The Best Diet for Treating Atrial Fibrillation

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What foods should we eat and avoid to reduce our risk of atrial fibrillation?
This important video is a long time coming. In my previous videos on Afib-Red Fish, White Fish; Dark Fish, Atrial Fibrillation ( and Omega 3s, Prostate Cancer, and Atrial Fibrillation ( only touched on the fish connection.
I previously reported on the dangers of low-carb diets in:
• Atkins Diet: Trouble Keeping It Up (
• Paleolithic Lessons (
• Whole Grains May Work as Well as Drugs (
• Low-Carb Diets and Coronary Blood Flow (
• Alzheimer’s Disease: Grain Brain or Meathead? (
• Does a Ketogenic Diet Help Diabetes or Make It Worse? (
• Keto Diets: Muscle Growth and Bone Density (
The video I mentioned about the risk of medications is Why Prevention Is Worth a Ton of Cure (
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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@tonyk4615 Жыл бұрын
The patient case reminds me of my own experience. My wife encouraged me to go on a WFPB diet. At the time I was eating a “healthy” diet but still had dairy and animal protein. I was also taking 5 medications and supplements every day at a doctors direction. After 3 months on a WFPB diet, I was doing well enough that I was taken off all my daily medications and my last labs show my total cholesterol is now lower than when I was taking medication.
@gbubemia Жыл бұрын
@lippylennnox Жыл бұрын
Who says low cholesterol is good? the stain companies?
@leninlau9583 4 ай бұрын
Way to go
@resourcefulqueen5109 Ай бұрын
What does WFPB stand for?
@user-mz6sh2xr7f 9 күн бұрын
Whole food plant based = WFPB
@donnadeb1652 Жыл бұрын
I did exactly the same as the guy you talked about, changing his diet. and my heart palpitations that were with me for 3 years disappeared and never came back. I’ve never gone back to eating animal products, thanks Doc for sharing this video 💛
@tonynes3577 Жыл бұрын
I stopped drinking alcohol and immediately stopped having heart palpitations (but not sure if I had AFib). I still drink coffee and tea. Although careful with overdosing on them. Too much green tea will stimulate my heart. Also I have to take thyroid medication, but I find that the medication will stimulate me and start giving me heart palpitations so I'm taking less of it. I prefer to live with my hypothyroidism. On to the plant based foods! Thanks doc!😊🙏
@1111MeditationPortal Жыл бұрын
0:39 What not to eat: Low carb diet 1:34 Dietary recommendation for people with heart rhythm disorders is the opposite of low carb diet. It's based on fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, with seafood at most a few days a week, eggs, dairy and chicken on more like a once-a-week basis, and other meat on more like a once-a-month basis, 2:02 Whole-food plant based diet emphasizing whole grains, legumes, beans, split peas, chickpeas and lentils, vegetables, nuts, and excluding most or all animal products may play a special role, as they not only maximize protective foods, but also exclude potentially harmful animal foods.
@JewTubeSux Жыл бұрын
Eating grains causes my a-fib, 9 times out of 10... 🤷‍♂️
@herminedow7324 10 ай бұрын
@@JewTubeSux whole grains? none GMO?
@ppumpkin3282 4 ай бұрын
Me too. A low carb diet reduces insulin which reduces inflammation of the heart. @@JewTubeSux
@margaretasten 2 ай бұрын
Lost 80 lbs on a healthy keto diet, which resulted in a significant DECREASE in my AFib episodes. No medications needed anymore. I disagree with this video 100%.
@tobi_dg Ай бұрын
That’s because this video doesn’t provide a balanced view of research. Nutrition research is notoriously difficult and flashing a few papers to prove a point isn’t enough. Thats not to say the recommended diet is bad. But neither is low carb or keto based on natural foods. It may just depend on the individual what works best.
@emmadeofsteel Жыл бұрын
I can't thank you enough for this video. I've always found that I feel awful when I've had anywhere near a high amount of fat - tachycardia, vomiting, feeling faint ... and I feel pretty bad if I don't get my carbs! This all seems to have fallen into place with my heart condition. It's so reassuring and empowering to have this knowledge and to know what to do going forward. Thank you so much! The world needs more Dr Gregers!!
@FiberFairy22 Жыл бұрын
Just donated $20 😊 Thank you so much for this video, Dr. Greger! My dad has afib but just like the case you highlighted here, he has come off all of his medications and we are hoping he is well on his way to whole health before too long!
@lpulotu Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, much appreciated
@cameroncraft7136 Жыл бұрын
These are amazing!! Keep up the amazing work and spreading all this information!
@summer78946 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@axmic Жыл бұрын
Amazing content
@SALVATl0N Жыл бұрын
I wish you had better than one person's anecdotal experience. I do have my own anecdotal experience. I have AFib, and I did keto for a while and was able to lose quite a bit of weight, but my heart hated it. All kinds of extra beats PACs and PVCs. Some form of tachycardia. Until eventually I couldn't take it anymore, and I switched to plant-based. I put the weight back on, but my heart is quiet as a mouse. Edit: of course you can lose weight on plant based! It just takes more discipline. I could eat without thinking about it and still lose weight on keto. I will never go back to keto knowing how it affected my heart. It's OKAY for both things to be true. There's a reason keto is popular.
@aureliaglenn2220 Жыл бұрын
Depending on how you do things, you can also lose weight on a plant-based diet.
@andreawisner7358 Жыл бұрын
Going mostly raw vegan for a period should take the weight off. Then WFPB, not just "plant-based." I'm going to do that someday.
@aureliaglenn2220 Жыл бұрын
Going WFPB will take the weight off. That's how I dropped 50 pounds a couple of years ago, still eat this way. Pre-load and sequence your meals (eat soup, salad, fruit, or vegetables first, then the rest of your meal. And don't cook with oil--it's easier than you think.)
@SALVATl0N Жыл бұрын
@@aureliaglenn2220 absolutely! It was just easier to eat unlimited chicken wings and not think about it.
@mattjohnston9131 Жыл бұрын
Staying away from processed foods, doing the Daily Dozen will melt away excess weight, with all due haste!
@james4582 Жыл бұрын
I dealt with AFib and hyperkalemia I was circling the drain I thought I was eating healthy Kidney function was at 10% I refused to consider dialysis and decided to radically change my diet. Potassium Sodium and phosphates are too high in my blood still I look to plant based diet more even though many fruits and vegetables are off my diet as well. It’s very hard to regulate but beats hell out of letting a machine try to futility do it for me. Finding foods that can fit in this diet is hard But my kidneys are just above 20% and I’m still here.
@asldfjkalsdfjasdf Жыл бұрын
Try to especially limit your fat and protein intake while maintaining calories on whole plants. This might help get things going again. Stay vigilant as you seem to be right now. Look for presentations on the rice diet by dr. john mcdougall although i would not recommend going on the rice diet unsupervised and especially not for long term. Maybe consider doing a water fast at the true north fasting center.
@james4582 Жыл бұрын
@Jipee Juhu Thanks for the reply. I do regulate my diet carefully I still eat some portions of beef and chicken st very small amounts when I do 3-4 oz when I do. Certain fish and seafood. No pork ever mostly plant based but even then regulated by potassium count and no salt. There are a lot of vegetables and fruits that are off the list because of that. Liquids are regulated close to 40oz per day (all liquids) I use rice frequently. I read labels and pick foods that fit within my diet. I don’t do without just differently. It’s not easy and yeah I fudge a bit from time to time but it’s been working for me. Constant monitoring of my stats by myself and frequent doctor visits carefully shopping works. It’s definitely a challenge for sure especially getting food to taste good and where I’m located it’s extremely hot weather and I get thirsty lol I might add I am 77 years old with other issues as well heart and mobility yet I live slone and love to prepare my own meals so that is a good thing. When I go out it gets more difficult and harder to pick foods that stem loaded with salt and other stuff that’s not good but it can be done. I’m going to say not many can do it but I can within limits. Most people I know would rather use dialysis which I see as slow miserable death sentence.
@anxietyattack9523 4 ай бұрын
​@@james4582 you need to avoid salt at all cost for your kidneys and drink water with lemon and lime. With a straw🥤 Vegetables 🥦 Fruits 🍌 🍏 🍇 🍅 Sweet potatoes 🥔 Rice 🍚 Chicken and eggs 🥚 Black tea With pure Honey 🍵 Ground ginger Ground Cinnamon Apple cider vinegar Red meat ok once a month make sure it low in fats With heart problems you have to be disaplined with what you eat We can have a cheat day but be smart about it Walk alot get out in nature Maintain healthy body weight Take one step at a time Am 32 had the worst year of my life with Abtrial Fibrillation It's taken me 1 year to get better Don't get me wrong I do eat crap But GOD makes me be Sick saying am eating the wrong foods soon as you learn that the better. Eat clean eat smart Stay away from Caffeine Drinks Alcohol Cigarette Stay away from fats Only sugars you need is from Fruits Make sure to have a sleeping routine gain your strength Iron Magnesium Vitamins K2 Vitamins B12 Vitamins D witch you can get from the Sun Vitamins C Make sure to keep a healthy mouth brush your teeth help with the heart or any broken tooth need to see the dentist because collecting bacteria in to your blood stream to the heart ♥ Am feeling alot better but I am having Electrical Cardioversion hoping to put me back in Rhythm My Abtrial Fibrillation started by taking a shotty of cannabis weed It just show that everyone is different in life Make sure to keep your mental health and anxiety controlled by having a healthy life style I was 17stone went gym kept in shape but now am 13 stone in less than a year am more fitter and faster lol 😂 and my cure is boxing 🥊 it helps my afib so much and my mental health Keep active but in your own paces
@RoaringRory80 Жыл бұрын
love this channel. God bless this Doctor 🙏
@MichaelJessen Жыл бұрын
I found that cutting out caffeine helped. *A lot.* Immediate result. The dark fish finding was really interesting. 6.5 times AF risk for dark fish eaters! I’m considering removing salmon from my mostly pescatarian diet.
@LeckieInstallsLondon Жыл бұрын
To lower my blood pressure I was exercising 4-5 times a day but for years it just kept climbing to over 155/105! It wasnt until i went vegan and was eating mostly whole foods my bp dropped. Not only did it drop substantially, but it has stayed at an optimal level of 100/60 for years! My heart rate has also dropped from 85 resting to 48. If thats not enough to get someone to change their lifestyle, they ought to look at what is happening to the environment and every single weather catastrophe can be linked to animal agriculture. Its time to listen to the science
@justinm2885 Жыл бұрын
Wow that's incredible. And well said!
@user-or2gs4lf2u 8 ай бұрын
Your pulse is very low. I have a pulse of 58-60,below that I will get dizzy.
@johnsnow5264 Жыл бұрын
I guess it was only a matter of time that this video would come out. Many years ago I read about the great benefits of lowcarb and high fat diets. So I followed that for 2.5 years and I got constantly worse day by day - without able to identify the reason (I thought it was stress at work). It ended with a suspected stroke and a permanent fibrillation with a heart rate of 200 b/sec. Only through cardioversion it could be stopped. After that my cardiologists strongly advised me to stop lowcarb/high fat and do the exact opposite ie lot of fruit and veggies, whole grain, legumes and very little animal products. And behold, now after 5 years on >95% whole plant based diet all my arrhythmia stopped. No more afib, nothing. I even got rid from my otherwise lifelong blood thinner medication. Low carb promise charlatans should be locked up. They are criminals and butchers.
@NEILANIL1 Жыл бұрын
😳 .... carbs increase insulin release, which increase inflammation. So I would like more information about WFPB diet and Ketogenic diet comparison. Maybe with a combination of the two would be beneficial.
@johnsnow5264 Жыл бұрын
@@NEILANIL1 You are too indoctrinated by the lowcarb fad community. Pure sugar is harmful of course, but various vegetable, fruit, legumes or wholegrain carbs are extremely healthy. Don't mix stuff up!
@failuretocomunicate5266 Жыл бұрын
@@NEILANIL1 He did a whole series on keto, I would stay away from the keto diet. I've been there and done that. Got healthy on a WFPB lifestyle about 5 years ago.
@soilikasanen Жыл бұрын
@@NEILANIL1 Please check out Mastering Diabetes Podcast 👍 Dr. Greger's vid about mycoprotein shows interesting charts about insulin levels after glucose and protein - you'll be surprised!
@johnsnow5264 Жыл бұрын
@@charlsalash this is great to hear. Well done and congratulations to your better health. Hope you get even better.
@x4rdas Жыл бұрын
Stopping clopidogrel with a stant in the arteries might still be a bad idea. thank you for your hard work @nutritionfacts team and Mr. Greger. Greatings from Germany
@TheRbraden Жыл бұрын
How on earth has no one done a large-scale interventional trial on patients with AFib to see how effective a WFPB diet is at curing it? AFib affects so many people now. It seems relatively straightforward to set up, and this lack of evidence seems like an enormous hole in the medical literature. I like to share these videos with friends and family, but there is usually SO much more compelling evidence in the studies than there is in this case.
@m.j.jodoin1445 Жыл бұрын
Check Dr. Mcdougall Starch based diet which is essentially what is described in this video. He has years of patient treatment and research commentary. His website has loads of free information.
@soilikasanen Жыл бұрын
Who would fund a study that doesn't feed neither food nor pharma industries or their companions?
@joephillips5594 Жыл бұрын
Been eating WFPB for about five years now with the occasional cheat day (holidays, etc), but alcohol is still my vice. Hopefully I'll manage to kick it one of these days.
@kamaliancirranoush1916 Жыл бұрын
You can do it!
@soilikasanen Жыл бұрын
Rich Roll's and Chef AJ's podcasts are helpful for people suffering from addictions. I wish you all the best.
@mattjohnston9131 Жыл бұрын
Check out Andrew Huberman's channel for a recent podcast on the effects of alcohol on the body, might help you decide against it mote often.
@AndrewPawley11 Жыл бұрын
Superb, as always. Its astonishing that this analysis isn't more widely known. It could change millions of lives.
@rebeccahenderson7761 Жыл бұрын
Adding any oil, such as olive oil it bad for you. Going Vegan, no oil, no salt, no sugar has saved my husband's life and mine too. We had to learn how to use flavors and spices, but will never go back. Occasionally (previously) we had craved the old food, had a serving and seriously wondered why we ever ate the junk, bc it actually doesn't taste good once you are use to real food prepared well.
@willymakeit5172 7 ай бұрын
There are many people out there in KZbin land saying the exact opposite. I’m not sure what to believe anymore. However, I doubt if our ancient ancestors developed this big brain on vegetables. Next, there are many people who claim to be doing very well on a carnivore diet. Finally, there was this study done on thousands of mental patients in the 60s and 70s to prove that a diet to lower cholesterol would lower the number of heart attacks. The new diet did lower cholesterol but they also had the most heart attacks. Now there are people who are even claiming that plants have chemicals to protect them from anything trying to eat them and therefore can be harmful to one’s health. Sheesh!
@tony.wilson 4 ай бұрын
Well said
@leninlau9583 4 ай бұрын
Well try the carnivore or atkin diet. And if you get a heart attack, change to plant based, that is what a friend of mine did
@daveforgot127 Ай бұрын
Depends on your genetics but I'd go with the vegans if I was in Vegas.
@daveforgot127 Ай бұрын
The salmon was it alaskan wild salmon or farmed salmon?
@auikerngesund5624 Жыл бұрын
@anitamartini5144 Жыл бұрын
The most infuriating part of being an n of 1 and getting lipids checked is you cannot get a comprehensive lipid panel (not the test where they do simple math to determine levels) without a doctor order. This makes the process much more expensive and time consuming, and if you are uninsured and your local doctors are not accepting uninsured patients or any new patients at all, it’s impossible to know your lipids.
@larrysmith7118 2 ай бұрын
some of this is wrong, caffeine does affect afib i know this from experience.
@nancycroswell9419 9 ай бұрын
No drugs would be wonderful. I have recently started a vegan diet and plan to stay on it. I like vegetables and always have.
@freemarketswork Жыл бұрын
Go True North!!!
@user-vs3bz3yy4l 3 ай бұрын
WOW so I may have caused my afib by Low carb? I know since I went WFPB I have boundless energy!
@RobbsHomemadeLife Жыл бұрын
The dark fish avoidance is confusing. My first cardiologist actually prescribed fish oil to help with my a fib and mackerel and sardines have a lot of fish oil.
@michaelajaltouni3177 Жыл бұрын
There is more recent data suggesting fish oil increases risk of Afib
@saratonnan Жыл бұрын
I don't know if this would make a difference in your particular case but I started taking vegan omega3 supplements (from algae) to substitute for the recommended "healthy" fish, when I changed to a whole food plant based diet. Something to consider.......😊
@ppumpkin3282 4 ай бұрын
I've had the opposite effect, since I started a low carb diet my AFIB stopped. Low carb diets reduce blood sugar, which reduces insulin. Insulin is a big inflammatory. Also I lose weight on low carb diets, can lose weight on other diets, primarily I believe because since I have better control of my insulin I eat less.
@Zenjohnny Жыл бұрын
That food pyramid has to be Italian!! Haha too specific to put cous cous and polenta on there lol
@christophercardono6274 18 күн бұрын
I drink more water and nonGMO orange juice. Stopped drinking all kind carbonated beverages. Eat more salad with extra virgin olive oil with limited salt. I'm much better now than before
@mse7501 Жыл бұрын
My cardiologist told me if you want to know how to eat look at your hands five fruits and five vegetables a day
@darrinheaton4016 2 ай бұрын
Maybe, maybe not. I've been wfpb for 10 years, and vegetarian 10 years before that...still got Afib. I'm not going to stop eating this way...because I like it, but it's no silver bullet.
@irinafachin5446 5 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🤖 *Introduction to Atrial Fibrillation and Diet* - Overview of atrial fibrillation (Afib) as a significant health problem. - The impact of diet on Afib, particularly the risks associated with low-carb diets. 01:23 🍏 *Dietary Recommendations for Heart Rhythm Disorders* - Advocating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts. - The emphasis on reducing intake of meat, dairy, and eggs to cut down on saturated and trans fats. 02:18 🐟 *Avoiding Certain Foods for Atrial Fibrillation* - Evidence suggesting the benefits of avoiding dark fish and alcohol to manage Afib. - The increased risk of Afib with high consumption of dark fish and alcohol. 03:15 🌱 *Plant-Based Diets and Afib Risk Factor Management* - How plant-based diets can reduce traditional Afib risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. - The positive effects of plant-based diets on vasodilation and reducing blood viscosity. 04:36 🥗 *Plant-Based Diet Benefits on Afib Risk Factors* - The potential of plant-based diets to prevent, arrest, or reverse various Afib risk factors. - Highlighting the importance of dietary modifications in managing Afib. 05:06 💊 *Case Study: Reversing Afib with Diet and Lifestyle Changes* - An 82-year-old patient's journey to reverse Afib and related health issues through diet and lifestyle changes. - Significant health improvements and reduction in medication following dietary changes. Made with HARPA AI
@jakobw135 Жыл бұрын
Would getting enough MAGNESIUM control for Afib? Also, it's SURPRISING that a STIMULANT like CAFFEINE does NOT contribute to Afib. Why is that?
@timothygavagan698 Жыл бұрын
Caffeine can definitely contribute to Afib, at least mine. I see it in my frequent testing using an Apple watch
@jakobw135 Жыл бұрын
@@timothygavagan698 Does magnesium help you counteract the Afib?
@herminedow7324 10 ай бұрын
@@jakobw135 I take Heart Calm, 3 different types of magnesium and I think it helps ALOT.
@cityvisual 6 ай бұрын
Really? Having lost my 50's to fast AFib, i discovered that my low fat diet (lack of Vit K2 ) caused the deposition of calcium on the valves of my heart. The baroreceptors provided corrective feedback to the sympathetic system = F Afib. This is my personal take and experience.
@nancieamethyst2541 Жыл бұрын
I would love to eat WFPB but my gut! Can't tolerate nuts or legumes or most grains ( saponins=leaky gut , diagnosed. Also oxalates are hard to keep low on plant based. Was WFPB for years but i now have autoimmune condition and leaky gut from all the anti nutrients. I so wish I could find a way to fix/prevent this as I hate eating animal foods( i have fish and eggs+ feta). Dr Gregor? I know the anti nutrients also have very beneficial aspects toolike cancer prevention but how do u avoid the intestinal permiability and subsequent inflammation/multiple food intolerances? (I've tried a ton of things to heal this whilst being vegan.) Please can you do a video on this as I can't be the only one - thanks Dr Gregor! 💜
@minifix Жыл бұрын
There are several reasons for leaky gut, but chief among them is pesticides. You can check PubMed, but if you want a gentle introduction to the topic I'd recommend listening to Zack Bush /watch?v=X3aOQ0N74PI. By the way, where did you get the idea that anti-nutrients lead to leaky gut? Never heard something like that before. Lastly, I don't like the term "antinutrients" in the first place. Every single nutrient has an effect on the other chemicals in your body, whether it's the minerals in meat and nuts or phytochemicals. So all nutrients are antinutrients in the sense that they block or prevent other nutrients. Every single one of them. Clearly, some block more than others, but really it's a misleading concept.
@nancieamethyst2541 Жыл бұрын
@@minifix I've eaten organic for a long time so it's not pesticides. Im very familiar with Zac bush his Gut supplement is great although pricey. If you search saponins and intestinal permiability you can learn about them. i too, was very resistant to the term 'anti nutrients' when i was vegan as i didn't want to accept it was the cause of my issues. i use it now to describe saponins and oxalates mainly as they're the ones that bother me. Once i've healed my gut im sure i'll be able to have some more grains and legumes. There are many reasons for leaky gut and many solutions in theory. Finding something that works is a case of trial and error. And trust me i've tried and studied this extensively. The symptoms are very unpleasant to deal with but im doing my best ! Im hoping Dr Gregor will respond... Dr Gregor??..
@minifix Жыл бұрын
@@nancieamethyst2541 Ok. Maybe you mentioned and I didn't catch it, but where did you learn that antinutrients cause leaky gut? I am not merely resistant to the term, I think it is nonsense.
@nancieamethyst2541 Жыл бұрын
@@minifix No i didn't mention it. Do your own research. I don't have time to find the studies / links again for you. I don't care if you learn it or not - your choice. Good luck!
@minifix Жыл бұрын
@@nancieamethyst2541 Meaning you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Got it.
@davidt8546 Жыл бұрын
But carbs and the resulting spike in blood glucose are very inflammatory?
@samiryan214 Жыл бұрын
@leninlau9583 4 ай бұрын
Simple manufactured carbs yes, not complex carbs in veggies n legumes😊
@freebird7017 Ай бұрын
Brown rice = GI of 55, whole wheat pasta = GI of 40. In other words low glycemic index foods which wont spike insulin and aren’t inflammatory. These are the kind of carbs touted on WHOLE FOOD plant based lifestyles.
@andreawisner7358 Жыл бұрын
I have NO risk factors for AF except a congenital heart defect and slight overweight. I eat a vegan, mostly WFPB diet but went into persistent AF. Yes, caffeine is a huge factor for AF. I had medical procedures which fixed the AF for one year. Then I had a cup of hot chocolate and went right back into AF. (I've never been a regular caffeine user, just occasional chocolate.) Argue with me.
@jimforsythe3129 Жыл бұрын
why - your experience is your experience - we are all different - so to put everyone in this or that "diet" is ridiculous -- seems this guy is up to that -- AF and coffee does and doesn't hurt or help - is my experience
@Julottt Жыл бұрын
And maybe theobromine too which is in cocoa, some people are very sensitivie to caffeine/theobromine and similar.
@DAVE_WHITE Жыл бұрын
you state " I eat a vegan, mostly WFPB diet" then state "slight overweight" so you are lying if you are eating this way? there is no way possible you can be overweight sorry to say you again are lying to us.. You know what slop you are putting in your lips and if you are overweight it is your own fault for lying to yourself as well.
@andreawisner7358 Жыл бұрын
@@DAVE_WHITE So your only argument is that I must be lying? You will not directly challenge my point that a WFPB diet does not fix everything, especially with people who are born with illnesses? Also, yes you can be slightly overweight on WFPB. I like rice and beans (NO fat added). I also occasionally eat non-WFPB like vegan chips and vegan ice cream. I can't eat anything with wheat, fortunately, because I am very allergic to it. Are you one of those people who gaslights people with genetic illnesses? If you lack compassion for unchangeable conditions of people, I'm going to assume that you're not vegan.
@Julottt Жыл бұрын
@@DAVE_WHITE What are you talking about? The fat you eat is the fat you wear, if one person eat a moderate to high amount of dietary fat from nuts, avocadoes, coconut, dark chocolate with sufficient calories intake, you may gain body fat overtime or dont lose your excess. Chief AJ famous video: "from fat vegan to skinny b*tch".
@pjfreeman4789 10 ай бұрын
The only negative I see in this presentation is the the doctor advised the patient to eliminate oils. Olive oil is known to be anti inflammatory, which is healthy, plus it’s vegetarian.
@kevingallen1678 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video it helped me so much to recognise vegan propaganda.
@katrinawhite9144 Жыл бұрын
@evaanthony6729 Жыл бұрын
What BS. I DEVELOPED AFIB with a high carb diet, am experiencing relief with elimination of carbs, legumes spike my afib.
@tonishagrimes9031 Жыл бұрын
Same here... I was taken off one of my meds as well. So this is confusing to me when they say low carb is bad for Afib.
@seattledutch 7 ай бұрын
I don’t think they claim high carb. Just carb, such as oatmeal and other carbs, in moderation. High carb promotes inflammation.
@jmwhitt Жыл бұрын
Statins can cause brain fog and contribute to atherosclerosis
@danielscarbrough4363 Ай бұрын
Don't eat animal products? I LOVE ANIMALS, they feed me well.
@reontebrugge7346 20 күн бұрын
I bet it sounded better in your head
@oldbird4210 3 күн бұрын
@ratherrapid Жыл бұрын
I'd like to know who published and funded these studies, and also what kind of percentages r we talking about? If 5% of population has Afib and Plant Based diet reduces that 50% because the baloney eaters benefit--does that really mean that a PBD had anything to do with small improvements by unhealthy people suddenly seeing the light--see the cheese eater on the Med diet in the vid.
@andreawisner7358 Жыл бұрын
Not clear what you think is better.
@ratherrapid Жыл бұрын
@@andreawisner7358 the only thing i know is that u'd never know from watching this vid since the Doc is up to his old tricks of never identifying what %s he is speaking--i.e. how do u know there is even a statistically significant problem or effect base what's in this vid. + Doc constantly gives stats on unhealthy people and so what possible good does that do for someone who takes care of themselves?
@andreac5152 Жыл бұрын
It all depends on how much alcohol, meat, fat cheese and salt he was eating, don't discredit the most evidence based healthy diet(Mediterranean) based on a case report.
@Mrs.TJTaylor 9 ай бұрын
I don’t believe a word of this.
@leninlau9583 4 ай бұрын
Feel sorry for you
@MrVWQ Жыл бұрын
So Lo-carb bad for AFib, while Hi-carb is bad for risk of Fatty Liver and diabetes.
@mattjohnston9131 Жыл бұрын
@MrVWQ Жыл бұрын
@@mattjohnston9131 not sure what I said that was funny to you?
@lippylennnox Жыл бұрын
@@MrVWQ No matter what you say, what history says or even human digestion says, they will belittle you and say you are a clown and fool unless you agree with their Vegan and plant-based propaganda insanity, so don't even bother trying to have a dialogue here.
@reontebrugge7346 3 ай бұрын
If you mean high carb process junk like white bread and cookies than yes
@haidersyed6554 Жыл бұрын
Eating organ meat, special liver helps my atrial fibrillation
@Ebureto 8 ай бұрын
This video is misleading at best. Do your own research.
@leninlau9583 4 ай бұрын
Not at all, you need to do more research
@traveler65 4 ай бұрын
It costs nothing to try it for a couple of months. 🤔🌱
@bobl1769 3 ай бұрын
This is nonsensical, outdated information, presented by a non-expert and this video should not have been posted.
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