Рет қаралды 42,022
Hey guys! Have you ever wanted to watch someone sit down and do various Geometry Dash adjacent activities instead of doing literally anything else on their own 21st birthday? Well, first of all that's oddly specific but you came to the right video! (And I hope you didn't notice I copied my description from last years video either :NAILSING:)
I asked my wonderful Twitch mods and subscribers to give me fun and interesting tasks to put on a wheel and spin randomly, and they sure did deliver! This is pretty much the same thing as my last birthday video, but on a wheel this time with no real goal so I could quit at any time, which was a good idea because last year it went on for HOURS. There was a decent bit cut out of the video so be sure to check out the VOD if you are interested in seeing everything that happened!
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Full VOD: • birthday stream / the ...
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My Texture Pack ❭❱ drive.google.c...
Discord Server ❭❱ / discord
Menu Music ❭❱ • Phosphor - OneShot OST
Twitch ❭❱ / zeronium_
My best achievements:
1. Deimos - • [NEW HARDEST] Deimos 1...
2. Edge of Destiny - • Edge of Destiny 100% (...
3. Oblivion - • Oblivion 100% (Extreme...
5. The Golden - • The Golden 100% (Extre...
Top 50 + Full Extreme Demon List:
#GeometryDash #GD
Thanks to my KZbin members!!
Aquwus, availax, Caotic [GD], DisturbedO, Hallow, Helius, IcyWindy, Lchlan, Littze, my cool chanel, Picklehead4
Thanks to my Twitch subscribers!!
739290, 0willb, 0zrey__, 5punix, aabdomi, acgmp1, aerayt, aevkori, afryx__, afunnyjoke, agent_seriosity, airamkapo, ajtheperson1021, alieriah, alivewizard, altixx_, amb1ense_, ant1023gd, arnargd, ashyams_, asmallsock, asterisk_21, at424_, atorn1, audun_best, badmuchachoe, baljeetgd, barelius, bermasgd, billyiscul, bipedalcat7, blazingstardew, bluvinex, bobbyp02, bptoee, broski1gd, bulbazorio, bunkyrunky_, burgerr2042, cablestreams, chairgaming36, chaos_25, chloechu_, choppydoppy, chromegd0, chronic__c, chxmontop, ckninja679, cnnrs_, combine05, coocato_, corrupted_gd, cynth1an, dame_dames, dammerungcarter, damoonx_, danny082007, dasemuu, de_the_dumb_person_jan, deepstrider1, dhyll_, diyoswr, dnarixgd, dorilo78a, dycibel, dynamic729, eatsh7tanddie, ebun2548, efex35_, eggyburstmagic, eksdee_tg, electroolz, filqh, forwxrds, freddy1o1_, fridjon, frosty_pines, fsinthechat57, fubaxa, gamer_lachlan, gdcrisis, gdjv309, gdskyguy, geiser1470, gl7d3, gnatonamat, hat_cbw, holycannol, hueshutup, iamcroatia, iamnotaim, icebeeeaaar, icywindy_, iemonthecitrus, iicejotaro, iichmagbaeume, imcalledmel, incognit0tv, influxgd, inheritorjohn, insertname4577, invduu, iplayonafreezer, isthata4x4, isvind777, jacksynrmyeller, jbreak1k, jettjames, jianium, jodycondor, kamalite1, kamuiman89, karma8__, kastrom27, ketchuppacketgd, kiatilav_, kingcavern, klorfl, koiosc, kyubrey, l0ad1ng45, ladgmd_, lagysx, lainowey, lapizlaculi, lennie_nelson, lexika_512, lieb__, lightage101, llando_4, llystic, loaadingreal, lucaskilli, macaroniandgameslive, madmd99, magentab, masasawgd, masternick101, maverixspl, maybepossiblythings, mayogaming_, maztik_, mcdogesterr, melonademc, meloneater1_, midori_gd, miscgd, mobilebotonpc, moistyjc, moonpapa_, mozeus44, mustangdfw, naththananan, ncprismnoah_, nebunyx, nexeggy, nightbot, not__skyyy, notesxdd, notflasky, notkinghelix, notlavender_, ocinnamon, officialdreyt, ohgodohgodohno, oipty, onionpasta, opcube_, orbaist, overthiefayen, partimepaladin, pedrohero12, phasm_e, piesy, piguyn, pinkgmd, plushgoeslive, postal_gd, presquott, probablynotalternate, puhniniuk, qralph, randum_human__, rangapookie, realkwte, realyerevan, refrosted_, reneryx, rg18live, rinjello, ropo_088, rubydestoryer, runibnuuy, s1lentclubstep, samort007, sandwichgodsg, sargonts, scarletts_pet, seavista, senseisnesei, sgrit, shiybu, silverraptor98, simonpl4yz, skinnypeed, skkyye, skyvvvvvvv, slidingace_, sliipp_, slygreenyt, smellyazx, softmuffin76, solarflarebylinear2, somniumgd, sparrowzl, spiralsk, squiddyjh, strayww, supergamer32__, svensksvensk_2, tacoterrorizer1, talci_, tastybrgr, tedsmel, thatnexuzguy, the_lownote, thelavalump, theogreenbear, therealmannyheffley, therubybanana, thessyll, thexander1111, tonofsoup, tortoiise, trc4379, trify_user69, trollin3915, tropicalfire0, trsouless, tuxu, twisty____________, ty3544, ubertallcats, universalentropyy, v3x_0_, volatyle_, watermemon, xiaolai_045, yaxisq, yetusdeletus2516, yoshikid6464, ywegd, z909nl, zcheesesandwich, zebbgd, zeeta_ii, zekiebodeekie, zeus_gd, zkuroi_, zsphericle, zyrogama, zzinethar