The History Of Gaming And Its Death.

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@Suprizle 3 ай бұрын
BOOM! Nail on the fuckin' head. This has been the state of gaming and all of entertainment for the last decade and he didn't even touch on the mass lay offs. I sadly work in both gaming and film "industries" and all the creative minds behind our once beloved IPs were practically shoved out by corporate suits and activists, one by one. You @NobleFish have laid the truth out BEAUTIFULLY from start to finish. Underrated video and it's only been 2 weeks... *subbed*
@TheTisaman 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, it's a crime this videos essay has so few views
@ChaosAngelZero 3 ай бұрын
There's a theory going around that, since the seemingly censored outfits in Stellar Blade are nearly carbon copies of real-life apparel, neither Shift Up nor Sony Interactive Entertainment had the license to feature them in the game, which is why they were hastily changed and, instead of changing them back, they released new outfits that are more revealing and also further removed from the original designs.
@noblefish. 3 ай бұрын
That actually makes a lot of sense.
@odysseywow 3 ай бұрын
The 360 voice message section had me rolling. The amount of roasting that happened then xD
@SyamDaRos-EndoManno 3 ай бұрын
The "history" section was very enjoyable, the "dying" section was... depressing. But unfortunately true (and the Helldivers 2 win over Sony didn't last long. The game can't be purchased in many countries, the CEO was fired after suggesting players to give negative reviews in order to get Sony's attention, and the new CEO has a very bad reputation for being greedy). Keep going, your channel deserves praise for its quality!
@noblefish. 3 ай бұрын
Hey everyone, I just wanted to say quickly that I really appreciate all the comments and criticism (both good and bad) I am still very new to this so it definitely helps me learn. I believe there has been view points that were things I didn't communicate well on, I tried to put way too many topics in this video and didn't explain them or go over them like I should of . This video was suppose to just be some fun history and mainly about companies not putting in the effort to games we deserve and even if we all have lots of disagreements and opinions that we should try to be on the same side. Either way again I really do appreciate all the engagement and I think I have a good idea on where to improve on a video like this if I do it again in the future.
@zackgravity7284 3 ай бұрын
you should pin this i reckon
@KYSMO 3 ай бұрын
>New consolese coming out each year >More and more approaches to console gaming, low end consoles, high end consoles >PCs become handheld and console-like, consoles become more PC-like >VR taking off rapidly >Literally a gaming device for any taste imaginable >Literally every form factor imaginable - phone, phone with controller, console with controller, console with KBnM, VR goggles with or without external power... >An infinite amount of games old and new, emulators for every console that run on any phone, tablet and PC >Single game sales make more money than some industries >Video games make more money that all other media combined > "HURRRR GAMUNG IS DEAD DUUUUUUR!"
@Sylvestro 3 ай бұрын
So you want your games to have characters and fiction in them, but you don't want them to have connotations of any sort. That is impossible. If you want raw gameplay with no "social issues", play Tetris. If a work of fiction is made, it has characters and some notion of story or background. That has connotations by its mere existence as a product of human creative processes consumed and perceived by other humans (who will also have their own background of being in touch with certain experiences, themes, imagery, etc.). And that's conditioned by the human experience, which includes social, cultural and historical circumstances, among others. You just want to not have to use your brain by consuming the same exact model of fiction you used to see as a child: the male protagonist that follows one rigid masculinity ideal. Guess what: that's a social inscription as well. You see it as a blank model that has no "woke" stuff in it, but it does carry its own connotations and ideology, and it's been repeteated to exhaustion for decades. It is imposing ideas. Just because you got too comfortable with those, it doesn't mean that "just a game" while other representations are "woke" or "social issues". In the end, this is one of the major problems with the gaming industry: companies want to appeal just to people like you because you're an easy audience and you're unwilling to share the gaming and cultural landscape with anyone who looks or thinks different. You get offended at the mere insinuation of this and throw a tantrum. Immature male gaming culture is killing creativity in the industry. You're the ones satisfying the money-hungry investors.
@Lynxan 3 ай бұрын
Gaming is not dying, just companies that do not give there audience what they want. Those that continue to not keep there game budgets reigned in will DIE, others will rise to fill in the demand they did not fill. It is just how business works.
@niemand7811 3 ай бұрын
also wrong. companies never gave the players what they wanted. Ever. You think Nintendo or Sega cared about the players in the 80s and 90s? If you really think so, take of your delusion goggles. The only game that seemed to cater specifically to players demands was Baldur's Gate 3. And that won't repeat itself. It is the opposite. Game companies like Nintendo and Sega rose to fame because they did what they wanted. Gamers in general never know in terms of groups what they really want. Maybe you as a single person know what you want.And maybe your neighbor does too. But just ask one thousand people and damn your opinion. Business is about money. And you do not make money when you listen to the outsiders. That is us the gaming people. We are the outsiders and have always been. We do not know what goes inside their HQs. We never did and never will.
@JGunlock 4 ай бұрын
I thought the video was solid, but sorry for some of those comments I’m gonna take a guess they didn’t actually watch the video. I think maybe the title is misleading people to just react to you saying gaming is dead and unless you actually watch at least half of it , you have a whole segment on why gaming isn’t dying. I guess that’s KZbin for ya . People should at least watch some of the video before commenting I feel like that’s the meaning of part of this video, is reacting negative towards people when you don’t even know what they are saying.
@noblefish. 4 ай бұрын
That actually makes a lot of sense you're probably right I was a little confused, I thought maybe I just didn't explain my point very well. I will definitely keep that in mind for the future.
@lorenzogaribaldi651 3 ай бұрын
To me the main problem is exactly that company's boards are fully composed of individuals earning whopping amounts of money while providing about 0% of the effort needed to make games, while adding every possible obstacle in the creative process. They also fail to understand that be able to create gigantic games with gazillion 8k textures is completely useless and just continue to demand the impossible from the devs/artists and constantly in need of more money to break even. Good games don't need absurd amount of money to be made, take for example Outer Wilds, it is a small indie game that its probably better than 90% of the AAA that came out in past decade
@atariboy9084 4 ай бұрын
Meanwhile at Nintendo HQ: (KC and the Sunshine Band - Celebration)
@sooubic 2 ай бұрын
In conclusion, video games are amazing, but some of them are not only corrupted by greed, but also social justice warriors that over-exaggerate problems that don’t exist to make more problems.
@Jorquay 3 ай бұрын
Great video fella, but maybe spell check your pinned comment and even the caption? Don't mean to be the grammar police but presentation counts, right? Also, 10 minutes in and I gotta say, great work on the editing, video more than deserves a like!
@noblefish. 3 ай бұрын
In my defense I can barely read.
@mgtogno 3 ай бұрын
I work in the industry for over 10 years now, and from what I gather of what I see around, theres a lot of people with overcrowded teams specially companies in california, they hire anyone and they hire their friends while smaller companies in Europe make a game such as baldurs gate in a company with 400 people while diablo 4 had 9000 people and delivered a game i beat in less than 7 hours. Making a game has a lot to do with talent as much as it has to do with experience and craft, when u put too many people in a room, most of which are not gamers and is not the public that will consume the product its easy to go off track.
@dennissinned6299 3 ай бұрын
What's with the hate concerning Stellar Blade ? What about Bayonetta or X Blades or Tomb Raider or Unending Final Fantasies and any other game featuring a sexy gal. Are they being hated too ?
@autobotstarscream765 3 ай бұрын
People actually like Bayonnaise and see all other sexy girl action games such as Stellar Blade as ripoffs, Blades is a dead meme series, and people are definitely angry about Final Fantasy becoming more action-based and less like Dragon Quest.
@dennissinned6299 3 ай бұрын
@@autobotstarscream765 So, Call of Duty it's a ripoff of Medal of Honor, since the latter came first. Splinter Cell it's a ripoff of Metal Gear Solid too ? Doesn't matter if it appears to be a ripoff, only if it's a good game. It's not as if because someone made a certain game, has the exclusive rights to this genre.
@autobotstarscream765 3 ай бұрын
@dennissinned6299 People used to literally call all first-person shooters "DOOM clones", it's the typical growing pains of the birth of a genre. 😂
@Xenowolf8 3 ай бұрын
@@autobotstarscream765 are we really at the point where people call any sexy girl action game a Bayonetta-clone? Because I don’t want us to be there
@autobotstarscream765 3 ай бұрын
@Xenowolf8 I on the other hand welcome getting it over with as soon as possible. 😇
@niemand7811 3 ай бұрын
Just remember that the gaming crash never happened anywhere else outside of the U.S. of A. To the world at large there was no game crash. Atari wasn't important enough around the globe. Funny enough that Japan kicked in with the NES but Sega was also already going with its Mark Model 1 which became a bit later the Mark II and then eventually the Master System. Also in Europe overall people started to get into PC culture which included games on a different level. RPGs specifically. So towards the mid 80s everything was a hodgepodge of some sort with different people owning different gaming gears and nobody knew what anyone else was talking about. Fun times. So gaming was very niche overall. Only at the verge of the 90s was it that gaming started to become more popular yet remained niche in some way. And once the mainstream has walked away, the niche folks will remain and play video games till the end of time. There never will be a video game crash. Never happened once. Never happens once. Global facts.
@number1enemyoftheuseless985 3 ай бұрын
I watched this industry rise from Atari 2600 to fall by mobile games....
@KindofBradAtThis 3 ай бұрын
Bro I can play Pokemon on my phone now what are you smoking
@number1enemyoftheuseless985 3 ай бұрын
@@KindofBradAtThis is that the hill you want to die on? Pokémon?
@KindofBradAtThis 3 ай бұрын
@@number1enemyoftheuseless985 no, it’s just the clearest example that there’s a lot of great experiences on mobile. You’ll only see shit if it’s all you look for
@YangSook523 3 ай бұрын
What I frequently observe in this industry is that the developers have no clue what is going on in their game. They literally do not play the game and thus have no understanding of the current state of their game.
@hctiBelttiL 3 ай бұрын
Honey, if you don't like something in a game, you can be damn sure it got to be that way by design. Developers don't just play their own games. First they imagine what they should look like, then they painstakingly write incredibly specific step-by-step instructions for the computer, then they try it out to see if what the computer shows matches what they were imagining in their heads. Everything in games (and computer software in general) is by design, including design flaws, kinks and (most) bugs which are intentionally left there due to lack of resources or malicious compliance with orders from higher-ups.
@YangSook523 3 ай бұрын
@hctiBelttiL oh yeah of course that is the step of the development. But I think it is still their responsibility to actually know what is going on with their own game. If they literally have absolutely no clue with their game, they should just give up their job because they dont deserve it.
@hctiBelttiL 3 ай бұрын
@@YangSook523 every little feature and system is tested and worked on until it meets specifications or until they run out of resources. If something is wrong with the game it is either by design or it's an emergent property resulting from bad specifications or direction, neither of which is a developer's job. Blame the directors, producers and/or lead design, not the developers for any perceived or real shortcomings of a software project.
@YangSook523 3 ай бұрын
@hctiBelttiL with that mindset, I think they should just pursue a clerk jobs. I get so astounded by these people who have 0 idea about their work. What do I need to expect if their understanding of their game is equivalent to 90 year old man in next door. This is utterly unprofessional
@hctiBelttiL 3 ай бұрын
@@YangSook523 I don't think you understand the process and dynamics involved in large corporate projects like 3xA game making. It's not as simple as "ooh, the developers don't even play their own games". They do play their own games. In fact, they play their own games ad-nauseam, and not just developers but also bug testers and play testers. But that's a moot point because the developers don't get to call the shots, there's a lot more nuance involved.
@PiddeBas 3 ай бұрын
Good video dude, keep em coming
@lorneross49 3 ай бұрын
There will always be emulation and older games you haven't played yet. A few clicks here and there, some google searches and some time and dedication into an electronic hobby and you're living the dream life with an endless supply! No micro transactions! No BS DLC's! No updates! Pure hard suger candy!!!
@Hubnero 3 ай бұрын
Triple aaa companies make games for modern audience and investors that dosen't buy and play their games in a scale that regular gaming fans does. The gaming fans that buy and play games are shifting more towards indie games instead, most of them are tired of triple aaa games and their monetization aswell as their influnce from non gamers such as baby inc amongst others. I think what we are seeing is the downfall of triple aaa companies, since they appear to think that they can force behaviours upon gamers.
@spammus1 3 ай бұрын
23:45 I've been playing games since the 90s, I think I can count the times I willingly chose to play a male character when given a choice using my hands only. Those people are just detached from reality, just like the business suits running companies nowadays
@Persona4ever 4 ай бұрын
Rip gaming, it's been a blast 🫡
@KindofBradAtThis 3 ай бұрын
Man I’m really sad I can’t open steam or turn on my Xbox anymore.
@HK1990Gaming 3 ай бұрын
I liked the second version of the outfit. Honestly there are still plenty of other outfits that where more revealing. Like the bunny underwear. Not that I am looking... Also the playstation thing would not have been a big deal had they just had it at the start. It was just weird to do it later.
@tenaciousinvestigator4940 3 ай бұрын
I have a certain correction to make. PC gaming was actually doing pretty badly in 2000's with most studios calling pc gamers a bunch of pirates and refusing to port many games. Games developed for pc only had a big drop as well. While there were certain hits like hallf-life 2, overall the pc gaming was struggling in 2000's and didn't regain power till the begginning of 2010's. If you only focus on the hits like half-life 2 or wow, it may seem like it was good but everything besides that was struggling.
@mkozaluss 3 ай бұрын
I agree with your statements. Good video dude 👍
@Inkgnition 3 ай бұрын
Excellent video, keep it up!
@VerbeekTruther 3 ай бұрын
I swear to god if you’re like 21 imma do nothing but with a lot of eye rolls
@RacerC45 3 ай бұрын
Hey! Don't say gaming is "dying". Because it's not. They are plenty, and I mean PLENTY of great games being released. Need me to list you some examples?
@WoollyMittens 3 ай бұрын
FYI, the gaming crash only applies to the USA.
@niemand7811 3 ай бұрын
Blizzard this, Blizzard that. As if the entire gaming market hinges on one faction. Please grow some balls and by the way put your pants on.
@DarksideGmss0513 3 ай бұрын
I get the sentiment somewhat. As you want to go back to what things were can we live the past but here's the thing you have to let that go nostalgia is a very dangerous thing because if we just cling to the past and what once was we can't grow and we can't appreciate what will be.
@ploed 3 ай бұрын
Well said.
@erincarson8998 3 ай бұрын
That is like belittling people wanting to end a given war. "Stop whining about your children dying, the economy is improving from all the liberated resources and advancing technology. Your nostalgia for your dead children is so dangerous to the war effort. We may not get a perpetual forever war of progress, with thinking like that." I mean it's that stupid. Products that last generations, are not always better than more disposable goods. That can even be true for some home appliances. But shovelware is bad. It is almost always bad. Games that are less fun, are not better. Chasing a quarterly earnings report so aggressively that the company fails in few years isn't ultimately a good thing. Antagonizing the public endlessly, will have negative consequences, also. However, some of the thrill and hype of gaming is gone for good. There is much less room for meaningful innovation and big leaps in technology. The gaming fad of the last 50 years is over. Games aren't cool anymore, they are just games now. The culture will accept this before 2030, and it will be kinda weird when it does. Most modern games that people talk about, are anti-fun always online leviathans. It doesn't actually make that much sense. Fortnite makes sense. Every AAA being online only, with microtransactions doesn't. It isn't all games, but it is too many of them. And the quality from some of the biggest studios is terrible.
@niemand7811 3 ай бұрын
@@erincarson8998 did you even understand the comment you rant about? You sound like a conservative warning siren. Go cry somewhere else.
@niemand7811 3 ай бұрын
3:51 at that point I realized the level of ignorance that was coming. The console war existed before Sega put its Sega Genesis out. The Master System was Sega's flagship and sold better in Europe than did the NES. Maybe from an American point of view things seemed different? But to me it appears like some revisionism going on here. Nintendo was not the hero to save something. Like I said already. Outside of the US this game crash never happened. It could be just a made up story at this point similar to the global flood myth from the bible. Though we know Atari went down with all the cowbells playing. But no gaming market crashed because of that. Nothing was lost. nothing needed to be saved. I even question the idea that Nintendo revolutionized anything. It was not until the early90s when I started to realize more and more kids from my class started to own a NES. That late. Because Commodore/Amiga, Sega, IBM computers, other home computer types where people could program games in the go. Nintendo was late in some areas. But I see that America always got games before Europe did. So maybe that is why Nintendo is your gaming savior, your virtual Jesus. I don't know. They marketed their stuff to you before anywhere else. And now people wonder why in Europe we liked the Playstation a lot and why even the Sega Saturn had a life for some time. The N64 was not that popular and not everyone's first choice. Nintendo was just a name like any other. At least outside the US.
@Syae225 3 ай бұрын
In the video you say game developers make games for people who don't even play their games (meaning women and non-white people) while hating on their biggest consumers meaning (white men) so lets look at the facts: There are 331,449,281 million people in the US 139.751.571 million are white half of those are men making it 69.875.785 million people a lot of those are old and don't play games so its about 50 million people if we are generous so now explain to us why Game studios should make games for a population while ignoring and discriminating against 261.573.496 million people a huge majority in the US I just don't understand how you can be so open saying its woke to include non-white people in video games and saying "diversity" is wrong while the US is the most diverse nation on the planet maybe you live in a very small part where you don't get to see it, but the reality is not like you describe it and companies would be absolutely stupid to not have diversity in their games
@CIA_Informant_number_8629 3 ай бұрын
Because... they don't play games???? Shocking I know. This is like saying "why does basket ball focus on African Americans???" Because they are the target demographic. Women DO play games... like candy crush, outside of mobile, they are maybe 3% of gamers. African Americans do play games, console ie AAA games too, but they are clusterd around fighting and sports games. And before you even think of some response calling me whatever buzz word... there is nothing wrong with target demographics. Are you going to argue 50 shades of gray should target a white man, when the audience for that book was overwhelmingly middle aged white women?
@Syae225 3 ай бұрын
@@CIA_Informant_number_8629 I think you underestimate how diverse the US is and for the future white people are already going to be a minority in 10 years so companies know this and make their products more sellable because capitalism is for everyone there is no race in selling stuff. You know the thing is you completely ignored that companies make games for a world wide population alone japan china south africa and many many more countries have a bigger population of young men and therefore more buying power in capitalism the young white men in the US are 15-20% and it’s going down every year because white men sit at home and play games and don’t make children anymore hundreds of studies show this So the good thing is the anti-woke movement is going to shrink and capitalism will win because there are just not enough white men do do something about it just look at gaming studios today and how diverse they are there is no going back anymore the US doesn’t discriminate against people based on race it’s a crime so therefore diversity is a natural thing for games Yes you can write angry youtube comments about how gaming is dead and you don’t care anymore but you still watch hundreds of KZbin videos about gaming and whats going on clearly you do care and you are very invested in this
@ainbo9022 3 ай бұрын
For me Stellar blade was the final straw I don't need consoles I'll just wait for PC
@joshsearson4510 3 ай бұрын
I still play SC2 so gaming, will never die for me 😊
@byronhill6128 3 ай бұрын
@7:21 - Counterstrike was the dawn of competitive gaming? Thresh beat entropy at Red Annihilation in 1997 and made of with John Carmack's ferarri 328. At that time, pro gamers were already making six figures. Quake came out in 1996 and set the stage for competitive fps gaming, Counterstrike didnt get acquried by valve and released as a retail product until 2000. Meanwhile, Quake 2 (1997) and Quake 3 (1999) dominated both online and local network multiplayer before counterstrike was even an itch in it's daddy's pants. How you can make mention of Doom and Wolfenstein, and then skip the whole Quake franchise and hold up the 2000 commercial release of counterstrike from valve (which saw many beta versions as an indie before this) as being somehow the epicenter of competitive sweaty gaming is frankly ignorant.
@sonshinegamers 4 ай бұрын
Gaming isn't dying. Gaming as we know it is dying. Long live uncensored Stellar Blade! (oh, what could have been but I still do love the game. ).
@chevyslim4200 3 ай бұрын
The thing about stellar blade that blew me away, is that fact that I’ve seen plenty of women who have the same figure just walking around . Guess I’m living in a video game😂😂
@DustinBarlow8P 3 ай бұрын
I wish there was a way to know you where in the Good Old Days, before you left them. As do I good sir.... as do I.
@stormstrider 3 ай бұрын
gaming isn't dying can't say the same for AAA corpos I'll forge ahead as I always have. the 'modern audience' and journos will be left in the dust. Stick to your regular content, bro.
@TheVisualDigitalArts 3 ай бұрын
I think games were better back in the day I just started playing fallout new Vegas and I am hooked I don’t think it’s nostalgia because I never played it until now , same thing happened with brothers in arms when I played it for the first time a couple of months ago.
@seriousbacon3676 4 ай бұрын
Anyone who thinks that gaming is actually dying is beyond saving imo. The industry is going better than ever, more amazing games are coming out than ever, more new people are gaming and making games than ever. If you only pay attention to the mainstream like Asmongold and Critkal you'll only be exposed to the worst the medium has to offer and of course come away with some doomsayer opinion. BG3, Elden Ring, Ragnarok, LAD: Infinite Wealth, Vampire Survivors, Stray, Blasphemous 2, Hi-Fi Rush, FFXVI, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, Dredge, RE:4 Remake, Alan Wake 2, Pacific Drive, Balatro, Dragons Dogma 2; only a small handful from the past few years. Try new genres and new studios, don't listen to people who clearly don't care about the hobby, and you'll come to love gaming again.
@ploed 3 ай бұрын
Agree with you. The Gamers are the Problem, who use "woke" as a reason for dying gaming industries, who are not open to new stuff. Like you said, the last years best games are, Baldurs Gate 3 ("woke"), Alan Wake 2 ("woke").
@Outatime86176 2 ай бұрын
You say gaming is dying, yet you put helldivers 2 & stellar blade in the thumbnail 🤡
@Left4Bill 3 ай бұрын
Still waiting for Stellar Blade on steam. Modders are gonna go ham.
@AB-rv5qq 3 ай бұрын
I agree with the creator of this video, your analysis is 3000% accurate.
@robertbarga3694 3 ай бұрын
Great video. Wokeness and runaway greed are what's driving me away from new games lately.
@Paulog2003 3 ай бұрын
Love it
@herrderfinsterins104 3 ай бұрын
I don't know if video gameing is deth? Personally, I think that with modern Western games you support political woke fascism and I don't want that. On top of that, people pay a ridiculous amount of money for unfinished games these days + all the madness in games that you have to pay extra for. I prefer playing the old PS3/4 games as there are still so many games to discover. They are cheaper and, above all, finished and most without any extra nonsense and woke propaganda!
@ploed 3 ай бұрын
Political Woke Fascism? Dude who the fuck let you out of your cave?
@Sena_ttv 4 ай бұрын
@davedm6345 3 ай бұрын
I buyed the PS4 lat year and all titles and games having Dark crippy twist it's all around those companies i thing, Play Station is not anymore Play Station, i think they do shaddy thinks to make gamers worst gaming ever with subscriptions Plus, i think it was enough but you need to chose essential premiun plus or whatever i just missed, the service is full of hackers cheaters on they servers, they even not monitoring competitive gaming it's just trash service, you will lose your save game if play or buy a game with other account even another region stupidity scales with their "Premiun service + plus " whatever.. you will lose the games asap if your pay plus what.. yes! It was always a console for renting games by premium subscription, nothing more.
@user-cu3ij1po9p 3 ай бұрын
Bros channel is dying lmao what the hell are these videos
@72APTU72E 3 ай бұрын
@KeiraLunar 4 ай бұрын
thank you for your insight on the problem of modern gaming granted it was kinda shallow there are so many more problems then the ones you showed and us fellow gamers have to stand our ground and hold the line and keep these nasty greedy corpos from doing more stunts like these
@gornintheusa 4 ай бұрын
Well, in my honest opinion, gaming isn't just dying. it's beyond saving, and the current devs don't even care and it's not just the woke 's fault its the Anti Woke's fault they're also the ones who gave these devs and journalists ammo to push their agenda. And it's a shame about Stellar Blade we have actual game worth getting, but it has to get the Sanran Kagura treatment cus Sony ofcourse and I can go on how Sony has a horrible track record ever since they move to California. But at this point, gaming isn't worth saving anymore the devs don't care and they will never will mainly the AAA ones
@khherbell 4 ай бұрын
bro yapped for 35 minutes just for me to drop a dislike i guess gaming isn't going anywhere buddy 😭😭💀💀
@noblefish. 4 ай бұрын
Now don't get me wrong im pretty retarded, but my video was about how gaming isn't dying? but certain bigger markets are ignoring consumers or targeting the wrong audience.
@user-cu3ij1po9p 3 ай бұрын
@@noblefish. So? Like what's new
@jesse123185 3 ай бұрын
​@@noblefish. I think people are getting confused by the title and not listening to the message. Good job on all the "yapping" and editing. I subbed to your channel
@Phillip-ez2cl 3 ай бұрын
You get thumbs 👍👍 up
@kennylynch8575 3 ай бұрын
gaming is basically dead because of wokeness but it can B saved but must happen now
@vulture46 4 ай бұрын
"cut the woke shit" 😴😴, why can't anyone actually use their words and say what they mean? Wtf does 'woke' mean? Whats the actual point you're making besides using the current culture war word to say "thing bad"? What thing? Why is it bad?
@nettertyp 3 ай бұрын
You know what woke means. And he shows it. So keep quite, boy.
@ploed 3 ай бұрын
Nothing, only wants to bash on games, which are "woke". And wants more games with Asian girls with big jiggly boobs and ass. The best games of last year IMHO are Baldurs Gate 3, Alan Wake 2.
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Рет қаралды 499
The Bizarre Stories of WarioWare Games
Рет қаралды 101
Weird and Unique Creatures in Japanese Video Games
Рет қаралды 665
Nonsensical Video Generator #8
Captain Dishwasher
Рет қаралды 171
The Video Game Creature Iceberg [Part 1]
Рет қаралды 435
The Gaming Mythos.
Рет қаралды 127
Video game music - Only the finest 👌
Рет қаралды 232
Magic or …? 😱 reveal video on profile 🫢
Andrey Grechka
Рет қаралды 86 МЛН