The CIS Fights the Empire! The Battle of Dressel and Sleheyron! Star Wars AoTR S2Ep44!

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@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Hey Guys, Thanks so much for watching! Hope you all enjoyed it! Let me know how we can do better! Share your stories and perspectives of the events that happened today! For reference: SouthWest Command 1st Fleet - Admiral Tig 1st Army Division - General Rieekan SouthEast Command 2nd Fleet - General Khota 2nd Army Division - Lt Page Central Command Commenor Defense Forces - Garm Bel Iblis Northeast Command 3rd Fleet - Mon Calamari Forces - General Solo 3rd Army Division - General Solo Northwest Command 4th Fleet - General Dodonna 4th Army Division - Captain Denn Season 2 Rules! AOR SYSTEM (Area of Recruitment) Mon Cala Capital Ships in Mon Calamari and neighboring systems ONLY. Sullustan Capital Ships in Sullust and neighboring systems ONLY. Subscribers With Characters: *TippyHurdle954 * - Captain Rhea Kreger (Currently in the Guardian Avenger as Fighter command) *TheAnathema 3062 * - Arrillon Crobanch - Arrillon's Guard & The Mythosoar's Throne - Tristan Wrus - The Sword of Concordia & Wrus Honor Guard - Quasar Fire Carrier - "Eye of Ha’ran" LOL - Rohan - Specforce Unit *Night_Stalker * - Leonil "Red" Fos - Specforce Elite - Lieutenant Colins - 1st Platoon Specforce *Codelearner383 * - Captain Ryan - Quasar Fire Carrier *Jackotheclanner * - Jaster Ordo - Mandalorian Platoon *ltayden2394 * - Captain Hartman (Promoted) - 5th Army Support Company - Wing Captain Billy Mcree (Promoted) - 199th Pursuit Squadron - Captain Matias Torres - Corellian Battle Cruiser "Tanager" and 4 Corellian Destroyers. *gicocobra1159 * - Captain Hej Vane - GR75 - Fleet Tender *josephehlers2007 * - Captain Denn - Tagge Battlecarrier *thesneakygrimm8902 * - Grimm Goldfang (Now Deadlock) - Providence Class Destroyer "The Deadhand" - Rotgut - Leader of the Goldfang platoon! *RyukyuD_Atrocity * - Captain Lin Harand - Liberator Cruiser "Stellar Rubicon" NexxxOmega - Flight Officer Nexon "Nova" Novus - Nova Squadron lucaspritchard8575 - Utini - Sandcrawler *gagu2650 * - Capitan merser - MC80 Liberty Cruiser "The Hunter" -> To be replaced by a Providence Destroyer - "The New Dawn" *Zachery Hurley * - Captain Hurley - Venator Star Destroyer "Sensible" *Ace501st-studios * - Captain Ace Yarkesaon - Acclamator Assault Ship "Hunting Striker" *Matthewgaming7051 * - Captain Cleric - Victory 1 Class ISD "The Redemption". *John Dumas * - Deputie Platoons! *Lord Monster Fox* - Sakukan - Specforce Platoon! *jameseddens8069* - Captain Jay - Venator "Repbulic's Revenge" *Alexanderwoodcock9477* - Captain Alex - Venator "Republic's Vengeance" *LordOfPain * - Captain Needa - MC80 Liberty - "the Vengeance" *skorgethehunter5810* -Captain Kai Jehshi - Rebel Vanguard Troops *caelin18* -Wing Captain Sheeve McRose - N1 Starfighters *Padawanfr* -Captain Zavala - commander of the MC80 liberty Caldera *joshuahenderson* -Commander Lag and the 4th Battalion. *brickofbruh* -Mylen Seen "S-1" Flight leader of StarHawk Squadron *[DOC] GP17* -Agent Tokrin Hunt - AAF MK2 *Kaylie Smathers* -Captain Lira Sami *jonoleary* -Lieutenant Cera Toth Saboath Destroyer -Lt. Tyben - Canderous Assault Tank *therealvylarion9722* - Wing Commander Idena Solarii - Dauntless Cruiser "Leviathan" *jonathanmalin* - Alliance Light Frigate - StarGazer *graylovestea4710* - Arthur Auclair - Arquitens Light Cruiser "Cinder" *electrouis345 * - Captain Yur Lowans - "The Redeemed" - ISD2 *DreadTheMaximus* - Captain Kodo Rinbey - MC 75 "Renaissance" and support fleet *inzyniertv9305* - Captain Reon Cupric *kyleevorn8004* - Jacques "Jack" Armand II - Liberator Cruiser Destroyed Subscriber Ships: Liberator Cruiser "Stellar Rubicon" Quasar Fire Carrier "Eagle Home" Acclamator Assault Ship "Hunting Striker" Quasar Fire Carrier "Halo of Mon Cala" Victory 1 Star Destroyer "Redemption" Dreadnaught Cruiser "Roland's Honor" Lictor Dungeon Ship "Sword of Concordia" 1 Venator Star Destroyer | Vengeful Armada M80 Justice "Justice" 2 Cr90s | StarFury Cell Arquitens "Erueka" | Manus Vindicate Fleet Arquitens "Sonetto"| Manus Vindicate Fleet 2 Acclamators | Vengeful Armada Victory 2 Frigate | Liberty TaskForce
@joshuahenderson5658 2 ай бұрын
Lag: "Troopers, listen up! Kessel is major industrial mining Hub in the Outer Rim here. Imps are making use of slave labor out here to increase production and it's up to us to liberate them." [The various clone troopers of the 4th Battalion maintained their bearing but only just for some. Feeling a kindred spirit for those being forced to work in subpar conditions reminding them of their treatment during Clone Wars.] Fury 🤨: "What's the plan Commander?" Lag: "The op will go as follows, Swift, your working the flank again, Admiral Tig's got command for this attack. Your gonna head straight North and head to this labor complex hear and clear it out. You'll advance West and fall onto the Imps and hit their mining facilities, got it?" Swift: "Understood Lag, we'll take care of it." Lag: "Now for the rest of us, it's going to be rather simple. We'll deploy in a Delta formation and we'll---" ------------------------------------------------------------ [As the jumptroopers of Gate Crasher Company began to release prisoners, Sgt Stronghold stumbled upon a cell filled with Pyn Gani. The NCO released them but held one up in particular much to the Penguin like beings annoyance] Stronghold: ".........😐😑😐😅😄........Oh my God, he's so adorable! GateCrasher Actual can we---" Swift 😒: "Negative." Stronghold 😅: "But--" Swift 🙄: "No Sergeant we can't keep him as a mascot. Besides, we've still got our objective, C'mon now." Stronghold 😞: "Yes LT.........." ------------------------------------------------------------ Lag: "Right, that just about wrap things up, I want a triage center over here. Get these former prisoners some help, watch it, some of them are starving, you can offer your rations if you wanna but don't let them gorge themselves of course. Let's get a temporary motorpool over there, the new Warhound took a beating shoring up the left end of the line. And make sure to........-------" ------------------------------------------------------------ AAR Liberation of Kessel: We deployed on to the planet and ready for operations by 01:40. We split into two groups, one heading North with LT Swift under Admiral Tig and the main force heading East by Northeast under Master Talon. The operation was relatively straight forward. ------------------------------------------------------------ (03:20) The flanking force that headed North assaulted a lightly defend labor complex and starting releasing prisoners and arming those that wished to fight and were able to do so. (06:14) Admiral Tig continued on, heading to the east and working down south to destroy crucial infrastructure..........although maybe those could have been kept intact for the War effort, but I digress. ------------------------------------------------------------ (02:40) Meanwhile We encountered the small Imperial garrision supplemented by Elite Pykes. After dealing with them when they atteptemted a fighting retreat, we pushed onto the main command post of the facility and went through it for anything of use. ------------------------------------------------------------ Based on documentation recovered among the outpost and the among their Syndicate allies, we've discovered that the Pykes here were among those that originally based on Oba Diah and took on an offer from the Imperials. It is also suggested from among the belongings of said Pykes here that they are directly aiding the Empire directly in their own ways. Intel recovered from their data banks suggest that the Emprie is attempting to control the elements of the underworld for their own ends which explains the increase and well planned attacks on our logistics. ( This also explains the lack of activity from the Black Sun itself, Prince Xizor is probably trying to consolidate his resources at this time due to the major loss in assets however this only means that Black Sun attacks may now just be carried out under Imperial orders instead of Xizor himself. I'll continue digging to try and find anything else useful for the time but I believe that is all I could recover at this time. --- Lieutenant Commander CC 01101 'Lag'
@tigoldbitis Ай бұрын
This was stuck in the reviews. 😭 but I'm sure I've read this in our discord.
@Night_Stalker 2 ай бұрын
(14:46 = There's an imposter among the Confederate Restoration Force. I'm not going to say who. 15:56 = Allocator in the middle accompanied by two Providences beside is amazing! 29:56 = Well Home One Fleet can basically take on any Fleet at this point. Firepower check with the Home One and 2 Secutors. Fighters check due to Quasar, Venators and Secutors a like. 41:30 = Well Death Squadron has arrived! 50:59 = Droid Swarm wins against TIE Swarm. 57:05 = Imperial Fleet is sandwiched! Take them down! 58:45 = Worth it!) Name: Leonil Fos 2nd Name: Valara Ot'ana Preferred Name: Fos, Valara Nickname: Red Gender: Female Species: Twi'lek, Lethan Age: 28: Height: 1.8 meters Weight: 60 kilograms Eye color: Yellow Hair color: None Skin Color: Red Tattoos: Multiple All Around Her Body and Lekku Rank(Currently; Alliance): Sergeant Major Unit Serving: 3rd Army Division, 5th Specforce Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Callsign: Alpha-1 Actual (1st Platoon, Platoon Leader) Equipment: A280C Blaster Rifle, DH-17 Blaster Pistol, Class-A Thermal Detonators, Smoke Grenade, Utility Belt(2 Day Survivor Ration in Capsules, Extra Comlink, On Ear Comlink, Fbercord Grappling Hook, Holomap, A99 Aquata breather, Transceiver, Glowrod), Lightsabre Holster, Clothing(Reserve): Black Sleeveless Crop-Top, Black Biker Shorts and Charcoal Brown Leather Boots Clothing(Currently): Grey Windbreaker Jacket, Black Combat Vest(Outfitted with Personal Energy Shield), Inner Black Sleeveless Crop Top, Black Long Gloves to her Upper Elbow Brown Tool/Utility Belt, Brown Cargo Pants, and Black Boots Skill: Combat, Espionage and Sabotage. Proficient with various weapons, such as blasters, vibroblades, training sticks, grenades, and mines. Adept at stealth, infiltration, hacking, and demolition. Fluent in several languages, such as Basic, Twi'leki, Ur-Kittât, and Huttese. Excels at gathering intel from Officers on and near the battlefield. Personality: Leonil "Red" Fos, an intelligent, cunning, and resourceful Twi'lek. Brave, loyal, and compassionate. However, she is also secretive, distrustful, and cynical. She has a sarcastic sense of humor and a sharp tongue. She is not very sociable and prefers to work alone or in small teams. However, she is very open to her closest friends like Lieutenant Collins and Sergeant Monroe. She has a strong sense of justice and morality, but also a pragmatic streak that makes her willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. She is loyal to her friends and allies, but ruthless to her enemies. She is still haunted by her nightmares and sometimes feels tempted by a force something sinister and evil. Background(80% Redacted): Currently, Leonil "Red" Fos is a Rebel Soldier at the rank of Sergeant Major, a former Lance Corporal and Staff Sergeant. She is leading 1st Platoon of 2nd Battalion under current Battalion Leader Lieutenant Commander Aaron Collins, a former Lieutenant and Captain. Under the same Regiment was Sergeant Freya Monroe leading Zulu Squad of 3rd Platoon. The 5th SpecForce Regiment is under the 3rd Army Division. Notable Members: 5th SpecForce Regiment, 2nd Battalion Lt. Cdr. Collins: Commander of 2nd Battalion Sgt. Major. Fos: OIC of 1st Platoon (Infantry) 1Sgt Shepherd: OIC of 2nd Platoon (Mechanized Infantry) Sgt. Monroe: Leads Zulu Squad of 3rd Platoon Lieutenant Allen: OIC 3rd Platoon (Infantry) Lt Kessler: OIC of 4th Platoon (Armored/Cavalry) ---- *Chapter 40: New Normal* *2 weeks after Korriban Scouting Mission* *It was 2 weeks after the Korriban Scouting Mission. For the 5th SpecForce, it felt like months wondering if 2 of their top tier Operators are going to be alright. Collins and Monroe were devastated the most followed by Shepherd, Allen, Kessler and Prentara, who is considered to be Fos' protégé. Nevertheless, it was a week after and well...* Lt. Cdr. Collins: Alright, we have the go ahead from General Solo to liberate Yavin-IV. Black Sun are currently occupying but we know the layout. We'll use our designated and emergency landing points as our base of operations. Our scouts area already down there doing recon as we speak. Any questions? Good. Report back here in an hour. *2nd Battalion were listening and soon got dismissed. Some stayed mostly 1st Platoon since they have nothing else to do but wait and also-* Alpha Squad Sergeant: Commander? About Alpha- Lt. Cdr. Collins: Fos and Ryuko aren't medically cleared yet. Alpha will still be flying with 8 soldiers. I'll personally lead 1st Platoon on the ground on the liberation. Alpha Squad Driver: We get it Commander but when can we see them? It's been months. Lt. Cdr. Collins: Its only been 2 weeks Private. Lieutenant over at 21st Medical aren't letting us see them just yet. They have their reasons and I'm sure are valid. ???: *female voice* Why not?! They can't shut us all down! *Some look behind as Prentara voiced out* Cpl. Prentara: We've been worried sick about Sergeant Major Fos and Corporal Ryuko. Why did you let them take on that mission in Korriban all alone without reinforcements?! Echo Squad Private: Corporal- *tries to calm her down but-* Cpl. Prentara: *pushes him away* Don't touch me. Lt. Cdr. Collins: I never once jeopardized the lives of my men and I won't start now. I gave them that mission because I said so. We are SpecForce Operators, we do what normal Rebels can't. You know that right? Cpl. Prentara: *quiets down listening but nods* Lt. Cdr. Collins: Fos knew the risk. Ryuko knew the risk. Alpha knew the risk. And I KNEW the risk. Our motto- *taps his own insignia* is what 5th SpecForce is all about. Alpha Squad Sergeant: No mission to difficult. No sacrifice to great. Cpl. Prentara: Duty First...*mutters* I'm sorry Commander...I just- *breaks down into tears* Echo Squad Private: *holds her up* Lieutenant Commander, she doesn't mean to disrespect you sir. Lt. Cdr. Collins: I understand. It's alright. It's the new normal. We have to deal with what we. *Trauma 3* Head Doctor: *standing beside the bed of a patient* Looks like you're good to go. Rehab went well from what I've heard and full body functions on your legs and arms. But I highly recommend 2 to 3 days of rest before going back into action. ???: *female voice* Thanks Doc. Bacta does sure come in handy. Head Doctor: Don't thank me yet. Remember, you're 2 weeks out of action so the body is fully rested. My counterpart and I will sign off on your approval but you need to pass your qualifying. ???: *female voice; groans* Ugh...Selection Training again Head Doctor: *chuckles softly* ???: *female voice* And Major Fos..? Head Doctor: She's well, aside from Minor Bruising. According to Ahsoka's account, it looks like she fought someone in a short duration. ???: *female voice* Then what's keeping her here? Head Doctor: *sighs a bit* We're running tests on her and well, she's like a completely different person. From the last check up at 21st, her physical and mental well being changed drastically, in a good way. ???: *female voice* Again, what's keeping her? Head Doctor: The Doc from 21st. Fos only wants to talk to him. We can run tests on her, she'll comply but she doesn't want to talk to any of us. ???: *female voice* About what? Head Doctor: That's confidential Ryuko. What matters is that both of you are medically cleared *Trauma 1* *Alone, on the bed was Leonil Fos/Valara Ot'ana sitting legs crossed. She is currently wearing her unique Grey Windbreaker Jacket with the SpecForce insignia on it, a Black Inner Sleeveless Crop-Top and Black Biker Shorts. Beside her was a pair of Black Long Gloves to her Upper Elbow Brown and beside the bed is her black boots.* *Fos/Valara meditated as she is levitating off the bed. That is when the door knocked and a male voice came out* ???: *male voice* Fos? I heard you are in here? *Fos upon hearing it opened her eyes revealing her pair of bright yellow eyes. She glanced at the door and it opened unlocked despite being locked and the voice not trying to open it* Fos: Doc. Doc: It's been a while Fos. And I guess the rumors are true. Fos: *stops levitating* It is no rumor Doc. Doc: I believe so. I've heard you want a chat. Fos: *nods* Yes Doc. *The Doctor was the same doctor who had originally taken care of her ever since the start. That said, he closed the door and went to her sitting on a chair beside the bed. They began to converse* (Interactable Comment)
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
14:46 = Lucia?! 15:56 = IKR!!! 29:56 = They're only weakness is the enemy ships get too close and target the secutors, their shields are too weak. 41:30 =AGAIN! 50:59 = Unfortunately, they win :( 57:05 = Hell yeah! 58:45 = Indeeed Ohhhhhh wow she's been out two weeks! And now she's back in action! Let's goooo!
@aziscakep640 2 ай бұрын
1:04:10 Okay We Got a Penguins In Star Wars Universe No Ways😂
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Yeah we do! War penguins!! 😂
@ltayden2394 2 ай бұрын
After the battle of yavin mcree sits aboard his ship and looks of the bridge as all of the fighters swarm towards the black sun haven which quickly detonates as all their ships leave “well that was easy”
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Wasn't much of a fight. Admiral Ackbar: Captain, I'll be leaving you here to support our forces. Make sure the skies are clear. I need to prepare for a possible imperial attack. Good luck Captain!
@ltayden2394 2 ай бұрын
@@tigoldbitis “copy that sir bombers are ready to provide support at a moments notice
@kingofmonsters14 2 ай бұрын
Tuk's prisoner log 14: after days of repairs, the Modular Cruiser- now called the Requiem- exited hyperspace above the Glavis Ringstation. They still need a lot of repairs and a new hyperdrive, but at least the repairs they were able to make got them here. now they need to fix the Requiem, and find whatever replacement parts can work for the Montana; considering the huge gap in technology, it's doubtful. still, can't hurt to hope. "Whoa!" Tuk eyes shone as he gazed upon the massive ringworld. "I didn't know a place like this could exist!" "You'd be surprised." Cindel chuckled as she, Keri, Shin, Bresh and another mechanically included prisoner- a human male named Cale- walked down the streets. "i've seen a lot of cool places during my travels- this place is top 3 easy, rivaled with Coruscant and Bespin." "You traveled a lot?" "Yep." She said with her hands behind her head. "When we got off Endor, me and Noa traveled around a bit before settling down on Coruscant for a few years. When he died, i continued on. That's when i met Keri and that opened up a whole other adventure that would take way to long to explain on our way to the mechanic." "So you can trust this mechanic?" Cale asked. "Oh yeah, she helped me and Keri out lots of times. She knows a lot about machines." The group passed by a electronics shop that were playing news footage of the war on a lot of holo-tvs. Tuk stopped while they continued on. He watched footage of the space battle above Kothlis. He placed his hand on the glass separating the tvs from him, worried for his friends... wherever they are. "Tuuuk!" Cindel called out, returning his attention to reality. He lingered for a moment before running to catch up to them. the group reached the garage of Cindel's mechanic and knocked on it. "Yo, Audrey, you in?!" No response, so she knocked again. "Audrey?" moments later, the garage door opened as smoke bellowed out. The mechanic in question, a spunky 14 year old of all people, stepped out coughing her lungs out. "Ugh, that's a bad power converter." She coughed again, waving the smoke away from her. "This is your mechanic?" Cale asked, disbelieving that this is who they're meant to see. "One of the best in the galaxy." Cindel insisted.
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Interesting story! Where is Glavis Ringstation? I feel like this could be a short series/spin off book in the Star wars lore. lol
@kingofmonsters14 2 ай бұрын
@@tigoldbitis dunno where it is in the galaxy, but it is a real place: it's from Book of Boba Fett. it looks like a Halo, but covered in a city and not a superweapon
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@@kingofmonsters14 That's awesome! i'll check it out!
@ltayden2394 2 ай бұрын
Lieutenant commander Torres sits aboard tanager waiting for the go ahead strike “sir we’ve been ordered to move out were gonna cut off that super star destroyer” “copy Aegir fleet move out”
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Goood luck Lt. Cmdr Torres!
@loneamidala6671 2 ай бұрын
Great stuff as always, Tig
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so muchh!
@gagu2650 2 ай бұрын
Lt commander Merser space battle of Sleheyron:It was a hard fought battle all my ships suffering segnificant damage but nothing unrepairable and especially the fighter losses which thanks to the support of our quarren allies are replaced in no time.Fleets repairs are already in the works and we will be ready for any counter attacks by the empire till the ground forces arrive.This battle showed that the CRF is a force to not be taken as a light weight and we will only contineu to grow and help our rebel allies.And shall personaly look into captain deadlock's repairs and fighter replacments. End of report.
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
General Syndulla: it's great to have you assisting us in this campaign Lt. Commander Merser. You're move to take sleyheyron might be the help Liberty task force needs.
@kingofmonsters14 2 ай бұрын
Sakukan's log 28: ...... *endless static* surrounded by fire, carnage, and death, Spitfyre made her way through the battlefield, looking around at the chaos she delightfully wrought. Behind her, a mysterious helmeted cyborg. Eventually, she reached what she was looking for: Sakukan, heavily and badly hurt and unconcious. Same with his comrades of Zresh, Ylandil, and Garhand: all badly hurt, bleeding, and unconscious. "Hmhmhm.... who knew that dumb pilot would make such good bait?" She bent down and caressed Sakukan's cheek. "If only you accept my offer to join me, traitor..." She stood back up and watched as the other Rebels fled the island to run and hide from the Empire. They were not her concern... the traitor and his friends were. "Call a shuttle and a medical team...... i'm not done with the traitor and his men." The cyborg nodded and pulled out a comms unit. "Send down a shuttle." Guthond called.
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Skakukan's Captured!!! :(
@ltayden2394 2 ай бұрын
Lieutenant commander Hartman sits in a transport above takodana “contact 6th battalion prepare to drop planet side” “aye sir let’s begin”
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
I thought i replied to this :O
@WoW_HOI 2 ай бұрын
For the Republic
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@JuanBautistaDumasOvejero 2 ай бұрын
Like and good video.👍👍 Cool work as always.🤙
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man! I really appreciate it!
@ILovedarkspeakerman 2 ай бұрын
TECHNOLOGY (this is thanks to the sanctuary protocol you should probably do some research) let's start small alright we got here the defender quite a normal tank but there are different patterns (it's based on the leeman russ) the elephant and the hunter (based on the rhino and the predator) let's go a little bigger here is the glaive heavy tank. (it's literally the 40k glaive tank) let's go to the shadow spear. (based on the falcion) we got the edgeguard sentinel (based on the kratos heavy tank) here is the the warblade bastion (based on the baneblade) here is the decimator (design and weapons based on the dreadnought except it's not piloted by dead people) we got basilisk artillery pieces We have percepters (based on repulsors) Laag gunships (based on the corvus blackstar hawks (based on the valkyrie) And the WARLORDS Also they have also been improving teleport tech and currently trying to make anti teleport tech They also made there own super laser and its attached on talons wrath they had to make from scratch and it's not perfect but they are doing NEW planetary defense plasma cannon that can blow a hole into a whole unshielded star destroyer Power, energy and plasma weapons. And knight armor Exterminator armor Scorpion missile launchers (based on the scorpius missile launchers) And the phalanx assault tank (based on the spartan assault tank) And cloaking tech And drone technology Also interdiction ships Emp blasters *classified level 5* Description: [redacted] *clear* Description: project stellar voyager is made to drop large amount of troops and equipment one of these can drop an ENTIRE ARMY GROUP (which is 400 000 or one million) *Started development in 3 Aby* Headed by: [redacted] *to protect the safety and identity* *clear* Headed by: *insert scientist name here* and lachlan Nathaniel G. Awuad Development progress: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Weaponry: [redacted] *authorised personal only* Equipment: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Design: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Height: [redacted] *clear* Height: it needs 3 star destroyers stacked on each other (classified level 5 made for high ranks or specific scientific personal) Description: [redacted] *clear* Description: project omnic was launched by brandon tarvits to combat the growing dark trooper threat Started development 4 Aby Headed by: [redacted] to protect identity (clear) Headed by: brandon tarvits Devoplment progress: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Weaponry: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Equipment: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Design: [redacted] *authorised personnel only* Height: *depends on the variant the first variant as tall as a phase 1 dark troopers second variant is as tall as phase two and 3rd is 5 inches taller as phase three* (project skin tight suit) (classified level 4 stealth personnel and high cammand only) Description: [redacted] *clear* Description: this suit all about shape shifting and this allows for alot of body augmentation for certain individuals to transmorth themselves and infiltrate areas that are problems Development: [redacted] *clear* Complete Weaponry: [redacted] power wrist blade melta pistol emp pistols. Poison blades a nueral shredder. Equipment: [redacted] Synth skin suit when entering combat wearing special stealth suits that enhance their abilities to avoid detection by most forms of passive sensors. These synskin bodygloves have several sealed pockets across it, where an array of concealed weapons and other items are stored.
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Sanctuary protocol seems to have a successful start. We'll have to request additional Funds from High command for this. Niiiceee! Where'd you get the Snyth skin idea?
@ILovedarkspeakerman 2 ай бұрын
​@tigoldbitis 40k. also, this will continue being made when I get new tech ideas and weapons The hell fire (based on the astraeus heavy tank) Iron colosses exterminator armour (based on cataphractii terminators armour) Iron reaper exterminator armour (based on the tartaros terminator armour) Bulwarks (based on the chimaera transports from 40k) Kraken (based on the the leviathan dreadnought armor from 40k) Exemplar (based on the contempter dreadnought 40k) Destructor (based on the deredeo dreadnought from 40k) Fortress (based on the iron clad dreadnought from 40k)
@ILovedarkspeakerman 2 ай бұрын
Fury claw (based on the Bradley) Sunderer (based on the m1 abrams) Obsidian sentinel (based on the T 84U) Champion (based on the challenger tanks) Harbinger (based on the T 80 tanks) Golem (based on the T 72 tanks) Ember guardian (based on the T 64 tanks) Aegis (based on the PL-01 tanks) Repulsor (based on the K2 tanks) Protector (based on the K1 tanks) Terra tanks (based on the leopard tanks) Stallion (based on the ajax apc) Prowler (based on the as-90) Howitzers Centurion (based on the m109 howitzer) The orchid (based on the rosomak apc) Cerberus (based on the wyvern from 40k) Obliterator (based on the hydra from 40k) The pugilist punisher (based on the boxer apc)
@sethcourtemanche5738 2 ай бұрын
Use the lucrehulk, venators and secutors to fight the executor that's more than enough fighters to overwhelm the executor
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
It is! But we'll take losses which we are trying to avoid cause most of our ships are subscriber ships!
@jameseddens8069 2 ай бұрын
Battle Communication: Attack on Kessel Jedi Master Mira Talon, General Garm Bel Iblis, and Admiral Tig coordinate a daring ground assault, with Admiral Tig leading jump troopers on a mission to free prisoners. Jedi Master Mira Talon (Lead Commander): “All units, this is Master Talon. The Imperials are dug in deep around Kessel’s mining facility. We’ll hit them from all sides. Admiral Tig, your jump troopers are key-get those prisoners out. Captain Lag, your clones will punch through the main defenses.” Admiral Tig (Jump Trooper Commander, Jedi Knight): “Copy that, Mira. Jump troopers, stay ready! We’ll hit the prison block and free the captives. We’ll be moving fast, so keep up.” Captain Lag (4th Battalion Commander): “Understood, General. Clones, form up! Our mission is to break their frontline. Shock troopers ahead-expect heavy fire!” General Garm Bel Iblis (Ground Support): “Mira, my forces are in position to the north. We’re cutting off any reinforcements, but it’s on you to break through their main defense lines.” Mira Talon: “Copy that, Garm. Captain Lag, you’re leading the main assault. Focus fire on the shock troopers and push forward. I’ll handle the flanking maneuver.” Admiral Tig: “Jump troopers, let’s move! Hit the rooftops, clear out the guards, and get to the prison. We’ll extract the prisoners and fall back to the landing zone. Move fast!” Captain Lag: “Clones, charge! Engage the shock troopers-lay down heavy fire! Don’t let them regroup!” Clone Trooper Echo: “Turrets spotted, General! They’re locking down the courtyard.” Mira Talon: “I’ll handle the turrets. Lag, keep pushing! Tig, how’s the assault on the prison block?” Admiral Tig: “Making progress, Mira. We’ve reached the rooftops and are moving in on the prison guards. They’re not expecting us. We’ll breach shortly.” Mira Talon: “Good. Lag, prepare for heavy resistance in the courtyard. Garm, make sure we have reinforcements ready to press their fallback positions.” Captain Lag: “Clones, grenades out! Push them back! We’re close to breaching the command center!” Admiral Tig: “We’ve breached the prison! Guards are down. Freeing the prisoners now-extraction is underway!” Mira Talon: “Excellent work, Tig. Lag, finish them off at the command center. We’re almost there.” General Garm Bel Iblis: “Prisoners secure, northern flank locked down. No reinforcements. Finish them, Mira.” Captain Lag: “We’ve breached! Clones, clear the command center-this is the final push!” Mira Talon: “All units, regroup and prepare for extraction. Kessel is ours. For the Rebellion!”
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
For the rebellion!!! Loved this battle. We had our roles!!
@lucaspritchard8575 2 ай бұрын
i came up with a black sun character and i want to post it before i forget dr streward of illium controlls an interdictor that he uses to bait in and controll hyperdrive using purgell whales (yes those annoyances) since he is a marine biogolist (twisted one at that) does he have on the ground snuggles the rancor and precious the acklay those are his pets that he fed the original crew of the intredictor to he is wanted by the emoire and the rebels for a lot of unetical tests on animals and releasing them in the wild to see the outcome leaving multiple imperial and rebal planets destroyed he joined the black sun for money for resource and to evade the other superpowers
@lucaspritchard8575 2 ай бұрын
will be awsome if u give him already to the black sun to be a pain in this campaing
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@@lucaspritchard8575 ohhh interesting Idea!!! I mean I can try, but i've never given the enemy ships. :O
@lucaspritchard8575 2 ай бұрын
@@tigoldbitisand otherwise he can be a menace in the evenual black sun campaign
@aziscakep640 2 ай бұрын
1:04:10 Hopefully they Don't D** Because they SO CUTE BUT ALSO DEADLIST!!!
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@aziscakep640 2 ай бұрын
Yeah We Know😏
@thesneakygrimm8902 2 ай бұрын
(The defense of dressel report) captain deadlock:the battle was a hard fought one my Capital ship took major damage and i have lost 38% of My fighters productions but thanks for Lt commander Messer i would have lost my ship and my life i owe him now we begins our re-arming and refueling to make ready for our next campaign captain deadlock report out (End of report)
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Good report! And wow you're connecting with Lt. Cmdr merser!
@thesneakygrimm8902 2 ай бұрын
@tigoldbitis yes sir he saved my life and Besides, might as well get on his good side if we are working together.
@gagu2650 2 ай бұрын
@@thesneakygrimm8902 oh you are on my good side alright😉😎
@sethcourtemanche5738 2 ай бұрын
You've got to destroy the executor that thing is causing a lot of problems
@user-Vertin_Orson_Snow 2 ай бұрын
It takes time , we need to tread carefully about this instead of Gun blazing on SSD
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Yeah we do, just gotta find the situation. The 3rd fleet might be the best option.
@thesneakygrimm8902 2 ай бұрын
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@@thesneakygrimm8902 Hahahah! No you wont!
@Dreamlifter74742 2 ай бұрын
I want this game so much
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Get it! It's on steam!!
@skorgethehunter5810 2 ай бұрын
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@jameseddens8069 2 ай бұрын
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Ya'll quick!
@thesneakygrimm8902 2 ай бұрын
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@Dreamlifter74742 2 ай бұрын
Do you guys have vinegar class start destroyers and or Acclimator’s or light cruisers?
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Yes we do have those republic ships!
@user-Vertin_Orson_Snow 2 ай бұрын
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
@user-Vertin_Orson_Snow 2 ай бұрын
43:30 or you can give them to me Since My Fleet needs Them Current Weekly Income : 24K Pre Weeks , For Now Updated Subscribers ships and fleets that need to build : 2 YT-1300 Light Freighters "Sabra" And "Selu" ($500) 1 YT-2000 Light Freighter "Otana" 1 GR-75 Freighter "Vasudra II" ($750) 1 Action IV Freighter "Big Score" ($250 or $750) (ALL those ARE ALL GENERIC Freighters build to BOOSTER Alliance Economic) (ALL Those Ships are built on Azzameen Station) LT. CDR Lag's 1 Ton Falk "Omega" ($6200) CAPT. Brick's Dor'bulla Class Capital Ship ($14000) CAPT. Harper's Qunaalac Destroyer "Acklay's Fury" ($17000) GADM. Tig's ISD III (Liberty 1 icon and name will return to liberty taskforce icon and remove Admiral Tig to just "Liberty 1")(On The Maw) ($26000) 1 Tactical Droid LT. TX-21H's Captor Carrier , Buy 2 Recusants from CSA loyalist (On Raxus Prime or Mon Cala) ($13000) Rizor Kryze's Sabaoth Destroyer "Sabertooth" (On Ubrikkia) ($13000) CAPT. Kodo Rinbey's Escort: 1 Nebulon B , 2 Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers ($12000) LT. CDR. Matias Torres had Aegir Fleet (6 Corellian Destroyers , 3 Corellian Battlecruisers , 1 Corellian Carrier left) ($86750) LT. CDR. Jay's Liberty Taskforce had (1 Secutor-Class Star Destroyer "Liberty Home" , 1 Victory Class l "Liberty Vanguard" , 1 Victory Class ll "Liberty Guardian" on The Maw) ($55500) Note : [ Liberty Home's Fighter Complement 1 TIE Defender Squadron (Black Widow Squadron) 2 A Wings (Blitz and Fury Squadron) 1 ARC-170 Squadron (Guardian Squadron) 1 X Wing (Raptor Squadron) 1 U Wing (Ranger Squad) 3 Z-95s (Falcon Squadrons) 1 B Wing (Titan Squadron) ] 1 Acclamator with Z-95 Squadrons for The ELF (Eraidu Liberation Front) ($4300) LT. CDR. Alex's Vengeful Armada had 1 Maelstrom Class Battles Cruiser buildable ? RADM. Arrillon's Fleet had 4 Lictors Dungeon Ships , 2 Crusaders Corvettes , 4 Ara’novor Class Carriers left ($50600) House Kast , Clans Beroya and Awaud 's Fleet had 1 Keldabe "The Great's Wrath" , 1 Aggressor "Arasuum's Scythe" , 1 Kandosii "The Indomitable's Vengeance" , 2 Vengances "The Ax of Tarus" and "The Anvil of Kalevala" , 2 Lictors , 4 Ara’novor and 4 Crusaders (On Lianna or Raxus Prime) ($104000) Clan Kratus had 1 Aggressor named "The Ion Beast" on The Wheel ($24000) Karim Kratus had 1 Kandosii (Rebuild on Mandalore) ($14000) (All $38000) 2 Rhinodon Carriers , 2 Victory Class I "Wraith" and "Ranger" , 2 Gladiators Class Star Destroyers "Gladius" and "Rapier" , 2 Tagges Battle Cruisers "Reliable" and "Revenge" , and 1 Venator "Bane" and 1 Invincible Heavy Cruiser "Savior" and 2 Secutors "Liberty" and "Justice" from CSA ($185000) ($166500 with Syndicate Corruption 10% Discount) LT. CDR Atticus's Fleet had 3 Arquitens left , 4 Acclamators "Ashla's Moonlight" , "Atonement" (V-Wings and ARC-170s Loadout), "Bogan's Shadow" , "Arbiter" (Z-95s and Y-Wings Loadout) , 2 Providence Dreadnought "Harbinger" and "Forerunner" , 4 Recusants , 4 Munificents , 1 Allocator "Final Verdict" , 2 "Liberated" ISD II "DAY OF WRATH" , "DAY OF MOURNING" (A , B Wings Loadout) (6 CR-90 , 6 DP-20 , 8 Hammerhead Corvettes , 2 Nebulon-B , 2 Marauder Class Corvettes , 2 Dreadnought Class Heavy Cruisers , 2 Twin Blades Frigates , 2 AAF MK1 , 2 GR-75 , 2 Quasar , 5 Braha'tok Gunships , 5 X4 Gunships) Manus Vindictae Fleet Support (On Lianna) (Main Fleet $197950 , [ + Support Fleet $300710 (If build with discount) or 324450 (without discount) and Make 2 DP-20 , 2 Marauders spawn with ISD I ]) Rebuild : Clan Wrus's Crusader Corvettes ($2500) McRose's N1 Starfighter Squadron (On LT. CDR Matias Torres Corellian Battlecruiser "Tanager") LT.CDR Alex's Vengeful Armada 2 Acclamators ($8600) (Alex want Them be Rebuild) Manus Vindictae Arquitens "Sonetto" ($3250) (I want it Rebuild) Possible Future Ships : Merser's Second Fleet 1 Lucrehulk ($30000) 2 Providences Dreadnought ($46000) 4 Munificents ($26000) 4 Recusants ($18000) (ALL Ships $120000) Saren Nyx's Lucrehulk (On Umbara) Just incase if he reappear to the RP ($30000) Din Djarin's N1 Starfighter (or Razor Crest if possible) buildable ? New ships and characters are added EVERYDAY , I'll keep my best added every ships onto the list , please correct me if anything on the list are wrong Note : If Captain Lin Harand's Dauntless Heavy Cruiser "Ghost Of Rubicon" die on Endor , Replaced his Ship with Mediator Class Battlecruiser Kodo Rinbey's Will want MC70 Barracuda in forseeable future P.S 1. FIX Kalani's icon 2 . DON'T PUT YOUR ENVOYS INSIDE THE PLANETS THAT HAS NEGATIVE NUMBERS BE AWARE OF " 一 " OK 3 . Removing Corruption on Bespin , Gerrenthum , Cantonica 4 . The Vengeful Armada HADN'T FINISH BUILDING YET , You still NEED TO REBUILD 2 ACCLAMATORS For LT. CDR Alex (And My "Sonetto" too) 5 . FINISH BUILDING Cantonica 2 Space Casinos , 1 GR-75 Freighter , 1 Action IV Freighter , 1 YT-2000 , 2 YT-1300 To boosting Our Economy FIRST 6 . FINISH BUILDING LT. CDR Lag's Ton Falk "Omega" And LT. CDR Matias Torres Corellian Carrier And Clan Wrus's Crusader Corvette 7 . BUILDING Supply Depots and Manufacturing Bases , Warehouses (Small Arms and Mechanized) and started building Rebel Camps and Sympathizer Outposts on each Planets , Asteroidfields and Void Stations (including Azzameen Station) you had own , and also Upgrade your Rebel Camp to Alliance Headquarter , and Upgrade to Alliance Base , no need to worry about the upkeep anymore , this spending is INEVITABLE Sympathizer Outpost : 5 Pop Cap Rebel Camp : 5 Pop Cap Supply Depot : 5 Pop Cap Alliance Headquarter : +5 Pop Cap Manufacturing Base : +5 Pop Cap Alliance Base : +10 Pop Cap Small Arms Warehouse : 10 Pop Cap Mechanized Warehouse : 10 Pop Cap
@tigoldbitis 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the recap and the reminders!
@user-Vertin_Orson_Snow 2 ай бұрын
​@@tigoldbitis Atticus Report : " NOT much happening here , when we Ready Retaliate them at Yavin IV Space , Those cowards just fleeing to Hyperspace , Escape from ENDLESS SWARM of TIE Experimental , I feel so happy about the growth of this Alliance 😀 , I'm so PROUD of this 👏 , Also , Emon Azzameen want to Thank us for supporting his company and Save His Brother from Imperial hand , he has decided to support us the construction of those 2 Space Casinos on Cantonica , that is all I can report for now , LT. CDR Atticus Signing off. "
@ltayden2394 2 ай бұрын
@@user-Vertin_Orson_Snow ps you’ll have to go through Rosa if you wanna build those (which she’ll probably be okay with)
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