The Differences Between Vanilla WoW & Modern WoW

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@golem26 7 жыл бұрын
The removal of the talent trees, miss them the most.
@xaviervega468 7 жыл бұрын
I'm split on the talent trees. For leveling I much preferred the old ones, as I enjoyed spending that talent point every level. But for endgame I much prefer the new ones. I like being able to switch talents around depending on the boss or switching them around for BG's. Doing that in the old talent trees meant having to re-spec entirely.
@golem26 7 жыл бұрын
It's the Specialization part that really bugs me the most, rather than it being a playstyle you have decided on it's one Blizzard has chosen for you. While you have more variety now the old tree system gave you more flexibility, the re-specing was a pain. maybe that's something they could do for live, a mix between the two; every 10 levels you get a point to spend on a talent ability, when you spend a point in a spec it unlocks the next teir.
@golem26 7 жыл бұрын
So instead of having 1 of 3 abilies to choose from every 15 levels it'll be 1 of 9 at 10th level and the further you go down you'll unlock more and better abilties suited to that specialization
@angeredweaboo1789 7 жыл бұрын
Go fuck yourself weeb I don't like this game anymore tbf don't play it
@MacwinsTV 5 жыл бұрын
Those talent tree are just illusion . There will be always be guide to which talents to pick up .
@deezportz 7 жыл бұрын
If a huntards pet got unhappy he could leave
@kk-od3li 7 жыл бұрын
deezportz pets are like women
@jogape17 7 жыл бұрын
lol that's tru forgot bout that always had to carry food and ammo lol
@u.b.5366 7 жыл бұрын
Funny thing. They even abandoned you when you were offline, so you better stay online and overcome the first two affection points before it didnt abandon you after 15mins.
@Kordiana 7 жыл бұрын
You could also only have a limited number of pets and had to stable the others.
@cubixdani3347 7 жыл бұрын
+Evis Cerate So you should stay in a unhappy relationship? o.O Shame.
@123phobia123 7 жыл бұрын
and yet, Vanilla was the best experience! it was a real social MMO, everyone know each other on a server, you had to interract with other players to progress, and the outside world was filled with players.
@prudencelandis4830 7 жыл бұрын
That's one thing I miss, the community. Everyone helped each other. You'd even get the occasional player from the other faction who would help you out of a tight spot. Now you ask a simple question and you're treated you're stupid.
@EnjoyCocaColaLight 7 жыл бұрын
TBC was better. Endlessly so. WOTLK was better, too. Vanilla was absolute garbage and unfit for a Western demography. You're lying if you say you miss vanilla (or wearing nostalgia glasses)
@davidbennett2715 7 жыл бұрын
EnjoyCocaColaLight The vanilla game was horribly broken but I people remember only the things that made them feel good back then: the sense of community in the early days and of accomplishment when they finally achieved something (anything). I came in at the end of Burning Crusade when the community spirit was already going out of the game. For me, Cataclysm wrecked everything when it tore apart the world I had come to love. I had just not played it enough to get bored by it and I had not suffered the tedious grinding zones I understand existed back then.
@xaviervega468 7 жыл бұрын
Wrath hit the sweet spot for me. It requires some effort, but not so much that you couldn't have a life as well.
@renestorc3529 7 жыл бұрын
EnjoyCocaColaLight wrath was trash. Fucking easymode raids, gearscore, faceroll aoe dungeons.. I play vanilla on a private server and its definitely the best version of wow.
@SoulHuN7eR 7 жыл бұрын
I used to exploit glitches and bugs to travel to unused maps or outside of the game back in the day. My most glorious moments were when I traveled to Mount Hyjal back then only to find a crushed plane and a dwarf. Karazhan before it was added. The horror show under it. The mountain peak of Ironforge. Old Ironforge itself. Glitch city under Stormwind. Unused Outland. The upsidedown caverns and many many MANY more. Aaaah... :'(
@bencarr10 6 жыл бұрын
Yes! We used to sneak into Under City through the roof as Alliance... so many glitches for asshole gankers!
@marting7848 3 жыл бұрын
Did you see the smiley under Karazhan? )
@pt9373 7 жыл бұрын
"Mages had to buff 2 groups, sit down and drink, buff 2 groups sit down and drink, rinse and repeat, it took forever" well most 40 man raid groups have at least 5 mages, so it takes maybe what...3 seconds?
@freedonx 7 жыл бұрын
I can tell you, in BC, there were many 25 raid nights I was the only mage. Buffing AI and feeding the population was a hassle (this was before tables).
@unlimitedpower978 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, poor mages in BC. The only expansion they weren't good.
@karb0unos 7 жыл бұрын
It depends on the content. Arcane brilliance was a drop...
@lantern214 7 жыл бұрын
Remember when players would pay mages... just to make them food. XD
@karb0unos 7 жыл бұрын
Poor human paladins... Top racials, less farming, dedicated mount and a spot in every raid, despite if their job was boring or not and most importantly they needed everything from cloth to plate.... Poor paladins... - A druid with shitty tiers, hard time to do dungeons due to no rez and PvPing with creeps to farm as resto, last prio in gearing process (leather to rogue, cloth to priests)
@magicbiped 7 жыл бұрын
I miss like 90% of this stuff lol.
@adamjones-ps 7 жыл бұрын
I played as a Hunter and loved going out and finding all the different kinds of animals and taming each one to learn their special skill. It was rewarding and fun. Now, every animal is equal so it really doesn't matter which one you choose to run around with.
@akcam77 7 жыл бұрын
Remember Humar the Pridelord in the Barrens? I still have that black lion model as one of my top pets.
@navystylz 7 жыл бұрын
I still have the Black Lion as well. I was alliance and got horde to spawn the white lion for me back then too. Of course until the change, it was use Broken Tooth or go home. Which was even more a necessity as a nelf hunter to use shadowmeld - aimed shot without your pet giving away your position.
@femhgaming 6 жыл бұрын
Oh man, miss rare pet hunting so much.
@AlexeiVoronin 7 жыл бұрын
The biggest loss in the newer versions is the lack of community. With raid finder, you no longer have to talk to people or make connections. Click-click, join raid without even saying "Hello", do the raid, leave without even saying "goodbye". Yay, so much fun!
@adamh.4933 7 жыл бұрын
One word... Immersion
@SmokeRzzzz 7 жыл бұрын
My man
@bernlin2000 5 жыл бұрын
@@lazardox8769 The fact is flying mounts were extremely popular when released in BC...people spent MANY hours, grinding reps (especially the nether dragon) to get epic flying mounts, and flying skill. Perhaps the game's pace got too frantic over the years, and a correction was needed. Classic is like going from 85 MPH to 25 some point, you're going to want to have the option to get back up to at least 55 again ;-)
@kurtkaeser88 7 жыл бұрын
plus i miss finding random chests hidden around the world
@SimonC021 7 жыл бұрын
It had to happen, but one of the most noticeable things for me was when Cross Realm Dungeon Finder came in, the feeling of community lessened alot. I would meet a lot of new friends from doing random PUGS into dungeons in vanilla, but then once Xrealm came in, you couldn't keep in contact, and there became little incentive to even talk to eachother in dungeons beyond what was necessary.
@Inko21 7 жыл бұрын
I actually miss being able to have more control over your builds and the hybrid specs.
@Zoozio 3 жыл бұрын
Stop pretending they were viable.
@drooskie9525 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zoozio Just about anything was viable almost. Optimal =/= Viable. Especially once you got around to TBC and WOTLK. Classic was never that difficult. In 40 man raids, you technically only needed like 30. If you really wanted, you can just stack some warriors and mostly frost mages and it'll roflstomp everything.
@tinni6441 7 жыл бұрын
The different level spells were actually pretty nice, since the mana costs were also different for each level.Therefore, you could heal people to 100% in a more efficient way during you heal-time and could stay longer in your mana reg time (time 5sec after last cast). All in all, I slightly miss the old WoW with all the inconvenience e.g. traveling to a dungeon, after you searched for a group in one of the capitals. You had some time to talk with your random groupmembers and the whole run didn't feel like a speedrun.
@renloris460 6 жыл бұрын
Summer 2019, Classic WoW. Get ready to start a new adventure :)
@Abraksas112 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I remember having hotbars full of the same spell just different levels because it made sense using different levels and it added something to the gameplay because you were able to gain from knowing when to use what level or just squeeze out last resort efforts when low on mana. And if I remember correctly different levels sometimes had different casttimes too but I could be completely wrong there since it was quite a while ago ;). Also stacking up on healthstones was a thing. Even though that was a pain for the Warlocks (and I know it was cuz I mained one). I really miss classic WoW with all the inconveniences too. Also stuff like running out of food and water. The struggle of trying to somehow manage without or make your way all the way back to a vendor or looking for a mage. It was a pain in the ass but it was something special still. And oh how amazing it felt finding a kind mage.
@RaiderDave42069 7 жыл бұрын
They feel like very different games. I personally prefer Vanilla, which is still my favorite game of all time.
@Dguteae4 7 жыл бұрын
I bet you're as hyped as me for classic then? :P
@Kordiana 7 жыл бұрын
They are pretty much completely different games. Just like how many times you had to relearn our classes after most expansions, anymore those who started playing during or after Wrath, probably wouldn't know how to do a lot of things in Vanilla.
@toastandpoop 7 жыл бұрын
Ya I started on lightshope in anticipation of the classic servers... It's a blast
@chelseaschlais3822 6 жыл бұрын
@Scott Hudson Same! Loving it!
@avfx 7 жыл бұрын
you felt like you EARNED your ranks and stats in vanilla ... modern wow is just all shiny with no sense of worth!!! end of
@nervsouly 6 жыл бұрын
The people getting the limited number of rank ups per week and thus the OP PvP gear were typically the ones who played nonstop. As a normal day schedule person there was no way to get a BG rank. Sucked.
@icy1007 6 жыл бұрын
PvP gear was trash compared with raid gear.
@nervsouly 6 жыл бұрын
The reason why the horde won almost every BG was because they had way fewer people and thus more pvp geared fighters. I would not call it trash, trashed is what the average blue equippted player had. Also keep in mind many ppl, including myself, had pcs that really struggled with WoW back in the day and could literally not raid because of the number of participants. And then raiding was an insanely exclusive society anyway, the word snobbery does not even begin to describe it. It's the reason why people were and are still so furious about how wow changed to be more casual friendly: They lost their exclusiveness and e-self esteem boost.
@angelmurchison1731 6 жыл бұрын
@TheChillimouse 6 жыл бұрын
Lol yes Vanilla was so much fun..... Vanilla sucked 40 man naxxramas 4 different sets of gear for the resistance. Frost, Nature farming consumables as a healer was a disaster.
@tombstonedgtv4013 7 жыл бұрын
Best part of vanilla - no dungeon finder. Worst part of vanilla - no dungeon finder. Before dungeon finder there was non stop epic battles just to get your party into the dungeon. It was great. But when they added the finder those battles stopped. It turned wow into what every other mmo is. Sit in town and wait for a pop.
@UfoPilootje 7 жыл бұрын
Getting dismounted when walking into water...
@ashiinsane90 7 жыл бұрын
how dare u drown the mount
@MalonzeProductionsGaming 7 жыл бұрын
(Jump over river) Athletics skill increased by 1.
@KyleOp 7 жыл бұрын
Mourad Aznay lol that's right I forgot about that! Dang vanilla is gonna be a wake up call again lol
@sauer90 6 жыл бұрын
If you got the raptor mount you can walk in deeper water without dismounting
@user-nx5dt7xt2l 7 жыл бұрын
Flying Mount = Rip World PvP
@Buttfucker_5000 7 жыл бұрын
# 89 you mean getting ganked 24/7? Nah flying is a good thing
@user-nx5dt7xt2l 7 жыл бұрын
If you dont like any World PvP, feel free to play on a PvE Realm only. I enjoyed World PvP and flying Mounts simply killed it.
@user-nx5dt7xt2l 7 жыл бұрын
"I like PvP, but I dont like get killed " + Insult... Like I said, if u dont like World PvP, play on a PvE server and que BG´s.
@lizardirl9488 7 жыл бұрын
Flying makes everything 100% more convenient. I'm not saying the pre-cataclysm world sucked (because it didn't) but sometimes that shit is just confusing, maps being confusing at times, mountains getting in the way of EVERYTHING and shit tons of invisible walls. Desolace is a perfect example of this nowadays. Luckily, you can skip that frustrating part of quests and i love it for that. But god fucking damn it, can they just un-flood thousand needles already?
@ashxxiv 7 жыл бұрын
what? it's not like you're able to mount while in combat or able to use abilities/spells while mounted. it's never been a problem for me in world pvp.
@dodgykebaab 7 жыл бұрын
Blizzard removing the key ring, broke the game
@HamsterWheelGaming 7 жыл бұрын
People are still rioting in the streets because of that
@josejuanandrade4439 7 жыл бұрын
You mean the ones that actualy did bother to get the keys... 1 of each 5 players actualy had the keys, the rest needed you to open the door for them. Some keys in fact there were less people that bother getting them... like the UBRS key... /2 LF Someone with UBRS key, 20g for openning the door, don't need to stay!
@westkoastdogg6680 7 жыл бұрын
Dodgy coming with the cold hard facts!
@pokuzhermes4566 7 жыл бұрын
1 out of 5 people not having keys aint a bad thing. You could get payed for opening doors. I think it was a good thing.
@HolybasilYT 7 жыл бұрын
At the beginning the keyring wasn't even a thing. The key took up space in your regular bags.
@Mazxlol 7 жыл бұрын
Blizzard fixed Arcane Intellect - just removed from the game lol
@chippinfoo 7 жыл бұрын
So if you don't like vanilla, you don't have to go there. Most of the stuff you see as negatives made the game more interesting. Mages were must have tools. Warlocks were more mysterious with their shards. Real tanks worked their butts off, healers had huge mana management issues. Long travels through dangerous areas made it more exciting.
@bencarr10 6 жыл бұрын
You LIVED Vanilla WoW. Modern WoW has as much depth as Candy Crush.
@stilker4975 7 жыл бұрын
every goblin town in vanilla except of ratchet had AH and most had banks also
@pt9373 7 жыл бұрын
Good video but you make everything sound so dramatic. "You had to learn new spell ranks, and they wouldn't even go on your bar you had to go through ALL of your spells and finally find the new rank and then drag it All the way over to your spell bar and then replace the move you had and then move that move off and remove it and it just took so long" *Learn move, put on bar*
@karb0unos 7 жыл бұрын
Actually it's more dramatic than he describes it. He misses the most important part there. You didn't have enough money to get your new spells in first place. You had to choose carefully which spell to take and which not. Also, your highest rank spells were drinking your mana, so you were playing using different ranks to save mana.
@antonbonin5003 7 жыл бұрын
I used to use level 1 arcane explosion to expose rogues/druids for almost no mana.
@richardhouse111 7 жыл бұрын
In dungeons and raids as a resto druid I'd have 3 different levels of the same heal on the bar for cast time/mana cost and what was needed. Made the game a lot more micromanaging and strategy oriented imo
@karb0unos 7 жыл бұрын
+Richard House Healing Touch Rank 4 ftw!
@tequilastewart7921 7 жыл бұрын
yeah like, wow, i hate this game, i have to manually upgrade my bar every 2 levels but i spend 3 hours in a city doing nothing else anyway
@vividly94 7 жыл бұрын
The main difference is the leveling. Went from 50% leveling/50% end game to 95% end game, 5% leveling. Most experiences that came from World of Warcraft came from the early game. Then after that came the nail biters of guilds and raids. Basically, more than half the game is obsolete now.
@kennethnystrom593 7 жыл бұрын
Only 95%? Today its like 99.5% with instant levlings to Top lv X-10
@femhgaming 6 жыл бұрын
vanilla was 99% leveling 1% end game, nowadays it's 0.1% leveling 99.9% all the rest. In Vanilla you enjoyed the road, you pvpd by tiers with tens of thousands of other people, and were enjoying the crafting by tiers too, you worked for hours to leatherwork, or forge, a green item that could help you survive a little longer with the added stamina, little things that would help you get through that tier of grind. It was truly an immersive roleplaying game with a lot of social content due to the need to group up to finish some quests and get materials to craft or enchant, to craft or buy bags, etc. The level of depth the social aspect of the game and the roleplaying potential was top notch on Vanilla, and it felt the same to me during TBC. WotLK started making the changes i didn't like much, mainly due to the Lore. Killing Arthas was jumping the shark lorewise.
@sashimicheetah 6 жыл бұрын
No...Depending on how you played it could be ANY NUMBER of ratios. Different players enjoy different things, I had a friend who despised end game but loved levelling and did nothing but levelling and once he hit max he would create another character-class combo and start again, but by contrast I on the other hand only levelled one character and spent the rest of the time socializing and doing end game stuff/fucking around with the auction house etc... To this very day, these variabilities still apply. It's really not as black and white as you're making it. These kinds of things you're saying are really altruistic and one-sided.
@bencarr10 6 жыл бұрын
Leveling was always the best part for me.
@BarakGage 7 жыл бұрын
The biggest thing was the lack of information back in the day... that's why it was so special, you couldn't just google your way to victory.
@BarakGage 7 жыл бұрын
widgo real life stuff taking over for a bit my man haha
@Pops1970 7 жыл бұрын
Meeting stones WERE used for summoning people to the dungeon. You had to have 3 people to summon.
@pongkong 5 жыл бұрын
Zulbak nope. Not until tbc
@MikeM-xx2hc 5 жыл бұрын
@@pongkong You could summon with Warlocks
@whoeverwhoever400 7 жыл бұрын
I remember before, a warlock could keep fearing a target until he's drown to death in the water. LOL!!!!!
@disq7913 7 жыл бұрын
Two things. 1: Meeting stones did had a function in Vanilla. It was used as an early version of Group Finder. You had to click it and it would search for a group. Naturally, it was only on your realm (Battlegroups didn't exist until 1.11 and that's when the Meeting Stones ceased to exist as well) and you had to go there, so there was practically no use. 2: You missed the land above the Plaguelands. Not Ghostlands, but that part on the left of it. It was also an unused zone. Also Silithus had nothing until 1.8.
@EnjoyCocaColaLight 7 жыл бұрын
Also AQ (because it was a raid, but still) and also the place above Deathknell
@disq7913 7 жыл бұрын
EnjoyCocaColaLight AQ is in Silithus
@navystylz 7 жыл бұрын
I was gonna say something but was like nah. There are several errors. But meetings stones were functional most of vanilla that I remember.
@disq7913 7 жыл бұрын
They were functional, but not in the way described in the video. They were not to summon party members. They were the early version of LFG.
@navystylz 7 жыл бұрын
Disq oh right. I remember the UNGODLY runs to SFK and SM, as alliance.
@suhkmadiq6926 7 жыл бұрын
The main differences? Vanilla - wotlk was more of a fantasy esque game, like lord of the lords or something and they fucking changed it to space ships fucking rockets and shit and ruined it
@FGazi-qf1hp 7 жыл бұрын
There are no buffs in Legion. Just retri paladins have BoK and BoW. I miss buffs :/
@cEighteen 7 жыл бұрын
yeah, there's VERY LITTLE group buffs, save for maybe giving a group member a speed boost, giving them a defensive boost, almost all of the other people buffs are on Healers as well. The only really benefit a DPS can give is like stuns & that one Rogue talent that makes it so stunned enemies take more damage from all sources
@xXLeszekXx 7 жыл бұрын
Outlaw rogue is your buff spec in legion
@The_McRib 7 жыл бұрын
The guy in the video literally just explained why they were annoying. Missing them is just rose tinted goggles.
@MegaChickenfish 7 жыл бұрын
It seemed nice but it also kind of forced bringing certain classes to get the whole round of buffs. Want to bring your mage to raids? *Too bad,* we need a druid for Mark of the Wild.
@matrix255 7 жыл бұрын
This isn't necessarily bad... Remember in Vanilla when paladins were nothing more than buff bots? OH BOY... I do remember those days.
@nokiaphone5442 6 жыл бұрын
All of those are good features which made the game better. It made you really value gold. Now, hyper inflation in WOW means that 50 gold is peanuts.
@Raidboss89 7 жыл бұрын
I always like the skill tree. So many more options, making it a little funner to customize. Before they babied it down, and simplified it. Also i do not like the new elemental shaman class, its sucks now. No mobility, little damage, and the lighting doesnt feel right. I kinda miss going to the class trainer to learn spells as well, now its just auto learned. So many things about vanella, burning crusade, and ice crown, that was so awesome now gone or changed completely. Now its so simple, and not complicated at all.
@Lhawk2107 6 жыл бұрын
"The Differences Between Vanilla WoW & Modern WoW" well 1 of them, and the main reason i stopped playing wow, is the PPL playing the game it went from helpfull to poisonous...
@oleander1705 7 жыл бұрын
But all those things like questing for your highest rank conjure water was actually nice. It had some good atmosphere to it, and wasn't tedious by any means. You make it sound that those things they made this game awesome and challenging, were actually annoying.
@gumundur1721 6 жыл бұрын
m8 I think everyone is forgetting the tedious making of water before raid ... I kinda remember sitting in badlands making water for half an hour since I only made 2 or 4 each cast :s
@dan240393 7 жыл бұрын
"Kill x to get 10 y" quests were the worst thing ever. I killed 96 Zhevra to get 4 hooves; 380 hooves evaporated upon the deaths of their owners. Finished that quest and then quit the game until the end of Wrath. There was also that infuriating "Get 8 spider legs" quest in Duskwood. Turns out most spiders don't actually have legs. The scuttly things on their sides? Those are arms. Subtle distinction.
@bmullett707 7 жыл бұрын
TerminalVerbosity lmao
@ladycrayon608 7 жыл бұрын
This! Why do people want this stuff back? This wasn't a good part of the experience, along with the god-awful spawn timers for mobs in crowded quest areas. Remember trying to get your boar kills as a level 1 orc when there were other people at the same time? Impossible!
@femhgaming 6 жыл бұрын
I loved that grind. It's just different personality types like different stuff. I stopped playing during WotLK cause i felt that everything was being dumbed down slowly, and it was. You can get everything done in a week nowadays, while just doing one thing in Vanilla/TBC could take many months. Loved the grind and miss it, been playing grindy asian games to fill the gap but it just doesn't do it to me anymore, i need my vanilla back, and hope it comes back as intact as possible.
@alewis514 7 жыл бұрын
Today Vanilla sounds like a chore, a nightmare to slog through it. Aside from some really determined players (Nostralius back in WOD, primarily because WOD was shit) it really isn't that appealing anymore, is it? Well, back in 2004 Vanilla was the most player friendly MMO on the market. It brought MMO genre to the masses. Before Vanilla MMORPG's were even grindier, even more punishing, even harder. Only a basement neckbeard would play those.
@ladycrayon608 7 жыл бұрын
Not to mention that most people are just lusting for a time long lost when they were still young and didn't have to worry about a lot of the shit they deal with today. Their cries for Vanilla is probably more an outlet for nostalgia than anything else. Only a true psychopathic masochist would want to willingly sit through the bulky, glitchy stuff that Vanilla offered from release. I could see it be more appealing with quality of life improvements, but people seem to not want those either. I have no other explanation for it, so I'll go with this one personally :P
@MegaChickenfish 7 жыл бұрын
6:11 NE female: FIVE MINUTES?! human paladin: That's long enough to get the job done! Ah, old Machinima. Now _that's_ something worth being nostalgic about.
@Mogster2007 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, these are the healing pants!
@skirdus367 7 жыл бұрын
i miss class quests and legendary questlines :/
@tatsuo24 7 жыл бұрын
I started to play wow in 2005, exaclty just after zul gurub patch. It was the best game I've played so far up till including wotlk. Vanilla experience was the best for me since I came from Neverwinter Nights which was even more rpg oriented than wow. I liked the effort needed, the chain prequests, the necessity of CC, preparation for raids, farming mats, DKP system etc...I am playing from time to time since Pandaria but it is not the same experience, I am stranger to this game nowdays. Mabye it is my thing and I am just getting old. My gaming exp was great so far, experienced premiere of doom 2, had fun with duke nukem 3d, loved quake 1, then got in love with deus ex, neverwinter nights and then wow...I think it will become the last game I had such a fun with to be honest.
@javvyjavvy 7 жыл бұрын
I don't see the issue with this stuff. The game is so dumbed down now it's rediculous . I look forward to vannilla again. Hopefully they make it truly vanilla or people will not return. Alot of the things you mention made the game worth while. Remember when you actually had to make friends to run dungeons. It's a concept I really miss. The dungeon and raid finder were one of the biggest reasons I walked away from the game. It destroyed the community. I miss that stuff you mentioned that must have been changed for quality of life ect... Not everyone wants Instant satisfaction though. Some players still believe you should earn what you have in the game. It is another concept though that people seem to forget. If it was always easy why do it? I'm ranting now though. I hope they bring back vannilla wow or tbc server. Those are truly the only two real versions of wow. Enjoyed your video. It reminds me why I loved wow back in the day.
@ericmathiasson8572 7 жыл бұрын
Looking at gaming history in general, the best games ever made are the ones who has CHALLENGES in them. Meaning, it was fun because you spent a lot of time doing difficult task and finally got rewarded for it. And man did that reward feel good. I remeber struggling to afford my first mount (which I received at lvl ~50). I think the biggest flaws with modern WoW is that it lacks challenges, it's jus too easy to do stuff so you loose interest. Much like anything in our modern digital life, to be honest. Just my few cents. I love WoW btw.
@revilomoore 7 жыл бұрын
Meeting stones are still used for Mythic+ dungeons
@Oriontrollsftw2 7 жыл бұрын
+2 papa pls Oh no! A name change!
7 жыл бұрын
Its not just a name just. You couldn't use them to summon in vanilla. You had to walk there. The stone was merely used as a meeting point for the group. Same goes with raids. If there was no warlock that had bothered to farm 40 shards then everyone had to walk.
@deathdude360 7 жыл бұрын
I seem to remember the meeting stones serving as a group finder, but you had to go to the stone, click it to add yourself to a list, then wait for other people to do the same and then once it got 5/10/15/however many were needed, it would add everyone to a group. If you queued for a dungeon that way then left to do other things, you'd still have to find your way back to the dungeon though, so it was easier to just ask if anyone was running the dungeon in zone chat while you waited by the stone.
@CrisMinuano 7 жыл бұрын
HasAHugePianist back in vanilla they had no use
@AloofOof 7 жыл бұрын
as deathdude360 said they worked like a primitive group finder that wouldn't even take character classes into account. Of course no one actually used them aside from a random newb passing by rfc or wc..
@wrblk 7 жыл бұрын
ahhh vanilla, the real MMORPG for hardcore gamers :')
@misanthropy9295 7 жыл бұрын
Wasn't really much of a "difference" video and more rather a "what was improved" video. The bias is real. Half of the issues you stated aren't even huge issues to begin with, like the mailbox or AH thing.
@EquinoxVideo 7 жыл бұрын
and who doesn't mod? There's downloadable fixes for these things.
@femhgaming 6 жыл бұрын
In Vanilla you enjoyed the road, you pvpd by tiers with tens of thousands of other people, and were enjoying the crafting by tiers too, you worked for hours to leatherwork, or forge, a green item that could help you survive a little longer with the added stamina, little things that would help you get through that tier of grind. It was truly an immersive roleplaying game with a lot of social content due to the need to group up to finish some quests and get materials to craft or enchant, to craft or buy bags, etc. The level of depth the social aspect of the game and the roleplaying potential was top notch on Vanilla, and it felt the same to me during TBC. WotLK started making the changes i didn't like much, mainly due to the Lore. Killing Arthas was jumping the shark lorewise.
@LookingTheBest 7 жыл бұрын
Those old quests to get an inferno as a lv 60 lock, boy I miss that
@mattm1841 7 жыл бұрын
I really miss saving up for things, it made it all special vs just ohh something purple or even now how legendary are handed out like candy.
@ladycrayon608 7 жыл бұрын
I remember there was this helmet you could craft in leatherworking for level 40 something. It had a usable damage effect and it required a heart of fire (I think) to craft. It could take days farming that thing in Searing Gorge. All that stuff was fun, and a good thing to look forward to with Vanilla. It just wasn't a friendly game for a lot of people with families or full-time jobs.
@VT5874 6 жыл бұрын
Matthew Magee back when a Blue Item meant something
@jonatanbergstrom1168 7 жыл бұрын
This is my favorite type of video! Please keep making these! :)
@Analysoija 7 жыл бұрын
There's no More buffs for everybody in Legion, And meeting Stones are used for Mythic+ in Legion still
@olit1234 7 жыл бұрын
Looking for quest items out in the world may have been frustrating at times but it made you actually read the quest text which was nice.
@steffff4y 7 жыл бұрын
When it requires more than 1 button or it takes more than 1 min to do, it is crappy/stupid/not cool - 2017 gamer's logic if you think that fastest ending is the happiest ending.. well you are in trouble
@EnjoyCocaColaLight 7 жыл бұрын
Is that why your girlfriend left you? lol
@tehjamerz 7 жыл бұрын
I remember one time at Tyr's hand, one of my stomping grounds, there were three 60s either questing or grinding the humanoid mobs. Anyways as a rogue I watched them for a little bit, waited for them to get split up jussssst enough that I could sap one. Ripped down a clothy first and ended up killing all 3 of them. Little things like that I'll never forget... and I hope they never forget the raping they received either
@acez_8723 7 жыл бұрын
i love some of the features of new WoW but when i play legion it just doesn't feel right i can take on 3-4 mobs without even going below 50%hp and it feels like there is less adventure in the levelling and that my character is the most powerful on Azeroth.
@valipv 7 жыл бұрын
tbh from my pow thats a good thing,i played a Warlock in late Vanilla and it was far from fun,leveling was so slow and you always had to plan ahead even when dealing whit regular trash mobs as you would run out of mana after killing 1 max 2 mobs,hell you spent more time preparing to kill a gnoll than the time necesary to kill it.
@ShinzuXTruth 7 жыл бұрын
trash mobs arent meant to be challenging..theyre trash..try soloing a dungeon full of elite mobs. or soloing a mythic...trash mobs are designed to be taken out quickly for quick shots of dopamine while you complete quests.
@acez_8723 7 жыл бұрын
ShinzuXTruth thats how it is designed in new wow yes, not in vanilla :D
@ShinzuXTruth 7 жыл бұрын
The Doppleganger you have nostalgia glasses on. There were many many problems that existed in vanilla with the questing alone..broken quest lines, quest chains spanning multiple zones, quest chains not flushed out and abruptly ending..redridge pre-cata was horrible. but to each their own opinion.
@ShinzuXTruth 7 жыл бұрын
The Doppleganger I say nostalgia because the many many QOL and overall gamebreaking mechanics are overshadowed by long trash mob fights in your eyes. Based on your last 2 posts, thats pure nostalgia. its obvious the cons of vanilla supercede the pros by a large margine, but nostalgia weighs more to some people than mechanics and game design. if you thinking breaking the flow of gameplay every 45 seconds is "groundbreaking gameplay" then thats your opinion...but its not a popular opinion. bottom line, questing in vanilla was trash. it was rushed and broken. it has been streamlined since cata because questing to max level is never the main point of a mmorpg..the main point is the end game content.
@lykongheng 7 жыл бұрын
Man i missed the old petting game play of Hunter, u have no idea the joy of seeing ur pet smile.
@ilynowayy8975 7 жыл бұрын
I miss having to pay high levels to run me through deadlines :(
@williampabon6432 6 жыл бұрын
Ily no wayy man I miss giving deadmine runs.. felt like a hero to my guildies lmao
@EmanASMR 7 жыл бұрын
Something that stand out in Vanilla for me was the No Time limit or Resources in some Battlegrounds, so you could spend a whole day in Alterac Valley.
@williampabon6432 6 жыл бұрын
Eman ASMR oh man alterac valley rocked back then
@LaVolpe444 7 жыл бұрын
Vanishing powder, blind powder, poisons... WHY?! My fondest memories of WoW were in vanilla, but seriously - looking back we liked it because there was nothing better at the time... And I hope they fix some of that when Blizzard re-releases Vanilla now.
@benfinlaw4756 7 жыл бұрын
Avanti Stark runescape is better!
@chaotixtrekker5789 7 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed Vanilla and all the expansions as they came out. I know nostalgia is making Vanilla better than it was... the only issue with modern wow is that it feels like a single player experience. Not sure how they could fix that. Seems all the cross realms raid/dungeon finders make it too easy for folks to not care about who they are grouped with. No player bonding occurs or is encouraged by the game mechanics. I can't go back but I hope they can make players valuable again towards bonding...
@kostiantynkhomenko6409 7 жыл бұрын
Well, vanila was not like casual game, you could really enjoy playing it. Yes, it a bit harder, but this make game like special. Now WOW is game for childhoods who don't want do anything. About spec...spec make game different, yes you couldn't go full PVP spec, or you would be don't need in enctances. That make you think what tallent better to chose. and o on. Also there was a lot of quest and other stuff that you could enjoy. Playing vanila you like play in one time five or more different games. In vanila was Literaly everything! And Legion is casual game about grinding... that's all.
@Fabriciod_Crv 7 жыл бұрын
Костя Хоменко > acuses legion of being grindy >praises vanilla for having that but 10x worse Best joke 2017
@akcam77 7 жыл бұрын
I think by grindy he meant not fun.... It WAS fun to grind in vanilla WoW because you were never alone
@Fabriciod_Crv 7 жыл бұрын
Cameron But you also had to deal with mob competition, which is annoying.
@seonhwalee8357 7 жыл бұрын
At least in vanilla I felt my accomplishments was worth something. Instead of care bear and free items “u get an epic, u get an epic”
@marcusjansson1578 7 жыл бұрын
Listens to old auction house stories, thinking to myself. "that was awful"
@thechad685 7 жыл бұрын
I wanted to shoot myself every time I had to level up a new weapon skill... on multiple toons
@thechad685 7 жыл бұрын
If you ain't heard people callem toons I don't know what game you been playing; but 'toons' were used in conjunction with 'alts' since TBC
@josepheldridge5326 7 жыл бұрын
hahaha oh fuck, I forgot all about leveling individual weapons stats. I miss vanilla :(
@EnjoyCocaColaLight 7 жыл бұрын
They were always referred to as toons. Due to the graphics. Chad - feeling ya. I had a warrior who only lasted to lvl 12 Silverpine forest. Realised what the fuck I was doing with my life and went back to my mage.
@Patrilot 7 жыл бұрын
Apparently Terminator is 10 if he's never heard of them referred to as "toons".
@thechad685 7 жыл бұрын
Terminator and yet your reply sits atop the childish way one could reply. I didn't invent the term... people on the 3 American servers I played on used it. The 2 Oceanic servers I scouted before Cataclysm used it. Ignorance may be bliss, but it also makes a person appear to be a jackass. These weren't just people I played with using the term, it was used on multiple servers during a time wow's subs were growing exponentially and eventually peaking. I'm not saying everyone everywhere was using the term, but it was super damn commonly used on the 5 realms I played on back then.
@LordChen 7 жыл бұрын
I love how a lot of the comparisons are "You used to have to play, now it's automatic". Making an effort makes the result rewarding.
@slb159 7 жыл бұрын
One of the best, concise comments I've seen while laughing at all these "the game is so great now cause it caters to my busy life and I get everything I want in minimal time" comments. Among the other numerous things (just one example, one shot boss mechanics don't make raids "hard", rather it reflects laziness and lack of originality on the stated by some of the higher end raiders) that have been addressed already here, if you don't have the time to play, you shouldn't expect special treatment. Hell, world-first raiders schedule their vacation days around raid releases. They have jobs and real lives, but they don't cry. These commenters are the same people whom, I guess, went to their boss at work at 19 years old saying that they can only work for 4 hours a day instead of 8 'cause they just had a child, but they want the same pay as everyone else, 'cause they have a real life now and they don't have time to grind for a paycheck. Comical
@LordChen 7 жыл бұрын
Cheers, brother.
@zydian_ 7 жыл бұрын
ranked spells where actually a extra layer to seperate the veterans from the nabs (some where as beneficial as the highest rank spells (frostbolt for ex had a shorter cast time the lower the rank (0,##s) but with the identical slow duration of the highest rank frostbolt).
@WessGrumble 7 жыл бұрын
Rekkn_ Yeah, same as the scorch debuff that increased fire damage taken. Rank 1 gave that debuff for almost no mana.
@ladycrayon608 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think what he said was meant to be a bad thing. But when you leveled up, having to first scrape together the money to buy your spells and then realize three levels later that you were still using old-ranked spells because you forgot to change them weren't necessarily a fun thing to experience. But being a skilled player making use of the distinction between the different ranks is awesome.
@Rob-uv6fb 7 жыл бұрын
In vanilla as an herbalist, pinpointing certain herbs was really hard depending on the background flora, you knew it was there because the cursor changed briefly, but it could take awhile to pinpoint it.
@obeybosss 7 жыл бұрын
4:17 - wrong, shards didn't disappear when loged out more than 15 minute. Healthstones, soulstones, fire/magic stones did and mage food too, but shards were where u left em )
@GMZohar14 7 жыл бұрын
Yep, don't think anyone would ever have played Locks if that were the case lol
@ErikiusTV 7 жыл бұрын
That's incorrect. They would disappear in the earlier patches. You probably played private servers patch 1.12.1 because thats where it was already changed.
@obeybosss 7 жыл бұрын
i played through entire vanilla but not as a lock, switched to play lock since patch 1.5-1.6 prolly it was already fixed by then, can't prove you wrong on that. But all in all it was fixed pretty early in the original game, so it wasn't an issue.
@urdrenn 7 жыл бұрын
indeed, it did happen
@felspawn4841 7 жыл бұрын
yup, played lock in vanilla, never had shards disappear
@MegaChickenfish 7 жыл бұрын
1:14 And I remember you had to OPEN them individually too. Running a dual gatherer character seemed like a great idea until I found out about this. If they wanted something to really terrify us in the Emerald Nightmare raid, they should've had Xavius's final form be a Vanilla Mailbox.
@kamilkolanda5144 7 жыл бұрын
Meeting Stones in vanilla...if I remember well you could use LFG chat next to them which was not available away from them and not in large town.
@jogape17 7 жыл бұрын
as a hunter i miss controling my pet specifically a stealth cat to go and scout the area the good ol days
@nathank11 7 жыл бұрын
Ive botted Vanilla through to Legion and can say botting is soo much easier and advanced.
@schniiger9508 7 жыл бұрын
yeah gj man
@stoves5877 6 жыл бұрын
So meeting stones were actually like an early group finder. You would go to the stone click on it and if there was 4 other people who also clicked on it you would be put in a group with them for the dungeon
@dvr1337 7 жыл бұрын
Vanilla was the best until wrath came. After it wow died. Now its like a browser game with better grafics.
@kennethnystrom593 7 жыл бұрын
Yeep with the prepatch to WOTLK and the new Combatsystem and final removal of the World chat channels yes the social aspect of the game vanished.
@DestineysGuardian 7 жыл бұрын
2:40 "Blizzard was trolling us before trolling was invented", That line just made my day. :):):)
@VidyaMexican 7 жыл бұрын
Removal of eyes of the beast FeelsBadMan
@navystylz 7 жыл бұрын
And scare beast on druids in form.
@RedDynamite 6 жыл бұрын
Do locks still have eye of kilrogg?
@edgarrc 7 жыл бұрын
I miss Warlock's Dreadsteed mount quest... the most beautiful event I ever seen on this game. Took months of preparation on a long quest line full of details, a lot of gold and good friends to run the final dungeon just for you to get a mount (your friends loots nothing by the way) and we were all happy.
@joemcginnis3487 3 жыл бұрын
Is it worth it if I can only play on weekends and is classic better or retail
@VeNoMz_ 7 жыл бұрын
TBC is my fav it was a big improvement in most parts. But now days WoW is sadly a joke. :(
@sashimicheetah 6 жыл бұрын
Really, this deserves a necro, what's a joke about it? Care to explain?
@JuanDiegoPinillos 7 жыл бұрын
Flying in Azeroth account-bound... it was so weird at first but at the same time so relaxing not having to ride or to wait for the subway from Storming to Ironforge
@shiro4943 5 жыл бұрын
Am i the only person who stopped playing since vanilla WoW end?
@kennethfielder2371 6 жыл бұрын
I remember the talent trees, now its confined. Now you select one of three talents.
@bin4ry93 7 жыл бұрын
Another one of these vids :P
@KBash 7 жыл бұрын
hamsterwheel is a very topical name
@angeredweaboo1789 7 жыл бұрын
Disgusting fucking waste of human being you are go fuck yourself.
@stevenkrys4551 7 жыл бұрын
was shocked you didn't talk about the fun group finding in trade chat for 20 man ubrs for tier gear that could take 3 hours plus to fill at 3am ty wow for bringing it back i will be so happy :P
@nebulon_PS 7 жыл бұрын
Summer season is still not over. Still out of ideas. So let's make some rubbish stuff to convince funboys that Vanilla is shit and nowadays farmville wow is the best game evah!. I;m still waiting for mobile apps like Wow garrison portable. Or wow pet Go! Of course not for free. Friendly price could start on 129$ in pre-sale. Only for iPhone X....Good job
@HamsterWheelGaming 7 жыл бұрын
This comment would make sense if I wasn't playing vanilla...which I am :)
@nebulon_PS 7 жыл бұрын
True is that I wasn't so I'm enjoying it now. And since than, can't play retail anymore. Arguments like mail box, auction house are a bit stupid when you can use add-ons. Missing LFR/LFG button is big advantage of Vanilla. It returns back aspect why MMO is MMO. Communication between players which creating a great and solid community. You are right in one thing. Engine is old, but most "Classic Games" have old, from your point of view crappy", engine so who cares.....
@havtor007 7 жыл бұрын
"Missing LFR/LFG button is big advantage of Vanilla. It returns back aspect why MMO is MMO." HAHA you where one of those sadistic people who like to sit around 30min to 2hours waiting on people before you could even go to the instance (or you played with guild/ friends and could skip it and then making your own point moot)
@ladycrayon608 7 жыл бұрын
Havtor007 Remember when you wanted to go to Scarlet Monastery as an Alliance and was nowhere near the actual instance and had to run through horde territory? Remember sitting in Stranglethorn Vale simply to reach out to players of your level in the general chat while being ganked repeatedly by a bored Rogue, all in order to get your group for a SM run that wasn't worth it because you got no drops? I sure don't miss that aspect. I don't want LFG to simply things the way it does today, but I sure don't miss that shit xD
@klinkster1955 7 жыл бұрын
An answer to the posters question, the most noticeable change for me was when the game became a single player game with online elements instead of a true MMO
@SckharVawn 7 жыл бұрын
i keep reading and watching stuff about vanilla wow and honestly, it doesn't sound fun, sounds more like a chore.. when i play a game i expect to enjoy and have fun and not work my ass off like i'm actually on work...
@Whostoledargon 7 жыл бұрын
Vanilla's primary selling point IS how slow it is. Leveling feels less of a speedbump and more of an adventure. Remembering and discovering the far-off and distant quests can be rewarding and exciting to complete. The lack of RDF creates a community on your server of notable people you may level alongside / group with. The point is not to rush to endgame and then raid but rather the entire experience as a whole.
@Harleigh_19 7 жыл бұрын
Sckhar Leviathan There were a TON of things about Vanilla that sucked and looking back do look like a huge chore. But the thing is when we were playing it at the beginning we didn't know any different. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, WoW will always be my favorite gaming memories of my life but I wouldn't want to go back and deal with a lot of the stuff from back then.
@kresimircosic6158 7 жыл бұрын
I am playing on Kronos now and I never went deep into WoW. Max level I got was like early 30s and now I am playing again. And the game itself feels like an adventure and not a chore. It's magical, I just wish days had 100 hours and not 24... :)
@josejuanandrade4439 7 жыл бұрын
Sckhar Leviathan Yes... lots of things in vanilla were tedious... or just took long to accomplish... for example, as a warlock, i had to sit down and drink every 2 or 3 single pulls, and i couldn't deal with more then 3 mobs at the same time because your "tank" pet wouldn't hold aggro of one... gearing took forever... i remember it took me 100 runs in UBRS to get my lightforge pauldrons on my paladin.. i was doing 3 runs every night... But here is the thing... Vanilla WoW was better then anything else out there, in fact WoW was better then any other mmo by far for years... (well to me, is still the best MMO that exists, i'm lovin Legion) So all its flaws were minimal things. The problem is that people that did play that version got too attached to it... is like when you buy your first car... and you know is shit... but you love it... and years pass and your friends tell you how your old car was shit but you keep saying it was the best car in the world... You can't blame people for getting attached to vanilla... you had to work your ass off to get anything done... i can tell you about it... i got Marshal rank in the original pvp system... and i would have gotten Grand Marshal but they took the system down when i was at 1 month or so of reaching that rank... So after all the work people put into the game... is more then logical they don't wanna let it go... Now, i gotta be honest here, my position in vanilla is that, is my favorite part of the game, but i would NOT go back to it... Because the problem here. besides the inconveniences we already said... is the fact that i know that part of the game damn too well... is like watching a movie for the 100th time... But there is one thing i'd like to say, the one GOOD aspect from vanilla i regret is lost: The epic quest chains... back then, a quest chain could take you days to do, traveling from A to B then to X then back to A... I'd say you check in youtube for the Onyxia attunement chain, or the warlock Dreadsteed mount quest... those chains were quite an adventure... of course it had the down sides of all the traveling and time... but that's what made them feel a bit more real, quest chains that only happens in one little quarter of a whole zone aren't as epic :)
@boots911 7 жыл бұрын
Sckhar Leviathan I found a legion scrub
@nastytuesday3840 7 жыл бұрын
Top 3 things that still haunt me is having to lv your bow skill up, had to buy arrows, and you had to feed your pet to level it up.
@memsoppalino 7 жыл бұрын
99% of comments are rose colored glasses and people who haven't even played vanilla
@The_McRib 7 жыл бұрын
Izzy Players have been circlejerking about vanilla since before tbc came out. The game could be identical to vanilla and people would still whine about it.
@GjemliKallinn 7 жыл бұрын
vanilla is just plain much more enjoyable, the sense of accomplishment and adventure is still there
@riner9 7 жыл бұрын
Izzy I played from week 1 of vanilla until the end of wotlk. Vanilla is superior.
@agoodname3781 7 жыл бұрын
If you play a game a couple years your first will always be best. I dont think the game has ever been in a better spot than now. I started at wotlk. There is real raid progression. There is stuff for everyone to do. LFR for casuals normal for more regular players, heroic for regulars and mythic for hardcore players. World quests is far better than dailies. Dungeons is relevant with mythic+ so if you dont like raids theres that. It constantly change its weekly challenge things so its never really the same. The ONLY downside of legion is that old raids is meaningless. The new raid will have LFR that 915ilvl that better than heroic TOS. I would have liked if they buffed old raids to --10-20 ilvls for gear for the old raids comparing to the new one,
@morten8586 7 жыл бұрын
99% of comments are like yours, people who think they are the only one who played vanilla ... lmao
@fullmeddljacket8486 7 жыл бұрын
40 minutes of vanilla gameplay were 35 minutes of being stunned/slowed/rooted/silenced/disarmed/searching your ass off and stunned again Those were the times that are thankfully over
@ZUMTEZ 7 жыл бұрын
hunters no longer needing to buy ammo to be able to fire their bows and guns, ruined game
@taavidude 7 жыл бұрын
It didn't ruin the game. It was basically just a dumb and boring chore you had to do to play hunter.
@ZUMTEZ 7 жыл бұрын
Doesnt make any sense that you can fire a weapon without any ammo to it lol, every single other RPG game requires ammunition for ranged weapons, such a stupid and retarded change.
@whitecow13 7 жыл бұрын
it added someting unique to ur class... Hunters had to watch their ammo, warlocks SS, paladins buff stuff, rogues flash powder/ possions ... I loved it. it feels tht ur class is unque and diffrend from all the others
@The_McRib 7 жыл бұрын
Just pretend you have an enchanted quiver. Expecting realism in WoW is kinda dumb, otherwise your gun would just one shot anyone who doesn't wear plate, and then take a minute to reload like a real life musket.
@riner9 7 жыл бұрын
ParakRS catering to whiners and casuals ruined the game
@Brianchse 7 жыл бұрын
Everything you mentioned in this video is exactly why I want to play vanilla wow again. These are great things and made the game great.
@mrshank5868 7 жыл бұрын
Difference is vanilla is better :D
@CEORobbo 7 жыл бұрын
@saigautam7015 7 жыл бұрын
Lol no
@bazinwaz6883 7 жыл бұрын
Anything beats shitty Legion.
@Stormdevil92 7 жыл бұрын
Mr Shank Finally someone else knows which is better. Vanilla so much better. There was actually a community back that who gave a shit. Nowadays people just want shit handed to them.
@The_McRib 7 жыл бұрын
You'd have to be a masochist to think any of this was actually better. It was just more tedious and made the game feel like a job. Interestingly, the zones that still have the most vanilla-like quests (Arathi, Silithus, Winterspring and the tbc zones) get visited the least.
@PolarBearon 7 жыл бұрын
The biggest change is when in wrath they changed the badge system so that you didn't need to raid to get epics anymore. It used to be that you had to start off with dungeon gear, then start working on tier 4, and once you got good tier 4 gear you could start working on tier 5 and then 6 etc. In the middle of wrath, they changed that. So when you got to max level you could just start right away on whatever the latest raid was. And it has been the same since. That literally broke the game for me. Haven't played properly since. Broke my heart. My favorite change is probably the new graphics and character models, or possibly the talent trees in TBC.
@EnriquePerez-io4rl 7 жыл бұрын
vanilla was better.... if you like unbalanced ...bad designed.. not tested ..buged ...shit ... yes vanilla is better
@naalir6120 7 жыл бұрын
Enrique Pérez and vanilla wasnt unbalanced? :Ddd rogued and mages ate every other class alive fanboyy
@lizardirl9488 7 жыл бұрын
Mate, he was being semi-sarcastic
@HarleyAMV 7 жыл бұрын
I believe what he meant was "Vanilla was better, if by 'better' you mean 'an unbalanced, poorly designed, untested, buggy piece of shit' then yes! Vanilla was better". Personally, I like vanilla, but I mean... He's not wrong...
@EnriquePerez-io4rl 7 жыл бұрын
yes that s what i mean i like skyrim and bethesda games but they are buggy
@The_McRib 7 жыл бұрын
It's mostly nostalgia combined with people getting bored and blaming the current game when really it's because they've been playing it for more than a decade.
@emipulexro9438 7 жыл бұрын
Nice video! Keep it up! ^^
@jctasen1793 7 жыл бұрын
The difference is simple vanilla is old the other is new, vanilla has few contents the other has many, vanilla has old grahpics the other have new, vanilla story is done the other isnt yet.
@pt9373 7 жыл бұрын
Vanilla you actually quested to level and it was a journey, the other you one shot every single mob you see until you get to mythic+ dungeons. I have an iron man character on retail still, which is no talents, no spec, only gray gear, no professions etc. and I still 2 shot every mob I see while leveling. It's kinda sad
@havtor007 7 жыл бұрын
Parker t bullshit. if you can oneshot with a gray weapon it is a "twink" gray weapon or you are lower then lvl 35-40
@pt9373 7 жыл бұрын
Havtor007 1. He's lvl 40 2. I said 2 shot and 3. I posted a video for you of me 2 shotting on my ironman character with shit gray gear, taking no skill. So you can pretty much fuck off. /watch?v=0HoMVYYX7GA&t=12s
@havtor007 7 жыл бұрын
Parker you are now just starting on the ironman. You are not even halfway done in levels, it should now at around that level become more hits needed. up to lvl 40 was the easy part of 2-3shoting even back in wrath when i did the ironman (so obv max was 80 at the time) but i guess the expansion with the most people in it was terrible because of that.
@jctasen1793 7 жыл бұрын
Btw I do quests to level up and dungeons and people still do that as of now
@adamnykl5035 7 жыл бұрын
Miss when there wasn't flying. We used to attack stormwind as a guild and it was a lot of fun, when we had to plan which gate will we use, depend on where were less guards and alliance players and then fight through whole city to king. Nowdays you just flew right to the king. Miss that so much
@IanD-4 6 жыл бұрын
I miss having to fly to each dungeon and the older auction house where each had own economy
@WorldofZeep 7 жыл бұрын
As a Shaman main I really loved the short lived totem bar in Wrath. Dropping my four totems with one GCD was amazing, especially in mobile fights, and as a healer.
@maximum_bird 7 жыл бұрын
From Vanilla -> Legion The introduction of guild perks. The removal of the Druid level 70 Flight-form quest from Zangarmarsh. The introduction of flex raid and difficulty levels. The change of prices for riding/flying. The change of prices for repairs; up for cloth & leather and down for mail and plate. Tokens can now be used when acquired and the player no longer needs to travel to the vendor. LFR More structured, less free-for-all questing.
@Onemanfunnyfarm 7 жыл бұрын
To add on that mail system, if you were mailed an item without a Buy on Pickup option the mail would delete itself (not sure if it still does today but I like to think they changed that). One time I was buying some blue shoulders, and the guy selling it forgot to enable BoP, and I promised to be a man of my word and pay him. Issue was, the next day when I received it (this was during a time when mail also wasn't instant if it had gear) I picked up the item but then the mail was gone and I couldn't remember his name to mail him the money as I had intended.
@GentlemanOrc 6 жыл бұрын
Trolling wasn't "invented." Trolling has existed before time and space. Trolling is the darkness that lurks in the hearts of men. Trolling is the thing that gazes back at you from the Abyss. Trolling is neither cruel nor kind. Trolling is as emotionless as it is eternal. Trolling is both within us and beyond us. Trolling doesn't have an origin story. It simply is.
@MarcTheSauce 7 жыл бұрын
The infamous Loot bug every once in a while, having to kneel around and being unable to progress with quest loot for 5-30 minutes.
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