Great design. It has some elements of Onirim, but without the constant shuffling, which is awesome. The theme works really well - it has a classic feel which fits a game using tarot cards and good vs evil. The "deal with the Devil" option gives you some added choices with a push your luck element. I get confused about the "mini game" boss battle at the end, but it seems like a good idea to have that extra climactic battle.
@UberDanteGames10 ай бұрын
Thanks! This is very good feedback.
@ichimiustin839020 күн бұрын
Why would judgement be a bad card? I was expecting it to revive the martyrs and help you defeat the devil. Interesting game nonetheless, I wonder how this would work with more suits, or with extra trumps. I have a special deck I've been working on for the past 6 years, with 383 cards in total. It has 12 suits and 46 trumps and some other cards. You can currently play 4 games using it, although some games don't use all the suits, using 8 or 6.
@UberDanteGames20 күн бұрын
Thanks for commenting. That's a fair point regarding the judgement card. The rulebook gives a brief explanation: "The loss of many in the battle of Armageddon." So I'm interpreting the card as more broadly representing the book of revelations. So not just the final resurrection but also all the "judgements" that precede that scene: war, famine, earthquakes, etc. which would probably be taking out quite a lot of people.
@UberDanteGames20 күн бұрын
That deck sounds interesting. Do you have a link to it? I think if you wanted a longer game you could definitely get it to work with more suits and so on. You could probably add some interesting stuff as well. For the tarot deck, there seems to be a good balance between the number of pip cards, the court cards, and the number of trump cards that make these solitaire games work without needing to tweak stuff too much. But with that many more cards, games would take longer and you'd need to spend a lot of time playtesting and checking for balance, I think.
@ichimiustin839019 күн бұрын
@@UberDanteGamesThank you for answering. The deck I am refering to is not yet avalable, as I am still working on it. The designs for the 12 suits are made to fit with the rest, and I use an artstyle that is similar to the bycicle standard. I don't always use the full deck when playing, sometimes using only 8 suits. It also contains 20 ranks per suit. I hope I will one day be able to upload the pdf of the deck online as a print and play. It does infringe on some copyrights, which could be a problem, so I might redesign some cards to be safe. (I believe copyright should not last longer than 5-10 years, and should not affect works that are no longer distributed by the author) That aside, the games are unlike any other I've played before in complexity, and are really fun. Maybe I could upload some tutorials for them as well. The deck does take heavy inspiration from historical designs on some of the cards (mostly minchiate, tarot de marseille, decks with extra suits from throughout history), but the designs of figures are all symetrical. Cards depicting landscapes are not reversible, they are iconic and look better this way. Two of the extra suits are similar to deck 6's cups and shields, but unlike extended decks online, there are new ranks and the new face cards are not recolors of existing ones. The other suits are original and the deck includes other many other cards, some examples being Time, Order, Noblemen, Bishops, 4 Jokers and mostly medieval inspired ranks. The deck features a classification of cards that expands upon the card types. There are suited cards, colored cards (like jokers), blue cards (that can be played on any color/are trumps) and obligatory cards, which are blue and can't be counterattacked be another card, having special rules in the games. I said judgement should not be a bad card thinking about how the deck I use has the seals of apocalypse as the highest trumps in order XXXVII-Conquest XXXVIII-War XXXIX-Famine XL-Death XLI-Chaos XLII-The Star XLIII-The Moon XLIV-The Sun XLV-The World XLVI-Judgement. I agree that the horsemen should be difficult to deal with. In my own games I made them be unpredictable, not always advantaging the player that uses them while having unique mechanics for each. Judgement is mostly a high card, but in games that have special effects, it affects all opponents and is a powerful card. I'd be willing to discuss the rules of the games and show you the cards if you're curious how they look like and how the games function.
@UberDanteGames19 күн бұрын
@@ichimiustin8390 Oh wow, that deck sounds very cool and well-planned out. I like the idea of using the seals of the apocalypse as trumps. I don't know if you use BoardGameGeek much, but they have a Work-in-Progress forum where you can create a thread that shows off your work so far, or post about the process, share videos or print&play files, and so on. It's a good way to get feedback, too.
@ichimiustin839019 күн бұрын
@@UberDanteGames I've considered making an account. I also created another game, this one being played on paper and being a cross between rock paper scissors and tic tac toe. I've one night gone to bed and I have dreamed the entire thing, design, colors, symbols, rules. When I woke up I remembered it, wrote the rules down, and played a few games. The game was playable, and the way I saw it in my dream was that it could also be played on a chess board, using some plastic pieces for the 3 symbols used in the game. The colored plastic pieces were sold in a plastic bag, fairly cheap, and had instructions on how to play. The 3 pieces were a rock a piece of paper and scissors, the rock was a circle and the paper was a square, while scissors were a triangle. Each piece was not a full shape, but rather like this, with an outline and a cross 𐌎(this is how paper looked like), the idea being that you were supposed to grab them by the middle and place them on the chess board.