The Biggest Healing Misconceptions in FFXIV

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Desperius FFXIV

Desperius FFXIV

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@DesperiusFFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
About that World of Warcraft Jab, I played this game for nearly 2 decades as well so we are in this together. And I still remain in hopeful anticipation, that the game will get better in the future. No blizzard employee, nor any WoW player should be attacked by that Joke. Except Bobby, because Bobby sucks !
@Seantage 2 жыл бұрын
As a WHM, I don't dps in between heals... I heal in between my dps.
@elgatochurro 2 жыл бұрын
regen + holy
@FuckYoutube- 11 ай бұрын
Word. Eh, regens good enough is a favorite quote of mine
@jonnyboy31120 2 жыл бұрын
I've been getting my friends into FFXIV, and I don't think that the misconception is always that healing is "more difficult." Rather, I find that people avoid healing because it is "higher stakes." A DPS mistake is usually no big deal, but a missed (or misplaced) heal can lead to death. The same goes for tanking, I think. It's not always the difficulty. It's the punishment for failure.
@DesperiusFFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
Well said 👍
@killercan4394 2 жыл бұрын
This is why tank and healer que is shorter since not many want that responsibility
@pbkillstrike 2 жыл бұрын
In normal content? Yes. In optional content? Definitely not. DPS mistakes can and will wipe the party too.
@DualXZ 2 жыл бұрын
Healer has way, way, waaaaay more responsibility that a DPS though, only exception is tank that has the same level of responsibility, just on a different spectrum. I'm honestly quite tired of hearing people say "healer is not harder than any of the other classes!", only to see other healers have zero responsibility and care for mechanics or keeping the party's HP healthy. And I'm not talking about healers who are learning, as those are perfectly fine to take their time and do mistakes to learn the nuances. I'm talking about those who treat either healer as just a DPS, or "I'll heal my own way" and people die because of them, especially in high end content. Healer has more responsibility than any DPS, thus increasing the complexity of the job, since you have to both DPS *and* heal, and pay attention to mechanics, and pay attention to party's hp/individual mistakes, and some people do callouts as healer too in raids, etc. I personally disliked the tone of the video, trying to dumb down healer as having little responsibility, even if I understood what he was trying to say. If you pick up healer, just be prepared to have a bit more responsibility as you level it up, and having a lot more in higher end content. Can be a lot of fun to have everyone's healing in your hands and do it right, but it can be a lot of pressure to some people. Do mistakes, learn from them, and you'll do fine
@pbkillstrike 2 жыл бұрын
@@DualXZ Do try to respect every member of your party. Just because a role has to do something different or has a bigger role to play in a specific area does not mean they are inherently better or worse than others. Terrible players will ruin a party. DPS are easy to throw under the bus because the game does a terrible job of showing how important they are to runs. Try doing min ilvl or current savage content without DPS, then come back and tell everyone how DPS have next to no responsibility.
@engimatic_shadow964 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest mistake with healing is forgetting I'm there to heal and wait what am I talking about there is only glare
@Murkli 2 жыл бұрын
healing in ultimate is harder than any other role though and if you say it isn't you've clearly not cleared an ultimate on all 3 roles. You simply just have more to balance on your shoulders with a higher risk of failure and being blamed. You're not just juggling doing dps, you're juggling mana usage and keeping everyone else alive as well while constantly doing insane healing checks. You don't have a spreadsheet of what to do like you do on dps or tank, it's your experience in there that changes because everything is based around the people you play with.
@Murkli 2 жыл бұрын
DPS literally get a guide of what abilities to use in a certain order and that's not hard at all IMO. You're literally being told WHAT to do, while on healer it's not that simple.
@BakaGaijinSama 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, not really a fan of the which role is hardest PP measuring in general, but healing in Ultimates is extremely tight. DPS in ultimates is just like DPS in savage but the mechanical execution is harder and the enrages are tighter - both of which affect the entire group. Tank in ultimates means taking more damage (largely not their responsibility) and having more tight enemy positioning (e.g. LL/BJ+CC) - certainly a step up from savage especially in cooldown management. Healer in ultimates is where finally GCD healing comes into play, mana management becomes an actual concern, damage is harder and burst healing becomes a major concern, and even the slightest fail in mitigation can kill a run. It genuinely feels like the slightest mistake or slip on healing in an ultimate results in a wipe unless fortunate, and no other role has that to a similar degree, beyond just wiping from execution failure which healers still have to worry about.
@24hr-Gaming 2 жыл бұрын
@@Murkli Healer you do the same thing. If you're not familiar with a fight the first thing you should do is open a spreadsheet and plan your healing rotation. This is especially true in ultimate where mp management matters if you don't do this you're going to have a pretty rough time. The rougher part is if pfing you have no idea how good your cohealer is. At least in uwu I had no idea if people would actually use stuff during friction or nails so I just adjusted my rotation to the point where it didn't matter. But imo dps is harder. No one cares if you miss a bunch of dps gcds because if you want good numbers you bribe your cohealer to solo heal. Dps if you drift out of the 2 min burst your damage becomes pretty garbage.
@Letham316 2 жыл бұрын
For most deaths that occur, you could say that a well-timed heal could've prevented it. Because of this, deaths are often seen as the healer neglecting to provide that heal. But those extra saves would require exceptional skill with reflexes, timing, and resource / cooldown management, and if other players demonstrated that same level of skill, there would be significantly fewer deaths to prevent in the first place.
@Fll3nAngel 2 жыл бұрын
I started off as summoner, went astro… love astro, its fun and engaging. But once i hit 80, i could not take the responsibility anymore.. the then end game raids, and once i delved into the alliance raids for the first time, I could just not handle the pressure of not only learning the fight, but to keep dps and my team alive at the same time. I crumbled under pressure and went back to summoner. My poor astro is still only 80 and am terrified of leveling it up.
@forcebane 2 жыл бұрын
No need to instantly try min maxing everything. Focus on healing and when you have nothing to do, throw out a few dmg spells. You'll get better and better at it until you will laugh at how easy it really is. Also, the vast majority of people don't care about a wipe or two. It's part of the game.
@monkeymilk8060 2 жыл бұрын
@@forcebane yeah ive only seen one person rage quit over a wipe once. And it was the person that would die first/the most lol.
@peterphane 2 жыл бұрын
I like AST. In the beginning I didn't like the job card reading lol but got use to it. And use AST as my main Healer job. I'm still lvl up my SCH AND SAGE. But for now AST is my go to. But lvl 80 alliance raids can get tough I would just keep practicing. Practice makes it perfect.
@DaizyPear 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel you and if you have a team that is constantly dying to stuff, it makes your job harder because you have to keep waiving in between cards and skills to get seals uptime. I found this challenging because unfortunately I had team members who would verbally abuse me for not healing them fast enough when I would spam heals and they would die to stuff they shouldn't get hit by. Doing all that made my hands hurt and made me not enjoy raiding as an Astro. Astro is fun, but u really have to have a team that understands that it's not easy to balance all these cards, movements, and be a pocket healer every time someone makes a mistake they shouldn't have. Imma stick to whm/sch, and ast will be for funzz
@afadingdream9675 2 жыл бұрын
I tried healing Orbonne Monastery and that was was a terrible experience, especially running it my first time. lol
@altaiir541 2 жыл бұрын
Biggest healer struggle. Not being able to heal our favorite Elezen from Heavensward...
@Frogstoney 2 жыл бұрын
I love healing. I love the responsibility. I love the focus and attention it can take. Dps can just feel mindless and honestly get pretty boring sometimes. I think a lot of people now-a-days don’t feel comfortable being challenged or are terrified of failure… how else are you gonna learn. Failure is good, it teaches you to succeed. Don’t hold yourself back cause you might let someone down, do that and you’ll never grow as a person.
@midnight3630 2 жыл бұрын
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean everyone else can. People with mental health issues will constantly have problems dealing with things that make them feel uncomfortable in some way and consistent can’t always be the key. It’s just simply not for everyone
@GreenDragoonTV 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a long time tank, and I just recently started leaning how to be a healer. It's still pretty scary to me, but I'm starting to work past that. I think the biggest misconception I had is that all healing is active. In at least the two classes I've dabbled in (Scholar and Sage) they have a passive healing mechanic so that I don't constantly have to be healing, I just have to worry about the big drops. The thing I'm still getting used to is splitting my attention between dodging AOE's and keeping an eye on the party's HP.
@galloviking4766 2 жыл бұрын
The most efficient healer is the one that heals as little as possible.
@Vibrosis8703 2 жыл бұрын
As many have said below people dreading healing is much like tanking due to the feel of that tremendous responsibility cus if you fail it will have dire consequenses while if a DPS fumbles their rotation that can somewhat be solved if the other dps/tanks are on point with their rotation. However, I feel like everyone has the responsibility to keep damage intake to a minimum by doing mechanics correctly and avoiding damage that can be avoided and so on the healers are just there as padding and keeping people alive through predictable damage. Oddly enough I find tanking and healing relaxing compared to DPS jobs that can have quite intricate rotations that to me is more demanding mentally and can stress me out. I also had tank and healer anxiety when I started but the mentality that its okay to fail and to learn from your mistakes and improve led me to a mental place where healing or tanking is not scary anymore. As soon as you can accept that not having everyone at 100% hp all the time is okay it will get a lot easier since in alot of instances being at 100% constantly is not required, but that experience will come with time. So just keep at it if you find it enjoyable!
@oszaszi 2 жыл бұрын
I play all roles and hands down the easiest role is DPS and healer is the most stressful... not because of how many buttons you need to press but because of other player expectation and co-healer mentality (my co-healer will heal it out). And for the case exactly explained that people want you to do also dps. You get shittalked if you have low dps, you get shittalked if you have low heal... if a dps makes a mistake, its all right because you are there to fix it, if the healer makes a mistake the whole team might be fucked... It is not the hardest job, but it is the most stressful in my eye and DPS is the easiest. And I am a dps main, so NO I am not saying this to belittle others, its just my opinion based on my experience. Ranged dps on top of that is the easiest cause you don't even need to pay attention to half the mechs in the game. Even in some late game content.
@Cozwantsthatpie 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I love healing. I get so much anxiety when it comes to Tanking since people give you more crap if you are tanking than doing DPS or Healing.
@rhysjones81 2 жыл бұрын
I main white mage, it probably is the easy mode healer but I really enjoy it. I do damage whenever I'm not healing, but the moment people lose hp I heal them. MP is recoverable easily and topping everyone off works in every other FF game so why not this one? :D
@jamesmiddlebrook4380 2 жыл бұрын
What is the WHM cane he's using in the clip at 1:15 - 1:28?
@andreluizxd2873 2 жыл бұрын
I really like WHM but I hate his tools, but AST, oh... My! AST is insane, really fun and engaging, playing AST since it's launch!
@xxkalishxx 2 жыл бұрын
Yea the difficulty issue xD In my opinion it always depends on the content. For me healer in ultimate is more difficult for example. Because I made the experience that when all the heal is planned and you maybe need some specific stuff and a DD or Tank messed something up you have to throw over all your planning until a certain time and sometimes you even think: Damn where do I get the additional healing now?! While still playing pretty complex mechanics. Sometimes that can get pretty tight..
@vandread5177 2 жыл бұрын
Healing can be more difficult at a certain point imo, I recently had an experience where the tank and dps ignored boss Mechanics and had 5-6 vulnerability debuffs then blamed me for not keeping them alive, anyone else have this experience?
@xBotdeluxe 2 жыл бұрын
Another typical tank thing: trash pull without mitigation and wondering why the take too much dmg. o___o
@cailee9820 2 жыл бұрын
I see this a lot in alliance raids. My tank will be the worst geared but will insist on main tanking even with vuln stacks and the death debuff. And if your co-healer is inexperienced as well, it can be bad.
@hugo6535 2 жыл бұрын
That is not healing being difficult, it's just being unlucky with getting paired up with idiots
@apathy2454 Жыл бұрын
The dps mindset of “oh the healer will just heal me” after straight up taking damage needs to stop right now.
@FuckYoutube- 11 ай бұрын
Healing difficulty is largely dependent on tank skill/gear. I notice a HUGE difference and can tell a decent/good tank from a bad seconds into the first pull
@Tachikoma17 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest mistake so far dipping my toe into the healer role, over-healing. By a lot. I don’t know why I had to have everyone 100% all the time, but my mind just said “oh, they’re not full hp, hit them with a [job specific healing spell]” After I finish getting Reaper to 90, I’m going to try Sage again using Trust dungeons. I’m too scared I’d ruin someone else’s run otherwise.
@mypurpletie 2 жыл бұрын
Just takes practice bro, it'll become 2nd nature just like any other role. You could also ask the tanks to pull slowly until you're comfortable with balancing damage and healing during small waves. Once you got that down you can try larger pulls to test yourself, and if your tank is a WAR then it'll be much easier to deal damage. I personally wait around the 60-65% mark before I use any heals, and there's plenty of oGCDs to heal the team if they take damage.
@Sparkthor 2 жыл бұрын
I think the biggest misconceptions of healer in FFXIV is they are bad designed (and by extension, HW Schoolar was an horrible healer (i mean, a dps with 12 healing actions and a healing pet...). However i think there is some place to improve downtime as healer for dps, the current situation is not that bad because it respect a few core element IMO : - you don't lose more than a gcd to cast a heal - you have any kind of "i need to cast a dps spell for a combo bonus or whatsoever which leads to drop healing/mana/dps ressources".
@mai88sara 2 жыл бұрын
Can I ask please for a video that ask ppl to respect the healing role more .. For me tbh is only this image I hear in contents, my raid members always have these comments about "the healing role is ez" and some said "it's a joke" ... I'm not sure if this is a worth topic to talk about, but for me as a main healer, I see so much toxic comments like this from ppl who never healed and only watch content that critic healers. I think some balance, especially from a respected creator content like yourself, might help this case. I'm sure this might sound like a vent, but I thought I will just let it out. And thank you for this video.
@DesperiusFFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
Utmost respect for each role should be top prioirty and I certainly know why Healers are the victim of blame...Good idea to clear that up with a video 👍
@BlitzedNostradamus 2 жыл бұрын
I like to treat my party's health bar like a dps timer. When the timer runs now, heal to fill it, then back to dps.
@Cimegs5088 2 жыл бұрын
Some healers also have some sort of charged up dmg skill such as whm blood lilies skill, and sage’s toxicon I think. There’s also some skill that do dmg and heal such as pneuma, and the aoe dmg/ heal skills by whm and AST. Sage also has a 2 charge dps short cd
@Belzuboss 2 жыл бұрын
Pleghma is the two charge DPS ability you are thinking of and yea it's a gain, when not on burst you make sure it never caps out. Toxikon is not a gain on single and should be kept for movement/ and somewhat should be kept from overcap. Penuma is the same potency damage wise as dosis and should be used as an aoe cd heal.
@MaydaTiger 2 жыл бұрын
the targeting for healers is what makes it hard the constant swap between enemy and allies or multiple allies every few seconds makes it very demanding hence why healing is just much harder than any other add that to the amount of skills they have specially AST or SCH and you got a recipe for a nightmare
@M_aci1006 2 жыл бұрын
killing enemies faster is still the best kind of mitigation :D
@post-mastersodium3136 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe it's just cause I started/main healer, but I still think healer is the easiest role. I get so much "I'm too dumb to do healer" from members of my FC, which just makes me laugh. Like, dude, I'm too dumb to do anything but healer, it's so easy. Mostly, dps "rotation" is simple, and everything else is just reactionary. Need heal? Give heal. No need heal? Hit 1 button repeatedly, lol
@torianhamilton1363 2 жыл бұрын
Too often i see healers die or let other party members die in order to hard rez the 1 idiot..juz bc you can rez doesn't mean you have to do it immediately...PLZZZZ dont sacrifice the players who are actually doing mechanics properly for ones who aren't
@citronvand 2 жыл бұрын
I try and play all 3 roles and while I'm only in post-stormblood (level 70+) I have done a bunch of extreme trials which were a lot of fun (favorite is titan). In my experience healing IS the hardest role but not because of the buttons or mechanics. Instead I find it is the hardest because you are heavily punished when you make a mistake as you are quite squishy and if the healer dies then it is pretty damn bad for the group. Not to mention when other players make mistakes it can lead to situations that are very hectic for the healer. While I was a tank on the other hand I found I could make several mistakes due to their innate ability to take a lot of punishment, I honestly think tank is the easiest to play because of this. That said I enjoy healing a lot. Never been a healer in other MMOs but it is really fun here. And while I also enjoying tanking, I loathe tanking dungeons.
@jimbo5071 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in the same place as u, although leveling DRK and Sage, Healer seems to be much more tanky if you don't get one-shot as u have virtually unlimited health thru self healing. DPS seems to be the hardest solo
@arkeon_6321 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos. So much good information and valid opinions. I'm terrified of healing although I try my best when playing with friends. Where I do have to stop and comment this time with a problem is what I and a few others I know have been experiencing in the last 5 months are so. Healers trying to be DPS. Me and a few more people I know have quit playing cause roulettes are such a crap shoot cause of the healers now. I have even seen in alliance raids on just Labs of people saying "Hey healers just heal please cause we would like to finish this...." The big things is "I don't have to keep you at 100% health all the time" is very true. But when people are floating at half health, the healer is still casting dmg, and they don't know what the spells mean of what you are fighting, you die. And wipe. A lot. Your vid never explained that it should be Healing > knowing the fight > THAN DPS. These healers are ruining the game. I have unsubbed now and so has most of my guild.
@DesperiusFFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
There is only one solution to that mindset...Become a healer yourself...You can't change how others play this game, no matter what you try. And I said everything you a healer needs to know here: Every DPS that gets killed because of you not playing it safe is technically a DPS loss, not your fault, but a DPS loss you could have avoided. However "Just healing" is definitely a DPS loss as well and everytime you can deal damage, without risking any dead party members, you should do that.
@arkeon_6321 2 жыл бұрын
@@DesperiusFFXIV I have tried. Have a 90 Scholar but its too nerve racking. I enjoy tanking. And because of them, the game isn't fun anymore. Just wanted to bring this up as a topic. But ty for your time.
@NewWave3313 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been playing WHM since I’ve started playing this game, and I’ve gotten to the point I don’t even need to focus on healing anymore heh
@jakekgfn 2 жыл бұрын
Yea same just put your hots on the group and then holy your ass off on trash
@swoopeth 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest fear is dying myself due to messing up a mechanic, leaving a dungeon group with 0 healing
@heathaltom8601 2 жыл бұрын
I am a lover of healing/support roles in games. As a support, you may think keeping your party alive is the most important thing. Its not. Your first job when starting is to keep two people alive at all times. First the tank, he's going to be getting into some stuff and he'll need a regen or a shield or something. Next and this is key. Your dps are less important than you. Let them burn if it means you live. Your life is technically more important theirs. You can rez them, most of them can't do fa for you or the tank. Dungeons are different between the healers. Best to learn them as a whm/ast because of the raw healing isn't really needed and is helpful. Sage/scholar is more advanced but doable as a new player. Learn what kind of player you are. If your decent at timing, play whm/sage/scholar. Their kits are relatively simple but deep. Ast is just a button junkie that needs a tool for any mechanic from aar to the next five expansions. Has alot in common with whm with how the base 50 healing works. I only wasted about 8. On and off from Vanilla to Cata then came back during BFA and had no idea what the endgame loop was for another 5 months. Leveling 1-120 was a pita as a new player. As someone who raids, I would love for you to tell my static that....with that said jokingly it gets pretty boring waiting 30-60 seconds between mechanics. During 1-40, I didn't deal that much dps but as I got better and didn't need to heal as often and better options. During endgame I'd quit if all I did was heal. It would be doing 1-3 actions a minute. The biggest misconception i generally have is healing is easy. In what context? For a beginner doing an ultimate raid. Probably not. For someone new to gaming probably not as well. The role of support is generally less complex but when you add in more variables than dps and tanks combined it can be quite flustering at times.
@sepantaassadi344 2 жыл бұрын
my short experience of healing in FFXIV and long experience in wow has taught me 2 things. Currently in endwalker msq. First healing is not hard it's different. It is more reactive instead of passive meaning you have a short best rotation at best that you need to know when to use meaning in reaction to boss mechanics. On the other side of the spectrum is dps, you must know your rotating and adjust it to some degree to boss mechanics failure to do so reduces dps but not sets it to zero and probably won't kill all at least in normal content. Second for optimum healing you have different rotations for different amounts of incoming damage so things can't be, use all CDs for every aoe and so on. This makes me believe you need more understanding of each spell as healer more so than rotation. Dps rotation for a healer being a joke, having to read each boss cast to know single tank medication or heal or single target heals, knowing dispels and so on makes it so you need to know mechanics more so than others probably. Again I say this it's different not hard.
@yanewstepdad1355 2 жыл бұрын
This year was my first time playing the healer role and i started with Astro. Loved every bit of it ! But i wanted to put some more damage out so im now practicing with Sage. Im lovin the aesthetic of it. Just gotta get the barrier healing down
@felledforest6089 2 жыл бұрын
I think the scripted nature of the fights (or at least its anomalous nature compared to other games) contributes heavily to points 1 and 2. If people aren’t aware of how scripted the fights can be they are far more likely to feel panicked and stressed when the FFXIV devs drop one of their patented 60% max hp unavoidable group wide attacks without the understanding that the devs will give them enough time before for the next one to easy (in normal content) heal the party to full. It's a weird dynamic where the devs want healing to be accessible but hide that accessibility behind jump scares. Like a haunted house and an amusement park, it's bad if you don’t like the spooks but a non-issue if you’ve already been through and know when the clown jumps out. I love your content. Your positive attitude and approach even through some of the rougher changes in FFXIV have served as a role model for how I look to approach and view the game. That said, by the Primals, that unsolicited dig at people who played or might still play wow was jarring as all heck. Like I rewatched that section just see if there was some relevant connection to the healing in FFXIV like habits formed in the different combat systems or something, but nope it was just a weird jab at a game who's healing community isn't embroiled in heavy internal debate over how their role should function at the end of a long car metaphor build up. Going after another game is fine but dropping jibes on the level of “you’ve wasted your life” without any actual tie in to the video you’re making (and there are plenty tie-ins you can make with healing such as “wasted 16 years learning that other healing style” by comparison to FFXIVs healing design) just comes off as bandwagoning and… ok fine I’ll say it… kinda toxic because you seem to just be trying to generate hate towards another game and the people who play it. WoW has a bunch of flaws. They are fair game, rib on them all you want. Any attention brought to a flaw is good. However you should keep the complaints in context. As someone who loves both WoW and FFXIV (I’ve been playing since HW) for each providing something the other doesn't, it kinda hurts when someone I admire in the “super welcoming community” of FFXIV says I’ve been wasting my life while doing something I enjoy. You end every video with “keep loving final fantasy” but it falls flat when you start scribbling the subtext “people who love other games are wasting their time”.
@DesperiusFFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry if that came in Harsh, it was literally a joke and I myself played WoW for nearly 2 decades now. I even just re-activated my account and I am playing it right now. Wow has its potential and I am truly hoping, it will recover.
@felledforest6089 2 жыл бұрын
I remember you mentioning you've played WoW for a bit in previous videos. I think I'm just a bit sensitive to the subject precisely because now is when there is the most hope for improvement in WoW. Can't wait to see more of your videos. I'm looking forward to what 6.2 has in store for FF.
@ShadzHorkos 2 жыл бұрын
Well I think it rather personal about difficulty. I find healer hard as I'm bad at managing healthbars, through still enjoying playing time to time as heal in any game
@highwaysstar 2 жыл бұрын
I always assumed that healer does the least damage in any pve content (i main WHM). One of my static members has act, and i found out that i consistently out damage any WAR or PLD. That was a nice surprise lol! Also, heal checks are freaking hard, my static ended up having to healer LB3 for p3s's life agonies.
@apukami3643 2 жыл бұрын
Raid wide deaths are the most near to a fault healers can get. That and a mechanic that requires lot of heals
@turgidbanana 2 жыл бұрын
Had someone flat out say that they don't dps as a healer "I'm not that kind of healer" as a duty began. I didn't even say anything, I just dropped the group.
@LordMidichlorian 2 жыл бұрын
My misconceptions: - Big heals/defensive cooldowns are for the bosses of the dungeon (More clear when I began tanking, I've been over this for a while now). - One I can't manage to get away from is: solo healing in 8+ group content. I keep playing healer jobs as if I was the only healer in the group. I managed to stop healing/raise people from other alliance groups (at least not until it's clear that it's called for). But I still see a triple tankbuster and put all my single target shields in each party's tank (in the jobs that have ogcd single target shields). - The one more frequent, with DRG, RDM and RPR: the idea the trial/raid boss arenas have a radius bigger than the backflip for my job. Every time I go back into one of those jobs, the first trial/raid I go "I'm at the center, backfliping must be safe, no way the edge is closer than.... fig".
@cailee9820 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you here. I do this a lot in alliance raids where I have no idea if my co-healer has a brain. One thing I've thought about trying is solo healing the second Endwalker Extreme Trial. Now that people outgear it by a good bit, many groups are doing 1 tank, 1 healer, and 6 dps to farm it.
@DaizyPear 2 жыл бұрын
I will say that any time someone dies group leaders and raid groups of friends ALWAYS blame the healer, at least for me. Even when I was doing better than the Regan healer, I was still being blamed. I say yes healers need to deal dps whenever they can, but it doesn't help when you do, while healing the party first, the people would still blame the healer for lack of dps. I think there needs to be a rework on what is considered a good healer in general, because a lot of people who don't take accountability is going to blame the healer regardless. There needs to be more accountability on other job roles when it comes to keeping the party alive. Heck some dps or tanks act like they don't have a heal and don't want to heal themselves for lack of dps, but when a healer wants to, they die and blame us. Like...where's they help?! It's really frustrating as a healer.
@Vazik05 2 жыл бұрын
IMO, tanking is the hardest job, as someone who maintanked in WoW and other MMO's for almost a decade. Not that it's more difficult per say, but as I get older, I no longer want to focus on mob positioning, controlling the speed of a run, and always being hyper aware of new mobs spawning that need to be picked up before they eat the squishies. I guess my point is, I can be less attentive when healing or dps'ing and as I get old man syndrome, this makes me happier, lol.
@chrystal2588 2 жыл бұрын
I always top off everyones hp over dps...there's this nifty thing called regen and if you know the fight well enough, you know when someone will be topped off by regen ticks before the next raid AoE. Regen helps healers get more dps uptime and helps mitigate boss auto attack damage, but I see so few use it. (Especially in P3S when the off-tank is getting auto'd) For dungeons, it's something you need to get used to as big pulls bring in A LOT more dps against the tank than any boss will. So it's important to use your cooldowns rather than playing 'how low can you go' with your tanks HP.
@dankerus 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's important to mention the role of shield healers here. a lot of SCH and Sage moves have a regen effect on them, like Fairy or Kardia, and they work similarly to mitigation, but it's important to understand how the core functions of your Healer work. I main Scholar, but i have all healers other than WHM (it's 85, I'll get there one day) at 90. Shields function as a way to prevent a fixed amount of damage or provide an amount of mitigation. The less damage your tank or dps takes, the less you'll have to heal in the long run. It's about thinking ahead and casting now so you don't have to later. In raid settings this can equate to shielding your party from raid wides, preventing you from having to use precious resources like Aether or Addersgall, and saving them for cases where damage wasn't meant to be taken.
@TheBlizzzard123 2 жыл бұрын
What are those wings in the video ?
@chaoticdarkness66 2 жыл бұрын
its a lvl 80 whm ability called temperance.
@BakaGaijinSama 2 жыл бұрын
As for the third point, I think its worth dismantling some preconceptions that people come into the role with. Mainly, the one I always seem to see 'I am a healer, my job is to heal'. Let's break down the different roles, and examine what they mean. DPS as a role, is not named as such because they are the only ones able to DPS, nor are they named as such because they are expected to exclusively deal damage. Other roles can do DPS, and the DPS role often has utility to assist the party which would not be there if their sole expectation was DPS and DPS only. The DPS role is named as such because they are most efficient as dealing damage. As such, there is an obvious expectation on the role that dealing good consistent damage is their purpose in a group, as that is what their role specialises in. Dealing damage is important, because it is what is required to clear almost every encounter in the game. Tank as a role, is not named as such because they are the only ones able to take damage, nor that they should only be taking damage and nothing else. For example, a monk in RoE + FoE using arms length and bloodbath is surprisingly able to take damage. Also, tanks need to deal damage in order to be the ones taking it (i.e. having aggro). Tanks are named as such because they are most efficiently able to 'tank' heavy damage. You take a tank so that a squishy dps doesn't die to heavy hits. The dps loss from deaths far outweighs a tank role job's lower overall damage. Healer as a role, is not named as such because they are the only ones able to heal, nor are they named as such because they should only heal. Clemency + divine veil, shake it off, nascent glint, vercure, and so many other tools exist that can heal. Healers are named as such because they are most efficiently able to heal. We looked at the purpose of dealing damage, and of being able to take damage earlier, so what is the purpose of healing? Healing on its own is useless. It is when sustained damage over a period of time happens that healing is needed to prevent a death. Healing is a means to an end, and that end is death prevention. The purpose of healing is death prevention, as such, the purpose of the healer role is to use their ability to efficiently heal in order to prevent deaths in an efficient way. If you can manage this, you have fulfilled the primary responsibility of your role. Now I ask you this: if a dps player never used their party utility, would this be okay? If a tank player did the minimum damage to maintain aggro and did absolutely nothing the rest of the time, would this be okay? Of course not. DPS and Tank roles have secondary responsibilities that are just as important. Healers too have the secondary responsibility of contributing to damage. Unless your goal is to meet the absolute bare minimum needed from you, you are going to tackle this secondary responsibility. Finally, healing and dealing damage are not these cosmically opposed forces as a lot of people seem to feel they are. Dead enemies deal 0 damage. Damage prevented is damage healed. In summary, the preconception of the healer role as having the primary responsibility of healing, and the preconception of healing and dealing damage as being opposing forces are both false. Healers prevent deaths, and this may even require zero healing! Dealing damage means enemies dying sooner and so less damage is dealt, which means less likelihood of dying with means death prevention! You don't need to be perfect immediately, but you can start with these 3 questions you can ask yourself: 1) 'do I need to heal here to prevent a death?', 2) 'did the heal I just did actually prevent a death?', 3) 'could I be contributing damage right now?'. Ask yourself 1 when people aren't full hp, as yourself 2 when reflecting on what you are doing in a fight, and ask yourself 3 when you are idle. Eventually, you won't even need to think about 3 and will just naturally use dps as a fill when not doing anything.
@voxxy6108 2 жыл бұрын
i heal in every game i play so naturally i main whm, i find dps rotations far more difficult. though healing gets hard when you are healing a group or tank that ignores mechanics, like tank swapping on bosses who melt tanks, or black mages who dont know when to move and get wiped by an aoe. its all apart of learning though
@Zoeila 2 жыл бұрын
back in HW i stopped being a healing only healer when i noticed how little dps a healer needs to do to be equivalent to a LB3. even a healer poor at dps can bring damage equal to 2 lb3's
@Asinomaaso 2 жыл бұрын
As a healer main i can mostly say that's it's easy. DPS rotation are a pain for me
@devxved 2 жыл бұрын
I find managing my dancer rotation and cds harder and more stressful than my astrologian or white mage ones, by a landslide. Fun that ast and dnc are my favorite classes. However the savages are way harder for me to heal as I'm always clutching or fixing others mistakes. Haven't completed an ultimate but I bet if I've gone far enough in one I'd quit the healing roles lol.
@niwadaisuke86 2 жыл бұрын
As a healer for a casual/midcore static, communicating oGCD cooldowns and usage has been an issue that I've been having with my co-healer.
@Vibrosis8703 2 жыл бұрын
That is a tough one especially in more damage intensive fights such as P3S and P4S, it will be fairly evident when cds are not staggerd properly but rather pooled leading to an easy first half for example but an aweful second part of the fight. Try to work on that healer-healer relationship since imo it is as important if not more important than tank-tank communication.
@Robulite 2 жыл бұрын
I mean there are 3 types of healers "selfish/parsers" (only care about damage), "dps oriented" (will save team members to keep dps up at the cost of their own gcds) and "just there" (lag is to high to even bother trying to save someone lmao)
@jolt187 2 жыл бұрын
The DPS you're bringing up with a hardcast rez will contribute more damage in 3 gcds, even on brink, than the 3 fillers you lose hardcasting ever would
@DesperiusFFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
@cailee9820 2 жыл бұрын
I get grief from dps sometimes for leaving them on the ground for extended periods but it's often because I'm too busy trying to keep myself and the tank alive or trying to get the group up to a safe enough level for the next raidwide.
@dankerus 2 жыл бұрын
One of the problems that healers face when rezzing is actually mp. You have to understand that a raise is pretty costly on your mp and can lead to the whole party lacking a heal when in need. As much dps as another party member can add, I won't jeopardize the run if it means I have to let a dps lay there for a bit.
@jolt187 2 жыл бұрын
@@dankerus This is the first time in many years I have heard the MP argument. Firstly though if you’re concerned about getting an MP cost heal out which are all on the GCD, you’re not who my comment is for. Anyway, between you and your cohealer’s kits you have a veritable mountain of resource free healing, usually in oGCDs, but it’s obviously fine to even burn a GCD on a lily if you are saving the run from a healcheck. Besides, lucid dreaming has extremely high uptime and ticks for 600-1000 MP every 3 seconds. With Lucid, your dps would have to continuously beeline into the wall to dry out your and your cohealer’s ocean of MP, nevermind if your comp has a summoner or red mage. I mean, I’m sure it happens, but the last time I remember being caught with my pants down that badly was like, early Stormblood.
@Isaac31415 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I really cant stand people who are imbecile enough (and it has to be a lot imbecile) to think that healer damage is way more important than the dps's.
@SpeedWarrior93 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who originally didn't want to heal (or even Tank) when I started FFXIV, I can say that I have missed out on how good being a healer can be (and not just the commendations lol). I have maxed out Scholar (and in turn Summoner) and I'm having a blast with WHM (currently lvl 65). I'm going into duties as a healer without fear. I've had 1 instance of someone saying that I wasn't healing enough and being a A-HOLE about it (they're hp didn't hit zero; a Tank) and 1 instance of someone (again...a Tank) being pretty undergeared for a dungeon (don't take lvl 50 gear into Gubal pls), that's not to say I haven't run into this stuff on different roles, but seeing that undergeared tank in Gubal making big pulls (the tank did ask and I agreed) and not dropping once due to my healing (and holy spam) made me feel good. I haven't needed to use Rescue...yet. Healing does have it's own difficulty of course, but it's only of how you make it. You can either make it the most difficult thing or you can LEARN the balance; healers do heal, but they also need to do damage. As someone who usually mains a DPS (Dragoon), this is something I swore I would NEVER touch, but now I WANT to play a healer.
@Catrell 2 жыл бұрын
My first char was a pugilist. Beat ARR and still had no clue what I was doing. My second job was healer. I'd never even thought to play this job but I wanted to be more directly involved with other players. I'm only a White Mage, but I do love running a good raid. Aspirations to be a competent player one day😂
@lunaversity7971 2 жыл бұрын
I won't lie you are lowkey sort of throwing out a bit of misinformation on the whole "healing isn't difficult" - the problem is you're not trying actual difficult content so in the context of casual play sure it isn't as bad, but during DSR my healers had the roughest job of figuring out mitigation and what heals worked where. Compared to what DPS and Tanks had to plan for healers had the most responsibility and the most difficulty during the entirety of the fight. Not to mention in my opinion it's also the hardest job to optimize in terms of doing amazing damage and also keeping people healed, dps just needs to keep uptime and keep their GCD rolling and pad where needed, same with tanks but they need to mit sometimes - healers need to keep uptime and also make sure the party is healed it's not as easy as it sounds.
@dankerus 2 жыл бұрын
Having healed all my ff14 life, I can comfortably say it's harder for me to balance positions and mechanics, as well as damage rotations on a dps than it is for me to balance party management, damage, and mechanics as a healer. the spontaneous nature of healing is easier for me to deal with because I can remember which button to hit during what mechanic, and which buttons are used in emergency cases. No rotation means I'm free to use whatever button I feel fits the situation at hand and I don't need to worry about hitting a combo to optimize.
@ladydarkangelyuki 2 жыл бұрын
As a controller player, healing is more difficult, specifically single targeting the party is my problem, macros do help a bit in that regard but since the job already has a lot of buttons, adding macros simply adds to the button bloat since for example you can't have a heal macro that does heal target and heal target target because the way the game resolves heal target when targeting a non ally is to heal the caster instead, so if I want a heal target target button it needs to be a separate button from heal target. That being said I still have all 4 healers at max level and I can heal up to extreme difficulty, but I know healing on keyboard and mouse is much easier and any other jobs is easier on controller.
@dankerus 2 жыл бұрын
I actually main Healers on controller and I'd say that i like it better. I'm not fast with a mouse, but my fingers are dexterous enough that i can scroll through the party with ease on a dpad. Never had to use macros and it honestly sounds clunky. I only really find issue in how it becomes difficult to target specific monsters or players outside the party. When I'm raising in Eureka and Bozja I have to use my mouse to click on other players and it takes time away from my other actions.
@amethist6774 2 жыл бұрын
i don't know what people are getting at, healing is easy breezy,, you just have to get into the "healer mindset" (that's how i call it at least) the healer mindset as i call it is: really focus on your party and the fight, once you manage to keep your eyes on the party and the fight at the same time then all that's left is pressing buttons. DPS is way harder, bc of how much shit you have to do all at once, and you still have to focus on the fight, to me it's the hardest role. Tank used to be kinda hard, but now it's also very easy, just have to identify the tankbusters and cleave and get the habit of mitigating and that's about it. (though i only play paladin at this point in time so i don't really know if the other tanks are that much different in endgame) (i do have to say that sage needs a bit of adapting bc it's healing is not potent, but once you get the trick, it's very powerfull and one of the easiest too imo.)
@ninjin1381 2 жыл бұрын
I main healing in every game I play. You just need to remember you're not a heal bot. Your job is to make sure your party lives. As long as they have one HP they are alive.
@DontTrustThemSnakes 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh I prefer tanking and DPS to heal. Only healer I lvl'd was WHM. Ast keeps changing and SCH had too many buttons. Sage looks fun tho
@rk-gy6nb 2 жыл бұрын
Explain how dissipation makes sense then
@arkboi2145 2 жыл бұрын
The FFXIV Healing and the community's expectations of FFXIV Healers crack me up. FFXIV Healing is quite literally the equivalent of calling an Uber/Lift who is a negligent aggressive driver. One who is late to pick you up, then proceeds to drive 100 mph+ with the radio on max volume, who weaves in and out of traffic, cusses out other drivers and flicks them off, runs red lights, drinks while driving, puts on their make-up while driving, eats while driving, gets into a car wreck, and gets a driving citation; but still somehow just barely manages to get you to your destination on time and in one piece. All the while saying, "Yeah, but did you die?" Lol. Imagine if you were a patient in real life with a medical emergency and your care team spent 95% of their time doing other stuff other than actually caring/treating you and they waited until the very last second (1HP/Unconsciousness/Cardiac Arrest) to actually start treating you. They'd be fired, sued, and black-listed from ever performing those duties ever again for reckless negligence. However, that's essentially FFXIV Healing in a nutshell. Instead of telling the damage-dealers to get good, learn the fight mechanics, learn their rotations and make optimizations, equip better gear, and make use of buffs and items that would increase their damage output; the FFXIV community instead blames the healers for not dpsing more than healing. Even though healers factually deal the lowest total damage out of all Tanks, Melee DPS, Ranged Caster DPS, and Ranged Physical DPS. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% all-in for healers contributing to party/raid damage by making sure there is always a DoT spell up on enemies, always casting AoE damaging attacks for large mob pulls, and then casting your ST damage spell during downtime, enemy transitional phases, and when healing is not necessary. It's part of your tool kit for a reason. So why not help out your team by finishing the fight a little faster? But if anyone in the party/raid was doing what they were supposed to be doing and they still died, then it's the healer's fault. If there was mitigatable damage that could have been shielded, a scripted and telegraphed raid-wide attack, or a DoT that could have been Ensuna'd or healed through, but you spent that time on dpsing instead; then that's the healer's fault. If you're a healer dpsing instead of healing when your other healer teammates are burning through their MP/Mana just trying to keep everyone barely alive, then that's your fault as a healer. If you're playing a healer archetype/class/job/role, then your primary focus/first concern should be on healing/supporting/buffing teammates. Period. Roughly broken down, your time spent should be 65% on Healing and 35% on Damage-dealing. If an ally's HP falls below >50%, heal them (there are many attacks that will one-shot a PC at half-health or less). If an ally's HP is above
@alloounou6900 2 жыл бұрын
Healers are my favorite role in this game. The party's experience levels make each run different. Sometimes it's time to chill and throw out some damage, sometimes you get a player who's new to the content and probably going to make mistakes, sometimes it's on the fly optimizations and rapid decision making to salvage the fight.
@noblewolf8232 2 жыл бұрын
Healer is like taking a coffee. Whenever i'm getting bored playing dps or tanking or I just need to wake up, i play healer. Then again, healer class is so boring when you are at the boss and you are only pressing 1 button to dps.
@Keldiur 2 жыл бұрын
Please, please, Yoshi... Can healers please get a 3 button DPS combo. Or some other riskier dps spells. DPSing as a healer is incredibly dull. With the downtime, especially in dungeons, created by all the OGCD heals healers have now its time we got some variety outside one AoE, one DoT and one spell.
@mrfish229 2 жыл бұрын
Biggest misconception is that you're an actual healer instead of 1 button dps
@ev0h 2 жыл бұрын
I hate the emphasis many ppl put in literally illegalizing gcd healing. Combine this with then newbies trying to avoid gcd healing AND not dps’ing :) I love tanking daily roulettes :))
@cailee9820 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who does group content exclusively in PF, I do feel like the random nature of healing makes it more difficult than the other roles. I see this mostly in savage raids and alliance raids. I don't know if I'm going to get a tank that doesn't use mitigation, a dps that doesn't know their rotation or people that constantly stand in the fire and/or don't know mechanics. When I play dps (particularly selfish dps), I don't have to worry about anything other than myself (and occasionally, buff alignment and boss positioning). Even on support dps like my RDM main, I'm still just picking up people and mitigating raid-wides during my relatively simple rotation. I used to feel like tank was the hardest, but after getting over my tanxiety, I've realized that it's really not. In PF/randoms, I would rank the role difficulty (hardest to easiest): healer > MT > dps/OT. In a static, it's probably more like: MT > dps/OT > healer. The constants here are the MT and dps -- their jobs don't change much based on the group. There's a reason why the meme is "healers, adjust".
@eviljoshy3402 2 жыл бұрын
When HW came out and SE started introducing DPS checks that's when I noticed people demanding healers do dmg. I've always been under the impression that if you need your healer's dmg then your dps are either not geared enough to clear this raid or they aren't doing their jobs properly. I guess I'm in the minority.
@silverstrider2046 2 жыл бұрын
Healer DPS was always required and DPS checks were in ARR as well. From breaking Conflagrations in T5, killing adds in literally every Coil fight, or just beating enrage. The only difference between ARR and HW was that they added more oGCDs to make it easier to DPS as a healer but healing in ARR did still require the Healer to DPS in all content.
@markup6394 2 жыл бұрын
Healing... I healed in WoW and... well, its a different monster alltogether. In WoW, I had to keep on my toes because one moment everything was fine and I would throw in a Smite, or distribute a Moonfire. But more often than not, the tank would drop to 10% and below within a single gcd! And yes, I have been paying attention. Now, I'm under no illusion of my gameplay, but its also a fact that healing in FF14 is just so much more relaxed. Yes, sometimes theres a hickup but all in all, I have the tank topped within moments. In WoW, I might be able to do so, too, but I would be out of CDs and oom. It was just not fun. Just for the record, I'm talking heroic dungeons here concerning WoW - healing wasnt worth it (aka just not fun enough) to try and go for higher difficulty, especially since I had a tank and dps standing ready. In FF14 on the other hand, I'm comfortable enough to heal ex trials and savage raids. No never mind dungeons - and I play and like all healer jobs. I think, healing in both games is... fundamentally different. I like healing, at least in FF14, in WoW... I'd rather not.
@lindaa9005 2 жыл бұрын
biggest misconception as a healer? as the healer all of the party's mistakes are on YOUR shoulders. No, they are not. If someone thinks that the colour orange means "that's a safe zone" that's on them, or if they are on a personal mission to see just how many vulnerability stacks they get before they get one-shot, again that doesn't have to mean that you are expected to go along with their healer RP.
@midnight3630 2 жыл бұрын
I’d just like to add, just because a healer isn’t doing something right doesn’t give people the right to be an asshole about it, or toxic. There are constructive ways to help players do better and being an ass isn’t helping anyone.
@Michael-jx9bh 2 жыл бұрын
Misconception in Duty Roulette dungeons: Healer must be or can keep tank alive no matter what (mass pull). Ehm no. The healer can't always do that - might miss some key spells in levelling dungeon. The tank may have used *his* cooldowns while the healer have *also* used his -> *no* cooldowns for next encounter. Can be solved by the healer telling that no cooldowns are up (with a macro). If the tank doesn't listen: too bad really.
@dankerus 2 жыл бұрын
Every dungeon can be wall pulled as long as the healer and tank are knowledgeable and everybody is geared appropriately. I main healers, but when I tank in duty finder I always wall pull. If a healer is never tested, they'll never grow to understand their job better. And if they struggle, sometimes it's better to talk to them about what went wrong and how to fix it. I advocate for testing your healers in order to understand them better. Dying in a dungeon isn't the end of the world, you can always try again.
@HoodAsian 2 жыл бұрын
The healing role in every game is not as popular because you have to be so selfless, and you have to support others.
@nessdro9309 2 жыл бұрын
True. And this is why I love healing and basically every supportive class or spell in every game. I think they are cool because if you want to support your team efficiently you need to know everything. What is happening on the map, what others should do and wow other classes are work. (I'm not speaking of just FFXIV). I lova those moments when I save day for somebody who was in trouble and we reverse the course of events. I'm that kind of person who appreciates resurrection the most in among RDM spells. I love that I can prevent a wipe by raising the other parties healers during an alliance raid as a DPS! :P
@4ndersongui 2 жыл бұрын
Healing in group is really fun, but it bored me to death while doing MSQ and overworld content.
@pixiesnakes4293 2 жыл бұрын
Healing? Responsibility? Whaaaa? I only keep those alive so i don't have to spend extra time soloing it :D
@JetsetStealth 2 жыл бұрын
never understood why a healer wouldnt do any dps attacks. like, even if you take it as literally as possible that you are a healer and should only heal. thats gotta be incredibly boring. hell, i have all my healers maxed and they all still feel boring in any PVE content.
@aresanu 2 жыл бұрын
@CivilChev 2 жыл бұрын
The issue I have with healer is that it's only fun when progging. Once the content is figured out and/or your static uses a guide healer no longer becomes fun and is, instead, the most boring role to play.
@scarlettwhyte4170 2 жыл бұрын
Although this is more of a pet peeve about a specific healer play-style, in my opinion, the biggest misconception has to be: "1hp is the minimum required amount of health" While technically true, I disagree with the mentality that the idea encourages. Each time the tank is left to the minimum required hp to not die, it introduces the risk that they do die. The cost of which is wasting damage that must now go towards: raising the tank, healing the rest of the squishier party until the tank is revived, topping up the tank to stay alive as they regain control of the situation, and the additional healing that is now required due to lost mitigation buffs. Not to mention that the tank (and anyone else who died) will now have a weakness debuff, reducing their damage output for the next minute. Assuming the entire party didn't wipe to the wall of mobs and has to respawn, reducing the dps even further as a result of downtime while travelling back to the mob packs which have now reset to full health - undoing all the damage that was previously invested. Of which all could have easily been prevented by simply pushing out a heal earlier. This ideal of 1hp healing gives the impression that healer dps is so important, that it takes precedence over the entirety of the party. While not insignificant, healer dps is still having the lesser output when compared to tanks and actual dps - and although I mostly disagree with babysitting, it is worth to sacrifice personal dps for the survival of party members assuming group dps and clear time are the only things you care about. So long as you're not over-healing, it is not a dps loss to heal before 1hp. Which, as a side effect, provides the consistency of not-dying that gives your tank the confidence to continue doing wall to wall pulls and effectively increase the speed of your run. Congratulations! You have reached the end of my rant. \o/
@vovo9449 2 жыл бұрын
My rule of thumb is: if its not below 50%, dont need to heal, when it drops below 50% in a wall to wall, heal.
@piece-kun4168 2 жыл бұрын
Healing in non high end is harder due to unpredictibitly.
@Aries73 2 жыл бұрын
Can we have some kind of middle ground with healers? Why does this discussion always end up being warped by endgame tryhards looking to impress someone with their parse and people who are hesitant to even touch a damage spell?
@halmyrach 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I will share it to my fc friends still a bit shy to try healer One thing I would emphasize and that was kind of mentioned, savage raiding helps a ton to break that habit to always want to top hp full. Not saying it's never necessary, but you learn when it is, and healer dps is 100% needed to beat enrage in those fights so you are force to learn to be efficient. I only started savage a couple of months ago, but the difference in my playstyle before and after is huge. And it also make the normal content quite relaxing to do because you better manage your resources, so win/win :) Oh yes one thing, please stop with the res macro, it's never helpful to prevent the loss of swiftcast and only spams chat for nothing. Just define with your cohealer who takes 1st res and alternate.
@Robulite 2 жыл бұрын
Healers that don't dps in my savage runs get kicked lmao. I just can't say why since yoshii p wont let us.
@anjoumaaka 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a scholar main, but I also like to play tanks in dungeons. As a result I notice healer mistakes far more easily, and seeing a healer that is extremely bad just makes me cringe. Seeing myself outheal a white mage in savage, even more cringe. These misconceptions are exactly what leads to these cringe moments. I also feel like warrior being overtuned on self-healing has partially lead to these misconceptions being a problem.
@erdbeerpanda1804 2 жыл бұрын
Ooof, I cannot agree with the first one, no sorry. Healer is the hardest role solely because of how heavily influenced it is by the performance of everyone else in the party. Sure, a DPS has to keep uptime and their (sometimes complex) rotation up during the encounter, but if the DPS next to you dies, you don't have to adjust around it, you keep on doing your rotation. At one point you don't even think about your rotation, you muscle memory it and it becomes as easy as breathing. While a healer doesn't have a DPS rotation, they have a heal rotation. Every good endgame healer is gonna use the same heal for the same mechanic. The entire fight, once you know it, is planed out. Especially if you have the same co-healer aka are in a static. If someone else dies, you have to completely rearrange your healing, which can lead to a huge DPS loss. As a healer you need to be able to do exactly that, in a fly, especially in savage and ultimate. And even if you are not the one raising, you still have to cover heals while the other one is doing that. You need to be able to see, if the party is gonna survive the next raidwide, or if you need to heal up before raising. A good healer knows when to heal, but especially, knows when not to heal and that is a difficult learning curve. On top of that, you as a healer also have to be keeping uptime, always be casting, slidecasting, prepositioning, following mechanics while balancing the party health. You cannot put that on the same difficulty level as a DPS, especially not if the DPS is a phys range.
@minuette1752 2 жыл бұрын
Keep your dots up and use your dps spells. Or your AOE on trash packs. That is what I do as a healer, after making sure people are going to live of course.
@XerrolAvengerII 2 жыл бұрын
to summarize: healing isn't hard but if you don't do enough damage as a healer then everything is your fault. 👎
@vaalnailo5789 2 жыл бұрын
"Healers don't have a rotation" is some of the dumbest shit i've ever heard. It is infinitely easier to memorize a few buttons and press them in order than it is to react to things with the proper ability as they happen. Like, healing isn't super difficult in FF14 but this argument is incredibly flawed
@radella4278 2 жыл бұрын
Well I consider healing waay easier than other jobs, but then again, all jobs are easy at a mediocre level..
@drevildruid 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. Healer is far more challenging for several reasons: I play all four healers and Warrior and Paladin. During leveling I seem to get the crazy tanks who want to pull mobs, run halfway through the dungeon with huge packs following them, then neglect to use their mitigation (or are undergeared) then expect me to heal them through it and if I do they will pull the next mob before my mana regens then call me a fail healer because they died. Raid healing is much easier. One boss, maybe some adds but easier. Second, besides keeping the tank alive, you have to worry about DPS (using Rescue when needed, which is often), then keeping yourself alive if the tank doesn't use their enmity talent and dungeon mechanics. As a Tank you just have to gain aggro, turn the boss away from the group and don't stand in the fire. Dps: Don't stand in the fire. Healer: Don't stand in the fire, keep everyone (including yourself alive), fight mechanics (move often). It's a whole different ballgame. Dps is the easiest as you only have to worry about yourself but as a healer or tank you're expected to know how the dungeon mechanics work even if it's your first time. While you make some good points about individual player responsibility, that's often not how it goes in PuG dungeons. Even if the tank is crap, the dps can't dps, the healer is blamed. every time. It's made me hate healing in dungeons.
@edgarlarios4718 2 жыл бұрын
"healer is not dps" Then proceeds to describe why healer must dps. Lol
@asdfggggga 2 жыл бұрын
Heal is fine, learn new fight as a healer is not...
@edmilsonjunior3916 2 жыл бұрын
Misconception: Always heard Scholar was bad (probably it was in the past), but it isnt! It's actually great
@dankerus 2 жыл бұрын
World's biggest misconception, it's my main for a reason lol
@arkkyan 2 жыл бұрын
This is the first time Ive disagreed with you. Healing is harder in general, because a bad tank, DPS or other healer means the healer works harder. And this happens a lot. Having the same amount of buttons is irrelevant.
@Isaac31415 2 жыл бұрын
The same reason can be used to other roles. A tank doesnt mitigate or position the boss correctly? Healer and dps will suffer and they have to work harder as well. And a bad tank can even wipe a party due to bad position. A bad dps makes tank and healers harder as well. The tank pulls wall to wall but the dps dont use aoe? Then they will burn their stuff as well. Plus, dps check in some situations. And finally the healer. A bad healer will literally bottleneck dungeons if the tank isnt with good ways to self heal. Just like when healers die in raids, both dps and tank will have to either survive on their own or wipe So, any bad player will make any other work harder, irrelevant the role
@arkkyan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Isaac31415 yes, but moment to moment gameplay, it's the healer that feels the heat. DPS can't output more damage, but it's expected that a healer will retain their rotation, keep everyone up and also rez the fallen DPS. Outside of non standard options like DPS rezing, a healer is the one who collects the most strain on any deviation from the norm. Ask a y prog healer, I can tell you the amount of stress involved with doing what everyone else does, with the added bonus of having to keep all alive, predict others movements and failures and react on the fly. DPS and tanks react to NPC rotations and movement, where healers have to consider more human factors, which is arguably more erratic
@Isaac31415 2 жыл бұрын
@@arkkyan Fair
@wpelfeta 2 жыл бұрын
Healer DPS is boring as hell. Needs a rework imo. It should at least be interesting if not fully fleshed out as a normal DPS job. 1 dot and 1 cast is not fun.
@christophermiller4480 2 жыл бұрын
Again, you sound a lot like one of the guys from Team Darkside for MH
@kimmaru75 2 жыл бұрын
i've healed a couple of dungeons here and there, and mostly main scenario, i just don't like to be a healer in a dungeon with irl people, having that responsibility is not something i want, tanks i like to play a bit more and mostly dps but then again healing is way more fun in ff than wow for example i mostly prefer to be a noob/avg dps :D
@MusicGuitarMan95 2 жыл бұрын
on my side i do play all 3 roles but I'm a healer main and what you dont like is what I like! While that extra responsability requires you to be more attentive to whats going on, know a bit more about mechs or figure them out faster, keeping everyone alive while doing so is what makes it the most satisfying thing ahha :)
@kimmaru75 2 жыл бұрын
@@MusicGuitarMan95 i do like the healer classes/jobs in FF14, but i am not ultra confident in myself or my abilities to do regular dungeons or harder content as a healer, makes me just too nervous. but still they are fun classes to play regardless
@nessdro9309 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimmaru75 The community is so great you don't need to care about the punishment of your party. I have met only just a few rude guy here in FFXIV since 2019. Not too long after I started to play RDM I tried it out via dungeon roulett. At some point our tank stopped us and told me every core mechanics I have to take care as a RDM. The rest of the party waited there without a word (they did some funny emotes) . Since then, I'm a rezmage main. I'm very grateful my team and especially our tank because they wasted their time on me to teach me how to RDM. So I think you should not fear. Maybe you will get some negative comment but this game's community is a treasure you have low chance to meet with toxic lads. And now go and heal my friend:)
@MusicGuitarMan95 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimmaru75 you are definitely free to not play them of course :) As for my experience, I never healed in a mmo before doing so in FF and the only times I did try to heal in wow it lead to many wipes cause I sucked xD my confidence was trash lmao but now I'm comfortable healing pretty much anything :) it's pretty fun! while it can be stressful at times because of new mechanics, etc. it does add to the experience as well imo :)
@twistedlime1975 2 жыл бұрын
Lawl just remove the Healer role, they are not healers lol.. their dps pretending to heal. The ONLY Time healing is needed in this game is if you're doing endgame content lol. Just give everyone self healing and rework these do called healer roles into pure dps and problems solved. I've officially stopped playing healer because of this realization and now I'm bored of the game so haven't played since the the new 8man came out.
@baby-hs3hc 2 жыл бұрын
healing is just super high stakes and honestly pretty difficult, at least for someone like me who crumbles under pressure. i adore white mage, dont get me wrong, but lord i get such horrible anxiety going into each party knowing everyone is relying on me! sadly no dps feels good to me so i'm stuck with the anxiety :((
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