The last D&D character you played as is hunting you. What do you do? #2 part2

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@thod-thod 6 ай бұрын
I'm so happy it's a wizard with dyslexia who can never read his spellbook right. If it had been current character then it would have been a terrifying mage who wields the power of bones in all sorts of gruesome ways
@darcraven01 6 ай бұрын
a wizard with dyslexia? sounds like the perfect way to create a wild magic wizard
@TheGamingMexican69 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like a sorcerer with extra steps
@bandi642 6 ай бұрын
slerp deprived college wizard just need to remove her access to morbing coffee
@k.w.pillsbury4070 6 ай бұрын
“Morbing Coffee.” Cool! So she’s a vampire?
@atomictomfoolery4400 6 ай бұрын
“It’s MORNING time” - Mornius
@paigeepler 5 ай бұрын
Strixhaven character??
@exxor9108 6 ай бұрын
My last character I played in D&D, was Exxor Dawnshield. A paladin, Oath of the Ancients, and strong enough to have become ageless. Wields a divine blade that is not unlike the Master Sword. If he was hunting me... it would probably be because someone _else_ is hunting me instead. I wouldn't die, but I would be protected by a very powerful being.
@albinoreaper2949 6 ай бұрын
Galath Hadron is a 6’8 human barbarian with a 300lb stone slab of a sword that uses lightning magic, and raided with a tribe of orcs for 20 years. He hurled a great axe at a dracolich that was 120ft. in the sky, hit it in the neck and made it fall onto a lava-covered floor. He decapitated a storm giant with one swing, and castrated an ogre with a power slide. Die. I’d fkn die.
@philurbaniak1811 6 ай бұрын
👍👍 not someone I'd like to _collide_ with I reckon 😃
@krabbypizza6055 6 ай бұрын
300 lb sword you say? takes some guts to use something like that
@atomictomfoolery4400 6 ай бұрын
@@krabbypizza6055less of a sword and more of a heap of iron, I’d say…
@albinoreaper2949 6 ай бұрын
@@krabbypizza6055 it’s almost like his berserking strength would eclipse that of a normal human.
@tysondennis1016 5 ай бұрын
The Large Hadron Collider
@SilvanianPirateKing 6 ай бұрын
There is no nope. I have a character called The Mole. He's a druid/rogue multiclass specializing in infiltration, subterfuge, and if need be killing. He's has the feats keen mind, actor, and eldritch adept for the invocation mask of many faces. To top it off, he has his spells and equipment stacked to where he's undetectable and untraceable even by magical means. Long story short he could be any person and I wouldn't know it. He could even be my dog. Heck, he could even have already killed me and assumed my identity as we speak.
@builttoscalevideos 6 ай бұрын
I’m not sure what I’d do, but the one thing I do know is that she’s a very powerful cleric who is probably really mad that I built the character sheet around them having a terrifying looking full head helmet that has an unbreakable curse of binding that also negates all persuasion bonuses and adds +2 to intimidation
@dr4c0r3x5 6 ай бұрын
Offer him an old cell phone with internet connection, he's an Order of Scribe Wizard and loves knowledge.
@Mx._M_o_t_h 6 ай бұрын
Just sit and accept my fate. Chaos is a 8 foot tall dragon born rouge whose only bad skill is talking. They became lawful evil for a time so they could easily find a way to get me and get out of any repercussions so I’m dead.
@ruikirisame1744 6 ай бұрын
Knowing how the luck and skillset of my rogue, he would be arrest for arson or just being a walking felony for all the weapons he carries
@roberthohman4637 6 ай бұрын
Meanwhile my rogue despite having 2 dozen daggers has been proven multiple times in the campaign he's in, that he is very capable at concealing them... Also 20 of those daggers are animated objects. Have fun with that thought.
@stevenjohnson6962 6 ай бұрын
Well considering I'm playing a fire teifling that actively avoids anything that is cold. Guess I'm going to go live at the north pole from now on.
@matthewbunting9890 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like Canada might be far enough, and would be far less hassle to get to.. might not have to go all the way to the North Pole.
@UrbanVerse69 6 ай бұрын
I'm probably pretty safe. Last D&D character I played was a silver dragonborn pyromancer named Lilith who was almost always high on some kind of special druidic weed and barely knew where she was or what she was doing most of the time (in universe explanation for all the IRL bad timing of events that required me to skip multiple games in this campaign), even though she was a skilled cartographer. She's just a bundle of contradictions, huh? So yeah, I'll never be found. Now the character BEFORE her...yeah, I'd be worried. Ambiguously named and gendered bugbear fighter with a grappler specialization that successfully lived through the Savage Tide campaign with the ability to grow to giant size pretty much at will and a habit of enjoying some humanoid flesh that may or may not be cooked...yeah, they were not pleasant, and they were not easy to shake off.
@Hoovy00 6 ай бұрын
Technically if it's my last d&d character I have to survive a changeling that could be anyone anywhere, can turn invisible and could probably take over the world through propaganda. If it's last TTRPG character it's a automaton developing a nuclear weapons program. I guess my last resort is to warn the government and pray
@brunosilva5652 6 ай бұрын
I’ve never been so happy to have temporarily changed characters, my wizard would destroy me. Noztrel von Astrel the dreams Druid would be a way better chance. He was the first born to a noble elven house, candidate to be the next king but when he was about 10 he ended up slipping into the fey wilds and living there for a couple hundred years and started to see the world as one of them, once he returned only 20ish years had past in the material plane he got back to his house but started seeing that the nobles lacked nobility, and that there was more to it then bloodline. He abdicated his place and started traveling searching for the true meaning of nobility, trying to be worthy of his title. So as long as I manage to show nobility he wouldn’t go on to kill me, he would probably try to talk / befriend me now I only need to find a way to do it
@Madchemist002 6 ай бұрын
I'd be really worried. He's a changeling college of whispers bard with a 22 in charisma. He had informants all over the land. I would probably just be paranoid the entire time, since I wouldn't be able to trust anyone. Best I could do would be to change my identity, leave the country and maintain a low profile.
@Chichaetomate 6 ай бұрын
Well my last character died... So I'm fine
@thetwojohns6236 6 ай бұрын
As a forever DM, I dont have too much opportunity to play many characters these days. However, I did reprise a favorite retired character couple of mine in a recent adventure, Talan and Argenta. Talan is a lvl 25 Paladin of the Virtue Courage. He never stops coming, never retreats. He will fight to the death. He's also from a group called "The Immortals" who have been asked to sacrifice their ability to die for a cause known only to them. Argenta is his silver dragon mount AND wife. She, like her husband, took the mantle of immortal and presents as a Bard. Her level, if she really were what she shows, would be comparable to his. She can move a hard hearted villain to tears with her songs, which she is capable of singing in multiple harmonies at once. And she is, in fact, a dragon. So if they were here hunting me, I'd just be dead. There's no hole I could hide in, no one who could protect me, I'd just... be... dead. Edit: sp
@Ice-bh1fd 6 ай бұрын
I would just be dead, no chance for survival. Nizu Wildheart a gnome divination wizard level 11, and he is a detective. There is no place to run or hide. He can see me any where I go and can track me where ever I Run. There is no chance to set traps because he would know they were there and if he didn't he can bend luck to his will to survive. The only chance that I have is that he is a very thorough when it comes to investigating anything and he would probably realize he has no reason to kill me but if he did I am fucked.
@dracojake3933 6 ай бұрын
I REALLY lucked out. I just started a new campaign. I’m being hunted by a level one Divine soul sorcerer Thrii-kreen. So, while he is still absolutely terrifying, giant walking, thought-talking bug with magic, with a decent AC, he has low health and mid stats. I at least stand some chance with a proper firearm. However, if I was hunted by my character from the campaign that just ended, I would be totally screwed. Enter Edgar Allen Qrow. Level 14 draconic sorcerer, he’s got level 7 spells, 19 AC, at least +1 in every stat (amazing stat rolls). He has greater invisibility, subtle spell, quickened spell and distant spell. I stand no chance at killing him. I can’t hide. He has a +19 to perception (expertise plus an item that adds 5). And the icing on the cake, he is a freaking time traveler (works for the time god). So I’m just dead, don’t know when, don’t know how, just dead. No getting out of it.
@philurbaniak1811 6 ай бұрын
It was a positioning build with lots of teleportation tricks so 🤔 maybe change my name and move house 🤷🏼‍♀️
@flamei11usion 6 ай бұрын
Last character was a blood hunter who takes absolutely no caution when it comes to any situation. If he's hunting me without his healer friend, he likely won't even make it to my house.
@StarforceOnAir 6 ай бұрын
The last character I played is Kamille Kruchevsky, 6th Level Human Fighter, Psi Warrior to be exact. Even has the Telepathic and Telekinetic Feats to go with Psionic shenanigans. A Noblewoman of a merchant town that's about was Discworld-y as you can get without actually being a Discworld. Lucky for me, she's a woman who prefers to conversation and understanding instead of violence, saving her sword for foes that will only respond with murder and violence or just straight-up evil. About as goodie-good as you can get. Her family is the embodiment of dad jokes, use their riches and political power for both country and their people. As long as I don't act like an irredeemable jackass and discuss just what the hell it is that I did to deserve her wrath, what I can do to right my wrongs, etc, I'll be A-OK. The blessing of making my characters NOT assholes.
@rhodes3983 6 ай бұрын
My best play is to invest in fire extinguishers and firefighter gear. V is a level 2 variant human draconic bloodline sorcerer with an almost solely fire based spell list. Anything that is good against fire is good against him. There is one problem however: He has the elemental adept feat so he ignores fire resistance. So I don't know how effective protective gear would be against his attacks but it would certainly help in escaping a burning building. Luckily, since he is essentially a house fire waiting to happen, the moment he lights something up the firefighters and probably the cops would be there to help me. And since he is just level 2 as of right now, I doubt he could hold off the police for long, even with his 15 AC natural armor.
@kaylebunger-gv1ol 6 ай бұрын
Shigil shaymen, basically an anthropomorphic shy guy homebrew Eldritch entity with the same backstory as the aboleth species. A price of an inconceivable master that can't truly die and has shadow powers. His body is just a shy guy outfit covering a mass of darkness that works like a combo of a bag of holding, and shape shifting shadow tentacles. He was designed as nigh unkillable support because he is true neutral and roles for will to get involved rather than initiative. He has another form that can basically one shot a god but it can only be used if his only true companion (a soul bound cat) gets hurt. And then the dm gets to be the one playing him because he'll make NO distinguishment from friend or foe. If he genuinely wants me dead I'll just teach him how to use a gun so he can make it quick. It's the least painful option
@kaylebunger-gv1ol 6 ай бұрын
Monster not master, auto correct
@ElementalAngelKashi 6 ай бұрын
My study hall teach had a homebrew mostly done since it inspired creative writing so things like level and spells or skills were based on justification so if you used a sword long enough you could unlock the swordman's skills, same went to magic, basically effort thru story telling helped developed the character, but se did still use dice for chance based things. with that out of the way the only character i ever played was Human you grew up in a priesthood learning spells to heal and cure for about his first 12 years of life, upon losing a friend he journeyed to the capital city and enrolled in an adventurer school, with a focus on Necromacy in order to see if there were connections between it and the life magic he learned. As a condition of learning Necromancy he had to take more physical courses to make up for the loss in vitality he would encounter. He picked up the battle axe as his main tool as his appearance made him look sickly, though it was joked on one or more occasions to take up a scythe instead for the intimidation factor but he stuck to the battle axe carrying a smaller hand axe for faster opponents. He was one for study and did not like to kill but needing funds he joined up with a group of other young aspiring adventurers and went on many quest in their breaks from school. Other course he took were Alchemy and Cooking, which complemented each other well. In terms of my survival, I think i would be fine, My character had a habit of negotiating with wanted people, usually they could either come dead or alive because he could just heal them after incapacitating them. depending on what i did i might just be taken in with no fight (no reason for pain if not needed). If he went with the party to capture me, then i am just flat out dead. I do miss playing as a character, but DMing was fun enough at that time.
@MatchieMun 6 ай бұрын
I just got done with a session so that'd be a 3'2" Kender Bard of Eloquence, Savvy Silvertongue, who just got back from a quest where he spent a majority of it high as balls from glowing shrooms he stared at for a bit too long, had Granny Gobbs waterboard him with alcohol (somehow that sobered him up), was blinded (temporarily), and is now taking the biggest, hottest danged bath in the history of Westmarch while taking medicated eyedrops. I think I'll be fine.
@joaodasilva3210 6 ай бұрын
My last character was from an avatar campaign and he’s a water bender. He will kill you and feel absolutely no regret, doesn’t react to anything that happens, ex: his brother got killed and he’d be like, “Damn, that’s crazy.” Unlike me, he can actually fight, and I’m 14 so I don’t own guns or anything to defend myself with. All that combined with my anxiety, I’d crawl into a ball and cry.
@TheMemo659 6 ай бұрын
My valor bard is a bad ass. Best case; I talk her into a jam session and we bond over music. Hopefully she will then either make my death painless, or say "fuck it" and change her mind on killing me. Worst case; she is having a bad day and just smokes me without any conversation.
@LunaProtege 6 ай бұрын
It occurs to me, as of the LAST one of these videos... I forgot one of my OTHER current Pathfinder Characters, or at least I think I forgot them. Azure, a Sylph Heister Rogue specialized for stealth and slipping her entire body through keyholes rather than open the door. There is absolutely no way I'm seeing her coming, and there's basically no way I'm keeping her out. The GOOD news, is because she's good, and has had some BAD experiences with both being tricked and seeing other people being tricked, she is going to look at me, a near harmless person who rarely goes outside, and think "this can't be right". Most likely scenario, I come home to find her drinking my tea, and she starts asking me questions before taking two steps and vanishing in front of my eyes... Worst case scenario, I will promptly wake up a day later unsure if it was a dream or not after being slapped unconscious from stealth, with her having during that time brought me to get my brain scanned by a world hopping wizard to be sure I'm being honest.
@alitaher003 6 ай бұрын
A BG3-inspired game, which had Torvald, a Dwarf Necromancer who just won a wish with his companions, and his was to ascend to lichdom, with the potential for unlimited knowledge, power, potential and wealth. Fuck.
@kiwwat4139 6 ай бұрын
I... I think I actually stand a chance. On the one hand side, the character is a level 8 Twilight Domain Cleric. That is... A lot of power and some nasty spells... In theory. In practice, Alcibiades Castor "The Twilight Knight" is an idiot. A delusional wannabe superhero/vigilante/detective. Most of his magical arsenal is dedicated to detective-work and info-gathering, so I don't doubt that he would have zero problems in tracking me down, even on my own turf. But I have two advantages. 1) I know him and what buttons to push with him. I can 100% goad the self-aggrandising little show-off into a duel without magic. Because it would look cooler. 2) He's a kobold, so about 2'7... I'm 6'5. I can just punt him like a football. And he'd go flying like the silly little cartoon character he is. His weapons of choice are two shortswords he does NOT know how to use effectively. He does not have any reach to compete with my lanky ass. If we accept games other than D&D, then a Half-Elf that, by now, has seen too much sh*t and has been afflicted with Vampirism over the course of the campaign is coming for me. And I may as well surrender. Pathfinder characters are not to be messed with. If I try to run (and I am a good runner), he'll just jump 40ft in a standing leap and ram a bastard sword through my shoulder. Where "The Twilight Knight" does not really know how to use his swords, my Pathfinder 2e character very much does know. He grew up with a mother who trained her and later lived in a city where your social standing was determined by sword duels. Add over a decade of experience as a tracker and mercenary and... No way I am beating him in a duel. That is if I can see him coming. He can shapeshift in a cat once a day... and is usually accompanied by a very big cat that has, at this level, higher stats than a Grizzly Bear. Best chance is if I surrender and pray that his moral compass has stayed intact after whatever latest tragedy the DM (and I) decided to inflict on him.
@patrickanderson3373 6 ай бұрын
My last dnd character was trained as an assassin from the age of 5, was very talented and made her first kill at 8, and proceeded to escape from her organization of assassins after breaking free from their brainwashing and killing several of their members. She later was redeemed and became a paladin, working on righting her wrongs. I'd be so fucking dead, end of story. I don't think there is anything I could do lol. For reference, this character was also min-maxxed for combat as a rogue/paladin and even ended up with a flametongue rapier. Yikes.
@jackhammertwo1 6 ай бұрын
Mandatory Cyberpunk 2077 ost appreciation comment.
@lanereynolds4567 6 ай бұрын
last character was a pf2e precision ranger specked out for tracking and medical treatment. He was a kobold who was of a climbing subspecies, who had the str to drag unconscious allies up walls, and into holes to hide them from enemies to heal them, and snipe at said enemies with a longbow while out of reach. And a lot of stealth. As good as a rogue, for stealth. He'd spend time studying me, then kill me, hide the body, and dispose of any evidence.
@Dxm2000andNinju 6 ай бұрын
I'd pet him and/or bring him to therapy. My last character was a Feral Tiefling in an unfortunately short homebrew campaign, named Spit. I guess the first thing to be said is that if he were to chose to hunt me down? 100% he's in the right. I put him through *a lot*. He was an incredibly unfortunate soul who'd been kidnapped by Fey, experimented on, lost a bunch of memories, escaped, was kidnapped by bandits(twice), treated like a pet, escaped, found a new home-- and just as things were looking up, snap, the campaign started and he was somewhere new, imprisoned, pretty sure he'd died, and was surrounded by strangers. Despite being non-verbal(essentially), with -2 in both strength and charisma and being a wreck from the above events, he somehow found it in him to be the most effective combatant and the team puppy, as the world slowly got worse. So yeah, I'd pet him, he'd probably gut me, and I'd tell any judge he was justified.
@k.w.pillsbury4070 6 ай бұрын
Korsika Roefort. Dragonborn Lv1 Sorc, Lv7 Erdrich Knight. But why!? You’re the kindest of your party! I’d have to beg, and plead and hope, that she’d not Stab or Shock me to death. And perhaps open a dialogue. Due to the DM’s request, her and the rest of the party are Statted really high (no negative mods, period) and have max possible HP. There’s no way for me to win an all out battle. I’d have to hide, thankfully I know some good spots in my house.
@greebeena2818 6 ай бұрын
My last character made it to level 19. 1 level in Paladin and 18 levels in Sorcerer/draconic bloodline, Black Dragon. By the time it was over she looked like a Demon Hunter Warden from WarCraft. As a full Drow you might expect this to go very poorly for me, but that 1 level in Paladin is all background driven. Sabyle escaped the Underdark very young and was raised on the surface by a paladin. Her favorite past time was navigation and map making. She is very polite to everyone she meets and "almost" always gave her enemies a chance to surrender. The best thing I could do is invite her in, sit down, offer a good meal, and have a chat. With her Charisma hitting 22 (yup the DM gave me a book) I'm sure she could just convince me to go with her, but she is not the type to harm the innocent, and hates being decieved. I would be in good hands. And if i was deserving of death it would be swift, with no trace i was there except for maybe a puddle of goo on the floor.
@paigeepler 5 ай бұрын
The last character I played is a fathomless bladelock with Sentinel and War Caster whose build is specifically designed to lock down enemies as much as possible and prevent them from escaping. On the other hand, she's by far the most normal person I've ever played. She's an anthropologist with a particular interest in religion, which I have some background in as well, and a very reasonable person in general. So I think the logical solution here is to talk to her about her field in relation to my own experiences with it, and get her to call off the attack in favor of discussing the similarities and differences between kuo-toa religion and Haitian Vodou.
@joshwilson7614 6 ай бұрын
Ask him why, and try to talk him down. Emil is actually pretty easy going, but if for SOME reason I can't talk him down, I basically just start praying. He can teleport, and is so proficient with a whip he can snatch a coin out of the air and into his hand. He also has gaseous form, can CONTROL SILVER, And has a ton of throwing knives, and crossbows for most occasions. Oh, and the sunblade. That's not to mention his magic, and I never intended it, but by GOD does he have the ability to MacGyver his way out of most situations, typically lethally at that.
@riverkath 6 ай бұрын
Morgan “Mori” Lamplight: Social inept level 6 blood hunter, sure she’s a blood hunter but she’s weak af (only killing 2 things in 10 sessions by accidentally stealing them) I’m gonna be fine, might even become her first friend.
@Bentron88 6 ай бұрын
Rolan Mistborne. A sea elf blood hunter ghost hunter with 3 levels of artificer so he was also battle smith that sails the high seas as a shipwright. His goal: sink the ghost ship he accidentally released from the depths of hell. His favorite weapon? A long range rifle that was basically Bad News from Critical Role with the repeating shot infusion so it never ran out of ammo! He also had the elven accuracy feat so whenever he used that rifle at advantage, which was almost all the time since he would spam faerie fire, he could roll 3 dice instead of 2. His favorite pass time was to upgrade any ship he was on, like make the cannons a permanent version of the repeating shot infusion so they became semiautomatics. What would I do if he was after me? If he was willing to leave the ocean to come after a land lubber, I’d give up. Ghost hunters can walk through walls so no amount of defenses could hold him back. he has a high chance to get a head shot at me from a mile away. And anyone that tries to protect me would have to face crazier and crazier magical technology. It’s not a matter of if he’ll kill me… it’s when.
@iciclecold2991 6 ай бұрын
As an extremely distractable tabaxi who is far more interested in stories than killing? I wouldn't be in any danger because all I would have to do is tell her all the stories I know. And I know WAAAAY too many stories.
@TinyRobotED-tm9rs 6 ай бұрын
Since he’s so pyromanic I’ll buy some fire proof armour
@crestenor 6 ай бұрын
There’s a chance. Aarothys Nikol is a level 4 tabaxi horizon walker, and has both ranged and melee weapons as well as a solid +6 to his stealth. Basically, if he can sneak up on me or get a good position at range, I’m cooked. However, if I manage to notice him stalking me, I could probably talk him down, as he’s a good-natured person and I like to consider myself relatively charismatic. As long as I can talk to him, we’d probably get along well, and might even bond over our shared fondness for music.
@Keiji555 6 ай бұрын
It's been a while since I've played DND, so I'm going to put 3 characters down. My last pathfinder character (It's been a few years) was a Two-handed Roman fighter with a Greataxe, who is the son of a Roman Sorcerer who, despite mages being essentially slaves, made himself the most important individual, by finding himself a castle after destroying a vampire, taking his entire library, translating ancient texts into Latin, and set himself up to be a National Hero... Followed by reforming the Roman education system, with all the nobles wanting him to tutor their kids. Also, his castle is at a location that was turned into a merchant hub. (Another character I played.) The one I am talking about, the fighter, killed a dragon with his Greataxe, and with a scale that he got as a reward, he made a Greataxe out of that. He is very intelligent, crafty and clever, updating military tactics. He is also strong enough to match blows with Orcs. If he finds me, then I'm screwed. The next one is from Scion: Hero, first edition. He made it all the way to Demigod, and bumbled his way up there. He is a son of Zeus, and one of the strongest mortals in the realm. He can control wind and lightning, and is a walking weapons cache. He isn't that bright, and he gets bored when there is no conflict. Oh, and he nearly caused an interpantheon incident when he drank blood from the dead god Bahamut, becoming a Scion of both Zeus and Bahamut, also making him a prince of the pantheon. The one that he would contest against was a powerful, ancient dragon, and she would have wiped him out, despite liking him. He is way too strong, and almost invulnerable. And I probably don't have to worry about that. The latest one is from a homebrew system. This character is a fire manipulating, long to medium ranged mage, who wields a combat yo-yo. He is immensely intelligent, and clever. He can summon lava golems, make clouds of ash to blind you... Even see infrared. Problem is... he messed up recently and got himself turned into a 12 year old. And reality shifted it that everyone remembers him being that age, much to his chagrin. He is a bit more of a mouthy, shrimpy class clown, with sass to boot. He also messed up at some point, and got a fear of the dark. (Long story. don't ask.) Since I work with kids, I would just start chatting him up, and ask him about video games, until his father came. After his mishap, he turned into a huge daddy's boy, and despite sassing his dad, doesn't want to disappoint him. So an easy distraction, and the threat of calling his father in would get him to behave. Reason why he'd be hunting me? Probably to set me up for a practical joke. Just hope he doesn't drop stink juice in the school AC. (Long story.)
@zodiachimera7557 6 ай бұрын
Ah, my homebrew race Alchemy Artificer... ... While it'll be hard to miss either a flightless anthropomorphic carrion crow or a wolf/corvid hybrid... Valra Vynn would not give enough of a crap about standing out, and if they did they can mimic voices/sounds to lure me off & get me alone. I'd better hope I have a steady supply of shiny things to bribe them with, or I'm cooked. Literally.
@bennesbitt2065 6 ай бұрын
Johann Dinkins, Son of Jimothy Dinkins, was a ranger/rogue gnome commando. Known for his ability to track and kill in any climate/ environment. Either I pay him off or accept my fate. In game he has succeeded every perception check when it came to following enemy trails and stealth. Fails close range combat rolls, but give him a bow and a general sense of where you are and your fate is sealed.
@Alpha_Synergy 6 ай бұрын
I'd be screwed. The character was inspired by the Good Hunter from Bloodborne, and has quite a few tools to end my life rather swiftly, and never be able to be killed himself. He has multiple reactions per turn, including the ability to negate damage and counterattack, he can heal by hitting you if you do manage to damage him, he has three healing flasks that refill on a long rest, and worst of all, he has proficiency and advantage on death saving throws, meaning even if you down him he's likely not staying there for long.
@PantherCat64 6 ай бұрын
Considering I haven't been able to play any other character than my first one due to the group splitting a long time ago, I probably have the easiest time against Fergus the unwilling magic caster Tabbaxi fighter. Its a three step process: A. Cheese. B. Tell him who killed the wolf he wanted to tame, so he can fill out that revenge later. C. Give him the exact details of his backstory, and write it down so he won't forget it if something were to happen. I have now given him no purpose for anything, and I have made a new friend… that now I have to find a new purpose for, which might be a worse issue, but hay, mission success. See His motivations were to him excuses to do things, he Knew a brief rundown of his backstory so he went “oh why not try and travel and figure out the specific details?”, then in the middle of that he went on a revenge quest for the death of the wolf he wanted to tame and wanted to kill whoever did it, their family, and all their enemies too, Al because emotion is a great way to strive towards something. So his greatest weakness his is long term goals. Any other Level 2 fighter I’d be done for against, even with prep time, yes he’s level 2 although the plan would still work even at level 20 because since all I have to do to win against Fergus is just remove the drive to kill me, it’s easy. Now The real question is: what do I do with him now? I can't really tell to go back where he came from because, well, where's "where he came from"? This is worse than seducing a dragon because there you’d at least have gold to spend and be a freeloader. instead, now I got a unmotivated/depressed Tabbaxi who keeps accidentally casting spells while still not believing in magic and realizing the weird things happening are directly from him, making amuck just by being in my living room and lying there sad. What AM I supposed to do? No really I’m taking suggestions, this is the only problem with my plan and I have no idea how I’d get him off his stooper, and he’s my own character. Also yes, I did already submit this answer, but I wrote that when I was tired and wanted to fix the grammar. Seem liked a good opportunity.
@donaldtrumpscat2443 6 ай бұрын
An anarchistic homebrewed fire elemental with the tendency to set fruits on fire(we named him Appleburner after a few incidents) and burn everything he doesn't like. He's fairly clever and has ridiculously high social skills(started with +6 to persuasion, deception and intimidation at level 1) so gathering information about me would be fairly easy for him. My best call is to hide in a wooden building because he managed to traumatize himself by accidentally setting his bed on fire once while sleeping in it, so he refuses to use flames in wooden structures. He'd probably find a way to get me out since he can get very creative at problem solving. Honestly, someone will call the police on him sooner or later because he incinerated the blueberries at my local walmart or something so I'm good
@DeadlyNightshadeZ 6 ай бұрын
Well, I go to sleep, have a horrible nightmare, wake up and my brain melts. A sorcerer who, though psychologically torturing a man (he had it coming for slaughtering farmers fleeing a warzone) over the course of several months through the use of various illusion magic, the DM decided that despite not being a sorcerer spell, he should gain the 'Dream' spell. A 5th level spell, which as a sorcerer, he can sack all his lower spell slots for sorcery points allowing him to cast it NINE TIMES per long rest. I go to sleep, and in the 8 or so hours I am asleep, he dreams me 9 times, at 1 minute per cast. When I wake up I take 27d6 psychic damage.
@lucapiemonti9767 6 ай бұрын
Throw money at him and run away. I've played an infuriatingly CN mercenary warrior in the last evil one-shot. His battle cry was something like "Pay me and I'll let you run!", had absolutely zero loyalty and betrayed the party like four times across a single afternoon of game. Was still the most functional member of the party somehow.
@Forgotten_Archivist 6 ай бұрын
I’m feckin’ dying. That’s what. A rogue with insane intimidation and stealth who’s whole thing is doing massive, unstoppable damage via a place you cannot see.
@S_Boomer98 6 ай бұрын
Sofia Lavender is (as of writing) a level 3 half-elf bard. When it comes to combat, she prefers to hold her weaponry unless absolutely necessary. Even so, I would have little chance if she was serious about killing me. Shatter alone would explode my eardrums and stun me; my hearing is already very sensitive. The only way I could win is if I managed to disable her voice, which would require some good tactics on my end. Probably something I could best her in, since her intelligence isn't anything special. Of course, even then, the chance of survival is small.
@vortega472 6 ай бұрын
Buy him a bottle of bourbon - we drink it together, as we weep in each other's arms. I'm a forever DM. Thank you for that reminder, Mr. Ripper. Where's the nearest liquor store.
@YugSihtTsuj 6 ай бұрын
Currently playing Vargas (not his real name), a half-orc raised in a noble human family, but officially renounced all claim to the title to avoid causing trouble for the heir (his brother) just by existing. Met a hermit Monk in the wilderness and became his student. My best chance would be to seek him out and surrender, then ask if there's any way to resolve things peacefully. Honestly, pretty good odds of working.
@scythewielder8955 6 ай бұрын
I'd be screwed. I got a level 15 wood elf druid. He is a mentally unstable character prone to over the top violence. His wisdom score and feats give him such a wild perception. Even his passive would see anyone unless they Nat 20. He has an amazing fondness for using lightning bolt. When he's stable he's a sweet guy, even makes breakfast and is considerate, but when he gets crazy, you best make a bingo card of what the Geneva convention has a war crimes.
@chaosjimthevoidlord3762 6 ай бұрын
Makes me glad that my last character is very understanding and opts for non violence whenever possible if there’s no good extremely apparent reason they should, despite being a hyper min maxed combat focused echo knight fighter
@demonteddybear3510 6 ай бұрын
Last character hunting me: I have brought her up before in comments, but will give more info here. Katie Kruger (don't remember her class, but may have been a bard or similar with major charm abilities boosts). She was a scholarly librarian Succubus who with racial bonuses had a charisma of 20. She was looked down upon by her own people for having no other interests other than study and research (Aka: No interest in whoopy) and so sent to the human world by the elders in hopes that the sins of mankind would have a bad influence on her. She instead intended to use that time to study and document the journeys of the various adventuring groups. Her words were like fine wine and could talk her way past any guard, or out of any predicament. She could change herself to look like anyone. She wasn't a fighter and so if she had to kill she would most likely convince others to do her hunting for her as she observed and recorded the events. Yep I am so dead.
@jeffreykirkley6475 5 ай бұрын
I'm screwed. Flat out. Ian Pebble is the captain of a pirate crew of 30, being a level 9 Divine Soul Sorcerer, with a level 6 necromancy wizard, a level 9 divination wizard/artificer (he multiclassed and now I don't know what his split is because he missed several sessions), a level 10 barbarian, a level 5 fighter with godly stats, a level 5 crewmate I haven't parsed yet, and the rest being level 3 mooks. Did I mention Ian can teleport? Him or you, doesn't matter. He has Misty Step, Vortex Warp, and Teleportation Circle. He can use Divination, is very charismatic, and is extremely persistent when it comes to vengeance. Maybe - *maybe* - he doesn't kill me when he kidnaps me. But the minimum that happens once this hunt starts is he sells me into slavery after cutting off my ear to hang on his rope of trophies.
@demiurge2763 6 ай бұрын
I am so glad that I started a new campaign recently. If I didn't, my most recent character would have been a 14th level Plasmoid Aberrant Mind Sorcerer who was creepy and cute at the same time. He had a whole bunch of mind control, illusions, and divination spells. My only chance against him would have been satiating his unquenchable love for muffins. My current character is a Halfling Alchemist Artificer that dabbles in potions and poisons. While that is definitely terrifying under the right circumstances, he isn't built for tracking at all apart from his good investigation. Most of his skill set revolves around healing. The worst I have to worry about from him is him poisoning my food. There is a good chance he'll get me regardless, but the chances of him killing me are low. He is a doctor at the end of the day, after all. I ge did kill me it would be because he was testing out a mew poison.
@pyrotornado108 6 ай бұрын
A monster tamer from Heliana’s guide to monster hunting, beastkin wolf man from the crystalpunk setting, who has the dire bunny of chernobog and a mecharmadillo companion who can cast disguise self on himself. I’ll never see it coming till it’s too late.
@deathstrokecat5390 6 ай бұрын
Bo gets side tracked a lot. He’s been on a leash more than once. I’d just point out something cute or tell him where I “saw” his pseudo dragons parent, which was his whole goal. (Warlock: (Fiend) pact of the chain Tortle)
@crso6830 6 ай бұрын
Obligatory I'm the DM for this one. The Party I'm DMing for consists of: A werewolf oathbreaker paladin (Human Female) who acts nice but is actually a violent killer. The next player is a Human Hexblade warlock (female) with a magic sword. Her Eldritch smite can one shot most people, and she can do it 4 times. (At level 6). She is a professional spy with 20 charisma. Next is a half-elf sorcerer with a extra dimensional bracelet she can hide in, so the police could never stop her. Lastly There is a Human Shadow monk with double the Ki points. All of these people could fit into society with relative ease. None of our players or me would stand a chance.
@cheshirecat3504 6 ай бұрын
The last character I played? Well depending on his mood im either in for a commemorative photo or im boned, litterally. Lyle evilman (prounounces it evel-men) is a Cleric necromancer who has taken it upon himself to activly help out communities with his gift for raising the dead. Help a farmer with their fields with a workforce that never tires, save people from burning buildings without endangering living people, that sorta thing. Thing is, theres two things about him, he still has a bit of a habit of his old " evil" life he lived before that he tries his best to overcome despite the fact his god requires him to do small evil acts to atleast keep his powers. Working a pebble into the layers of someones leather heeled boot so they cant find it easily but they always feel like they are walking with a stone in their boot, tilting paintings he finds just slightly, its never personal but he has to in order to keep doing good. On the other hand, he also loves gift shops and memorabilia. So if he is hunting me down im either going to be another one of his zombies named Jeffry, pranked to madness, or just a snapshot in his ever growing travelling vacation scrapbook.
@hyper_sword8835 6 ай бұрын
I always wondered what it felt like to be a egg in a microwave. My wizard Steud Tious (order of scribes) has a penchant for trapping his foes in INESCAPABLE DOOM! Thanks to his manifest mind ability he can summon his spell book to cast spells through it and kill me with out ever looking at me himself, and it can't be removed from the field unless dispel magic is specifically cast on it. Being a college student my commoner stat-block is nowhere near a level 10 wizard. Steud's favorite tactic is trapping a creature (me) and the manifested mind in a small enclosed space, either a room or inside one of the bubbles created by the beads of force he carries with him (locks are bust because of knock, and arcane lock means he can lock me in whatever room he unlocked as well) then cast bludgeoning damage flaming sphere for a practically free 20-40d6 damage or if he was feeling especially sadistic he would cast sickening radiance (I did this to a mindflayer as well and the poor sucker, cocky as he was couldn't do flip once I cast counterspell on the planeshift spell that was his only hope of escape). I can't escape, but if by some miracle he couldn't trap me like that then seeing as he is hunting me specifically he would know my name and give me a stroke with a thought using Ralouthim's psychic lance. I'd litterally be turned into a vegetable trying to run away.
@FaisLittleWhiteRaven 6 ай бұрын
I can't remember which of the two characters I played last since its been a while but... *Lu:* My TN leaning NG, Owlin (half human on her mother's side), Lycan Bloodhunter, orphan girl who's whole thing was being a quiet natured, spacecase who, being able to turn into a big black winged werewolf whenever she wants thanks to a Wish, didn't give much f%cks about near anything other than food and getting headscritches, and just sorta wandered about aimlessly until some people invited her into their adventuring team and with their help slowly learnt the art of 'learning how to people on a regular basis' and why her whole tragic backstory happened. ...Given that she literally forgave and befriended the killer of her parents, I am legit wondering WHY she'd be after me (she's so chill it's genuinely hard to imagine her holding any kind of hostility against anything not an active threat) but no matter what level she's on, could probably bribe her into harmlessness/becoming best friends just by offering her some food, a place to stay and access to my videogame collection~ XD Edit: If she were somehow forced into going after me though... I'm probably not getting away even if I could fight through my panic enough to call the cops for help or something. I think she was level 10(?) or so when I stopped playing her but well. Lycan Bloodhunter with near max DEX and CON, high WIS and a Fire Giant's Belt; she could track and slash me to ribbons no issue and given her flight abilities and the massive strength from said Fire Giant's belt there's not a whole lot of places I could flee to that could really protect me from her for long. ...Thankfully, given who Lu is, she'd try to be swift and gentle about killing/kidnapping me as possible so that's something at least. *Fasih:* My level 17, moodswinging, CN leaning CE, ex-elf Simic Hybrid prettyboy MMM (mass multiclass monstrosity, with 2 levels in Undead Warlock, 6 Bladesinger wiz, 8 Swashbuckler Rogue, 1 WM Sorc) specked for infiltration and manipulation, all about trying to ruin a 'Resurrection cult' that used him as their lab experiment for 72 years of his 117 years alive, by any means possible, while also being a 'gleefully commits the worst tortures he can think of' serial killer to anyone like them he can manage to get his hands on away from any potential judgement/backlash from friends. ... So um. *Shudders* I'd probably die. Horribly. -skinned, burned alive, stabs etc all while being mentally tortured by alternations of Charm and Fear spamming and Fasih talking oh so persuasively about why I deserve it... DX- Why Fasih would be after me is also a mystery (he's honestly pretty friendly to everyone outside his very specific 'target demographic' though I suppose if he knew I created his horrific backstory..? DX) but despite his crappy Wis scores, his Bat familiar and his backstory bonus being hacking and tracking electronic devices (he came from a 'modern' magitech setting but spent most of his time in one without that stuff so it was very much a 'useless until DM wants it to be OP' kinda thing) means that in practice I am utterly screwed as he could easily figure out where I am, what times I'm alone/easy to target, and lure me somewhere disguised as someone I trust (while Charming me for good measure) all before I'd even know he was a threat I should be worried about. Fortunately I'm not *completely* out of hope - Fasih's biggest 'weakness' is an irrational fondness towards 'genuinely good people' and insane levels of loyalty to his mostly good aligned 'true friends' so if I can somehow appeal to his 'actually a genuinely good person' sense or befriend one of his friends I can escape awful horrible murder with no harm suffered whatsoever! =D But um. I'd have to do those things by accident within a fairly short timeframe because as I said before, I would absolutely not know Fasih was after me until it was already far too late~ XD Edit: In theory could try taking Fasih out given his Con score is a mere 7 and his combat skills are a little on the iffy compared to most PCs his level (his stats btw: STR 16, DEX 20, CON 7, INT -14- 19 due to Attunement item, WIS 13, CHA 20. I wanted him to be an effective menace but not one that could afford to piss off his party or run off solo) but well, he's level 17, he can use both 4 shots of EB and a SA bonused sword stab in the same turn complete with a near auto Fear effect, he's much *much* faster than I'll ever be, much smarter than I'll ever be, and he ended up picking up an Amulet of Health not too long before his game ended so... Yeah. Yikes! XD
@RealNikoPlush 6 ай бұрын
I'll be fucked, my character is a 2 foot tall Tanuki with a revolver. On top of being an artillerist artificer she would either: 1. Just shoot me 2. Grease and set me on fire 3. Run me over with her car 4. Fire cheese at me until I die (don't ask)
@thod-thod 6 ай бұрын
@sniclops15 6 ай бұрын
Well then... Where do I begin with this little rascal? Enter "Who Are You?" (Named for the last words his enemies constantly say to him before he guts them like a fish) - Or Huru, if you are a friend of his. He is a Kenku rogue, and overall is very friendly. If he were hunting me down, it would mean that I must have done something HORRIBLE to an existing ally of his. The thing about Huru that I am most concerned about is that he is basically a walking tape recorder. You say anything controversial or worthy of gossip at a tavern pub, and you can bet your left hip dagger and 2 pints of whiskey that the little bird is gonna be screeching it up and down the streets like a town crier during rush hour. The worst part about it? He's a pure, innocent bean. He has no clue that what he does is throwing people under the wagon, so even if you DO make friends with him, he will gladly share all your deepest darkest secrets while assuming he's doing you a kind service. In short: If this sucker is coming after me, some part of me is gonna die, and he gets to choose it. Body or reputation, what's it gonna be?
@daanbeekmans7085 6 ай бұрын
I think I would be dead if any of the 3 characters I played would hunt me. (Started DnD about 5-7 months ago). Dan Creekman is a human wizard that has just reached lvl 5 in ToA. He would be able to pretty much 1 shot me if he would find me. My only hope would be that I can chat him up and he takes pity and spares me. Antonius Felus (older brother of Rebel and eldest of his 8 siblings), lvl 11 Tabaxi battlemaster who loves to collect new weapons, max strength and has several long range weapons including a crossbow. His only weakness is that he has a big hard so my only option would be to beg for my life or ask to do it quickly. Or hide and pray that he may not find me. Rebel Felus ((little brother of Antonius) youngest of 8 siblings which will all become a character I will play with lore behind them, ask if you want to know more, they all come from Exandria), lvl 3 Tabaxi moon druid from a oneshot who doesn't know he is a druid. He have become a direwolf 2 times and doesn't control his wildshaping yet. Best option is to run away or get thorn whipped or smacked to death with his quarter staff. He is shy tho and only kills if needed so that might be my saving grace.
@sharqbyte 6 ай бұрын
Well, Derek (filler name because I'm bad at naming things) is a circle of the moon druid. He's got an awakened chameleon named Megatron who is a mage side kick. I'd have no chance because of what he could turn into being pretty much any large or dangerous animal. He's also got the ability to conjure animals, minor elementals, or woodland beings. I'd probably get mauled by a pack of reef sharks and a hunter shark or by giant bats led by a giant constrictor snake. Either way I'm screwed if he brings out stoner, his earth elemental he got from a magic item. He'll be way more fearsome when his shield guardian and clay golem get ready in the far future though
@ultimowastaken Ай бұрын
my last character was a chaotic evil fighter obsessed with kidnapping people for the fun of it. he has a high strength and speed, so it would probably not go too well for me.
@DaleCookie 6 ай бұрын
I was in fact a monk that wants to gain all the power of a bench. I succeeded and became a bench. I think I would survive.
@NSG-Productions 6 ай бұрын
A 2ft10 Owlin Artificer. I can't escape! Doors, no. Heights, no. Underground, no. Underwater, no. I'm so screwed!
@Mimic_Lord 6 ай бұрын
If my last D&D character was hunting me, I'd have to abandon anything he'd be able to use to track me, hide everyone I've ever cared about, then hide in some random cave on the other side of the world (my last D&D character was chaotic evil)
@tabbune 6 ай бұрын
A warlock kid whose backstory is that she got stuck at sea alone for a month with only her patron Kraken so she went insane in the "oh, mr Kraken would rip your guts in half 😊" kind of way Honestly 50/50
@matthewbunting9890 6 ай бұрын
Hmm same character as last time.. my Starfinder Character Horil Corvic (human).. except we've recently finished the campaign so he's now a level 20 Nanocyte instead of level 18.. so yeah even more boned then before as he now has the last few class abilities he had yet to get.. including one that allows him to basically come back to life from being killed once a day. So yeah if he's hunting me for whatever reason I'm likely going to die. In short a Nanocyte is a cross between a soldier and a technician with cool nanomachines in their body that allows them to do all sorts of cool useful and often deadly things. His main routine was to whip out a heavy weapon made from his nanomachines that does a boat load of damage, adjust it's damage type to best effect whatever enemy he's facing and shoot it full of holes. He also has some useful defensive options, and not just the heavy armour he wears, but class abilities and a lot of HP that made him surprisingly tanky, so he'd be hard to kill which allows him to kill most enemies before they can potentially stop him or force him to withdraw, heck he's almost never been dropped below half health (and our GM tried more then once). He's also very good with tech including computers and reasonable at information gathering and other social skills, he even has some wilderness survival and tracking skills, enough so that he could find me regardless of where I try to hide, though it'd take him longer to find me out in a wilderness then in a city where he'd have a much easier time finding me. So yeah.. unless I can some how convince him not to kill me for what ever reason he's hunting me down for, I'm sooo dead.
@atomictomfoolery4400 6 ай бұрын
Gallius Seraphim Throne. 9 feet and 3 inches of a Dragonborn Paladin of Conquest. With stupid luck he might just NOT decapitate me and instead just use command to make me grovel, but chances are if I’ve pissed him off, I’m absolutely fucked. He’s collected heads of every important enemy he’s thought
@HannahSiemer 6 ай бұрын
The very last character I played, was a dragon specific race, I called them, Phoenix elves, and the only way she’s killing me, is with her racial skills or her rapier, one of which is action, particularly powerful, since she can sprout, flame, wings, and fly and use them to attack people, other not so much, unless she gets into close range, and she didn’t have that much HP to start with. She was a bar I was planning on multiclass into either bar, Ranger or bar, cleric, depending on which I wanted to go with, she had a pretty nice wisdom. Dad was pre-roll, well-rounded, so Asking her why she was after me would probably be a piece of cake. Then there is Kotara, my Selnick Eldridge night, also dragon land, Pacific. Oh, by the way, the characters I’ve ever built just want to kill you, they need a reason. So if I was doing something particularly bad, which I don’t see myself doing, I mesh myself in my characters a lot, she would have no problem Oping, my head off with her giant sword. Or she could just slap me around a little bit of magic, I mean, she did end up, barbecuing a young black dragon, eventually. Now, we’re talking about my current character, the character I’ve been playing for five almost 6 years straight? Oh, we are so totally screwed. You see my night was only level five, and it could be kind of devastating in the right circumstances, Keelan is more versatile. I have a +11 perception for if that tells you anything. She also has a +11 to attack rules. Primary weapon?, Particularly long bow, and a natural Riveros. However, she just got herself a Sunblade as of last session, now she’s even deadlier. You harm those she calls family, you will die, no questions asked. OK, maybe a few questions, like why and what was your purpose, but, she’s a very, very hard to not immediately act you off, literally figuratively, especially if you killed one of hers. Comes from the backstory I made for, part of which involves her growing up with wolves, think of a wolf, I’ll think of it in a human body, with all the sensibilities of a wood elf, with a little bit of influence from dwarves, you got her. Oh, and don’t think she won’t hold you still with her entanglement, she will, she’s done it once already, and threatened to do it on many occasion to the other party members, especially the ones that keep getting in trouble or getting her almost killed. Yes, she is recently forgiven the half wizard who is now two levels, I think three levels now of paladin for that incident, but that was almost 3 years ago, session time? At least six months back, if not more. Her curiosity is hard to say, especially when it comes to magic and magical items, but she’s also cautious, a weird blend of cautious, curiosity, and the kind you can hold the garage for a very long time. However, there are some ways to scare her off, or at least give her back, fire being one of them. Although, if you have a good enough reason, she may just let you go, May, emphasis on May she’s level 13, currently has a beef with a red dragon,
@jacobsharp9438 6 ай бұрын
Julian Mathers, level 6 Warlock. Pact of the Trigger, can hit you with any Cantrip in the game at 2400ft away. Oh did I forget to mention? He is a celestial warlock with an expanded spell list based off of BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGELS! Intelligence based instead of charisma and never engages unless he knows he already wins. My only chance? NONE
@Xecryo 6 ай бұрын
That would Articles (pronounced Arti-cleez) and he is 100% friendly but he has no will of his own (I'm the DM so I gave my player a little helper Autognome) so if he's hunting me he would have been told to. Sadly he was not much help to my players in the last combat encounter missing most of his attacks so he's probably not that dangerous. But the trick is Articles is a lot like a computer where when he introduces himself you can register yourself as a user and he will obey your commands. What my players don't realize and haven't tried is that one person can be promoted to Admin and override orders from other users. Which is funny because they came across a friendly lizardfolk who registered as a user and one of my players goes "Should we let him do that because then he can give him commands." "Do you say this out loud." "" "Articles: Pleasure to meet you USER ENIK!" They haven't even come across his creators that have the admin codes.
@rengalia_meistari1089 6 ай бұрын
Well that makes two people hunting me down concerning i was in two campaigns in the same week... and no matter what I'm fucked if they assumed I have the info they want. The first one for a campaign that i do during saturdays is a level 10 dwarven warlock/artificer under the name Veit Fireforge who speciallizes in long range combat but wouldnt be opposed to get up close and personal. He may not only shoot some eldritch blasts at me but can snipe me down as long as I'm within 600 feet of him... as for why he would need info, he lost a friend of his to Mindflayers in the Underdark and would do anything to know where said friend is at. No matter how cruel. So if he needs info from me, he can easily slow me down with either ray of frost, pinning me to a wall with a heavy crossbow bolt, or slowing me down with some eldritch blasts. Beat the shit out of me while keeping me up with a protector turret to keep me from exclusively die, and then there would be the 50/50 that he would kill me all while in his dread form (his warlock patron was a homebrew Green Dracolich) The other character that may be hunting me down is from a now canceled campaign that I use to do on mondays. Her name was Tyrana and she was a Reborn Goliath Barbarian/Rougue and even has less of a temper than Veit. She is a leader of a group in the Theives guild and currently was reborn due to having a Lich's philactory as a heart, binding her to the mortal plane instead of allowing her to go back to what ever paradise she was originally in. She ended up going up to level seven but can sneak up to someone even if they know she is there. Not to mention she is a WILD MAGIC barbarian, so even if I wanted to run, i cant if I'm too unlucky or would probably get blown up if i'm even more Unlucky. Or she may just cleave my ass in two with a single hit if she may be inclined to...
@nickmillar999 6 ай бұрын
Magister Jibbs, the halfling Divination Battle Mage. He already knows where I am, where I’ll be tomorrow, and what my last meal will be
@TJcreations91 6 ай бұрын
A teifling warlock pact of the blade who is oriented towards flame attribute and has a cold resist ring to offset his cold weakness and a natural ac of 15 with a buckler that he deploys with a button. Add in the action surge of a fighter putting his level at a 5/2 split currently, basically all id have to do is talk to him and ask why he is after me and hope it doesn't come to fighting because im screwed if he takes me on.
@levigoodrich5276 6 ай бұрын
an incredibly hyperactive level 18 storm soul sorcerer, the guy loves flying, only touches the ground when he has to. So suffice to say I'm going to be spending the rest of my life living as a mole man.
@HappyCatholicDane 6 ай бұрын
My current character is a pretty powerful Harengon wizard multiclass, that is very good at staying alive and solve problems. I really wouldn’t want him hunting me. If he were, then I would plead forgiveness from his goddess and hope for her intervention.
@SpellbladeKnight2105 6 ай бұрын
There would no way I'd be safe. Shel'Gora, my level 15 orc dragonic instinct Barbarian from my Pathfinder 2e game. Her rage gives her access to a dragon breath, a fly speed and some nice extra damage and this doesn't even take into account that she can literally scare things to death. And even if you calm down her rage you'd still have to contend with her greataxe which has a wounding and serrating runes, effectively turning into a chainaxe. This massive, terrifying orc woman would absolutely destroy me. Either by burning me to death, cleaving me in half, or killing me with fear. And avoiding death is a matter of if i am worth fighting to begin with or if someone paid her to. Because the former will let me live, the latter will not
@westernjustice3824 6 ай бұрын
If my tabaxi monk was hunting me id never know id be terrified of anywhere the tabaxi monk was a way of the ascendent dragon she would punch me from hiding and notice me running away then would try to be friends This is all considering she even gets to me either if she wasnt captured for being a anthropomorphic cat or for punching random things that look like it can break or she stole something also she might just have more curiosity than the need to hunt me Mostly depends on if she is hired to hunt me or is told to as if she was just told to she will completely ignore me unless compensation is given though she wont -redacted- if im not a threat Another thing there is no hiding from her my main skill choice on all my characters is perception
@unlimitedpoweracademy1934 6 ай бұрын
Dragonborn Barbarian, he once picked a man up by the neck snd proceeded to turn his body into red mist and viscera with a stick (rolled a nat 20, hit the dude and he exploded covering the entire party with blood and guts) If HE was after me I would need to have the Army on standby 😅
@draconichaos3591 6 ай бұрын
The last character I played in D&D is Tartarus. No, not the pit of damnation from Greek Mythology. He is a Tiefling Ranger who was cast out of his village as a devil who would bring said village to destruction in the name of Asmodeus, his very distant ancestor. Naturally, Tartarus despises the Archdevil, and anything to do with him, so it would be easy to trick him into thinking I am a worshipper of Asmodeus. As for what I would do… well, as much as I hate to admit it, Rangers don’t have much going for them. All I would need to do is stay out of the wilderness where he and his wolf could easily track me, inform the police (telling them that the whole devil thing is just a costume), and let them take care of the problem
@TheLegoGhost 5 ай бұрын
The last character I played was a 9th level changeling shadow sorcerer who could be anyone, turn invisible, and has some shadow summons to help her out. Fortunately she isn't usually very blood thirsty and doesn't like the idea of hunting innocents, so as long as I didn't do anything to piss her off I should be good. If I did piss her off however. . . she could be vindictive. Honestly if she knew I wrote her backstory to be so tragic that might make her upset enough to come after me. In that case my best efforts would be to run and hide, hoping her temper cools and her poor spending habits prevent her from continuing to follow me. I doubt I would be able to get the drop on her since she could look like anyone and is already on high alert as a result of being paranoid of being hunted down herself, so if a fight did break out between us she would almost certainly go first and that would be it for me. If she caught up to me I would need to try talking her down before it came to a fight, because otherwise it's not looking very good for me.
@mayajohnson9731 6 ай бұрын
That would be my plague doctor... an aasimar cleric/necromancer. I'd stand no chance since they have area damage spells, functioning wings, and a familiar that can also fly and is good at hiding.
@anwd8646 6 ай бұрын
Did I just experience the story of the Arkham incarnation of The Riddler as a non-criminal female wizard who legitimately is more intelligent than everyone else, and her obsessive compulsion is to protect and keep others alive instead of being a pain in the ass to an orphan who goes around punching evil people at night in a bat costume? Impressive!
@ZombieDish 6 ай бұрын
just give him alcohol and let him play his lute. my bard is not complicated or particularly blood thirsty. he just wants to go home.
@Fusrodog 6 ай бұрын
So... Unless if I can convince a Level 20 Warforged Chronomancer to not kill me, chill out, maybe play a few games, and let me reveal more to his backstory that he had yet to know... Not only am I fucked, but virtually nothing could stop him. Thanks DM for giving him an item that allows him to cast Dunmancy spells to convert his exhaustion into HP and Spellslots. Very cool.
@SolaceHuntsman 6 ай бұрын
Dorian Colt Battlemaster Fighter, Inquisitive Rogue, Cleric of Torm. If he was hunting me, and I mean truly hunting me to kill me, I’d be dead before I knew it was even going on. But he’s lawful good, so he’s more likely to observe me for a while and determine that I’m really not someone that’s wicked or evil enough to be a target for him. So he’d probably present himself to me with an introduction and then ask me a few questions, then be on his way.
@HallowedKeeper_ 6 ай бұрын
I uh, I have my 9th level Swashbuckler Rogue, a Neutral Evil Triton pirate who is REALLY good at intimidation and is one of the best duelists ive ever played. He has high perception, good strength and is exceedingly hard to kill. He is also a cannibal who has eaten anything. And thats not even mentioning his magic items All this to say, I'd end my self before he got me
@Rexir2 6 ай бұрын
High level spellcasters Players: "Welp, I guess I'll die."
@MWH12085 6 ай бұрын
Hmmm.....Jannis Eagleglide. 6ft Variant Human Paladin. A mountain of Steel plate and Iron Tower shield, damn near impervious. He also carries the Sun Sword (basically a light saber) AND the Maul of Seiges so hiding behind any kind of structure won't help. NY best bet is to reason with him.
@brickpuncher1429 6 ай бұрын
I'm getting thunderwave'd by Eddie Vedder. A cyborg Eddie Vedder. So long as I stay the fuck out of his shatter and thunderwave range, I should be fine. If I'm up close, I'm getting shredded to bits via inflict wounds. At least he's really a two trick pony, with those tricks being shatter and thunderwave. All i have to do is just stay out of his range or probably say that i like his music, which i do, because he gets really happy when he finds that people like his music.
@yoyo11111whynotmine 6 ай бұрын
I would just shoit myself and hope she doesn't revive me. My last character is by now stronger then most gods after I played her for so long. And she is not someone you can talk out of it or trick. It is my literal perfect character that I ever made. She was made to be perfection at tye end of her story and she definitely did it
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