The Dumbest Things Said To Me By Other Attorneys - Lehto's Law Ep. 2.19

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Steve Lehto

Steve Lehto

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@daddybdpearson1 5 жыл бұрын
I was in traffic court in Detroit for a ticket I didn't get (ID theft). For some reason they had a lawyer there helping people before you went before the judge. I don't know if this lawyer was stupid, over worked, deaf, or just got out of law school. Before it was my turn she took me in the hallway and I told her I didn't get the ticket, she said okay. When we went before the judge, and she asked how do I plea. The lawyer told her I plead guilty. I almost knocked her over when I jumped up shouting "No I Don't". After that the judge spoke to me directly. And I told her how a family member used my name, and it wasn't even in my vehicle. The judge asked if the cop who wrote the ticket was in the court room. The policeman stepped forward and said I wasn't the person he stopped. So the judge dismissed the case, that would have cost me several hundreds of dollars. 1) No proof of License 2) No proof of insurance 3) Speeding 4) No seat belt 5) Improper left turn. When I walked out, I told her I'm glad I didn't need her for something serious.
@LucifersDeathSquad 4 жыл бұрын
Makes you wonder how hard the bar exam is.
@BastiatC 4 жыл бұрын
"For some reason" I think I can guess exactly the reason they had her "helping" people
@rickcouture2156 4 жыл бұрын
was taken to court once, and the opening statement by police was, " I knew what he thought", which was fallowed by dead silence. The Judge asked if he read my mind. silence again. brief court case.....
@grump86169 4 жыл бұрын
I have a lawyer story. I was a witness to an accident. I was stopped at a traffic light, a vehicle apparently didn't want to wait for the light to change so he went around me in the opposing traffic lane, entered the intersection and struck another car that was coming through the intersection causing a collision. He decided to fight the careless driving ticket he was issued and hired a lawyer to defend him. When I was called to the witness stand to testify by the prosecutor told my story as I witnessed it and when i was cross examined by the defense attorney he proceeded to ask me questions, like hows my eyesight? am I sure of the conditions I previously testified to. etc. He then asked me "How can I be so sure it was the defendant that went around me at the intersection" I replied I didn't Say your client went around me I said his car did. You'll have to prove he wasn't the driver of the car. And since he was the only occupant that would be tough to do.
@tad2021 3 жыл бұрын
Dumbest thing I've heard from an attorney this year was one firm that was insisting we schedule a qualified medical exam with a Doctor that died a year prior. When we informed them the doctor was no longer with the living and that it would be somewhat difficult to reach them for an appointment, their response was only to repeatedly ask if we were objected to their letter about scheduling that appointment. Well, technically no, but we can't figure out how to contact the dead, and told them to contact the dead doctor's office and scheduling it themselves since it was their client that the appoint was for. Apparently they then actually tried to do that, they called back later saying they would let us know when they choose another doctor. Actual stupidest things resulted with both the attorney and their client going to jail. Yay fraud.
@richardy1660 4 жыл бұрын
Just saw this one, yeah a little late, but a nice 20 minutes of giggles. I've been in court as a witness for an accident and I stated that the defendant had run the red light and was hit by the other car. The attorney asked how I was so sure the light was red and I told him it was because I didn't get hit. He, and the judge, gave me funny look and he asked "What the hell does that have to do with him getting hit?" I told him I was stopped at the light his client ran and if it had been green I would have been in the intersection. He lost.
@mrmodo2003 4 жыл бұрын
Transferring ownership of assets to evade creditors can also be defeated as a “fraudulent transfer”
@scottadler 3 жыл бұрын
The dumbest thing that I ever heard an attorney say: "My client's board of directors were in fact illegally elected, but as they are illegally elected, they are only a de facto board rather than a de jure board. Corporate law does not apply to de facto boards of directors." (This was actually a famous case.)
@francisbrown5469 3 жыл бұрын
I was asked the judge if I could sack my lawyer and he said please do because he is pissing me off and I'll make sure he reimburse your money ...I actually won my case .
@Sadwav 3 жыл бұрын
One of my professors was an expert witness and told me the most dumb question an attorney asked him was, "Now you don't really think my client did this, do you?" To which he responded "Yes, I do" to which the attorney responded with a regret filled "No further questions".
@rolfs2165 4 жыл бұрын
Re "sue the dashboard vendor": The manufacturer hopefully realized that it would be _really_ bad for business if they started to throw their suppliers under the truck. Because if you start doing that, nobody in their right mind will supply you with parts any more.
@howlinhog 3 жыл бұрын
I witnessed an attorney attempt to defend a guy who had been ordered to bring a vehicle back to the legal owner (ex wife I think). Anyways, he wouldn't give up the keys and his attorney tried to argue that the guy had in fact fulfilled the judgement against him and bringing the keys was not part of the judgement. Hilarious! The judge however did not think it was hilarious. Give her the keys or go to jail for contempt. Case closed.
@scottydog1313 3 жыл бұрын
LOL, reminds me of something similar that happened to friend of mine. He loaned his car, against my advice, to someone I knew was an untrustworthy and shady asshole. That guy then gave it to his girlfriend. GF refused to give my buddy his car back, claiming that since it was a gift from her boyfriend, she somehow magically owned it now. The sheriff's deputy we called out there disagreed, and ordered her to return the car, and then she claimed she lost the keys. The deputy told her to find them in 60 seconds or she was under arrest and miraculously they appeared. My buddy ended up filing charges anyway because the inside of the car was torn up, filled with trash and looked like a family of rabid raccoons had been living in it. It needed a a whole new interior. I was surprised his insurance covered it.
@helenhebert7127 5 жыл бұрын
I was in court as an expert witness when an attorney asked a plaintiff if he had to drop the transmission to replace the brake pads. Plaintiff said, “I’m going to guess you haven’t worked on many cars.” Entire courtroom laughed for the next 5 minutes.
@sirdavidr6064 4 жыл бұрын
Nathan Brame even with inboard brakes you don’t have to drop a transmission to change pad.
@Finwolven 4 жыл бұрын
Only vehicle I know of that requires you to pull the transmission to replace brakes is an early WWII tank prototype...
@nathanlarson7408 3 жыл бұрын
Please tell me you left a sticky note on that attorney's car... 'This vehicle now belongs to Steve Lehto'
@netpackrat 3 жыл бұрын
More like, the driver of this car owned by Steve Lehto.
@jdraven0890 3 жыл бұрын
That sticky note transfer of assets was astounding in its desperation 🤣 I served on a jury where there was a dispute between a tenant and commercial property owner. The owner's lawyer emphasized every time he spoke how the property was owned by a trust, as if that had anything to do with the obvious breach of Contract under dispute. We found for the tenant. As foreman I ensured that we gave both sides due and dispassionate consideration, but everyone noted how the Owner's lawyer was insulting our intelligence with his ridiculous argument.
@ko9446 4 жыл бұрын
Late to the party I know. I had to lemon law my duelly diesel pickup. I opted for arbitration, at that time it’s binding to the company not the consumer. One of the things the manufacture put into evidence is a picture of my truck towing a race car and trailer. The arbitrators asked me if I did in deed tow, I said yes, that’s exactly why I bought a 1 ton. Company said I was over tow capacity. I said I wasn’t, we pulled up the rules for my class of racing, car must be between 1100 LBS and 1350 LBS. Next they ran my trailer registration, came back as a tare weight of 1200 LBS. the arbitrator then asked the company “what’s the tow rating of the truck” it was just over 10K. They then asked why would 2500 LBS destroy 3 transfer cases if it was only loaded 1/4 of the stated tow capacity. The company actually gave up then, case was over.
@alidaweber1023 5 жыл бұрын
I am not a lawyer, but even I know that brakes either stop safely under normal driving conditions, or they don't. Reminds me of the old joke: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!
@georgeroberts442 3 жыл бұрын
I was representing a child who had been bitten in the face by a dog. The dog was regularly trained, employed and owned by the City of San Jose, CA as a police dog. At the time of the incident, the dog was in the front yard of its police handlers home. The yard and the sidewalk were separated by a short picket fence. The child was a pedestrian walking down the sidewalk who had stopped to see the dog. The dog jumped up and bit the child as he was leaning over the fence to see the dog. The defense for the City made a motion for judgment on the pleadings asking for the case to be dismissed. The judge recited the above facts, then asked defense counsel "why on earth" the case should be dismissed. Defense counsel blurted out: "But your honor, the dog was off duty!" The motion was summarily denied, but not until after the courtroom laughter had died down.
@jonka1 3 жыл бұрын
The child's face was trespassing. The defense used the wrong defense. De fence was too low Does this mean a retrial?
@Dsdcain 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonka1 Ok that's good. 🤣🤣🤣
@tanyajackson3833 3 жыл бұрын
Love it George!
@guggiuggi3687 3 жыл бұрын
was it a german shepherd? those things should be exterminated..
@MirrorscapeDC 3 жыл бұрын
@@guggiuggi3687 It's not the dog's fault if people but them thought shitty training.
@netgnostic1627 3 жыл бұрын
On the subject of what constitutes manufacturing - I'm reminded that Carl Sagan once said, "To make a cake from scratch, you must first create the universe." 😁
@jonka1 3 жыл бұрын
I already have my sicker on that!
@fatboyrowing 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Car companies buy subassemblies, subassembly manufactures buy other sub assemblies and components, component manufacturers buy raw materials, raw material manufacturers buy lower level raw materials, those manufacturers buy components that were refined, those refined materials were once mined from the ground…
@jguenther3049 3 жыл бұрын
Defendant's Attorney to Expert Witness: "You claim to have a PhD, but your transcript doesn't show any courses taken." Expert Witness: "At that level, there are no courses. The adviser assigns practicums and the candidate reports back when they are completed. It's not like law school . . . assuming you went to law school." Entire Courtroom: [a momentary hush followed by raucous laughter]
@scottydog1313 3 жыл бұрын
There are actually four states, Washington, Virginia, California and Vermont, where you are not required to go to law school to take the bar exam.
@AlexandarHullRichter 3 жыл бұрын
I'm particularly impressed with the attorneys, whose clients did the right thing 'against their legal advice.' They must be practicing some sort of Voodoo to keep their law license.
@karenjensen6642 3 жыл бұрын
@dewfall56 3 жыл бұрын
Dumb lawyers just trying to save face for themselves. Anyone who can think sees through it.
@MrJohnm1965 6 жыл бұрын
steve, when the expert who crashed your client's car while testing the brakes. whose insurance paid the claim the experts or your clients?
@johnk8825 5 жыл бұрын
When I was a police officer I often stayed after my cases were finished because I knew looking at the attorneys present, certain ones were either going to say something stupid or have their clients say something stupid. Always entertaining.
@2011blueman 3 жыл бұрын
12:40 So the attorney advised his client to do a fraudulent conveyance. Pretty sure Michigan has passed the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act.
@jasonscarborough94 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that sounded like it was illegal, of course I'm not a lawyer, so I wasn't certain.
@Jdog7117 3 жыл бұрын
​@hognoxious They cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime!
@chrispaul6290 3 жыл бұрын
What I don't get is why the other attorney even bothered saying anything to Lehto about this hare-brained scheme. If the judgment turned out to be uncollectable because the dealer managed to transfer all of its assets to someone else--and Lehto couldn't simply get the judgment amended to apply to the fraudulent transferee--wouldn't it be better to let Lehto and his client find out the hard way? I thought revenge was best served cold. Maybe that lawyer is just as dumb as it seems.
@MichaelJ_ 8 жыл бұрын
Definitely NEED a second episode. Hilarious!!
@dixiechampagne2892 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, hear hear!
@wdfktv8555 3 жыл бұрын
Michael, I concur... Definitely need a second and 3rd episode. Honestly I think we need a syndicated program entitled The Lehto Law Hour.
@streetcop157 3 жыл бұрын
I was in court one day and heard a defense attorney said “my client denies all involvement in this burglary….. but if it helps he will give the stuff back.” We saw him in the hall and he immediately said “you know that wasn’t my idea.” Turned out his client had pled and served out on 5 other burglaries. Had they charged him on the sixth he would have pled at the time. I think he took time served and gave the stuff back
@mackiek8058 7 жыл бұрын
if that lawyers car was nicer, should have walked up and claimed it was yours, since you know.. there is no way of proving who's it is with her logic haha
@williamselzer1722 5 жыл бұрын
as long as you brought a package of sticky notes with you
@ralphholiman7401 2 жыл бұрын
Best one I had as a prosecutor, was a civil attorney calling me up to want to know why they weren't noticed on a criminal search warrant before we presented it to a judge. Another one was an attorney for a bank, who tried to stop agents from serving a search warrant on the bank, because it was their policy to not comply with any legal documents before their attorneys had an opportunity to review them. At the point she got handcuffed, she began to realize that legal proceeding was not going the way she thought it would.
@jonka1 3 жыл бұрын
"The brakes failed in a different way"! The only way they would have known this is if they had established exactly how the previous brake failures had happened. This rather proves that the brakes had previously failed and that they knew how and why they had failed.
@stevevenn1 3 жыл бұрын
True but I figure their next argument would be the way they initially discovered [brakes faiked] has to do with owner's neglect of servicing.
@ElectroDFW 3 жыл бұрын
Could have been a case of the client saying, "The brakes failed when I pushed the pedal." and the tech observing during the test: "The brakes engaged when pressure on the pedal began, but disengaged once the pedal reached maximum travel." Or some such. [shrug] Hence they failed a different way than described in the brief.
@wp4565775 8 жыл бұрын
I'd like to hear a part 2 on this. I'm not a MOPAR man but wish you the best of luck with the book.
@josephdennison4890 4 жыл бұрын
When this lawyer claims that her client assembles cars and isn't a manufacturer is like a car driver claiming he's a traveler and not a driver.
@allnightkid 5 жыл бұрын
"...I'm going to start snagging vehicles, I don't care if they got sticky notes on them or not...". That's just downright funny, good stuff!!
@saldiven2009 3 жыл бұрын
My brother is an attorney. From that fact alone, I can attest that there is (apparently) no requirement for native intelligence or inherent moral rectitude to become an attorney in the USA.
@Merescat 3 жыл бұрын
My sister is an attorney and I can attest to that statement as well!
@richiejohnson 3 жыл бұрын
All you need is a decent memory and a clean shirt to be a lawyer
@richiejohnson 3 жыл бұрын
@@Merescat my brother. Failed the bar 5 times
@spazzotc 3 жыл бұрын
In fact, they seem to be prerequisites at some programs.
@davidlucey1311 3 жыл бұрын
It’s the opposite of being a doctor.
@martinoamello3017 3 жыл бұрын
Ha! I make cabinet doors from cypress boards. I plane them to thickness, rip them to width, trim them to length, cut the tenons and all the grooves the tenons fit in, cut the panels ,assemble then paint and install them, but I don't manufacture them.. I have little cabinet door fairies that do the manufacturing for me.
@ratsofatso5525 3 жыл бұрын
Wood Gnomes
@jeffpitzer8521 3 жыл бұрын
But you didn't grow the tree, cut it down, or saw it into boards, therefore you are not a manufacturer .....😆
@paull2815 5 жыл бұрын
Funny. My wife worked for a law firm and her atty. did aviation law and he came back from court one day with this story. "When the plaintiff's lawyer cross examined the pilot, she asked where he was located when he was piloting the aircraft. A few titters in the courtroom. In the Pilots seat ma'am. Is this pilots seat in close proximity to the controls? Guffaws burst out to the point where the judge had to call for order. Yes ma'am, very much so." The red faced and flustered atty. ended her cross. How do these people pass a Bar Exam?
@the-chillian 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not a software developer. I just arrange lines of code into computer programs.
@briandavis7811 3 жыл бұрын
I was a witness in a civil case where the lawyer disputed my "interpretation" of someone's statement and not being a lawyer dog realized he just argued against his premise for winning the case , the other lawyer looked over at me in amazement ! I was there because I knew the client had paid off a private mortgage and the of the seller's heir was trying to steal the buyers house .
@davidbroadfoot1864 3 жыл бұрын
That story should be taken out and shot too.
@phildane7411 3 жыл бұрын
"not being a lawyer dog realized he just argued against his premise for winning the case ". And, once again, in English.
@axelknutt5065 3 жыл бұрын
@@phildane7411 clearly you’re not fluent in auto-correct 😁
@BrentDnD 3 жыл бұрын
Just now seeing this video for some reason, but as I listened, when you described the attorney who advised his clients to transfer all assets to a separate company, using sticky notes on car windows no less, it seemed to me, that even if he was able to transfer them legally, wouldn’t that have been a fraudulent conveyance? I’m not sure what the law is in Michigan, but I believe most states have laws relating to transferring assets to avoid paying judgments. Some states even have a proviso in the law that states the transfer must be made for the explicit purpose to avoid paying a judgment. The fact that the attorney explicitly stated that he advised his client to do this very thing, makes me think you could have very well brought the conduct before the judge and filed a complaint with the state bar.
@ppheanix 3 жыл бұрын
The story goes that a person was owed $1,500, so they went to see a lawyer and asked them to collect the debt. The lawyer said, "Deposit $3,000 to my account and I'll get you your money". When the deposit landed in the lawyer's account, they waited 10 days and sent the client $1,500. The client was amazed, but the lawyer didn't do anything to chase the debt, instead, they paid their client from the $3,000 deposit. The client was happy to get their money and felt justice was served, even though it cost them $1,500 !
@MikinessAnalog 5 жыл бұрын
"You didn't drive up here" LMAO you beamed up there (XD)
@jimhuskins8506 3 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS VIDEO! Well done. Usually, listening to an attorney ranks on my list of favorite activities next to shoving knitting needles through my eardrums, but this was entertaining.
@mickaleneduczech8373 4 жыл бұрын
Transferring ownership to a new corporation by sticky note? Even if it worked, wouldn't it be fraud?
@maxshiraz3447 3 жыл бұрын
The sticky note thing is a great move. I now own every car and house in my suburb.
@wizardsuth 3 жыл бұрын
You can do better than that. Put a sticky note on a bedrock outcropping and claim the entire planet.
@wizardsuth 3 жыл бұрын
*Judge Judy:* What was stolen? *Plaintiff:* My wallet... *Judge Judy:* What was in your wallet? *Plaintiff:* It was 50 bucks. *Judge Judy:* Okay. *Plaintiff:* I had to replace all my IDs, I had gift cards in there, my earpiece, and a calculator. *Defendant:* There was no earpiece in there ma'am. *Judge Judy:* I love it. I love it. Judgement for the plaintiff in the amount of $500.
@thharrimw 3 жыл бұрын
@mandelaeffect1111 3 жыл бұрын
That was a hilarious episode.
@tanyajackson3833 3 жыл бұрын
That's a Judge Judy classic, much funnier when you watch it.🤣🤣🤣😂😆
@carolynmurtaza1180 3 жыл бұрын
I'm in the UK and just watched that episode not long. So funny
@scottricklaroque7428 3 жыл бұрын
I used to love watching The People's Court when judge Milian was presiding. She would often come up with these hilarious sayings from her grandmother that sometimes made little or no sense in English but she would explain them. I preferred the People's Court and Judge Mathis, who could be hilarious also, over Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown (though I would often watch all 4 late at night recorded with my DVR) because the latter 2 always seemed to start out angry just for being there, maybe not so much Judge Joe Brown but he would too often stand up and give long lectures. But as to what you said, I love it when defendants, or plaintiffs for that matter, incriminate themselves. It just proves both how stupid crooked people usually are, and that crime doesn't pay. (much, lol)
@TFitz 3 жыл бұрын
Best thing I said: other attorney "you didn't have a joint banking account?" ... Me: "I've been married before" ... shut him up anyway
@jimm2442 5 жыл бұрын
"Medically Stupid" Hilarious, thanks for the laughs Steve!
@sethstevens270 3 жыл бұрын
I wish I knew about Steve when I had an issue with a kenworth. The DPF system failed and caused carbon packing in the engine. they "fixed" that and then the DPF unit almost caught the truck on fire. $14,000 later and it still wasn't fixed. the truck was leased and I wound up having to turn it in and go work for another company. 2 months later it was in flames on the side of I70 in PA. A good lawyer could have helped get the situation corrected without having to quit a job. I feel bad for the driver that lost all their belongings in a fire that never should have happened.
@bluewater454 5 жыл бұрын
The scary thing is that these are the same kind of people we who become politicians and write our laws.
@stevelehto 5 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of legislators who are not lawyers. And they write the worst laws. Primarily because they don't understand how the courts will interpret what they have done (while a lawyer WOULD know).
@bluewater454 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevelehto I am not as worried about politicians who write bad law that can't be understood as I am about those that write bad law that *can* be understood, and violates my constitutional rights ways to Sunday. The USC seems to be treated as a list of suggestions these days that politicians and judges can pick and choose from like a Sunday pot luck dinner.
@forkliftofzen5318 2 жыл бұрын
I'm fighting family members over a BS lawsuit THEY filed on ME. To date, they have claimed to other family it's me suing them, despite the fact I carry a copy of the lawsuit against me on my cell phone just to show everyone I'm actually the defendant, not the plaintiff. Beyond that, they started out claiming they were justified in suing me for work they didn't actually do but had planned to do illegally and against my will. To get even stupider, they have now claimed they took out a loan on my behalf for work I did 20+ years ago on the property I live on. In one round of discovery they went and put the paperwork for a said loan up as proof, they are also justified in suing me for never paying off the loan, even though the paperwork shows I had no part of the loan and it was for land, they bought from another family member. Then to take it to soap opera level stupid, their lawyer has told them to settle out of court for whatever I want, because they have nothing to stand on, and I very well could be standing on the legal right to literally wipe them out in compensation if things go to court. Their response to that is that a friend of mine posted some things on Facebook they don't like and they think now incriminates me, for something that has nothing to do with anything, and thus validates their lawsuit. I'm half looking forward to the next round to see if their lawyer walks out on them or lets this play out because it's easy money. Boomer narcissists losing control of something they started is oddly entertaining!
@TM-ro7lh 3 жыл бұрын
The Marquette lawyer was counting on you not showing up. Rural lawyers do that constantly, trying to make attorneys from Chicago drive to southern Illinois hoping they won’t show.
@curtiszeitelhack981 3 жыл бұрын
It's a person wonder how these attorney's ever got through grade school, let alone law school and the Bar exam.
@TheNoodlyAppendage 3 жыл бұрын
"Medically stupid" ROFLMAO I'm using that line from now on.
@astrorad2000 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all of your videos. I find them very informative. I always remind my friends who denigrate lawyers in general, that there are good lawyers and lousy lawyers, just as in all professions. I then ask them what they will do if they need legal representation.
@johannmueller9660 3 жыл бұрын
I like the "You can't prove that it is your car" argument when any police officer can to see the registration when pulling you over. Maybe you should do that... have a police officer tell that lawyer she can't prove the car she's driving is her own... registration isn't proof... LOL
@EvilTwin559 4 жыл бұрын
The stupidest thing I've heard was not from an attorney but a dealership. When I asked why they were charging more for used vehicle than another dealer was asking for a new model I was told their vehicle had "more experience."
@peterdurnien9084 4 жыл бұрын
The most hilarious thing I ever heard of was:- Attorney: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
@corwin60 3 жыл бұрын
I had a 2012 hyundai genesis sedan, it had a recall on the brakes. i found out by trying to stop and the brakes barely worked. when i looked into it, i found out about the recall. i bought it used and was pissed that they didn't take care of the recall BEFORE they put it on the lot to sell.
@benh9076 3 жыл бұрын
Mr. Lehto, thank you for the real life humor of your profession. It made my day 🙃🤣🙂
@Lanceb131 4 жыл бұрын
LOVE this video! I CAN'T WAIT for the next episode of this!
@gregray4798 3 жыл бұрын
This video is awesome! I'm about 5 years too late, but we need more of these!
@steveshattah 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago sitting in a bar with a friend and there was a soccer game on that we weren't paying attention to and all of a sudden everybody started screaming and celebrating and two shots of Irish whiskey showed up in front of us and we said what's this for and the bartender said that guy over there bought everybody a round because Manchester United scored. I've been a Manchester United fan ever since.
@ralphralpherson9441 3 жыл бұрын
Well, yes our expert DROWNED in the faulty submarine, but not because the hull collapsed like your client described! 😅😆 LOL I'm afraid I might face-palm myself so hard that I get brain damage. One thing though.... I used to work for a technical equipment firm that had a similar Toyota Camry (gray) stationed in the extended parking lot at Pittsburgh Intl (PA), Piedmont Triad Intl. (NC), and Tampa Intl (FL) so that when we saw clients in those respective regions, we could tell them "We drove down especially for you". My boss was convinced that if a power plant manager in Raleigh or Orlando thought that two guys drove down from the Northeast just to pitch them their equipment, that that would show we REALLY wanted the business and were committed to our product... I'm not sure how well that translated, I think my boss was just cheap and hated renting cars every few weeks and found a cheaper solution... but anyhow, just saying there IS a way you can show up in "your car" and have flown into town and both can be true.😉
@christinestill5002 4 жыл бұрын
I also got to be a member of the JURY on 3 major cases, 2 homicides & a large personal injury case BEFORE I became a cop..what great experience. Wow ,could we swap stories!
@missjennemeg1 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, I could be an attorney! All those things were easy to figure out. Hope I never need an attorney.
@worddunlap 3 жыл бұрын
"You should plead guilty because I never won a case". I was in South Korea when the crime happened and had a plethora of documents to prove it. I hadn't so much as set foot in the state in 7 years when the crime happened. LOL. I did not plead guilty, fired him and went to court to ask for time to find another attorney. While there the prosecutor seen the documents, apologize and dropped the charges...
@jeffhanna4858 4 жыл бұрын
I was an officer called to testify in a DUI once and the written Miranda warnings, signed by the defendant, were being introduced. The defense asked me, "Did it ever occur to you that the defendant might have been too intoxicated to understand the meaning of the warnings you read to him?" Of course the prosecutor rose and asked if the defendant was changing his plea to "guilty".
@kennethwalton2380 3 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t there be ways the defendant was too drunk and still not guilty such as the alcohol had kicked in later when he was signing
@jdb47games 3 жыл бұрын
Some of these 'defences' are things which any first term law student could defeat! It's amazing they are seriously presented in court. Fortunately we in the UK are spared most of this nonsense, as the loser is usually ordered to pay the winner's costs, and so the losing party cannot frustrate the judgment by wriggling on the line and running up the winner's legal bill.
@TheSmreeder 3 жыл бұрын
You popped up on my feed and I recognized you from VINwiki ... cool stories . I am in Ohio and travel Michigan a lot... I will call the next time I receive a visit from a Michigan State Trooper... Many Blessings , SMR
@dixietenbroeck8717 3 жыл бұрын
People with Asperger's Syndrome will often perform the *VERY SAME ACTION* multiple times, doing the _SAME STEPS,_ over and over, convinced that "THIS time it'll work, _I KNOW IT WILL!"_ I had a brother who had failed Algebra 2 in High School, and my parents couldn't figure out why he had, as he wasn't "slow" at all. Although I was technically 2 years "behind" him in school, I'd managed to "catch up" in math, so when he repeated Algebra 2 I was in the same class with him. [That really irked him; he insisted that I shouldn't be allowed in the same class as it embarrassed him. But _THAT_ didn't work, as there weren't any other Algebra 2 classes, & I was a straight-A student in all my math (& science) classes.] Anyway, because I was there in the same classroom, I was finally able to detect just what he was doing, & I could then explain to my parents exactly WHY he failed. He kept trying to *"do these problems (MY) way!"* then proceded to try to solve problems using some wack-a-doodle technique that *HE, HIMSELF,* had created, a technique that *MADE NO SENSE AND WOULD NEVER, EVER WORK!* No one was able to get him to change his _modus operandi,_ as neither threats, nor bribery, nor punishment, NOR ANYTHING MY PARENTS and/or the Teacher tried could get him to follow instructions! (I even offered to tutor him, but as he was 3 years older than I was - I'd skipped a grade - he just threw a fit and furiously refused my help.) Frustrating? Oh, yeah, BIG TIME frustrating. He was eventually given a "D" for the class, just so he could graduate, but he never did manage to get even ONE problem worked correctly and hadn't even earned a "D". No one in our little, rustic, "neck of the woods" region knew anything about the Asperger's spectrum or Autism "way back then" (in the early 1960s) unfortunately, so he never received any help. He had a lot of problems his entire life, and passed a few years ago.
@btrim1974 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Steve. I always wondered why it's ok for motorcycles to have super loud exhausts when a car can't. And the cars are usually 10 times quiet. There has to have been a case here in Michigan on this issue because I know I would fight it until the very end
@jago668 3 жыл бұрын
I was a character witness for a friend in a trial. He was guilty, caught on video/audio, and should have taken the deal the prosecutor was offering. However he decided to fight it in court, hoping to play the sympathy card and get a not guilty (which didn't work). Defense attorney calls me up, "How long have you known defendant?" "If probation was a possible sentence should he get it?" and done. Prosecutor asks a couple small questions and then comes out with "Defendant says he did this for his daughter. Do you think a parent should do this for their child?" My response was, "What parent wouldn't do anything for their child?" and got an immediate "No further questions." What were you expecting? Were you really expecting me to throw my friend under the bus? How could any questions you asked me, help the prosecution? It'd be like calling his mother to the stand.
@TheFUZEMAN 3 жыл бұрын
This one happened to pop up in the queue and seeing you are now almost at Ep. 7.2x ; I wonder if it's a sign I'm watching too many of your videos because I can almost see the wooden wall behind you with all the 'stuff'
@paulogarbonzo2641 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr. Lehto. You are smart, have a sense of humor. I rest my case.
@gene8172 5 жыл бұрын
“Medically stupid”! I love it!
@DanielLopez-up6os 2 жыл бұрын
I love how I can go back here where there's no items behind Steve, and then see as it slowly acrues to its current level.
@tetrabromobisphenol 5 жыл бұрын
I now understand the motivation for the strict libel laws in the UK. If an attorney in the UK accused another attorney of lying to the judge, and couldn't prove it, the false accuser would face very dire financial consequences and disbarment for such libel. Falsely accusing people is not something that should be taken lightly and tolerated the way that we do here in the US.
@davidkincaid3144 2 жыл бұрын
“Medically stupid” bravo sir!!
@strawberryloli 5 жыл бұрын
"I could have called to wish him a good day and he would have objected." hahahaha I know people like this
@DC-uo5hy 3 жыл бұрын
I just came across this Video. Greatness is exposed to the public herein. Thank you. I am a retired business owner and would have loved to have had you as an attorney here in Florida. Simple common sense is no longer common😏
@spikespa5208 3 жыл бұрын
But simpletons commonly think they have it.
@spikey2740 3 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of McPherson v. Buick where the manufacturer tried to evade by saying the dealer was responsible for faults in their crappy designed automobile. Maybe they should have used a sticky-note?
@darkpassenger65 3 жыл бұрын
Steve, I realize this video is dated but I just had to comment on that last story about the opposing counsel accusing you of flying up instead of actually driving your personal vehicle to a court date. I've had the same type of manic induced accusations made against me and the only thing I can figure is that there might be some type of mental disorder going on. I can understand if there's some kind of tactical goal to these wild and crazy accusations, but really, why would the judge give a rip how you arrived? There are a lot of very high-functioning law professionals out there who may be on the spectrum, or may suffer from bi-polar disorder. If they're on medication perhaps it's not working or they're simply not taking it regularly. Then there's the possibility of drug addiction.
@johnday7362 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Lehto, I would like to add two possible oil failure causes. Number one: some older cars and I would suspect some new cars also will have a 'crush washer' made of a soft metal (usually copper) to help seal a standard bold used as an oil pan drain plug. There are two possible problems. The crush washer should be replaced at EVERY oil change or the crush washer isn't put back on the car after the engine is drained. I have seen both crush washer problems that I repaired as a full-service gas station attendant as a young man. In both cases, the car owner was driving on an interstate highway and experienced overheating and low oil pressure. Both times it was after hours of regular automotive repair facilities. I hand been taught by my father, a professional automotive mechanic of over 40 years, to look for these common problems. I immediately advised both owners to walk to a very close nearby store and purchase a one-use 35mm camera so I could document the car before I touched it. The lady and the guy both took my advice and in each case is used the entire roll of film to show as many aspects of the car and its problems. Lady's car was missing the crush washer, man's car the crush washer wasn't replaced. Both cases caused a slow loss of oil. The second failure cause that I have experience with is what I term 'fake oil'. The man had oil that was the consistency of water that had only a light black tint. Both customers had had a oil change less than 500 miles earlier one was from the morning of her coming to my service station. I hope this comment was unnecessary and you already have the knowledge of these problems. But, I couldn't take the chance that you were unaware of them. Please add this to your list of warnings you give to car owners. The video was completely enjoyable. Thank you!
@charlesmiller5078 5 жыл бұрын
I take it the Michigan Attorney test is really easy. Amazing. I heard Federal employees drug test is multiple choice.
@ronquigel216 3 жыл бұрын
A famous comedian said "you can't fix stupid". Love your channel.
@pickleballer1729 3 жыл бұрын
I learned a GREAT new term in this video- "Medically Stupid". I have a stupid attorney story too, but unfortunately, it was MY attorney. A little over a year ago, the lady I lived with passed away. We had filled out a "Transfer on Death" certificate so the house would go to me without going to probate, and she noted that in the will. Shortly before her death, the executor of her estate came into my home and took all her records and did not allow me to see them, although she promised she would provide copies. (She was a long time best friend of Pat, and she had specified in her will that she have total access to her records. I trusted her. Big mistake.) I employed an attorney to see what we could do, and he basically said that without the paperwork, there was little chance we could do anything to get the house back, and that we could probably win a lawsuit for them to pay the the money they had agreed to pay me in a signed agreement to vacate the house (when Pat was still alive, to help pay for her long term medical care), but that to pursue the case would cost about as much as it would garnish. As this story is getting too long... let me skip to the endgame: When I asked about when I was going to be paid the $30,000 they had agreed to pay me, the executor;s husband emailed me saying that since she had passed, the agreement was no longer valid (which was in no way specified in the agreement, btw). I told him that if that were the case, then the will and the T.O.D. should dictate that they sold the house illegally, (Pat lived little more than a week after that, and there were no bills that warranted selling my home) and that I intended to sue for the total amount of the equity in the house. I consulted my attorney and asked him about that, and he said that, yes, what he had said was indefensible, and that it was basically a slam dunk case, and I would get the equity. HE sent a very smarmy, sarcastic letter to the attorney for the executor's attorney, (before inspecting the will and TOD and checking the applicable law). He replied that the T.O.D had not been recorded with the county, and that that was now legally required for its execution, (which my attorney did not know) and that the will specified that the house would go to me based on that T.O.D. but did not specifically will the house to me otherwise. So, I lost the whole deal, except fr the $10,000 cash which had been specifically willed to me, but which the executor was conspicuously waiting for me to claim, without benefit of the will that she had taken, from which my attorney billed me almost $3000, for nothing more than making us both look like idiots. I considered fighting it, but... fight an attorney in a court of law? Forget it. I lost about 200,000 in net wealth over that ordeal. But sometimes, bad things can actually work out for he best. Upon hearing of my situation, a rather wealthy relative told me she had a house that was partly being used for storage, but that I could rent the other part for very little. So now, instead of living in hot and humid, allergy riddled Texas, I have a beautiful home in a wonderful, almost idyllic town in Colorado. Frankly, though, I hope the executor and her husband caught COVID and died. What unethical, avaricious people they were.
@DFDuck55 3 жыл бұрын
The dumbest thing I ever heard an attorney say was "Yes". The Judge asked if I waved my rights. Without consulting me the Public Pretender said "yes". I stood up and said "no I don't". Turned to the Pretender and told him "sit down and shut the f**k up." Why would anyone in their right mind wave their Constitutional Civil Rights? That includes your 5th Amendment right to not incriminate yourself, to be silent. And your 6th Amendment right to a fast and speedy trial. Which means the court will drag it on for months and months (or years), giving the prosecution more time to build a case against you.
@eyesea123 5 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy hearing these types of videos.
@Beldan4 3 жыл бұрын
Are Lawyers required to take a class on Logic before the bar exam? If so, do they have to pass it?
@powermuffin 3 жыл бұрын
If I want to lay claim to someone else's sticky notes, can I just write my message of ownership on the top sticky note of the stack or must I provide my own sticky note to place on top of that?
@scorellis 3 жыл бұрын
Fascinating. As a former, testifying computer forensics expert, I once had a Federal District judge, who, after I'd explained to her how all of the files on a drive are hashed to create a unique "thumbprint" of all the digital contents of the drive, she asks, "So...this hash thing. Is that like a number that gets printed on the outside of the drive?" It was as if I had never said anything at all. Here she was, presiding over an extremely technical case, and it took us an hour just to explain file hashing to her. The case was doomed before we even walked into court.
@johnathonlee7053 3 жыл бұрын
Attorney: “I don’t know if that’s even your car!” Lehto: *turns the car on with the key* Attorney: “That still doesn’t prove anything.”
@tompw3141 3 жыл бұрын
Lehto: *crashes into Attorney's car* Attorney: "well this is a mystery" Lehto: *pulls out, starts doing 90 in a 30mph zone, gets pulled over* Attorney: "how are those guys going to solve this one?" Lehto: *pulls into dealership, hands over car, gets a cheque* Attorney: "I'm just baffled"
@nicmart 3 жыл бұрын
For these be no childish actions, nor matters wherein you are to deal by cunning of devices, to seek evasions, as the customs of lawyers is. - Queen Elizabeth I, Letter to ship’s captain, 1589
@meade6291 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please invite over guest attorneys to give us more "dumbest things opposing counsel has said"
@babsbylow6869 3 жыл бұрын
That last bit sounds like someone trying to provide transitional species as proof of evolution to a Young Earth Creationist. 😂
@darrellpickering8535 3 жыл бұрын
A local lawyer once told me anything's legal as long as you don't get caught. He wasn't representing me.
@debrawheeler6220 5 жыл бұрын
I put a sticky note on my bosses its mine
@keithconway4567 5 жыл бұрын
Stupid can't be fixed... but it can and should be acknowledged.
@pinballpeanut3015 4 жыл бұрын
I love your videos, but the best part was finding out that you wrote a book about Daytonas and Superbirds. Not surprised, since I've seen the K&K Insurance Daytona model in your other vids.
@MichaelAChang 5 жыл бұрын
Love these types of war stories; do tell more!
@qibble455 3 жыл бұрын
There is nothing better than coming home after a long day, Popping a beer and watching this channel. Hehe great vid.
@Tocsin-Bang 4 жыл бұрын
I've only ever been in court as a witness, or on jury service. I've heard judges, lawyers, defendants and even expert witnesses say stupid things. My favourite expert witness was one who claimed it was not possible to break someone's jaw with a blow from a bare fist! In another case everyone who took the stand lied, defendant, witnesses and police. The judge agreed with the jury and found the defendant not guilty on the basis that as nobody told the truth and therefore couldn't find the person guilty. Several police officers lost their jobs.
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How Strong is Tin Foil? 💪
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The Joker wanted to stand at the front, but unexpectedly was beaten up by Officer Rabbit
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Public Defenders Wanted Their Client Arrested?
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Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem
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The Insane Lugnut Case Got Crazier! Ep. 7.316
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