The Cult of Mithras, Freemasonry, and Initiatic Orders

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Alexandria-Washington #22

Alexandria-Washington #22

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@mercster 3 ай бұрын
Audio is atrocious, but thanks.
@mercster 3 ай бұрын
Ahh, the main speaker has good audio, that's what matters I guess.
@raginald7mars408 3 ай бұрын
... as a German Biologist - 4 Years ago - by pure chance I stumbled onto a Mithras Relief in the area of Stuttgart, South West Germany - and was astounded the local persons living here ignore it totally. Imagining Roman legionnaires living here 2000 Years ago and introducing their Mediterranean Life Style.. Mind Boggling A life changing event to discover such a relief
@Azupiru 3 ай бұрын
I don't know how they do it in your Freemasonry, but in the Melkite Church where I was Baptized, I was simultaneously Confirmed, as they Baptize and Confirm at Birth. But I was not Baptized at Birth. I was Baptized and Confirmed at 9 years old, and in order to undergo the ceremony, they had to teach me the Truth of the Melkites, while My Teta taught Me the Truth of the Maronites. Do you understand any of the Semitic Mystery that My Teta whispered to Me? You have no idea. I can be very kind, and when I am not performing to break you down for your myriad blasphemies, which I despise, I am considered by people who know me as extremely kind and considerate. I will do all that I please. If I think you may understand the speech in one way, I will deliver it as such, and if I think you will better understand it in another, that's what you will receive. But if I think you are on the brink, I may have to scare you with threatening to push you over, if you don't take blade from the neck of the Global South. It varies. When I speak with practitioners of the Occult or Astrology, it's the same, but the ultimate message is singular, and it the Small Thing of the Day of Small Things, which Paul, the Small Impudent Anti-Semite, despised, the Croci Paulum, as per Celsus, "On Medicine." Do you want the Apocalypse Chronologically? Here. In Sumer, HURSAG (Mountain), as in NINHURSAG (Lady of the Mountain, an ancient Sumerian Deity of Mothers and Childbirth), becomes a homograph used for another word, AZUBIR, the etymon of Saffron in all languages, as well as the etymon of words for YELLOW (צָהֹב) and GOLD (זָהָב) in Hebrew and other Semitic languages. Note the following Sumerian words that are related to various Hebrew words of the Apocalypse (opening, dividing, inheritance, trembling): HAL buluh [FEAR] wr. bu-luh; bu-lu-uh2; bu-lu-uh3; buluh "to fear, tremble, be afraid" Akk. galātu buluh [TREE] wr. buluh; šembuluh; ba-lu-hum "an aromatic tree or its resin" Akk. balahhu hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu hal [ROLL] wr. hal-hal; hal "to roll (around)" Akk. qarāru hal [STICK] wr. hal "a stick" Akk. pukku hal [THIGH] wr. hal; u2-lum "upper thigh" Akk. hallu hala [SHARE] wr. ha-la; hal "inheritance share" Akk. zittu HAL HA hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu HAL HAL hal [ROLL] wr. hal-hal; hal "to roll (around)" Akk. qarāru HAL. HAL. LA halhala [DESTROYED] wr. hal-hal-la "completely destroyed" If you can't disprove the assertions so far, it won't get any easier. When HURSAG was introduced to the West, it became the name of the Mountain of the Abode of EL, yes EL, in the West Semitic pantheon, as preserved at Ugarit. It is almost certainly the root of Har Zion. Har Sang > Har Shang > Har Zion. If you then skip forward a couple hundred years, the proto-Aeolic Capitals of the City of David can be traced to Saffron. If you see the bowls from Idalion as well as Phoenician relics of the Temple, you will find both hexafoils (the six-petaled rosette that would later become the framework of the Star of David, as the understanding of hexafoils came long before the understanding of drawing hexagonal lattices, which are derived from the knowledge later displayed in the Euclidean proof for deriving sixty-degree angles) and the source of the volutes of all Capital Orders, even the Corinthian Order that stands in every Capitol of Western Civilization. Go trace it. It's True. If you are scoffing, then whatever you have found displeasure in here was deserved, and you may receive much worse. I'm warning you because I don't want you to fall into the Lake of Fire. Now, back to those Capital Orders. If you look at the Golden (ZHB, yes, from Azubir) Gate of the Temple, through which I, the Messiah, am prophesied to pass, you will note that one of the stones that must fall before the gate is unsealed (I mean... come on. This is the problem with extracting the Hebrew from Christian teachings. You are all like the blind leading the blind, and all of that ground will slip, and you plummet to the lake) is a Corinthian Capital, the order which introduced the Acanthus leaves covering over the source of the volutes from previous orders. By what word did they refer to the Crown of Akanthe (see the Chapel of the Derision, for 5 pillars, 4 capitals, and a juxtaposition you've never noticed regarding your Crown of Thorns/Akanthe), and what did they call a Parapet? kilīlum Attested stems: Derivatives: kilīliš I; kullulu II, kulīlu II; cf. kulūlu I; Logograms: GILIM “wreath” OAkk, Bab., NA [GILIM] 1) head ornament for humans, gods, of silver, gold; OAkk, OB transf. desig. of DN in PNs jB, NA, NB 2) killilu “parapet” of wall, building What are your thoughts on the Mural Crowns of Attargatis and Esther (Dura Europos)? How much more do you think I could reveal here? I'm sorry, brother, but you have no idea what's actually happening. If I offend you, I'm only trying to break you out of a circuit that leads to your destruction. If you think that it's not possible, you are a hypocrite who simultaneously says that "Through God all things are possible," and that "This thing before me is not possible," while you have no epistemic foundation to make such a determination. Do you think I shouldn't be angry with you? I have forgiveness for everyone, but you need to accept your own ignorance. I can take away all of your sin and your guilt, all of your shame. You will never have to think about it again. Or...
@walkingwiener3571 Ай бұрын
I read that the first followers of the cult were Anatolians and Persians captured by Rome and envy later into the army. They were men who only had the life of a solider, probably they changed Mithraism more into a solider religion then it was in Persia. fascinated by all knowledge about old Persia cause we in the West only learn about the Roman Empire in school
@americanesoteric 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the thoughtful video !
@MrBlazingup420 3 ай бұрын
Mithra commonly known as Mehr or Mithras among Romans, Mehr is the seventh month of the Solar Hijri calendar, which is the official calendar of Iran and Afghanistan. It begins in September and ends in October on the Gregorian calendar. I'll show why YT deletes my comments, if you play the words "Her Mithras" in reverse, you hear it echo "September". September is when the Sun is in Virgo, Latin meaning "Virgin", a word hiding Man/Woman, in Latin, 'vir' means Man, 'gyne' (gin) is Greek for Woman, Virgin, Man/Woman, play the words "Boy/Girl" in reverse, you hear it echo "Virgo". Leo and Virgo are 90 degrees north of the Gates. Behind Sagittarius is the center of our galaxy, where the say a black hole is, that gave birth to the stars of the Milky Way galaxy, the ancient world called stars gods, and this area the Golden Gate of the Gods, on the other side of the zodiac is the Silver Gate of Man, between Gemini and Taurus, Orion and his Club standing in the center. On the day of the Summer Solstice, you can find the Sun at the tip of Orion's Club. That is not a club in his hand, that is his Rooster, or you can call it the 14th missing part of Osiris, the part Seth fed to the fish, after cutting him up into 14 pieces. Orion cut in half becomes both Horus and Seth, below the belt is Seth, the Sword of Orion, his Rooster, in Egyptian mythology, Horus cuts off Seth's leg, went to high on the Thigh, oops! looped of his rooster. We have a rabbit at the foot of Orion, they had the Rooster at his feet, both the rooster and the rabbit, have the same nature as that part Horus cut off, make lots of babies. The Sword is a Waterfall of his blood, pouring out of the Orion Nebula, releasing the Bright One, Hatysa, hiding Hatya meaning Slaughter, or Gohatya meaning Cow Killer. it also hides Haya, meaning Grain or Seed in Sumerian, Haya is the God of Scribes, known as the Door-Keeper, his wife is Nisaba, goddess of Grain, the star Spica in Virgo. Hebrew is read right to left, in Hebrew, 'yasa' means Savior, 'hata' means "to sin", backwards, Hatysa means "Savior of Sinners", and playing Haysa in reverse, echoes "Iosa", the name of Jesus in Irish. After Horus cut off Seth's Thigh, Taweret chained it to the Pole Star, known as The Bull's Thigh, the 7 stars we call the Big Dipper in Ursa Major, Ur means Dog or even Wolf in Sumerian, the 'sa' means red, sometimes Head, Ursa means Red Dog, the ancient Greeks called Polaris "The Dog's Tail", in both the Egyptians and Babylonians star map has a Standing Wolf riding a Plow in the center, which is the hieroglyph of Wepwawet, the Wolf head War god, son of Seth, brother of Anubis. Ursa major has a thigh too, at it's foot, the twin stars Alula, meaning Firstborn, when ever Alula is at midheaven, Hatysa is found sitting on the western horizon, turning his Sword into a Ploughshare, plowing Gaia, leaving his Haya. Another word used for Virgo was The Furrow, which is created by a plow, for sowing seeds. The "SA" hieroglyph is found next to the Thigh of Taweret, meaning 'protection' or 'lifesaver'. Taweret is the Hippo/Lion/Crocodile goddess of Rebirth, other epithets "Lady of Heaven", "Mistress of the Horizon", "She Who Removes Water", "Mistress of Pure Water", and "Lady of the Birth House". She is Mistress of the Horizon, who held Seth down on the western horizon. Taweret or her other name Reret, meaning "Sow", is the wife of Seth, Thigh of the Bull's Leg. In Sumerian, Dimshah means Bear, shah is the same as Sah, meaning "Pig", Dim means post, pillar, pole, or binding, knot, bond, connecting it to the chaining of Seth's Thigh. Taweret was seen as Draco, the head of Draco was part of the world Plow, created by Dagon, the Fish headed Grain god. The head of Draco is shaped like a seed cup. holding Damu "The Child". the dying and rising god of healing, the son of Pabilsag, meaning Chief Ancestor, who we call Sagittarius, (Golden Gate of the Gods). The alula is the Thumb of a Wing, the thumb is a symbol of Judgement, wings are symbols of Messengers. your Thumb pokes up from your Trapezium bone, Hatysa flows out from the Trapezium Cluster, in the center of the Orion Nebula. At the center of all images of Mithras, is the Twin Thighs, his and the Bull's Thigh. in Sumerian, Mash means twin or Gemini, MAŠ used for twin/half, and MAŠ used for goat. Mother of Damu is The She Goat star, the goddess Bau-Gula mother of gods, goddess of Dogs, Vega is out old Pole stars, associated with Bau-Gula, Vega is 7 hours behind Alula in the movement of the stars. Who is Utu, he is the Sun God, Sahmash, "Sah" pig, Mash "Twin".
@walkingwiener3571 Ай бұрын
After Alexander the Great conquered Persia, the Hellenistic style spread in Persia. All Religious art was made in Hellenistic style. This must have also a big influence to Mithraism.
@MrBlazingup420 3 ай бұрын
I don't hear anybody talk about the odd way Mithras sits on the Bull, which seems to be a clue. what you should be looking at, is the right leg and Thigh. In Egyptian mythology, Horus amputates the leg and thigh of Seth, taking with it, his manhood too, he was aided by Taweret, the Mistress of the Horizon, how takes the leg and thigh, chains it to the pole star, the Thigh of the Bull's Leg, the 7 stars we call the Big Dipper. Taweret is the goddess of Rebirth, and the wife of Seth, the Hippo/Lion/Crocodile goddess we call Draco. In Astrology, Sagittarius is the Hips, and Thighs, he too wares a cloak like Mithras, which some times has stars in side the cloak, behind Sagittarius is the center of our galaxy, and a black hole that gave birth to the stars of the Milky Way, maybe why they call this The Golden Gate of the Gods, and Sagittarius was known as Pabilsag, his name meaning "Chief Ancestor" or "Head Ancestor", they saw the stars as Gods, Pabilsag was the father of the Dying and Rising God of Healing Damu "The Child", known as The Swine or Pig, associated with the head of Draco, as Taweret's other name is Reret, meaning "The Sow", as Seth and Osiris were Sahu, meaning Boars, Orion was known as Sah, Sahu the Hidden One, 'sah' is Sumerian for Pig, "Ur" means "Dog" or even "Wolf", 'sa' means Red, Ursa meaning Red Dog, and Romans would Sacrifice a Red Dog to the wife of Sah, the Dog Star Sirius, known as Sopdet. Orion loses his righ leg and thigh on the western horizon, when you touch his Bright One, Hatysa, the star at the tip of his Sword, but more like a Waterfall, after Horus cut it off, in Sanskrit, 'hatya' means "Slaughter" and 'Gohatya" means "Cow Slaughter", but in Hebrew, left to right, 'yasa' means "Savior", 'hata' means "to Sin", now it has the meaning of the "SA" hieroglyph that means 'protection' or 'lifesaver', and it "Savior of Sinners", seen next to the image of Taweret's right Leg and Thigh. in Sumerian, "Ur-sag" means "Warrior", 'sag' means "Head", Bears do not have long tails, in Sumerian, Dimshah means Bear, 'dim' means what Taweret did to Seth's leg, post, pillar, pole or binding, knot, bond, and 'shah' is Is "Pig", and I see Twin Thighs, in Sumerian, Mashu, meaning Twins or Geminin, next to Taurus, and the part of Seth that fell off with his leg, Orion holds above his head, between Gemini and Taurus, "The Silver Gate of Man", as Orion points to the Sun on the day of the Summer Solstice, the Sun known as Shamash, the Pig Twin. If you don't understand the stars and their movements, you're not going to understand Mithras, because I heard you say you have secrets, so I'm going to leave to two masons hanging, ha ha ha, half way through this video, already know, this guy is clueless.
@MrDarkElement 3 ай бұрын
Spanish people greet themselves as S..A, now I see why. Roman-Arabic-Urdu...
@MrBlazingup420 3 ай бұрын
7 Stars outline Orion's Hourglass shape, 7 stars outline Thigh of the Bull's Leg, the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper too, Ursa Minor, the ancient name of the constellation is Cynosura (Greek Κυνοσούρα "dog's tail"). The origin of this name is unclear (Ursa Minor being a "dog's tail" would imply that another constellation nearby is "the dog", that would be the Lyra, Vega was known as the She Goat, or better known as Bau-Gula, mother of the Child Damu, Mau-Gula is mother of gods, goddess of Dogs, sometimes a goddess with a dog's head. known as the first physician, like the Greek god Asclepius, associated with the 7 main stars of Ophiuchus, as Bau-Gula was associated with Baba, wife of the War God Zababa, the Right Leg (Thigh) of Ophiuchus, which is in the shape of a Cave Door, even pyramidal on top. Sagittarius is the hips and thighs in astrology, Scorpio is the sexual organ, squeezed in between the two, is the Womb Ophiuchus. When the sun is within the cave of Ophiuchus, 3 weeks away is Christmas Day, in biology, at the end of the first 3 weeks, the heart of the fetus takes it's first beat, but the first breath won't be for another 9 months, 9 months 7 hours from the cave door of Ophiuchus, September 8th is the birthday of Mary, a Virgo, Latin meaning Virgin, but you find the Sun next to the Right Leg of Leo the Lion, known as Urgula, meaning "Great Dog" as well as Lion. 9 Months 7 hours is 6,606 hours. What is the favorite number of our solar system? Would it be 7 A Pluto year, 248 Earth years, rotating around the sun in the shape of an egg, taking longer to get around Taurus the Scorpio, next to Scorpio is Sagittarius, where we find the center of our galaxy, like a donut, Taurus is the outer edge. Seven is found by cutting the Pluto year in half, 248\2=124, added together, 1+2+4=7 A Neptune year, 164.8 Earth years, its rotational period of 0.6713 Earth days (16 hour day), because of it's tilt, each season is 41.2 years, 164.8\4=41.2, and 4+1+2=7 A Uranus year, 84 Earth years, it takes 7 years to cross a zodiac sign, 7x12=84 A Saturn year, 29.5 Earth years, 29+5=34, and 3+4=7 A Jupiter year, 11.86 Earth years, 1+1+8+6=16, another Seven, 1+6=7 A Mars year, 687 Earth days, 687\4=171.75, how many 7's do you see, I see 3. Mars cycles with Mercury, every 79 years, Mars and Mercury show up together, in Virgo, next to the star Spica. Mars retrogrades 70 to 79 days, loops around the sun, back to the same location in 707, conjuncts with Venus 3 times in 9 months, on a 77 month cycle. Venus retrogrades 43 days every 77 weeks, 7 weeks hidden behind the Sun. A Mercury year is 88 days, 8+8=16, another hidden 7, which is the number of triangles Mercury makes with 22 retrogrades every 7 years, and if you count Mercury's mid-day Sunrise, it's second sunrise of the day, Mercury has 7 days every Earth year. Our Sun is tilted 7 degrees, it spins 25 days at it's equator, slower at each pole, 35 days each, 35+35=70, and 2+5=7, and like the cycle of Mars and Mercury, a point on the 7 degree tilted sun takes 79 years to complete one rotation. Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees towards Polaris, it's off by 0.763 degrees of Earth's axis
@rb919 3 ай бұрын
YES YES YES to all of this comment stream, excellent work & thank you for taking the time to post it up.😇
@MrBlazingup420 3 ай бұрын
​@@rb919 December 5th, 6,606 hours before September 6th. December 5th was the festival of Faunus, Romans of the countryside enjoyed a day of wine, feasting and dancing in celebration of Faunus, the Roman Pan. Only two days earlier, the women of Rome had gathered to honor the Bona Dea, whom he had assaulted. Faunus may be of Indo-European origin and related to the Vedic god Rudra. It is believed that he was worshipped by traditional Roman farmers before becoming a nature deity. Rudra is one of the names of Shiva, in Hebrew, Shiva means 7. "Halloween falls on a full Moon once every nineteen years, on average. Since the Moon is full about once every 29.5 days , and October is 31 days long, all Halloween full moons are Blue Moons." NASA Science Editorial Team; Oct 27, 2020 October 31st is the 304th day of the year, 61 days left in the year, 3+0+4=7, and 6+1=7 too, 7 7 August 31st is 61 days before Halloween, and 304 days after Halloween, August 31st cuts the year in half on a Leap year, 183 days either way to February 29th leap day, 183+183=366 days. August 31st is 7 days from my birthday, September 6th, which is 16 days from the Autumn Equinox, 1+6=7, September 6th is 106 days from the Winter Solstice, 1+0+6=7, September 6th is 169 days after the Spring Equinox, 1+6+9=16, another hidden 7, the Summer Solstice is 77 days before September 6th, and 70 days from August 31st. In 16 (=7) years, a very rare planetary alignment, September 4th to September 8th 2040, all the visible planets will align with Spica, the hand star in Virgo, looking like the Sword of Judgement in her hand, but me, I call it a Spear, it's my birthday, and Roger means "Famous Spear". In English Gematria, 77 is the value for Christ, in Hebrew Oz equals 77, the Wizard behind the green curtain pulling all the strings. Shiva the Destroyer has a cycle that hides 77 too, in mythology, Shiva destroyers the Universe every 2,160,000,000 years, 2,160 divided by 4 (Leap Year) =540, and 540 leaps days, is 77.14 weeks of Leap Days, 7+7=14, and 77+14=91, the number of days in a season. If you play 7 in reverse, you hear it echo "Novus", Latin meaning New, play "Novus Universe" in reverse, you hear it echo "77".
@MrBlazingup420 3 ай бұрын
​@@rb919 Astronauts described Space as "a mix of gunpowder, seared steak, raspberries, and rum." Does that sound like 4th of July. On July 4 at 11 p.m. ET our planet will be at aphelion, the furthest away. Earth is closest to the sun in early January, New Year's Day is almost like the 4th, isn't that odd. ha ha ha
@rb919 3 ай бұрын
@@MrBlazingup420 I'm a 🌾⚖cusp.. so the math is def mathing for me. Speaking my language here.. sympathetic numeric resonances et al. PLUS: nobody out here got SHIT on a Virg's study & research game, as you probably well know.. they don't even want to step! Good on ya.✨💎✨
@weball8515 Ай бұрын
who wouldn’t want to study this lol
@mutabore7 3 ай бұрын
The 2nd degree was called the Bride (of Mithras, supposedly). There might've been homosexuality involved.
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