The Fiqh of Umrah (English Subtitles) - Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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Yasir Qadhi

Yasir Qadhi

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Umrah is one of the most important and blessed acts that Muslims can do. It is known to be the ‘minor Hajj’. Therefore when we are going for Umrah, we should do with a Niyyah(Intention), that we are undertaking one of the greatest actions of worships a Muslim can do, because we are venerating the House that Allah has called His own, also found on the most blessed place in the entire world.
Therefore Allah(SWT) says: “Whoever intends to do any type of evil in this land, Allah will give him the most severe punishment.”
Our scholars say if Allah says wanting to do evil in Makkah will get you a sin, then wanting to do good will also get you much more reward.
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@notshift844 2 жыл бұрын
• umrah is not something small, it is something major, the next closest to hajj • the niyyah to do good itself will be rewarded • all sins except major sins will be cleansed between one umrah to the next (a motivation to do it often) • raising the voice for talbiyah, everything will intercede for us on day of judgement, all on right and left will say talbiyah as well • touching the 2 rukn (corners) - hajar al-aswad and rukn yamani causes our sins to be forgiven - doesnt have to be the tawaf during umrah • never does a foot rise or fall on the way to umrah/haj except that Allah will raise you a level or erase a sin • tawaaf is like solaat = to have khushu’ during the ibadah • the tawaaf, sa’i and jamarat is establishing/upholding continuous zikr of Allah on Earth = something that happens never stops, except during solat - multazam: between the hajar and the bab/door, a place that whatever we ask, Allah will give and a place where we know Rasulullah always made doa (not necessarily during umrah) • zamzam • (notes in progress) Q&A 34:08 are there any recommended doas for tawaaf and sa’i? 35:39 what is considered as trimming? 36:40 on showering and changing garments upon reaching Mecca 37:08 is it permissible to wear a mask in ihram / is kaffarah needed? 39:10 if we finish tawaf during the time where it is makruh to solat, should we still pray the sunnah prayers? 40:20 can we drink zamzam at any time? or special timings 41:03 should we shave after a second umrah? 41:30 after umrah finishes, what are the recommended acts of worship in Mecca? 46:45 is the doa during sai supposed to be said at top of safah and marwah all 7 times? 47:52 do wbrothers have to shave the moustache/beard as well? 48:10 for sisters, what is permissible to do while in menses be or if you have it while in mecca/madinah? 51:30 on hijama (cupping) 54:30 are we allowed to drink caffeine in umrah?
@goloobayusuf1582 Жыл бұрын
I have earnt a lot as I head to my first umrah next week inshaAllah.
@marwaaljabrty Жыл бұрын
Jazakum Allahu Khairan Sheikh Yasir
@UbaydatuAllah 2 жыл бұрын
May Allah bless you ya sheikh may Allah bless my children to be like you and be with the righteous the ones Allah loves ameen
@usmanahmed4447 2 ай бұрын
Summa aameen
@SiratAlMustaqeem 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent... Helpful .. Alhamdulillah
@abubakr8232 8 ай бұрын
Lecture Notes: Part 2/2 (Look for part 1 in comments) Sunnah Acts To Do in Masjid Al Haram: Pray inside Hijr Ismail: The Hateem i.e Hijr Ismail is part of the Ka’aba area itself. The original Ka’aba built by Ibrahim AS included that area. But due to historical reasons, the Ka’ba was built not to include that area. If you pray there then, you are literally praying inside the Ka’aba itself. Do a Dua at the Multazam: The Multazam refers to the area between the Door of the Ka’aba and the Hajar Al Aswad. There is a weak Hadith that mentions whoever stands at the Multazam and does Dua, then Allah SWT will accept it. Even though the Hadith is weak, we know the Prophet SAW would stand in the Multazam and do Dua. Therefore, its encouraged to do this anytime you’re in Masjid Al Haram. When you do it, put your chest on it and beseech Allah SWT i.e make Dua. If you cannot due to the crowd, then simply stand in the area of the Multazam and make Dua. Either way you will have done the Sunnah. Summary/TLDR for Umrah: 1. Get into Ihram (Wear the clothes and make Niyyah) 2. Do the Talbiyah to Masjid Al Haram 3. Do Idtiba 4. Say Bismillahi Allahu Akbar whilst kissing/touching or motioning to Hajar Al Aswad. 5. Do Ramal 6. Do 7 Tawaf 7. Pray 2 Rakaah Sunnah behind Maqami Ibrahim 8. Do Dua and Drink Zamzam. 9. Do 7 Sa’ee (remember no Idtiba) 10. Do Halaq (Shave/cut hair) Fun Trivia fact: Ihsaar is when you are stopped from doing Umrah. The Maliki’s and Shafi’s say that, Ihsaar only applies when an enemy stops you from doing Umrah. Whereas the Hanafi’s and some Hanbalis say it can be any obstacle, like falling sick. In the case of Ihsaar you pay a sacrifice and then can leave Ihram without needing to complete Umrah. Fun Trivia fact: Some scholars say that you can put a clause in your Niyyah for Umrah that “if something happens to stop me from performing umrah, then I become free of Ihram” and in doing so no sacrifice needs to be given. Fun Trivia fact: Dhul Hulayfah is the furthest Miqat from Makkah. Fun Trivia fact: Dhul Hulayfah is a blessed valley according to the Prophet SAW. Fun Trivia fact: Praying 2 Rakaah at Dhul Hulayfah is Sunnah. Fun Trivia fact: If you do not wear the two white garments when entering Ihram. Then you simply pay Kaffarah which can be any of the following 3 options. 1. Give a sacrifice 2. Fast 3 days 3. Feed 6 poor people. Fun Trivia fact: Talking during Tawaf unnecessarily is not a good thing to do. Fun Trivia fact: Dua is more likely to be accepted if you drink Zamzam before it. Fun Trivia fact: Prior to the 1970s Muslims would have to physically leave the Masjid Al Haram to go and perform Sa’ee. This has now changed due to the various expansions that have occurred to incorporate the Sa’ee area into the Masjid itself. Fun Trivia fact: Shafi and Hanafi’s allow you to do as many Umrahs you like. Simply go to Masjid Aisha and enter Ihram again. Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal RH said Umrah should not be done again until the hair grows back. This is therefore the Hanbali position. Imam Malik RH stated, don’t do more than one Umrah per year as it cheapens it. Ibn Taymiyyah RH stated its Makruh to do more than 1 Umrah per trip. Fun Trivia fact: Sa’ee is only done during Umrah or Hajj. It cannot be done during any other time. Fun Trivia fact: Tawaf can be done outside of Umrah or Hajj and it is an act of worship. Optional Tawaf is like Salah and one should maintain the Ikhlaas of Salah when doing it. Fun Trivia fact: A woman who is on her periods can do all of the acts of Umrah apart from Tawaf. Fun Trivia fact: If you have done Umrah before then you can do Umrah Badal i.e Umrah on behalf of someone who is dead. Fun Trivia fact: You can do Tawaf on behalf of someone else. Fun Trivia fact: Having even the Niyyah to do a sin in Makkah will cause you to have sins. The opposite is the same too, having even a Niyyah to do a good deed will give you it. Fun Trivia fact: Any object that hears your Talbiyah also begins doing it. But, you cannot hear it. Fun Trivia fact: Touching the Hajar Al Aswad and Rukun Al Yamani causes your sins to fall away. Fun Trivia fact: During optional Tawafs you can touch/kiss the Hajar Al Aswad too. Fun Trivia fact: When you kiss the Hajar Al Aswad, make sure you look at what you kiss. This is because in the past the Hajar Al Aswad was broken into piece’s and to reforge it, the stone was embedded into silver. So now only a few pieces of the Hajar Al Aswad can be kissed/touched. The rest of what you see is just silver. Fun Trivia fact: Children can do Umrah/Hajj. But the parents will get the reward. Fun Trivia fact: If you finish Tawaf during the prohibited times then you can pray the 2 Rakaah Sunnah behind Maqam Ibrahim without any problems. There is Ikhtilaf on this topic. But, Hanbali Fiqh allows it. Fun Trivia fact: There is a fabricated Hadith that mentions looking at the Ka’aba is Ibadah. But, this is fabricated and has no basis. Looking at the Ka’aba should make your Eman go up though. Fun Trivia fact: Some of the Sahabah RA when they first saw the Ka’aba, would stop and make long Dua. There is nothing from Qur’an and Sunnah on this. Although it is permissible. Fun Trivia fact: When praying in Masjid Al Haram, look at the ground when praying Salah and not at the Ka’aba. Although it is not Haram or Makruh to look at the Ka’aba if your Eman is weak or if it helps you with Khushoo. Fun Trivia fact: It is Sunnah to make Wudhu with Zamzam. Fun Trivia fact: There is nothing in the Sunnah about a Farewell Tawaf. Some scholars have allowed it. Out of etiquette do a Tawaf before you leave Makkah after Umrah. Fun Trivia fact: Umrah can be done at any time of the day or night. Fun Trivia fact: In the past the Rawdah would close at 10pm but now it is open 247. Fun Trivia fact: Women cannot visit Jannatul Mualla or Jannat Al Baqi. Fun Trivia fact: Praying 1 Rakaah in Masjid Nabawi is equal to 1000 Rakaah elsewhere. In Masjid Al Haram praying 1 Salaah is equal to 100,000 Salaah elsewhere. Fun Trivia fact: The Sahabi Thumamah Ibn Uthal RA was the first Muslim to perform Umrah post revelation of Qur’an. Fun Trivia fact: Some classical Fiqh school scholars such as Imam Al Shafi RH and Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbali RH believed Umrah is Fardh. Fun Trivia fact: The Ka’aba has 4 corners they are, the Hajar Al Aswad, Rukun Al Yamani, Rukun Al Iraqi and Rukun Al Shami. The latter two do not have any role in the Umrah. THE END.
@Baba-so6fh Ай бұрын
But he did not say that we need to say BOTH "bismillah" AND "AllahuAkbar" each time we are parallel to the Hajr Aswad. He says at the START we say bismillah, THEN we say "Allahu Akbar", but then he mentions only "Allahu Akbar" on subsequent occasions of being parallel to the Hajr Aswad. In other words, like this: 1st: Bismillah, Allahu Akbar 2nd: Allahu Akbar 3rd: Allahu Akbar 4th: Allahu Akbar 5th: Allahu Akbar 6th: Allahu Akbar 7th: Allahu Akbar 8th: You don't say it. You are done.
@waridahobizuyo3060 4 жыл бұрын
@m_saqibali 6 жыл бұрын
Alhamdullilah just in time! :)
@taibachowdhury4506 8 ай бұрын
@lailamoozeer761 Жыл бұрын
Assalamoualaikum wah Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu One question sheik I have noticed many people do 2 Rakaat of Nafil after finishing Safa and Marwa Last January after Pandemic Allahamdulla I was there many ladies we’re doing 2 Nafeel Salat And the sisters In charge of the ladies were stopped them Shouting BIDA United Kingdom
@lailamoozeer761 Жыл бұрын
Assalamoualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu In 1991 After Golf War I went for my first hajj I was shocked and surprised to see so many women and handicapped children begging from the airport till Makka and Around the Haram And also notice some women were crawling with babies on their back begging And I used to ask myself blaming how can men do these to these women when they are physically handicapped United Kingdom
@nulshe4517 4 жыл бұрын
i want to umrah and hajj how much pay amount im here in makka i want to join sheikh pls
@Jerusa_burigo_coelho 6 жыл бұрын
Sou brasileira, entendo pouquíssimo english, e a legenda é muito rápida, bom seria que houvesse legenda em português 😭
@omarmakumbi-n9c 2 ай бұрын
@BKAYS 9 ай бұрын
@carmast3r Жыл бұрын
What's he fiqh on wearing open toed sandles during umrah and hajj
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