THE FINALS TIER LIST - Gadgets, Abilities, ALL ITEMS Compared With Tips

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The Gaming Merchant

The Gaming Merchant

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@ryan1264 9 ай бұрын
the recon senses is soooo good if you have another medium on your team with the healing beam. also its not really for hunting kills. it kinda makes you the scout of the team when youre defending or attacking cashouts. you have to be very vocal tellling your team where everyone is. it also counters invis
@bradlamrs 9 ай бұрын
2 healing beam is meta tho
@tuplajolli 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's so underrated right now it's funny! The range is insane too, you'll be able to see where all teams are at pretty much any point. Helps a lot with rotations.
@1235bmu 9 ай бұрын
exactly, if you just feel the urge to spot enemies take the damn nades but no healing beam is straight up grief@@bradlamrs
@temmietim1023 9 ай бұрын
Yes! finally someone gets it
@Solereaper21 9 ай бұрын
Or, hear me out here, just use the sensor nade that covers a larger area.
@denality1671 9 ай бұрын
The goo gun for heavy has single handedly won tournaments for me, I’d say it deserves to be a little higher because it is NOT a movement ability. It’s best use is completely blocking all entrances to an indoor cash out. Completely surrounding a cash out room in goo burns through so much time that by the time the enemy gets in the cash out room it’s already too late.
@tuplajolli 9 ай бұрын
Long time Apex viewer here, really glad to see you posting all the Finals stuff lately! Got pretty burned out from Apex and this game has really scratched a similar itch. Hoping to see a lot more content on this game from you!
@explosive_alex7072 9 ай бұрын
Love the finals videos you are making really enjoying the game
@davidcorodeanu4535 9 ай бұрын
yes...i'm glad another game that has aimbot for controllers
@A-RonV_V 9 ай бұрын
@@davidcorodeanu4535fun fact: on console there is almost no aim assist. Also why do you make it sound like KBM is owned by everything🙃
@asaiguess4491 9 ай бұрын
The Recon Senses may not be super great up close as you said because its not hard to find people near you, but it has some real range to it that you wouldnt expect. I mostly use it soon after a team has respawned so i can see which direction they're coming from and let the team know.
@Chief592 9 ай бұрын
Just heal instead of
@Monkeyman-qt1sm 8 ай бұрын
@@Chief592don’t need to heal my team if whoever pushed gets wiped, just think about it like this, it’s 2 guns vs 3 guns and one of those guns have wall hacks.
@VegitoAttacks 9 ай бұрын
Mans desperately trying to get out of the Apex
@GearsOfCake 9 ай бұрын
We all are brother
@poppychalupa9390 9 ай бұрын
He’s branching out to other games nothing wrong with that. Apex has been boring lately anyways
@VegitoAttacks 9 ай бұрын
​@@poppychalupa9390Apex is a dumpster fire
@kidgotgame4516 9 ай бұрын
​@@poppychalupa9390Ong and bros talkin like the finals is a bad game. 😂
@3ssenti4L 9 ай бұрын
Apex is only overpriced skin fomo evets now.
@val26874 9 ай бұрын
I find the tracking dart works really well if your team is built more for picks than for area denial. The range is longer than anything else a medium has, you can't run away from it like a sonar grenade, and it turns short ranged lights into heat seeking missiles.
@Monkeyman-qt1sm 8 ай бұрын
I actually really like the dart, the tracking last long enough it’s worth pulling out to hit them with, and I can just call out to my team to beam the dude and everyone just pre fires before he peeks 😂
@TroublesomeKing 9 ай бұрын
One thing I like about this game is, every tier list is completely different and different content creator will say that different weapons are the best or meta. That shows how well they balanced this game off launch.
@wandalko1 8 ай бұрын
Nerf recon ans invi, and is perfect
@xislomega242 8 ай бұрын
"Off launch" is the key phrase. The game is still quite a long way from being balanced, but it was better than average on launch, I give you that.
@HighLandr_ 9 ай бұрын
For heavy the goo gun and flamethrower are a super good combo. you can goo people up and get them kinda stuck and then set the goo on fire with a pyro or flamethrower and it does so much damage
@RedPillin 9 ай бұрын
Noticed people doing that today
@primal9238 8 ай бұрын
I agree, great combo. But it loses some value if your team isn't playing as a team or know how to play their roles properly. Because of that I'm sticking with charge for now. It just gives me more versatility if my team isn't good. If I had a good team that understand the importance of using utility to stall for time... then I'd main goo gun.
@jackattackstopmotion3244 9 ай бұрын
Pyro nade goes through the ceiling so if you’re under someone or under the cash out and someone is stealing you can just throw it underneath them
@kdawg3287 9 ай бұрын
So so so happy for you to be able to expand into other games. Love ya Merchant and all you do content and more importantly your personality! Keep doing what makes you enjoy cause it bleeds into your content
@thursday8337 9 ай бұрын
A useful effect of the goo grenades is limiting line of sight, and therefore providing both increased survivability and a better understanding of the direction of attack of other players. It's definitely not meta due to how easy it is to break, but still has some interesting stuff going on! Recommend on Heavy class, for fun with hammers. Also it burns real pretty
@TheMabDarogan 9 ай бұрын
At first I liked the goo grenade but I find defending the room with the cashout box is actually easier by not staying in the room and having pyro grenades or toxin grenades to throw on point. Not to mention there's so many environmental barrels you can always find near the cashout so I stopped using it
@edgarego5813 9 ай бұрын
goo is killer, but is so easy to find the barrels that i only use those
@ShaoShaoMienshao 9 ай бұрын
Recon Senses are S tier in my opinion. All you need is a mic. Bonus points if you have a whole premade party, someone else can Heal gun. H-M-M meta team comp. Also fantastic in solo play when you have teammates who don't work together and you need to attack and defend as proactively as possible! You can see all enemy teams on the field, how close or how far away they are, how long it will take them to arrive, where each class is positioned, and what team they are on. You can add that information to what you can learn from glancing at the scoreboard to see who's alive, who's dead, and where the enemy survivor is to help get a team wipe. That's HUGE in Ranked, especially when you want to deduct points from the enemy score. You can also add the ping system to ping the direction of incoming targets, or give them Compass directions, so your team knows where to look and doesn't get pinched or out-flanked. Again, Recon Senses are utterly S-tier. It turns you into a Recon hero, which are useful no matter the meta. Its literally wallhacks, a cheat code in other games, LOL Also, the sound design in THE FINALS isn't as robust as it is in Apex Legends. Unlike Apex, where every character has unique footstep sound effects, the footsteps between each class in THE FINALS are identical except for their cadence, and the falling/sliding sounds are the same. Players can also sneak around by just walking or crouching.
@bearisyes 8 ай бұрын
I agree with what you said for recon senses, but it has much more benefit in solo mode. When nobody has your back, it’s valuable to know where opponents are to avoid them or to get the first few shots.
@Lyra_dragonal 9 ай бұрын
Recon is really good imo. It's a recon tool to know where everyone is. It has a really cool dynamic with invisible opponents where you can see them through walls but not in the open.
@_ed21 9 ай бұрын
Really loving your the finals videos! Keep it up merch! 👍
@gregoryngbanda1927 9 ай бұрын
Recon senses is a straight S or maybe a A, it allows tactical pushes and good coordination
@sylux_x 9 ай бұрын
exactly what i said
@haron521 9 ай бұрын
Easily could use nade for point attack
@lewis0705 9 ай бұрын
even A is generous. every ability is good, but recon senses (and goo launcher) are gonna be lower down because there are much better options to pick
@DomenG33K 8 ай бұрын
We played alot by now, and recon is S+ for my entire group...@@lewis0705
@tvs9677 9 ай бұрын
Hey… smoke is really good when your light. Use heat vision and smoke and you see everything when other people cant
@bigred1554 9 ай бұрын
Recon senses is goated when defending as you can see pretty much everyone on the map so you can relay info when teams are pushing so you can come up with a counter
@Monkeyman-qt1sm 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely changed how I play lol, went from bunkering down and praying to telling my team orange is pushing from the south and 2 of them are taking high ground😂
@spacenumber1149 9 ай бұрын
I'm Light main XP-54 or LH1Dash and Vanishing bomb and Glitch grenade will always be on my loadout it's so versatile
@hollowsongs3504 8 ай бұрын
Personally, I go Evasive dash + sword and its so fun. You can dash with the right click of the sword and get a lot of distance, plus the sword hitbox stays a longer and goes a lot farther than you think.
@tysonhuffman3028 9 ай бұрын
The goo grenade is honestly S tier once youre good with it, I almost have mine maxed level and the amount of games I've clutched or the amount of times I've used it to stay alive is unmatched
@nightcaller92 8 ай бұрын
I'll give that riot shield can be countered fairly easily, but it has strong utility with that shield. You can bodyblock for an ally while they steal cashout, or stall out an enemy shooting at you while your teammate flanks. Also in my experience, not everyone understands how to deal with a riot shield, and you can exploit the moments where they reload or swap to a utility to move closer and starting beating them with your baton. Certainly not a weapon for all occasions, but still reasonably effective
@RookyCarrot 9 ай бұрын
I think your sleeping on the mediums glitch mines a bit, simply because they arent meant to be used right on top of the point. but using them at entry points to a building? or in key chokepoints? its insane, it will literally stop entire pushes, because even if it just gets 1 person, the effect lasts such a long time that it might as well be a 2v3 since they have no utility they can throw at you, and no ability to make plays or back up their teams. Not to mention you can put it near enemy statues and if an unaware medium triggers it, they cant defib for a fast rez, and there is no way to cleanse the glitch effect either, and if your a medium and see a bunch of enemy utility on the point, you can use it as a makeshift glitch grenade by lobbing it near the utility and shooting it, the enemies cant shoot it or they risk disabling their own gear, and if you do put it on a cashout and they trigger it, its still good because it will destroy any heavy dome shields they put up for steals (which is a very common strat) and leave them wide open. I dont think its as good as the grenades, but if used in a smart way they can be insanely useful.
@KeanuChrist 8 ай бұрын
Embark really needs to fix the camera bug with the heavy's mesh shield.
@LordRazer3 9 ай бұрын
The way I see the CL-40 or any grenade launcher for that matter is the usefulness depends on how good you are with it. After of course you learn how to not blow yourself up with it. It has no damage drop off so you can use it an any range. Your not hitting anything in the air but heaven help your enemy if you have the high ground because then your just shooting fish in a barrel. The main reason I really like it personally is because to the fact my main focus is on healing my team TF2 style. This gun allows me to send quick bursts of damage down range between heals with minimal down time. That and you can almost feel the panic some player's show when they take a grenade to the face because they just never see people using this weapon. It's not S rank but it can be vary effective
@kdnewcastle3773 8 ай бұрын
Thermal shows invisible people too, also it goes through smoke and gas without having to spam and hit a shot first
@detective_spy 8 ай бұрын
I swear, in beta, smoke was so much better. Im unsure if they nerfed it, but im almost positive, like you can kinda see through it (either because you're in it or because of low graphics idk) and it has a very small radius. For something that takes that long to recharge, it should cover a decent distance.
@SaltyMaud 9 ай бұрын
Problem with medium gadgets is there's too many good ones. How do you fit defibs, jump pad, sonar and APS on three slots?
@fishtail2616 8 ай бұрын
don’t forget explosive and gas mines that both do huge damage and warn you when someone walks over them
@HotHeadFPS 9 ай бұрын
been following u for 2 years bro, glad to see the switch to the finals. been loving the game as of lately
@purplearmour 9 ай бұрын
I really like how you present things. I always learn so much by watching you. Did you know that fire can easily get rid of goo, it's seriously flammable so you can get rid of all the goo at a point with one pryo grenade if the goo is close enough to each other (they don't have to be touching). Have a good rest of your day.
@masonmanlulu5060 9 ай бұрын
one thing about the goo gun is it disables any turret in one shot. can’t tell you how many times it’s won games for me
@VinatsuYT 9 ай бұрын
A cool thing to note witj the gas mine is that you can just play a floor lower than the cashout and if they ignore you and just cash out. You can just manually shoot your own gas mines and pretty much kills any light/medium instantly cause itr goes through the floor same logic with the explosive and glitch mine too
@SaphiraG3 9 ай бұрын
I think thermal vision currently might work well. My reason is because there’s so many invisible people going around and with thermal you’ll be able to see them easily that then will allow a surprise attack on them than you. Just a thought.
@doggo5755 9 ай бұрын
Could also combo it with gas and smoke
@Hunter-lm6to 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. Everyone complains about the cloaking lights have, and then they refuse to use the gadgets specifically made to counter that ability.
@hibana7298 9 ай бұрын
Another thing for the pyro nade is that it can burn down goo. So if someone barricades a entrance with goo instead of shooting it and destroying chunks you can just pyro it with 1 nade.
@Alex-sn4wx 9 ай бұрын
Thermal vision is a really good reserve item in case there are a lot of cloaks in your lobby
@Yagu83 9 ай бұрын
also lets you still use aim assist on controller
@theleadwitch5845 9 ай бұрын
I'm happy to see that other light builds are feeling the grind out here. Great video
@griftgfx 9 ай бұрын
I feel like people are underrating the magnum. It's not S, but if you can aim it is a monster.
@Jestersage 9 ай бұрын
As some apex player pointed out: it's wingman
@EliiKlee 9 ай бұрын
Idk for me flamethrower was just a way easier option than the shotgun doing more kills most of the time with it as well... I think its also great that its not only single target
@manyblock4192 8 ай бұрын
Flamethrower super bad if enemy use energy shield, Healing beam, and alot Heavy user Shotgun definitely better for heavy user if u play close range If lobby full of Light, it's great weapon to punish those Invisible cockroache
@EliiKlee 8 ай бұрын
@@manyblock4192 i mean for me the other weapons are kind of inconsistent but yea i hate that healing beam basically completly cancels out the flamethrower but another thing i liked since i wrote that comment is just completly cancelling out gas which is good because at least in my lobbies everyone uses gas mines
@secretmink8389 9 ай бұрын
Pro tip for countering cloak, the thermal vision on light and recom sense on medium spot cloaked players, as well as any of the sonar abilities. And since they are all sitting still, its easy frags
@tristanhernandez115 5 ай бұрын
Thermal is extremely good. I used it and went better off in most of my matches and is the only gadget which I feel is neccesary for me to see people's positions for a prolonged period of time (more so than its cooldown) so I can get a team wipe. No other new gadget I've tried have had the team wipe potential as Thermal. Not to mention, from personal experience playing BO:Cold War with a thermal scoped gun, aiming is so much better with Thermal than shooting with all these diff colors that may distract you. All you have are white lights supposedly and they focus your attention strictly on these spots. Also, you can see people from far ranges with Thermal so that you can see where your opponents will be coming from from said far distances. Just a couple things, but Thermal is not B-tier by any means. Use it with Light and with Stun Gun and you'll see what I mean.
@jaysondenison8958 9 ай бұрын
I love the camo for running in, getting a kill and disappearing to reposition to do it again. I run all the grenades cuz I have not unlocked the glitch and stun gun. But once I do it’s gonna be ggs. Already at like 16-10 first night using light class.
@EmergencyChannel 9 ай бұрын
Sonar grenades on Medium is a good counter against Lights using cloak, I run gas mine, sonar and defib.
@blackpope8834 9 ай бұрын
Hell yeah, keep up the great work. The Finals has a bright future.
@matthewlobel2421 9 ай бұрын
My heavy build heavily uses the barricades! They have a short cooldown and are good for bottlenecking enemies
@sunfire65ph 9 ай бұрын
I don't think cloak should be nerfed heavily, just the full invisiblity when standing still. Class abilities are all strong
@AtomicSniper22 9 ай бұрын
Sledgehammer is so strong, gets me through any building and one taps lights on their forehead
@Masoch1st 9 ай бұрын
You can throw Pyro nades on the ceilings and burn the feet of enemies above
@msked-ktfgamiing1153 8 ай бұрын
A silly trick with the guardian turret is that you can stack them on barrels and run around the map with 1-3 turrets in your hands. Easily to counter but still silly
@purona2500 9 ай бұрын
you can use fortifications to block doors and little vent paths. And while yes you can destroy it. it wastes equipment that could have been used on you instead. Also yes while people can climb over it. thats an animation that they are stuck in that you can shoot them in.\ I wish you could stack them on top of one another. so if someone blows up a wall you can bring it back up.
@蒼犬-f2y 9 ай бұрын
Thermal vision makes cloakers f up so bad because they dont know u can see them, but u can see them, and they will just die from despair, since most cloakers I see play swords, daggers or shotguns, so they would have some problem since u "get them" before they "get to u", but well if they play throwing knives then its another problem but its hard to hit with them
@DonaldPrizwan 9 ай бұрын
dude didint even talk about the best way to use evasive dash and the reason it is SO much better than cloak. thank you, even if you did it inadvertently.
@raionik1202 9 ай бұрын
keep the videos on the final up they are really helpful
@ShoNtyMeHRa 8 ай бұрын
Recon senses is S tier because when opponent is low on heath he try toh hide but you can easily find and hunt secondry you can make traps because you know from where enemies are coming last and best is you can go for cash out without any doubt while u can sense anybody is near you or coming to u
@meru8348 9 ай бұрын
As much as I want Light Double barrel + Cloak to be nerfed its sadly the only thing I've seen that counters the 2 Medium double defib + heal beam spam teams and even then invis cloak actually has a lot of counter play, it makes a ton of noise, any type of sonar pretty much makes you a sitting duck, thermal vision and even glitch grenades or any tick damage turns it off and in my opinion without double barrel + cloak Light would more in likely fall off completely.
@jaredmarkulec433 9 ай бұрын
Put the barricades in doorways and on stair angles to they can get up easy
@FreshyBerry 9 ай бұрын
You guys got any tips to level up faster? I have a few hours on the game but am relatively low leveled. Thanks!
@minihuey1996 9 ай бұрын
I can see the tracking dart being good for your team if they're pushing and you need to mark an enemy for them
@yarincool1237 9 ай бұрын
dome shield has been nerfed since last beta btw, its much smaller now but still good.
@b4rry796 9 ай бұрын
the recon senses could be a really good light class ability , it could be a good combo with the sniper
@Monkeyman-qt1sm 8 ай бұрын
I’m thinking tracking dart with a sniper buddy
@jashandeepsinghchahal8918 9 ай бұрын
which build do you think is op right now? I like light but i die so quick
@poptart4098 9 ай бұрын
Hear me out, recon senses is a or S tier, you can see teams across the map so you gain so much valuable information on where teams are and taking the cash out
@Jibbzz 9 ай бұрын
Good stuff, though it really puts into perspective just HOW strong heavy's kit and abilities are, esp when combined with 350hp
@Ming-Cupcake 9 ай бұрын
You said, cloaking device needs a Nerf but me personally, I feel like it’s really the only way that the light class can survive against the others. Personally, I think they should Nerf the shotgun instead.
@acatnamedcolt509 9 ай бұрын
Thermal sight is great to use against invis esp if tthereare a couple of good lights on the enemy teams, I keep it in reserve just incase
@derG_Official_ 9 ай бұрын
Can you maybe do a settings guide?
@edmundfung 9 ай бұрын
One suggestion... maybe spread the tiers out a little further? e.g. put tracking dart in F tier, not B. Feels like too many things are compressed into S & A tier.
@alexn8795 9 ай бұрын
My problem with light is it lacks any real team utility. I know if someone is good at light and makes a conscience decision to be a team player they can be useful but most people I queue up with that are playing light add nothing too the team but kills which don't even really matter. 8/10 times if there is a light on my team we lose. I wish light had more team support items. Like I think reviving would make more sense as a light skill than a medium. I honestly don't think anything needs a buff or nerf but everything could be fixed with just a better distribution of support items.
@draketurtle4169 9 ай бұрын
I’d love to see how the actual tier lost as he rates them would look like XD. You’d have most things around B-S then the glitch trap is just 5 rows above in S+++++
@Stodds13 9 ай бұрын
While I’m having a lot of fun playing The Finals…it’s sad not seeing Merchant on Apex! One of my favorite content creators for Apex! Apex really needs to fix this garbage hidden MMR in ranked. It has destroyed ranked! I’m still playing a lot of Apex, but I’ve been on a lot of The Finals as well. Gonna be tough for me to split my time! Especially because I play a lot of Destiny 2 as well! lol For heavy I love the mesh shield! Thing is so good for the team. I stay protecting teammates while they steal the cash with the Mesh Shield. For Medium I love getting behind a heavy and healing the crap out of them! And I love the AR’s on the medium! I just unlocked Cloak on my Light and haven’t played light yet with it but definitely excited to use the cloak. For the Guardian Turret, I’ve just been throwing goo grenades on them! lol I don’t see a reason to unlock the senses one on medium when you have sonar grenades.
@WesleysPassingThought 9 ай бұрын
I really like the light and heavy builds but I also don’t want to be short or fat
@EPadraigM 9 ай бұрын
13:08 okay, but with recon senses, you can see a blurry red of where enemies are FROM ANYWHERE ON THE MAP The number of times I have been able to prepare for pushes from the enemy teams or see if and where there are people going to a specific vault is amazing. Most slept on ability, in my opinion, it's just not as insanely viable as healing or turrets.
@nightshade3115 9 ай бұрын
i thoguht it had a maximum range, does it not just fade away after a certain range
@EPadraigM 9 ай бұрын
@nightshade3115 It does fade, but if you look closely enough, you can still see a faint blur of red from pretty much anywhere. Although it is very hard to see past about... ... I wanna say two-thirds of Seoul?
@nightshade3115 9 ай бұрын
@@EPadraigM you you can still get a general view of where they are, interesting, i'll sugest it to my light friend main, see what he thinks
@eeveeeevee610 9 ай бұрын
I got to Diamond in the open beta with Sword only !
@zeers1111 9 ай бұрын
Played before the closed beta? Before CB1?
@uselessvad2444 9 ай бұрын
There is a use for every item, nice
@Shaddowxxi 9 ай бұрын
I feel like the healing beam and the defib lose value in pub teams. Its a rare day my team stays together enough for them to be useful. Often I instarez someone and they aren't ready for it so they just stand there and die again. I was wondering if the medium grenade launcher can destroy structures? I've noticed medium is the only class that doesn't have a way to break through a wall unless its something I'm missing.
@manyblock4192 8 ай бұрын
Only Wooden building, if it build by concrete, u can't And that Grenade launcher not that great because APS turret existence
@ravivandersalm4586 9 ай бұрын
dome shield takes like 5 bullets to take down. Or I just monke mode charge them. Or HAMMER
@stacyfoo1368 9 ай бұрын
charge and smash is S+ tier cus it can push ppl off maps and push people off objectives + it instant kill lights
@bbjj1000 9 ай бұрын
Bruh the goo gun is a top tier for defense. You can block literally every entrance into the objective
@manyblock4192 8 ай бұрын
Fire wipe out goo gun, easily countered What I like about Goo gun is u can cancel enemy Cash Steal by shooting them But I prefer shield skill because cash steal/defense definitely need that skill and if u play With friend/squad, it's super broken
@shane4954 9 ай бұрын
Dome shield definitely going to get a nerf. Being able to shoot through it, in or out if it’s yours is way to OP
@Solereaper21 9 ай бұрын
The only use I can see for thermal vision is smoking yourself and looking through it with thermal. Not great but it's something I guess.
@gustavsjolund9951 8 ай бұрын
I think flashbang is doodoo-tier, the effect is really short and it feels like it needs to explode in their face to actually blind them.
@lord_queso 9 ай бұрын
E. Dash + Sword's power lunge maneuver is extremely deadly. - takes 2 to take out a Heavy - closes gaps quickly - can change directory of slashing assault - allows for a quick flourish to finish off Mediums and Lights - sometimes two'fers if a player is healing another
@quinbydahl9907 8 ай бұрын
Vanishing bomb can also make your teammates invisible
@Yung_Gep5 8 ай бұрын
Dome shield is insane.
@excuseme.8537 9 ай бұрын
Also the thermal counters cloaks right? So why would it be useless on light class? Or does it not work the same as medium?
@thehomie6380 9 ай бұрын
Thermal can be used to counter invis players
@aaronlawrence4218 8 ай бұрын
Just downloaded this game yesterday and holy sht i love it played for about 10hrs ony first run 😮 cant believe its a free game 🤯
@felipebarros323 9 ай бұрын
I think you could have added (for visual effects/learners) a tier chart with every item. Yes this makes it for people just to see the end not not the whole half an hour, but it also helps for one to remember quicker too. Would feel less like you just mind-dumping and more professional/thoughtful video. As people do this with mouse's or similar idea just in a different game
@linovie 9 ай бұрын
Thermal can see cloaked lights running around, but i should have kept that a secret
@datguy2nv 7 ай бұрын
For charge and slam, you can first charge and then jump while you are charging and it will automatically slam down. Its fun but not that useful.
@TriFekt 9 ай бұрын
Brother I hate the AKM. It's recoil pattern annoys me to no end. That initial deviation to the right has costed me so many kills.
@TheOfficialMMPRG 9 ай бұрын
Can you set the shield as a press and hold in the controls? Or is it toggle on/off only?
@affablest5154 9 ай бұрын
everyone sleepin on barricade. It can block so many things. And, yes, the environment is destructable, but only Heavies can do that willy nilly. every other class is costing them a resource, and in a game with such a low ttk i've already mushed them with my hammer and unlike dome shield it doesn't have a timer, or piddling health
@jax5683 9 ай бұрын
They can't nerf invisibility. They've already nerfed lights into the ground with the release patch, and the degenerate shotgun/invis strat is all that lights have left.
@AizaakThurston 9 ай бұрын
I wonder if people changed thier graphic settings cuz I see people trying to go invis and standing still and I can see them and i'm just like uhh ok dunno what you're doing, free kill. They just look like cloaking in starcraft or something. Def harder to see if they're running around and I didn't know where they were but still far from actually invisible.
@Masoch1st 9 ай бұрын
Reconis useful for protecting cashouts. It's helpful to know what teams are pushing from where, and how many. But without comms it isn't nearly as good. And the pings are atrocious
@nicolaos355 9 ай бұрын
Thermal is ultimate anti cloak counter.
@FuhqEwe 9 ай бұрын
This guy must be from the same place as FrankieOnPc. That accent is near identical.
@Enderov 9 ай бұрын
Every light class after getting cloak and dagger: "I am ze spy"
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