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“The Division has no story”
This is one of those comments that I receive in a similar way to a lot of people who get the, “this game is dead” statement.
While I don’t necessarily think it’s for everyone, in this video I’m going to explain why I think the way the Division tells the story, as well as many other games like it, is actually the best way to do it.
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@randomcenturion7264 5 ай бұрын
"The Division has No Story." Me listening to years of NGN telling me lore: "WTF you on about?"
@majorblitz3846 4 ай бұрын
"No shit, you skipped all of it!"
@SupportHomelandDivision 5 ай бұрын
The story doesn’t get in the way of gameplay, and the gameplay doesn’t take away from the story. And those that want to dive into The Division world, they can get the merchandise. But they get to go after it like a real Division Agent. Using our detective skills to find more about what happened. Even the stories are written in a way that feel like we are finding journal entries, or data that is stored by an “AI”. Thanks again for the great video!
@user-Jay178 5 ай бұрын
Really some people think the division has no story, I mean I think the story is great.
@SgtRock4445 5 ай бұрын
Div1 had a story. Div2 killed it.
@ghostviking7521 5 ай бұрын
@RondomGuy1 5 ай бұрын
As someone who likes a lot of different games and plays different genres I can somewhat understand this statement. I feel like most of the story people are going to get from the game is going to be the dedicated campaign missions. Everything from the seasonal hunts is lost if you are not around to play it and as someone who started getting back into the division at about season 8 I had no clue what the hell was happening or why. Like when that one True Sons guy died and they tried to make it all sad I was honestly really confused because I had no clue who he was or why he mattered. I still dont. Even with the most recent "Reveal" I have no clue who that guy is or where he came from. When that one random chick said "the guy who looks like a park ranger" my only thought was about how little that narrows it down. Compound that with the fact that I really do NOT like any of the characters because I just find them uninteresting, bland, or outright annoying probably does not help either. But I could be an exception as I felt the Division 1 had a more interesting story and environment as I do remember there were parts about the grey area of allowing unlimited power to individuals even if they are trained to obey all orders, there was a feeling that the world was alive and filled with people struggling that you could help that were not all JTF or militia, just people who needed food or shelter. The Division 2 felt like a mild downgrade in story to me because we lost all that, suddenly division agents "american heroes who are always good and doing good things" and enemies started having Clancy syndrome where their dialogue basically boiled down to "boy I sure do love being evil and killing innocent people so there is no doubt I am the bad guy". And while I will admit I did not get all the logs and comms, Keener felt more sympathetic rather than insane because he saw how quickly the government would abandon its own citizens in an attempt to keep themselves in power and basically decided from there that humanity itself was a plague. So really now when I play the division 2 I've more elected to focus on gameplay than the story, which is why this channel helps me a lot. If there is something I want to know or learn more about for whatever reason, I don't feel like I'm going to get those answers in game. In fact for a few of them it is too late for me to get those answers in game and chances are I may miss another season or 2 and be lost again. Until then though, I've really lost interest in caring about what happens so I'll just enjoy the rooty tooty mcshootyness of the game while jamming out to my music of choice and maybe a sequence or 2 might make sense along the way.
@Dgalvez420 5 ай бұрын
I just replayed the division 1 a few days ago and I will say the story feels really short
@terrynichols4509 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the people who say the division has no story are the ones that skip cutscenes and ignore dialog between characters
@englufedbyfrost 5 ай бұрын
I feel horrible for anyone that sees The Division of having no story. It is probably the most invested I've been with a series when it comes to getting to know its lore. I don't know how they do it, but it just presses all the right buttons for me and I keep coming back to learn more and more. From the world building with the map itself, to the ECHO's we pick up, to the missions themselves, you are exposed to so much lore about the game. At least to counter the claims of no story, we have your amazing recap videos to share with people so they get to know what they're missing out on lol.
@omarmejia7609 5 ай бұрын
Same here. Right now for the story it’s propaganda warfare between black tusk and The Division and I do wanna see where the story goes with this. (Spoilers!) Ever notice how The Division was attempted to be framed for president Ellis’s murder? Being painted as the bad guys amongst the civilian populace, Even though we aren’t the one executing unarmed civilians on the streets they want that civil support for legitimacy. Now it’s a standstill between Black Tusk and The Division with the country’s leadership scattered and the biggest threat to the nation is still at large with True Son support The Division has little ways at the moment in dealing with the threat. Despite this standstill in the story and nearly losing our SHD tech during the Johnson manhunt, I wanna see where this story goes. (Spoilers end)
@ThisNThat0810 5 ай бұрын
True the echos are some of the best. From Fray killing one of their own to the family in front of the Lincoln Memorial and Manny and his Uncle and my favorite Kelso and Sawyer getting jumped by the Hyenas which along with the death of Espinoza by them explains her hatred for them. This franchise is awesome.
@tuskegeeace2840 5 ай бұрын
I love The Division as a series, I love 2 every bit as much as 1 and hope 3 is a nice blend of the best of both.
@InhaleAIR 5 ай бұрын
Most likely in the 1%, but I love The Division story. The fact it’s YEARS after release, and the game is not only still active, but receiving updates, and a future DLC speaks volumes about how a fanbase can determine the future of a game. There’s still so much to do, find, and learn that it’ll keep anybody busy for a long time. Great video NGN.
@halvarmc671 5 ай бұрын
Not only that, the first game is still active.
@sinner2133 5 ай бұрын
I understand preferences are subjective, and I get that some people just don’t care for/like the story, but the lore in this franchise is probably the main reason why I’ve been playing this game since 2019, and I ALWAYS jump on to devour the new manhunts to figure out what happens next. The gameplay is good, sure, but sometimes I get burnt out, yet the story is what keeps me coming back. The documents, comms, the characters (Bardon Schaeffer being my all-time favorite in terms of the division), the themes of secret defense contractors with malicious intent and government corruption/“espionage”, a lot of things are right up my alley, and even if there isn’t anything appealing in terms of gameplay, I always eagerly hop on to play the new targets. There’s this KZbinr whom I really like and admire, he’s great source for information. In terms of meta, build crafting, mechanics etc, but he once said the story was a boring nothing-burger and I sort of was really disappointed. I don’t wanna call anyone out for stupid shit, but that’s just how much passionate I am about this story. I can’t wait to see what comes next, February 6th can’t come soon enough
@TheStoryMode 5 ай бұрын
I think using cutscenes for the most impactful moments (beginning/end of a season) is good enough for me. I like finding stuff through collectibles, gives me something to hunt for and piece together when/or even if I feel like it and not have gameplay come to a halt because I'm supposed to sit through a bunch of dialogue. While it may be really, really vague for some, I've always liked the non-in-your-face story the FromSoftware folks put out. While they use item descriptions (the Division also uses this to a small degree), the Division goes a bit further to be clearer with story and lore through its Audio/Video Logs. Because of that extra step, the Division's method of storytelling fits perfectly into the type of player I am. With that said, I know developers spend much time and resources on cutscenes and dialogues but if I at least don't have the option to skip, I just lose it. lol Good stuff sir.
@Dopesaur 5 ай бұрын
Lauren deserves a goddamn medal for that write up. Brought some real facts to the table. Great insight. I love Divisions world, lore, characters(although not all of them, but that's also the point sorta), but most of all I love the gameplay of Division 2. Nothing has come close to replacing it for me, because it is so unique in many ways. I have a great time following the story and talking about it with people who play it with me. Most games, I'm definitely the "setting" type that you outlined here, very similar to yourself. The key tipping point comes when I enjoy the game, and whether or not I enjoy the story. When I decide if I care, I will either lose myself, becoming fully engrossed into the world, or almost completely ignore it and skip it when I'm able. Typically that is dependent on good character writing in my case. I am 100% capable of enjoying a game that has next to no story. Also very capable of enjoying something quite story heavy, but those types have a harder time keeping my interest. Division is one of those that I started playing because the gameplay seemed interesting and the world and setting were tolerable. These days, the story is the reason I'm hooked. Waiting patiently for every morsel of information on the story. I await more stuff in the future. PS. On your note about not fearing being unique in the youtube space. I think that making content that is unique can feel unrewarding compared to the easy view farming strats. But in general, if you make something that can truly only be made by you, you're making sure that you wont be replaced. I cannot get your perspective, your insight, your humour or your underlying knowledge from anywhere else. It's because you are YOU! Nobody else is like you(for better or worse :P). I can get my information about what changes came to determined talent from any old rusty ass patchnote reader out there. I cannot get what you're offering from someone else. I don't care if someone else also covers the story of Division 2. I play through it myself every time there's more stuff. I watch the cutscenes and read the additional texts and collect the audio logs. If that was the service you're providing, I'd be replacing you myself. But that's not what I'm coming here for. I'm here to hear some dry jokes, insight into the connections that I missed, and hearing alternate perspectives on where Massive is going with this whacky world they've concocted. All of that is YOU. Nobody else. So keep making stuff NGN. And I'll keep enjoying it! PPS. I really enjoyed writing this lol.
@NGN 5 ай бұрын
These are super kind comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this!! 😊
@KazumaGShep 4 ай бұрын
Honestly The Division's story is so deep and complex that I'm glad we have people like you in the sphere to break it down. Hell I've even learned of things happening in the background thanks to you. Even to this day I'm still discovering audio logs that I have missed and are going about collecting just to learn more.
@RogueGold 5 ай бұрын
The "No Story" crowd is missing out on a lot 😄 Love the discussion my guy! And congrats again on 100k, long overdue 🙌
@NGN 5 ай бұрын
Thanks mate!!
@Zero-Six-Four 5 ай бұрын
Man You have been an Archive for the Story that I keep coming to these comments are Wild lol
@kineticstar 5 ай бұрын
I usually stay away from all the story games because once you're done, there's not much else you can do with it. I also stay away from no story titles because it attracts some of the more uncouth people and children. (Looking at you COD lobbies) I like that middle ground where I can get into finding some of the small details of the people in the universe I'm in at the moment. In division 1, there were phone messages of a young girl calling her grandmother happy for a visit, but slowly as I found more of those messages the story devolved into a soul breaking tale and made me feel more then a looters shooter should have. To this day, I want to save that child but have never been given the chance. That is why I love a good story and good game play. Because it allows me to be more than what my 9 to 5 makes me. (Agent requesting back up!) See you on all on the other side.
@baltasargamingshow3205 5 ай бұрын
Yo! big fan here since a while now and I think this is the first time I make a comment XD I think both styles can co-exist on which you have an amazing single player game more driven to narrative as well as one depending on live servicing in order to deliver more content and more story. For example: * Senua's Sacrifice Hellblade. If you ever feel like getting into a single player game on which combat, mechanics and story complexity combine having the story on your face all the time with dialogues and such that actually achieves a master piece, try it. You won't play it only once and you will invest a lot of time specially knowing your style of researching and uncovering meanings and hidden messages. ( I kinda wonder what could be your conclusion about it) * A second example could be Elden Ring. Even the story is not on your face all the time you still have a lot of components to figure out what is going on. From items descriptions to NPCs' interacions. It is not on the same situation as The Division, since there is no new content/story added every certain period of time. But I think you kinda get my point. I think a game like The Division (1 or 2) is a bit more of patience to go thorugh the story and hints you get here and there (specially waiting for new content). What makes people say there is no story is because to be fair it does demand a lot of attention and investment. Not due to the short retention spam but also on the side of accessibility. I for one am in Mexico City and it is a pain to not have access to the same extra content most have do tue comics or books. The only one I was able to get and trully enjoyed was the "Survival Guide on NY" and following April on her journey as well as looking for her Echoes was an amazing experience. So these 3 games I mentioned do deliver their stories in their own way. But just thinking on Elden Ring and how this is becoming the new way to go for new titles with no chews/spit story in front of you makes me wonder how much could actually Division learn from this as well. I bet you and me have spent hours in photo mode on those boards with things written on them, maps and crosses... trying to figure out if there was anything there but it was just a bit "random". I think that's a miss. Buuut... we were able to figure out that Hunters worked for/with Black Tusk due to their Rank tattoos. The Division has a great opportunity to do this sort of "reward oversearching". In the end the whole idea of a conspiracist is to have a board with pinned photos, threads linking to one photo and another, red question marks all over the places as well as some crossed/underlined words on them. And when you have a player doing that irl trying to put the pieces together just as Kelso and Manny, then you know you have done right as a developer XD Cheers bo and regards from Mexico!
@adamszanyi751 5 ай бұрын
Congrats on hitting 100k. Still love when i see something new from you...grab some popcorn and a drink and sit down for some good entertainment
@aaronchisholm4 5 ай бұрын
I quit playing Destiny and picked up the Division again after years, and it’s been a real treat catching up on what I’ve missed through this channel. Cheers!
@Chrisyn2008 5 ай бұрын
Smashed the shit out of the like button - cause that monotone voice commanded me. Even though .. i just played the First Division and basicly just rushed through and sunk some hours after that into. I liked the whole story idea.. and after i stumbled onto this channel couple years ago.. i allways come back for more story. Should count towards 'good story telling' if folks like me who just played it for a bit.. getting hooked more into the World.
@_Fulgur_ 5 ай бұрын
to say that the division has no story is a misunderstanding. i think the correct way to say it is that the story has lost its mystique with respect to its plot, when we look back to the division 1 uptil division 2 WONY and the first 2-3 manhunts much of the story was still shrouded in mystery. who are the black tusk? who are the hunters? why did faye lou betray the division? etc. so many unanswered questions is what kept us hooked on to the story but recent manhunts have revealed much more. we know have the answers to most of these questions and the story seems much more straight forward now, defeat the black tusk and the hunters. i still do love the division story and what lauren said about the story being character driven is so true, we have seen so many characters and how the green poison pandemic affected them. mostly with respect to division agents and faction leaders, like how some agents turned rogue to become opportunistic criminals to outright terrorists and how their experiences made them turn out that way. aside from all this though I'm hoping the division heartland gives a fresh new story for us to delve into as I'm already hooked on the premise.
@rob5984 5 ай бұрын
Whether or not The Division has a story, as you say, depends very much on how you play the game. If all you want to do is shoot things, that's an option. But I think that most of the people I interact with are very much more in the middle category. I don't think I know anyone that is not at all interested in the story. But there probably aren't many that fall in the completionist category either. I think you mapped out the engagement arc well though. I'm not going to play a game if the setting doesn't interest me. I don't need to know everything about the universe, but the setting and some story elements need to engage me. If I enjoy the game then I will nearly always want to learn more about the story that surrounds the game and its setting. And I agree with Lauren, including that in a way that allows people who want to pick up the pieces is the perfect way to do it. That way those who want to engage with the story can do so. Those who don't aren't forced to skip cutscenes - which are expensive anyway. I'm sure the comms that the team produces aren't free, you have to pay the voice actors for their time, but it's a lot less expensive than creating cut scenes which many people may simply not watch. And being able to pick up comms as you play that you can go back and listen to later is, I think, a great way of doing it. Those who want to listen, can. Those who can't aren't forced to. But I really don't see how you can think that the Division has no story. Between all of the echos, downed drones, phones, voice comms, and everything else that can be picked up across the two games there is a rich depth of plot. What I am interested in is what Lauren and her future [redacted] project means for transmedia. I have loved the way that the books work into the plot of the story - particularly the Operation Crossroads trilogy, and how that's playing out in game. But what will the future bring? More comics? More books? Movies (one has been threatened)? What other properties will we see that expand and build on the story from the games? Looking forward to it all. And I'll probably email you about it. If you ever return one! 😜🤣
@neofulcrum5013 5 ай бұрын
For me, I’m the type that always goes for a story in a game.
@pyropussquantscalethewell-6472 5 ай бұрын
Personally I think the division has a lot of wasted potential. Most people come expecting a looter-shooter, but in settings like these I typically like to do more negotiating and settlement management than shooting (not that shooting isn't fun). Would be great if we could have a division game with settlement management and roleplay elements.
@luuu5207 5 ай бұрын
Division 3 might have the theme of rebuilding.
@nickbriggs8059 5 ай бұрын
You’re spot on. I love the gunplay of D2. Never played 1. But if it had any sort of settlement building or more RPG elements it’d be one of the best games I’ve ever played. The fact Ubisoft has supported this game for so many years is impressive. It follows the Ubisoft recipe but for me. It works. I will put hundreds of hours into games like this.
@sinner2133 5 ай бұрын
That would be awesome, but to be fair, The Division never tried to sell itself as one of those games. They always marketed more the looter shooter aspect rather than any possible role playing
@user-yy3sy5km2z 5 ай бұрын
Go play fallout 4 then lol
@pyropussquantscalethewell-6472 5 ай бұрын
@@user-yy3sy5km2z fallout 4 stinky
@Epic_Busta 5 ай бұрын
While I agree that The Division has a story and deep lore, I feel that the story between the first and second game has gone in a detrimental direction, and omits a critical character which made the first game's story so compelling: The People. In The Division 1, you did things that you'd expect a governing body would do. Maintain Law and Order, Keep the lights on, Make sure the people had food and water, and combat the green poison. The missions involved one or more of these aspects and had the struggles of the people of New York in mind instead of the SHD. The SHD and Rogues/Aaron Keener conspiracy was kept mysterious with some clues to find. I found this story quite compelling. The Division 2 sorta had it at the start, but now with the seasonal model feels like a constant hunt for the next big enemy while neglecting the broader picture of restoring government to D.C. and America as a whole. It's about the SHD front and center but ignores the struggles of the people and has devolved into an endless battle between the SHD and other factions. It just feels... off? The story is deep and rich, don't get me wrong. It just feels like a story that's gone the wrong way and neglects several aspects that gave The Division 1, in my opinion, the richness at the surface level that it had compared to its sequel.
@minibleau 4 ай бұрын
The divisions story is so enthralling and psychologically close to realism. The nooks and crannys, pockets of story thatcan be found and unravelled. KZbinrs sych as yourself helping make sense of it make it so enjoyable.
@xxomgitseddiexx3740 5 ай бұрын
Firstly, Tom Clancy the division 2 does have a main story plus side mission story's of enemy characters and such not to mention all the collectibles scattered around the city's and maps. Secondly if you've only played the 2nd Division game then I'd recommend you play the first tom clancy the division game. And lastly there are like 10 Tom clancy the division books and audio book online. P.s This video content is great at explaining the lore and overall story.
@Aztro 5 ай бұрын
Another great video, cheers NGN!
@spartan_12omega87 5 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie when this popped up, I was hella confused. For a sec, I thought someone else had taken over you video and then it made sense why you titled it like this. Plus I love this game, and for me to get into a game it has to have a good story. Division II for me is amazing
@specialist_yeti3307 4 ай бұрын
I’m not a huge fan of stories, but the story of the division is great. It’s so great and well told, I’m still finding out new things in game and online Edit: I love how the story is told. Feels real, where I have to piece things together (or watch a dude on KZbin who loves the story as much as me)
@kinderjoker 5 ай бұрын
The new Nat comms are hilarious at times. Especially when she is talking about the hunters up and vanishing, or being Russian spetznaz etc.. :D
@KimiF17954 4 ай бұрын
For me I started in div 2 and I was like wow what has happened, was gripped listening to the Comms and cutscenes. I then ended up buying div 1 and played thru that. I found your channel and have loved the lore. You help cover anything I've missed. Thank you and congrats on 100k.
@francisforgues8464 5 ай бұрын
Really good video. Ur channel help me understand all the detail in lore. Ur right if i want a full story only i will go play bg3 or ff14. But the division tell it in a good way. Im new to division and love how the setting and caracter are devellop. I cant wait to know more. Keep up ur work agent
@trembledust6819 5 ай бұрын
Keep doing what you are doing. Love the content.
@ParZIVal19D 5 ай бұрын
If I come back after leaving for a couple years, can you play past seasons?
@darkblader06 3 күн бұрын
The setting and story was what drew me in.
@humanbeing9079 5 ай бұрын
The division shines in having players discover procedurally the story of individuals who are caught in this crisis, their emotions, (in)actions, and what eventually happened to them. Sometimes you are involved like finding Faye's sister, but most of the times you aren't. That engenders a deep sense of helplessly, that despite you are an agent you can't help everyone, and that the empty city you wander was once filled with countless human beings fighting for survival, sometimes it works out, most of the time it doesn't. Div 2 built on this by having proper side missions with mini stories/exploration, a huge upgrade from the copy pasted 3 preset rotation of Div 1 There is definitely HUGE room for improvements that would have been these stories a lot more impactful, and perhaps a stronger main story would make more players stick around long enough to appreciate/discover these flashes of brilliance.
@humanbeing9079 5 ай бұрын
@jonathansloan3140 5 ай бұрын
super cool vid, but i was to engrossed in the gameplay. what build are you using omg😂
@sgttommy141 5 ай бұрын
07:23 "(REDACTED)" - anyone else getting a division film vibe that's been floating around the web for many years?
@RoadWarden 5 ай бұрын
Glad you stuck with it and happy to hear you've hit that 100k mark. Congrats on that.
@cmortonwvu 5 ай бұрын
Love the Division 1 & 2 gameplay but the story really has me hooked.
@bullet_dude4166 5 ай бұрын
Me personally also sit in the Setting categorie. My friends on the other hand are the "nO CuTsCeNE, No sTorY" camp. I love the Story of the Division and thats mostly thanks to you. It is really hard to get them interrested into whats going on. I have to give it to my friends that the delivery on D2 got way worse the in D1. It feels like it got pushed back to the side even more, without your videos I also would have a hard time to follow the plot. So thanks
@azuredragonofnether5433 5 ай бұрын
These people never played Half-Life or Portal, haven't they?
@karmasjustice1432 5 ай бұрын
Think I have been liking a lot of your lore videos, but subscribing because the "regardless, I make no apologies" Love it. Had a bit of a falling out of the division 2 after completing the DLC and doing a little bit of grinding but did absolutely love hunting down the lore and echoes.
@John-nj6xl 5 ай бұрын
@ngn ... youve been a massive help in helping me try and understand the story of the division. I only started playing it last year but its easily my favourite game atm cant wait for the new season. I used to play destiny quite alot and i was loving the story but the story in the division is easily my favourite. But like all games like these i wish our character would speak we're just a one man army 😅 As for next season im curious whose gonna be the main target ... hopefully find out more about keener. He mustve known whats coming with the hunters and that 🤷‍♂️ Sorry for the long comment but i do love this game and its story 🙂
@goldenpiratexl1702 5 ай бұрын
I have played div1/2 and enjoyed the story from a player perspective and few years later i’ve strated reading the books and when someone started mentioning a location i instantly visualised it a knew where it is, The story is there if you’re listening and looking for it. As he said the some people dont care about the story and they are here to enjoy the game play 😅
@James-fy4zc 5 ай бұрын
What build are you using in this video? I really am curious to know!
@NGN 5 ай бұрын
Nothing fancy, just the Hotshot set. I may make a 2-3 minute video on it, because I've had a few people asking.
@James-fy4zc 5 ай бұрын
@@NGN that would be appreciated as I'm getting back into division 2 on ps5 again and seeing you decimate your enemies was satisfying to watch but made me jealous 😅
@redlox7077 5 ай бұрын
Division on top 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
@EzioAudi2re 5 ай бұрын
Congrats👏 on the 100K+ dude. The most underrated content creator.
@ShiniKatz 5 ай бұрын
I think the distinction between story and lore should be clarified here. Games like Division have amazing lore, with a stellar world built and great context for the actions our player needs to take and what others are taken. However, the active story, for current events that we are taking part in, has to center around our character in order for us to feel agency, and then runs the risk of becoming repetitive as there's only so many new things we can do season by season narratively that would still be feasible to implement mechanically.
@b3ardedragon921 5 ай бұрын
Question though. How can i talk to you and pick your brain on where the plot is going?
@4stizzar 3 ай бұрын
I have played since launch (also played TD1 since it launched) but I take breaks from it now and then. So I might play a season and then skip one or two. I love this channel because I do care about the story and the lore and it's easy to catch up with what's going on when I get that Division itch and jump back in from a break. And let's be fair, there's no other game like The Division. Thanks for all your videos!
@lachuteero 5 ай бұрын
One thing that I find super frustrating is that there are comms you cannot get because the manhunts are over and since it's where a lot of the story is played out, you miss too much stuff
@bulltron8926 2 ай бұрын
The atmosphere and environment tells a big story in itself. Just walking through the war ravaged and quarantine cordoned parts of New York, and DC are like a visual feast of story driven world building. Not to mention the dozens of recordings and echoes that help to place events in that environment.
@reaper123_xp 5 ай бұрын
I loved playing the first division and I barely picked up Division 2 and your videos make me all the more excited to continue playing it and to enjoy the lore of the game. You earned a Sub and please continue to make lore videos. 👍🏼
@halvarmc671 5 ай бұрын
The way I look at it, and this is one thing the Division gets right as a former 11-Bullet Stopper, as you collect intel, you have no idea what it even means when you get it. That's in essence human intelligence gathering in a nutshell. It takes a group of people in the background collecting said intel to piece it all together. All of that intel gets wrapped up neatly into a package and at times turns into a mission. I remember first playing Div1 and thinking, "wtf" about the phones, echos, etc. But as you play, you mentally piece it all together. Granted, I would have liked the echos and what not to play a bigger role in the game. For example, you learn something about the mission that can create an alternative path forward.
@svvennii 5 ай бұрын
I originally got into this game after discovering that Melissa O'Neil (the voice of Faye Lau) was a part of it. I had found your channel and immediately dove into the lore. Now, despite Faye having died, I still come back for regular updates. This game has a *great* story--one that I really love and have loved for years, despite having yet to actually play the game myself (I would if I could). I mostly live off of the info that I can find here on KZbin and a few other sites, and most notably, your channel. So thank you for these videos and for what you do!
@arinsugu1008 5 ай бұрын
I usually just go unga bunga in games so I can't notice story things happening in a game unless they're presented to me like a metal gear -esque cutscene so I'm grateful some dude with relaxingly smooth kiwi voice that I can fall asleep to compiles all the story for me to enjoy outside of the game where I'm less distracted.
@AmericanBoy-si9zg 5 ай бұрын
I still play the Division franchise to this day & still enjoy it. There's still plenty to do for me.
@lano2000 5 ай бұрын
I made a whole short film from the story. So from anyone to say that is wild to me
@RuseVeil 5 ай бұрын
Division 1 didn't grab me at all. Especially working in NYC around the MSG area during the day. It was drained leaving work only to go home and go back to work virtually in a sense. It wasn't until Captain Lewis appeared in div2 Season 9 that my interest was peaked. The arc of Lewis' introduction going into y5 mentioned things that I missed out on and I even went back to Division 1 to find out the beats behind things like End of Watch, Keener was right, ALEX!, and the disappointing legend that was Joe Ferro. Now, my wife and I sit at about SHD 1200+ and have been traveling between new york and DC trying to save what remains. I was ecstatic to see Mariah finally mentioned. I patiently wait for the moment we get to meet or work alongside Agent Aurelio Diaz or Agent Melanie Hoskins.
@enforcer_misterx 5 ай бұрын
The Division is so so interesting. Especially the 1st game. I hope eventually it gets more attention 1 day for more things then just games and books
@bartosz3837 5 ай бұрын
Game is amazing, the story took kinda different approach since season 9 but its not bad. Let's hope upcoming Vanguard Season will be awesome and add interesting plot, same with next year Brooklyn DLC
@BonzerMrT 4 ай бұрын
I like the game but I know it’s not for me, I just never been a collector in general and im so behind on manhunts and collecting things from the start that I really don’t even feel like trying to skin through it to catch up. So I’m tryna find lore videos to help me reign me back in
@FABCasso 5 ай бұрын
I haven’t played the division in so long but still keep up with going on through your videos so I appreciate it ✊🏾
@aaronfilipowich3877 5 ай бұрын
I started playing the Division with the first and the environment and open world style of it. As a veteran with policing education and working private security and medical 1st responder the theme and story clicked with me. So that was my hook into the Division universe. So as I went through the game the story started to grow on me and my addiction to information drove me to take in everything I could. I collected all the echos, drones and electronic collectibles in the first. When the Division 2 came out I dived into it as well. And around this time as they expanded on the past and present Division lore I followed along. To the point of being one of "those fans" and writing an abundance of theory crafting, real world comparisons and ideas for the game. It became a way to use my practical knowledge and do something creative with it. Unfortunately I'm not as brave as @NGN and most of my stuff will never see the light of day lol. But as for the Division storywise its the type of story that will sink its hooks into you....only if you like that genre. These days attention spans are minimal as proven by TikTok and immediate gratification is king in media. Partly a reason I think The Division should do a streaming series instead of movie but that's besides the point. The Div story is a baseline and all of these side projects are just adding to the lore immensely. I could go on long enough to even bore NGN on the number of things they could have done with the series and still could do. But that's the beauty of the Division story, its a baseline and everything added makes it better. So, sure if you plow through the game then your not getting any story out of it. I'd be like if you watched the Wheel of Time show and didn't read the books your not getting the same info so you don't form the same attachment. Another example I've written a healthy chunk of published rpg tabletop stuff, which some reading this would say "cool" and the rest "meh" because not everyone likes the subject matter. Same goes for the Division story its a niche thing and truthfully, going to get hate here, most streamers don't care about story its just a game to fill the time slot and add more subscribers. Which unfortunately influences too many into that style of gaming and looking at games. The Division story is great because its ability to branch of with the slightest connection. I mean the web comic coming out looks to have no connection to any major events in any other media (so far), but have one descent com or manhunt com mention one event from it and it ties together. Like how Agent Ward from the comic and the pre release div 2 advertising and such has one small part in the last novel.and tied those parts of the story together. The Division story is...for lack of a better description: alive. It grows with each bit of information or media added to it and evolves from it. Now I've done enough rambling and leave with this...the Division has to stop killing off its main villians; Ferro, Bliss, Keener could have created thousands of hours of content if they had left them defeated but alive.
@Aaron.Keener 5 ай бұрын
The "Dark Winter" part is the most interesting aspect of the game.
@blakebilling2249 5 ай бұрын
I'm a bit lost, I own the base game & WoNYbut unsure what I need to buy to have all the other content, any advice would be appreciated 🙂👍
@xaptor8685 5 ай бұрын
There’s a recent division 1 vid review 2 years ago from accursed farms called “Ross’s Game Dungeon : The Division”. Consider watching that in the meantime because his take on the story and the world is quite interesting.
@fabioluiz5601 5 ай бұрын
O seu conteúdo é simplesmente fantástico. O tom de como vc se pronuncia usando as palavras de uma forma que mexam com que te assisti. Começei na Franquia pelo TD2...Me apaixonei pelo game e fui mais a fundo até TD1 e em 2024 chguei ao ponto Máximo DLC Survival. Seu conteúdo aborda a História...E sendo assim vendo tudo oq aconteceu nessa última Caçada...Sabemos que Bryan Jhonson era o Recrutador. Entao vou mais além...Quem era então o Hunter da Sobrevivência? Por que ele quis nos matar e impedir a Extração do ANT VIRAL❓️ Isso não sai da minha cabeça..🤯🤔. Voce teria uma História ou Teoria para isso. Obrigado po seu trabalho com a Divisão. ❤️‍🔥 ⚠️ 9:38..Faça oq te faz FELIZ ‼️
@pratiknath1712 5 ай бұрын
Got division 1 for free in a offer like 3 years ago. Then got division 2 got to see ur videos. Fell in love with these game. I was a FPS gamer. I was super against 3rd person game. Keep going Mr. Siri
@MrKillroy26 3 ай бұрын
I stopped playing a long time ago but I love the story. That’s what really got me playing in the first one when I started pickup on what’s going on in the world
@Ebolachicken 5 ай бұрын
i miss the first game story nothing will be better
@iamcryptex 5 ай бұрын
Lauren Stone's a legend.
@Blank55600 5 ай бұрын
This game has more story than most games. It has books, podcast audio dramas, great settings that tell a story, etc.
@twistedknight8639 5 ай бұрын
Bought it and played for story. Bought on 2nd account and in total played story 10 times, after deleting 2 agents. Got bored with manhunts and gave up on last one completely. Great videos, thanks for the inside 🙂
@hbsong9964 5 ай бұрын
how are you getting more than 25 million damage?
@epcarter6 5 ай бұрын
lol how can you say there’s no story? I’m genuinely asking, who’s saying this and why?
@ineedzemedic5810 5 ай бұрын
1. Someone that has actually never played the game 2. Someone that just doesn't care or doesn't have the dlc for it 3. Troll
@epcarter6 5 ай бұрын
@@ineedzemedic5810 This makes sense thank you 🙏
@g36cvek 5 ай бұрын
Ngl without you I would have lost the plot so many times.. after 320+hours in both div 1 and 2. i forgot what happened your kiwi monotone voice works wonders
@redloops306 5 ай бұрын
Anyone know what build he's using to 1 shot these heroic gold bars? Cuz I need it
@Ananonymousguy-nk9oj 5 ай бұрын
Just search for 1 shot determined sniper builds, they're all very similar
@fabyvaldez9186 5 ай бұрын
Funny thing... I Love your videos for the storytelling! I've been watching them for the past 6 months and I just realized I hadn't subscribe! but that is fixed now! Follower for longer but new subscriber!
@ThisNThat0810 5 ай бұрын
I'd like a little bit more lore of the player characters squad. I dig the fact they put Agent Sanders at the Pentagon and De la Cruz at City Hall in WLoNY both were with the player in the beginning and were great call backs. And I always wonder was that The original squad or did they just meet and defend that place together and if not where's the rest of our squad. Just a question I always had. Still digging the content broski.
@Chitownbrotha30 3 ай бұрын
As a long time and veteran gamer, the gameplay will always be king but I also love the story/lore of a game and the content to keep me interested. That's the reason why NGN is one of my favorite channels. I think the devs have lost sight of that and really don't listen to the Loyal Division players. This game can be so much more but the single minded and "profit only" approach has brought this Game franchise down. Things could have been a lot better than this, now Real Fans grab for the glory years of this franchise that are long gone...
@SuperClloyd 5 ай бұрын
I like Campaigns (All Story) and it's all I play on most games. The Division was my first introduction to this format and I absolutely love the way the story unfolded and developed. I didn't finish a Far Cry 5 spin off as I found the story dull.
@Mortimer13 5 ай бұрын
Loved the wholesome ending. It's great that you keep doing what you love 🧡
@acgearsandarms1343 5 ай бұрын
I have been interested in continuing the Division 2 for Warlords of New York. I hope I’m not too far behind to catch up because keeping up with the game on a weekly basis was draining.
@jimderrick846 5 ай бұрын
Love your stories NGN. Keep it up man !!!!!❤
@trappedslider 5 ай бұрын
Live service games have their place, but single player games with cut scenes will also stick around. Starfield is about to get it's first big update followed by new stuff, even Cyberpunk is getting an update. I totally agree that TD and TD2 have a story, but the way it presents that works for it since it's a looter shooter live service. It honestly reminds me of how Valve told the story in L4D 1 and 2, it was all environmental via scribblings on the wall etc. Now if TD was a single player game, i'd have expected some sort of cut scene after the major missions instead of how it is.
@r6reflex563 5 ай бұрын
Hey have u got a clan or smth just need help on raids and farming
@DannyKrainas 5 ай бұрын
Story hooked me before the game mechanics did. I bought D1 as a black friday steam deal without knowing anything about it really, just that the price was right. I turned it on and was awed and creeped that it started talking about black friday in the intro. It was just a coincidence of course but I had been hooked ever since. The story in D2 took some time to flush out and dragged for a couple years but has been getting better these last 3 or 4 seasons. In the end, it's Tom Clancy and to suggest there's no story is ignorant and shortsighted.
@petekariotis 5 ай бұрын
The man, the myth, the legend! NGN!!! (I posted this on X after your raid last week lol! But still just as accurate! 💪🏽💯)
@HushTheBlind 5 ай бұрын
I gave up when I fell a dew seasons back and couldn't catch up
@breezywinter4646 5 ай бұрын
As a guy who was invested to the game, well the first game more than the second. I guess you can say the player is more of an avatar rather than a character themselves considering how your character never talks and how they are never acknowledged (mainly with WoNY) but the game does still have story. Including the little stories from the echos and phone calls you find in both games and that includes the books and comics too.
@thaipankatima658 5 ай бұрын
I consider the world of the Division to be a baseline setting of a story rather than a story outright. It sets up the lore and the factions which anyone can use to write their own. Follow the story of an agent trying to right his wrongs. A kid who got a Division watch and pretends to be an agent to use their resources to find his family. A group of survivors trying to escape the clutches of gangs in a war torn city while hiding one of their own who's infected. While I agree that the Division does have a lot of wasted potential, you can't deny that it makes money.
@C1Uno 5 ай бұрын
The story is amazing 🎉🎉! I’m All Story!
@idalwave6422 5 ай бұрын
I’m playing the first division game again, so far I’m enjoying my replay
@JayMikeWillingham 5 ай бұрын
Great stuff, the thing about Division IS THE STORY. And Gameplay obviously, but the story of Cold Apocalyptic NY was, and still is epic till this day.
@SgtRock4445 5 ай бұрын
The Division had a story, that they pretty much killed in the Division 2. Just showing Keener. April Keller had just 2 or 3 echo's with no ending. Faye Lau got sold short. Black tusk background story makes no sense(they had for 8 months?) I have ~2500 hours in div 1 and 2. I have the survival book, a couple of books and comics. I want more story, but div2 doesn't have it. At the moment I'll probably start another div1 playthrough before starting up div2 again.
@ashdgee 5 ай бұрын
The Division 1 had an amazing story I loved.
@Sam-Fisher 5 ай бұрын
The Division is a Masterpiece Franchise 💪🏻😎🔥
@isaiasizquierdo3369 5 ай бұрын
I mostly play it for the story now. I play each week decent to get the audio. I have enjoyed all the books from Thomas Parrott. I love the story and I am a subscriber to your channel because it expands this story. Thank you
@Raider8_4 5 ай бұрын
The story line is so deep and seems to change as the game progresses. Which makes it so much more exciting. When I tell people about the game, I say if you want to get a general idea of the game. Watch NGN’s story line videos and you can get caught up in a matter of hours on where we are now with the game. Thanks for making this content.
@gordonbarbay750 5 ай бұрын
Congrats on your 100K milestone! If D2 had no story I would have given up long ago. Not sure who says cut scenes are the whole of the story, but I like D2 because the missions enhance the cut scenes and vice versa. They play off each other, as they should, and I'd rather "play the plot" rather than having it laid out solely by the cut scenes. That being said, I would like to see the meta-story advancing, even if by a little. This means I have not given up on the Divisions primary mission and I hope the devs have not either.
@moo7368 5 ай бұрын
Another superb vid as always 👌
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