The Cake Dilemma

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@k2thaizzale Жыл бұрын
"YOU'RE ALL REDDITORS AND I'M NOT" says man literally in the act of scrolling down reddit
@bigdumber7242 Жыл бұрын
Erm, aktually, he was scrolling on twitter (which is arguably worse)
@PureQuestionD13 Жыл бұрын
@@bigdumber7242 No he starts looking at the original thread at the end.
@patchworkgolem Жыл бұрын
​@bigdumber7242 Nah he's and Xer, reading Xs 😂😂😂
@bigdumber7242 Жыл бұрын
@@PureQuestionD13 read my name
@BlizzardWolfPK Жыл бұрын
There's a difference between; someone that is just touring reddit, and someone that spends hours on reddit everyday.
@DDismas Жыл бұрын
there should be more segments like these on this channel, it's so incredibly nice to listen to you dude
@midn8588 9 ай бұрын
"MBT talks about adulting" is my favorite segment
@WhipLash42o Жыл бұрын
Its the same shit I deal with concerning my mother. She will, without fail, constantly call me and ask me if I want this worthless knick-knack or some garbage she picked up at a garage sale or got from one of her friends. Ill say "No mom, you know I don't want those things. They just take up space and I hate it." And she'll FUCKING MAIL THEM TO ME ANYWAY. So now what? I have 1 big ceramic chicken sitting on my coffee table that I can't fucking stand looking at, but I refuse to throw away because then i'd have to deal with arguing with my mother over being mean and heartless. Do I hate my mother for sending me these stupid things? No, of course not, I love my mom. But am I fucking annoyed by it? Yes, yes I am. And I'm not going to pretend otherwise because someone thinks a "nice gesture" is a green-light to push garbage on someone.
@w5ildhero Жыл бұрын
L chicken take + give me the chicken I'll put tiny hats on it or some shit. Maybe a scarf. Instant centerpiece, you're ignoring a real gold mine here. You're probably right about the other stuff though.
@ryuk202 Жыл бұрын
I just throw shit like that away, or ask my friends if anyone wants it.
@tehy123 Жыл бұрын
Dude, I have an aunt like this. One year she calls and asks me what gift I want for my birthday and I told her flat out "the gift I want is you not getting me a gift". Best birthday gift I ever got lol
@Benzinilinguine Жыл бұрын
She was seeking validation after ignoring his request. She literally asked for it. She could have said "sorry, next time I'll listen". But instead she freaked out because he wasn't perfectly satisfied.
@itsomegali5342 Жыл бұрын
this hits straight into my meow meow.
@PreedReve Жыл бұрын
Based on the info we are provided: They're both assholes. How he communicated his disappointment was asshole behavior. I also take umbrage with how he says she's "usually a great baker" and "I guess it wasn't sophisticated enough or something" in the post. Something about those rub me the wrong way. (*´﹃`*) (Personally, I don't think this is the whole story but what can you do?)
@SplashCity46 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the “usually a great baker”, disagree with the second part. I imagine he’s trying to rationalize why she didn’t make the cake he asked for, showing it likely was never explained why the change was made
@azurefoxbh9280 Жыл бұрын
dude was upset and he said something in said frustration that doesnt make you an asshole that makes you a person with human emotions. she offered to make it and asked how he wanted it made. she had a duty to make what was asked of her and not something else
@PreedReve Жыл бұрын
@@azurefoxbh9280 Having those emotions doesn't make him an asshole but how he expressed them did ("If I wanted vanilla cake..." "I'll order my own and get my money back...").
@azurefoxbh9280 Жыл бұрын
@@PreedReve right and he said that cause he was frustrated and expressing human emotions im sorry that when you are frustrated you can say the most perfect thing in every situation
@PreedReve Жыл бұрын
@@azurefoxbh9280 We've all said things we shouldn't have out of frustration but saying things while our emotions are heightened isn't a get-of-jail-free-card for being an asshole.
@jeremiahbennett3004 Жыл бұрын
I think the weirdest thing here is that people are taking this one incident, and using it to judge either person's entire character. Not just determining, "who might be in the wrong here?" I see people commenting "yeah their relationship must be super rocky if this is a huge deal" or even calling the original poster misogynistic or even a bad person in general. You can't judge people off of one incident, we've all acted like this one way or another at some point, and I'm tired of people on the internet judging others based on a tiny fraction of these people's lives, answer the question the person asked about and move on with your life. He who is not guilty may cast the first stone. (I'm not a hard-core Christian I just like that quote)
@tylerkeegan5615 Жыл бұрын
Yeah Reddit is really good at the jumping to conclusions Olympics. I made a post about my relationship once and there were crazy assumptions being made and it was just hilarious
@josephsheehan6079 Жыл бұрын
I mean both parties are being extremely dramatic and it’s hard to imagine two pushing 40 adults getting this worked up about a birthday cake without some other issues. Any well adjusted adult could have defused the situation with any amount of social tact. He could have just said a white lie and if it really bothered him talked to her after. She could have waited till after the party to ask. Even at the point he said it isn’t the cake he wanted he could have said it respectfully. At the point he expressed himself rudely, she could have just said I’m sorry I thought you might like it. Both of them took it so personal and escalated the situation constantly. And too many people think being “honest” at all times is preferable to having respectful purposeful talks.
@CrownOfChains Жыл бұрын
​@josephsheehan6079 well honesty is best policy. So you know where everyone stands. No guessing.
@Animenite97 Жыл бұрын
Yes, thank you! I was thinking the same thing.
@Animenite97 Жыл бұрын
@@josephsheehan6079 I mean, you don't know these people history. Being an adult doesn't mean you're never allowed to fly off the handle a little bit. People get upset sometimes, even over tiny things. It doesn't make you a bad person or not a well adjusted adult because of it. Could this situation have been handle better? Yeah. So what? Neither person was at their most tactful in that moment. It happens. Also, sure, you can't imagine why they would get so worked up over this. You're not them. You don't know things happened in their life that gave them certain little gripes. Like, as someone with a long history of not being listened to, even when people straight up ask me a question, being not listened to annoys me a lot. I am very sensitive to that and I will probably die with that being a sore spot for me. Someone asking me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday and then making something else would upset me. And his girlfriend asked him if he was disappointed and answered the question honestly. He's not wrong for doing that. Anyway, this is way too much of a discussion about cake. Sometimes people get upset. Sometimes people say something they shouldn't. Sometimes people don't handle a situation the best way. Just because that happens doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you human.
@dualwieldgames9065 Жыл бұрын
This should not take up as much space in my head as it does, but this is driving me crazy so I'm going to make this comment to get all of this out of my head. Side note; this probably isn't the full context but I'm going to take this at face value. Really, at the end of the day, this truly is not about these two people. This is about communication and expectations in relationships. I'm ace/aro, and I have no desire to enter a relationship, so maybe I'm also biased in my opinion. This guy is not the asshole in this instance. SHE asked him what she wanted, he wanted chocolate, she added vanilla. There could be one million reasons why, but I don't care. He didn't ask for vanilla. He asked for chocolate. The reasoning doesn't matter. She should not have added vanilla. It also doesn't matter if he likes vanilla or not. I'm even going to go further and say the snide comment was fine. Unwarranted sure, but she made a snide comment first. If she really wanted to add vanilla, she could have double checked with him. Do not go above and beyond for someone who did not ask for it and then get mad at them. I admittedly used to pull that on people. I try not to anymore. You put that weight on yourself when you do that, not the person you're doing it for. It's really unbelievable how many people in the chat just jumped to her defense and all tried to put the guy down just for not liking the cake. Trying to make him sound spoiled when all he did was specify he wanted chocolate cake when, again, SHE asked him. I find that to be extremely toxic behavior. I get that we don't have the full context, and he was probably more of an asshole than he was willing to admit, but as stated earlier, I think this stopped being about the two specific individuals. What actually transpired doesn't even matter. What does matter is person B tried to be fancy when asked not to, and then person B got upset when person A was disappointed because they didn't get what they wanted. So, we're debating if person A should have just taken it even if it wasn't what they wanted just because person B was trying to be nice. I say no, person A doesn't have to take it. To all the people that are like, "Then I just won't bake you a cake, then!" Good! You'd probably get it wrong. I'll go to someone who will do it right. Don't offer to do shit when you can't handle the responsibility. I hope with this comment, this can finally all exit my brain and I can stop thinking about something that has literally nothing to do with me.
@mangohub3252 3 ай бұрын
“How do you know the thinnest lair was vanilla” the middle filling in a cake has to be the thinnest or the cake will fall apart
@CuddleCuttlefish Жыл бұрын
Here's my honest take, into the void of people that won't see this: I agree with most of what MBT described, but where my opinion diverges is that I don't think the "I'll buy a cake so I can return it" is the only thing wrong with this post from OP's side. It's where he crossed the line for sure, but he was already treading it. He presents it as him simply wanting to "not lie" to her. But although he did tell her the truth, that was *definitely* not the only way, or the best way, to communicate it. If my boyfriend baked me a cake that I didn't like, because it was different to what I said I wanted. My instinct to communicate my honest opinion, is *not* to say _"If I wanted vanilla, I would have asked for vanilla"._ I think that, whether he meant to or not, he communicated his thoughts in a really unnecessarily passive aggressive tone. Which understandably made his girlfriend upset. There's no reason why he couldn't instead have said something like: _"I really appreciate that you made the cake for me, and that you tried to make it special, but I really did only want chocolate. So yeah, I was kind of disappointed with the vanilla"_ To this you could say "that's way too many words", but I disagree (not least bc it doesn't need to be those words exactly). I think that although you don't need to be "grateful" for getting something you didn't want, for a partner you love and care about, it's normal and healthy to at least acknowledge and respect the effort from your partner to *try* and do something for you. The OP of this post did not even *try* that with his responses right from the start, and I think he is a bit of an asshole in this situation for it.
@the_real_rush Жыл бұрын
so proud of joseph for uploading this while under surgery… respect 🫡
@kassygo1375 Жыл бұрын
Lmao one of his editors probably uploaded it
@AwesumVloggin Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure Vlad is the one that uploads all the content to this channel
@ivanmaterazzo2631 Жыл бұрын
1 like= 1 amen
@ErosIRL Жыл бұрын
All I’m saying is the statement “she must’ve noticed I was upset” followed by “I didn’t pout” doesn’t seem entirely honest. Is he wrong? No. Was he handling it in a way to specifically make her feel dumb instead of communicate? Idk because I wasn’t there, but context says yes. Also the statement “you are entitled to the things that you like” is only true like 75% of the time, something about entitlement in a relationship is almost always going to end in your partner being upset. You should be looking out for their wants and needs at all times but it’s kinda childish to say you are entitled to enjoy every single thing they do for you
@TheZeroDav Жыл бұрын
snowball effect with out the AH snap bake is a heads up it got emotional and it just nukes
@tomcrizzel9321 Жыл бұрын
MBT actually thinks vanilla is fancy
@B.27y Жыл бұрын
Why didn't they just ask if they wanted vanilla in the cake?
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
u are forgetting that he even specifically asked for a devils food cake. that means everything is chocolate
@stdach5561 Жыл бұрын
Cake is cake
@VenatorXVenator Жыл бұрын
I have quite literally stopped asking for birthday presents from my family because I just never get what I want, always disappointed even though I know whats going to happen.
@ignaciodemello Жыл бұрын
I love how chat goes "he DID make a scene", obviously we don't know the full exact story, but from what we do know, it isn't like he saw the cake and went: "Hey this isn't what i liked!". The girlfriend went and specifically asked if he liked that cake, and he just said that he would've prefered the one he asked for, which is the honest answer. Is he supposed to lie to her and go: "Thank you for making me whatever you wanted instead of what i asked babe"? The one making a scene is her for getting offended at him for preferring the cake he said he prefers. Even when he says that he'll order a cake next year, it's because she says that she's not gonna make cake for him no more as if he was being unreasonable. Not to mention that she also went and straight up stopped talking to him over him not liking a cake he didn't ask for.
@MrShorttj Жыл бұрын
Its a matter of respect: he made his preferences known and she completely ignored them, Thats disrespectful, and judging by the way he reacted this isn’t the first time this happened nor will it be the last. They probably shouldn’t be together tbh.
@B.27y Жыл бұрын
@minabasejderha5972 Жыл бұрын
It's so weird to me in particular that everyone sees his statement about buying a cake himself as a snide escalation, but they don't see her saying the "I won't bake you something next year" as a snide comment as well... cause it is. It was her idea to bake something for him. Her theatrically retracting an additional offer she never made, as though he'd implicitly made a request, is very silly. And that is embarrassing behavior to get up to in front of people. Was his snide response peacekeeping behavior? No, it wasn't. But it sounds like it was already a snippy back and forth by the time he said that.
@LazurBeemz Жыл бұрын
The cake is a lie
@JohnBluemon 11 ай бұрын
All she had to do was not put vanilla frosting on it. If you're going to do something for someone, it should be for them and not yourself. It would be like enjoying ketchup and then seeing it on your salad, then someone getting mad at you for not enjoying ketchup in a situation you didn't want it in. If someone hands you a bucket of dedication, you shouldn't be happy just because you "got something". Then the person blaming you for not enjoying the defication. At that point, someone could give you an injury and you are expected to enjoy sustaining damage. Both take work.
@ryuk202 Жыл бұрын
Im adding a third layer, if you call them a baby for wanting something specific you are also (intentional or not) ableist against people with autism. But yeah, uhh, he's just a little guy and it's his birthday, he was literally the birthday boy, and she kicked him out of his own birthday
@ihatemychannelname Жыл бұрын
more vids like these plz
@majickman Жыл бұрын
What I've learned is that MBT's chat is extremely starved for cake.
@CheezAnnoy Жыл бұрын
they just hungwy
@reirei_tk Жыл бұрын
Look what Kashtira format is doing to the YGO community. We're talking about shit like this.
@Yeard491 Жыл бұрын
@anthill223 Жыл бұрын
@scizor285 Жыл бұрын
@ignaciodemello Жыл бұрын
@austinroo02134 Жыл бұрын
I agree with Jospeh, but as someone who cooks frequently (and has had girlfriend mad at me for not making exactly what they want), I understand thinking that adding a small change will make the meal better. I have also been completely wrong about the change I made and wont do it again lol.
@GleamingGarmore Жыл бұрын
Really reasonable and mature take. Its genuinely surprising that KZbin COMMENTS are where im finding people being the most normal about this one, but theres some good insight here.
@luminous3558 Жыл бұрын
I think its fine to make changes with meals but not communicating that is a huge no go. If you ask beforehand the other party has either the option to veto or at least a heads up that it will be a little different. Eating something and finding out it tastes unexpected after the first bite isn't cool.
@animevolution880 Жыл бұрын
@@luminous3558 best comment in this section
@Bulju Жыл бұрын
​​@@luminous3558 My guy, this isn't a congressional debate, it's just some vanilla. It's not gonna kill you.
@gregnog8119 Жыл бұрын
@@Bulju the girlfriend also could've just not included the vanilla and made the cake he asked for, even named it as devil's cake, that wouldn't have killed her either, don't ask what someone wants and make something else expecting them not to be disappointed that you got the order wrong and that you did it intentionally, because you think you know better than them about what they want
@redroC171 Жыл бұрын
i can't get over all the people in the chat going above and beyond in their efforts to intentionally misinterpret the situation
@sushiroll3795 Жыл бұрын
The sheer number of people who immediately dogpiled him and started calling him a "manchild" made me legitimately uncomfortable.
@braketbro2318 Жыл бұрын
My favourite has to be that one guy who said "He didn't say no vanilla". My brother in Christ what part of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting was so hard to understand.
@najawin8348 Жыл бұрын
@@braketbro2318 This is Joel of the Varying Size's take. And it's one of the most brain dead views I've ever heard. Like. I honestly think it's borderline emotional abuse.
@AkhierDragonheart Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I would be surprised if they didn't. They're hoping to get a rise out of MBT.
@Noxara_S Жыл бұрын
​@@braketbro2318oi. I said that. Because she made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing, it just also had vanilla icing. If he wanted exactly chocolate and chocolate with nothing else then that needed to be clear. This is coming from a neuro-divergant who highly suspects some amount of neuro-divergancy from the people in the story. The story doesn't say how clear he was that he wanted ONLY chocolate and chocolate.
@snes90 Жыл бұрын
Should I watch any of the hundreds of videos on my Watch Later list or a Yugi-tuber's 20 minute "clip" with cake in the title? The choice has never been more easy.
@MorningStar012 Жыл бұрын
this feels like a personal attack on me specificaly
@Jyxero Жыл бұрын
1348 on the list... "Tomorrow" perhaps
@heinokunzelmann8967 Жыл бұрын
the watch later list is where my hopes and aspirations go to die
@ThatOneWeirdFlex Жыл бұрын
​3,600 yikes
@calciumgoodness4073 Жыл бұрын
The sub has an answer specifically for this. "You would not be the asshole (YWNBTA) if you didn't add that text on the end"
@Silver_light77 Жыл бұрын
As in most relationships, both parties are at fault, the fallacy here is that there is an "asshole," at all There was a reasonable disconnect between him asking her to "make the cake I want," and her taking the artistic liberty to "make a cake she thinks he would want," address the miscommunication, then enjoy the free cake. The line about the store bought cake was petty. But it should have been okay that he was disappointed, the gf has every right to be hurt that she's being percieved as unreasonable, but made a change without considering OP's birthday wishes, and doubled down by refusing a future cake, thats when it starts being about sticking it to one another. its all a *little* childish on both sides, but no one is an @hole about it untill they both refuse to let go.
@eleonarcrimson858 Жыл бұрын
actually based take
@beegyoshi1685 Жыл бұрын
then she is the asshole for ignoring his messages?
@theimpostorafungus1213 Жыл бұрын
​@@beegyoshi1685there doesn't have to be an asshole did you read the comment
@idkmyname6915 Жыл бұрын
​@@theimpostorafungus1213overused joke, but we're all yugioh players here, we can't fucking read
@Animenite97 Жыл бұрын
best take here! A+
@thepinms Жыл бұрын
What we have learned is don't take relationship advice from people who have never been in a committed relationship.
@Endershock1678 Ай бұрын
You can tell who in chat has clearly never been in a relationship before. Some of the things they said feels like they’ve never talked to a person of the opposite gender before in their life… which makes sense considering Reddit is the single last place I would ever turn to for relationship advice.
@geminimaxxim Жыл бұрын
I think you guys hit the nail on the head with the idea that it's not as black and white as "who's wrong here". The guy's a jerk, but he was justified to a degree. It sounds like the opposite position comes partly from a perspective of expecting indifference out of him. Like, if he likes the vanilla anyways it should have been "I wanted chocolate, but this is great too!" rather than "I'm disappointed that I didn't get just chocolate." Which, as someone who loves many kinds of cake, I think is very fair. But like MBT said, you are entitled to things you like, especially from the people you love and who love you, ESPECIALLY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. Ultimately I think it's a very grey situation, much like the cake he got was neither fully chocolate nor fully vanilla. EDIT: It just occurred to me that the guy also specified Devil's Food Cake, which seems to suggest he really likes chocolate. Whether he likes vanilla or not it's probably a lost less tasty than chocolate to him, so when you put them together it probably ruined the cake.
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
yeah, i think it would be as if i asked for black forest gateau, and it's made with coconut instead of cherries, both with the fruits and the alcohol. Like sure, I like coconut, but it just isn't part of a black forest gateau. He was quite specific about what he wanted, and if she wants to make a change about the specifics she needs to ask
@sushiroll3795 Жыл бұрын
My question is, why in the world didn't his wife just check if he was cool with the vanilla frosting before making that part of the cake? It's not like the cake was meant to be a surprise or anything. Like yeah, the last statement from the dude went a bit far, but that was definitely a dick move from his wife, especially considering that she put him in a position where he had to bottle up his feelings of disappointment in order to not make a scene in front of their kids (and no, leaving half a slice on the plate is not "making a scene").
@javsandarts Жыл бұрын
Because he likes it. He said it himself. Read
@BMVfilms Жыл бұрын
@@javsandartshe said he doesn't mind it. And people don't need to want the same thing even if they've picked it before
@sushiroll3795 Жыл бұрын
​@@javsandartsAnd...? He didn't ask for vanilla frosting on this cake. I like hamburgers, but if I ask somebody for a cheese sandwich and they put a burger in there, am I not allowed to complain?
@josephsheehan6079 Жыл бұрын
“Bottle up his feelings” where are you people from? Middle school? Like waiting one entire meal to be like “I actually didn’t want any vanilla in the cake” is not “bottling up your feelings” or not saying things in a nasty way is not bottling up your feelings. Yes, him conspicuously eating a single half of a slice of an entire cake is obviously showing disappointment. And he could have white lied about it. “oh he’s just being honest” is what my middle school students say after saying hurtful rude things. “I know you spent hours working on this thing. And it’s good but I need to tell you NOW. How I’m personally disappointed in it?” Is so disrespectful of your partner.
@sushiroll3795 Жыл бұрын
@@josephsheehan6079 She was the one who pressed the issue in front of everybody, not him. He only made the nasty comment after she tried to guilt-trip him, kicked him out of his own party, and then played the victim afterwards while claiming that he embarrassed her, despite her being the one that both started and escalated the confrontation for basically no reason. Please make sure you have the story straight next time before coming out swinging.
@wind64a39 Жыл бұрын
In a vacuum, his statement at the end sounds like an overreaction. It does make me wonder if it's about a larger pattern though. I remember when a class way back in high school got mad at me for saying hurtful things to a guy. Thing is, he was sexually harassing me and it had gone on long enough for me to realize that was the only way to get him to temporarily back off.
@luminous3558 Жыл бұрын
Someone pushed into a corner will always sound crazy to people who can't see the corner.
@johnnywu8708 Жыл бұрын
I remember a time when I asked for an order and it got fumbled twice. At that point, I was just done, so I dealt with it. Fortunately, it tasted much better than I thought, and I felt like I got my money's worth. However, the issue still stands that they got my order wrong twice when it wasn't near closing time, nor was there a lot of people ordering. My gut reaction was that the OP should've dealt with it, but that's changed. I don't think he was in the wrong for being disappointed. His approach at expressing his dissatisfaction was definitely wrong though.
@novalaxia Жыл бұрын
everyone involved in this interaction should be banished face down
@lobbynotlob 5 ай бұрын
Will of the Councel: Episode 0.1
@Gamemaster13000 Жыл бұрын
This is just two people being rude to each other over a miscommunication. "I'll order my own cake" and "I won't make you anymore cakes" because you happened to make one they didn't like ONE time are two things you don't say to your loved one.
@l337tub Жыл бұрын
I think another thing that people are missing is he didnt just say "this cake is shit." He didn't say anything UNTIL she asked, at which point he was honest.
@polocatfan 2 ай бұрын
yeah exactly and he still ate the parts he liked.
@megcanby Ай бұрын
@@polocatfanhe performatively ate around the vanilla icing, that is an insanely petty act meant to show his disdain
@billicatato-9441 Жыл бұрын
More aita posts please the chaotic energy it creates is very enjoyable
@lack_of_reality Жыл бұрын
This is the content I’m subscribed to MBT for.
@patchworkgolem Жыл бұрын
I will say that people are probably saying "thin layer" because the layer of frosting between the layers of cake tends to be the thinest but this isn't always true and we have no context for the thickness besides "I ate half the slice, the chocolate half" which while probably exaggeration, would imply there was as much vanilla icing as there was chocolate cake. So while that's insane and definitely not the amount there, it's the only reference to the amount of that icing so assuming it's thin is pretty ridiculous too
@theimpostorafungus1213 Жыл бұрын
The thing that gets me is that she said the asshole thing first. Threatening to not bake a cake next birthday, sure she shouldn't be expected to do that always but my point is that she said something rude first, then he responded with a rebuttal meant to point out her flaw. Sure, it was rude, but we've all said something rude after being spoken to in that manner before. MBT is 100% right as well that essentially kicking him out of HIS party for something as minor as not liking her gift and then blaming it on him when she's embarrassed for it is way more silly. I see people on reddit saying "damn you really fumbled a relationship because of a cake?" No. SHE fumbled a relationship because of a cake. And just like him it may have just been overdefensiveness. She might not be used to rejection so she overreacted, which isn't acceptable, but is a valid mistake to make. I hope this didn't actually ruin their relationship.
@trueacolyte Жыл бұрын
this AITA post is a personality test
@Andy_ARBS Жыл бұрын
17:46 This is the best part. If you are assuming tue guy is lying then why even bother? Everything is a lie and you are always correct because you know better. Twitch chat is special.
@mynameteekay9472 Жыл бұрын
I'm like a minute and a half into this video and I feel like this question has already been answered now I'm going to sit through the entire rest of the video out of sheer curiosity of what else could possibly be said on this matter.
@PepsiManSr Жыл бұрын
This was the most random thing I didn’t expect, but I enjoyed it.
@TobiVasquez39 Жыл бұрын
I'm with the guy besides the in front of the kids thing. I would've just lied and said it was good till you have a moment in private with them, then say something. Also in the end, it's just a cake lmao
@josephsheehan6079 Жыл бұрын
Seriously, he is pushing 40 and doesn’t know basic time and place shit. Also anyone saying “she goaded him” is a fucking alien. “Is everything alright you’ve barely touched your food” is a goddamn cliche for a reason
@defectivesickle5643 Жыл бұрын
As was said, the cake it a microcosm in a much larger issue in this relationship
@jamiewilkins8565 Жыл бұрын
All I know is that this would've made a great Magical Hats topic.
@zacwarren6540 Жыл бұрын
So I make the birthday cakes for my friends and family. I always ask what kind they want and if they want me to do something special with it or go for something normal (I do a lot of crazy cooking/baking). Some people do. Others want something specific. You make what they want in this situation. My brother's birthday was last week, he chose for me to go wildcard, I made a chocolate cake with peanut butter fudge filling and a ganache instead of the icing. When it was my roommate's birthday, he wanted just chocolate with basic icing. HE GOT THAT AND LOVED IT. Do what they ask for and know when it is okay to do something different
@AkhierDragonheart Жыл бұрын
There are a couple of important points in the story. 1, she asked for what cake he wanted and he asked for a specific cake. 2, from the sounds of it, she just went and made a cake he didn't ask for without informing him of the change or anything 3, she (may have, going off of the posters words) noticed that he didn't enjoy the cake and asked him then and there what was up 4, they went back and forth, poster made a snide comment and got kicked out of own party So with number 2, like, if she had run out of one type of frosting or some other mistake, that happens. It sucks, but it happens. She should have told him before hand. Even if nothing happened and she just decided to make another cake, she should have told him ahead of time. Now with number 3. We of course only have the posters words for it, but if she really did notice in the middle of the party that he wasn't too stoked about the cake? Why did she ask then. Going by the posters words, he wasn't making much of a scene at that point besides not eating a lot of the cake. This could have been a conversation they had after all the guests had left. She didn't need to turn it into a drama lama situation in the middle of everyone like some kind of daytime television show. And 4. I'm going to be honest, the poster was being nasty with that remark. However, the girlfriends threat of not making a cake next year? Just as nasty. Neither come out looking good from this. Now to wrap up. Way too many people are ignoring what the poster wanted in favor of heaping praise on the girlfriend for doing something for him. Shut up. This was important to him. It does not matter how small or big, if something is important to someone you care about, it should be important to you as well. The fact she either ignored or forgot what he wanted? That's not good.
@Noxara_S Жыл бұрын
The story doesn't make clear how specific this request was. Because she made him what he asked, chocolate and chocolate, as well as vanilla. If he specifically wanted nothing but chocolate, that should have been made crystal clear.
@therealsaltyxd7661 Жыл бұрын
​@PhoenixStanfield124 idk if someone told me they wanted a chocolate cake on chocolate I would just make it as specified, chocolate cake, with nothing additional.
@javsandarts Жыл бұрын
A cake that has what She put in it
@zenbozic6184 Жыл бұрын
maybe she wanted to surprise him? its really hard to read a situation from a singular point of view and very little knowledge of their relationship prior to the incident
@AkhierDragonheart Жыл бұрын
@@zenbozic6184 She specifically asked what he wanted. If a surprise was the intention, that makes it even worse. You don't ask what someone wanted and then "surprise" them with something else.
@PrototypePlatform Жыл бұрын
i... REALLY liked this video, we need more content like this posted and on streams. i adore how joseph is basically the only yugituber that talks about relationships, advice, and general outside-yugioh chit chat that means something. truly enjoyable content. good person.
@nothingelsetodoZ Жыл бұрын
He's intentionally leaving out the specifics of the cake request, I feel. "He order EXACTLY what he wanted". No, read again. Being "eh, just chocolate on chocolate, nothing fancy" is not "don't put anything else".
@__-be1gk Жыл бұрын
I'm glad my parasocial father figure has raised me to share his exact opinions
@SlimySepherix Жыл бұрын
that's what happens when you cultivate yugioh players as viewers, they wont read.
@ccc2839 Жыл бұрын
this is why Delicious memory is limited
@VenatorXVenator Жыл бұрын
As much as I think his comment about getting his money back was uncalled for, it kinda is a valid response to “well I’m just not doing this for you again. Since I gave you something you didn’t ask for.”
@ubermenschen01 2 ай бұрын
Stating the obvious (chocolate icing sucks) after 20:15 of discussion is why he's the GOAT, fucking hilarious.
@bubbelman69 Жыл бұрын
literally if my wife asked for a turkey sub with lettuce and mayo and i served her a turkey sub with lettuce mayo and tomatoes then when she got upset i responded with "but you like tomatoes on your burger" no one would call her the asshole.
@AL-ry5ly Жыл бұрын
The difference is that the dude literally does like vanilla in cakes, he was mad because it wasn't what he asked for to the letter. He was being passive aggressive. He describes the cake as being really chocolate just with one layer of vanilla frosting. Your analogy doesn't hold up
@bubbelman69 Жыл бұрын
? at no point in this post does he say he doesn't like vanilla. what does happen is he asks for one thing then is given another and when he got upset the wife responded with "but you liked the last vanilla cake i made" that's literally a 1to1 are you high? maybe i sliced my tomato's very thin you don't know. your literally trying to argue over nothing @@AL-ry5ly
@rjswonson Жыл бұрын
Personally I just can't ever understand being so picky about chocolate cake. Like sure he didn't get exactly what he wanted, but if he wanted something done exactly how he wanted it in every way he should have done it himself. When someone else puts the effort in for you, you are expected to be grateful for that effort, even if it doesn't come out exactly how you wanted.
@rjswonson Жыл бұрын
@@rickmel3883 I think it's important to remember it was only the layer of frosting on the inside that was different, the entirety of the rest of the cake was exactly what he wanted. Personally that's the kind of disappointing detail that might cross my mind a single time and I would never think about it again. That's all I was trying to say. I can't imagine caring enough about a single layer of frosting to even be visibly upset about it.
@tinfoilslacks3750 Жыл бұрын
Asking if he was disappointed was probably the most disingenuous thing in the post. She knows he's disappointed, hence her asking in the first place, and she knows why he's disappointed. But rather than just state she can see he's disappointed or anything she makes a point of asking if he's disappointed. Despite this, she's not upset until she asks and he answers that yes, he is. She gets mad at him for both answering honestly and giving her the answer she already knew was true herself. She knew she disappointed him but wasn't upset until he actually said it, she's upset he has the audacity to be honest with her and critical of her instead of lying to her and absolving her of her mistake. She deliberately asked him what he wants, didn't make it for him, sees he's disappointed, and then gets angry he didn't lie and say he wasn't. Snake af behaviour
@luminous3558 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that is honestly the core factor. She knows he didn't like it(The plate and otherwise why ask?) and is right then and there actively starting shit.
@tinfoilslacks3750 Жыл бұрын
@luminous3558 it's not just that she knows and is upset he's disappointed. That would be a little unjustified but at least a genuine response. Her feeling like he's ungrateful because he's disappointed would be a valid emotional response even if many people like myself would think he's still in the right. It's that she *isn't upset until she asks a question she already knows the answer to and he responds honestly.* She is specifically upset he didn't lie to her out of complacency.
@josephsheehan6079 Жыл бұрын
“She knows why he’s disappointed” genuinely fuck off. He is at a party with a hand made cake from scratch has less than a single slice and she asks if something’s wrong. He could have had a stomach ache or not been hungry or a million other things the idea that she “must” have know is insane. The idea that she goaded him into fight is so narcotic. She saw someone wasn’t eating a lot and asked if something was wrong nothing about that is abnormal or manipulative
@tylerkeegan5615 Жыл бұрын
I also find it disturbing that she asked if he’s upset than got angry at his answer. If she actually cared about his feelings, she would’ve understood. Instead she chose to kick him out of his own birthday party? It’s kinda ass backwards to me.
@tinfoilslacks3750 Жыл бұрын
​@josephsheehan6079 she didn't ask if something was wrong, she asked "are you disappointed', because she saw he was.
@thebackrow4247 Жыл бұрын
From the very simple perspective that’s pretty common among responses to the subject being “yeah his snarky comment was a bit too much” I’m not really losing sleep over calling him an asshole in that moment. It doesn’t mean anything, I’m not the final arbiter over him as a person and nobody else on the internet should be. Now the real assholes are the people in the replies going “IF HE WAS A WOMAN YOU’D AGREE WITH HER”
@tgamagedon Жыл бұрын
Imagine if someone asked you what they should get you for your birthday and you answered Pokemon Scarlet and they go out and can freely choose between the version and get you Violet anyway, because they think Miraidon is the better Legendary.
@TehWhiteTiger Жыл бұрын
You have to take these with a grain of salt as they are clearly one persons perspective. If it was truly as civil as described then no, he's not an asshole. I doubt he was as polite as he described here though.
@MrB10N1CLE Жыл бұрын
yeah, especially considering his store cake remark, I doubt he was that level-headed about it
@louc.6735 Жыл бұрын
I remember AITA going off on a guy for making his wife eggs in a way that wasn't perfectly centered, when she asked him not to make eggs for her unless it was the way she wanted, then getting upset when she didn't eat them. It's the same concept.
@cragl3yman343 Жыл бұрын
My opinion is EVERYONE Sucks here. She should have made him the cake he wanted if she asked. But the additional comment didnt help
@ccjl9160 Жыл бұрын
to varying degrees though. He's being petty and a bit mean. She's being a total jackass
@Cybertech134 Жыл бұрын
Why are we all ignoring that she made the snide remark first? The guy is totally in the right.
@megcanby Ай бұрын
@@Cybertech134no, he made the first snide remark. “If I wanted vanilla, I’d have asked for vanilla” is a snide remark. Sure, she asked him to voice his disappointment, but that doesn’t absolve him of the need to do so tactfully.
@Cybertech134 Ай бұрын
@@megcanby "Need to do so tactfully" Women thinking men need to be tactful to protect their fragile little egos doesn't make it a "need". "If I wanted vanilla, I would have asked for vanilla" isn't snide; it's staying an objective fact. If facts offend you, go cry in a corner about it.
@kenja0685 Жыл бұрын
If you are someone in a committed relationship, you need to be front and forward with all the decisions that are made. You shouldn't hide or surprise your partner who is very particular about the way things are done. You should discuss and agree on a plan. Every plan if possible. Surprises are nice but can come at the cost of it backfiring, and you need to be fully prepared to accept whatever reaction they have to your surprise and accommodate. If the man wanted a Truck and the wife got him a Lambo, do you think he would be in the wrong if he were upset? If this man had a peanut allergy and she surprised him with a Chocolate Cake with a layer of nuts in the middle instead, then she is at fault of whatever consequence happens. Even if she didn't know if he had a peanut allergy, she should have done her due diligence to plan the cake with his input and not deviate. She offered a cake, he told her he prefers a chocolate cake, chocolate icing, and nothing fancy. What did she do? She did something fancy. He was disappointed. What did he do? He held his tongue. He was visibly disappointed which prompted her to press for his thoughts, but he intended to accept the gesture. And when she asked, he was honest with her. Maybe he could have phrased it differently. "Yeah, I'm a little bit disappointed because I wasn't expecting Vanilla in the cake. I apologize that I'm very particular about this and I appreciate that you've made a cake for me, but I prefer to have a Chocolate cake with nothing extra on it. Next time, if you want to add something, can you run it by me first?" I think that would be an inoffensive way to tell your partner that you weren't happy with something. The issue? This is very difficult to articulate in the moment. He did everything in his power when he was caught off guard and had to provide an answer on the fly. He got kicked out and she made a remark about how embarassing it was for her, when in fact it was more embarassing for him. And he retorted with a phrase that seemingly made him out to be an a-hole, but, he reacted in the moment. So let's review: he had expectations, got dissappointed, decided to not say anything about it, was pried for information, he was honest, got kicked out of his birthday, and she called him to scold him while he was already down in the dumps. As a normal human being, he is allowed to say what he said in frustration. He is not an a-hole. He just doesn't have the patience of a saint. And neither do any of these reditors.
@wyattdupre2721 Жыл бұрын
the reddit comenters are litterly reading a different post how.
@sofacushion360 Жыл бұрын
Saw the title and knew it was going to be a banger
@Flyce_9998 Жыл бұрын
I think the misunderstanding was because of what he asked, he said "just a chocolate cake, nothing fancy" because he wanted a basic chocolate cake, but she might have taken it as him just being humble and decided to make a little extra for him she thought he would like.
@SplashCity46 Жыл бұрын
He specifies the frosting type, and she switches the type of frosting
@matthewjenkins4391 Жыл бұрын
@@SplashCity46 Nah, he got his chocolate frosting. The cake just had vanilla in it as well. He didn't say to exclude anything either.
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
@@matthewjenkins4391 he asked for a devils food cake specifically. she simply didn't bake the cake he asked for
@matthewjenkins4391 Жыл бұрын
@JonathanMandrake It could have very well been a Devil's food cake, since all thst changes is like, the chocolate texture and how fluffy or rich it is. It can still have vanilla in it. So she still listened and baked him a deviled chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, but put vanilla which he say to not put in.
@OsirusHandle Жыл бұрын
chocolate cake has vanilla in it, but vanilla frosting is different.
@lucalopez9604 Жыл бұрын
As things are presented here, I'm very much on OP's side. He did ask for a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting on top and middle, he got chocolate cake with a different frosting. He was upset but didn't mention a thing until she asked at which point he was honest with her, maybe he was more upset than as presented here but he was still honest to her, you know, a very important part of being in a relationship. Then she seems she gets angry at the fact he is upset and is up until she makes an angry comment about her not baking him a cake next year that he answers with the petty reply. Is it petty and rude? Hell yeah! Does it make him the asshole? I don't think so, the comment was done after she had escalated the problem into an actual argument, is not something to be proud of but I don't think it was unmerited considering the argument got bad enough that he left his own birthday party.
@thepineappleyempireofsuper9612 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't even have considered the vanilla filling to be a departure from the order. In addition, the guy said he was calm, but I remember times when I thought I was keeping a calm composure but friends and family thought I was really upset. One has to remember there is always a skewed view when reading these posts.
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
he asked for a devils food cake! look it up if you don't know it
@AL-ry5ly Жыл бұрын
​@JonathanMandrake I did. Literally the Wikipedia picture for it has it with vanilla frosting. Food concepts don't always translate literally
@quatromanthefourth4413 Жыл бұрын
I want to bring up the fact that he did not disclose his disappointment on the matter until after she explicitly asked for him to do so. People retorted that "I would have stayed silent" but that wasn't an option for him, she asked him and he could either lie to her and validate her idea that she knows what's better for him than he does which is a very toxic standard to nurture in a relationship especially if it escalates into something more important or tell the truth and try to have an honest discussion about it and while it is his fault he didn't try to engage in an honest discussion, it is not his fault he was put in that situation and I don't think he was wrong for telling the truth. He didn't pout and whine and he even ate the cake and her problem with him arose only after she asked him what upset him. Also a note on the situation on it being his birthday and people saying that its stupid to like your birthday I say this: It's stupid to go on youtube or twitch and watch an adult man play a children's card game, it is stupid to even have a family because you are losing money you could be investing to get an early retirement and living an objectively easier life, it is stupid to have a girlfriend who isn't perfect in every way and never does anything you didn't want them too because you could be doing better. So why do we do these things? BECAUSE WE LOVE THEM! we have different values and beliefs and things we hold dear. He might care alot about his birthday and you care alot about a religion, culture, hobby, or political affiliation you would not grin and bear your own partner intentionally mocking even in a small way. and the guy from this very post might say to you in your own AITA post "grow up lol she played your stupid yugioh game and it's your fault you are mad at her for saying it was boring and dumb and you should quit it so your kids won't be ashamed of you" to which you would say "but it really matters to me" and ALL I ask is that you put yourself in *their shoes for a few seconds* to ponder that you are the person making fun of - for all we know - the one thing he tries to keep sacred for himself.
@quatromanthefourth4413 Жыл бұрын
Devils advocate: when he asked for icing she might have only understood it as what was around the cake and they just talked past each other understanding what that meant rebuttal: I just simply think that the following argument does not imply any sort of misunderstanding as her argument was that he liked vanilla cake and I think it would be unfair to say she meant something different from what she said
@PhantomThiefXI Жыл бұрын
me personally i like cake
@FrosyTempered Жыл бұрын
I like how a guy who is respectable and honest for 90% of an "argument" gets pushed to make 1 sarcastic/snide comment is enough for people to label him an asshole.
@luminous3558 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this sort of "whoever gets mad is wrong" attitude is pretty toxic. The person pushing buttons will always look better than the one getting their buttons pushed if its a personal boundary that isnt commonplace.
@josephsheehan6079 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it’s because he’s treating his girlfriend like a cake servant that makes people think he’s an asshole
@najawin8348 Жыл бұрын
@@josephsheehan6079 She. Asked. Him. What. He. Wanted.
@sushiroll3795 Жыл бұрын
Nothing's more annoying than having somebody continually push your buttons and prod at you with loaded questions, then play the victim when you inevitably blow up at them. Sad to see that a lot of people encourage that type of behavior.
@The_Glazer Жыл бұрын
​@najawin8348 you can't make this shit up. People want to blame men for everything.
@SplashCity46 Жыл бұрын
We’ve got the next rSlash over here. I would instantly subscribe to a channel of MBT just giving his opinion on Reddit stories
@arranisnailo7795 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, I think the whole thing hinges on whether or not he communicated EXACTLY what he wanted, or if he said something along the lines of "oh, just a devils food cake with chocolate icing, nothing fancy." Vanilla icing between layers is not a very far-fetched thing to do, or even to find a recipe for and just put chocolate icing on top. Like, dog, unless you specified that you didn't want vanilla, or unless you gave her an EXACT RECIPE, that is the cake you asked for. If you didn't like it, that is YOUR fault for not being clear, or at the very least it sure isn't her fault.
@TheGodofweak 9 ай бұрын
The Question was :AITA?, and yes, he was. Regardless of him not literally getting what he wanted. He IS, an A**hole for the way he acted, the pettiness, the passive aggression makes you an A-hole, yes. People can ask you what you want, they are not required to do what you want to the letter, despite what the dudes here say. These a manchildren, your partners are not responsible for your happiness and to constantly validate you so you can feel special, even if its your birthday, regardless of how holy you think the day is. Its nice that people are doing things for you, its nice that you have people in your life to enjoy these days with, but the attitude this guy faces life with is pathetic. Its like saying "Its my birthday I DESERVE sex", you don't, sorry, the universe said "no", deal with it. Do YOU like Petty, passive aggressive people? Do you like people that make you feel like you can't do anything right even if you're trying your best? Probably not because those people suck.
@thegreataggron Жыл бұрын
Why does the yugioh community have the stable relationship guys lol. Wont find this shit anywhere else
@NolenJacobson Жыл бұрын
You need a very secure life and a very understanding partner to be able to spend that much money on cardboard.
@Pikana Жыл бұрын
She's at fault for making it wrong, not he's the asshole for, well, being an asshole about it. He could have been polite about it. He was not. He was pouty and went too far with him comments.
@jerrimyhealy5063 Жыл бұрын
I've actually been in a situation I feel is kinda like this one it was my birthday and my fiance had rented motel rooms for us and our family and I was complaining that they were to expensive and that I didn't really want to stay in a room anyways that's just what everyone else wanted but she tried to make my birthday special and I apologized for not being appreciative it all boiled down to a lack of communication and a lack of looking at it from her point of view on my part
@Supahnindoh Жыл бұрын
nah, he's def TA here. Anyone in a relationship should know when to hold em and when to fold em and that was a folding moment. Like why would you anwser with a response that could lead to an argument like this? This was the equivalent of ordering curly fries and reciving tater tots. Like yes, it's not what u ordered, but is it really worth going to the trouble of fixong when you could just shut.up and eat your friend potatoes no matter what form they come in?
@esrohm6460 Жыл бұрын
maybe the real asshole was the friends we made along the way
@NolenJacobson Жыл бұрын
It's a 36yo widow/divorcee/woman with children outside of marriage raising kids plural dating a younger man. It's not the same stakes as a 20 something couple with no kids and there will be anxieties and stresses in that situation which are much greater than yours as well as a higher level of commitment the woman will require from her partner. By baking for her boyfriend the woman is trying to contribute to their relationship and by expressing his disappointment in such a frank manner rather than gently the boyfriend risks making his partner feel like they aren't being valued which could set off their anxieties about the relationship. Arguing that those anxieties are narcissistic because the woman happened not to listen well when he requested his cake doesn't hold water. These anxieties are totally normal in this situation not a personality disorder.
@ceterfo Жыл бұрын
Dude in one go typed the sentence she noticed something was wrong And I didn't pout or anything. You'll need to read in between the lines the sky is not giving you an honest rendition of events he's the a*****. If for no other reasonThat hes intentionally trying to make himself sound just slightly better cause he knows hes the a******'s why hes asking. All he needs is 2 or 3 people to be on his side so that he can cite how wrong she is.
@gahbunga Жыл бұрын
The concept of "going a little extra" seems to be foreign to folks, cause that's what she was trying to do. It didn't work out but it might have worked out. She asked because she wanted some idea what he wanted so she could have a baseline to work with. I'm from a family where experimentation in food is welcome, maybe she's from a family like mine and he isn't. So much of this is based on who you are as people; except the reactions, both of them were jackoffs there.
@josephsheehan6079 Жыл бұрын
Yeah everyone acting like home cooking is comparable to McDonald’s just doesn’t seem to get the spirit of home cooking. It’s a very American thing to be like “my family and friends are basically like waiters I don’t pay and I’m entitled to lord over them.”
@SplashCity46 Жыл бұрын
How is not making the cake as requested “going a little extra”? He asked for a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. It is not “going a little extra” to make it with a different frosting.
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
he specifically asked for a devils food cake tho. like sure, she could have experimented with which types of chocolate to use or something, but devils food cake means everything is chocolate, so to speak, and if you want to deviate from that you should ask
@AL-ry5ly Жыл бұрын
​@@SplashCity46he got a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, as per the post. There was one stripe of vanilla in addition. Which is something he likes, he was just eating around it because he was making a point that it wasn't exactly the way he wanted
@BigBuckies Жыл бұрын
then just... ask? not everyone wants you to do a "little extra", it's not like she was making the cake without his knowledge, if she wanted to add more to it then she should have asked, I do agree they both made jerk comments but you can't just expect someone to immediately appreciate extra effort just because it's extra effort, some ppl just want exactly what they ask for
@aytaf5430 Жыл бұрын
Here is my giga chad take. He IS in the wrong.
@cantcommute Жыл бұрын
i feel like we abstracted this situation too much when really i just don't get why he got so hung up on cake lmao (this could've been the straw that broke the camel's back or whatever but he would have mentioned that in the post right?)
@birdmanjon 8 ай бұрын
i love how everyone in an actual loving relationship immediately agrees that the dude is in the right (minus his bakery comment) while chat has a heart attack over it
@Suzaku_Mizutani Жыл бұрын
Damn, this one is some of the most terminally online I've seen Twitch chat. If you're lead to believe Twitch chat, this guy is like, gaslighting his girlfriend, ungrateful, entitled, and manipulative. But like... this is understandable. The girlfriend asked what the guy wanted, the guy gave her an answer, and then the girlfriend didn't deliver on what was agreed upon. If this was a completely unprompted thing, that she made the cake for his birthday without him knowing and then he didn't like it and said what he said? Yeah, 100%, the guy is in the wrong, and he was being ungrateful for the act of kindness. But if you are expecting an outcome that you have very good reason to assume will be fulfilled, and then it is not fulfilled, then you're entitled to be disappointed.
@Yeard491 Жыл бұрын
The problem is literally him being an asshole about it though? It's so easy to communicate that he didn't like it in a way that wasn't being a complete dick.
@supersoup9191 Жыл бұрын
​@@Yeard491And he kinda did, by telling her the truth that he was disappointed after she explicitly asked him if he was, but she decided to escalate it for no good reason due to her feelings being hurt when she knew that the cake wasnt what he specifically asked for on his own damn birthday.
@Yeard491 Жыл бұрын
It has nothing to do with what he wanted, it's about how he told her about it. They're both stupid and bad at communication either way.@@supersoup9191
@sushiroll3795 Жыл бұрын
I literally saw a couple people calling Jilian a fucking "tradwife" after they heard what her opinion was. People were saying some legitimately nasty shit.
@YungOniiChan Жыл бұрын
"I will order one next year and get my money back if they don't make it the way I want" has me dying 🤣
@Hotshot3334 Жыл бұрын
"Im not going to make you any cake next year." "I will order my own and get my money back if they don't do it like I want it." These responses after small, perceived slights sound like they're meant to hurt the other person. Functioning couples who love each other should never want to hurt the other intentionally, regardless of circumstance. Sounds like they're a bad fit.
@AzzyLily Жыл бұрын
If you're going to ignore the request and do as you like, why even ask?
@jamesollerhead9019 Жыл бұрын
Also I thing I hate that I don't think was fully addressed is you get so many people who have a sort of superiority complex where they'll asl someone what they want and if they don't like their choice they'll assume, no no they will definitely like this other thing better because I think it's better and I know more about this
@capcr_owo Жыл бұрын
Honestly my only qualm is: if she was going to add vanilla for some reason, even if they thought it made the cake better, why not just ask or tell him about it first? Seems like a much better plan to communicate your intent to your partner then to just hope everything will be fine.
@hawkticus_duel_shack 7 ай бұрын
Like just about every AITA prompts, yes. Not at the beginning, but he ended it as one, so yes, yes he was. Also, be clear on what you want for your damn cake.
@megcanby Ай бұрын
The OP is always the asshole, simply by virtue of having posted on AITA.
@_Necrow Жыл бұрын
On the off-chance Mr. Mono-Blue Tron reads my comment I do wanna say that he only made the snarky (outta line but correct) comment after she did the petty "well I'm not gonna make you a cake next year" remark. I'm just sayin, she both started, and escalated this issue. Then kicked him out of his own party
@superkerel9 Жыл бұрын
Yeah not watching what looks to be like 20 minutes of ragebait
@truejukes4958 Жыл бұрын
I saw the post around when it was first made, and a lot of the early comments were in a similar place as MBT, which I agree with. I don't get why people seem to be so against the fact that the poster wanted a cake a specific way and didn't make a scene until prompted (at which point he sucks). If he came in guns blazing, called the cake shit from the start, i'd understand. But he has every right to say "the cake was fine but I wanted all chocolate, like I told you when you asked me". What is wrong with that?
@KingSpectre844 Жыл бұрын
Joseph is having the same response at 20:02 that I do anytime I find myself on Reddit. People not comprehending what they read in the OP and making shit up, then assuming their made up nonsense is what they're replying to. It's infinitely frustrating.
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