The Emergency Room When You're Suicidal

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bpd talks

8 жыл бұрын

My experiences in emergency rooms when I've been suicidal.

Пікірлер: 44
@jadeG52220 3 жыл бұрын
The second time I attempted suicide, the nurse was very mean. She tried to make me drink the charcoal and I remember saying to her “I’m 22 years old I don’t have to drink this.” Her reply was “you did this to yourself honey, so drink it or I will have security force you to!” I will never forget that night. The ED staff treat the suicidal patients different and I think a lot of us can relate to this.
@cliffkonkle3467 7 жыл бұрын
I have these thoughts and feelings everyday and it's horrible. I feel like I'm losing myself. I hope you are ok. I care about you my friend. Been strong we need you here. :)
@jamberry1135 2 жыл бұрын
Please never give up on yourself no matter how hard it is
@destinypowell27 6 жыл бұрын
Holy shit finally I found someone who can stand up for honestly how lonely it is in there. Sometimes we just need someone, that’s all. Putting us away like we are capable of harm, we’re just sad
@FreeThePorgs 7 жыл бұрын
"My" personal experience with 2 separate ER's were different...#1 had its own psych section, a locked area with a room not much bigger then a bathroom, the walls were completely flat, nothing sticking out, and a bed attached to the floor, lets call it a "safety room" nothing i could hurt myself with, nothing but a lights switch...and a person watching me, a dedicated mental health psych section...#2 was a normal hospital room, the nurse took out a few cords but still a standard ER room...and they gave me a can of soda, which like a dummy i bent it and cut myself...i was alone before this, not after....i was lucky it was more then enough grounds to pull out the restraints, but i was just put on 1 on 1(sitter, 24 hour guard)....and like a moron I proudly admitted it to the nurse who checked up on me....
@honestyistruth2681 6 жыл бұрын
I hit "like" as an acknowledgement that I'd listened to all you have had to say. I pray, you are doing better, I can see in your eyes you are deeply depressed, but you made this video over a year ago, so I truly hope you've found a Dr., and the correct balance of medications to help.. I suffer deeply with depression, I never tell anyone, it "shouldn't be" but it feels like a "dirty little secret"... I am so sorry you're going through all of this, you feel very alone, you're not, I promise you, you're not. God's blessings to you always.
@willowt9196 Жыл бұрын
Why do we treat people with mental distress do poorly. In general we are a sadistic nation, but overall humans are not very humane to others. This is sad as I am watching this to convince myself that ideation is not an option.
@mar8014 7 жыл бұрын
One time I told my mom i am suicidal. Instead of telling me what she was going to do or just talking to me she went to the bathroom and called 911. Another time I told her I am depressed she said "let's kill herself". Another time she said "be greatful!". So I do not feel ok talking to her about it.
@brendandaniel4585 6 жыл бұрын
Talk to someone who wants to hear you!
@b00g_uwu8 6 жыл бұрын
Marianna Tsemekhman I feel you, I've had mulitple suicide attempts that my friends found out and told the councilor at my school. And then he called my parents that I need to go to a therapist before I go back to school. They said okay brought me to a therapist but only stayed there for like two times... And still to this day she takes away all my things execpt for a bed and clothes whenever I get suicidal
@flyaway9086 5 жыл бұрын
What does "let's kill herself" mean?
@testingtest3322 5 жыл бұрын
fly away yeah that's fucked
@mam362 6 жыл бұрын
i absolutely understand about being hesitant to tell people when you are suicidal now. because i didnt commit myself, i had to spend 4 days locked up because a friend misinterpreted something i said to her in a FB chat. that experience was more traumatic than what i was feeling suicidal about
@rickywebb805 4 ай бұрын
i found your short video really easy to empathize with. i've been inpatient twice and held once overnight in an er for a mental health hold, suicidal ideation. i've had an extreme life and there's lots to be sad about. but honestly now that i know i've had failing internal organs and kidney cancer i'm starting to see the direct correlation between loss of hope and our bodies ability to know something isn't right. i've done a lot of introspection, developed coping skills and etc. if you're interested in a talkshow type format for an episode i could help by volunteeringfor that. i love the concept to share insights and experiencxes with others. i've come back from diagnoses of major depressive disorder, biploar, ptsd, and my goodness there's probably more that i forgot. their labels hurt until you quit caring. lol, great video thanks for opening up
@brittanydeleon4977 4 жыл бұрын
I was in the emergency ward twice and the first time I went I was aloud to have my phone and my charger and my husband was aloud to be with me but he couldn’t bring anything back with him they took his keys and phone away so I didn’t have access to them and I waited about 7 hours before I was evaluating they did the normal tests and questions then I was sent by ambulance at 3 am to another hospital that took my insurance. The second time I went they took everything away my phone charger purse rings everything that I had I was put both times in a special hospital gown and put in a room with a mattress bolted to the ground and the blood pressure mashing that was all that was in the room then never checked on me just had 2 cameras on me. They let my husband in until he had to go home to sleep. I wasn’t evaluated till 11pm and then at 3am I was transferred by ambulance 2 hours away to a mental hospital. The first time I was sent to an actual hospital with a mental health ward the 2nd time it was an actual mental hospital. I would not recommend going to Hazleton hospital they suck with mental health patients they don’t know how to treat someone in need.
@grahamcarver2003 Жыл бұрын
Most hospitals refer to the nurses sitting outside your room as "sitters". As in babysitters. Off duty nurses they schedule just to watch you or me or whoever else.
@ag2897 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your video. I went to the hospital ED and allowed to have my things. The wait was long like your experience. I was treated well by staff which I appreciated, and was discharged after an overnight stay.
@molly.dog8brooke792 3 жыл бұрын
I’m the equivalent of a senior in high school in my country. We are taking exams at the end of this year, and making decisions that will decide our future- in a summary: I told my friends and family about my mental health issues January 2020, my mom helped me tell my neurological psychologist and he referred me to the mental health services that are in my country, then lockdown happened. I’ve had two calls with them over lockdown, asking generic questions. Since I’ve been back in school with ALL THE TEACHERS TELLING US HOW IMPORTANT THIS YEAR IS FOR OUR FUTURES- meanwhile I wake up everyday not knowing if I’ll be alive the next- I’ve been stressed beyond belief, having thoughts about suicide that, while I know in my right mind I wouldn’t end up doing, the only thing that’s keeping me from completely breaking down is not wanting to put those around me through anything bad. I really need to talk to someone, I tried a close friend- but I couldn’t get the words out-, my mom would become overly concerned and would start blaming herself. My last option is a teacher, but that makes me feel sick. I just hope the youth mental health services hurry up because I’m just incredibly overwhelmed with everyday adding onto the pile of emotional baggage and messed up thoughts. Welp, guess I should go to bed now.
@pluetarts4343 3 жыл бұрын
hope you’re ok darling !
@Mr3zooz33 6 жыл бұрын
I went to ER for self harming and Suicidal thoughts. I have been humiliating by nurses and after a lot of fights with doctors, nurses and guards I was given anti anxiety and they put me on psychiatric ward for five days.
@nxll420 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve been in hospital twice overnight over the past couple of months and I understand how it feels. With me I was put in a room and was monitored hourly and wasn’t allowed to be let out of anyone’s sight. They checked me for sharp objects and anything I could damage myself or anyone else with. I remember sitting there and realising what was happening. Crazy shit. If you’re feeling suicidal just take into consideration that it isn’t as easy as you think. And you’ll regret it a lot more than you think
@briannabri2309 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you're ok. I haven't heard from you since this video uploaded.
@Mr3zooz33 6 жыл бұрын
My heart with people who can’t pay money for those doctors. There is a big stigma around Suicide.
@Matt-fs1yy 4 жыл бұрын
Decide that you're going to be stronger than your problems. Decide - right now.
@christophercarozzo5133 Ай бұрын
This is why I don’t go for help.
@erinsteinbergs4813 6 жыл бұрын
I have been in a mental hospital
@aubrievernon7078 5 жыл бұрын
@XDmalaika 4 жыл бұрын
I hope you are ok
@macy9337 4 жыл бұрын
me too
@davidgaugamela9801 Жыл бұрын
Aubrie- When you are in distress you can call 988 (in the U.S. There might be a different designated number in anther country.). You will talk to a trained, experienced counselor who can help you. They are there 24/7 and it is free and confidential. They can provide resources and help you get the services you needed. Please call 988 and God bless you.
@testingtest3322 5 жыл бұрын
How are you now? X
@Mr3zooz33 6 жыл бұрын
I remembered I was really aggressive and the doctors come to me they said something like do you have religion? Do you believe in god? Our religion prevents us from killing our self. I’m an atheist but because my name they thought I am Muslim. I also remembered guards making fun of Islam. I was a Saudi student in Ireland and they only admitted me after a Letter from my government stating that they will be all medical expenses.
@angeloberry1042 5 жыл бұрын
This is appalling it is already traumatic enough to go through this. Thank you for telling your story. This should never happen but I guess it does more than I could imagine
@angeloberry1042 5 жыл бұрын
These people should not be in this feild with this lack of compassion. Perhaps the mental healthcare system in Ireland is neglected
@christineobote6929 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Christine I went to hospital of two day I cut myself I was in the dark place good chat to people very hard some time
@kylekeen3497 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a doctor, but mental illness is very serious.
@erispapps9929 6 жыл бұрын
I am suicdal, I am fucking terrified of going to hospital.
@briannabri2309 2 жыл бұрын
@k0nFeTa 3 ай бұрын
I just wanna share my story and I hope this will help someone ! When I was 19 year old I would feel something walk behind me I would turn and there be nothing , I would go into the kitchen and I would get thought to slit my wrist I would go to the restroom and hear a thought that would sound like my thoughts to take a blow drier and throw it in the tub with water ! I used to mistake these thoughts for my own ! And it would almost scare me …. And this might sound crazy but it’s true it’s demonic . Ones Jesus came into my life this all stopped ! No more fear no more thoughts of driving my car into a brick wall or off the bridge , it all stopped when I got delivered from this demonic spirit and came to God ! It can stop for you as well just ask Jesus to help you ! You don’t have to believe me try it for yourself you don’t have anything to lose if you do ! Ask him to prove to you that he is God and to set you free ! I’m telling you there is a way out that doesn’t involve shrinks or hospital but supernatural ❤ be well friend
@thedude-jb7wx 3 жыл бұрын
hope your ok now :) please just blank ur mind out if its possible. I can take myself to weird places if i let myself. Now ive blanked my mind out so long i forgot that exact psychosis. I got addicted to pain meds cause doctors are morons and dont describe what the true process is. THEN doctors are such morons they think withdrawals are like a bad flu hahahaha oh wow every doctor whos involved in psych should be required to get addicted and detox lol They are so blind to reality and wht its like. Imagine pain x 10 and anxiety so bad its like being in a tree with tigers crawling up at you and theyre coming. Its like you start thinking youre going to die and go to a hell. ITS BEYOND WORD
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