From Eric Bana Hulk 2003 Movie to his Hulk 2003 Movie Game Hulk fights other Evil Gamma Amp Monsters, his father David Banner infects three of his dogs with the Same Gamma enhance Energy that created Hulk, made them become first Gamma Infected Amped Bio dogs, or Gamma Dogs for short. David's Gamma dogs went after Betty, Hulk got there first, got the 3 Gamma Dogs Destroyed. In a Hulk 2003 Movie Game that takes years after the Movie, Bruce former mentor Crawford had infected some Dogs with Gamma Energy, started working for Samuel Sterns the leader, as soon as the Gamma Orb takes some of Bruce Gamma Energy as seen in Desperate Measures, he gotten more dogs Contaminated into Gamma Dogs. Even Bruce on Infiltration when sneaking into the first Gamma Dogs Pen He even say at 39:43 Those Gamma dogs could alert the guards. I gotta slip by them. But you get the idea they originate from the comics those monster dogs are Gamma Dogs.