The Zapotecs - AoE2 Civilisation Concept (including tech tree)

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MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts

MantisAoE - Civilisation Concepts

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@Voider6211 3 жыл бұрын
This civ concept video is super well thought out and organized. There's a couple of things I couldn't shake, though: 1.) The issue I'm seeing after running through the tech tree is a distinct lack of power units. All of the existing Native American civs have some sort of powerful unit(s) they can go for at various points in the game: Aztecs have their powerful Eagles and Monks for the midgame, and their strong Siege for the late game, Mayans have a consistently powerful eco, strong Archers for the mid and lategame, and 100 HP Eagles to help with fighting whatever Archers struggle against, and Incas, while not having the most powerful early and midgame, have insane flexibility in their tech tree and a scary UU in the Kamayuk which can melt almost anything in melee combat in the late game and can even resist a decent amount of Archer fire due to decent PA. For the Zapotecs here... I'm not seeing much. I guess the Owl Warrior is cost-effective, but it's still a super fragile unit just based on how you're presenting it here. They could use something powerful, like Siege Onagers of their own for the late game, unless maybe the intention is for the civ to be so strong early on that is simply HAS to drop off in the late game, in which case I guess Zapotecs are fine here. 2.) You mentioned how you felt this civ's Monk play would be good on Arena, but I think you're underestimating the importance of Sanctity and overestimating the effectiveness of the Monk UT. Without Sanctity, a Monk Rush simply doesn't work because the Monks will get 1-shot by defensive Mangonels from the opponent. In addition, a Monk Rush on Arena prioritizes a Wood and Gold economy, and so getting a Castle up typically does not happen until late Castle age at the earliest. Combining these issues together means that the Zapotec Monks play is going to be far below average in my mind. I think it would be better to give them Sanctity and then take away either Theocracy or even Heresy. Removing the former means that while Zapotec Monks may regenerate faith quickly, they can just as easily lose it en masse due to the inability to control them very well in the late game, and thus disincentivize the Zapotec player from making too many of them. Removing the latter means the civ will miss both Heresy and Faith, meaning in a Monk war scenario the Zapotecs simply cannot come out on top vs a civ that has one or both of those techs, and they would have to rely much more on their Eagles to fight instead. I personally prefer removing Theocracy, but that's just me.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
What an incredibly well thought out comment! Thank you! You might be right about the power units, I tend to be very conservative with these concepts because I don't want them to be super overpowered. The +4 villagers in Feudal Age are however a strong bonus so I was thinking their prime time is in Feudal and Castle Age. As I've stated in the last segment, true balancing can only be achived by actually playing this civ vs real opponents. Your argument is still true though :D
@08vinster Жыл бұрын
they get FU eagles that are faster than knights by a fair margin, with a monster UU, thats good enough, the game doesnt have to have every civ balanced around BF or arena. this civ is already OP on the most common map
@nefftron1 3 жыл бұрын
Along with the Zapotec, I'd also suggest the Tarascans as a good contender for a 4th meso civ. They were also Aztec rivals but showed a strong amount of cultural distinction.
@PhoenixAlaris93 2 жыл бұрын
Weren't they the guys that had metal weapons?
@Mrcovecove 2 жыл бұрын
@@PhoenixAlaris93 yes, they were
@robbylava Жыл бұрын
Alrighty, I haven't watched any of your vids for almost a year now, but now that I have a respectable Civ library of my own I'm back to see what I've been missing out on! What a tour do force, Mantis. As always your attention to detail and ability to actually implement what you are talking about (particularly that UU model holy shit dude) is absolutely unparalleled. Bravo! It's always fascinating to me how two designers can look at the same elements of history and come to *completely* different conclusions. My own personal build of the Zapotecs had them as a Defensive Civ, referencing their many defensive stoneworks and staunch resistance to desperate migration during the Mesoamerican famine, with slow, elite troops (a source I found indicated that they were the most heavily-armored of their neighbors). But your decision to make the Zapotecs a fast, skirmishing-type Civ is quite cool too! Though I think, as some other commenters seem to be mentioning, that your build here will run out of gas pretty fast after early Imperial and might be relying too heavily on its lightweight UU. My personal favorite parts of your build (besides the sick implementation): - Gorgeous ensign, dude. Your Georgian build really inspired me to up my own graphic design standards and this only emphasizes that point further! - The Feudal Vills bonus is without question my favorite mechanic on your design: clean, interesting, strong (but not too strong), and you pretty much spot-on predicted the Bengalis age-up bonus a whole year before they were released! Such a cool coincidence... or is it? I wouldn't be surprised if the devs consult your builds from time to time for ideas! - Fantastic grounding for the Imperial UT: I never once saw that image during all my research! Such a cool find. - I don't love the name for the "Rituals" UT, but having a second Illumination that STACKS is sick. Anyways, I can't wait to see more of your work Mantis. I hope you're well!
@PhoenixAlaris93 2 жыл бұрын
You know it's funny. There's a mod for the game called Project AG3 that pretty much is "What if Age of Empires 1 played by AOE2 rules" and the Zapotecs are a civ there. Which makes sense when you consider that the Zapotec civilization existed from 400 BC to 1527 AD
@gianfrancoarezo1859 3 жыл бұрын
It would be cool if their bonus were eagles move 5%/10%/15%/20% faster through the ages and if they lacked squires; in a similar fashion to the cumans, that have 5%/10%/15% speed bonus on their cavalry but lack husbandry. That would make the barracks tech tree slighty more unique to other american civs too
@weifan9533 3 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel today, excellent stuff. It'll be good if the devs decide to add more civs to the game. Here're my suggestions: Asia-Pacific: Jurchens, Tanguts, Nanzhao, Chams, Siamese India: Tamils Caucasus: Georgians, Armenians Africa: Swahili, Kanembu-Bornu, Congolese, Zimbabwe Europe: Poles North America: Anasazi, Mississippians, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Central America: Zapotecs, Tarascans, Caribs South America: Chimu, Muisca, Mapuche Oceania: Polynesians
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
I definintely have some of those already planned and a few are also almost done!
@weifan9533 3 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts Good job, looking forward to see more of your videos on concept civs. And also I'm quite familiar with the history of the Asia-Pacific region, if you need any info on potential civs from that region I'm glad to help you.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
@@weifan9533 That's awesome! Thank you :D
@PhoenixAlaris93 2 жыл бұрын
Shoot, I just realized another potential Mesoamerican civ you could have gone with is the Tarascans, who were able to deal the Aztecs their first major defeat due to using metal weapons.
@jamesfowler6785 3 жыл бұрын
Wow great idea for a channel, I'm loving these civ ideas
@ParamecioLord 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! I want to give some feedback on your civ concept that will hopefully be useful (I'm around 1350 1v1 and 2500 Team ELO for reference). The 10% faster Eagles might be a little too good for early game, as it would allow Eagle Scouts to chase down Scouts in Dark Age (1.1*1.1=1.21 which is faster than 1.2; Eagle Scouts also have 50 HP and 4 attack compared to the Scouts' 45 HP and 3 attack), basically guaranteeing victory in every single scout fight for the Zapotec, as they can pick fights without any drawback (maybe harder laming?). I would make it available in Feudal Age to prevent that, although you still have the extra LOS for the Eagle Scout. Actually I don't mind the extra villagers, as it requires the Zapotec player to make an investment first and to plan ahead in terms of build order and housing, as they don't have a permanent economy buff. I would argue though, that extending the bonus to other ages as well would be a little bit easier to balance: Get 2 additional Villagers in Feudal Age, 3 in Castle and 6 in Imperial or something like that to prevent it from being potentially too oppresive in early game, but also more helpful as the game goes on. It would only affect 1 Town Center of course. The "Rituals" tech seems a little bit underwhelming in my opinion as you don't really have too much encouragement to commit to Monks: no Relic related bonuses, no Sanctity, and no Monk related civ bonuses. I think it's basically as "Madrasah" for Saracens, "Orthodoxy" for Slavs, and "Inquisition" for Spanish, all of them are very weak technologies for the reasons I mentioned, on top of giving relatively minor upgrades to a very micro intensive unit that becomes unviable as the game goes on that also requires you to build a Castle, at which point you probably have already won the game with the Monk push or it's too late to use them again in a realistic scenario. I would personally change it to something else (for example, 80% faster creation speed for the Eagle line, Eagle line costs no food, or something along those lines), but if you really want to keep it, I would reduce its cost to 100 food 200 gold, enable Sanctity (otherwise they aren't too much of a treat to be honest if you snipe properly) and if they turn out to be too strong, I would remove Fervor or Block Printing instead. For the Imperial Age unique technology I would increase it's effect to 20% faster attack rate at least (-25% reload time), because it seems like this civ is forced to rely on Arbalesters, Owl Warriors and Eagles, and none of them give me the impression of being able to compete with other lategame units. For reference, this tech is basically a worse version of the Japanese infantry bonus for Eagles, and 15% faster attack for Skirmishers and Owl Warriors is still worse compared to a regular foot archer, and probably also worse compared to "Atlatl" and "Hul'che Javelineers" as they give a linear attack buff to a low attack unit, instead of a percentual one, which in this case is worse as Skirmishers have a a very low DPS against most units.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your analysis! It is quite hard to balance a civ porperly without real testing so naturally a few points here or there are not as balanced as they should be (e.g. Burgundians). You might be right about "Rituals" but when seen in effect it is actually quite powerful (17:23)! :)
@elisabethhenderson9205 3 жыл бұрын
I really like this idea for a fast moving skirmisher like a counter to the plumed. this is great and i feel like a 4 American civ would be perfect for the game
@ajbdkla3652 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, but I died a little when you placed the lumber camp at 3:50!!
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Haha yeah I also thought that was like the worst position possible :D
@eduardogonzalezroposi8709 2 жыл бұрын
This channel has a comment section worth reading. Congrats
@raynightshade8317 3 жыл бұрын
Personally i would rather have Musica as another Eagle civs since they are from South America making 2 in north and 2 in south but i love the bonuses for this civ and the UU is amazing
@Salnax 3 жыл бұрын
They should make an American themed expansion, with one civ from Central America and one from South America, then give the South American ones a new Andean architecture set.
@gherlwinfireson8582 Жыл бұрын
@@Salnax perfect
@leonardo_pandaboff Жыл бұрын
I think this came out dope. But I think that Rituals from monks should make them regenarate HP, and the 4 extra vills from feudal should be the following: "researching TC techs generates a vill for free" So loom would generate a vill, town watch would generate a vill, weel barrel would generqte a vill and so on. It may encourage players research TC techs maybe earlier in the game.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts Жыл бұрын
You will love the next one ;)
@oquendog2150 3 жыл бұрын
interesting video, do you know the tarasca or purepecha empire? They knew about bronze and they were harder to conquer than the Mexica
@obsidian5475 3 жыл бұрын
Hey man, I mostly like the civ and I think the quality of your videos is extremely good for someone with 4 (now 5 :D) subscribers. However, I made my own Polish civilisation and I'd like to know what you think! Poles Cavalry and Defensive Civilization Civilization Bonuses: Expired farms give 40 food Scout line and knight line trains 20/25/30% faster Military buildings 15% cheaper Garrisoned relics give +3 extra population space (maximum +15) Unique Unit: Winged Hussar (70 food 75 gold) A speedy heavy cavalry unit that specialises at destroying and out manoeuvring most units. Strong vs Gunpowder and Cavalry, Weak vs Camels and Halberdiers Unique Technologies: Fuedal Service: Villagers work 5% faster, Upgrades Town Centers to Grodys (600 food 500 wood) Pancerny: Cavalry +1 melee +1 pierce armour, costs -10 gold (950 food 650 gold) Team Bonus: Villagers repair 20% faster Brackets () mean they are Imperial Age stats and FULLY UPGRADED. Winged Hussar: 8+2(12+4) attack 1.To simulate a charge, once Winged Hussars get within 4 tiles of their targeted unit they increase to 1.6 (1.76) tiles per second and do double damage on the first hit. Only a 1 time use for balance and historical accuracy. 2.+4(+5) vs gunpowder units +2(+3) vs cavalry. 3.They have a long kopia (lance), but after the charge the lances break and the Hussars pull out a sword. They also have the iconic wings that arch over their backs 1.9(1.85) RoF 1+2/1+2(2+4/2+5) armour 125(160) hp 1.45(1.59) speed Training time 24(14) seconds Costs 70 food 65 gold after Pancerny Elite costs 1000 food 650 gold A fully upgraded Elite Winged Hussar costs 3795 food 1995 gold Unique Building: Grodys Grodys (Fortified towns): 3000 (3300) hp 7 range 10 attack 2 arrows when ungarrisoned. 6 when fully garrisoned. Grodys function as a sort of super town centre. It produces villagers and Winged Hussars and resources can be dropped off at it. Tech tree: Archery range: Missing thumb ring and Arbalest Barracks: Missing Eagle Warrior line and Champion Stable: Missing Camels, Elephants,Steppe Lancers and Paladin . Blacksmith: Missing Ring Archer Armour Castle: Everything University: Missing Siege Engineers,Heated shot,Architecture, Bombard Tower and Treadmill crane Siege workshop: Missing Siege Onager, Heavy Scorpion and Bombard Cannon Dock: Missing Fast fire ship, Elite cannon galleon, Shipwright and Heavy demo ship Eco: Missing Gold Shaft Mining Monastery: Missing Sanctity and Heresy Gameplay details and design: Most of the inspiration behind this came from hours of Polish History on Wikipedia. I have tried my best to balance this. The farm bonus should be quite useful as it would likely kick in during Fuedal Age ,if one were to place farms during Dark Age. The bonus if 1-10 farmers are made in the Dark Age would give an extra 40-400 food ,easily paying for 0.8-8 villagers, 0.5-5 scouts or giving extra food to go to Castle Age. In a fast castle strategy, the farm bonus would help towards a knight rush. 15-25 farmers in Castle Age would give another 600-1000 food, paying for the food of nearly 10-16 knights. Also if one were to go for 80 farm Hussars then they would recieve an extra 3600 food, paying for another 40 hussars. Polish Cavalier stats: 140 hp 12+4 attack 2+4/2+5 armour 1.83 RoF 1.48 tiles per second 11.1 second training time Costs 60 food 65 gold after Pancerny 3145 food 1735 gold to fully upgrade (Paladins are 3295 food 1845 gold) So Polish Cavaliers have +1 melee armour over Paladins and equal pierce armour while being a little bit cheaper to upgrade,are a lot cheaper to make, are created faster and attack faster but have weaker stats. Polish Hussars should also be some of the most powerful in the game, being created in 11.1 seconds instead of 20 and having 4 melee armour instead of 3 and 7 pierce armour instead of 6. It costs 3495 food 2195 gold to fully upgrade. This should be a very good all-round civ, with a faster scout rush into a massive power spike when the farm bonus kicks in. Then the Polish player can either do a knight rush or sit back and boom with the eco technology, Fuedal service, while defending with Castles and Grodys. What do you think?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a lot is going on at once, I'd like to test it in the editor! :)
@obsidian5475 3 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts Cool. However, I hope my "The Poles" works as an actual civ and isn't an OP mess of bonuses. Good luck. :D
@AR-ly5zt 2 жыл бұрын
@@obsidian5475 back here after they added poles to AOE2 :)
@paulviguie2871 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting that the first civ bonus is also a drawback, as laming is usually one of the meso strongsuits.
@hansenhartono7426 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. That's interesting.
@yohomes5 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video.
@buffalosoulja3666 2 жыл бұрын
Hey my man not takin anything away from your Civ here but I thought of this Idea of a 4th Eagle Civ to have cavalry including so the game can have Xoltos Warriors. Also it designs so no Eagle Civ still doesn’t not get any Cav upgrades but are still viable. Tlaxcalans Infantry & Cavalry Civ •Infantry upgrades effect Cavalry & give +5 hp per upgrade to Cavalry. •Can build MESO stable in castle age This is due to they only discovered horse riding once the Europeans came. And as they allied with the Spanish they shared technologies. •Receive 2 free villages upon reaching the feudal age. Practically same as your, just a tribute due to refugees from the flower wars etc fough between them & Aztecs. •Eagles +1 bonus attack against cavalry in feudal, +2 in castle & +3 in Imperial age (for +6 total). Had this idea long ago and thought it be a call very similar to your owl Warrior I guess. •Eagles & Archer cost 50/50 resources (note* they do not get elite upgrade) Makes Eagle more food expensive earlier but more of a trash Eagle late game. Unique Unit Tarascans Slinger(30wood, 40gold) Fast moving Anti-infantry unit who are built at Towers. Different to Inca sling as it operates more like a Gunpowder unit not getting extra range from upgrades etc HP 35-40 Attack 6-7 (Melee) Armour 1/0 - 1/1 Range 6-7 Bonuses +8/+10 infantry Speed 1.1 Unique Tech •Amazon Towers (Upgrades towers to Amazon Towers) Amazon Towers have melee damage and can create UU •Obsidian Blades (Infantry units charge base attack) Team Bonus Eagles +2 LOS - no Halbdier - No supplies - light Cav (scout only - Cool reskin idea would be a tomahawk scout Indian styled rider. - only gets Xolto & Scouts in stable - No siege Onager - No bloodline - no Husbandry’s - No Cav armours - siege engineers - No hoardings Probably more missing, but just wanted to put it here as I think a Meso Civ with a Xoltol Warrior would be great.
@captainkirk265 2 жыл бұрын
I had a dream their was a civ that their halberdiers were ranged and threw their halberds like skirmishers. I also think they had plus 1 melee armor or more pierce armor but that's foggy. It was cool microing them against paladins, light cavalry, camels, and elephants.
@garbagegarage4525 2 жыл бұрын
I do not want to be nit-picky but I think the Rituals tech gives monks a 55% boost to their faith regeneration rate. When you divide the original rate 62sec by the new one (40sec) it gives 1.55 as a result.
@AlejandroLopez-jx6mn 3 жыл бұрын
Como descendiente de los mixtecos, los agregaría también, para jugar una misión por monte Alban😁La idea del guerrero búho es interesante, para los mixtecos agregaría un guerrero con hacha como unidad única, y teniendo en cuanta el desarrollo de la metalurgia que estaban adquiriendo empezando a hacer armas de metal una tecnología única seria "filo de bronce" y para los aztecas agregaría las chinampas que dieran alimento automático, máximo 5 chinampas, que costaran oro y poderlas construir en el agua y el vado.
@tiancheng8549 2 жыл бұрын
That elite unit upgrade does not seems like "little improvement". It seems a moderate improvement on an unique range unit. Eagle scout in dark age is already able to pick up villager. If that 10% extra movement speed works in dark age, I will except many people not able to enjoy that - unless it has the same attack damage as scout. Instead of having that elite unit upgrade for free, it would be nice to see eagle upgrades 50% cheaper or all infantry upgrades 50% cheaper. It would also be cool if their swordsman line can ignore armor just letis.
@JourneyLT 2 жыл бұрын
I'd double down on the Eagle Warrior speed bonus, but have it staggered and start in Feudal Age. Otherwise it has two scouting bonuses in Dark Age, and that's OP. I like the +4 villagers in Feudal Age. That could be an awesome power spike in the early game to carve out an advantage and maybe maintain its momentum later into the game. We now have the Bengalis who get +2 villagers per TC they have upon every age-up, and it seems they're bottom tier. Maybe +4 early game will be more crucial? It's hard to say. Looking at civ trackers, the Bengalis have the lowest win%. Aside for that, I'm pretty sceptical of the Owl Warrior's utility in game - feels too weak and if it's a semi-trash unit, it should probably costl less gold, and they also get shredded by Skirms, so yeah... Also the Monks will be too fragile to use their ability without Sanctity. Feels altogether like a bottom tier civ aside from its busted scouting ability. To improve, the civilisation needs a stronger unique unit. The civ reminds me of my original "Bantu" civilisation, which had the Assegai as its unique unit. This was in essence a Skirmisher with increased speed, range, and lower health. However, it just didn't work as a unique unit, and instead it became one of two regional units all my Sub-Saharan African civilisations have, a direct upgrade to the Elite Skirmisher, alongside the Iklwa which replaces the Halberdier. Both have equivalent bonus damage to their Castle Age counterparts, and have better basic stats, like movement speed and base attack. Not as good as counter units as Imperial Skirm and Halberdier, but better in generic roles that don't involve bonus damage. So for example, an Iklwa vs a Halberdier (both generic), the Iklwa would win. An option if you want to keep the Owl Warrior is to make it a direct upgrade to the Elite Skirmisher, and give the civ a new unique unit. Or make the team bonus a regular civ bonus and make the Owl Warrior a team unit like the Vietnamese Imp Skirm. There could be compatabiltiy issues maybe if both team bonuses are accessible. Maybe in this case, you get access to both units, and both could be anti-archer trash units, but with different stats?
@FM-ce1ek Жыл бұрын
Can you create a Muisca civilization concept? I think South America deserves it's own DLC featuring Muisca, Wari and Chimu with an unique architecture an regional unit and not the Eagle Warrior line, along with the Incans. Maybe the slinger or a Bolas Warrior.
@T2266 2 жыл бұрын
3:35 What bout the Guamare(Guamar) or Chichimeca? those are even more different from the existing civs
@lasserrdamnielsen6655 2 жыл бұрын
Mississippians would be another good contender for an eagle warrior civ, since they actually had warriors in bird dresses - or at least depictions of them on their copper plates:
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Mississipians are already in a very early design stage! :P
@Tlacaelel789 2 жыл бұрын
Probably Tlaxcalans may have their own civ and Tarascans, who were Aztec rivals.
@ibischutz4228 2 жыл бұрын
You can try the mapuches They were the" frenemys" of the incas
@MrMaxiARG 3 жыл бұрын
How about mapuches, they were a mesoamerican civ from the Patagonia
@proxwarrior33 3 жыл бұрын
what about muisca and chimu
@OsterGern 2 жыл бұрын
This is a great concept! Where did you get models for the Owl Warriors?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I created them myself :)
@OsterGern 2 жыл бұрын
@@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts These are excellent! I was inspired by this video to try out a little modding for the game, and its working nicely! Would you be open to allowing me to use the Owl Warrior graphics for the mod?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
@@OsterGern Sure thing! I don't have the file anymore though, so you might need to screen shot it or something? :0
@edgarnany 2 жыл бұрын
I saw your post from the Age of Empires forum. Could you make a video about the conception of North American civilizations in Age 2? and any other South American civilization from the same period (eg Mapuches or any other South American)?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Stay tuned, I have some in the works :P
@Mrcovecove 2 жыл бұрын
So nice your work 😍👌🏻 as a mexican I love all the naive American civilizations. Did you do an own skin for owl Warriors? If yes, how do yo do skins?? I would love to learn how to do It. And I also think that Tarascans would be geat to another video, as much as another civ of south America, maybe The Mapuches whose weren't conquered by Spanish and by Incas, they were great warriors
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot! The images are made with photoshop so I haven't made any real skins yet :P More American civs are planned!
@antonioceballosgarcia6288 2 жыл бұрын
Where you read about the owl warrior, I'm interested.
@green_beard Жыл бұрын
have you tried the full meso expansion?
@13DarkForce Жыл бұрын
I'm a bit late for the party but the 2LOS team bonus for scouts eagle is a "bit" too much. Eagle Scouts are already the best scouts in game, so maybe lowering it down to +1LOS will be just fine.
@MrARock001 2 жыл бұрын
Could you consider an Anasazi civilization?
@seiko9361 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, can you please tell that how to download Aoe2 definitive edition?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
You can either buy them via Steam or the Windows Store :)
@martinvargas9553 2 жыл бұрын
What about the Mapuche Civ?
@SethBennion 2 жыл бұрын
I like this, but as weak as owl warriors are, they shouldn't have a gold cost. Maybe 55 food and 40 wood as a suggestion?
@Skewebjor 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice civilisation. I like the idea with the extra villager in Feudal Age. If it to strong, then you can change it in +3 Villager for free for every new age. The +10% speed bonus for the Eagle is to strong for the Dark Age. The eagle is faster and stronger as the Dark Age Scout and with the Teambonus you can find your sheeps, your boars to fast and than kill the scout from the enemy. I see no choice for this civ to win against other Meso Civ. The Aztec and mayans eagle are stronger and the´re skirms have also a bonus and cost no gold. An Aztec/Mayans Eagle/Skirm Army destroy everything from the Zapotec.The Inca-Eagle need 12 Second to kill the Zapotec Eagle. The Zapotec Eagle need 11,9 second to kill an Inca Eagle. But the Inca have slinger and kamayuk.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment! Very nice analysis too :) I have made some changes to the Zapotecs behind the scenes, maybe I will put them in a future video! :)
@HaiNguyen-hn5jm 2 жыл бұрын
How did you modify the civ? Which kind of software you use and how do you modify the units?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
All done in the scenario editor :)
@oquendog2150 3 жыл бұрын
i think you will like this book "aztec by gary jennings"
@charleshimes1634 Жыл бұрын
Yes. The American civs needed a 4th.
@taowroland8697 3 жыл бұрын
How about some north american civs? Iroquois Confederacy, Missisipi River Culture, and perhaps the Inuits.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
I have one planned ;)
@m3marty Жыл бұрын
Why not Iroquois?
@SergeantCrwhips 2 жыл бұрын
May i ask how you desined the owl look ingame?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 2 жыл бұрын
I edited the icon from different AoE2 unit parts :)
@CirrowProductions 3 жыл бұрын
Did you know that the Aztecs said that they did not build their Pyramids? The people there prior to them had.
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
There was also very large cultural influence from the Olmecs :P
@CirrowProductions 3 жыл бұрын
@@ddenilsonf The Aztecs told the Spanish when they met that the people here before them built them. The Aztecs 'inherited' the structures.
@CirrowProductions 3 жыл бұрын
@@ddenilsonf You don't know where I got it from? How about from the accounts of the Spanish when they met the Aztecs? Diego I know a numbbrain when I meet one. Go develop your intellect instead of pretending you're intelligent by arguing incessantly.
@oquendog2150 3 жыл бұрын
@@ddenilsonf He refers to other pyramids not to those of Tenochtitlan, (but he does not know, he is confusing them) the pyramids to which he refers are those of Teotihuacan that were already long before the Mexica arrived and gave them names since they did not know the name of the place
@CirrowProductions 3 жыл бұрын
@@ddenilsonf You are dumb Diego because you believe the mainstream version of things. You are an NPC who does not value truth, but values fitting in and putting on a show of intelligence and knowledge. You are a non-player character, spouting programming, trying to argue with a person who is not an NPC, who is real.
@MahazonaTiN 3 жыл бұрын
Any plans to do more now that dod is out?
@MantisAoECivilisationConcepts 3 жыл бұрын
The next one will come out in the coming days ;)
@derikaem8021 2 жыл бұрын
this civ seems very weak against swordsman line
@raphaelmartinez18 2 жыл бұрын
I think the unique unit is too expensive for the results
@tiancheng8549 2 жыл бұрын
Without sanctity, monk would be absolutely useless
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