but even that felt like they were giving us crumbs. Still a fine season overall with amazing acting and visuals but it's hard to argue that it isn't the weakest so far.
@mariamwaqar-sz6vr 3 ай бұрын
Ironically, the writers needed to *subtract* some of those flashbacks and focus on telling a story. This whole season took place over maybe a month and was moving along at a snail's pace. I'm actually okay with filler, I think its important as a way to flesh out characters and show them in different unique and entertaining ways. But this season felt like 75% filler and 25% substance. Feels like they forgot something crucial: Every second counts.
@MarsIncorporated_ 3 ай бұрын
S3 was too slow and as said, nothing really happened. 10 episodes to find out review. Found myself fast forwarding often on irrelevant story building between characters. Entire episode 8 wasted on pregnancy and drunk mom scene. Flashbacks took too much screen time. Etc
@mariamwaqar-rc4ne 3 ай бұрын
I think the writers strikes really messed with this season. It felt like there was no script. Both in the lack of a defining or overarching plot for the season, and the dialogue in many scenes feeling improvised and awkward. The finale…phew…what a disappointment. Almost nothing had a conclusion. The first 20 mins of the finale were just a bore for me. I get it, they’re real life chefs and have a lot of great stories. I’m sorry but I don’t care about their stories. I’m here to watch The Bear, not a documentary-esque roundtable discussion.
@naturistfred 2 ай бұрын
Good point about the writer's strike. I totally forgot about that. I did find Tina's episode to be the best episode in Season 3. I agree about the final episode. 20 minutes spent of real chefs being pretentious. That could have been cut down to 4-5 minutes. And I love Josh Hartnett but his scene with Ritchie was pointless. It took him an eternity to spit out what he wanted to say.
@justwatcher5657 3 ай бұрын
I have mixed feelings about this season,. I loved the sixth episode and the rest I thought was good or average. They should have already resolved Claire's stuff this season, another season of "Call Claire Bear!!!" will be boring. I liked Syd's interactions with everyone except Carmy (Honorable mentions for Tina x Syd, Luca x Syd and Marcus x Syd). It wasn't a bad season but it's not as good as the first or second season, it seems like the entire season is one big filler episode for the next season.
@dannybailes3948 2 ай бұрын
Too many things receive the best thing ever trophy now. Is this show great absolutely. Is it among shows like Sopranos and Breaking Bad? Not so much
@waqarmassood 3 ай бұрын
I definitely have to give this a rewatch and not binge it like I did just now in order to get a clearer perspective on it, but I think season 2 set the bar really high which is why some people feel dissatisfied with it, but overall I enjoyed it. It had its moments, but nothing really wowed me, if that makes any sense. I guess after having standout episodes like Fishes and Forks from last season, I was expecting something of that caliber. Not to say that any of the episodes were bad or anything - I think they were really good for the most part - but yeah, I guess a part of me expected a little more. A lot of it feels like setup for the fourth season, though; they introduced a lot of plot that will clearly roll into the next season - like Carmy and Claire, or Syd trying to decide if she’ll take that new job or not, and of course the restaurant review. This kinda puts a lot on pressure on season 4 to be fantastic, which I’m kinda worried about because I don’t want to set my expectations up too high only to be let down in the end lol, but I trust the writers. I trust Chris and Courtney Storer. I know they’ll take these characters in a smart direction.
@Jay-fr9mn 3 ай бұрын
I feel like the season ended to fast leaving us with so much unanswered questions and just cut us off in middle of some much going on and now we have to wait a whole year for season 4!!!😢
@Jewls1000 2 ай бұрын
What! We have to wait a whole yearrrr!? 😭
@waqarmasood6252 3 ай бұрын
The season is a 6/10 for me. Worst season of the show by FAR. It is paced in such a way that it needs to be a 14+ episode season. Half of the season seems like an extension of season 2, and the other half is attempting to build for season 4. It doesn’t know what it wants to be, and this has been a show that from the very beginning has had an extremely firm identity. That being said, there is still some extremely good writing and episodes that will more than likely win awards.
@patrickjw333 3 ай бұрын
I didn’t know they’d drop the whole season at once lol. I gotta go watch
@flurryX 9 күн бұрын
How is this a conedy
@medfeedsvideos6332 3 ай бұрын
Tina is one of my favorite characters she has so much heart. She proves that when you stand up for yourself and want different you’ll have different. This season felt like being trapped in Carmy’s mind and not being able to move forward not him or the others characters we love. As for Claire if they don’t bring her next season in a real way where she’s interacting with Carmy then it feels like she’d just fade away. Like she’ll stay in his imagination.
@JamesWaqar-f1m 3 ай бұрын
It just didn’t really feel like it had a much of a season hook, or even a proper conclusion. Season 2 had the season long story of the restaurant opening, this felt really aimless in comparison. Like watching Part 1 of a 2 part story. My main complaint right now is how Carmy and Richie were basically not on speaking terms the entire time, there was 0 resolution there and they didn’t even talk for like the second half of the season. And honestly the Carmy/Syd miscommunications are starting to get a little tired for me. Still an excellent, excellent watch but not the masterpiece season 2 was. They didn’t quite capture the Fishes or especially the Forks magic unfortunately. Also Marcus’ buddy Chester not having a single line was goddamn criminal
@burqawaliaunty7664 3 ай бұрын
I think the review was very 'meh' towards the restaurant. Some parts said The Bear's food was brilliant, others not so much. We see the word 'inconsistent' as one of its frames, and I think that's the main point of the review. This means that's not very awesome for The Bear and its stakeholders, who were previously warned by Unc Jimmy that if they get anything less than a stellar review, they'd have to close it down (also confirmed by the missed call notifications from Jimmy). That's why Carmy said 'Motherfucker'.
@josueidk21 3 ай бұрын
Where can I watch it? Is it on Prime? They haven't uploaded it in Cuevana yet lol
@michaellalli7693 2 ай бұрын
Great recap, Thank you
@unpluggedsongs3582 3 ай бұрын
Is it me or does this season feel colder than the previous ones
@KRYSTYNDA 2 ай бұрын
Best review!!
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