The BEST Parts of The Hobby? | S4E14

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Trapped Under Plastic

Trapped Under Plastic

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@cjh.1920 Жыл бұрын
Thinking about painting is my favorite part.
@jc7997aj Жыл бұрын
Think that's called mental masturbation. 😂.
@em3sis Жыл бұрын
This resonated with me
@LS1056 Жыл бұрын
The least favorite, painting
@CrimsonTusk Жыл бұрын
Miniatures are like fighting a hydra, no matter how many you paint - two more seem to "appear" out of nowhere when you've painted one and my wallet is suspiciously lighter...
@jc7997aj Жыл бұрын
@@CrimsonTusk 2? Once you get a 3d printer try 20 😔.
@Nogoatsnoglory Жыл бұрын
Honestly would like to see Jon make some more videos on just painting what he enjoys. Not every video needs to be a lesson, sometimes just watching someone work through their projects is really enjoyable (much like Miscast).
@Nokimam Жыл бұрын
I really loved Jon in Oppenheimer, I think his take on the role of General Leslie Groves was amazing! Well done Jon and I can’t wait to see your future work.
@AmnioticlyTanked Жыл бұрын
Really looking forward to seeing the blacksite studio video. I know that Goober has done something similar for the Army Painter but there's really is not a ton of content out there on how the products we all love are developed and produced.
@rosstasker8590 Жыл бұрын
Those dark elder have a nicely Dune aesthetic, particularly the new dune feeling…
@thegrimpaladin9926 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. After taking on some commissions I kinda felt the love for the hobby slip away. I simply didn't want to do those commissions. Now, them being done, picking up my own army models again and planning for it reignited the love for the hobby. I probably wouldn't mind painting commissions for a job, but not being able to paint my own army, and seeing them sit on the shelf knowing I don't have the time to paint them and give them love kinda sucks...
@DaronSchmit Жыл бұрын
I've done a couple of commissions, and I agree. I've painted some that are supposed to be as close to Canon as possible (Tau Pathfinders, Star Ward stormtroopers, droids). Being so strict about what it's supposed to look like is really deflating. What I personally do to get some hobby enjoyment out of those is to come up with a painting plan and see how well I can execute on it. For some reason, it scratches an optimization itch that normal "discovery" painting doesn't do for me. In any case, I find it's important to keep it fresh. Too many commissions in a row, too much artsy painting in a row, or too much personal batch painting in a row, and I burn out. Take a bit of a break and mix up the models/paint schemes and I'm good to go
@kikolokopo_toys Жыл бұрын
Ive been painting for 1y 1m and have done comissions for 10m and I still love painting comissions. I paint minis from armies I dont collect so I like painting and doing a mini re-search. I go out finding lore and tutorials on armies I do comissions to get more engaged and in the mood to painting them. I also never stop liking my armies and I think comissions help me get better and get better results on my precious minis
@charlesfe Жыл бұрын
My home base hobby for the past several years has been Kings of War. It's like choosing your army's color scheme except you get to choose your army's models. I *never* get stuck painting models I don't want to paint because I need X or Y unit for a reasonably fun to play army. Each base is its own diorama. And this level of freedom is sometimes a problem for people, I get that. But boy do I love just settling on a theme and a style of model and going nuts with it. I'm excited to get deep into Varangur - which is a Chaos-like analog where a lot of players use GW Chaos Warriors for - but for me, it's going to be the recent printable Mierce miniatures Ysian Drunes. The sculpts are so good, so crisp, so full of what I'm after. Super excited!
@dustinshorter2391 Жыл бұрын
I cannot speak for others but I really like people building stuff they love. This seems to give the best results and great inspiration to us to get motivated on what we enjoy. I cannot tell you not to make videos based on the Algorithm but burnout is real, so as much as possible do what you love and enjoy. It will pay off :)
@mandzakminiatures Жыл бұрын
This topic resonates with me a lot. Making my models my own is THE driving force for me in the hobby. If it isn’t completely converted and sculpted it isn’t for me. I get to put myself and ideas into the project. I fully support going all out converting your army to be your own unique story telling device.
@powersave2 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if your still checking comments scott, but I really enjoyed meeples together. It mostly focuses on board game deisgn for co-op games but I thought it had loads of generally useful game design tid bits. "Meeples Together: How and Why Cooperative Games Work by Christopher Allen (Author), Shannon Appelcline (Author), Renee Knipe (Editor), Colleen Riley (Editor), Keith Curtis (Illustrator)"
@cliffwood7386 Жыл бұрын
I literally was listening to this episode while doing my first-ever kitbash. I definitely feel super proud now that this guy is mine!
@beahootiful Жыл бұрын
Yes, Jon, we want to see the kit bashed 'nid painted!!! Can't wait to see it. And the whole tug of war between lawful and chaos is definitely tough. You have to find a way to sort of separate the two and feed them both.
@mtrox7848 Жыл бұрын
ngl, had the biggest smile while you talked about dice thrones. was one of the peeps to shout it out
@MechaTrogd0r Жыл бұрын
my favorite discussion of any episode. It got me thinking about the hobby
@mevl4822 Жыл бұрын
Heck ya guys, well done.
@solidsentinel1285 Жыл бұрын
I think my favorite part is seeing an idea I have actually come to fruition and having the motivation to actually finish it lol
@MekBoooooi Жыл бұрын
Relatable, I've wanted Tau suits for so long but I hate some parts of the design. I tweaked mine a bit and it looks different, now I'm excited to make an army for em!
@Dr_Disintegrator Жыл бұрын
Main topic is solid advice. Nice work.
@aroncheek5092 Жыл бұрын
Im on my 5th unit of Warhammer and 5th d&d miniature since i started again, i used to buy various units and single mini's to paint when I was in my teens and when the citadel first come out 😱 now in my mid 40s. I started back painting when I bought tau kill team, they took 6months to build and prime , since then ive made sure ive got at least 1 mini or unit in my backlog,my second unit i done some kitbashing grechin and runtherd are not strictly to the box art but everything else ive painted is copied from the boxart as i thought this would help me learn various new techniques
@chadkittleson5447 Жыл бұрын
One nerd shouting in the void but, I would love to see an extended periodic series that is about you getting to a full personal army. Maybe you can come up with topics for each section but I promise to tune in religiously.
@cassandracastro2759 Жыл бұрын
38:30 that actually helps me to put some things on a different perspective, thanks a lot.
@gregoryhall4062 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see what you two goodie peepees can do with some starwars legion armies. Making my armies custom to me and the story is so key to motivating myself to paint the last 600 points of my rebels
@aroncheek5092 Жыл бұрын
I grew up with airfix into my teens and then Warhammer, i stopped building models scale and mini's in my late teens but then picked the hobby back up with airfix model car starter boxes that came with paint ,glue and a brush that was around 15 years ago . I now paint and collect scale cars/vehicles tamiya,revell, airfix , I got into building and painting gundam along side the cars a few years ago then mini's over the past year, think I maybe a plastic addict 🤪
@MrSteelface96 Жыл бұрын
jaay another episode!! :D I have heard every episode you put out, and listend to half of them! :D keep em comming! :D
@autoclock8650 Жыл бұрын
I love orcs in all settings, they're great villains, great comic relief, and they even have the best potential for face-turns, for redemption stories. And a wild west theme sounds fun as hell with them, too. That may be even better than the Mad Max approach they pretty much already come with. lol And yes, it's great to follow the lore, but as you do so, yes, those are still YOUR members of the chapter, going through YOUR adventures and battles. You have to own that, otherwise, what are you doing? Should just read the books and save some money. lol
@RenMomoDotPog Жыл бұрын
Trapped under plastic: Scott and Jon form a linked brain tumor from zoomers saying "that goofy ahh paintjob be bussn frfr"
@alexandernebesky8800 Жыл бұрын
Painting to the box art in made-up stuff is a struggle because it really doesn't mean anything. I would, however, like to see you guys tackle historicals. There are colour plates and photographs that exist so you have references to work off, but also immense leeway to fit them into your own story. It's like painting "box art" for a reason.
@StiffBadger Жыл бұрын
Cactus Dryads are my new favourite part of the hobby!
@jacobbalensiefer3846 Жыл бұрын
Mainly talking about Scott’s dark eldar ideas, Making 3d printable bits for your army is way easier than you think if you have the ability to learn blender. There are so many great templates out there you don’t even need to be that tech savvy to get solid results. Once you make the base model (like new legs) you could easily make a variety of cool poses and not lose your mind sculpting little details on your basic units.
@trappedunderplastic Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a solid solution, not gonna lie! I think my primary concern would be in nailing anatomy. If I want say 5 different leg poses, surely I'm not going to find a template for all of those and would need to create something from scratch some point and maybe it'd look bad. Then again, maybe I can just take the time to learn sculpting!
@jacobbalensiefer3846 Жыл бұрын
@@trappedunderplastic you can make the model in a sort of T (I guess V pose for legs) and then pose it up from there. I’ve been banging my head against blender as a hobby for making minis and it’s so satisfying to know I could replicate things indefinitely.
@makaero1504 Жыл бұрын
I bet someone else has already sculpted kabalite warriors and you could just cut it off at the legs and repose them how you would need to in blender. Personally I love the kabalites as they are but thats what I would explore
@wtfserpico Жыл бұрын
Correction: The Gambler's Chest isn't even CLOSE to the final thing left to deliver. In no particular order there's still at least: 1 Role Survivors 1 Super Survivors 1 Anonymous Survivor 1 Death Drifter - Kingdom Death x Hyper Light Drifter Crossover 1 Goth Amy, the Unraveling - Kingdom Death x Zombicide Crossover 1 Lantern Year 3 Candy & Cola - Kingdom Death X Soda Pop Miniatures Crossover 1 Pathfinders of Death - Kingdom Death x Paizo Crossover 1 Abyssal Woods Expansion 1 Black Knight Expansion 1 Campaigns of Death 1 Death Armor Expansion 1 First Hero Expansion 1 Frogdog Expansion 1 Gryphon Expansion 1 Honeycomb Weaver Expansion 1 Inverted Mountain Expansion 1 Ivory Dragon Expansion 1 Nightmare Ram Expansion 1 Oblivion Mosquito Expansion 1 Pariah Expansion 1 Red Witches Expansion 1 Screaming God Expansion 1 Silver City Expansion
@susannahlewis8464 Жыл бұрын
Ahhhhh! I love Dice Throne! It's such a great game.
@hereticalhobby Жыл бұрын
Gawddamnit why does the idea of ork clowns go so hard?! That would be so fun to build/paint 😅
@crispycream45 Жыл бұрын
John explaining the beginning of the Northman makes it sound like the lion king 😂
@aroncheek5092 Жыл бұрын
Im doing termagants at the moment, i have no contrast paint only nuln oil , cheap acrylics that are mainly all gloss and the primary colour Vallejo model air with the silver and gold metalic
@Misguided_mad_scientist Жыл бұрын
Where the life advice is given to you and you improve your health and mental health by listening to a podcast know as, TRAPPED UNDER PLASTIC!
@TylerProvick Жыл бұрын
Jon needs something to obsess about? Infinity! I've been a gaming butterfly my entire life, but the current version of Infinity has grabbed me. I spend the week planning for my Friday game while painting my next model to add to my army, and after my game I'm thinking about when I can post my next LFG for Friday Infinity. Is immediately after my game on Friday too soon? How about Sunday?
@anthonyroessel1841 Жыл бұрын
I would absolutely watch a dirty jobs type show where the job sites they go to are all hobby related. Even without the host doing the job, it would be cool to get that behind the scenes look at these products we spend so much time with.
@xc_OuMa Жыл бұрын
12:40 Weirdly, making food for myself does the opposite, it makes me feel full. Maybe because I'm surrounded by food, tasting them (I check for salt levels and spice) and smelling them but everytime I cook I have to take a little 20 min break before eating so I don't feel as full.
@yaboyscuttle Жыл бұрын
Trapped Under Plastic: AAAAAAH! AHHHHH! AH!! OH GOD HELP ME!
@PirateCptn Жыл бұрын
This is so spot on. I am a huge elf fan, but man I cannot handle Lumineth, they're just so goofy! Maybe I just need to head swap everyone haha
@mattycools84 8 ай бұрын
@Buildpaintplayrepeat Жыл бұрын
The podcast known as Trapped Under Plastic. The smelling salt review podcast.
@markgnepper5636 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff friends 👏 👍
@VingloLeClerc Жыл бұрын
I don’t want to burst your bubble but the Northman is a Viking rendition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
@talonjansen8926 Жыл бұрын
My brother-in-law is American, and we fed him some Balkan yogurt and he said it tasted like ass. He'd never had yogurt without sugar in it!
@justingriffith6564 Жыл бұрын
Trapped under plastic: The podcast about painting that may or may not talk about painting :)
@scottradom1332 Жыл бұрын
Hang on, you guys know “the Northman” is Hamlet right? Isn’t the dudes name even Amleth?
@stevenmccormick9918 Жыл бұрын
To your point about historical wargames and how do you deal with people that are interested in the German forces in WW2, I am an avid enthusiast in the Panzergrenadier tactics and equipment in wargames. That doesn't change that they were/are historically terrible. The tactics and gear shaped modern warfare into what it is now, though, and seeing the historical roots of that play out on the table really speaks to me. Especially the mechanized troops in the half-track troop supports and the tactics they used. That said, if your opponent shows up to a game rocking the uniform with all the insignia? Maybe be a little bit skeptical about their motivations.
@DeliciousCornbread Жыл бұрын
Comment for engagement: As far as ad blockers, I’m about to sound like a shill here… but I got KZbin premium like a year ago and I can’t imagine not having it now. From my understanding it pays out creators as if I watched the ads. But I also subscribe on Patreon because tendies don’t buy themselves.
@g-rex9089 Жыл бұрын
On the topic of Warlords Bolt-action game towards the end of the show; I felt the internets scorn. When I posted some of my US army on a small mini painting group, no one liked it. When I posted my German army (no swastikas painted on any model), Everyone HATED it and I was booted from the group before I could even type out my diatribe of why history is important and how I'm not a Nazi. When I played Bolt-action last, I played my US army because a Mexican guy I know plays Germany. Goes to show, most historical war gamers are niche not hateful.
@alarcombe2000 Жыл бұрын
At a glance I thought Scott’s shirt said Dr PeePee 😂
@coltspinks9397 Жыл бұрын
I need help with my dirty down moss. I applied it on a painted model, and no effect. I put it on a primed model- works, I put it on a plain base- works, I even varnished my model but it didn’t work. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I shook it up like crazy too.
@OkieDokieCreations Жыл бұрын
Hey Scott! If you're looking for a great dueling game look at Raptor. Awesome asometric 2 player game about a group of scientists trying to capture a group of baby raptors and the momma protecting them. Plus it has minis!
@trappedunderplastic Жыл бұрын
I'll take a look! The manager of my LGS actually lent me the game because he thought something similar, but the theme has kind of put me off. Now that I've heard multiple recs, however, it encourages me to check it out more!
@OkieDokieCreations Жыл бұрын
@@trappedunderplastic you should! The decisions you have to make each turn are so tense. When you finally pull off that epic turn it’s sooooo satisfying. Love the content and keep up the good work!
@Hateweek1984 Жыл бұрын
I'm a type 2 and am sure I'm fucking it up... but imma go out "slaying the gray"
@samuelkotler2078 Жыл бұрын
I got the urge to airbrush for the first time watching this episode…don’t know why this episode specifically 🤷🏼‍♂️. I bought one for myself a month ago and have had stage freight since… i also nearly spilled paint all over myself in the process 😂
@kikolokopo_toys Жыл бұрын
I've been painting for 1y and 1 month now. I started doing comissions on my 3rd month (23rd mini) and if I didn't start to painting for other people, I would probably be less happy with this hobby. I honestly connect to my clients' armies and minis but in a way that I don't connect with mine. I can paint 10minis a day for a comission in a higher than tabletop quality but not that much higher, but I can only paint 4 of my minis in one day and they are way better painted. To me, my clients armies are like me practicing to paint my minis so I test stuff and ignore other stuff, experiment with certain colours or accents if they're cool with it so then my minis look pretty cool. I usually paint everything I have for comissions or most of it before I paint my minis so I get into the mood of that army. I have currently painted more than 2k points of sisters of battle, I love them but I can't have them. If I have a army my clients have, I feel less motivated to paint my minis but I still am very motivated to paint theirs, and it's not money related because I paint for dirt cheap. Like, a vallejo paint pot worth of money per mini. I guess painting with 3 levels of standard and prices helps me get throught stuff because I only painted 2 high standard minis and they were in the first 30minis (they look fine) but painting lots of basic and medium standard minis (only basecoats or a wash and some highlights) is really helpfull for brush control and learning how to approach and paint minis faster, making me engage with my minis even more than before. Also, I didn't use to like building and customizing minis (like getting chains and REALLY customizing them) I just used to do arm swapps if those were possible and choose heads. Now I spend almost as much time building as I do painting (5-12h per mini) so yeah. Painting comissions, even if you connect with someone else's army helps you like your minis more
@SYLRMHA Жыл бұрын
At this point its work and not the hobby anymore
@elgrifolorian Жыл бұрын
Dice throne ftw💯 they make minis for them as well.
@aroncheek5092 Жыл бұрын
😂 I know the feeling I'm a late eater like the tasty things but pre diabetic
@krishIyer23 Жыл бұрын
Trapped under Plastic: the podcast where high-energy intros are read in low-energy vibes while the goodie pee-pees get out their hobby supplies
@greglohman6750 Жыл бұрын
Jon I'm suffering from the same problem. All my dnd games are online, and I don't play any wargames. Then I buy way too many things, run too many projects in parallel, and can't decide what to work on cause I am free of deadlines or specific gaming needs.
@greglohman6750 Жыл бұрын
(Pssst the Northman is Hamlet)
@jacobpowell2037 Жыл бұрын
Finally got the pay off of learning that roch is getting a fucking Popeyes, the real reason for watch this let’s be real
@tay13666 Жыл бұрын
On the topic of historical gaming, someone has to play the bad guy. Doesn't matter how PC it is, you cannot do history without representing the bad side, weather it be Germans, or Confederate soldiers. As to another point in the video. Yeah, new tools or techniques in and of themselves may not improve results. But, the excitement they bring keeps you painting and trying new things. These extra reps helps elevate the results, and in turn allows you to elevate your older techniques.
@WoodImp Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, sustenance to get me through the shift
@Maximilian4th Жыл бұрын
I have a solution for historical wargaming stigma. Good guys vs good guys and it could be called heresy part deux. My genius knows no bounds, i must be the goodest good guy lol
@timothythorne9182 Жыл бұрын
I have a collection of Yahtzee games going back to before it was called Yahtzee. When it was Kismet a game of Yaht
@heikkitakainen1600 Жыл бұрын
You guys have a hobby goblin in your head too?
@garyjenson1326 Жыл бұрын
I bow to the god of algorithms
@jacenchrisbaker Жыл бұрын
Trying to determine how I feel about the knowledge that you two don't talk between episodes. I now live in fear of the 'Mythbusters workship'. hahaha
@Ninjon Жыл бұрын
tbh we do chat a lot via text, but we just don't regularly get to hang out in person between pods due to the distance and both being very busy.
@jacenchrisbaker Жыл бұрын
@@Ninjon 90 minute drives suck, Ninas. We never have to worry about your bond with Scoot Waters, as we all have our slashfics about him holding your undercut back while you vomit up all the Fireball and chicky. (sarcasm, please note all the sarcasm)
@albertfrankenberg704 Жыл бұрын
trust me we are all not watching in my case i listen at work with you all minimized in the task bar
@cjh.1920 Жыл бұрын
Or we’re painting
@rbrentw Жыл бұрын
1:41:18 playing the bad guys doesn't make you a bad guy
@TylerProvick Жыл бұрын
I stopped playing Bolt Action. There are a lot of games I can play instead that I don't want to even accidentally signal my support for facism.
@whittaker007 Жыл бұрын
The nmm on that fully enclosed dark eldar helmet may just be the best looking nmm I've seen from Scott and it wasn't even mentioned.
@whydoyouwantmynamegoogle396 Жыл бұрын
Can you guys comment on the fact that you took money from scammers and promoted their products? Speaking about Broken Anvil Miniatures.
@voidwraithprime8521 Жыл бұрын
I think you take as long as you'd like on YOUR MODELS. Anything else...whatever seems reasonable.
@BrettsMinis Жыл бұрын
So did Jon ever get wet willied???
@komma8203 Жыл бұрын
Youll get hooked on tattoos, i spendt over 20 years and about 30k euros and i am totaly covered from my knukels to my ass, its not a inch of bare skin on my torso exept my neck and face
@PaintHandDan Жыл бұрын
Damn, second again..
@MrSupertrooper1 Жыл бұрын
Hey guys, I've had some thoughs about growing the podcast. I think your preamble should be moved to the end. I know when I started listening to the pod I was looking for the content and I was really frustrated by the preamble. Now I love it. But the preamble has grown over time and I think it stops new people from joining
@zephron28 Жыл бұрын
When I hear "investors" I usually think how will this product decline in quality and variety. When big investors get involved it can in many cases mean corners are cut to save money so more money finds its way back to the investors.
@theanimaster Жыл бұрын
Dragon Dice! You owe it to yourselves to try out an original TSR game… that’s TSR, the guys that spawned Dungeons and Dragons - and it’s not just Yahtzee on Fantasy steroids - it’s been out since before TSR folded - we’re talking as far back as the early days of Magic: the Gathering. SFR-Inc. is the new care-taker of the IP.
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