The Cholas - AoE2 Civilisation Concept (including tech tree)

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MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts

MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts

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@papermaniac 2 жыл бұрын
Well this is no longer a concept now they exist in the form of the Dravidians in the newest expansion
@PhoenixAlaris93 2 жыл бұрын
Kinda funny considering the game developers decided to lean more into infantry and navy with them
@bottlecapbrony366 2 жыл бұрын
This video aged well
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Have fun with this brand new concept!
@SIGNOR-G 3 жыл бұрын
Have you thought about doing an italic civ? Like the Venetians?
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
​@@SIGNOR-G I'd say the Italians cover pretty much all the major city-states of Northern Italy, including Venice. Then again, he did make a Gaels civilization even though the Celts cover that ground, so it's not out of the question
@SIGNOR-G 3 жыл бұрын
@@retroroy8720 like for the indians, the variety of the Italian city states will surely allow for a some interesting civs.
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
@@SIGNOR-G True. Venice and Florence in particular would make for good civilizations
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
Now that I remember, they are a very good civilization, the Venetians are the proof that the Italians in aoe2 are badly done, the Venetians have many good things according to my research, the Venetians can count on a bonus that implies the advancement of Market technologies are advanced, since Venice underwent a commercial reform, which changed the Venetian trading techniques, which were very advanced unlike European development. The second bonus is that its merchant boats are faster, since Venice had very active maritime trade routes and they went very far, to Transylvania, Poland or Syria. Then the third bonus may be that its villagers can be created instantly, since the capital of the republic, Venice, was the second most populated city in Europe, only surpassed by Paris, Venice had 180,000 inhabitants. As for unique technologies: they have ´´Arsenal of Venice´´, a technology that will allow the docks to train warships instantly and cheaper, that can train all gunpowder units an age before but they cost more and cost stone As the Venetian Arsenal was a medieval naval base occupying 45 hectares and surrounded by reinforced stone walls, where the Venetians developed methods of mass production of warships in this building, the new system was faster and It required less wood, it also developed new firearms at an early date. Their unique unit is very obvious, the galleasse, an expensive gunpower ship that fires several cannon shells, the galleasse was a warship built first by the Venetians, they could carry up to 60 pieces of artillery, these ships were gigantic, so that in the battle of Lepanto there were only 1 oar per bank.
@navinkumarpk86 3 жыл бұрын
Suggest they be called the Tamils instead of Cholas. That will give the civilisation more reach (Pandyas, Cheras and Cholas)
@pazhany5443 2 жыл бұрын
The tamil would be a culture though
@navinkumarpk86 2 жыл бұрын
@@pazhany5443 Nope, its a civilizational group too
@pazhany5443 2 жыл бұрын
@@navinkumarpk86 oohhh ihh now i got your point
@safuwanfauzi5014 2 жыл бұрын
​@@navinkumarpk86 Dravidian is better, it same concept of Malay = for Malaysia-Brunei and Indonesia region. Dravidian = Tamil all dynasty Cholas, Pandyas and Cheras), Malayalam, Kannada, Telegu(Vijayanagara), also Dravidian can represent Sri Lanka/Ceylon, if we do not get Sihala civilization now we have it. Kalinga/Odia, Manipur and Assam need to be add especially Kalinga/Odia have good relation with southeast asian kingdom, also influences and trade, Kalinga and Dravidians like Tamil/Cholas and Pandyas spread the Hinduism and culture exchange. We have to many European, if they add Armenia, Georgia and Alans it also fall under European culture people or Trans-European-Middle Eastern region. Asian civs like Sihala/Celyon, Thai, Tibet, Jurchen(medieval Manchu), Ryuyku and Kazakh could be Asian theme dlc, for example theme of Buddhist pack Ceylon, Thai, Tibet and Ryuyku or Jurchen, Ryukyu and Japanese can get old east asian AoEII architecture set, Chinese, Korean, Jurchen, Mongol with new Chinese set, with tibet. or Tibet with Mongol share Tibetian style architecture. Thai like Khmer/Cambodia, Laos share similar architecture khmer base architecture. for Ceylon can used already India architecture. Africa need to fixed, East Africa set architecture for Ethophia, Somali and Swahili, South Africa base on Benin architecture for Benin, Zimbabwe and Akan. and Mali can pair with new civs like Hausa, Kanem/Chad. these are Sahelian civs share similar architecture and culture. for me, need to add Thai, Ceylon, Tibet and Africa civs like Benin, Somali and Swahili
@no1ofconsequence936 3 жыл бұрын
This civ sounds like a lot of fun. I feel like it would be especially good for beginners since everything is done a bit smoother, and the units they focus on are ones new players would naturally want to go for, between healers and big impressive units. It's an especially unique playstyle compared to anything else in the game. If Forgotten Empires is going to pick up any of these civs, this one might be the most fun one they could pick. 👍
@andreasstrasser8854 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing civ concept! Can you maybe make a concept about Tibetians in the future? :)
@SIGNOR-G 3 жыл бұрын
How would you make the tibetans? Ive heard they were quite a formidable force back in the days
@atilabie 3 жыл бұрын
Well Done! You do Great Work! Hope to see 1000 subs
@Vermbraunt 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos man. You really deserve more subscribers
@Tlacaelel789 2 жыл бұрын
They are represented by the Dravidians civilization in the new Indian Dynasties DLC, the Rajendra campaign.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, they are finally in the game! :D
@這是海鷗不是鴿子 3 жыл бұрын
I personally would count the India civ as a North India, Hinduism civ but affect by Islamic. Since their campaign story is a Hinduism king, it is clear that, at least the producers wants this India civ to be Hinduism. But according to its architecture style, UI, and most importantly the Imperial Camel unit and Sudan technology, it is also markable that this civ is highly affected by Islamic culture. I think to the history, this civ is propably built base on The Delhi Sultanate, or the North Indians. Which leaves us many options to other South Asia civs, like the Cholas (or Tamils) for South India, Punjabs for Islamic India (or Pakistan), or Sinhalese for Sri Lanka, and also more. Your work is really awesome, and love to see some more!
@chrisrie9499 Жыл бұрын
How did you create the pictures of the unique units? They are awesome!
@afz902k 2 жыл бұрын
Really cool concept! Now I wish Dravidians had the flamethrower and physician. Another way to address the issue of Herbal Medicine, would be removing it from their tech tree, but increasing the healing rate of a building if a physician is garrisoned!
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
I've thought about a concept for the Normans, although you could make the argument that the Britons, Sicilians, and arguably even the Franks and Vikings cover that ground. Other civilizations I had thought of in addition to the Normans would be the Vandals and Armenians.
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
Armenians? They are the most lacking in aoe2, there with their nakharar (one elite body of Bagratid Armenia), but what do you think you see the missing Balkan civilizations, Serbs, Bosnians and Croats, my research can give some Bosnians They have monasteries and monks an age before others, in honor of the Bosnian church, considered heretical by Christianity when Bosnian accepted Christianity. The Serbs may have a unique armored crossbow cavalry unit called Vlastela, which were Byzantine-style noble cavalry corps, and the crossbow in honor of the fact that in the 14th century, the crossbow became the weapon of choice for Serbs, and to train better military units, since the Serbian army was well known for its strength and superiority before the Ottoman expansion, they can also build cheaper monasteries, in honor of the fact that Serbian kings built monasteries throughout the territory that dominated medieval Serbia .
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
The Normans would be a cavalry civilization, with the regis family (or ´´Military house of kings´´) as the only technology: increasing the attack of the military units but that cost additional gold. The Regis family was the nucleus of the Norman army, the family's troops were professional mercenaries who were well paid full time, and often displayed intense loyalty to their lord.
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
But the principality of Liege attracts me a lot, according to an intense investigation, it is very obvious that Lieja have 2 unique units: the Beguine, a fast healer. cheap and with quick training, the Beguines were an association of Christian women who dedicated their lives to the poor, the sick, children, etc., in hospitals. And the second unique unit of Liege, is the haydroit, a very cheap militia with pike with bonus attack against monks, the haydroit, hedrois or haïdroits, were anti-episcopal rebel supporters who were the most radical part of the liéje resistances in the revolts. And Liège can also count on cheaper pikemen, since the Liegean armies were mostly made up of large armies with pikes, some of them poorly trained. So Liège would be more monastic than military, but it was a principality, which was revealed and created some things that characterize it.
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
I had some interesting ideas for AOE2 civilization concepts but they would probably not qualify either due to being more in line with AOE1's timeframe (Classical Romans, Israelites, Hellenes, Olmecs) or being less proper civilizations or peoples and more major influential groups with preexisting civs such as the Papars (Celts) and Koga (Japanese) The Koga unique unit would obviously be the Ninja, since it's already in the editor.
@afz902k 2 жыл бұрын
The upcoming return of Rome DLC would like a word with you
@taowroland8697 3 жыл бұрын
The Cholos: Unique unit: low rider. Unique Tech: drive-by & fiesta
@googootz8214 3 жыл бұрын
Great, make Armenian civ concept. Also German and Russian principalities and duchies civ concepts would be great
@yusufdunphy5402 2 жыл бұрын
German and Russian principalities already exist as the Teutons and Slavs respectively.
@stefansofronescu7675 3 жыл бұрын
Could you make the Wallachs or Moldavians civ? It would be super awesome. And also i'll also like to see what kind of civ it is, if their tech tree is cool and all that stuff, thx Mantis.
@Salnax 3 жыл бұрын
I made a generic "Romanian" civ concept a while back. Here is what I came up with: Romanians - An East European cavalry and infantry civilization. Team Bonus: Non-Bombard Towers atack 20% faster (based on the extensive use of small fortifications in Wallachia) Bonus 1: Villagers generate Gold when gathering Berries or meat from Sheep or Hunted Animals (represents the use of planet and animal-based goods being an important part of the Wallachian and Moldavian economies. This included Honey, Leather, Wax, Wine, etc). Bonus 2: The Barracks will train units 50% faster (Moldavia had a small professional army buitl around cavalry alongside a quicly raised infantry force that could be mustered in times of war. This represents the second component.) Bonus 3: Starting in the Castle Age, when a Romanian Scout Cavalry line unit is killed, a Voinico will spawn two seconds later (this represents the hybrid nature of Wallachia and Moldavia's core armies. They were cavalry troops who also would often fight on foot as needed. IMO, this fits the Romanians better than the Bulgarians). Unique Unit #1: Hansaro (70 Food, 30 Gold) - A Cavalry unit inspired by the light cavalry the Moldavian Stephen the Great recruited from freemen. It effectively serves a role not entirely unlike the Keshik, as a cavalry unit that sacrifices population efficency for cost efficency. Base form has 85 HP, 9 Attack, 1/2 Armor, 1.4 Speed. Elite form increases it to 120 HP, 11 Attack, and 1/3 Armor. Unique Unit #2: Voinico (N/A) - Based a the freeman Voinici infantrymen. These are created when one of your Scout Cavalry line units are killed in the Castle Age or later. It's a similar gimmick as the Konnik, but the lower cost of the Scout Cavalry line is reflected in the Voinico being a very weak unit, with no Elite upgrade (25 HP, 7 Attack, 0/1 Armor, 1.0 Speed). Castle Age Unique Tech: Oastea Mica - Romanian for "Small Host," referring to the core professional army of Moldavia. Increases the HP of the Scout Cavalry line, and both unique units by +10. Imperial Age Unique Tech: Oastea Mare - Literally the "Large Host." Militia and Spearman line units can be trained (but NOT upgraded) at houses. Missing Techs - Plate Mail Armor for Infantry (Romanian infantry was widely used, but generally lightly armored). Arbalesters, Parthian Tactics, and RIng Archer Armor (Bows and firearms were used, but weren't prominent). No Paladins or regional cavalry units. No Siege Ram, Siege Onager, Heavy Scorpion, or Siege Engineers (the Romanians during the medieval era were on the defensive more often than not). Missing a few naval techs (Fast Fire Ship, Elite Cannon Galleon, and Shipwright), but should have all but one of the defensive techs (Bombard Towers) and 8 out of 10 Monastery techs. All eco techs are present. Design Philosophy: This civ concept was initially thought of as "How can I turn a few snippets of Romanian history into a good playstyle?" The general gist is that Romanians are primarily a Cavalry civ, but are encouraged to focus on using the Scout Cavalry line after the Feudal Age. This emphasis on the Scout Cavalry line works well with their "Gold from Food SOurces" bonus, since assuming you get roughly 1500 Food from Berries, Sheep, and Hunting (which itself is a bit on the low side), you are essentially getting a 300 Gold bonus. This means you can completely ignore Gold Mining and STILL be able to go up to Castle Age using the eraned Gold. Note that this also takes advantage of the fact that Scout Rushes require virtually no Gold, in contrast to Archer rushes. That said, the extra Gold can still be used for a non-Scout Rush, or to rush straight to Castle Age. Barracks's training units faster is a slight military bonus, since it gets units out faster, and an economic bonus, since you only have to build 2 Barracks to do the work of 3. Combined with Oastea Mare making infantry spam from Houses possible, the Romanians have an emergency infantry option not too far behind Flemish Revolution, all without destroying one's own economy. Although Romanians lack the final armor upgrades for their Halberdiers and Elite Skirmishers, this is partially compensated for by the power of their Hussars. They have all the generic upgrades, gain +10 HP from Oastea Mica, and the Voinici they spawn are great at cleaning up the Spearman-line units that end up creating it. Overall, I envision the Romanians as a cavalry civ (with the ability to create swarms of infantry) that has a choice on how it uses said cavalry. Their Gold bonus can be used to create a strong Feudal Age Scout Rush OR skip Gold Mining on the way to Castle Age. Their quickly built infantry and excellent towers also make them adept at a more defensive playstyle, letting them build up armies of Elite Hansari, Cavaliers, Hussars, Gunpowder units, and Halberdiers.
@zamlent2492 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see the Dutch’ With a organgun Type of ship would be cool, unique units the musketier A gun powder units with more range but fires slower. They just about to fit in the age of empires timeline.
@green_beard 2 жыл бұрын
so good, have you tried the first fan-made indian expansion?
@nsawatchlistbait289 8 ай бұрын
We need more vids, come back please
@wethrrgames2513 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing video as always👍👍👍
@mansargsyan9149 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing content, as always. Keep going ! P.S. Waiting for armenians ;)
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Stay tuned for them ;)
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts I'm looking forward to that video! The Armenians are one of the civilizations I'd love to see your take on. If you take requests for civs, let me know
@safuwanfauzi5014 2 жыл бұрын
Armenia is weak, small better georgia no need Armenia, we have Turk
@mrcat7979 2 жыл бұрын
How do you make these civilisations?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
I create them with the in-game editor via triggers :)
@henr1k036 3 жыл бұрын
Good video, nice! Will there also be AoE4 content coming soon?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I will mainly focus on AoE2, but I might give 4 a chance in the future :)
@lucarioAK 2 жыл бұрын
@nefftron1 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, sorry for the delayed comment on this one. As always, I love how much effort you put into these civ designs, and testing out your concepts. Great work! -I think the Physician idea is an interesting one, but I wonder how much play such a unit would get in typical play. Even for Byzantines and Teutons, who have bonuses, monk healing is mostly an incidental benefit, and monks are mostly built for conversions and relic gathering. Missionaries are superior healers to regular monks due to their mobility and HP, yet they are almost never built precisely because their conversions are inferior and they can't grab relics. In a similar vein, the elite upgrade is pretty expensive for the benefit it provides. -More broadly, having a situational non-combat healer as a civ's castle unique unit feels a little...lame, I guess? I think it might have worked better if the physician was the secondary unique unit, and then the slick flamethrower could be the castle UU. Maybe in this situation, the physician could be trained at a university? -Flamethrower idea is really cool, but as above, I think I'd make it a normal UU with an elite upgrade, instead of an imp-only post-Chemistry unit. -This civ reminds me of Britons a bit. Generic infantry, weak cavalry, poor workshop, dependent on powerful Trebs to push. The difference of course is that Britons have amazing archers while Cholas have merely FU normal ones. I feel like this civ is going to have a very hard time pushing anything. -I do like how the +25 gold at the start combined with the cheaper tech cost could make for some interesting early-game plays just by making Fletching and Men-at-Arms slightly cheaper.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your detailed comment! I was away from the screen too, so no worries about a late comment! :) I really appreciate your analysis and I think your idea of the UU switch is definitely worth thinking about. My reasoning was that I wanted a "pacifist" unit from the castle, but your idea makes a lot of sense too! :)
@JourneyLT 2 жыл бұрын
One criticism for the civ icon: The South Indian Tamil peoples used a different symbol to those of the Hindis up north to represent the Hindu "Om" symbol. In the Tamil script, the Om doesn't look like a "30", it looks more like a skull shape kind of:
@LordLebu 2 жыл бұрын
They have added Dravidians now.
@weifan9533 3 жыл бұрын
Good job, I really wanted to see them in the game. Indians as an umbrella civ should be further divided. Same thing can be said of the Chinese, which should have been divided into at least 3 more civs, Jurchens, Tanguts, and Nanzhao (Lolos). But I don't really agree with your choice of unique unit for the Cholas, I think having the Physicians as the main unique unit is a bit underwhelming. I'd like to see them as a secondary unique unit trained at the monastery, whereas the main unique unit could be the Urumi Swordsman, which is a ranged infantry with area-of-effect damage.
@JourneyLT 2 жыл бұрын
The physician is almost identical to a unit I designed for my Shona civilisation, known as the N'anga, although they could convert units, but couldn't pick up relics Also the Flamethrower was my Song Dynasty unique unit.
@obsidian5475 3 жыл бұрын
So you've done at least one American, European and Asian civ idea at this point, will you be doing an African civ next?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Maaybe? Hehe :D
@hbarudi 2 жыл бұрын
This is interesting civilization and can have a campaign for it play against rise of rajas civs in the campaign. Using this unit that acts like fire ship on land is nice given that it is already available in the game.
@papermaniac 3 жыл бұрын
Hello pelase next make an Oceania civ concept , What about the Tonga Empire, or Polynesians as a whole?
@mushfiqurrahman1107 3 жыл бұрын
I would really love to see a Bengal Civ by you. Its so unfortunate that the game simplified this subcontinent just as "Indians". In the game Indians are a known as a "camel civ", but in reality most indians only get to see camels once or twice in their lifetime since the animal isn't native to the most parts, being mostly found on Northern dry lands. India is HUGE and its ecology, cultures, geography differs vastly.
@SIGNOR-G 3 жыл бұрын
Indians should have their own DLC
@safuwanfauzi5014 2 жыл бұрын
@@SIGNOR-G yes, Indian concept on making dravidian(Tamil, Malayalam, Telegu and Kannada), Bengalis, Gujarat and Hindustan(rename from Indian) will be next Dlc, sri Lanka/Sihala, Thai are missing in both southeast Asian n Indian dlc
@thomasfplm 2 жыл бұрын
I find it a bit strange that they have the flamethrower, but their fireships aren't fully upgraded. I think it could be interesting if they didn't get the galleon upgrade instead, so they would get the power spike in castle age, almost like upgrading it one age earlier.
@tyranitararmaldo 2 жыл бұрын
Ok well, looks like they have a chance now haha!
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
You are right! If the leaks are correct a lot of my civs kind of got in haha :D
@tyranitararmaldo 2 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts "Which South Asian civ got in?" "Yes."
@threeprongedfork7061 3 жыл бұрын
Is there any way to play as these civs? It's there like a mod I can use? The flamethrower siege looks so cool
@yusufdunphy5402 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please do a Middle Eastern-type civ concept next? Perhaps you can do the Kurds or Nubians next. These two civs can fit into the game.
@muhammadnuralhafiz 3 жыл бұрын
Tarascan only mesoamerica has metal probably free eagle warrior upgrade And muisca long range defensive civ Also the only castle unique unit that cannot attack?
@henrikslab 3 жыл бұрын
It´s a cool concept, I think
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
Who is in favor of the idea of ​​creating a Discord server to offer information of new civilizations to make Mantis able to upload very good attractive civilizations. Also to maybe even do the distributed work and each one investigates what they find. Who would be in favor of that?
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
Do you take requests for civilization concepts to add?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Sure! :)
@retroroy8720 3 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts Is there an email I can send you some of my ideas and concepts?
@proxwarrior33 3 жыл бұрын
You should do an African civ next like Shona or Nubians or Ghana
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
I have one in the works! :)
@mackycabangon8945 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! am not Indian but India needs to be split imo, something like this Cholas/Tamils - Naval/Trade civ Bengal - Elephant/Naval/Monk civ Rajputs - Cavalry/Camel civ Rashtrakutas/Vijayanagara - Infantry civ Delhi Sultanate - Cavalry/Siege (?) civ and all these civs have the Battle Elephant at the stable like south east asians
@danilocaccamese9597 2 жыл бұрын
You got it with the new dlc
@julianxamo7835 2 жыл бұрын
You got it pretty close They just merged the Cholas/Tamils and Rashtrakutas/Vijayanagara into Darividians (Naval and Infantry) Bengals you got it spot on (I mean, they are not a monk civ, but they do have full upgrades) Rajputs are the Gurjaras (Also spot on) Delhi Sultanate is just Hindustanis (They are a camel/gunpowder civ tho)
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, the civilization was very good, I would love to see some African civilization, such as the Shona or the Kongolese, I was investigating and the Shona could be a commercial civilization, with a bonus that their gold mines provide more resources and that their Gold miners generate constant gold by working, in honor of the rich mines of Monomotapa and the gold trade that they carried out, in the Shona you can base yourself on the kingdom of Zimbabwe and its great ruins, Great Zimbabwe, so they can also have a stone building bonus.
@leonardomarquez3160 3 жыл бұрын
And his shield would be obvious, the Bird of Zimbabwe, the national symbol of the Zimbabwe, whose figure is from the sculptures found in the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, it would be a good civilization if you do a lot of research.
@paulviguie2871 2 жыл бұрын
another great civ concept, but this one seems a tad bit too strong. maybe a very slight nerf to their tech tree, or to the gold techs bonus, would be needed.
@mayazmahmud1740 3 жыл бұрын
Chola and Bengals should be in next dlc
@MrARock001 2 жыл бұрын
Could you do a Mughals civilsation?
@saadiftikhar3317 2 жыл бұрын
Divide Chinese and Japanese into a few other civs too
@SIGNOR-G 2 жыл бұрын
Japan divided in the warring states? Or just ryukyu island?
@joshuagabrielcatindig7607 2 жыл бұрын
And now, Dravidians come.
@vladimirvatkov4100 2 жыл бұрын
Comments for algorithm and stuff
@趙禹澤 3 жыл бұрын
I wish your 6th civilization is the Nanzhao one
@diegoramirez7901 2 жыл бұрын
@AxenfonKlatismrek 3 жыл бұрын
It would be interesting to add Azeris, Sinhalese or Serbians
@danmin3051 2 жыл бұрын
Now official civ representing Cholas are Dravidians
@gurumoorthy4961 2 жыл бұрын
No fake history, sera cholas and pandiya's are called only Tamil
@julianxamo7835 2 жыл бұрын
@@gurumoorthy4961 I see the Tamils here:
@meghnilkalita5847 2 жыл бұрын
And this prediction of your comes correct as the dravidians
@tyranitararmaldo 3 жыл бұрын
I'm throwing money at the screen, but the Chola won't get into my game! Also if anyone gets the chance, try Sri-Lankan food, you won't regret it.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Love it! :D
@tyranitararmaldo 3 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts if you are still looking for civilization concepts btw; the ones I am personally hoping to see eventually are the Tanguts and Thai. The former certainly have some interesting concepts going on.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
@@tyranitararmaldo I will look into them!
@houseofcats769 2 жыл бұрын
The Cholas got into the game! Dravidians is cholas
@newbossbro3180 3 жыл бұрын
Do Andalusians/Moors
@estebanirala3564 2 жыл бұрын
maybe the aoe2 need add more native american tribes like apache or iroquis
@dylan522p 2 жыл бұрын
Too much Chinese influence on the civ
@felipea1399 3 жыл бұрын
The civ seems really weak honestly. They save at best 110 res by the time they research fletching and get a very small additional advantage by castle age of a mere 100-150 res andmaybe a bit more by the time you build an university Compare it to Ethiopians. Ethiopians get more resources in every age AND have faster attscking archers and a very Only thing the civ may do speciallywell is monks but they are missing redemption.
@gurumoorthy4961 2 жыл бұрын
Tamil is right, not Dravidian
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The Vlachs - AoE2 Civilisation Concept (including tech tree)
MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts
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Ranking the University Techs (AoE2)
Spirit Of The Law
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Top 5 AoE1 Technologies For AoE2
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The Brilliance of StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty - A Brief Retrospective
The Georgians - AoE2 Civilisation Concept (including tech tree)
MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts
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The Swiss - Aoe2 Civilisation Concept (including tech tree)
MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts
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Inside the V3 Nazi Super Gun
Blue Paw Print
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My scorpion was taken away from me 😢
TyphoonFast 5
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