The Church and the Sufficiency of Scripture | Josh Buice

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G3 Ministries

G3 Ministries

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@demosthenesflorival6555 2 ай бұрын
Amen!! I'm going to listen to this message again. GOD'S WORD IS ENOUGH.
@bulimosavatia3639 Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@amirmohtasham831 Жыл бұрын
One of the best sermons I have heard. So biblical and so true. Glory to the King.
@angeleche3830 2 жыл бұрын
Thank u for teaching the Truth... To God be all the Glory!!
@dielsilva1637 2 жыл бұрын
Mensagem maravilhosa, devemos sempre crer na suficiência das escrituras. 👏👏👏
@G3Ministries 2 жыл бұрын
Sim, sempre!
@Henrygastas Жыл бұрын
Scripture is Enough!
@bradsmith4875 Жыл бұрын
This is awesome. Thank you for speaking the truth. You've opened my eyes
@TheNugentc 2 жыл бұрын
Wow... gotta go back and listen and write down so many things. Great sermon ty sir. R.C. Sproul would have been proud of you sir!
@G3Ministries 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for listening!
@patquint3291 2 жыл бұрын
@@G3Ministries R.C. Sproul said the most illogical thing about the Bible I’ve ever heard. “The Bible is a fallible list of infallible books.” How can the result of something be infallible if the source is fallible? How can a fallible Church produce an infallible Bible? We have no idea if the Bible is trustworthy if Sproul is correct! Every PROTESTant I’ve ever heard is untrustworthy because every PROTESTant I’ve ever heard believes in the unBiblical and antiChristian dogma of sola scriptura, the unholy, totally man invented idea of men in the 16th century. Oh and what is the result today? Hundreds, if not thousands, of man made denominations and more and more splits and splits and splits, it is never ending, all the result of each individual‘s personal exegesis of what the scripture verses MEAN. If a Protestant doesn’t agree with his pastor and/or denomination, just go down the street to find one that agrees with himself or just start up a “church” of his own. Why not? It’s been done thousands of times in the last 500 years. Just show where in the Bible Jesus says that’s OK! Show me Denominationalism from the Bible! It’s NOWHERE. Jesus founds ONE Church. St. Paul said to agree on EVERYTHING. The man made system of Protestantism is antiBiblical but even sadder, it’s antiChristian.
@joepepevaldez1683 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! What a Powerful Sermon Message👍☝️
@kimwolf1708 2 жыл бұрын
Just as amazing as watching it live stream. THANK YOU for your faithfulness to God's Word.
@marthaj67 2 жыл бұрын
*Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your conferences!* I will likely never be able to attend any in person. So, I cannot tell you how much it means to me to be able to watch them online. God bless you all at G3!
@charliek2557 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never, not even for a second, regretted leaving Reformed Christianity for Catholicism. Best thing I’ve ever done. So thankful for the Catholic Church. 🙏🏻📿⛪️
@esoterico7750 Жыл бұрын
Do you think this is the best way to evangelize?
@jimmock1155 Жыл бұрын
I fear for your shortsightedness.
@i-jamesazubuike9208 3 ай бұрын
Catholicism? In this age?
@shannon5O 2 жыл бұрын
This convicted me so much of how I have responded to my pastor and his wife. How impatient I have been with them :/ how patient the Lord was and is with me! Oh what mighty words are spoken in this sermon! Bless you all ❤️
@subasdutraj4864 2 жыл бұрын
Praise be to God!!
@jeremyjohnson4106 2 жыл бұрын
Phenomenal sermon
@JacquelineFrankneeKenyon 2 жыл бұрын
Amen 💜
@yoliefrancisco3114 Жыл бұрын
@monicagonzalez20 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! This was so good🔥🔥!!!
@EnochHwwg 2 жыл бұрын
The preacher asks, "The question is, "Is God's word complete?"" As if to say, God no longer speaks outside of the Scriptures. "Either we have a closed cannon or not...we don't need any more heavenly tourists..." What is really sad about this group of Christians is that they cannot hold the supremacy and all-sufficiency of the scriptures in tension with God's very nature to speak to His people through the Holy Spirit. You don't have to be threatened by people who claim to have gone to heaven or hell. Or people who pray contemplatively to listen for God's voice when we have such a rich historical account of people who regularly "heard" from God. Apostle Paul comes to mind. It almost sounds like they love the written word, more than the living Word. God gave us the written word, so that we can experience the living God. The Scriptures don't point to itself, but to its Author. God didn't inspire 40+ authors over 1500 years, and explicitly gave some 33,000 promises and 6468 commands just so he could stop speaking for eternity and remain a God enshrined within his holy scriptures. Why? Why would God do that? All-sufficiency of scriptures does not need to imply that God has given all that is sufficient for our life in his written word, that would imply that our faith is purely intellectual. Even the preacher himself doe not experience God in such a purely logical and intellectual manner. He too has feelings and emotions for God. He too loves God with his heart, his soul, and mind and that is why he fights to advocate for the importance of God's Word. But the way in which he goes about fighting for God ends up denying an integral dimension of our relationship with Him: God still continues to inspire His people through His Spirit living within them. God still breathes to this day. God still has new prophecies to give to His people about tomorrow. God still provides miraculous experiences to His people who need them. If God chooses to give someone an out-of-body experience to heaven in order to save them, who are we to tell him, "You can't do that Lord!" Not every story about heaven comes from attention-seeking behaviour. A child wakes up from a coma and do you think that the first thing that comes to his mind is, "If I tell people I went to heaven while I was "dead" then I'm going to get so much attention." Really? Doesn't it sound far more likely that perhaps the amount of attention, living under a microscope your whole life, living with such an incredible story, eventually became a burden because people kept judging him based on his experiences? Anyways, I urge you, dear brothers and sisters, you cannot neatly box the living God into a neat definition the way this preacher does. God is not a closed cannon. Believers throughout all of history have understood this about God. God reveals what is sufficient for us, but reserves so much of himself a mystery to us. I want to urge you, do not to love the written word of God, more than the living Father in heaven who wants to be your ALL, who wants to be involved in every decision of life, small and big, and who wants you to truly experience the promise of His written word: "I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you always." The Emmanuel promise of God is a promise that God is present with us in every facet of life if only we will take off our blinders and presuppositions about God. Peace be with you.
@therealnikkismith Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for speaking up. That took boldness that can only come through the power of the Holy Spirit. God does speak in the now and has not stopped speaking. I was listening attentively and stopped at the “Is God’s Word complete?” God’s Word echoes throughout eternity. While yes, we should devote our lives to studying God’s Word but the reason for it is as simple as David put it, “To hide it deep in our hearts so we don’t sin against God’s Word. The laws and precepts are akin to those right here in our respective areas. Although we have laws, is not legislation in process to this very moment speaking…adding to man’s laws? Who do you think inspired the laws that govern us here on earth? God did. The inflation of traditional and antiquated theology that does not illuminate Christ as the living Word (which is why heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word will remain) the Word (Christ) defeated Death so God’s Word will never die. But even God the Most High tells you He does new things all the time and even asked why we don’t see it 😊. But hey, I’m just a woman just like Priscilla and Jackie experiencing my life in Christ just everybody else and working out my own soul’s salvation with fear and trembling.
@joepepevaldez1683 Жыл бұрын
Some (like Jessie Duplantis, Mary Baxter & many problematic prophets guest by Sid Roth) says they travel to heaven & talked to Jesus,; but they gave different different descriptions of heaven & Jesus, So which one is telling the truth or they just want only to promote their books, instead of meditating only the Scripture As The written Word says, "DON'T GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURE" 1Cor 4:6 ,Acts 17:11
@thembamaselane5885 Жыл бұрын
You either presuppose that scripture is all wee need to know a!l God want us to know or that scripture is less than the God who gave us the scripture so we need more.
@i-jamesazubuike9208 3 ай бұрын
It is so mind-numbling to argue that the Scriptures alone is just all that we need... for sure, our thoughts can never be relied on, for the divine intention of God. No one knows the Voice of God outside of Scriptures. That is how you know one is speaking falsely, claiming they hear God's Voice. No, they never hear God's Voice, but their thought.
@caminandoensuverdad 11 ай бұрын
“ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
@josephmiller2460 2 жыл бұрын
Did he quote Bruce Springsteen at the end?
@bama101010 2 жыл бұрын
What about just believing the "GOSPEL" and being saved. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
@howardbryant817 2 жыл бұрын
Then what? Does the Christian Faith end at the moment of true conversion. If so, then why is there an entire cannon of Scripture both Old and New Testaments which God commands His people to study, meditate on, obey, and proclaim? Just a thought.
@bama101010 2 жыл бұрын
@@howardbryant817 So, did you upvote yourself? Can you not even allow yourself to say the word "SAVED?" It is easier to be saved, than it is to become a member of a denomination! It looks like you are a member of a denomination - and if so - then you cannot be a member of the "body of Christ." You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve a false denominational - false gospel assembly - and serve Jesus Christ! Do you not believe I Corinthians 15:1-4? How were you saved? If you believe denominational doctrine - then God calls you a PERVERT!
@SNS-f6g 9 ай бұрын
Major errors of the reformation is to treat the Bible as if it’s a coherent textbook of theology doctrine or morality as if the purpose of scripture is to give us a coherent account of Christian life. That’s not the point of scripture and nothing in the Bible says that about itself. You pick up the Bible and it is a disparate book of different genre cobbled together over thousand of years by different people without clear form of organization to it. The catholic position has always been that the Bible is more or less unintelligible apart from the structure of catholic sacred tradition (including the Catechism of the Catholic Church) that provides that coherence. Did Jesus tell us to believe some abstract theological doctrine like a proposition of the nature of God or salvation? Never. If fact what you find in Jesus’ pedagogical method is something different. Mark chapter 4 tells us that Jesus never spoke a word to the people without saying something in the form of parables. Matthew chapter 13 tells us that Jesus spoke in parables precisely because they are hard to understand. Jesus did not want to be easily understood. He wanted to be provocative. He wanted to be thought provoking. Jesus did teach by demonstrative provocation to reveal to the people their own hardness of heart. He showed them that they were unwilling to make a stand in favor of human dignity by forcing them to give an answer and they refused to do so. He deliberately transgressed social mores. He would eat with tax collectors and sinners, he would spend time with lepers, he taught his disciples to eat with unwashed hands. All these were to provoke a response, to generate an insight, to unveil a truth about people’s characters. Why? Because he was trying to reorient them in the world, not to an abstract set of belief system but to the actual dignity of human beings and an imitation to the love of God who causes the rain to fall on both the righteous and the wicked. The teaching of Jesus is deeply oriented towards the reformation of character, and that’s where this profound continuity with St Paul comes in. The whole point of the Gospel for Paul is that we should have the mind of Christ. The whole ministry of Jesus is about trying to elicit, provoke, invite, tease this transformation of consciousness so that we live these sacrificial lives in favor of the poor, the weak and the outcast. Paul says that’s the goal, to have this kind of mind. Paul’s message was to treat others better than yourself, live charitably in community reconciling differences and don’t sleep around. This is so difficult for the human person to follow. For St. Paul the tribal division he was concerned with is jews and gentiles, and the model of reconciliation is the self emulation of Jesus who was willing to be crucified and killed to serve those that otherwise would have an enmity with. This was what inspired MLK Jr in the civil rights movement in that he would offer himself and the lives of his community in a non violent protest in the hopes of loving their opponents into treating them charitably. That’s the spirit of the gospel.
@jonathandavid9720 10 күн бұрын
This speaker will never be able to know Gods specific guidance for his life, as he over restricts Scripture in a way that it doesn’t restrict itself. He won’t hear Gods calling to specific missions , or Gods choice through the Holy Spirit who to Marry , because God only “speaks through Scripture.” His ignorance is clear, as he himself has a MASSIVE PROBLEM: He confuses the SUFFICIENCY of Scripture as EXHAUSTIVENESS of Scripture. - It is NOT,as often we will need to rely on biblical PRINCIPLES, in lieu of specific biblical DIRECTIONS. Those who are attuned to the Holy Spirit will hear his voice, God is well able and willing throughout Scripture to give specific direction.
@patquint3291 2 жыл бұрын
Wasn’t Paul referring to the OT in this passage? Timothy only had the Jewish Scriptures to read in his youth. This passage says nothing about the written Scriptures being the ONLY Rule of Faith for the Christian. The “reformers” started the splitting of the Body of Christ and it continues today. Can words printed on paper settle disputes involving orthodox Christian dogma? Every heretical idea put forward to be believed was backed up by the heretic’s individual exegesis of Scripture! No PROTESTant conference will stop the division. The Bible itself is Tradition of Jesus’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Thanks be to the Catholic Church for giving us the 73 !!!!!!! Books of the canonized Bible.
@Tanjaicholan Жыл бұрын
The Deutero-canonicals were eschewed from the Hebrew Bible and meant only for education and edification and not afforded inspired status when they were introduced from the Septuagint into the Romanist Canon. They were strictly not for Doctrine. But what have you, it has become the source for Romanist Dogma the 1500s onwards. Not only the Romanist have begun scraping the bottom of the barrel with the Gnostic Gospel of James, The Ascension of Isaiah the Ode of Solomon et el to pad their pet Dogmas they have mocked Gods word with fanciful allegorising for their chief end of twisting the Gospel just like the Ancient Serpent! After every pompous proclamation they always repeat without fail the narcissistic assurance of the seal of the one Holy Apostolic Church to feel pious and righteous about their salvation - sola ekkelsia over Sola Scriptura! This is absolutely reactionary like their intolerant inquisition and insane pogroms!
@jimmock1155 Жыл бұрын
You cause me tremble and fear when I hear you speak in your ignorance.
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