The Investigamers - Idaho Student Murders

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In this episode, we take a look and investigate the Idaho Student murders. Anna leads this investigation of The Investigamers.
Follow the fwends:
@CurlzzB Twitch- / mr_curlzz_
Anna Twitch- / annasworld1

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@Nocomment1 5 ай бұрын
It blows my mind that very few people ever consider the possibility of his innocence. It doesn't matter how nonsensical the evidence is, or that none of it ties him to Moscow or the crime scene at the time of the crimes. Doesn't matter that 3 unidentified DNA profiles from the crime scene were discarded without any follow up. There's no evidence linking him to the victims in his car, apartment, or parents' home, nor any evidence of cleanup. None of the friend circle knew who he was either. The footage the car expert used to identify the suspect vehicle was of a car traveling in the wrong direction on Ridge Rd not at the house. MPD changed every piece of info they released to the public before the arrest, almost like they found someone then changed everything to fit their narrative. The initial ETOD was 3-4 am, later changed to 4-4:21 am. We were told that the roommates arrived home at 1am and slept through the night downstairs. That later changed to, BF was with Xana and Ethan at the frat house, arrived at 1.45am. Both were up during the crimes at 4 am and one was a witness on the 2nd floor. The BOLO they put out to the public was for a 2011-13 Hyundai Elantra. Chief Fry said they had no license plate or person(s) captured on camera...that later changed to a 2015 Hyundai Elantra to match the suspect. 3 different accounts of where, how and who saw the sheath with his touch DNA. No knife found, can't even prove that the knife was a Ka-bar. The DA abruptly canceled the preliminary hearing and ran to his secret grand jury after the defense sought to question BF for potentially exculpatory evidence. 6 of those grand jurors wanted to see more evidence. Multiple people were cleared within the first couple of weeks but the suspect wasn't given a chance to provide an alibi before he was arrested. The story about him separating the trash with gloves on was hearsay from an ADA in Pennsylvania that was not part of the swat team and swat didn't have bodycams during the raid. The defense has filed 12 motions to compel discovery from the prosecution. They still don't have all CAST information or camera footage which were major pieces of evidence they used to arrest him. The prosecution has fought vehemently not to disclose any information of the IGG done to get the DNA tip that led them dumpster diving in PA for DNA. That's just scratching the surface of this ridiculous case. These 4 kids will never get the justice they deserve.
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
I like this. I do want to go back to this soon, do you mind if I use your comment if I do go back to this case? I’m sure an update on this case will happen in the summer.
@colleen0229 5 ай бұрын
🙌 💯 🙌
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
PREACH 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@ColorMeErin 5 ай бұрын
@NoComment1 - Your Comment is Fantastic!! I thought I was going to be Alone in posting my Novel Length Comment Listing off the Reasonable Doubt & Why the Prosecutions Case is, IMO, Swiss Cheese. Great Job!!
@Bonitashuck 5 ай бұрын
I m right with you on this
@pabloseykata6930 5 ай бұрын
The Murder Scene was very, very bloody. It would seem to be impossible for Bryan Kohberger to NOT have blood evidence on his clothes and/or in his car. it's suspicious.
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
Very suspicious. I agree.
@richellefiscus9309 5 ай бұрын
The LE said it in their own statements that with the blood splatter on the scene, their experience and training tells them, it will be on his body, in his car and home, because it was so bad! Well oops? Where is it?
@pk-cp1bo 5 ай бұрын
The Linda Lane footate between 3:29 and 4:28 is creepy. There is a guy the goes around the back of the Queen road apts toward the 1122 house and returns. It is on the left side of the video. I will look for the exact timestamps.
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
Thank you thank you, let me know what you got.
@pk-cp1bo 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if DM could recognize the murderer's voice? She heard him say "It's okay, I'm hear to help."
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
Right? And like why haven’t they been interviewed to help this investigation? Why don’t they want to be interviewed.
@richellefiscus9309 5 ай бұрын
@@DeeDJmy guess is because, in the first statements, even in the Nov 18th /19th statements, they said they came home at 1am, slept all night, woke up the next day until right before 911 was called. I’m guessing DM was told to say u saw a guy in black with bushy eyebrows. Nothing was even said that she picked him out of a photo line up, or anything, because I don’t think she could. Even the description is vague. Tall, but not to tall, not to big, but athletic… umm ok. I thought in this country, if you were being accused of a crime, you get to face your accusers! How can they use the evidence of a witness, yet not have them testify because they don’t want to! I have seen cases where children are forced to testify if they want a case to go forward! How many people don’t go forward with cases because they don’t want to testify? If they to not testify, the fact that DM saw him and gave description should not be used in court. I have heard police say one of the ways they were able to get a warrant was because DM placed him there, and he was placed there in his car. Both of those are not true! If u look on court docs, it says on Nov 28th or 29th, a Washington state university officer states he did a search for local white Elantras. ISP had said there were 22,000 in the surrounding area. Supposedly this officer found BK’s car, the same day, looked at his description on his drivers license, and states he could fit the description DM gave, and he had bushy eyebrows! He himself was not placed at the scene, nor was his car, no plate seen on the car, no driver seen in the car either. The window tint on the car in video, very dark. All pics and videos, even body cams from traffic stops before and after murders, no tint! Zero dna of victims, in his car, or anywhere for that matter! Not to mention the car in video has a distinct sound, sports car sound. Why have we not seen the tests of BK’s car parking in that spot, compared to what we hear in the video
@richellefiscus9309 5 ай бұрын
The fact that DM saw someone all dressed in black, say I’m here to help you… who would you expect to say that? Maybe LE? Like the ones dressed in black, in body cam parked right out by that house that night?
@richellefiscus9309 5 ай бұрын
U say 16 minutes. That is 16 mins from the time stamp he was still in the car parking, to the timestamp of the car already driving away. So u have to take the time of him getting back to the car and starting it and already driving to be on the time stamp, and also, parking, getting out, in the house, up 2 sets of stairs, stabbing not just 1 person, but 2, one victim alone had 54 stab wounds… then back down stairs, stab 2 more… they fought back, so can’t be to easy, especially with no time, not leaving any blood train, and getting zero dna on him. Only thing found was 1 foot print, by DM’s door, going towards the exit. So where were the foot prints leading to the other footprint?
@richellefiscus9309 5 ай бұрын
They found touch dna, totally different. They tried to say they had igg dna to get a warrant to get to get a swab from BK, to get his dna! There could not even provide the data trail of how they came to that conclusion, because it was bull, they needed his dna for the sheath, which is why it was only touch dna on the sheeth. Which is why it has already been stated by prosecutors they won’t be using the igg dna in court, because they have zero proof of it, which might even through out the warrrant for his own dna swab
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
Imo the Greek theory makes the most logical sense with everything that’s been released, coming from someone who 100% stood by BK’s guilt for months. There’s too many things that don’t add up. ~ Somebody had to have enough inside knowledge, suspect it or hate someone enough to post such detailed info on 4chan very early on before we knew all the names/dynamics like the fight with Ethan & Xana (which was serious enough for her to tell her father about who was nearby for parent’s weekend & assured him it was okay, she had broken it up & handled it) who was involved & on roids & who was tutored by who. It gave the most logical/pre planned alibi I’ve heard, leaving KZbin on auto play & matches the EXACT same timeframe that ACCURATELY stands w/the PCA. That timeframe is WAY too specific to be ignored. Add that with a house full of sworn brothers to protect you, a university with motive to cover for you & the pieces start to fit. ~ That insane inexplicable late 911 call AFTER calling Sigma Chi guys first. Those kids are trained to keep things “inside the system” to get their stories straight” before going to the cops especially since there’s limits on violations & they have a whole different layer or protection. etc. ~ They have the best access to the house & know the layout, access points, weak spots, who will likely be there & when & can ALSO see the house from their windows. There’s also steps used by students to cut straight through that lead right up to the king rd house without any camera visibility that I’ve seen thus far & with such a short walk time, the timeline fits. Not to mention they won’t look the least bit suspicious if they’re outside on foot & could easily strip/wipe down behind the darkness of the house with planted bags waiting in the wooded area. Same reason if BK wanted to be like bundy & target sorority girls, his own campus would have been easier, safer, & more logical. ~ The police didn’t investigate the frat v deeply at all when they were absolutely the prime suspects day 1. Even Steve Goncalves mentions getting threats by early suspects & Sigma Chi was swarmed by LE immediately after. When there are victims of a crime police usually look at S.O’s 1st, then ask if there has been any conflict w/anyone. For there to have been a fight with Ethan THAT SAME NIGHT, that Xana broke up, is the hugest red flag 🚩 🚩 However the alumni in such a huge Greek system & their influence w/the amounts of donations, connections & risk to such a longstanding organization is enough to bring in a big source of power & control which has been obvious in the influencing of this case coming from SOMEWHERE undeniably. ~Usually LE tell suspects to stick around & not go too far in case they need them for further questioning but they let those kids flee & fly straight out of the country. The whole student body was released to go home far too early in the investigation & then an immediate laser focus on building a case around BK’s name. Just look at the timeline of v specific warrants being issued vs his arrest, it’s impossible to have the pertinent info to be certain that quickly. ~ Sigma Chi very suspiciously deleted all of their facebook posts IMMEDIATELY going back YEARS til (2017-2018) and privated their account. What did they need to hide? ~Greek friends start as paid for fake friendships. That’s breeding ground for lots of secret hatred, betrayal & jealousy esp if roids/drinking etc are involved. ~ Looking at DL’s prior social media posts… it’s lun aliving obsession 101, w very creepy disturbing posts. He still has a public twitter & has made cocky, insensitive posts telling the whole world how he’d like his apologies by letter post BK’s arrest. Comes across v arrogant & cold. ~ There’s also a photo posted of DL alone smoking a cigarette on THE GIRLS couch & we know police collected a cigarette from someone who refused to give their dna. Most college kids vape vs smoking & we know he’s also protected. ~ If Ethan was a main target, a house full of petite women who all are likely asleep puts him in the most vulnerable position vs being inside the frat house full of men. ~ The locals said there was a huge police presence at the frat right after incident & they were at the party the night before & another local resident also saw police at the location the post mentions dumping evidence so they were definitely giving it credence before potentially being threatened. ~ WSU & Idaho Greeks have numerous suspicious dths going back for YEARS & have had the parents, alumni, money & power to keep things quiet. We have already seen evidence of the links within the university being deeply intertwined with law enforcement, & those in the courtroom. The university also primarily finances the entire town giving them the influence & ability to pressure LE to “solve a big quadruple m case very quickly & produce an arrest” before a big drop in enrollment & quickly solve/cover up the single incidents of Greek dths which typically get deemed self endings w little investigation. ~ The way they describe the wounds make it sound like 2 diff sized wpns & diff injury patterns. Steve G has emphasized this & suggesting more than one person committing this crime. He also says the famous words, they didn’t have to go upstairs. The police themselves mention wanting to speak to the PEOPLE in a white car at the very beginning also suggesting initial belief of 2 or more perps. ~ The only fathomable scenario of Xana & poss Ethan being awake & being overtaken w/ little fighting back/noise/calling 911 would be having 2 ppl. One holding a kn or gn to the other & threatening harm them if they don’t comply. Those two are the hardest for me to understand w/knowing x was up & moving around & E being big strong & athletic. Another theory I heard was potentially X could have been in the bathroom & E was taken immediately in his sleep & then X was grabbed when she came out or even up from getting her dd order. This one is tough for me. ~ Also her X telling her dad they were eating pizza, seeing boxes outside on top of the trash & then still ordering a DD soon after. Seems unlikely she would still be hungry. ~ There’s losts of hunters in the frats w/ pics w/their animals/having experience w kn’s & having several pics taken w/an actual kbar (the only one we’ve seen evidence of anywhere in this case) ~ There’s been mutilated coyotes left on door steps, even smearing blood on the windows of sororities, further evidence of someone v comfortable with mdrng & having issues within the Greek system. ~ The whole situation at the bandfield still bothers me, namely the ppl running in the background at the original time LE said the crime occurred & the bushiest eyebrows we have seen In Moscow ~ I’m not certain it’s relevant but we still have the odd coincidence of the Maddie, what did you say you Adam footage (which the G family state is about Kaylee wanting to get back together with jack) but who knows. Plus the timing of the calls to him. ~ In an interview of the Goncalves family (w brother & sister) & they say some people were cleared too quickly. Even though Kristi slipped and said SHE, so they have at least one or more females in mind for being suspicious as well & the 911 call delay still links back to frat boys being called first after the room mates summoned them. ~Loaches DNA would have been in the house already since he’s been photographed there, given an explanation for it to be inside the crime scene. ~Still curious why JS was watching over the girls at the grub truck, doesn’t even order food, just waits on them & then gets ditched. Maybe he knows more & has also been threatened, maybe even the anon poster. I’ve heard Maddie’s BF asked him to keep her safe but we just don’t know. ~The one verified frat guy “Dave” that does speak out validates much that has been speculated around this case. ~We also have the U of I president having meetings with the POLICE twice a day as stated (in the BOOK he publishes about it. ~If you look up the percent of donation funding from the Greek system it’s upwards of 70%. Plus we have the U of I president Scott Greene stating in his book he wrote that he was attending police meetings TWICE PER DAY! They couldn’t lose this money/enrollments/purchase of the new college ~ Doesn’t really apply but the Chapins distancing from Xana is saddd. Even if they didn’t like her most ppl would pretend after someone passed to save face & they don’t bother soooo if this did go down over fighting over her then I could see them blaming her. Now they’re so compliant w the house being torn down & their kids going back to school there? The one thing that speaks the loudest to me is that it’s been radio silence from these kids since. And since when do you ever hear a massive # of college kids keep their mouths shut in this day & age of “clout” fame & attention seeking. The one who did come out wanted his identity PROTECTED. We HAVE to ask ourselves WHY.
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
Oh, this lot of good information!! What are some good articles that you read and videos that you watched on this? I would like to look more into this.
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@DeeDJoh man, I’ve seriously been on this case like it’s my job since it happened. Right when this went down (I’m talking before anyone knew anything, no BK etc) some 4chan posts came up talking about how 2 of the David’s in sigma chi got in a huge fight w Ethan that night. He said Ethan called David loach out for having “shriveled 🥜’s” bc he was on roids. (This is a big reason it has validity as well, this crime required RAGE) but he goes on to say they had planned to commit this type crime since freshman year. It said they set their KZbin to auto play to create an alibi & the biggest thing that grabbed me is the poster said “NINETEEN MINUTES” there & back!!! NO ONE knew the time frame LE were going to say it took back then. It’s too coincidental to guess. Plus the fight was validated from many sources including an interview from Xanas family bc her dad was in town that weekend & they said she had to break it up. They said David L wanted Xana as well. I have the screenshots bc I’ve saved everything on this case lol but you can Google it easily I’m sure. It mentions beef w Maddie & says Kaylee was in the wrong place & wrong time. It also mentions where they dispose the weapons & that one of the kids dad has a cleaning business & if you check his linked in that’s true also. I’m not one for conspiracies or to get info off 4 Chan & base a theory but over time so much has just been too coincidental. Someone in that house had to have made those posts bc we didn’t have time to know all of these characters yet, nor their dynamics… (David B was tutoring Ethan) etc. & 19 mins?!? Who would assume you could do this crime in the timeframe they’re giving us? But THEY DID. So as far as articles, you won’t find many on this subject bc most of it has been scrubbed but if you dig into singular facts it forms a pretty clear puzzle. I’ve always just typically believed what the police told us & trusted the justice system until I got so invested in this case. At first I thought Bryan was guilty for sure. I bought it all until I started seeking out info for myself & good grief this case has so much corruption in it, it’s changed my views on our Justice system & everything. Mainstream media has been beating us over the head w this narrative… there’s evidence of them photoshopping Bryan’s blue eyes into looking dark & black just so he looks “creepy” & constantly plant stories that were not validated anywhere… if you’re going to be doing more on this case I’m happy to share way more info & resources w you bc I’m so invested in this & they are doing that guy so dirty. The hardest evidence they have is TOUCH DNA on a sheath that wasn’t originally seen, on the brass button snap. Supposedly they used IGG to catch him but if you check the warrant dates they didn’t have time to even do that! There’s also studies published showing that touch/transfer dna gets degraded by metals. If you look at the police docs & get the exact model of the K Bar the police were trying to find that he “ordered” & use the serial number you get back a k bar with a BRASS SNAP. DNA only lasts FOUR HOURS on brass… they didn’t even find these kids for 8 hours so how could that even be there? It’s insane that this stuff can even happen & honestly terrifying
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
As for Bryan, Literally every. single. thing. would have had to have gone his way that night for it to have gone down the way they said it did, not leaving footprints or mud, sliding down that bank outside, from breaking in silently without any force, to all the rooms being unlocked, bypassing doordash, finding his targets, no victims screaming bloody mrdr w/ 2 ppl in a room, or calling 911, no visible marks, no blood trails, not busting a$$ over that little 4 inch step in the living room in the dark, w visual snow mind you, no hair, no strand of the outstandingly noticeable bushy eyebrows falling out, no sweat or blood, plus whatever Dexter sh!t he would have to have planned to get in & out of that car (or his home) w no trace of victims dna, In like under 15 mins… “Possible”? Sure, but at this point.. probable…? I just don’t see it. If you also track the timeline on the investigation & the specific warrants that were issued & when vs the arrest, it paints such a clear picture they didn’t have time to get enough info back to even “know” anything. It appears they got that name & started building from there by ordering random warrants searching for something, gettin no results, then trying another way, over & over which wouldn’t be necessary if they were getting what they expected to find once they arrested him. Instead we learn that even though all the experts said the car would be a treasure trove there was nothing, no connections with any victims, nothing of significance in the search warrants at all. Yet they cleared so many ppl close to this case, who could have motive & access far quicker than I’ve seen most cases. Bryan also seems like a very neurotic OCD type person who IF wanted to commit a mass mrdr or a had a stalker lvl obsession would have wanted it perfect. Would have planned in great detail & rehearsed & strategized to great lengths using his extensive knowledge to make sure he covered all bases to get away with it. If he wanted to be another bundy & attack some sorority girls bc he was mad about getting bad reviews or to experience it from the criminal perspective, it would have made WAY more sense to do it at WSU where he could have reason to be walking on campus if seen bc what troubles me most is him being a criminology student and driving his personal car around in loops like he’s lost or wants to be seen on every camera around a mrdr scene, especially when it’s near impossible to get in a car, especially after a gruesome quadruple H & not leave a stitch of evidence knowing they pull them apart & even get into the air vents/ with specialized forensic vacuum cleaners. Everything in this investigation has seemed off since day 1. I also just cannot get past the prosecution having 3 male DNA’s they won’t test. TWO found by the victims!! If they can’t do due diligence on THAT, what are they doing due diligence on?
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
@@DeeDJI cleaned up my original comment to make it more clear & concise. But it seems to me that the police saw white cars moving around that night & then started to build their case around that & once they got Bryan, i think they assumed tons of evidence would follow, especially the car. I have yet to think of a single set of circumstances where he could have gotten in that car after how much body fluid he would have been covered in. It would soak through clothes, his face was still exposed, he had no time to shower, no time to carefully disrobe & stuff everything methodically in a bag without it still getting on him (in this ridiculous time frame mind you). They had so much pressure to solve the crime that they had to have illegally put his info in the system to get his name bc IGG takes months of work. Bryan stayed in town & they had his name before he left & even when they released the BOLO for the Elantra so why not just bring him in to talk? Why storm his parents house? They had to use these big charades to get it to a grand jury & block him from getting a preliminary trial. That’s so dirty. Not to mention it’s been over a year & the state hasn’t given all the evidence to the defense yet. If the IGG (cell tower SPECIFICS) hasn’t even been completed by the FBI YET, how can they be so sure it was him?! Those first pings mean nothing due to the lack of towers in that area. He could ping in Moscow from his apartment. This case is crazy
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
You won’t find “official” articles about the 4chan stuff but there’s valid info available for everything else so if there’s a specific direction you want to go down lmk & I can point you to articles 😊 P.S. His tag from Pennsylvania was only a back plate. Washington requires front & back plates. He didn’t change his plates out, they expired that same week so he had only updated it. There’s also 2 interesting cases where people were wrongly convicted bc of touch dna. One was a homeless guy that a paramedic had treated one morning & later the paramedic went to a crime scene & it got transferred. They were only able to clear the homeless guy bc he was still in the hospital. The second was a guy that was blamed for being part of a bombing when he lived in an entirely different county. Turned out he worked in a factory that made parts that the actual perp used in making the bomb. We shed hundreds of thousands of skin cells per day. Our dna is all over the country in places we have never been. Where BK is at right now, could literally happen to any of us. That’s what’s so terrifying
@joann5075 5 ай бұрын
BK never followed Any of them.
@tonystevenson26 5 ай бұрын
I K R ?! It's totally bogus...
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
@AnnieRuler216 5 ай бұрын
Yes, some disinformation guy flipped his profile name as soon as name was out and the 'like' campaign began,,imo. A creshowed us
@tonystevenson26 5 ай бұрын
@@AnnieRuler216 yes !
@BrassMonkey916 6 ай бұрын
This was such a good video very interesting subjects to talk about, it’s chilling the stuff and events like these that happen
@DeeDJ 6 ай бұрын
I still get chills thinking about this investigation
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
As for Bryan, Literally every. single. thing. would have had to have gone his way that night for it to have gone down the way they said it did, not leaving footprints or mud, sliding down that bank outside, from breaking in silently without any force, to all the rooms being unlocked, bypassing doordash, finding his targets, no victims screaming bloody mrdr w/ 2 ppl in a room, or calling 911, no visible marks, no blood trails, not busting a$$ over that little 4 inch step in the living room in the dark, w visual snow mind you, no hair, no strand of the outstandingly noticeable bushy eyebrows falling out, no sweat or blood, plus whatever Dexter sh!t he would have to have planned to get in & out of that car (or his home) w no trace of victims dna, In like under 15 mins… “Possible”? Sure, but at this point.. probable…? I just don’t see it. If you also track the timeline on the investigation & the specific warrants that were issued & when vs the arrest, it paints such a clear picture they didn’t have time to get enough info back to even “know” anything. It appears they got that name & started building from there by ordering random warrants searching for something, gettin no results, then trying another way, over & over which wouldn’t be necessary if they were getting what they expected to find once they arrested him. Instead we learn that even though all the experts said the car would be a treasure trove there was nothing, no connections with any victims, nothing of significance in the search warrants at all. Yet they cleared so many ppl close to this case, who could have motive & access far quicker than I’ve seen most cases. Bryan also seems like a very neurotic OCD type person who IF wanted to commit a mass mrdr or a had a stalker lvl obsession would have wanted it perfect. Would have planned in great detail & rehearsed & strategized to great lengths using his extensive knowledge to make sure he covered all bases to get away with it. If he wanted to be another bundy & attack some sorority girls bc he was mad about getting bad reviews or to experience it from the criminal perspective, it would have made WAY more sense to do it at WSU where he could have reason to be walking on campus if seen bc what troubles me most is him being a criminology student and driving his personal car around in loops like he’s lost or wants to be seen on every camera around a mrdr scene, especially when it’s near impossible to get in a car, especially after a gruesome quadruple H & not leave a stitch of evidence knowing they pull them apart & even get into the air vents/ with specialized forensic vacuum cleaners. Everything in this investigation has seemed off since day 1. I also just cannot get past the prosecution having 3 male DNA’s they won’t test. TWO found by the victims!! If they can’t do due diligence on THAT, what are they doing due diligence on?
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
You cover Idaho 4 AND pokemon!!! My entire Yt feed lol. I’m obsessed w this case. I’ve followed it like a full time job since week 1. I’m ao pumped to have new coverage & just subbed!
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! Definitely will be coming back to this case when they start this trial. Pokémon was part of my childhood, more content is coming for Pokemon. Thank you for the sub!
@pete_adler 5 ай бұрын
You guys should review the case before you publish your podcast for public consumption. Just some friendly constructive criticism. Facts matter.
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate the friendly criticism, but to give you some backstory. Anna at the beginning of the episode, she’s the one that’s been studying this. I watched a doc on Max and my friend Curlzz, watched some KZbin videos on this case. So we all got our information from different sources. Everyone is going to have different views, opinions on this case. Which I understand. This isn’t the last time that we’re going to review this case. There’s people putting information in the comments and I’ll go back and deep dive and then in the summer when the trials goes. I’ll go back and cover it.
@helloeverybody6301 4 ай бұрын
The only way you wouldn't hear anything if you had headphone in.
@stevieb427 3 ай бұрын
If you layout his downward spiral you see how he devolves into exactly what he told you he was himself. A pathetic human who saw others as sacks of meet and couldn’t even feel an emotion toward his own father. He had immediately been the subject of several complaints from woman at WSU, that had him put on a probationary program to keep his job. He was not able to control himself and ends up having a physical altercation with his professor which cost him his job, housing and funding for doctoral studies. He was gonna show LE who turned him down and the people who were his reason for failing exactly what he was capable of. He would commit this gruesome murder that would no doubt get national attention, and he’d get away with it.
@maryuding9701 4 ай бұрын
All we hear about is the defence and procacution arguing,when all we need is that Dylan and Bethany brought in and made testifie under oath we would get some truth than!!!!!
@DeeDJ 4 ай бұрын
Yes for reals.
@YAHNewsNetwork 5 ай бұрын
Actually its closer to 9 minutes. The car did not park until 4:07:32 or thereabouts. It left at 4:20 , Now estimate entry and exit times at 4 minutes and you are left with an almost impossible amount of time to commit this horrific act. You are new to this case. And are behind a large curve of information you are unaware of. Especially when it comes to the DNA.. lol . . .
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the clarification and more details for us. We all deep dove different videos on this case. So we can talk about it. That’s the whole point. Maybe it wasn’t clarified in this.
@Susiehighschool 5 ай бұрын
@@DeeDJcheck out get a clues vid on the Chrysler 300. It will blow your mind
@joann5075 5 ай бұрын
Lots of Misinformation here. Except for the last Guy!! Hes spot on. Ive followed this case since Day one!! I have researched and Spent many sleepless nights!! BK is being framed 💯💯
@tonystevenson26 5 ай бұрын
No doubt
@DeeDJ 5 ай бұрын
I see, explain more. There’s a lot that could be miss information. Not saying you’re wrong, I’m not saying I’m correct. But I want to know of what you know about BK.
@annabelwong 5 ай бұрын
personally, i have also done a lot of research. the only things thet i said that could be wrong are the times. i said “i believe” a lot because even what i read could be misinformation. i think that instead of telling us that theres misinformation, you should educate us! we want to know! i also believe that there is not enough proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he did this. also the fact that he committed these murders in such a small period of time. he had no prior criminal history and the crime scene was almost done perfectly. please respond, we wanna know what we got wrong!
@AnnieRuler216 5 ай бұрын
48:52 16 minutes? PCA says 4-4:25...25 minutes...BM alleged car parked 4:08 and seen on Walenta traveling fast at 4:20... Where did 16 minutes come in ?
@helloeverybody6301 4 ай бұрын
He must have been wearing tight fitting clothing because how would the witness know he looked athletic.
@stevieb427 3 ай бұрын
You only stand silent to leave the door open for a plea or a insanity Please explain why am innocent man stands silent?
@Bonitashuck 4 ай бұрын
If it was bryan why 8 hours delay hmm...
@AnnieRuler216 5 ай бұрын
The person accused of this....PHD student, selects a home with one street in, amd one street out. Parks there 12 times, like a person buying weed and cocainne would do? Wack it to OoF witth M? Extra exciting parked by her? All logical. Him singlehandedly stabbing these many people, sneaking down stairs bloody, (stairs and golf bagg seen by CSI-public) snuck back up...waa a golf cclub used on K face " beaten unrecognizable"per msm report, as well as whaccked E on head? All in 10 minutes and ON Walenta, or whichbstreet was recited? SG text says cops know it was not bk's car bc cof sunroof and tintedd windows...per SG text!
@ninawiley295 4 ай бұрын
Prosecutor said in court he did not stalk any of them
@ninawiley295 4 ай бұрын
The study u talked about was from the school he went to in pa at the start of the case the teacher done an interview it was standard ? The hole class had the same he didn’t post his soon enough so didn’t get to use that for whatever they were doing he had to use something else
@ninawiley295 4 ай бұрын
They only say partial foot print in front of dms door
@ninawiley295 4 ай бұрын
It was only touch dna and fbi is supposed to have all that info so yeah sure
@ninawiley295 4 ай бұрын
Body cam footage of cops in front of house that night very close to time of murders
@ninawiley295 4 ай бұрын
The roommates didn’t call 911 until noon the next day an they called over friends first an a friend called 911
@AnnieRuler216 5 ай бұрын
Kaylee had the stalker(s)...Was it AFTER she filed a formal complaint witht he college? Was it her? One of the residents did...Snitches get made an example of. Youndo not quit Sororities and start yapping...?
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