Thank you, Fr. How do we "transition" from being FULL OF MERCY, for example, to raise an Abandoned Baby in our (over-crowded & under-served) home; YET, have NO MERCY, for example, to welcome a Homeless Individual into our "spare room" to Live?? When we "ration" our mercy, we are being merciful according to our liking & comfort level; and even per our convenience to give with little sacrifice; and YET, we offer none of the same mercy per our fear, judgement, or resentment, of "Another" IN NEED. HOW can we say we are merciful if we "choose" who/how/why/when/where to BE MERCIFUL? It is exactly for THIS REASON that I feel so UNjust in my "CHARITY". "Chosen Mercy" is purely SELFISH, not SelfLESS. And as Our Father commands, our mercy must be UNconditional!! Ergo, unless we are like Saint Mother Theresa, "WHO ELSE" Can Do THIS?? HELP!! O Mama Mary, Most Charitable & Merciful Mother Of God, PRAY FOR US!!! Thank you.
@lakshanudara7806 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father. This challenged me.
@Retrogamer71 Жыл бұрын
"love thy enemies" That's a challenge. I've been in a Tribunal for three years. And all I have heard is Slander from the employer.
@deluge848 Жыл бұрын
Be like Jesus...Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
@yucatansuckaman5726 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes the ones who seem the most opposed to the Message are the ones who accept the most when they realize the gravity of the whole situation. You never know! 😀
@YahuahsRefiner Жыл бұрын
You may speak, "Lord, have mercy" silently when they are in your vicinity. Pray for their salvation and unite your pain to Jesus on His Cross. Amen
@sleepystar1638 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people have hardened hearts, Jesus didn’t answer Pilate when he asked him what truth was, because he couldn’t accept the answer. You are allowed to pray for temporal punishment
@YahuahsRefiner Жыл бұрын
@@sleepystar1638 What are you basing this on, "praying for temporal punishment"? What is your source, please?
@sedliberanosamaloamen Жыл бұрын
Russia is not the evil being painted. They are also the victims as are the Ukrainians.
@Brendanmcintyre Жыл бұрын
What is the proper balance between loving your enemy and allowing someone to take advantage of your willingness to forgive? Is it all based on what’s on your heart?
@vivacristorey4363 Жыл бұрын
You might like the treatise On Spiritual Friendship by St Aelred. He goes over how to prudently test people rather than being to quick to trust them as friends. There are people who are incapable of friendship due to a lack of virtue. Or to put it in another way, those who manipulate can't be trusted until they repent. He rightly suggests that everyone should be treated with charity, but only those who have proven themselves worthy of friendship should obtain that affection from us. As for forgiveness, it is ultimately an act of the will. What it means is that you don't wish something bad on them for what they have done to you. By praying for their souls, you are doing an act of charity, and by asking God to forgive them you are showing that you want their lives to be well and/or to end well. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." Forgiveness does not mean that you must trust a thief to watch over your funds. You can if you wish to take that risk, but it is unnecessary and in most cases imprudent. If you decide to do a charitable act for a manipulative soul, just make sure that you do it for love of God so that you are not attached to some result. But if doing something good for them would put you in danger, then stick to only doing spiritual goods - such as praying for them, or entrusting them to the prayers of a faithful religious order. I hope that helps in some way. God bless.
@zombiekiller13able Жыл бұрын
Just as we are not told to forget when people have a pattern of doing evil, we do not have to allow people to walk all over us. Jesus forgave His enemies for their ignorance and prideful attacks on Him, but He also rebuked them.
@YahuahsRefiner Жыл бұрын
Peter asks, How many times do I forgive in a day. Jesus answered, if He repents seven times, you forgive him seven times. Yes, even 77 times. The Lord is doing a work in you. Do not give up, There is no council against the Most High God. Psalm 1 and 2. The vengeance is His, build virtue in the meantime. Learn to willingly suffer for His sake, for then they will know you are the son of the Most High God. For consolation, you may ask of it from Him and Mary. You may also turn to the pages where Paul talks about His betrayal and sufferings, for the sake of Christ. Lay your life down for Him, you are Here to love others and save their souls, and yours. All you have, is not yours, it is His. Therefore, be a good steward of His riches, and in the age to come, you will be trusted to be given something of your own, to keep! Forever!! 🥰😍🫂👑❤️🔥🩸✝️🛐 Do not weary in doing Good, blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are those who mourn and weep in the same Sorrow He has, for you will be comforted and be given unfathomable joy and happiness soon enough. Speak with seasoned salt, knowing that whom you speak to is Christ and whom you serve, is Christ.
@choppyaussemsadventuressta3363 Жыл бұрын
@concernedcitizen780 Жыл бұрын
One of the rules of heaven is that everyone in heaven has forgiven everyone and everyone in heaven is forgiven.
@AlegraChetti444 Жыл бұрын
so beautful!
@AllDefiAreRugs Жыл бұрын
The Pharisees did know what they were doing, so giving excuse to their actions is uncharitable. Actions, not words,, have consequences. Hypocrites have Satan as their father, if you believe what Jesus told them is true.
@ramonam9251 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine went barking at Russia's door.
@bowlsantander9730 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine: the most corrupt country in the world... Russia: the nation for which Mary told us to pray for it's conversion... currently both are enemies of Christ. Have to forgive and pray for both. Until those conversions happen, keep praying and keep your powder dry in the event we are forced to defend ourselves. That's what good Christians did during the Crusades.
@Car1Sagan Жыл бұрын
Ukraine is the enemy @ramonam9251 Russia is for Christ. This priest is ignorant
@tar0286 Жыл бұрын
Is this novus Ordo? Isn’t there no sign of peace in the old rite
@SensusFidelium Жыл бұрын
It’s not but if it was it wouldn’t negate anything. Actually there is a sign of peace in the old rite. It’s not what you are thinking of, which has gotten out of control in the new rites
@tar0286 Жыл бұрын
@@SensusFidelium no I agree it wouldn’t negate what was said, was just wondering Where is the sign of peace in the old rite, do you know?
@SupremeCommanderZion Жыл бұрын
Love friend and love enemies, except Hypocrites are neither friend nor enemy, but are a type of fence-sitter and cannot be loved. This world is flooded in hypocrites.
@Retrogamer71 Жыл бұрын
This sits with me well as a source of wisdom.
@Danny-zm5rh Жыл бұрын
You can't love your enemies and support the troops. There are so many irreconcilable contradictions with Jesus.
@dposting2941 Жыл бұрын those who preach while being steered by PRIDE, oh one using the title SUPREMEcommander as his own?
@SupremeCommanderZion Жыл бұрын
@@dposting2941 sounds like an accusation there child of Satan, another hypocrite who does not know any better.
@SupremeCommanderZion Жыл бұрын
@@Danny-zm5rh psychosis is when you hold two irreconcilable beliefs that are in contradiction of one another; repent for there is a Most high God who died for you though you do not deserve it, and many since have died for you that is irreconcilable for how such is taken for granted for... Lest we forget.