The Downfall of Game of Thrones 4 Years Later | How Benioff & Weiss Ruined GOT and Their Reputations

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A look back at how Dan and Dave destroyed one of the best shows on television. How they moved away from George R.R. Martin's novels and destroyed carefully crafted characters like Dany, Jon and Jaime. Their discomfort with the fantasy aspects of the show and some of the reasons why they did not dedicate themselves to finishing the series with the same skill and effort they brought to the early seasons.
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@Sienisota Жыл бұрын
They screwed the ending so badly, you can't really even enjoy a re-watch of the earlier seasons, knowing how badly those character arcs are executed at the finish.
@Warmaker01 Жыл бұрын
It's so sad. It was wrapped up so poorly. I have the blurays still for all but the last 2 seasons. Knowing how things went, I have yet to rewatch any of the show, even for the absolutely awesome first few seasons.
@tct8284 Жыл бұрын
I agree I can’t rewatch
@oldboy4271 Жыл бұрын
I did a re-watch recently and it almost becomes fan fiction it's so ridiculous....
@paulsarnik8506 Жыл бұрын
I can🤷🏼‍♂️🤓😎✌🏻
@paulsarnik8506 Жыл бұрын
​@@oldboy4271 Wrong. Fan fic would have been better🤓😎✌🏻
@Crichjo32 Жыл бұрын
How each character got ruined: Jon - became a lobotomized patient saying the same lines over and over again. Tyrion - becomes a witless dunce who makes terrible decisions, but somehow still keeps his job. Dany - becomes a complete psychotic and genocidal monster within a couple of episodes Jaime - goes from being reformed and sympathetic, to "I never gave a damn about anyone apart from my psychotic sister" in one episode Cersei - stares out a window and is killed by a brick Arya - gives up her series long arc to kill Cersei at the last moment, and otherwise stands around being smug and annoying Sansa - we're meant to believe she is so smart and clever, yet she openly blurts out her brother's biggest secret and doesn't know how a knife works Bran - becomes a creepy useless weirdo, who does sod all to help but somehow gets the big prize at the end Brienne - a strong female character reduced to crying outside in her gown over a man leaving her Varys - once the smartest, most secretive and careful character that is now a complete idiot who openly talks about treason to people he barely knows, and doesn't even seem to care much when he inevitably gets it. Littlefinger - the other smartest and most secretive character, who seemingly had an intricate plan to steal the throne, stands around being dumb and gets foiled by some kids like a Scooby Doo villain The Night King - became a complete non-threat in the end after being hyped since the very first scene of the whole series
@dingross Жыл бұрын
Perfect comment
@MartinBergnerGuitar Жыл бұрын
This is so painfully accurate, I couldn't even decide which one of these upset me the most since all of them were once great characters on their own... well maybe except Bran who essentially just got carried around the entire series and had people dying for him so he could become the useless weirdo who somehow ended up on the iron throne lol.
@coolaboolaa Жыл бұрын
This is spot on 👀
@ClaudiaLop-nn1lj Жыл бұрын
Great comment 👍
@udopadrik9971 Жыл бұрын
I will be protecting Dany's story arc in probably a few more comments to come. Dany's was badly executed and rushed, but so true to the original themes and tone of the books, also foreshadowed from early on. that I have a guess that was not too far off from Martin's plan. Quite definitely not a people pleaser, but seems like a true ending to carry the themes and motifs of the show. If Martin were ever to finish the books and not have Dany's arc at least similar in essence, I'd probably be disappointed. Signs of her tyrannical tendencies, insanity and instability were foreshadowed early on. Too vaguely perhaps for some, but seemed quite obvious and smart to others. I think it would hurt the books if these were ignored and ended up not leading into anything.
@danzai Жыл бұрын
The funny thing is, if these guys had not just inexplicably squandered their franchise at the finish line, it would be seen as one of the best TV shows of all time, up there with Breaking Bad, etc. and these creators would been heralded as princes amongst men. Now its hard for anyone to even invest time into watching the good seasons when it isn't worth the soul destroying disappointment that will follow. Jenny Nicholson said it best ""I think the worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embarrassed for being so excited about it in the first place"
@jamesflaherty59 11 ай бұрын
They were the top of hollywood at like season 4-5 times, why they wanted to 'move on' from GOT is a total mystery to me, they could've done 10+ seasons!
@theautomator8372 11 ай бұрын
@@jamesflaherty59 they got a star wars deal, but after their catastrophic season 8, Disney got rid of them. They tried saying, "Oh yeah, we just quit," but the timing of it makes it pretty obvious they were fired.
@jasonabc 10 ай бұрын
I so agree with this. Just makes you feel sick that you invested all the effort and energy into something only to have it turned around on you and made you feel like an idiot for believing in it. What a sick joke it turned out to be.....
@HelicopterHoneymoon 6 ай бұрын
So on point. I bought a new giant TV, my first ever, to watch the final season. I cried tears of disappointment when I saw that awful dragon battle above winter fell.
@joefox9875 6 ай бұрын
Yes, that's what the video says
@drno87 Жыл бұрын
The Battle of the Bastards is where the show really felt completely different for me. It's an exciting action scene fit for a Hollywood film. It also has Jon screwing up royally--making the exact mistakes they'd explicitly discussed trying to avoid. Jon talked about avoiding a double envelopment and Sansa warned him that Ramsay would try to provoke him. Jon falls for the provocation and gets his army surrounded. Yet, there are no negative consequences. Contrast with how mistakes made by Ned and Robb came back to bite them and it's basically a different show.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
It's also bizarre how they had Sansa not inform him that she was getting reinforcements, which was critical information they needed for the battle. And not knowing also cost lives.
@Harrybantam1903 Жыл бұрын
Still funny how Sansa never mentioned that the army of the Vale were supporting them when Jon wanted a bigger army
@SpeedBoost Жыл бұрын
The entire Battle of the Bastards and near defeat of all of Jon's men was 100% Sansa's fault. She didn't bother to tell them about the Knights of the Vale reinforcements, she then started to lecture rooms full of men who have spent their whole lives at war, about "effective combat maneuvers" and criticising their siege tactics. Sansa spent her entire life playing with dolls, wearing pretty dresses and desperately trying to become a Queen, she would still have been Ramsey's victim if Reek didn't save her and Jon then started to protect her from recapture. Yet she is suddenly an "Expert Tactician" and knows how to take down the entire Bolton army! How? Ramsey wouldn't have told her anything and he pretty much kept her locked in their chambers all day, she wouldn't have known anything about the Bolton's plans or tactics.
@nyxnes Жыл бұрын
The show got fucked after season 4 even season 6 cant redeem it for me
@Hangnailer47 Жыл бұрын
I actually really liked The Battle of the Bastards. Definitely they could have done things differently but I thought it was solid.
@amateuroverlord8007 Жыл бұрын
Cersie destroying the Sept of Barlow is the perfect example of the problem with D&D. It was shot amazingly, that whole sequence might have been the best in the show. But they clearly put zero thought into the consequences of that action. I’m pretty sure literally not one character even mentioned it after it happened. That’s absurd. Imagine if someone blew up the Vatican.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
That should have been one of the core conflicts of Season 7, Cersei dealing with the aftermath of blowing up the sept. Many people would've have turned against her.
@jonweman6128 Жыл бұрын
There's a foreshadowing of that already in S2, in the Qarth subplot. D & D evidently thinks taking power is as simple as killing the rival leaders, as if each of the murdered council members wouldn't have a whole power structure (likely a merchant house or bank) behind them. And then when Dany kills the warlock and the black merchant guy too, the whole city should be in chaos, but we see nothing of that. The Qarth storyline was pretty bad in the books as well so they didn't really "ruin" anything at that point, but it shows the shallow way they think about these things.
@BCWasbrough Жыл бұрын
Not only that, but blowing up the Pope and the Vatican in a world where 90% of the people are Catholic.
@enterusername6953 Жыл бұрын
I hated when Jon killed Dany, he was arrested, trialed and banished so hard that not even the Queen of Winterfell could help him. Even though Dany literally destroyed Kings Landing. Meanwhile with other characters. Euron can kill Balon, Ramsay can kill Roose, Ellaria can kill Doran, Cersie can blow up an entire church full of important people (a Lannister included!) , and they are rewarded as the next ruler with no punishment. I never realized how stupid and unfair the writing is.
@NeeNee_B. Жыл бұрын
​@@enterusername6953lol right?? I mean cersei literally killed the crowned queen and the equivalent of a king to the poor folk, with ZEROOOOO consequences. I mean, the ppl tried to kill Joffrey for being hungry, but no one does anything for having their homes and families blown up?? 🙄 sure, Jan lol
@lucaromanelli4664 9 ай бұрын
Many friends of mine were huge fans of the show and we liked to talk about it after every episode. After watching the last season, nobody ever brought the topic up again. It's like it never existed in the first place. Thank you, Dumb and Dumber.
@reelworld1 9 ай бұрын
The speculation inbetween seasons was a lot of fun too. Would've never guessed at the height of the show that in the end it would become a meme.
@zarinaromanets7290 22 күн бұрын
It sounds strange to say, and maybe preemptive, but I've gotten a very similar feeling after S2 of HotD. Conpare that to the beginning of the season, when I was excited to ask friends to have a watching party. It's not that there were a few scenes off, it's the showrunners misunderstanding what they portray on screen and how it comes across, believing in their own genius after S1 did well.
@crazydawgman Жыл бұрын
They are actual geniuses. I was thinking I was going to be so sad after the show ended and would miss it a lot. They made sure that didn't happen
@AdhvaithSane Жыл бұрын
Indeed. They are the -dumbest- biggest geniuses in history. Ever.
@Dowlphin Жыл бұрын
Plus, it boosts appreciation for works that do it right. Go watch Babylon 5 and bask in the glory of ye olde days when writer kings roamed lush lands and carved borders with their pens.
@bhbluebird Жыл бұрын
Yep, credit where credit is due.
@fyrchmyrddin1937 Жыл бұрын
@@Dowlphin Something to look forward to with AI destroying the Writer's Guild is that shows like B5, Firefly, and early X-files may see a revival.
@Dowlphin Жыл бұрын
@@fyrchmyrddin1937 AI dystopia would seek to prevent that by any means feasible.
@Wertyoco Жыл бұрын
I would aslo say the lack of fallout for the queen blowing up the main church of the entier continent was a joke
@vanessabogaert2104 Жыл бұрын
“Terrible accident”. What a joke! They ruined Cersei’s character along with so many others. The show needed at least 3-4 more seasons to end properly.
@arpadszabo661 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, there could’ve been a whole season about people rebelling against Cersei. But even if they think its an accident, why is everyone fine with her becoming the ruler of the 7 kingdoms? It made no sense either way
@darksaint0124 Жыл бұрын
This has always been my main points in saying that the show was bad before the vast majority of viewers realized it was bad. Seasons 5 and 6 were equally as nonsensical as 7 and 8, but a lot of people still seem to like Cersei blowing up the Sept even though it is the clearest sign that the characters no longer live in a world where actions have consequences.
@vanessabogaert2104 Жыл бұрын
@@darksaint0124 omg, Jamie in Dorne was complete cringe! And the Sand Snakes were written so badly!
@darksaint0124 Жыл бұрын
@@vanessabogaert2104 It would have been better to just never have Dorne in the show, than to have the caricature that they gave us.
@enjoythestruggle Жыл бұрын
They made the classic mistake: thinking they are smarter than the writer. They also picked favourites and created good and evil in a story that was so interesting because of the morally grey nature of its characters.
@Hedgeknight420 8 ай бұрын
@K.C-2049yea those idiots had no idea how to finish . As soon as they ran out of source material they showed their true colors .
@mohammadhosseini6675 8 ай бұрын
@@Hedgeknight420what do you mean run out of source material they left out MANY MANY things in the books if they include everything then it take far longer for them to reach the end of the books.
@alphax4785 6 ай бұрын
TBF, ole George being a supremely unhelpful bag empty of wind and dream meant the entire show was left hanging.
@Ashbrash1998 6 ай бұрын
​@@alphax4785He at least gave them an outline they chose not to follow as well as abandoning the storyline that was published already
@srjeeek578 6 ай бұрын
These are mistakes. These are impacts of ESG funding. They have to follow certain guidelines to get money
@Alex-mn1fb Жыл бұрын
I still cant get over it. Not after 4 years, not ever. I had no idea that I would be this butthurt by a book and a TV show, it felt like a bad breakup with a spouse tbh. And I am still salty and sore about all of it. The fact George RR Martin never finished it, the fact these two managed to bamboozle us for so long, so that we were so willing to give them a benefit of a doubt, even when things went south long before season 7. I still cant bring myself to binge watch it all over, its honestly upseting to think about it. Looking retroactively, it was their ego and the lack of writing talent. Even if they felt the burnout, they could have just passed the torch to someone else who would give it love and care it deserves. But their ego just could not handle some other name in the title sequence, but were at the same time greedy to move on to score some Star Wars money. Hacks.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
When something that was once so good, ends so badly, it can make you even more tentative when you watch other series. It does for me anyway, you start being more aware of the signs, many of which I gave D&D a pass on until we got to the final couple of seasons.
@Alex-mn1fb Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Oh yeah, for sure! I did the same with the Witcher just for that reason. Everyone said season one was a blast, and it was promising, but as soon as I saw season 2 I was like NOPE. It turns out I was right and I wont even give season 3 a chance.
@SpecialNeedsMuffin Жыл бұрын
Game of thrones and berserk fan here I know the pain
@jsal7241 Жыл бұрын
​@@SpecialNeedsMuffin shit me too
@Nomoredrama2000 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same way but with Sherlock. It really does feel like a horrible betrayal because you love and trust something and someone so much and for them to just throw it all away and mock you for feeling upset, really does leave a burn that doesn't heal even after many years.
@christinestreeter8566 Жыл бұрын
HBO wanted more seasons, they offered to bring in more writers and D and D said no…because they are unbelievably narcissistic and arrogant and didn’t want anyone to share their glory. They cut GRRM out after season 4. All they wanted was to make the red wedding and once that was done they were over it. D and D think they are as talented as GRRM. I know they were probably burnt out. Being the show runners for a show like this they most likely worked 24/7, but they could have lessened their burden and they choose not to. They suck and I hope they never work again on anything and if they do it’ll be mediocre at best.
@SuperSteaman Жыл бұрын
@scottdobson1276 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, if they waited for Martin's input, we might be half way through season 5 by now....
@christinestreeter8566 Жыл бұрын
@@scottdobson1276 when it comes to writing episodes I 10000% agree! It took him 6 months to write one episode a season (seasons 1-4) and he wrote the darn material! It would have taken him 2 years to write one episode once they left the source material. I’m talking more like consulting or direction. The biggest mistake I think they made was trying to remove all the fantasy elements in a fantasy story. It may be low fantasy, but removing that stuff was one of their biggest screw ups. I’m wondering when they found out Bran was going to be king? Considering they cut him out of the fifth season entirely and barely gave him any story was another huge mistake. Everyone was invested in Dany and Jon, no one cared about Bran. Making him king at the end was a mistake for how little they showcased him as a character. Bran should have had a much bigger role in the show, if he had it wouldn’t have felt like such a let down.
@FabalociousDee Жыл бұрын
HBO keeps having this problem with showrunners. It happened with D&D, and more recently, it happened with Sam Levinson and Euphoria. A literal team of writers are behind making their work good, but because THEIR names are placed front & centre when it comes to writing, they start buying into their own hype and take more of the writing on themselves. It's a huge problem.
@christinestreeter8566 Жыл бұрын
@@FabalociousDee too much ego! I have no doubt that being a show runner is an all consuming job, and burn out is real. I really can’t see a way of avoiding this though. Someone has to be the “boss” and all that praise, attention and power is going to corrupt anyone because that’s how people work. Unless they picked 2-4 people and gave them a group name and made them the show runners that way it wasn’t just one person, avoid the ego issue and ensure an easier workload. The entertainment industry is full of people who want the glory and fame for themselves though so I’m sure they would balk at the idea of not getting their recognition.
@jawstrock2215 Жыл бұрын
Even more infuriating that it was not provoked by the studio wanting it to wrap up(how it often happen). They were ready to give near infinite budget and multiple more seasons.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the network would've gone on as long as possible to tell the story. You can see even now how they're committed to House of the Dragon and other spinoffs lined up behind it.
@patrickozga3486 7 ай бұрын
Words cannot describe the bitterness I feel at that. It was the pinnacle of television. I was so hungry for it I would seek out subpar streams rather then wait 24hr for an hd file. Nothing since then has come anywhere close to that.
@suzyqew3003 4 ай бұрын
@7armedman 2 ай бұрын
@@patrickozga3486 Jesus you loser, just part with a few bucks.
@7armedman 2 ай бұрын
from the start of the show, in interviews, they said how many episodes they thought the show would be. Came out just a few off from what they said. They didn't rush through because they got bored or whatever, this was always the plan. Like it or not.
@Krucifus Жыл бұрын
Game of Thrones will forever be known as the biggest fall of a beloved show that's ever been seen. I'm glad that D&D have been completed ruined by their greed.
@Gukworks Жыл бұрын
Who? Just kidding... Kinda
@PrimerCinePodcast Жыл бұрын
They ain’t ruined. They’re probably working at something to make a comeback. And if they put their hearts into it they might just make awesome work again. The finale was horrendous for real but maybe they’ve learned from it
@jehana1633 Жыл бұрын
@@PrimerCinePodcast Oh, they are ruined. If there's any justice at all in the world, dumb and dumber will never live to "write" a series again.
@PrimerCinePodcast Жыл бұрын
@@jehana1633 I used to literally hate them, but I don’t see the point any more. They ruined it but they also helmed the series wonderfully for many years. I’d prefer to see them do something awesome again instead of just disappearing and this being the end of their work
@EK_Beast Жыл бұрын
@@PrimerCinePodcast are ruined no company wants to work with them. Because if you can’t take the time to finish a project that was years in the making what can you deliver on? Worst of all multiple fans including myself have written better endings. And when I wrote mine it was when I had only watched parts of the early seasons of the show, knew nothing about the books and had just begun to be a fan. All my friends who had been fans for years of both the show and books read the ending I wrote for them and approved it was a good ending. I reworked it later on now having read the books and seen fully all the seasons of the show and once again from multiple fans both within my own friend group and in random fans I have passed by and told it too have declared my ending their show canon ending which I wrote in the span of 3 hours. To be fair it was a script treatment more so events that would happen a few with moment by moment plays but most just the dots that needed to be connected by a full writer but even still. It has impressed many. Heck I’ve been told my ending is better than the ones all over KZbin with hours of work put into them because I didn’t write what I wanted or what others claimed should happen. I wrote what Martin would have done, I killed tons of characters with purpose to the story and let those live who had other purpose to the story. I even killed Jon Snow again! In a way that was a reflection of Ygritte’s death in his arms he dies in Danny’s arms before the iron throne! It’s not hard to do when you have passion and understanding. That’s the two things it really takes and D&D both lost their passion, and understanding. The understanding was lost in S5 or 6 when they killed Sir Barriston for no reason when he lives in the books and is one of the few characters to have know Rhaegar and other such characters of the last generation. They lost passion in S8 when Disney offered them a Star Wars trilogy and they were offered 20 episodes by HBO for the final season and asked for only 6.
@michaelnash2138 Жыл бұрын
The lack of thought towards Varys really strikes me. He went from being the most intelligent person in Westeros (even smarter than Tyrion) to being the biggest idiot the series had, worse than Ser Dontos. He might as well have worn a sign saying "I'm going to betray Daenerys, whom I previously said would be the savior of Westeros!"
@One.Zero.One101 Жыл бұрын
Characters can only be as smart as the writers. That’s why all the smart characters became dumb.
@michaelnash2138 Жыл бұрын
@@One.Zero.One101 Amen, brother!
@Myne1001 Жыл бұрын
His character got shafted hard by the exclusion of the "Young Griff"/"Aegon Targaryen" storyline because in the books he's one of the main conspirators to get this kid on the Iron Throne. He was pretty much ruined as a character from Season 1; it just didn't show until later.
@johns1625 Жыл бұрын
Night King immune to dragon fire, but steel forged in dragon fire kills him, because dragon fire kills him, except not. Night King creates white walkers instantly just by touching them, but is able to grab Arya by the face and she doesn't turn into a white walker, because reasons. Arya is a master sneaker, able to sneak up behind a whole courtyard of white walkers and leap through the air screaming right past dozens of them, but literally 5 minutes earlier was not able to sneak past like 5 zombies that are missing half their eyes. White Walkers are able to drag ten thousand tons of ship anchor chain through the frozen north to drag a 3 ton dragon out of a lake. The chain literally weighs more than the dragon by hundreds of times, and they got it from NOWHERE and brought it with them for NO REASON, except they can see the future, except not, because they lost. So stupid. I can't believe people actually enjoyed those last 2 seasons.
@gbengaolabode018 3 ай бұрын
@ndanatseyi 3 ай бұрын
This comment 😂😂😂😂😂
@apzzpa 2 ай бұрын
He uses his magic to turn them into whitewalkers
@thepusherman1297 Ай бұрын
Wish they would have shown the WW dive team. He put them in 1920 scuba gear?
@emusaurus Жыл бұрын
"Who has a better story than Bran the broken?" I imagine it pained Peter Dinkledge to say that line. I remember the cast had looks of cringe on their faces when talking about the last episode. None of them looked happy. It was the greatest television show of all time. Was.
@LemuriaGames Жыл бұрын
Maybe he assumed that they had filmed 3 episodes with Bran he didn't know about. It's the only explanation that he was able to say that line at all without bursting into mad laughter each and every time.
@laurendearnley9595 Жыл бұрын
He didnt look too happy even in the final cut. He looked like he was saying it under duress - and TBH, he kind of was.
@LemuriaGames Жыл бұрын
@@laurendearnley9595 Inside monolog: "I'm paid for this bullshit. I'm paid for this bullshit. Let's get this over with. I'm paid for this bullshit."
@walrustrent2001 Жыл бұрын
Ha ! Reminds me of the line in Galaxy Quest "By Grabthor's Hammer, what a saving !". But then the pain was that of the character...
@One.Zero.One101 Жыл бұрын
The actor for Varys threw away the script during the table read. He didn’t look too pleased. It was hilarious.
@jusskitten6120 Жыл бұрын
Everyone always forgets about how they butchered Briennes story in the finale too. Why the hell would she switch up and leave Sansa when Sansa would need her protector the most now that she’s queen? And I know Sansa would be furious at her for leaving after swearing her sword and life to her. She never even interacted with bran. I actually hate brans character and everything they did with him
@SuddenReal Жыл бұрын
Bran was the new incarnation of the Three Eyed Raven. The previous incarnation, the one that Bran met, was a Targaryan. Not any Targaryan either, but the true heir to the throne several hundred years before. But he willingly gave up the throne to his younger brother, because he felt someone of his power should not be given the throne to rule. And Bran just says "bleep it, let me sit on that thing"?
@Thegoat152 Жыл бұрын
@@SuddenReal The entire three eyed Raven story is stupid. The entire white walker army is brought down by a kid with no actual power all because they were so terrified of his no actual power. They took a solid character, ruined that character to the point that the audience no longer cared about him, and then tried to make that character the point of the whole show in the last episode.
@anastasiabeaverhausen. Жыл бұрын
​@Thegoat152 thank you! I always thought it was an annoying story and then it got worse in season 8...Super cheesy, annoying Bran 🤦🏻‍♀️
@spirittammyk Жыл бұрын
I hated what they did with Sandor? What's the point of bringing him back and make it look like he might be taking over Beric's position just to kill him off? It would have been more fitting that he joined Arya on her new journey to far off places. What's the point of bringing Gendry back if he wasn't going to be with Arya in the end as well?????
@spirittammyk Жыл бұрын
@@SuddenReal Actually, it would be a good fitting for another chapter where he becomes corrupted and Jon has to come back and try and defeat him.
@that.canadian.vaper.guyTCVG Жыл бұрын
One of the biggest heartbreaking things for me, is watching the Season 8 Doc and seeing how passionate Vladimir Furdik was as the Night King. After a life of training the main star, he finally had a chance to become one of the main stars and he wasnt going to waste it. His Night King was really menacing and had they given him literally ANYTHING to do, i guarantee that he wouldve crushed that role.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
It's incredible that they had a guy in Furdik who trained others in sword fighting, and you don't even utilize his skills in battle. Complete incompetence.
@that.canadian.vaper.guyTCVG Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 couldn't agree more. He NEVER touched a sword? Imagine that? IN 8 SEASONS? Not once did he have a sword fight.
@Nifter71 Жыл бұрын
Richard Brake was more menacing though. Night King was never more terrifying than at Hardhome.
@jonweman6128 Жыл бұрын
Furdik was good I guess, but the design looked kind of cheesy to me with his ice crown. The regular White Walkers looked more scary.
@that.canadian.vaper.guyTCVG Жыл бұрын
@@Nifter71 true. Hardhome NK is probably the best portrayal of the NK. Not to take anything away from Furdik, that was just the NK at his best.
@RafaelSantos-pi8py Жыл бұрын
To this day that nightime battle against the zombies makes me rage. Sending the cavalry into the dark not knowing where they were going , putting the infantry IN FRONT of the palisades and outside the castle walls where they would be safe, keeping the civilians in a crypt knowing that the enemy can raise the dead. It was all so stupid and bad.
@Andrewdb486 9 ай бұрын
I agree that the battle is not good, but the visual of the intial impact of the dead against the frontlines is dope. I've rewatched that one bit several times because it conveys what I imagine that would be like; like a tidal wave of reanimated corpses. Everything else is crap, including that anyone in the first few front lines would survive at all, but that brief shot is still cool.
@norwegianblue2017 8 ай бұрын
I still enjoyed the battle the first time I saw it, even though they completely wasted a whole precious final season episode to get to it. But yeah, once you take note of the strategic idiocy, you can't unsee it. Like knowing the Michael Myers mask in Halloween is just a Captain Kirk mask turned inside out.
@encycl07pedia- 7 ай бұрын
What gets me is not the logic but the lighting. You can't see half the things on screen. It's kind of hard to do visual storytelling if you can't see what's going on! It's so frustrating because it's often because they're too cheap and know things look bad so instead they just put everything in darkness (or add about a billion cuts) to hide it.
@norwegianblue2017 7 ай бұрын
@@encycl07pedia- The night battle looked notoriously bad if you watched it via streaming. It actually looks really good if you watch it on 4K BluRay on a good quality TV 4K HDR TV. That said, not many people have that setup or buy physical media.
@justsomedude2020 7 ай бұрын
@@Andrewdb486 awesome visuals but stupid nonetheless.
@jodi2847 Жыл бұрын
Imagine writing a masterful and wildly popular show, and your lasting legacy will always be having ruined it.
@randomasgray Жыл бұрын
The funny part is they didn't write the first half of the show. They adapted the works of someone else. Their writing skills are what ruined it not created it.
@Klopp619 Жыл бұрын
@@randomasgray Adapting isn't as easy as you think. Moronic comments to assume it is.
@randomasgray Жыл бұрын
@@Klopp619 and your comment ignored the point being made. I wasn't questioning adaptation skills. I was saying their skills to actually write something without a wealth of source material to draw from is bad. So next time you want to try to call someone's intelligence into question make sure you understand what is being said.
@niemanickurwa Жыл бұрын
lol Brutal way of putting it. Created perhaps the best piece of media ever made, and then rat fucked it.
@niemanickurwa Жыл бұрын
@@randomasgray Martin wasn't going to be able to adapt that on any timeline that would've been acceptable to anyone. D&D aren't without talent, they just got bored it seems.
@shatteredking2774 Жыл бұрын
The entire series we were told that Winter Is Coming, the fight for the throne didn’t matter, and the White Walkers and the army of the dead were coming to destroy everything unless everyone banded together to survive. Turns out, nope, not only were the north able to defeat them alone, but they did it with very few losses, the Dothraki, some Unsullied, Edd, and Jorah…. So much for the threat of winter. Then they rested the entire ending on the relationship between Jon and Dany, two characters who barely knew each other, pushed into a romance that the show didn’t earn and no one cared about. The last season was backwards. They should have dealt with Cersei and the throne at the beginning of 8 and then, however that played out, whoever was left should have spent half a season picking up the pieces and convincing what was left of the seven kingdoms to head north for the real war. The last half of the season should have all been about defeating the Walkers where almost everyone would die to show that there was real stakes.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Have always felt the final battle against the Night King should've been fought at King's Landing. Having Dany and Jon have to figure out how to take King's Landing before the army of the dead arrived was the way to go.
@AlexKennedy1999 9 ай бұрын
Ouch. Me who only started respecting Dany once she met Jon.. :( Literally thought they'd be a couple the first time I saw them together. And I liked it until that (IMO) unnecessary Jon reveal
@lynnshort1635 Жыл бұрын
I’ll never stop being bitter about how this show ended
@oklahotb3217 Жыл бұрын
@lynnshort1635 You think you are bitter? Imagine how all the people who named their daughters Daenaryas before the season 8 feel
@lynnshort1635 Жыл бұрын
@@oklahotb3217 Bhahaha totally
@ThwipThwipBoom Жыл бұрын
@@oklahotb3217 My sister named her golden retriever Dany lmao
@kkeelty64 Жыл бұрын
I may never re-watch an episode of GoT, but I will never stop watching KZbin videos dumping on GoT. I am the Watcher on the wall...
@lynnshort1635 Жыл бұрын
@@kkeelty64 high five 🙌🏽
@Strafuzz Жыл бұрын
The Long Night should have been an entire season!
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
It's ridiculous that it took only one battle to defeat the Night King. They should've had the final fight at King's Landing.
@stevem2323 Жыл бұрын
@BruceKraftJr Жыл бұрын
@reikun86 Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 And of all people to take down The Night King, the picked Arya? Girl, bye.
@HD_Hates Жыл бұрын
​@@reelworld1 The white walkers should have showed up in kings landing as well and bringing the war to that idiot Cersei ,who scoffed at their existence.
@flankspeed 7 ай бұрын
"And who has a better story than Bran the Broken?" Gary Oldman *teleports in from Leon* : "EEEVVRRYYYOONNEEE"
@d00dl3s.d1d0pe 2 ай бұрын
@NASkeywest Жыл бұрын
What’s crazy is that it isn’t just fans anger that ruined them. Even Hollywood and all the producers hated what they did, lol.
@mrmr4622 Жыл бұрын
"BeSt SeAsOn EVA" Emilia Clarke Actors too didnt seem that keen
@Eddyzz01 Жыл бұрын
Pathetic losers, but i agree with you 100%
@grahamstrouse1165 Жыл бұрын
@@mrmr4622The breakdowns of the actors shading Dan and Dave are spectacular. 😁
@spirittammyk Жыл бұрын
I think someone from Disney promised them Star Wars if they purposely screw up GOT.
@One.Zero.One101 Жыл бұрын
I think all the rival studios hated it too because all of D&D’s future projects got cancelled after that shïtshow. 😅
@markrayp7457 Жыл бұрын
Seasons 1-4 to me are still some of the greatest pieces of television I’ve seen. The actors wanted more seasons The producers wanted more seasons and HBO wanted more seasons. D&D wanted Star Wars. Could’ve been the greatest show of all time…
The Wire still holds onto the title.
@stevem2323 Жыл бұрын
They are, but i don't hate season 5 and 6, especially 6.
@Luuu04 Жыл бұрын
And their Star Wars didn't even happen
@stevem2323 Жыл бұрын
@@HEAVYDIAPER Wire? 😁😁😁Sure, hold the title among the rest, GOAT are Sopranos easily.
@@stevem2323 naw dude, The Sopranos is overhyped and at times a touch dated. The Wire is a more ambitious show with a lot more depth stitched into the characters and institutions that they exist in.
@yidingliu8663 Жыл бұрын
I don't even hate them for failing to finish it well. I am only angry that they refused to hand it over when they were clearly tired and done. It would seem that they did not even want others to come and help, and that was a lesson I sure hope they learned if nothing else.
@clockworkNate 7 ай бұрын
Considering they ruined it all for star wars... and got kicked from that for ruining Got. 😂
@DeepCFisher 6 ай бұрын
They learned nothing. These people never do
@hessu275 Жыл бұрын
The ending wasn't just rushed. The character arcs went down the toilet with Daenerys (it wasn't the same complex character in the grey area that almost everyone loved) , Jaime (one of the shows best character development's goes down the toilet because he want's die together with his toxic psychotic sister) Arya (she wanted to be back to reunite with her family, but then she leaves quickly because she doesn't need anyone and she doesn't even kill Cersei), Sansa (I get why she wouldn't trust a Targaryen because of their history but they don't explain why she's so f hostile towards Dany), Cersei (richly written villain doesn't get to do anything in the final season) Tyrion (dumbing down one of the smartest persons in Westeros) Brienne (a great indepentend character who doesn't need anyone gets to be poor woman who cries over a man) and Jon (a childlish simp through out the final season)
@jonq8714 Жыл бұрын
Excellent summary of how they failed in literally every way.
@CaelanDafydd Жыл бұрын
The way they neglected the fantasy elements at the end was so disappointing. I can't believe Bran didn't warg a dragon to defeat the night king, that would have been a much more satisfying end - I think you should have to use magic to kill a character that powerful. So many missed opportunities!
@rosabellavitaalvarez-calde5836 Жыл бұрын
The death of the Night King was so frustrating. When I saw the Night King running away from Jon, I thought "Of course he does not want to fight the one whom he knows can kill him" , the writers should have been able to write a good showdown between the two. I was hoping that Bran would warg and distract the Night King in the spirit world and sacrifice himself, thus allowing Jon to defeat him. Or even Arya to give Jon a hand (ok, ripping off the whole Eowyn-Witchking fight in LOTR, with Arya doing what Merry did, but that would have been better than what we got)
@gmorkins6006 Жыл бұрын
Bran being a Warg was completely pointless haha.
@LemuriaGames Жыл бұрын
Pretty much ANYTHING would've been a more satisfying end.
@bebebebota11 Жыл бұрын
They hated the fantasy elements of the series. Theyonly wanted the "political drama" without caring that that's just a part of the books. "A game of thrones" is only the 1st part.
@joso7228 Жыл бұрын
The bigger the Dragon's grew - the more Magic there was in the lands. But then there wasn't....
@dianatorralbo7690 Жыл бұрын
The first seasons were so good... Aemon telling Jon that love is the dead of duty. All the conversations, the pacing, the consequences, the complex characters... Cersei was so interesting that I was a total fan. Cersei deserved better. We deserved better.
@Crichjo32 Жыл бұрын
I loved that little show. It was good and well written, and THEY KILLED HER!!
@uselesshero.official Жыл бұрын
@@Crichjo32 see this line you customized is also from season 5. Seriously almost everything went completely downhill from the battle of the bastards. Season 6 still had a few watchable moments but season 8 completely doesn't.
@shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564 Жыл бұрын
Fk Cersei. Not literally though, might catch something.
@Baldyyyyyyyy Ай бұрын
Well the books were there for them to copy paste in those early seasons, plus D&D are total tools and love the smell of their own shit.. George or HBO should have vetoed them out and gotten a new showrunner to finish the last 3-4 seasons to make a complete 10 season show with 10 episodes each.. such a complete waste of time.. the books are still incredible though
@visenyasghost Жыл бұрын
After watching the dark, nonsensical Winterfell battle I said...well at least it can't get much worse. lol I've never been more wrong. 💣😱
@Kikithewildling Жыл бұрын
Winterfell battle? Guess I don’t remember. 😅
@simonhandy962 Жыл бұрын
Amazon's Rings of Power... "Hold my beer...."
@Green-cactus. Жыл бұрын
​@@simonhandy962its not bad. All the hate i see isnt even related to writing. The fandom is full of kkk type of people. The writing is sub par
@tygrenvoltaris4782 Жыл бұрын
​@@Green-cactus. True, like its clear the hate towards the trailer alone not counting the episodes yet are crazy.
@Green-cactus. Жыл бұрын
@@tygrenvoltaris4782 oh yeah most of those tics are anti sjw who calls anything too liberal or whatever theyre watching influence them to spread hate.
@ramixaleandros5893 Жыл бұрын
Honestly they failed from the start, didn't adapt the books. Took out Dany's visions, made her smug and removed a lot of her kindness and tactics, make Jon Ned 2.0 even though he's a lot more cunning and has a ruthless streak. Even then I never thought they'd blow it all up like that. They hated magic, it was so obvious. RIP the Direwolves and warging, the dragons. RIP Dany and Jon's character
@AlmostEthical Жыл бұрын
It would have been great to see Lady Stoneheart too
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
I always felt too that the resurrected Jon should've had a harsher edge to him. Thought we were going to do that after he executed the Night's Watch people, but then Dan and Dave just...kinda forgot it.
@monmothma3358 Жыл бұрын
​@@reelworld1 Not sure Kit Harington would have had the acting skills for that, tbh... 😅
@ramixaleandros5893 Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Yes! It's heavily implied that it changes you but Jon just forgot about it.
@raaf4678 Жыл бұрын
No, just thinking about the series things went wrong after season 4.
@jdovma1 Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly, there were interviews with Benioff & Weiss either during or shortly after production on season 5 where they expressed fatigue with the show, because the scope and budget of the production was becoming like filming five feature blockbusters a year. They were talking about how they had other things they wanted to do and had no time or energy left for it. It wasn't long later during the airing of season 6 that they revealed that seasons 7 and 8 would be 13 episodes divided into 7 and 6 eps, respectively. Essentially dividing one final extended season into two parts, when it was obvious there was no way they could wrap up this sprawling epic in 13 episodes. So the sentiment everyone shares that these seasons were rushed are spot on. And they weren't just rushed, they were D&D giving up on the show. They literally just didn't want to do it anymore. Why HBO let them finish it instead of replacing them as show runners, especially when they read the script and saw how flimsy it was, I'll never understand.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
My guess is that since D&D didn't want to step away on their own right, and let someone else finish the saga, that HBO wasn't interested in getting into a lawsuit with them like AMC did with Darabont over The Walking Dead. It all depends on the particulars of D&D's contract with HBO too.
@jdovma1 Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Makes sense. Although it did seem to me there was no indication HBO knew these seasons were coming up short before fans started letting it be known. You'd think someone would've looked at these scripts and said what is this, not good enough.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
@@jdovma1 True. With the previous success of the show they probably never thought that rushed, or not, that D&D would end it so catastrophically.
@whensomethingcriesagain 6 ай бұрын
There's a channel called The Dragon Demands who's spent the last 6-ish years intensively documenting behind-the-scenes info from this, and one of the things he found out was that David and Dan wanted to make the show just six seasons and then finish it up with two movies so they could jump into a more prestigious career as movie writers, and knowing that info really changes how you look at everything in the entire second half of the show
@lizd2943 Жыл бұрын
Part of the issue was also that by the end of Season 6, Dany was just too powerful. She should have swept the board but that wouldn't make for good drama, so they handicapped her by having Tyrion start making stupid out of character mistakes, and then she did too. (E.G. everyone having Alzheimers when it came to the Iron Fleet.)
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Tyrion wanting to bring a wight to convince Cersei was such a ridiculous idea. He knows his sister. The writing of that was so bad that people were thinking he was double dealing, and actually siding with her in that meeting he had with her alone. But no, it ended up he was just stupid.
@rustyoak8860 Жыл бұрын
it wasn't even forgetting about the iron fleet, it was that somehow they managed to kill a dragon when it should have seen the fleet a mile away, with a dead on bulls eye shot, and then later the entire fleet can't hit the broad side of a barn.
@lizd2943 Жыл бұрын
@@rustyoak8860 Plus, what was the Night King's plan to bust through the wall if Dany and her dragons hadn't shown up? There was such huge potential for him to be getting his own visions, from the Many Faced God, or it could have turned out that the Lord of Light was an aspect of the Many Faced God and was sending visions to both sides to cause more death, but we got nothing.
@mouse3872 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I think that also is partly a problem by cutting Young Griff/(F)Aegon GRRM has stated there is gonna be a Dance of the Dragons 2.0 in the books and it's heavily implied that (F)Aegon likely Steal one of Danys Dragons which will even the playing Field plus (F)Aegon will also be King over Dorne, Stormlands, Crownlands, Riverlands, Vale, and the Reach he also has the Golden Company so by the time Dany arrives this gives him a massive army on top of him eventually stealing Rhaegal or Viserion.
@scottdobson1276 Жыл бұрын
@@mouse3872 Does anyone believe there will ever be another book? Martin clearly can't finish this story any more than D and d did.
@owlbusdumbledork9966 Жыл бұрын
The reason we're all so upset about it is that we were watching history in the making. Lord of the Rings is the best and most important fantasy epic of all time, and Game of Thrones was the first real contender for that spot, and we got to watch it in real time. It was the zeitgeist. It was a cultural force that brought everyone together, from mainstream television fans to ultra nerds like me. Everyone at work was talking about it. It was a genius story with great writing and amazing actors, and the budget to pull it all off, and we were right there watching it happen. To me, it's what I imagine it would've been like to watch Tolkien write LotR. We were all emotionally invested in it, and then we had to watch them destroy it. The reason we're all so bitter about it is because we saw what it had the potential to become, and then it stopped short, and jumped off a cliff.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@raymondsims7042 Жыл бұрын
While I agree season 8 is awful and deserves to be erased from history I still think game of thrones is the greatest and most epic fantasy movie/show ever made🤷‍♂️I’m a big lotr fan but i genuinely don’t think it comes close to game of thrones. And even with the bad last season game of thrones is the second best show in tv history for me. Only show ahead is the wire
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
@@raymondsims7042 The Wire is such a great show. The early 2000s, HBO had a number of excellent series running simultaneously.
@raymondsims7042 Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 yeah without question hbo is next level tv
@pinkyfull Жыл бұрын
How many people do yearly rewatches of LOTR, how many people do yearly rewatches of GOT. Admittedly GOT is longer, but yeah, proof in the pudding is that nobody wants to eat it.
@jaysimpson3920 Жыл бұрын
What makes the ending even worse is that it's not just a bad ending but so far it's the only ending we have to this series. Since George is taking his sweet time finishing the books and it's unlikely that he'll ever even finish them, then it might mean that this is the only ending we'll ever get
@wesleyc8101 6 ай бұрын
And he is looking kinda of old. He might die of old age too 😢
@Darth-Lesbian 6 күн бұрын
Him taking so long doesn’t really bother me much. It’s his work and legacy and it’s also a very complicated story with a LOT of loose threads to tie up. All I hope is that if he does pass before finishing that they’ll publish what he does have done as well as release all his notes and stuff so we can at least find out where he was planning to go with some of these characters and plots. Kind of like with Tolkien. I just want the info someday 😂
@filipacoelho6275 19 сағат бұрын
I think he is taking more time because he is changing things. Maybe some parts of the final of the serie were his intent but seeing everyone hating on it, maybe made him change his idea.
@julius-stark Жыл бұрын
This one still hurts, but it taught me a valuable lesson: never underestimate the power of stupid writing.
@aronia210 10 ай бұрын
@thac0twenty377 Жыл бұрын
I felt bad for all the support staff. They tanked the biggest series ever on the planet. So many ancillary people lost income- caterers, the costumers, extras, locales, online memorabilia. They just suck. They really do
@One.Zero.One101 Жыл бұрын
I think ego played a huge part. I watched the documentary and D&D were treated as living gods in the production. Everybody walking on egg shells when they walked through the door. Everybody stuttering when speaking in their presence.
@RealBono 10 ай бұрын
Even Stanley Kubrick understood that sometimes it's important to listen to your actors, and that's saying something.
@whensomethingcriesagain 6 ай бұрын
Which is also hilarious, since they never shut up about how their writing is focused on working with the actors' talents and playing to their strong suits, only to find out they never listened to the actors about anything, not even stuff like how they were being treated on set
@damian_madmansnest Жыл бұрын
The anger has not died down. The North remembers. Also after the creators of HotD showed that it was still possible to make a great HBO show about Westeros, the demise of GoT feels even more bitter.
@kevincarter2020 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for Cregan Stark
@publiusventidiusbassus1232 15 күн бұрын
Well, about that...
@alsmith9853 Жыл бұрын
When Arya got stabbed in the liver and tossed into a river, then woke up having been 'patched up' by an actress, I started having doubts about the show.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
She was running too after being stabbed. It was like a scene from a Marvel movie.
@RocketeerAndRoll Жыл бұрын
Everyone reasonably assumed the Waif had killed and replaced Arya. That would have actually made much more sense.
@ArmyWolves Жыл бұрын
... and then Arya doing parkour during a footchase about 24 hours after being stabbed in the liver added -salt- chilli to the wound.
@TurquoiseStar17 Жыл бұрын
Same - *that* was the moment I knew they'd thrown George's philosophy out the window. In most stories, you know the heroes are obviously going to live through it. What sets ASOIAF apart is that even the major characters are never fully protected by plot armor, he established that from book 1 with Ned. Maisie Williams was already a huge fan favorite by then, they wouldn't dare risk those fans tuning out by killing her character off.
@davidlewis5312 Жыл бұрын
yeah that was a huge red flag... and then has a street fight with Waif (that she wins) with her insides trying to be her outsides. I know that was after we were introduced to the Sand Snakes plot but was it before Euron shows up. I know it's before 'Finger in the Bum' but that was the 'abandon all hope sign' on the archway.
@zlosliwa_menda 9 ай бұрын
Game of Thrones never became bad, it just switched genres into comedy.
@MoonShine-o5n 3 ай бұрын
It went from Novel to Avengers..
@ChristopherMarshburn Жыл бұрын
After the ending of Game of Thrones was completely mishandled, House of the Dragon had an almost impossible ask. Akin to asking a betrayed spouse to trust and believe in love again. The degree to which the showrunners accomplished that is practically a miracle.
@anthonyt219 Жыл бұрын
The way I thought about it when watching house of dragon, was pretend the original show didn't exist
@ChristopherMarshburn Жыл бұрын
@@anthonyt219 I like to pretend Game of Thrones ended after Season 6, with Daenerys still the conquering heroine we all wanted her to be.
@mrmr4622 Жыл бұрын
House of the Dragon was a much needed remedy, it didnt heal the wound, but it def helps
@cieproject2888 Жыл бұрын
I very seriously hope that the writer's strike doesn't ruin the second season. The script was already done by the time the strike began, but they don't have any writers on set during production. Very big risk here
@anthonyt219 Жыл бұрын
@@cieproject2888 it should already have been done by the time the strike happened. Even shooting on scene too. Most of it should be done. If season 2 sucks, I don't think writers strike is to blame.
@davidbonar5190 Жыл бұрын
for me the first big mistake was unnecessarily just dropping that twist where tyrion finds out the girl he loved and wanted to marry actually WASN'T a whore hired by tywin to make him a man. she was the real thing, she wasn't a whore, and she loved tyrion - and tywin had her gang raped and disappear just to teach some lesson. and jaime knew. gives tyrion's love to shae and her betrayal a completely different impact, as well as taking away from the impact of tyrion killing tywin... all d & d had to do is let tywin say 2 sentences while he was sitting on the privy with tyrion pointing the crossbow at him. but no :) such a waste
@adrak91 Жыл бұрын
YES! Tysha that was supposed to be the confession from Jaime but what we got was Tyrions ant killing story
@3adgamd3r Жыл бұрын
Not to mention that Tyrions reveal that Cersei was cheating on him was a pretty big deal too
@moneybatala2247 Жыл бұрын
The Night King was supposed to be Avengers Infinity War Thanos. Instead, we got the crippled End Game Thanos. What a weak decision.
@DJSMASH797 Жыл бұрын
To turn Danni into a raving lunatic in two episodes after 8yrs of her being a perfect ruler was dumb. It felt rushed and cliche. I’m still pissed
@ACinemafanatic Жыл бұрын
Bad writing plus they had favorite characters like Sansa Arya and Tyrion so they ruined Dany to make Jon’s story better since he was useless after the night king was killed by Arya for no reason
@ninjaishproductions2.053 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with your last point, and i remember saying that to my girlfriend after we binged it. The way season 6 left things, all you had to do was make the most simplistic obvious endings to the current character arcs for it to be satisfying. I could have written something much better even with my limited experience.
@LemuriaGames Жыл бұрын
Any 12 year old could've written something better. Heck, ChatGPT could write something better.
@ChaosTheory9 Жыл бұрын
I think one of the biggest problems of the show was that they couldn’t or wouldn’t kill any main characters anymore. early seasons had the most unexpectedly deaths, Ned, Geoffrey, robb, etc. But the show had the issues that most popular shows have after a while. They can’t afford to kill their main characters, whether it’s due to optics or by the network , who knows. It made the show less believable
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
The low point of that was when Arya was gutted by the waif and still managed to not only survive, but defeat her in a fight. That's so far from the sort of world George created in his books.
@Zphidrummer 9 ай бұрын
I agree, even the walking dead lost its main characters. That's what kept the show fresh unlike GOT
@patrickozga3486 7 ай бұрын
Tell me how did Sam survive witnessing the army of the dead when he fell behind? GARBAGE
@devinnn0 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s well documented that they said the red wedding would be an instant tv hit if brought to the screen. I think they got up to the red wedding and lost a lot of their motivation.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
That's a very good point. I saw them mention the Red Wedding countless times in interviews, about how they wanted to bring that to the screen.
@tessdurberville711 Жыл бұрын
​@@reelworld1And who allowed them to change everything that led to that part of the story? Martin.
@DizzyBusy Жыл бұрын
In the end, it never mattered hat she was from Volantis. Her noble family never looked for her, they could have played a part in bringing the Bank of Braavos down on the Lannisters, it could have been two lines of dialogue. Such a squandered potential.
@jasonabc Ай бұрын
Yeah and I saw the actress who played margery tyrell say the exact same thing. They got out before the dipshits could destroy their characters and it bothers me to know end that kit harrington still defends those assholes and their awful decisions that ruined the show.
@juve96 Жыл бұрын
The scary thing is not that the show was butchered by D&D but that how some fans were with them the whole way from season 5 to 7 and only saw season 8 as the problem and in need of a remake. The bad writing, plots, and character assassinations that started with season 5 pretty much led up to the shit show we got in season 8. Personally I even thought season 7 was just as bad and the episodes Beyond the Wall and The Long Night were equally horrible. You can't really tell me you were mad at D&D for destroying Dany's character but were ok with the characters of Stannis, Euron, Ramsey, Sansa, Arya, Cersei, Varys, Lady Stone Heart, Young Griff and storylines of Dorne, Iron Islands, Kings Landing and the North being destroyed or getting omitted
@joee7978 Жыл бұрын
I agree with all of those but don’t forget Jaime. I absolutely hate what they did with him
@TheDarkRaven Жыл бұрын
I agree with this all. The whole Dorne storyline was proof that they couldn't handle going off book.
@rustyoak8860 Жыл бұрын
you're right, but the scariest thing is, there are people who loved the show right to the end! I have no idea how they watched season 1 and season 8 and didn't see a difference.
@Crichjo32 Жыл бұрын
It's hard to argue which is worse between 'Beyond the Wall' and 'The Long Night'. 'Beyond the Wall' had quite possibly the worst and dumbest writing of any show. Let's have these popular characters get together like the Avengers, and trudge off into the zombie infested wilderness, despite the fact one of them is a frickin king. Then they catch a zombie, and they seemingly have no back up plan when things inevitably go to hell. They send Gendry to run back to the wall like the Flash, in one of the most unintentionally laughable scenes I've ever seen. Then we're expected to believe they send a raven all the way to Dany, who's down in Dragonstone, which would be like sending a raven from Canada to Brazil. She gets it and makes a split decision to fly all the way to the rescue, despite not knowing where the hell they are. It would take at least 3-4 days for these sequences to take place, and even that's being generous. I mean that raven had to have frickin rocket propelled wings or something. All the while this is happening, Jon and the rest are sitting on a freezing cold lake with no food or fire surrounded by zombies. Are we really expected to believe they would survive even one day? Dany some how finds them, and hasn't frozen to death on her dragon. The Night King could have easily killed them all there, but decides to kill one of the dragons that is flying around. Jon runs off on a suicide run to impress Dany or something, and really should get killed, but survives because of plot armour. And I haven't even mentioned the absolutely disastrous Arya and Sansa side plot in that episode. There is so much dumb writing in that episode it blows my mind how it got greenlit. 'The Long Night' on the otherhand, might not be quite as dumb as that episode, but it did single-handedly ruin one of the main plot threads set up since the beginning, and discarded it without a second thought with seemingly little consequences.
@jaco3394 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. The writing was on the wall for a long time before season 8 but I think the general goodwill they had from the fandom because of the first few seasons and a belief that everything would pay off in the end made fans a lot more blind to this. I can completely sympathise with that, it's hard to admit that a show that was so incredibly fantastic for 4 seasons took such a nose dive very early on.
@SlenderManIsDead 3 ай бұрын
I've rewatched breaking bad and better call saul 3 times each. Their complete stories make rewatching a great experience. Unfortunately I cannot touch game of thrones again, and that makes me genuinely sad.
@jasonabc Ай бұрын
Yeah I've rewatched BB twice and enjoyed it but fuck I just can't get myself to rewatch GOTs even if I tell myself I will end it at season 6. It just hurts knowing that season 7-8 happened and that brutal vile ending will never go away.
@Alexis1CA Жыл бұрын
Game of Thrones, the luckiest actors were the ones that were killed off in the early seasons before Dumb and Dumber destroyed their characters.
@alexbenish9133 Жыл бұрын
the guy who played barristan would like a word
@Zhoshyn Жыл бұрын
Cersei's destruction of the building was fantastic, except the aftermath was bullshit. Such destruction and no co sequences from the nobilities.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. That should've been the central conflict for her character in Season 7. Instead they had that mess with her and Euron.
@chelscara Жыл бұрын
10:10 the main reason i can see Bran becoming king is because so many have perished in the war and he _knows all the stories_ not his story but the stories of cities. He helps those left move on looking to the future while also holding on and looking to the past for knowledge. Not this bs.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Your description I think would put him more in a Maester style role. I think after the war someone like Jon, who is the reluctant leader that everyone turns to, is the better fit.
@bigppisha Жыл бұрын
Also, not to mention Euron Greyjoy who is probably the main antagonist in the books after the Others. Dude literally wants to be raised to godhood and has done really horrible things to get there whereas in the show, he's just "I have beeg cuck." He was done so dirty in the show, Euron is really smart which is what makes him a great villain, he may even end up becoming a huge "boss" for either Jon or Dany to kill, perhaps even give himself over to the Others to become their leader and be raised to godhood as he wants.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Euron is such an ominous character in the books. On the show he was like something out of Pirates of the Caribbean
@bigppisha Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 lol I know right
@@reelworld1 Captain Jack Sparrow, but with raping. Yeah pretty much.
@FangTehWolf Жыл бұрын
I think the actor for Euron was a bit upset at this too lol
@axrye800 Жыл бұрын
@@FangTehWolf am I wrong or wasn't he the one who pitched the idea to make Euron like this? Something about "rockstar pirate" or some fucking bullshit lmao.
@abbefaria2596 Жыл бұрын
As a book snob and champion of the book series (stop typing an answer already, google irony first!), I would say season one was excellent, seasons 2 and 3 were mostly good, season 4 was mixed, seasons 5-7 were mostly bad with some good parts, season 8 was an intentional middle finger to all fans, of books and show. They were so annoyed with the show (they even admitted that), some of the actors and the fans that they decided to stick it to all of them (us). Nobody can be that incompetent.
@realeyesrealizereallies1194 Жыл бұрын
I agree. I think season one was the best season of any show ever created.
@manbha6817 Жыл бұрын
@@realeyesrealizereallies1194 bro hasn't seen breaking bad season 5
@shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564 Жыл бұрын
@@manbha6817 Meh.
@shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564 Жыл бұрын
Their people invented usury, yet you're surprised they fkd up the ending of a much-beloved show?
@nickjunes Жыл бұрын
I love strategy and war strategy and seeing the Dathraki get sent out alone past the defenses to fight ALONE PAST THE DEFENSES was the most disrespect I have ever seen for an audience in a show of this size. We spent so much time growing a connection to these people, this tribe and then they are just thrown into a suicide pit. If there is anyone on Earth who has a reason why an army in a defensive position would send out an aggressive small portion of their army to fight outside the defense I would love to hear it because I think even a toddler could know that was a stupid decision. The show runners obviously did not care at all.
@joso7228 Жыл бұрын
In an interview leading up to Season 8 Benioff & Weiss stated (words to the effect of): 'Its only 6 Episodes because everyone wants us to get to the conclusion!' No boys - everyone wanted the Final Season to be drawn out so it would become a timeless masterpiece. Basically they put their Hollywood Producer hats on instead of their Epic Story hats.
@spaceman9599 Жыл бұрын
Frankly they didn't even bother with their Hollywood Producer hat (even Michael Bays would have made sure the Battle of Winterfell was actually visible). They put on their MTV hip hop video director caps.
@MonaroMel1 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100%, and I'm still pissed off and hurt by what they did to my favorite show. If they'd lost interest then hand it to someone that can do it right and give it the end it deserved. Unbelievable!
@soheiladam7510 Жыл бұрын
I don't believe that story that they lost interest, that's just BS shooting a show like GOT must be one of not the most fun experiences a director could ever dream of, they were just arrogant and the success got to them and they dumb down the show for the lowest common denominator and thought they can get away with taking matters into their own hands without GRRM guidance, they failed and it shoed in their ridiculous plot lines, script production. they never expected that this gamble would blow up in their face.
@Zphidrummer 9 ай бұрын
I've just rewatched this for the second time and come to realize how lazy D&D became after season 5. Season 6 had it's moments, but what pissed me off all over again, is that the beef between Jon and the night king was built up since Hardthorne and he was ROBBED. I can imagine how hurt Kit was after finding out the end result. The show was losing it's edge, although 8 seasons is a lot... there's no excuse for the terrible writing. I mean c'mon... even the Walking Dead kept their show some what fresh after all of these years. Smh, disappointing.
@reelworld1 9 ай бұрын
Yeah Season 5 was a mess with Dorne and Stannis. I thought 6 was better than it. If they had handed over the writing of the episodes to others, starting in Season 7, we could've at least gotten a decent ending.
@cashnelson2306 Ай бұрын
after season 5…? They gave up after the red wedding lmao
@MLennholm Жыл бұрын
Using the fact that they ran out of book material as an excuse is like saying "In their defense, they're bad writers". It's not a point in their defense! If they're not capable of writing something good on their own they shouldn't be working as writers.
@angelic5424 Жыл бұрын
They only cared about adapting the first three books. They didn't really care about anything after the Red Wedding. That's why they cut most of the plots and characters from Feast and Dance. Yeah, some of it was being pragmatic, but you can't claim you just "ran out" of material when you just blow right over most of it.
@caseyhart4999 Жыл бұрын
Also if you haven’t finished the book series you’re currently working on you shouldn’t greenlight a television show adaptation
@bolikde9389 Жыл бұрын
You mean, they could not leech of superior writing.
@Cutieyum4 Жыл бұрын
What people forget is the background of D&D, their families' social standing, wealth and their politics play a big part in how they executed their jobs.
@spaceman9599 Жыл бұрын
Plenty of excellent/leading series without even books to rely on (Vikings) Plenty of excellent/leading series with heavy book lore that did far better (The Expanse)
@CharlieSoze Жыл бұрын
Perfect summary. Also, if interesting to anyone, I believe I know exactly what happened. A close friend who I don't want to get in trouble was working for Lucasfilm a few years ago, and apparently during production of Season 7 Dan and Dave came in to pitch their ideas for a new Star Wars trilogy set during the Old Republic. My friend said she/he was one of about 50 different people on the pitch meeting, and D&D's ideas for the movies were unbelievably good. They had clearly put a ton of effort and time into preparing for the pitch, there was an incredible amount of detail, and everyone left the meeting excited to potentially make their vision for the trilogy into reality. Unfortunately, it seems that by switching all their attention to Star Wars, D&D completely dropped the ball with wrapping up Game of Thrones, which I guess they assumed that given the story outline GRRM had given them, they could just let coast over the finish line. Yes, even though HBO offered them more seasons and GRRM offered to help them write them, they wanted to move on to their next big thing. So then when the backlash against the end of Thrones was so overwhelmingly negative, Disney made the decision that they couldn't move forward with D&D's proposal for Star Wars as their brand was too radioactive, and they lost that as well. I don't know that any two guys in history have so perfectly demolished their own involvement in two major franchises. :)
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Makes sense. Imagine after the backlash that the sequel trilogy received to go forward with a D&D project next.
@DurinSBane-zh9hj Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Not only the backlash but Disney has to be thinking "Will they get bored with it and half ass the third movie too?"
@CharlieSoze Жыл бұрын
@@DurinSBane-zh9hj Great point, hadn't thought of that but totally fair.
@CharlieSoze Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Sorry, say that again? Didn't quite follow.
@3adgamd3r Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I always find it hilarious when people say they “gave up” Star Wars to do Netflix Originals 😂 who tf would “give up” a Star Wars three movie deal for Netflix Originals? 🤣 You should see their pitches too, most got rejected outright. Rejected. By NETFLIX. The few that had been made bombed out the gate. One of the pitches was for a TV series set in modern America where the South had won the civil war, I can’t remember why exactly, but they refused to even consider it because their pitch was incredibly cringey
@blackdragon6 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad someone pointed out the lack of book material was no excuse....because it's not.
@theautomator8372 Жыл бұрын
I think what angers me the most is that Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor and literally nothing came of it. We see in the finale for season 6 that everyone clearly doesn’t like her sitting on the throne but then in season 7 no one seems to care about that anymore. Thats like someone destroying the Vatican, admitting to it and no one does anything. Anyone with half a braincell would immediately turn on her. Not to mention she killed her uncle, cousin, and family by marriage. So she's also a kinslayer as well. The second Maegor destroyed the sept during his time and killed 2 of his Nephew's everyone turned on him. The only people who "supported" him were the lords closest to Kings Landing and therefore closest to his dragon Balerion. But when Cersei does the same thing no one seems to care. Whats worse is that Randyll Tarly the guy who is absurdly loyal to the Tyrells and very religious just starts supporting Cersei. Gosh everytime I think about this I get a headache.
@johns1625 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Randyll and his son were Targaryen loyalists until the uttermost end during Roberts Rebellion, and now that Dany has returned he literally says "you were not born in westeros" when she was, that she has no ties to this land, when she literally does, and that Tyrion is a traitor to the realm, when he himself is supporting a usurper with exactly zero claim to the throne. So dumb. It's actually unbelievable how much they didn't think about any of that.
@CHAOS1997 Жыл бұрын
​@@johns1625 The main irony being,Randall Tarly,a religious man,would follow a woman who blew up their equivalent of the Vatican
@jamesflaherty59 11 ай бұрын
@@johns1625 Randyl should be siding with Dany over pretty much any Lord in westeros
@mgp1203 11 ай бұрын
It's always hilarious watching KZbinrs react to Cersei blowing up the Sept and discussing what the consequences of it will be. You can really tell the dip in writing quality when first-time watchers make more sensible theories / input than the actual show writers.
@keithmichael112 Жыл бұрын
they wanted all the credit, refused to work with George, ended up taking all the blame. weirdly, the exact same thing happened with star wars, with another George.
@leviandhisbae7375 Жыл бұрын
I just hope they never recover from this, cuz we also will never recover from season 8 and having such a precious piece of art destroyed for us all. Unless they declare the 8th season non-canon and make 4-5 more seasons - like George R.R. Martin said they could have - there will be no redemtpion. They shall never sleep again.
@renee7407 Жыл бұрын
I would’ve been somewhat okay with how it ended EXCEPT for Jon Snows ridiculous ending. Being banished back to the wall and then riding off into the sunset with the wildlings??! WTF?! Just totally deflated me. I’m still angry. He’s the Prince that was Promised, he was resurrected for fucks sake!
@darksaint0124 Жыл бұрын
He is not even the only person resurrected in the way he was resurrected. Beric Dondarrion beat him to that by several books. Even in the show the situation is the same.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
It made zero sense that he was banished after supposedly saving the realm from a mad queen.
@thatoneblackdude3333 Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 it makes even less since when dany didn't even become queen officially he committed no crime so why the fuck is he being banished? They created that dumb conflict between him and dany over the iron throne( which could easily be resolved with marriage but d&d just kinda forgot about that ) and him being the rightful king ( he isn't when you understand the rules of marriage and annulment but d&d kinda forgot about that too ) only for it to not matter and he's just discarded for bran like wtf?
@ramixaleandros5893 Жыл бұрын
One of the promised people at least, it's heavily implied there are multiple Azor Ahair figures. Dany is one of them.
@thatoneblackdude3333 Жыл бұрын
@@ramixaleandros5893 I think it's dany she has more links to the prohacy and completes most of the requirements.
@realiteaparody9198 Жыл бұрын
I’ve watched a million of them, but I will never get tired of watching videos of this show and D&D getting trashed. Lol.
@calvinwilson3617 Жыл бұрын
Im convinced D&D wanted to make GoT their own thing and thats why they went off script, to the point of destroying their own series. And the saddest part is it probably killed any motivation GRRM had to finish winds
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Well, they certainly succeeded in making GoT their own. I agree that the path the show took in the latter seasons had a significant impact on George's writing.
@brendan9868 Жыл бұрын
I legitimately get annoyed when people start throwing the blame of the show tripping at the finish line on George Martin. You can’t blame Martin when the show had already been it’s own separate entity, they ignored most of Dance so they clearly already had an idea of what they wanted to do and the books were not really involved. They cut Aegon, they cut the dorne plot, they cut the vale and all the stuff regarding Harry, etc. These are important plot lines that will make a large difference to how Westeros will look in the end. Like it’s entirely possible Aegon could take the iron throne before Dany even arrives and the show just completely ignored his existence.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. And that's why Season 5 was the real hinge year for the show. Not only did the quality diminish, but they didn't bring in Aegon and enhance the Dorne plot.
@caseyhart4999 Жыл бұрын
George greenlit an adaptation to his unfinished story and then proceeded to not do a damn thing for 12 years so yea it’s mostly his fault. Should’ve never greenlit the show to begin with. We might have had winds by now if he went that course.
@raymondsims7042 Жыл бұрын
@@caseyhart4999right? George should be ashamed of himself just like d&d should be. It’s 50/50 blame as far as I’m concerned. At least d&d gave the audience some bloody content!!!! George say on his fat arse and did nothing and yet he gets a pass? Not from me
@yalthius10 7 ай бұрын
The blowing up of the sept was exactly what was wrong with the last 4 seasons. Big events. No character. And missing context. And no aftermath. No consequence. Atrocious all around.
@reelworld1 7 ай бұрын
That's the whole problem with the sept explosion, it needed consequences. As an act of desperation on her part to retain control against her enemies it makes sense. But in Season 7 we need revolts in King's Landing and Houses turning against her. But they acted like nothing happened.
@View619 Жыл бұрын
It's crazy to consider how quickly this show went from international phenomenon to dead as a door nail within a few months. Just goes to show you that tearing something down is significantly easier than building it up.
@luizpz 8 ай бұрын
@zarabee2880 7 ай бұрын
Months? Nahhh it was destroyed in a few weeks, I am still angry about it!
@Lady1974M Жыл бұрын
I've been re-reading the books lately and I'm still furious at the way D&D took 3D characters with complex backstories and outstanding development and made them into fodder for d*ck jokes! Case in point, Jamie Lannister, the one man I actually thought might fulfill the prophesy of Azor Ahai. And Davos Seaworth, who has to be my favorite next to Theon/Reek. Did the writers 'forget' that Davos had a wife and other children and an entire estate plus a son killed by Tyrion on the Blackwater? He became a cardboard cutout of a rich and deep character motivated by love for Stannis and hatred of Melisandre in equal proportions. Blergh! Anyway, I'm still upset about the whole thing but thanks for the video. Its good to know the true fans aren't alone. Stay safe.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
And the way they handled Barristan Selmy was a travesty too. The actor, who read the books, actually argued with D&D about how it was essential that they didn't kill him off.
@soheiladam7510 Жыл бұрын
I still am of the opinion that Jamie Lannister is the best character ever written. D&D thought the success of the show was because of them but they were too arrogant to realize that it was due GRRM writing and storytelling and due to the staff they worked with.
@Lady1974M Жыл бұрын
@@soheiladam7510 Although he wasn't my favorite character, I agree that Jamie showed so much complexity in the books. His development was incredible. And I have my own personal suspicions that he is actually Azor Ahai. Firstly there was the vagueness about who his father actually was when talking to his aunt Genna at the siege of Riverrun. Then there is the dream he had before turning back to Harrenhal for Brienne in which he was given a sword that 'brought light' to the dark under Casterly Rock. Making him a half-dimensional Cersei simp in the show was just insulting.
@Lady1974M Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Truly, considering that in the books, Barristan is the one who arrests Hizdar zo Lorak as a leader of the Sons of the Harpy. I imagine his character is essential to the remainder of the Meereen saga.
@soheiladam7510 Жыл бұрын
@@Lady1974M well so many things in the show were insulting to us readers especially the seasons after season 4, when it comes to characters I don't chose the best based on my preference like many people do, my most preferred characters are Jon, Dany, Tyrion and Bran, i like other characters too, but I chosen Jamie because he's really is the best written character among many great and interesting character and that says a lot, that's just my opinion ofcourse. thanks for the reply btw.
@DesertSkiesAV 11 ай бұрын
The absolute most disappointing character assassination was that of Brienne of Tarth. She was a strong and independent woman whose courage and honor were unimpeachable. If she was going to fall for any man it certainly wouldn’t be Jaime Lannister, the guy who is so emotionally stunted the only woman he’s ever wanted was his own sister! But no, Brienne only cared about one thing and that was to be a knight; yet they took that from her just for a cringey love scene nobody believed or wanted to see. Ever.
@reelworld1 11 ай бұрын
On top of that, Brienne was sworn to Sansa. She should be at Winterfell, but at the end of that calamity she was at KL as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
@jaco3394 Жыл бұрын
It's funny that you mention they stripped away the fantasy element and focused on character and plot, when they didn't even manage to do that from seasons 5-7 (in my opinion anyway). After season 4, many of the characters had no interesting plot anymore, they were often only written in for a couple of scenes here and there to remind people they still existed (like Varys, Rickon, Brienne, Lady Olenna, Tommen, Bronn). Even Jaime, Tyrion, Arya and, in the final two seasons, Cersei had only the bare bones of something resembling a story line and they're supposed to be among the main players. There were a couple of good scenes here and there but that doesn't distract from the overall lack of plot and character development. It was painfully obvious that the writers didn't know what to do with a lot of the characters without GRRM's input. They maybe knew how they wanted their story arc to end but they didn't know how to get them there. It's nice to hear that Nikolaj fought them so much though, I imagine quite a few of the actors had the exact same discussions.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
And there were so many big things that they didn't even properly address, like Jon being a Targaryen. That whole reveal fell flat and should've been greatly consequential. Him riding a dragon should've been a big deal as well, but they made it seem like Jon and Dany going on a date. So much superficiality in areas where there should've been great depth.
@samtinashemaraya2322 Жыл бұрын
if we are being real they didnt even properly adapt feast and dace say for cersies plot,every other character arc was literally striped to its bare bones
@ATribeCalledCars 9 ай бұрын
The only thing worse than the ending were the people who accepted it.
@kenward1310 Жыл бұрын
Pick it up from the Red Wedding, and go from there. Recast, reshoot, redux. 10 more seasons. 100 episodes. Epic.
@Nick-zp8wk Жыл бұрын
The Night King was launching ice javelins into the stratosphere at mach 4 but he just held Arya by the throat? He should have snapped her neck like a kitkat in about 1 nanosecond.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, and when he touched Bran in his vision he even left a brand on him. Imagine what his grip would do around her neck in such an instance.
@Nick-zp8wk Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Still, the biggest sin to me was 7 seasons of build up to "the end of the world is coming and the squabbles for the throne will be irrelevant when it does" Then it's all over in 1 fight. 6/7 kingdoms didn't even realise anything unusual happened.
@RegginaldRiglet 2 ай бұрын
Lost ending was fantastic. Can’t argue if people have different opinions but people that say “it didn’t make sense” “they were dead the whole time” either are lacking the brain power or didn’t watch the series in full. Everything that needed to be wrapped up was. The emotional payoff for these characters we got so invested in was so heartfelt and true. It’s everything GoT lacked in its ending. Staying true to what the show was originally about. The fantastic characters.
@monkeywizard7919 Жыл бұрын
It would've probably taken like 12 seasons to accurately adapt the books. Given the explosion of characters in AFFC/ ADWD, the drastic change in tone and of course the aging of the actors it is understandable that D&D chose to make GoT a "light version" of asoiaf. But they fucked up so hard that the finale wasn't even enough for that. Season 7 and 8 are rushed, lazily written and completely non-sensical. Honestly they should have given each of those seasons 10 episodes. It still wouldn't have been as perfect as season 1-4 but they could have done a decent finale with it. It's just such a shame it ended up like this.
@darksaint0124 Жыл бұрын
They stretched book 3 into 2 seasons. You don't have to say anymore after that.
@Titantro Жыл бұрын
Never forgive or forget the betrayal by Dumb and Dumber and HBO. I cant even enjoy the earlier season because how season 7 and 8 left a sour taste... atleast we got the books
@sharkhaywood Жыл бұрын
The quote of one of D&D at the end of this video of "Dany forgot about the Iron Fleet but they certainly hadn't forgot about her." was the most ridiculous thing ever. They literally talked about the Iron Fleet in the previous episode. Not to mention airborne dragons would have been able to spot the fleet long before they got into crossbow range.
@adverseinperpetuity Жыл бұрын
After season four, anyone would have believed that this was a show that would be watched for the next hundred years. Now, I would bet that it will be all but forgotten in twenty.
@BS10258 Жыл бұрын
Are we gonna ignore the fact it took Drogon 2 seconds to destroy a castle with his flames but 2 whole minutes to melt the iron throne?
@DavidRodriguez-ty8nq Жыл бұрын
Just watched the last season again and it actually pisses me off more than the first time I watched it. Absolutely horrible ending. These guys owe a lot of people an apology.
@3adgamd3r Жыл бұрын
They do, but they still think they’re the greatest writers to ever grace television, whilst ignoring that it was George’s work carrying them most of the time.
@Kyle-sr6jm Жыл бұрын
Anger may fade, contempt does not.
@REDRAGON12345 Жыл бұрын
This pains me to watch… GoT seasons 1-4 were absolutely magical. Even seasons 5-6 had their moments. But how the show ended makes me not even want to watch the earlier seasons knowing how horribly it ends
@Yesnog05 Жыл бұрын
My neices and nephews were in elementary school when I got obsessed with Game of Thrones. They kept asking me if they can watch it with me cause they were curious, but I told them that we'll watch it when they are older. Now they are in high school and 2 of them are going to start college soon and, funny enough, asked me and my brother (their father) if they can watch Game of Thrones so they can understand the new House of the Dragon. We refuse to rewatch it. Thats how bad the last season got us and we read all the books.
@waterwaveybaby Жыл бұрын
It’s sad how (to me anyway) the ending isn’t just so bad that you can just watch until season 7, it’s so bad that it kinda ruins the rest of the show, everything felt like it was building towards something, and so the only arcs I can enjoy in the earlier stories and ones like Ned’s or Robb’s who’s stories end before the terrible stuff. Even little things like Arya and bean spending seasons training their powers only to use them like once. I’m so glad we have House Of The Dragon because the ending is already written
@Lumistrocity Жыл бұрын
A nice clean massacre
@Krucifus Жыл бұрын
I think of it like Star Wars. There's Lucas Star Wars and there's Disney Star Wars, just like there's Books GoT (S1-4) and there's D&D GoT (S5-8). One is phenomenal, the other not so much.
@raymondsims7042 Жыл бұрын
Naw the final season ruined the ending not the rest of the show. Game of thrones at its peak is still the best show I’ve ever seen. And even with the garbage last season it’s the second best show I’ve ever seen. I can’t think of any show that I would ever put above game of thrones outside of the wire
@coldskoolbeatz 2 ай бұрын
I was ready to buy the entire Box Set. Now I can't even rewatch the series at all. It is criminal what they did to that show. Just criminal.
@MistrBlistr Жыл бұрын
I'm still annoyed they never did anything with Lady Stoneheart.
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it was the first big sign they were turning away from fantasy elements in the novels.
@faithworldleader6891 Жыл бұрын
@@reelworld1 Didn't the director or whoever made that decision say, But she's just some kind of zombie? Not quite and aren't zombies rather popular now?
@reelworld1 Жыл бұрын
@@faithworldleader6891 I haven't seen them say too much on it. I did see a mention of them feeling it would diminish the impact of the Red Wedding, which makes no sense.
@Uneclipsed Жыл бұрын
I can’t believe it’s been 4 years. I’m still traumatized. Season 4 wasn’t the worst, but it was the beginning of the end. If you read the books, you know that everything they did with the interpersonal relationships with the Lannisters in season 4 was all wrong. It was the first sign for me that they didn’t actually know or care anything about themes. I wasn’t mad at previous changes made to characters (they initially did a lot of things even better than the books), but in season four they either didn’t follow through with the changes they made or they made further changes that didn’t make any sense for the characters they set up. Individual scenes were shot wonderfully, but there seemed to be vital bits of information missing to make it all fit together cohesively. Overall, it was still a good season, but the cracks in the foundation for season 5 onwards start there. I never would have finished season 5 (and subsequently the rest of it) if my friend hadn’t sat me down and forced me to.
@alisonjane7068 Жыл бұрын
this was exactly my experience, down to a friend forcing me to watch the show after i was so beyond done with it. season 4 was when i started to check out.
@kamion53 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe it's been 12 years since book 5 was released. and that Martin is busy with all kind of sidetracks exept book 6 or 7.
@cookieking1996 Жыл бұрын
Traumatised? You’re really using such a hyperbolic adjective to describe your feelings? Bit extreme isn’t it, it’s just a fantasy novel
@saltyninja 11 ай бұрын
They made a lot of inexplicable mistakes. It's incredibly how united the entire internet is in hating the last two seasons. You don't see this kind of unity on anything online lol. George not finishing the books is definitely a big factor though because they wanted to wrap up the series. If they wanted to keep going for many seasons more (or had been willing to hand the show off to another showrunner) they could have, indeed, just mined more of the existing source material and slowed down the pace. That may have been the smart thing to do since they probably didn't want to be making GoT for life. They definitely rushed the ending, got sloppy, and basically fumbled the ball on the biggest show of all time.
@reelworld1 11 ай бұрын
They should've handed off the script writing to others, like Bryan Cogman, who is well versed in the lore. If they had backed off from deep involvement they would've still received full credit if the series ended well. They were intent though on doing nearly everything, even though they weren't as interested in the show anymore.
@whensomethingcriesagain 6 ай бұрын
​@@reelworld1Didn't Cogman get the boot for being a creep behind the scenes though?
@reelworld1 6 ай бұрын
@@whensomethingcriesagain No, Cogman didn't have any issues that I'm aware of.
@whensomethingcriesagain 6 ай бұрын
@@reelworld1 I forget which one of them got booted over being a creep on set. I thought it was Cogman, but it might've been someone else
@bzso9603 Жыл бұрын
They should have devoted a full season with one long winter night that lasted a couple of years. With all of the same key players trapped in a Winterfell under siege by the White Walkers. The dragons battling in the sky day and night. Winterfell’s walls impenetrable, but the dead numbers slowly increasing as time goes on. All while the 7 kingdom’s politics playing out within those walls. Little Finger still alive and manipulating all of the pov characters In pursuit of the iron throne, especially Dany. Meanwhile, Cersei is wildly successful as Queen in Kings Landing, proving to be one of the best rulers Westeros has ever seen. Even some crazy advances with Qyburn at the helm. That would’ve been a great stepping stone for what the final war could’ve been. End it with the ninth season with all of little finger’s manipulations coming to a head.
@nickjunes Жыл бұрын
That would be cool.
@willieboy7264 Жыл бұрын
I’ve watched GOT 7 times. The clues, the dialogue, the character development, the love you feel for these characters, disappears when I get passed Jon learning who he really is. I have read the books and still have hope GRRM will finish so this wrong can be righted.
@gmorkins6006 Жыл бұрын
That's really the only the thing that could come close to redeeming it, but who knows what he's even doing these days, I'm not optimistic.
@willieboy7264 Жыл бұрын
@@gmorkins6006 I agree. I’m hoping that he’s spending this last decade + trying to figure out how to make his fans happy, or even just ending it in a way we can say, “wow,” not “wtf, well that was a waste.” I literally can’t even watch the last 3 episodes of the series, and I’m having a hard time with ADWD thinking there will be no resolution to anything I’ve just read.
@Daniele_1210 4 ай бұрын
GOT was once my favorite show ever, but now I don't even want to rewatch older seasons, knowing how every arc was ruined
@heez4300 Жыл бұрын
The irony is that now D&D truly understand why GRRM is taking his time with finishing the books. Unfortunately they had to learn the hard way.
@astronomicafilms Жыл бұрын
"Taking his time" might be the understatement of the millennium.
@MrCoolbanna Жыл бұрын
He's gonna die before he finishes. Also he's a selfish cunt and doesn't want anyone else Finishing his books, hopefully his family discard his wishes and give all his notes to competent writers that are massive fans.
@SmilingBakedBaguette Ай бұрын
One way we can one day get a better ending to this is whenever an artist/studio decide to make an animated series, because a redo is not happening, not for the next 30 years at least.
@reelworld1 Ай бұрын
I think HBO would like to redo it one day after a series of spinoffs. It would depend on those series though maintaining quality and fan interest. And
@thepusherman1297 Ай бұрын
Hopefully AI gives us an accurate/ realistic GOT before it nukes us
@wolfspleen Жыл бұрын
I'm still extremely bitter about how GoT ended. I was heavily invested with DVD sets, swords, models and almost anything slightly related to the series and even now I cant go back and watch any of it. This popped up in my feed and my anything that denigrates B&W always gets my attention.
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