The Best Cards In Hearthstone History

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@turntsnaco824 2 жыл бұрын
Tunnel Trogg was crazy good, but Reno completely changed card design and deck archetypes forever. It's ironic that these standalone "draw this and win" buildaround cards eventually came to be looked down upon, but it breathed life and hope into control decks in a game that had routinely been dominated by aggro. People were celebrating in the streets over Face Hunter's demise.
@WannaComment2 Жыл бұрын
I loved Reno so much I actually quit the game shortly after he rotated out. It was just one of many reason, but it was one of the big reasons.
@davidk7439 Жыл бұрын
Similarly, Reno is great, and I think is probably the best card from the set, but genuinely speaking... *WHERE THE FUCK IS BRANN?** Dude's effect became a must-have in certain decks, created new ones, and became core to the game in standard after the adventure was phased out. And tunnel trogg is just....great at tempo. Cool.
@Neratil 2 жыл бұрын
A very good list I think. Solely for Naxxramas, I would choose OG Undertaker over Loatheb. Simply because I think OG Undertaker was next to unbeatable on turn 1.
@mojavemango7098 2 жыл бұрын
T1> Undertaker T2> Under taker / Leper Gnome / Coin / Leper Gnome "The victory is yours."
@Mlopescrjr 2 жыл бұрын
true, undertaker was the best hands down from naxx
@henryzelman4541 2 жыл бұрын
Undertaker was the best card from that set for standard by far, but doesn’t see any play whatsoever in wild post-unnerf. Idk how you evaluate this in a vacuum since Loatheb is one of the most ubiquitous cards in the wild format but that’s because entire decks either only play spells now or because it’s insanely busted when you can drop it down alongside some free giants to prevent your opponent from being able to clear the board. Lastly the card is also stupid in Reno decks and shaman decks where you can exploit its battecry over and over again with Zola, brann etc… and lock out your opponents from playing spells.
@Neratil 2 жыл бұрын
@@henryzelman4541 you are right in that Loatheb is a better card right now. I just assumed that it was at time of release and in standard. Even then, Loatheb was always a busted card. Ijust found Undertaker to be more busted then.
@henryzelman4541 2 жыл бұрын
@@Neratil there’s some inconsistency in the video with this cause he didn’t even mention maelstrom portal or spirit claws when it came to One Night in Karazhan even though midrange shaman during that time period was probably the most proportionally dominate deck in the history of the game.
@masterplusmargarita 2 жыл бұрын
Picking Loatheb over Undertaker for Naxx seems a bit strange to me. Undertaker absolutely dominated the meta for the entire expansion cycle and powered Undertaker Hunter, which is the single deck with the highest winrate ever in the history of the game. I guess you could argue that Loatheb is better standalone because Undertaker needs the Deathrattle pool to be at least semi-decent, but that's been pretty much a constant for all of Hearthstone.
@TheTezoni 2 жыл бұрын
They reverted the Undertaker nerf and still not seem play even being part of the core set. Loatheb sees a lot of play in wild
@eewweeppkk Жыл бұрын
@@TheTezoni Loatheb was a good tech card for every deck. Undertaker completely defined the entire Naxx meta and was responsible for the highest win rate deck in hearthstone history. Loatheb is still a good tech card, but too many other cards exist for undertaker to be as defining. Loatheb is used because its got a very unique effect that hasn't been improved upon since release. Undertaker is not used because pretty much every single expansion in hearthstone releases better tempo options. Undertaker isn't used now because the powercreep of hearthstone is pretty much directly buffing up its competition, while loatheb's effect is still pretty much the only one that fulfills its role and hasn't been powercrept.
@Nightknight1992 Жыл бұрын
ye you pretty much can just go by first nerf wave of each expansion and have the objectively correct answer to the strongest card
@TheDancerMacabre Жыл бұрын
He said it himself, cards in a vacuum and not part of a combo. Undertaker needed death rattle cards. And while GvG and Naxx had a very good amount, there were times you dropped Undertaker turn one and didn't draw anything good.
@LongClawzHidden 6 ай бұрын
Problem is that Undertaker is only good early game. Drawing Loatheb at any point is always nice, but a late Undertaker is going to hurt.
@xthexpunisherx 2 жыл бұрын
You can find an old toast video where he showed every Yogg played in one of the championship tournaments. Original Yogg was easily the best card in the set. It could win games out of nowhere regardless of board position. It had to be horrifically nerfed in other to not be the defining card in the set and it still saw a bunch of play
@christiancaetano2852 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus love you, God bless and protect!
@normie2716 2 жыл бұрын
I'm eternally thankful for the love of Jesus Christ, but all praise be to Yogg, the truest savior.
@asnalem4391 2 жыл бұрын
Just because It had the ability to save a game when otherwise you were 100% going to lose doesn't mean it was stronger than the whole set, it was still a dice roll, so much so that playing him while ahead was considered trolling cuz more often than not he would just wipe your own board, discard your hand, overdraw, etc. Only strong when you had nothing to lose. And that's why it was nerfed, because a hail mary card that basically said, "might as well roll a dice to save me from losing" was ridiculous for competitive play.
@AnglosArentHuman 2 жыл бұрын
@@asnalem4391 Actual room temperature take. This is like saying that Ice Block was bad because it was 3 mana do nothing if you never went under 1 HP. Yogg was able to salvage situations where having literally any other card ever printed in the history of Hearthstone in the exact same situation would still lead to you losing. It often individually accounted for a bigger share of your winrate than any other card.
@andrewkelly1337 5 ай бұрын
It could also just kill you. It wasn't overpowered at all it was just actually cool and fun, and they had to ruin it even though Cthun decks where every card was the same and did the same thing were more boring and popular
@ddeine_ 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who used to love this game in the past, seeing this video really hit me with the nostalgia and brought back a huge smile on my face! Great job!
@gegton437 2 жыл бұрын
Let's be honest, scholomance was not the best expansion because of how powerful cards were, but because how many cards were that powerful. Common and rare cards were super good and so many of them are still played now in wild. Imo the best card from this expansion has to be the 1/1 that discounts the next hero power to 0: used everywhere and highlights how impactful common cards were in that expansion
@1996MartinsMatheus 2 жыл бұрын
as a wild player, idk how broomstick did not break standard like it did to wild. Many decks that were able to vomit stats on board now has the opportunity to trade in on the same turn vs aggro. This alone brought handbuff palladin, and darkglare warlock to the meta by the time
@dieucondorimperial2509 2 жыл бұрын
@@1996MartinsMatheus Because Standard isn’t as brutal as the wild. In Wild, decks that create huge stats without a lot of intern tempo are way more common than in Standard, where a lot of cards already have Rush or tempo-oriented battlecries.
@lotusplays6058 2 жыл бұрын
I was also expecting Tour Guide to get the vote on the Scholomance expansion
@michelangelo_B 2 жыл бұрын
Secret passage: 1 mana draw 5, all your combo effects are active for the rest of the turn
@CrestedPeak9 2 жыл бұрын
I think you missed one of the most ridiculous cards in all of Hearthstone history that also ended up taking one of the biggest nerfs ever for Kobolds and Catacombs, and it was a card that everyone underrated because it looked way too "standard". Before Cubelock really got the chance to settle in and take off the way it did, we were reeling off of several previous expansions that printed extremely powerful Neutral tempo cards. Bonemare was still at 7 mana, Patches was still in Charge, and there were more than a few really insanely powerful tempo decks that could just roll over the rest of the competition. KnC printed Fungalmancer which gave another incredibly powerful tempo play, but it wasn't even the best one. Corridor Creeper was a 7 mana 5/5 that got cheaper for each minion that died. In a meta when both sides would play a pirate on turn 1 and summon Patches, by turn 2 it would already be at 3 mana. Whoever had Corridor Creeper in their opening hand would easily suddenly summon a huge minion way too early that their opponent, unless they were a hardcore control deck the likes of Reno Priest, would have a difficult time dealing with. That's not even to mention that as a 7 mana base card, it paired ridiculously effectively with Evolve effects. This card, in the very next patch, then got nerfed to a 7 mana 2/5. A 3 Attack reduction on a tempo minion, in my opinion, might as well have been the harshest nerf ever.
@settheskylineonfire1860 2 жыл бұрын
Will I agree. Genn and Baku got HoFed a year early. That's what I would consider the biggest nerf.
@Jartran72 2 жыл бұрын
​@@settheskylineonfire1860 Thats not a move, thats a rotation/ban. cards still the same
@settheskylineonfire1860 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jartran72 But it is a nerf to the meta. Not the cards.
@PotassiumLover 2 жыл бұрын
🐛In the dungeon I go deeper🐛in set reviews I was a sleeper🐛when minions die I get cheaper🐛You guessed it right🐛I'm corridor creeper🐛
@goodenstuff 2 жыл бұрын
List is almost perfect. Though I’d give Mad Scientist the nod in Naxx. Corridor Creeper pre nerf was by far the best card in Kobolds. Completely warped the meta
@spacitybowler 2 жыл бұрын
Not only the best of the set, but the most underrated card reveal in history.
@jaxsonbateman 2 жыл бұрын
I'm amazed pre-nerf Undertaker didn't get the nod from Naxxramas. Was it the only card that actually had to be nerfed from the set? Pretty indicative of power level. Sure it falls under the rule of "has to be played with other cards", but with so many good deathrattle cards that wasn't much of a requirement (not like Grim Patron that needed fairly specific cards).
@TheTezoni 2 жыл бұрын
​@@jaxsonbateman They reverted the Undertaker nerf and still not seem play
@jaxsonbateman 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheTezoni I haven't watched this video in months but I'm pretty sure it's talking about history - as in, not as things stand now. Back when Undertaker came out (ie. pre-nerf) it was monstrously powerful, so it's crazy it didn't get a mention.
@JakeFish5058 8 ай бұрын
I'd argue for Kobold Librarian. Has literally been in every single Warlock deck since it came out and is a major part of one of the strongest wild decks to this day
@johnnyborbon5085 2 жыл бұрын
Loatheb is SO GOOD it's still used in a lot of decks in wild. Dr. Boom was the first legendary I ever crafted and man, it was so good, you could slap the card in almost every deck and it wouldnt be bad, playing Boom on turn 7 was one of the best plays no matter what deck you were playing. The funniest thing is that everyone thought the card was bad before it was released
@orangerazzz 2 жыл бұрын
Emperor Thaurissan thanks for picking him as the best card for that expansion... It was and is a powerfull card, but have never been. CRAZY OP... So I dont remember going up against it and being salty the moment its put on the board. because it doesnt win you the game.. its just strong. he was the first card that gave inspiration to a lot of exprimental decks for me.... I remember trying a Shadowpriest build, crazy bad.. but if they didnt remove him in 2 turns. it was a OTK.. It was Prophet Velen, 2 or 1 copys of him... mind blast + mind blast. I think they did 20 dmg each.. but it was only possible if Tharissan did lower the cost of all these cards... crazy bad, but crazy fun when it worked :D....
@sinnytax 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Rarran! Loving your new content. And I also want to mention that this type of videos really improve your storytelling abiliity. As viewers they benefit us but as a content creator they're also good for you too. Have a good one and you look fantastic!
@Rarran 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that! Glad youre enjoying the videos as much as I enjoy making them!
@josephcarlson896 2 жыл бұрын
I love these kind of videos. Hope they’re as fun to make as they are to watch. Keep it up buddy.
@Rarran 2 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for the nice words. takes so long to edit these but comments like this makes it worth it!
@quantummidget 2 жыл бұрын
I really like that you picked one card from each expansion, as opposed to just the top ones right now. Gave me a little nostalgia and showed the increasing power levels.
@etang5 2 жыл бұрын
A nice walk down memory lane. I had a moment of PTSD when I saw Mysterious Challenger and Dr Boom side by side :P
@ouwle6618 2 жыл бұрын
The pink bird from Journey to Un'goro that adapted when atta king was INSANE. I have never reached beyond low gold rank any other det. But playing hunter that set i reached legend with this aggro deck with adapt beasts. With the right rng i could beat any deck, any class.
@TheDarkSaplings 2 жыл бұрын
5:47 Kazakus is one of my favorite card. Very cool concept that you can make your own spells.
@adefender3399 2 жыл бұрын
Jade idol needed a mention but I can respect the Kazakus and patches pick for Gadgetzan
@cluelessmango768 2 жыл бұрын
jade decks were the most toxic thing you could ever encounter back in those days. I remember just conceding any game where my opponent played jade druid
@buva704 2 жыл бұрын
Frozen Throne expansion, the one where Jaina gets a hero-power of spamming lifesteal elementals. That shit was lit son.
@martinc1842 2 жыл бұрын
raza priest > all
@cluelessmango768 2 жыл бұрын
That was an extremely fun deck to play too in my opinion, sad to see all those great cards go
@Joffrerap 2 жыл бұрын
my choices: Classic: innervate Naxxramas: undertaker Goblins vs gnomes: dr Boom Blackrock mountain: Emperor Thaurissan The grand tournament: mysterious challenger (made a deck on its own, secret paladin) League of explorer: Reno Jackson Whisper of the old gods: Flamewreathed faceless One night in karazhan: spirit claws (1 mana 9 damage) Mean streets of gadgetzan: patches the pirate Journey to un goro: vicious fledgling (innervate this out lol) Knight of the Frozen Throne: Prince Keleseth Kobolds and Catacombs: corridor creeper (was a 5/5) The Witchwood: Shudderwock (ugh) The Boomsday Project: Giggling inventor (was 5 mana and in every single deck) Rastakhan Rumble: Raiding Party (3 mana draw 3 and easy to combo with prep that used to discount by 3) Rise of shadow: Heistbaron Togwaggle Saviors of uldum: Zephrys (really cool card too) Descent of dragons: Breath of Dremas (2 mana draw one gain a mana crystal, looks op) Galakrond's Awakening: The Fist of Ra-den? Ashes of Outland: Skull of Gul'dan Scholomance Academy: Jandice Barov Madness at the Darkmmon Faire: Arbor up (buff card that doesn't need minions for it to be good) Forged in the Barrens: Wildfire United in stormwind: mr smite (ridiculous at 6 mana) Fractured in alterac Valley: Raid Boss Onyxia? Voyage to the Sunken City: Radar detector Ok that was my take, gonna watch the video now
@jordanlutz8307 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say un nerfed Kael'thas was really the best from Ashes.
@ablack9516 2 жыл бұрын
This card was my favorite all time pre-nerf. You could play your entire deck with this card in Druid.
@juice17776 2 жыл бұрын
It’s contending for the best card ever printed. They tried unnerfing it and it had to get nerfed again. It’s up there with 4 mana Leeroy for me.
@MrPadlio 2 жыл бұрын
I am here because of Zeddy, he talks high of you - and you are worthy of it! I like your work there, keep it up! 👍
@mrbastos 2 жыл бұрын
I remember Cooridor creeper being super strong before nerf, lots of fun memories coming back from this
@henryzelman4541 2 жыл бұрын
While Barnes saw a lot of play in the early days of Wild and in that one Hunter deck during Kobolds and Catacombs… I feel like the weapon and maelstrom portal are possibly better in terms of dominance. I feel pretty confident in saying the Karazhan midrange shaman was the proportionally the best deck in the history of hearthstone (ignoring the ones that got nerfed in a matter of weeks or days). The meta was like all shaman and it had zero bad matchups iirc.
@Thea-Time-13th 2 жыл бұрын
I would consider Brann for League; it has seen play in tons of decks over the years, and still does.
@ThatGuy-uv2br 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely was thinking Brann too when League of Explorers was mentioned.
@snomsquad9763 2 жыл бұрын
i thought reno as i still see him a lot to this day
@Boxland_ 2 жыл бұрын
At release, playing unearthed raptor often caused your opponent to disconnect. That's arguably the strongest effect we've ever seen.
@stealthyshadow567 2 жыл бұрын
For scholomance, one of the more subtle cards that a TON of decks were using was pen flinger. I was running mostly libram paladin during this expansion, and a lot of the time I opted to run pen flinger instead of going pure paladin because it was such an insane card, especially if you had consistent access to cheap spells to bounce him back to your hand repeatedly. Basically any cheap spell-heavy deck benefitted from it and it was EVERYWHERE before it’s nerf. Guardian animals was definitely more dominant when it was played, but pen flinger was in like 50% of decks.
@stealthyshadow567 2 жыл бұрын
Also I totally forgot arbor up existed as a card, and I got some serious PTSD to the filthy Druid decks people were running.
@mwk_powerlifting 2 жыл бұрын
Mad scientist is a good one for naxx too, that card made secret decks work for many years
@superbaas8822 5 ай бұрын
An extra note to Dragonqueen Alexstraza, she was so powerful that she changed how card generation worked for cards going forward, and cards could no longer generate themselves.
@koreanbbq2376 2 жыл бұрын
I started during the grand tournament and ill admit Secret Paladin was my deck of choice. It had everything you needed to get through a game, Equality, Consecrate, Wild Pyromancer, Annoy-o-tron, Sludge Belcher, I believe it also ran knife juggler cause you had noble sacrifice and muster for battle
@HobGungan Жыл бұрын
One of the first Legendaries I opened in December after not playing since Scholomance was Demon Seed. I play Wild exclusively
@spacemoose200 2 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised by some of your choices. For Nax and Blackrock, Lotheb and Emperor were in every deck, but I would argue that piloted shredder was more important than boom in GVG because it would determine early-game board. Plus Big Game Hunter would always counter boom by turn 7 so it decided fewer games. That was my experience anyways
@spacemoose200 2 жыл бұрын
Also belcher was more important than lotheb, undertaker was so broken it was the first nerfed card in hearthstone I’m pretty sure
@daddyraksa2228 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 3 months late to the party but this video was a trip down memory lane! I last played around Witchwood but still remember the good old times of broken HS cards. Everyone, get in here!
@DarthNafarious Жыл бұрын
classic best creature was chillwind yeti, a 4 mana 4/5 was insane, the 4 mana slot was crucial in most games
@Aldo-dh7ly 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you went back to sanity and away from Merceneries content. This is the type of content that is appealing a broader audience. Thx m8
@wustanek8703 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man. Big nostalgia😢
@absenteechild8542 2 жыл бұрын
Emp would definitely be viable today, its a very timeless effect. You can easily get 9 free mana off of him, enable combos, and if your opponent can't remove him you can get EIGHTEEN MANA OF VALUE. 18! I use this in several wild decks to this day, its actually insane. Also, with Gadgetzan I would argue that Jade Idol could contend with Kazakus and Patches, as it created some really toxic decks and was never really nerfed or outpaced. People still make degenerate wild mill decks with it. It also worked better back then because games went longer (when patches wasn't around that is). There was a kind of triangle in Gadgetzan where Control could beat pirate, pirate destroyed Yade, and Yade always beats control. Even though the meta was super unbalanced at the time, I think I had the most fun in standard whenever Gadgetzan was in the rotation.
@entothechesnautknight1762 2 жыл бұрын
On the grand tournament, I would I like to say that I think a decent amount of the inspire cards should be looked over again after demon hunter released. I dont know if any can beat the mysterious challenger's power level at the time, but I can tell you for a fact Hero powering Twice with Garrison Sargent as Demon Hunter is way more then twice as good as any other class, and just hero-powering every turn without losing tempo turns cards like Boneguard lieutenant, Silver hand regent, or Kevadar raider from middling cards to insane tempo swings, especially if you can do it twice a turn. And this isn't even mentioning frost giant, which can be turbo'd out as early as turn 5, even without skull of guldan.
@daddymasamune5485 2 жыл бұрын
Deathstalker Rexxar is completely broken. He was being held back by it only being playable in hunter, which was an impossible control deck at the time but still, the card is friggin overpowered. Imagine it in Ramp druid or control warrior. bonkers
@leeartlee915 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus, watching this makes me realize just how long I played this game before finally kicking the habit. SO many expansions. I basically stopped right before Demon Hunter came on the scene.
@reval1989 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I think 'Call To Arms' was the single strongest card in KaC. That card was crazy
@Zenith_36 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man what a rude back in memory and time. Seeing all those best cards revitalized my hate or love for the old days where all the cards were basically in tier 0 decks 😂
@OssheLouis 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped playing around when Uldum was released, but I agree most of the list here. Secret Paladins, Reno Warlock, Temp Shaman, Pirate Warrior, Secret Rogue, Odd Warrior, C'Thun Warrior Good ol days
@MeddusXx Жыл бұрын
Despite patches I'd think small-time buccaneer is a solid contender for mean streets as well. The second it got nerfed to a 3/1 most pirate decks took a hard hit. Being able to kill a coined out doomsayer with STB + fiery war axe/ dagger+backstab was insane, even though it didn't happen tremendously often it really was too much power for the time. At 3/2 STB was simply way too much to handle for pretty much any deck.
@Hafanii 2 жыл бұрын
Woww i havent commented in years. But man your videos have really evolved over the years. Keep up the great work!! You look amazing
@ukaszbaniak5897 2 жыл бұрын
Classic: Leeroy Jenkins (Ice block is a good idea too) Naxx: Mad Scientist GvG: Dr Boom (Muster for Battle is close second) Blackrock: Grim Patron TGT: Challenger (Justicar is not remotely close) LoE: Trogg WoToG: NZoth's first mate Kara: Banres (Spirit Claws were better, but in only one class) MsoG: only Patches (Jade Idol for honorable mention) Ungoro: I'd say Firefly Koft: Spreading Plague KnC: pre nerf Creeper>Skull of Manari>Kobold Librarian WW: Baku>Genn Boomsday: Giggling, SN1P-SN4P (both pre-nerf, if post-nerf then Soularium) Rastakhan: Spirit of the Frog, Masters Call Rise of Shadows: I agree with Miscreant pick Uldum: It can only be Zephrys DoD: pre-nerf Faceless, then Kronx AoO: Skull (if I had a penny for every card with "Skull" in the name being the strongest card of an expansion, I'd have two pennies) Scholo: Illucia DMF: Ilgy Barrens: pre-nerf Sword>>pre-nerf Watchposts>> Samuro Stormwind: Demon Seed FAV: Scabbs
@LemorasCards 2 жыл бұрын
I think based on your criteria Keleseth isn't really a great choice for best from Frozen Throne, it's dominance basically hinged on the lack of decent 2 drops at the time due to shifts in design, and the Firefly Saronite Chain Gang etc neutral tempo package that existed most of the time it was legal.
@eastdragon42 2 жыл бұрын
Branching Paths from Kobalds & Catacombs. Literally the most versatile card one could wish for. I don't think I've ever seen a Druid deck in Wild that does not have two of these cards in their deck. The fact that you can get armor, card draw, or bonus attack to all your minions means it is never ever a bad card to have in your deck, period. And now with synergies such as Solar Eclipse doubling the effect, it becomes quite insane (it's sad when I'm playing against a Druid opponent near death, & he suddenly goes up by 24 armor for just 6 mana). Unfortunately, as a F2P player, I never got this epic card in any of the card packs I opened, and I don't really want to spend dust for it. Also, Giggling Inventor from The Boomsday Project was a very strong card usable in everything from aggro decks to control decks until it got nerfed to oblivion from 5 mana to 7.
@InOzWeTrust 6 ай бұрын
11:45 Absolutely insane to hear the phrase "Second best expansion of all time" when Stormwind (& Demon Hunter) has been slammed in every video I've seen from Rarran.
@eewweeppkk Жыл бұрын
Love your content, but I have to say I'm INCREDIBLY disappointed that you didn't have Undertaker as the number one for Naxx. Undertaker WAS the Naxx meta before it was nerfed, and for a video that helps people relive some old nostalgia, I think undertaker would've helped people remember the fact that pretty much *every* HS streamer had a dozen videos on "Destroy Undertaker Hunter with this new deck". Undertaker Hunter WAS hearthstone before undertaker got nerfed. 70% or more of your opponents in those days would be hunter, and it was almost always a loss. I'm also surprised you didn't bring it up because it made Sludge Belcher ubiquitous in almost every deck as well. I'd say that sludge belcher, because of undertaker, was just as tech'd into decks as loatheb was. And having such a strong effect on EVERYBODIES tech, to the point where everyone was running a sticky taunt, shows more prevalence in my opinion. I always mention undertaker in discussions like these because I *desperately* want people to remember just how terrorizing that damn card was. People cry about shudderwock, but it had a negative win rate at its height. Undertaker turn 1 meant concede turn 1, and the entire hearthstone community was either playing it or doing their best mad science to destroy it. As Hearthstone's first expansion, and for me personally as my first card game, Undertaker single handedly showed me what a powerful meta defining card was and what it could do, and I'll never forget how absolutely despised and important that card was.
@excelsiusprime 2 жыл бұрын
4:50 I hit the legend for the first time with agro Shaman, brings back memories
@WomenRespecter9000 2 жыл бұрын
This was a really fun retrospective. Also, ctrl+f "was", replace with "were"
@fernandom.m.pereira4093 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if I agree with the way you went with this video. You should've went with the best card historically, which (as far as I know from the times I played) would be Ice Block Loatheb Mechwarper (arguable. an effect so strong it's the strongest card in its tribe) Flamewaker as it still was damn good so many years later and a combo piece Can't remember shit about The Great Tournament Reno Jackson is still played and has an archetype with its name In Whispers I don't remember any card we still play (not saying they're bad, I just can't remember) Patches Barnes Shadow Reaper Anduin (still used, completely dominated wild ages ago) Stopped playing soon after so idk, came back in United in Stormwind. Overall good video tho!
@chidzhustle3570 2 жыл бұрын
The moment you said “Spreading Plague” I collapsed to my knees. Decades of generational trauma resurfaced in my, horrific flashbacks began to swarm my mind like a plague.. a spreading plague
@ems6706 2 жыл бұрын
They really need to nerf blackwater cutlass and secret passage and possibly swindle rather than gnoll imo. Cutlass is an emperor tharissan you can pay one mana to trade, and is also your otk win con in poison rogue. Secret Passage has low key been the best card in Rogue for a while and with trade cards is also a card advantage engine and Swindle just is an extra copy of cutlass that if you discount with cutlass is one mana and gets it right back and is also card advantage with cutlass. Gnoll and Maestra together with their insane draw with tradeable cards means zero cost dudes you can spam out really fast is too good. Less consistency Gnoll gets worse as well. That's my theory at least, I think Gnoll will fall off as being oppressive if they weaken their draw, and value engine they use to beat me to death by turn 6. I was just leaving a comment for the Algo, your videos are really good and really made. Keep up the hard work, I'm really enjoying them!
@FulgoreSama 2 жыл бұрын
Mostly as a former non casual player to casual player- I feel more love to Renounce Darkness should be given, not a "best of x expansion card", but definitely one to give a nod to for its sheer ridiculousness. It takes the whole "This is a digital trading card game" fact and blasts it in your face as you get a randomized deck that effectively breaks rules. Multiples of Legendaries, cards from just about any set etc. It's pretty fun to play and the meme that was barnes x yshaarj on top of a deck of warlock spells? That was just hilarious fun and It continues to be able to be modified with each wild / casual play enabled spell. I hope another variant of this spell births forward- hell make a legendary out of it and you effectively had The Golden Monkey with a bit more utility. I think a means of embracing more true randomization is a way to make it more casually fun.
@ivimarty 2 жыл бұрын
i feel like deathstalker rexxar was nuts because of how much value it gave hunter, a class that notoriously didn’t have that much value generation at the time
@Fabrissable 2 жыл бұрын
7:34 That is lesser emerald spellstone for sure, 4 mana 12/12 on 4 turn is something else
@litco7214 2 жыл бұрын
Incredible nostalgia and a reminder on how fun the game used to be!
@MrJussBcool 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't watched your Mercs videos, but I'm glad you're kinda back to doing a bit of standard videos too!
@Alkalote 2 жыл бұрын
Hunter's DK was so good too 7:09
@losi47 2 жыл бұрын
seeing and remembering mysterious challenger is straight up PTSD
@footofblack 2 жыл бұрын
I think Shudderwock should have at least been an honorable mention from Witchwood
@faultywiring1004 2 жыл бұрын
@philosopher1912 2 жыл бұрын
I personally still use Thaurissan from time to time. 9/10 times it reduces cost of the cards by (1), but while playing Priest you are surprised how easily you can summon Thaurissan and reduce the cost of the cards by (2) or (3) in just one turn of playing
@watson498 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else think that Uldum into Descent into Scholomance is easily the best 3-expansion stretch we’ve ever seen in Hearthstone? So many fun and interesting cards in those sets. btw scholomance is my favorite set ever printed
@Donut-o 2 жыл бұрын
Surprised Jade idol wasn’t mentioned, maybe it’s cause I love control and that’s why I hate that card
@cluelessmango768 2 жыл бұрын
Jade decks ruined any actually fun control deck. You either played jade or aggro. Worst part is, jade decks were quite boring to play in my opinion
@gizel4376 8 ай бұрын
Dr.Boom, mad genius was dominating the meta to a point they had to hard nerf it, it was the golden age of value/attrition, i know Zilliax was good, but not as much
@RedForLife68 2 жыл бұрын
I would argue that Reno was better than tunnel trogg in the long run, in the short run it was definitely trogg. I think trogg was mainly strong because the package that went with it was strong and trogg was simply the standout card. You only need to look at the fact that reno decks were being made right up until he rotated out, and then reno decks continued to be a thing in wild for a very long time until they made stuff like Quest mage/apm mage and pain warlock. Speaks for the power of reno.
@hillerious3952 2 жыл бұрын
Idk about the meta today but i think Emperor is like in Controle Decks when u have 6 cards for example literally an "free" play because it reduce 6 mana so technically it was for free. So i think it would be still insane.
@adriadelafuente3648 2 жыл бұрын
Best card from KotFT was Defile. Probably not the strongest, but damn does it feel good to engineer the board for a perfect swipe, and at 2 mana? Bonkers.
@TheMediaWolf 2 жыл бұрын
Best designed card series individual videos going over top 3 or 5 cards for each set
@Diego-mk8xn 2 жыл бұрын
Corridor creeper was pretty insane when it came out
@ininite4789 2 жыл бұрын
2:55 Considering from what I've seen, Emperor Thaurissan doesn't seem like it sees a lot of play in Wild, I think we have our answer.
@Cheeseburger_mage 2 жыл бұрын
God I remember trying to play through the one night in karazhan adventure in Afghanistan on crap internet
@tonu5393 2 жыл бұрын
Loatheb was a great pick but people forget that undertaker was literally in ever single deck from aggro to mid range and would literally be a 1 mana 5/6 in certain decks lol
@ingsve 2 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna give honorable mentions to Bonemare and Fungalmancer as similar cards that were both very impactful. Also Spiteful Summoner should be in contention for best card from Kobolds.
@benplocica3790 2 жыл бұрын
i know it can't be on the list but bronzebeard was my fav from the league of explorers
@dizzyvalentine8045 2 жыл бұрын
Emp is played in ramp Druid in wild sometimes
@SvetlinDimitrov 2 жыл бұрын
Loatheb was good and all, but it wasnt insane like undertaker and mad scientist. These two cards were op af.
@acemcloud9733 2 жыл бұрын
The best card has always been your credit card
@ferguswoods9004 2 жыл бұрын
Pen flinger was a terror pre nerf in scholomance. Gibberling too was nuts
@Rarran 2 жыл бұрын
nothing touched GA until it was nerfed
@kairionnefarian-eu6691 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really surprised Deathstalker Rexar and Frostlich Jaina are both not on your list. Any deck that ran either of the two cards was instantly good, just because of how much you could abuse Lifesteal with them. I find it curious, every mentioning from saviours of uldum onwards just shows cards that are extremely unfun to play against. Dragonqueen Alextraza - Here have up to 20 Mana you shouldn't have and 2 Cards Skull of Gul'dan - Draw 3 cards and gain 3 mana Guardian Animals - Due to the quality of beasts, Wipe the enemies Board, Draw 2 and have some taunt stick around Arbor Up - Savage Roar + 8/6 in stats Watchpost - Probably still the best of the bunch allowing you to at least somewhat disrupt the enemy, but boy is a manatax equally unfun as being beat by manacheat Warlock Quest - Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself Scabbs - since Vanish was bad for the game we rotated it out - but brought a Vanish with massive upside back in - for 1600 Dust that is
@ClawDragoon 2 жыл бұрын
(almost) every expansion: omg the power of this set was insane
@thomassynths 2 жыл бұрын
Goblins vs. Gnomes: Mechwarper Kobolds and Catacombs: Kobold Librarian Ashes of Outland: Kael'thas Sunstrider
@20459972 2 жыл бұрын
close beta classic: pagel (every dck has it) post-release: Leeroy (they had to nerf it twice and rotate to classic)/Sylvannis, it's not ice block because every freeze mage version wr wasn't high Nax:mad scientist/Loatheb/Zombie Chow GvG:mechwarper/piloted shedder/Boom Blackrock:quickshot (it's a stable even now), Emperor not even played it wild for a long while Grand Tournament: totem golem is more consistent influencing games (because it has 2 copies) LoE: Reno>tunnel trogg, trogg is busted but it requires curving into 2/3 turns with overloaded cards Whisper of old god: in terms of longevity- things from below, impact on the meta in 2016-faceless One Night in Ka...: Barnes, no questions Mean Streets:Kazakus & Patches Ungoro: rogue quest Knights of Frozen Thrones: Rexxar 100% no question, if it is still in standard, hunter will have at least 60% wr Kobolds: with so many deathrattles, i think psychic dreams at least deserve a shout out Rumble:Shirvallah Rise of Shadow: Mana Cylone (they kinda nerfed it if i remember correctly) Descent of Dragons:Alextrasza (nerfed once) Ashes of Outland: one of the libram cards, not skull of guldan. I think it's orginial purpose is to create a card cost reduced OTK, but it didn't work out, and it's turn six of basically doing nothing.When demon hunter was out, people were reluctant to but skull of guldan Schoolmance: how is it not wand theif/fireband/combustion? Madness:Palm reading, on a good day, you get to discover a card in your deck and reduce a total of 10 mana (i forgot if they nerfed this card before?). It's not arbor up, because if you don't have more than 3 minions on board, this cards is slightly above average. Barren: how is it Mor'shan watchpost?????that card was dropped out after a week of release United: Raid the Docks Current expansion: Guff
@1998topornik 2 жыл бұрын
The caverns below card haunted me for so long. It was nightmare to deal with.
@FrostyLich 2 жыл бұрын
Our favourite chad hittin us up with more content. This is some true content made in the heat of passion
@steveaugust7797 2 жыл бұрын
Emperor thaurissan still becomes priority target whenever it hits the board.
@andusz5518 2 жыл бұрын
I would have swapped the strongest Scholomance card to Wand Thief. I know what you are thinking, but Wand Thief was so strong, it was run in every mage AND rogue decks, in every single mage AND rogue duel deck, AND was a top tier choice in arena right up until the moment she was moved to wild.
@ChaddeusThaddeus 2 жыл бұрын
Zilliax was such a good card I miss it to this day
@johnnyborbon5085 2 жыл бұрын
So much nostalgia, love these videos man, keep it up!
@tomywanzenried3863 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who left hs because how pricey it is. I would love to see you explain what each card do, so we get some context on why said cards are so good.
@wilson99333 2 жыл бұрын
Reckful was slamming Dr 6 till the rest of the community listened to him rip you hero
@TitanStryker 2 жыл бұрын
Oh the DQA and Zephyrs days of hearthstone, I miss them and don’t at the same time 😂
@Levi_the_Med 2 жыл бұрын
For scholomance, i think you should put secret passage, it is waay better card imo. Guardian animals is reverted, amd sees no play, passage remained nerfed, and still broken as hell..
@juusomikkolainen7381 2 жыл бұрын
Spiteful Summoner was a monster card way back, won me a lot of games 😎
@Apolloshot 2 жыл бұрын
So if we added in Journey to this list, do we think Miracle Growth (pre-nerf), Switcharoo (pre-nerf), or Nellie is the best? Probably Nellie just because it requires zero support to be amazing.
@simonteesdale9752 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely the Kael'thas un-nerf. Actually, I'd go with switcharoo, because even without combos, it gives priest card draw and tutoring.
@wegil6095 2 жыл бұрын
I would say patates he Got olayed untill he rotated and played even after he nerede in wild changed the ENTIRE game cause you had to play arpund him and tokens druids had pirates just to summpn him early
@illumination_0109 2 жыл бұрын
how did call to arms not be a mention for catacombs set XD
@joshuapinals4452 2 жыл бұрын
🐛In the dungeon I go deeper🐛in set reviews I was a sleeper🐛when minions die I get cheaper🐛You guessed it right🐛I'm corridor creeper🐛
@jojisai 2 жыл бұрын
Thoroughly enjoy your HS history videos. Thank you for great content.
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