The last D&D character you played as is hunting you. What do you do? #3

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@MrRipper 5 ай бұрын
@manofculture4938 5 ай бұрын
My last character was an 8 lvl vengeance paladin, 1 lvl hexblade warlock, 1 lvl rogue. He is a scourge Aasimar and also managed to get an epic boon of resilience through the aberrant dragonmark. If Louis moreau is hunting me then I dont think anything can save me. The guy walked through a fortress and a young gold dragon, by dishing out ca 90 damage per turn. And hes no idiot either, the most attention hes gonna get is from his gloria and maybe his equipment which might cause people to think hes a cosplayer. My only chance is to hide or ask for mercy. Since im a human he will give me a chance to explain myself and there are high odds of being spared.
@redman7775 5 ай бұрын
Since I've already put my last character in this series, I'll put down one of my favorite characters. Sprocket the Kobold Artificer is NOT someone you want on your tail. He is an incredibly intelligent crackshot who likes building things. A lot. He is also incredibly mentally unstable. The DM let me, the player, get away with a bunch of stupid shit while the campaign ran, so Sprocket ended the campaign with a suit of power armor, a flying ship, a giant magic cannon mounted to said ship that FLASH FROZE A CONTINENT (the worst part is, the freeze cannon was the DM's idea). I..don't even know how I would begin to save myself. If he appeared anywhere close to my position, he'd probably just shoot me with his arcane firearm. Dead on the spot. If he got his ship with him, I'm ultra-boned, because there is a reason why artillery is an exemption to "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." The only saving grace for me is that I live in Colorado, so if Sprocket and his ship appeared somewhere in the distance, the military would definately want to know how and why there is a battleship at crusing altitude. The only way I live this scenario is if the current United States military has the firepower to shoot down Adamantine. The fact this is not a guarentee is horrifying to me. TL;DR, Tiny dragon man compensated with a Helicarrier and now it's my problem
@tysondennis1016 5 ай бұрын
Bro has a doomsday device. I wouldn’t last five seconds against him.
@phobiawitch835 5 ай бұрын
My group definitely talked anout this. And we all agree that my Orc Fighter/Rogue would be near unstoppable between his ring of invisibility, boots of elvenkind, use of poisons, and when angered, the bloodlust of an entire Spartan army. The only weakness one can exploit? Flirting. My lad, Khovur, is prone to shutting down in embarrassment when he’s flustered by people flirting with him (his boyfriend, the druid, makes heavy use of this, and recently spoiled him with a magic spice bag for cooking, and a conjured Almiraj for snuggles, making him into a sobbing blubbering 6ft 7 baby). So if you can flirt with the big guy before he gets too angry, throw him off his game, and RUN, hoping he doesn’t smell, see, or hear where you went, you’ll be fine. But if you dont fluster him before he’s got his whip ready, you’re about to suffer a very slow, very painful death by being choked, ripped apart, and have all manner of toxins dripped into your open wounds to make you beg for death.
@jasonkoyama6096 5 ай бұрын
Aww he seems adorable and husband material
@phobiawitch835 5 ай бұрын
@@jasonkoyama6096 He absolutely is. As a full blooded orc, he’s about to turn 19 (the equivalent to a 30 year old Human), was raised by human nobles (his mother taight him to bake, and he developed that to be the party chef), still struggles to understand money for the common folk at times (making him overly generous to people), and he’s kinda over protective of his party and friends. Im excited to be playing him again as we just began Campaign 2 (a homebrew Waterdeep continuation taking us into a sandbox game across the Sword Coast and possibly out to sea and the Moonshaes). I get to take this secluded city boy out of his comfort zone. We’re in a forest with heavy Fae influences, which let us have a small flashback to a date he and the druid had between campaigns 1 and 2 during Downtime. And while there wasn’t music, they got to dance under the fairy lights and the rising sun.
@koryh9802 5 ай бұрын
My lawful good noblemen barbarian; Fredrick Eldermourn is always one who asks "Do you yield" after beating someone down; when trying to solve a problem without violence isn't possible so if i give up right away and apologize for whatever i did wrong he'll forgive and help with that journey of self improvment if i fight, im gonna get non-lethal attacked to oblivion like a typical batman victim before getting the yield question if i say i yield, he stops fighting, asks a healer to help, or tries to patch me up himself if i say no, he'll nod respectfully and knock me unconcious and leave me in a safe spot to wake up at if i show im not surrendering out of a sense of honor or pride and not because im an evil POS if i was REALLY EVIL, he'd make it a quick death My barbarian believes in the "I have no enemies" mindset and the idea of needless, brutal violence is not becoming of a hero, especially when he's trying to become a symbol of redemption for those that lead a villianous life style
@tysondennis1016 5 ай бұрын
Fredrick sounds like a cool guy
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 5 ай бұрын
Well, I've got four options for this. I'm fucked for all of them, but three of them I'm fucked in a bad way, one of them I'm fucked in a good way. Preface: My DM for two of these campaigns is a player in the other two, and he's been going through the process of converting some 3.5e races to 5e, so I've helped play test a few of them. Option one: Leland. Ite Kitsune Lycanthrope Barbarian/Rogue/Warlock. Dude can teleport between shadows (Racial trait of Ite subrace, there are feats to improve this feature.) Become 16 feet tall, and is both a loveable softie, and a whirling murder blender. Dude can walk at 10ft per second and run at 30ft per second, can phase through solid objects (Magic item), and can wrestle a Ancient Black dragon to the ground and snap it's neck. Option two: Ivania, Vampiric Aasimar, Paladin/Sorcerer/Fighter. Can fly, can kick my ass, and because the DM of that campaign likes to give out powerful magic items like they're candy, has the literal sword of Kane. Option three Ulfur: Mujina(Think the badger equivalent of Kitsune, his particular subrace is a Wolverine) Paladin/Sorcerer, least fucked out of them as the character is at a low level, but it's still a Paladin with a burrowing speed and a great hammer(Maul). Option four: Alisha, Kitsune (Was human, then a Drow, now a Kitsune, don't blame me, campaign had some massive magic fuckery) Gloomstalker Ranger/Twilight Cleric. fucked in a good way. The DM decided it was going to be an Isekai Campaign, so I made my character a female version of myself with a few extra bits of tradgey thrown in for the sake of backstory. I am somewhat of a narcissist, and so is Alisha, so either I am going to receive a 454. Casull through the forehead, or I'm going to literally fuck myself. One's painless, the other is fun.
@armedkevin1178 5 ай бұрын
It depends on how determined he is to see me dead. Darek is a draconic bloodline sorcerer and two specific things he knows ("his ancestor was a red dragon", and "red dragons are evil") have left him kind of paranoid that he'll turn out evil. Unless he's already wound up and set to kill, I can probably turn him away with some form of "C'mon man, this is some red dragon BS. You really want to go that way?" If he is wound up, my best chance is to keep away until police show up, since he's only level 3.
@Perdition25 5 ай бұрын
My 4th edition razorclaw shifter ranger nicknamed Hawkeye. He was basically untouchable, in that you are never going to land a hit on him. He was all about moving extremely fast. He could move so many squares a round that we never came across anyone that could catch him on foot. And even if you could, he had an ability that would summon winds that pushed anyone away 30 feet once a turn, no saves, no size restrictions. Plus with the sniper feat no one had the equivalent range to even shoot back. And you can't run away from him either, obviously, save teleporting away.
@albinoreaper2949 5 ай бұрын
Galath Hadron is a 6’8 human barbarian with a 300lb stone slab of a sword that uses lightning magic that strikes with enough might to make Thor shit himself, raided with a tribe of orcs for 20 years, and earned the name “Bloodtwin” for being the only person to ever give the chief of said tribe a scar, which was promptly met with a mirrored scar on himself. He once hurled a great axe at a dracolich that was 120ft. in the sky, hit it in the neck and sent it crashing down into a lake of lava. He cut the head off of a storm giant with one swing after it was shrunk to the size of an ant and went back to normal size after he threw the sword at it, so he climbed up it, tore the sword out, and decapitated it and rode its corpse to the ground and made a cloak of its skin. In a catacomb dungeon, he was greeted with a 30ft. tall ogre that was kept ageless and ever-growing through a curse, and castrated it with a god damn power slide. He is an expert hunter, trapper, plan-maker, and is both the immovable object and unstoppable force. Die. I would fucking die.
@glennschroeder3828 5 ай бұрын
My only chance would be to hide on holy ground and never step off of it. He has a code that he rigidly follows and he won't defile holy ground, won't hurt children and by extension pregnant women, and won't kill you without warning you first. He'll never sneak attack an enemy the first time he fights one. If you somehow escape the first time, you have already been warned that he's coming for you so no matter what happens next he won't consider it a sneak attack. He's also kinda immortal in a way: if he maintains his Infernal contract by taking at least 5 lives a year with his Riteknife he won't age. He'll remain "18 years old" until the day someone or something finally manages to kill him, so he's got the time to wait me out if he's really determined to kill me. When our last campaign ended he was just over 1018 years old, level 8 Storm Herald Barbarian and level 12 Celestial Warlock, and extremely good maintaining his contract. He serves Auril but has a side deal with Dispator, and sees no issues with serving both. He will help bring forth the eternal winter, stealing the souls of his goddess's enemies in the process, and be rewarded after death by keeping his body and memories and getting to fight demons for eternity.
@darcraven01 5 ай бұрын
11:29 last i checked, you can short rest in wildshape and wildshape charges return on a short rest. as long as you're lvl 4+ you can technically stay wildshaped all day. half your druid level rounded down means at lvl 4 you can stay in wildshape for 2 hours at a time. short rest is only an hour long. so you can wildshape then short rest then you have an hour before the shape falls off and 2 extra charges. keep it refreshed and short rest after you use the second charge and repeat until you want to long rest..
@troperhghar9898 5 ай бұрын
My last character was a level 20 warlock who had bracers of haste and took honest pleasure in killing and stealing souls ... I would make peace with my god
@edg0126 5 ай бұрын
Imagine a whole ass Battleship staring down on you a flying battleship the only hope of Escapist to appeal to his curiosity and greed, that's the artificer build that I was working on and that's before the multiclass.
@thetwojohns6236 5 ай бұрын
Still in the same campaign as noted in pt 1 and 2. So add a couple more levels, and yeah, I still won't survive. Even the parties' followers (future henchmen) could take me out, except for "Amnesia", she's an amnesiac who has had her whole life purposely wiped out. No one knows why. I could survive her, maybe. She did kill a guy with a lamp once. It's her one and only kill. The upside is that I'd still never see it coming.
@keithwiechart7744 5 ай бұрын
Easy, I just need a ball of yarn and a bunch of sparkly things. If that doesn’t work, I’m pretty sure even my chihuahua would be enough to scare him off. However, if we are talking about the character I played before that, the only course of action I could take is to write my will. A no nonsense warforged built out of plant and steel, with his wildshape abilities augmented by magic items to the point where even a nuke wouldn’t stop him. There is nothing I could do to sway or divert him, and on top of near impenetrable durability, he also has magic strong enough to level a house, and he’s still getting stronger.
@Bentron88 5 ай бұрын
My last character was named Hardar Alegrinder. He’s a dwarf artificer, the alchemist subclass. He was a brewer before getting kidnapped into the faewild by an archfae who had a taste for dwarven ale. He was forced to make dwarven ale for this archfae for so long that the faewild started to transform him, turning his hair and beard hot pink, while his mustache was turned neon green. He did managed to make it back to the material plane, and now makes magical brews that he sells on the road until he can buy his own brewery. Would I survive against him? NOPE! I wouldn’t even know that he wanted me dead! He would just watch me from afar to see what restaurants I frequented, then would get a job there. Next time I’m there he would make sure my drink was spiked. The only question is would it be quick, painful… or humiliating because he filled the drink with fae Magic causing me to turn another guest’s meal? Game over dude.
@jesternario 5 ай бұрын
As I said in the last video, my current character I'm playing is Larissa Fireglen, a cleric from a long line of healers. She's not one to hold a grudge, once told a cynical thief that all you need is a positive attitude, and once had a MEDUSA LOOK HER IN THE EYE (Larissa was blind at the time), and convinced said medusa that it wasn't what you are that made you a monster, it's WHO you are. This girl would only find me to give me a hug. I'll be fine. :)
@Crystalline_cos2548 27 күн бұрын
My last character was a sea elf bard called Nami, who was effectively a siren. Insanely high charisma, paired with many spells that can charm and control minds make it easy for her to get into any situation she wants, so unless my hypothetical wisdom score is as high as I think it would be, there’s not much I can do against her. However, Nami does have two weaknesses: her lack of physical strength and intelligence. It wouldn’t be difficult for me to outsmart her in a situation, and I’d be able to hold my own decently well in a fight, especially since a wooden staff that I keep in my room as a cosplay prop could double up as a weapon, so my strategy would be to rely on my own intelligence and hope that blocking my ears Odysseus-style would be enough to stop any of her spells affecting me. However, if it was my character from an upcoming campaign, there would be basically nothing I could do.
@kgl6627 16 күн бұрын
Good luck, he doesnt understand how doors work and boots in every single door he see's. I'll hear the man coming a mile away.
@douglasthecorgi2568 5 ай бұрын
Oh gosh. My character is a level 9 chaotic neutral kobold rogue thief named Jabb Erwoki. I basically based him on my ADHD 5 year old self, but with added kleptomania. With Stealth and Sleight of Hand both at +12, I fear all my trinkets and loose change would disappear. Fortunately, he’s friendly and otherwise pretty harmless (unless you try to prank him, in which case it will likely backfire, as one of my party found out and another will soon enough). He is a bit of a pyromaniac, though, and has access to the Fire Bolt cantrip as of last session…
@totallyseriousgamer 5 ай бұрын
Hoo boy. Our DM runs a high level campaign where almost all of us are level 20 so I stand about as much chance as a toddler does against an owlbear if she has reason to hunt me. "She" being Orielle, my level 20 paladin. Although built more for utility than combat, she can pretty much call an orbital laser with the help of a magical item. The trick here is that being a neutral good paladin, she wouldn't kill on sight. With a homebrew oath centered around seeing through deception and illusions, she would take the opportunity to get knowledge out of someone before coming to a conclusion. And when she learns I have all the answers she's looking for, it's as good as over. Strong though she may be, Orielle is highly vulnerable to social encounters. And when she sees that I'm not lying when I say I know *everything*, it's only a matter of careful word choice to either win her over or break her.
@ZerosWolf 5 ай бұрын
I'd take shelter with her family, as she'd never show up there. Minuette Elizsabeth (german pronunciation, so hard t at the end) Antoinette von Gloistein is the eighth child (7th daughter) of dukedom Gloistein, which is know in the tiny kindom of Faergis to produce excellent Chevaliers. Unfortunately, her oldest sister met with a disastrous accident during training, leaving her in a coma, so all further girls were prohibited from taking the glorious path of their ancestors or even learn how to ride. Minuette though was way too entranced by the noble steeds in the stable and the heroic stories she was told at bedtime. So she secretly went against her fathers orders and convinced a well meaning Chevalier's Captain to at least teach her how to ride a horse. When it became time for her baby brother to train in the famil art, the Captain decided to include her to create a friendly rivalry. But as these tales go, someone had to ruin the fun. When the oldest brother made a surprise appearance at the stables, he went straight to their father and told him all about it. The Captain was banned from the dukedom and Minuette forcfulle sent away to be married off to a foreign nobleman. On the way there, the carriage was attacked by bandits. Thanks to the Captain coming to her aid Minuette was able to survive. She switched clothes with a disfiguered female chevalier and ran away into her new life as Chevalier Mina Glutstein. So, as she fears being cought up in politics again and being punished for her actions, she won't ever set a foot into her familie's homestead ever again, making it a save place to live for me.
@crawdkenny 5 ай бұрын
The treasure obsessed chaotic neutral dragon born barbarian? Just throw coins all over the room and run away while he's picking them all up
@ryanyoud1719 5 ай бұрын
I currently have multiple characters running, but here's by far my favorite after playing for nearly seven years now. Zane Hunter, is an Earth Genasi Efreeti Genie Warlock. My DM gave him an invocation that works similarly to Agonizing Blast, but doing fire damage instead of force and on every fire spell he casts (at least in early game. Now it's PB per long rest number of times). However, with a spell that attacks multiple times, it adds the damage to *each attack*. Scorching Ray is a spell that's automatically a part of the Efreeti Genie spell list. At my current level, with a +9 to hit, this deals +28 fire damage if all five bolts hit thanks to five bolts each with +5 damage and Genie's Wrath dealing an additional +3, on top of the 10d6 fire damage it deals. Also, Genie Warlocks can fly. Zane is affectionately (read: with as much fury and hatred as the DM of a group of power gamers can muster) known as the Howitzer, sniping away from 120 in the air where you can't hit him back. There's only one appropriate thing to do in this situation. Get indoors and stay away from any thin walls or openings, cause his attacks can punch straight through them and he has Fireball, so hugging a wall isn't a good idea either. The only way to beat him is to slam him with hard hitting melee attacks that can beat his relatively decent AC of 15 (Elven Chain doesn't require proficiency to be proficient with it so that's a really good benefit for me). There's only one thing to say here. Good luck. You're gonna need it.
@tysondennis1016 5 ай бұрын
Luna Silvain. -What she has: A 4th level human bladesinger with the sharpshooter and weapon master feats, with 16 Strength and Intelligence, 13 Constitution, 12 Wisdom, 10 Dexterity, and 8 Charisma. She can snipe me from afar with Fire Bolt, pin me to the wall with Shadow Blade, and her increased agility in Bladesong means that I won’t be able to outrun her. -Why she’d be after me: She’s a bandit, so she will probably just steal from me. If I resist, I might get hurt, even killed, but she’s fine with that. But if I’m a slave owner, she’s definitely going to kill me. Or she’d be after me for questions, as I wrote her backstory and made her for a campaign that doesn’t start in a tavern. -What could I do to resist: I could convince her that I’m not worth the effort, and that I don’t own slaves. Or I could flirt with her and hope for the best.
@synashilp 5 ай бұрын
I'm playing as a forensic investigator in Pathfinder 2E, Staszrich, who started branching into beastmaster after adopting a pet wolf. Due to his nature as a medic, he almost always goes for a knockout rather than a kill. However, that knockout would be very drawn out. His knowledge of anatomy means he knows where to aim to inflict the most damage for the least effort, but he's still hitting with his bare fists. Meanwhile, his wolf, Balto, would flank and trip me. In the end, I could simply just surrender, promise to stop doing whatever it is that caused him to hunt me, and hope that he doesn't bring out the gauntlet that he uses to deal lethal blows.
@GrantBlackwell-j9r 2 ай бұрын
Uh... probably nothing? The only reason he'd try to hunt me down would be to share a meal with me. Thorn Thunderfoot is a nine-foot-tall Goliath Battle Master who left his herd to become a chef, even got into a prestigious academy for the gourmet arts. Although he will use commonly used ingredients for cooking, he prefers, whenever possible, to use exotic ingredients. And by "exotic", I mean either extraplanar or HARVESTED FROM MONSTERS! I'm talking Cockatrices, Dinosaurs, Leviathans, etc. The academy kicked him out for his unorthodox ideas, but that didn't stop him. He just became an adventurer to source his ingredients and dreams of writing a cookbook filled with recipes he develops on his travels. He has heavy armor, a longsword, a kite shield, a bearded ax, a greatbow (for hunting larger creatures), varying sizes of knives and at least two of every cooking utensil you can think of. I should mention he has the good sense not to go for creatures that are sentient, insectoid (unless they produce honey), undead or otherwise known to be poisonous or toxic. That said, he has experimented a few times in the past, once resulting in a four in-game day long vomit induced coma from trying a Gelatinous Cube. Thing is, he is really good at what he does. Both in battle and in the kitchen. He once prepared an entire town wide, Thanksgiving style feast with a couple of massive Rocs that have been terrorizing the fishing village he was cooking for, leaving with enough leftovers to feed the party for a month. He's currently working on a recipe for "Feywild honey-roasted Roc with Goodberry sauce, Mashed potatoes and Boar ham gravy." I would only be in danger of eating myself to death!
@Delta-V-Heavy 5 ай бұрын
If my supportive cinnamon roll of a Chaotic Good Halfling Rune Knight/Creation Bard has decided to hunt me down, I definitely deserve my inevitable fate.
@halesmatthew49 4 ай бұрын
Lawful Good and not bloodthirsty or a zealot. I’d imagine he’d be ‘hunting me down’ to have a long, informative conversation if anything.
@journeyrivenburgh1052 5 ай бұрын thing I have on my side is that every character I have under my belt would easily be noticed in public...except Grimdark. Grimdark of New Blacksand is a level three Old Great One Warlock who can travel between dimensions. And worships a benevolent half-demon demigod. The scary part about him in this he's an awakened alchemist chicken. A chicken I built to specialize in stealth, deception, and long-range attacks. At least my first two characters (a dragonborn vampire-slayer paladin and a 6ft2 240lb bardbarian) will be easily spotted and rounded up by the coastguard. Nobody is going to believe I am being hunted by the cute little 5lb rooster in a tunic. Everyone will think I'm going crazy while I hear telepathic whispers in the middle of the night going "LETS TALK ABOUT MY TRAUMATIC BACKSTORY..."
@Akiba_Arts 5 ай бұрын
Last character I played is my current character, her name is Freya she's a teal tiefling grave Domain Cleric and she's an absolute sweetheart, if she were to be hunting me down she'll 1) ask the one who wants me died a thousand questions on why 2)) get distracted by all the books they are in this world and how different they are from hers 3))) when eventually finds me cast zone of truth, and eventually invite me for tea Tho if for whatever reason I somehow broke something that's important to her she'll lite herself, me and the surrounding areas in golden flames
@TrylleBanjo 5 ай бұрын
My last guy I played, Spud Koloussouse, is a giant of a man. Sure he is strong, but more than that he's tough as granite. Isn't necessarily smart, but the man is a natural at pissing others off, as often unwittingly as it is intentional. He uses these abilities to rush in, beat up those around him he can, taunt as many enemies as possible, and generally just a huge pain in the as*. So far it's worked absolute wonders. I've only been close to death three times. (And in a Savage World setting, death, bleeding out and stacking disadvantages is ROUGH.)
@S_Boomer98 5 ай бұрын
My character is currently a level 3 human swashbuckler rogue. She is very acrobatic, skilled with a rapier, and even is capable of throwing her rapier at her target if need-be. She is also a very determined and confident person, willing to do what is necessary to succeed in her goals. In a 1-on-1 fight, I would be at a disadvantage. Though she is not very strong (8 in strength), she is still way more capable than me when it comes to combat ability and overall coordination. Luckily, it doesn't have to be a fair fight. I could definitely survive, and possibly even win if I incorporated any sort of tactics or "dirty play". There are plenty of ways to gain the upper-hand if I had to get close to her, but that would still be practically suicide. She has ranged options, but they are very limited, so keeping my distance would be key.
@BeaglzRok1 4 ай бұрын
I'm a massive shut-in, so assuming they at least start in the same town, the closest Captain Claw (CoS Battle Master) or Cherri (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scout) is to finding me is bullying a town census out of some poor secretary, or somehow tracking vehicles across the town/state, possibly through the marsh. They're both relatively normal humans, so it's more likely that they get turned away for some better use of their time before they find someone that knows/remembers I exist, let alone the rough neighborhood where I live.
@ChatteringAway 3 ай бұрын
Jasper O'collins is a lightfoot halfling rogue that has an innate fear of blood. While this seems like it'd be a good thing, more likely than not Jasper will shoot you full of blowdarts or poison you, and with a whopping +5 to stealth and slieght of hand, you'll never see him coming.
@Waffles-1991 5 ай бұрын
Kork is an 8 year old, 2 foot tall, level 6 kobold monk. His clan has a bloodline tie to Tiamat which give him his ascendant dragon abilities. However, due to a split in the clan long ago, he was raised with a stong sense of good and a need to protect. He is currently on a path of learning about dieties, specifically Bahamut/Helm. So as long as I'm not doing anything particularly evil or hurting his friends, I should be fine. But if for some reason he's determined to hurt me, I'm screwed. I rolled extremely well making him and his lowest stat currently is a 16 INT.
@DonaldAllenJones 5 ай бұрын
Throw a party. The last character I played was Everett, a human paladin of Dionysus in a Spelljammer campaign. Boy was a blast. Not too smart, but a blast to be around. The only problem with him was a 4th wall break the DM thought was funny - he was cursed to carry around a copy of Brian Thomsen’s “Once Around the Realms”. He stabbed that stupid book. Burned it. Ripped it up. It. Always. Came. Back. Never let your cousin DM your game. He (or she) will screw with you.
@dragontrainerzero 5 ай бұрын
The last character I played was Knuck the Kobold Wiz-lock. Level 1 Wizard, Level 2 Celestial Warlock. Knuck is actually a kind soul who is only looking for his missing "father" a Half-elf wizard named Dyre Starguide who has mysteriously disappeared while on an adventure leaving Knuck to help his "mother" a Tiefling Cleric named Hope and his two siblings, a set of twins the boy is a half-elf named Tyre and the girl is a tiefling named Lyre. Knuck is not super strong, nor does he have much in the way of hit points, but the vast majority of his spell list is damaging elemental spells. I intend to make him an Evocation Wizard once he gains enough levels. Other than finding Dyre his goal is to become a dragon, how is unknown but that is his goal, so in order to defeat him all I would need to do is ambush him and then hit him really hard before he can get a spell off, which would make me sad as I am quite taken with Knuck
@claude-alexandretrudeau1830 5 ай бұрын
The last DnD character I played was Valeria, a lieutenant in the army. So, the only reason she would have to hunt me down would be to make me do my mandatory military service. As I am now, I can't dream of besting her in combat, as she is a tough-as-nails Fighter who is extremely deadly with a rapier. So, my only viable choice, considering she could also send an entire squad after me, would be to comply. Better spend some time in the military than being a fugitive for the rest of my life. At least, she is competent in her job and will never submit to a corrupt or incompetent superior. (She joined a rebellion because of that. The rebellion won.) The character before that, though, would make my life hell. Because it was a Valkyrie that I played. She wouldn't hunt me down to kill me, no. She would hunt me down to keep me trained, on my toes, to make me ready to face death in battle when my time would come. She would assume the guise of unassuming strangers or the guise of my beloved before jumping me with a knife. Again, not to kill me, but to scar me. She'd be a stalker I wouldn't be able to get rid of. She would always slip away, thanks to at-will Disguise Self. She would also take Eldritch Blast potshots at me from across the street. Nothing could stop her from harming my beloved, so she could always show up, impromptu, making veiled threats to make me do something reckless in order to prove my bravery. Thanks to her access to divination magic, she would always be there. And I would never be able to run away from her, as that would make me a coward, the ultimate sin in the eyes of the Battle Maiden. I guess the only thing I could do at this point would be to negociate something for her to cut me some slack, like becoming a special operative that hunts down serial killers or something. Boy, fantasy is fun, but I'm very glad it's not real.
@ericregis3912 5 ай бұрын
Voron was the last character that I played. He was a Half Elf Level 5 Fighter Battle Master. He would kill me in seconds, but he had a negative modifier in dexterity, so I think that I can outrun him, as well as trip him on some stairs.
@thundertwonk1090 5 ай бұрын
I'll be fine. Last one I played was a Satir Bard named PitBull. Yes, Mr. Realm-wide himself. If I tell him I've "been there, done that," he'll probably just vibe with me instead.
@Xarestrill 5 ай бұрын
I did my character in the comments of the last video, so this time I'm going to talk about his fellow adventurers (D&D 3.5e). First is Nyx a catlady hunter/artificer. If she's after me I'll be dead before I know she's there. Besides her many lethal bits of magical gear she's crafted for herself, she's specialized hard into sneaking, moving silently, and lock picking; to the point she might as well be invisible and silent. She'd sneak in and slice my throat while I'm sleeping, poison my cup of water, snipe me with her auto-crossbow, or just chuck a bead from a necklace of fireballs through my window. She's True Neutral, and only has 3 things motivating her. 1. Survive. 2. Get home. 3. Stop the destruction of reality so there's a home to get to. If she thinks killing me will advance one of her goals (or someone pays her) she'll kill me without a blink of hesitation. Second is Seash, an Aarakocra bard/paladin. Her player made some ... odd choices for her because he thought it'd be funny. She's 16' tall, and focused into two areas; Diplomacy (with some homebrew traits/flaws that boost that with sex appeal) and carrying capacity (she can carry over a ton and still fly, and can push over 10 tons). She could come along, grab the corner of my house, flip it off the foundation and just be towering over me. Fortunately she's generally a kind soul so if I surrender she wont' kill me.
@Author1219 5 ай бұрын
If it is Maria, my cyberpunk/Shadowrun cleric from GURPS, I will be fine. Part of her oath is to not harm innocents, and she can only use bicycles to get around, so she can be outrun. Also, because she lives in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future, stuff we take for granted like grass would be an amazing thing for her and because she is curious, she will investigate everything new. While she might try to shake me down for information I don’t have about her parents, she won’t actually kill me. If it is my RIFTS character, Lawrence, I’m in trouble. While he tends to spare things on a whim, if he’s ordered to kill something he will, without question. He is a zapper (psionic with lightning powers), which means anything with electronics is vulnerable to his sabotage, and he has performed covert assassinations in the past. Assuming I know that he is coming after me, I might be able to hide for a bit, but I cannot actually do enough damage to put him down permanently because he is a Faustian, a spacefaring species able to shrug off most current tech weapons. If it can’t take down a building, it will not take down this man. I am doomed and will promptly do three things. 1. Write my will. 2. Go to family graveyard. 3. Tell my friends and loved ones goodbye.
@ThisIsMeHigh 5 ай бұрын
I'm currently playing a High Elf Red Dragon Bloodline Sorceress. With a lifetime's worth of experience in adventuring and the ability of wielding fire like it's nothing at lvl 6, you best hope she fries you quickly and painelssly.
@billbishop6109 5 ай бұрын
Feltrix is a level 13 Firbolg moon Druid. His favorite tactic is to summon an earth elemental and then wildshape into another one as his bonus action. They then surround the target and pummel them to paste. I’m screwed!
@frozenZombie 5 ай бұрын
I would be totally screwed. I played with my new character twice by now and she already showed her capabilities of mass destruction. Or, to be more specific, she eradicated a whole dungeon with a single spell. Also, if she's really after me (and not just hunting me because I'm a threat), I would have even bigger problems. The only way I can see me getting away, would be to hit her once, since she is pretty much a glass canon build (she would probably die in 3 to 4 hits)
@potato1094 5 ай бұрын
Considering my previous character has an AC of 23 and is a homebrew race that is basically a slime creature combined with a mimic, I am glad I made that weakness to lightning damage when I designed the race/class.
@arikrex9978 5 ай бұрын
I get Arik. The lawful good draw fourth level bard. He is very against killing in general, and so most of his spells for combat focus on incapacitating or pacifying the enemy ruther than killing. He is also collage of eloquence for out of battle things(my dice hate me). If he goes after me I shouldn't be scared for my life, but for my reputation and friends as he definitely could destroy those. He wears a strange cursed mask that could hurt that a bit in our world but still
@threadscore 5 ай бұрын
The last character I played is a 5th level cloistered priest of Sarenrae (PF2E). She's spec'd out to be a healer, and worshiping a goddess of redemption, likely wouldn't be coming for my blood.
@BenCDBrown 5 ай бұрын
I'm not worried about my DnD character, he's a 5e pushover. My last Call of Cuthulu character, the Voodoo swamp doctor who survived a year of campaigns ( if you know CoC, you know what that means) and now has the power to stop your heart just by looking at you. I'm scared of him.
@KitsuneVoidsinger 5 ай бұрын
Id at least know what for. She's a hexblood training to continue her mothers coven. As part of this she was cursed by her mother to never be able to lie and instead must learn to bend the truth or say what is needed to be known and that's it. She's not good at it. She's dangerous but kinda clumsy
@Telemergion 5 ай бұрын
The last character I played is a goblin druid/barbarian/life cleric who is based entirely on Tommy Chong and his character Leo from That 70's Show. Even if he could be persuaded to hunt me, and that's a big if, he'd forget why he was doing it and who he was supposed to be hunting in the time it took me to write this sentence.
@djtj5778 5 ай бұрын
Dragonborn runeknight, with the draconic hide feat, all in all, if he doesn't cut me in half with a single great sword swing, he'll definitely just toss me like a baseball, but that's if I can't buy him off with booze
@Sammy-Barn 5 ай бұрын
... I would just talk about prosethics to my catfolk artificer. ... wait it is actually my changeling charater Diya, I would just probably show compassion and offer food and shelter for Diya and her freind who is Fang.
@expepem189xl3 5 ай бұрын
This time, last character will be Aivor Longarm, lvl 6 paladin with oath of Devotion. Now it will come down to definition of "Hunting", most likely he will not try to kill me, but just capture me, and knowing he has only 8 charisma and healing/buffing spells prepared all the time, i would have at least a day before he find me. Now even if he is down to kill me and spawns right in front of me, i might have a chance, because in this compane there is running joke(that i personaly enjoy and support) which is: Aivor is almost blind. He Constantly gets low rolls on any perception checks outside of combat encounters,so he might look me into the eyes and think i am some sort of a seal, and therefore ignore me and go out searching for me. Still, even if he does recognise me, i might have a chance, he has only +5 on attack rolls, and being a quite dexterious commoner, i might have ~13-14 ac, so if he somehow misses 2 of his 3 attack rolls, i might be able to convince him to let me live, in exchange on some information about his teacher death and demons, which he wants more than anything else.
@robertsilvermyst7325 5 ай бұрын
My last character is Roberto Silverastia, a lv 3 Oath of the Ancients Paladin. He is also a nobleman who would prefer to show mercy and find better paths for those who are not evil. All I need to is ask for parley, find out WHY he is hunting me, and show I am no threat. He would be far more likely to hear my side of the story and likely to investigate the person who sent him, or figure out a peaceful solution. After all, his oath is about protecting and preserving the light of others, and I am no threat to said light.
@MechbossBoogie 5 ай бұрын
Last character, I would be fine. Depends on the reason for hunting me down, but he has a way of seeing the truth in people and I haven't done anything. If it's information he's after I tend to be fairly helpful in that regard as long as it's not going to hurt anyone.
@ericlundgren5950 2 ай бұрын
I am playing. . . a Volpin Samurai, and he has two bone whips, you can make the guess. . .He would slaughter me.
@YugiDmega 5 ай бұрын
I would, actually, be pretty okay depending on what I did. If I pissed off my character, yeah, I'm going to wake up tied to a gurney while he prepares the bone melting syringe or wake up tied to 'The Table'. But if I'm being hunted for hunted sake, he'll not only let me live, but I'll get pretty good medical benefits by just working for him and be paid well on top of that.
@draconichaos3591 5 ай бұрын
Since it has been a while since the last video, my level of “oh shit I’m screwed” has gone up exponentially. Serena Cliffgate is a Gold Dragonborn Wild Magic Sorcerer with a bit of a violent streak. If she spots me, one of two things will happen. If I’m in a crowded place, she’ll shoot me with Psychic Lance to guarantee no one else gets hurt. If I’m alone, she’ll drop one of her powerful AOE spells, like Fireball, Ice Storm, or Lightning Bolt. And I’m a mere commoner, so I am absolutely screwed
@beastwarsFTW 5 ай бұрын
Rost is a kobold warlock/sorcerer with a lot of fire attacks and decent skill with a blade. Assuming I don't have a gun or my best chance to win would be to wrestle him and close his mouth. He's 3 feet and 40lbs and I'm 6 feet and 200 lbs and was a wrestler in highschool, I'll basicly lie on top of him and holed his snoot shut. Thats harder then it sounds because fire will be everywhere.
@evilauthor9953 5 ай бұрын
My last character was Baroness Vita. Epic level human monk with a level in cleric. Ideally, since she was a lawful good character, I'd TRY to talk her out of it, but if that fails...she was an epic level character. She had an 80 foot movement by the end and was a monk, so step of the wind and dash actions mean she's always gonna outrun. 5'11" with an 18 strength and access to quivering palm...Yeah. I need to talk her out of it or I'm dead. Unlike several people in the story, she's also human, so other than being very tall, she's not going to get much attention until it's too late. Thankfully, I didn't give her a tragic backstory, so at least she shouldn't have a ton of motivation to kill me.
@grainsiloguard 5 ай бұрын
My precious boy pepper. Pepper is a level 6 fightbarian in an over power campaign. In a fight I’m toast. He has a skill the dm called helm split, using both attack action to do x3 damage, and a glaive that does 1d10 slashing 2d6 and 3d10 lightning damage (158 max non crit). So where I can win. He was a bored tavern bouncer who believes even the gods bend a knee to Lady Luck. So I just need to convince him to flip a coin and get a 50/50 shot
@spydermag5644 5 ай бұрын
I would be dead and would not see it coming at all. Durning creation I rolled a near perfect character 2 18s, 2 17s, a 16 and a 15 through my GM’s dice tower and the rest of the table. After talking with one of the other players I asked my GM if I could play a Red Mantis prestige class. He said no at first since it was good campaign. I offered to play a lawful neutral character and my player friend said from across the room just let him roll for it. My GM picks a d20 and hands it to me. I take it to the dice tower and I get 20. The GM tells me that I better have an epic background story. By the end of the game and we were fighting the BBEG I was a damage monster. Most foes I would kill in one round. I am going to go write out my will now.
@discountpotato5680 5 ай бұрын
My samurai fighter is chill, if he isnt completely bloodlusted then we can talk it out over coffee
@enigmachaos4413 5 ай бұрын
as i said last time: dude's a level 3 tiefling warlock. i wouldn't even know it happened until i heard the news of some devil who got lynched.
@geshtheguardian4411 5 ай бұрын
As an actual character, Dr. Corto Septs. A human fighter/wizard who experienced the wailing death from Neverwinter as an orphaned street rat who grew up to become an actual doctor who's spells are all useful for experimentation and potion/ointment making. If I play it smart and stay in a crowd, he won't be able to reach or harm me. NPC however...yeah, a pirate captain who in a way has emperors haki like from one piece and did a 3-4 hit combo on a grunt withing 5 seconds, i'll be dead before I could even blink. Yay for being a forever DM. *grumbles in annoyed dm*
@Cosmic_K13 5 ай бұрын
My most recently played character was Carmine O'Connell the (big bad wolf) shifter ranger in 5e. If he's seen me, he'll find me, no question. Between a Greataxe and a bear trap , it would be a death sentence for me if i chose to fight. He's got a good chance of just playing good cop if i cooperate... unless he's been hungry for a while. If my goal was to never encounter him, staying in high populated areas is a good call. He's got mild agoraphobia.
@johnpatrick1647 5 ай бұрын
Chip Gudboi Canite Pitbull (homebrew) LG Lvl 13 War Cleric (10) Giant Barbarian (3). I guess it depends upon why he's hunting me. If I'm on his sh!tl!st than I'm running fast and running far. Peaceful solutions are always offered but violence is also always an option and the preferred one when you've done wrong. He wants you to put up a fight that way what comes next is legal. If he's just looking to chill and have a good time than I'm in for a wholesome evening of lute playing and ice cream.
@RevokFarthis 5 ай бұрын
If my last D&D character is hunting me, I am screwed. And probably so is everyone around me. My last character, like all of my 5e characters, is a Wizard. In this case, a level 12 Scribe who dabbles in a bit of everything. Fireball? Check. Animate Dead? Yup. A million scrolls of Shield and Magic Missile? What else would I spend my gold on? He's a swiss army knife with a prepared spell for every situation While he's not a bad person, he is a very self centered one, and he is incredibly petty. If he's decided to hunt me, it is for entirely personal reasons, and there really isn't anything that can be said or done to talk him out of it. However, if we open it up to ttrpgs outside of D&D, things actually get a bit... no wait, they actually get worse for me. In Carbon Pink!, which is a (nsfw) dystopian cyberpunk conversion for D&D 5e, I have a Vibe of the Avatar Streamer (Pact of the Chain Warlock) who's powerful tech, fancy weapons, and cushy lifestyle are all provided for him by his sponsors, provided he does what they say, when they say, and in a way that makes them money. My death will be gruesome, and televised. In Wicked Ones, my character is an Orc Warlock specializing in Blood Magic. He once liquidized an entire village just so he could use the tidal wave of blood to ride out of town in the boat he stole, for fun... So the only way I'm surviving that is if he screws up his spellcasting and pops himself like a balloon.
@spartanhawk7637 5 ай бұрын
The last character I played is a half elf with nearly no combat abilities and he's an accountant. I'm buying him a drink. Alternatively I have a new character I made where I basically made him a knight/samurai hybrid taking inspiration from Cyan in Final Fantasy 6, then mixed him with Daemon Targaryen by giving him a riding drake. I think if he was hunting me, I'm dead within the week.
@ElodieHiras 12 күн бұрын
Drow Elf Assassin Draconic Lineage Sorceress on the run from the Underdark. She's a master of disguise She's an artist with a knife She'll catch me by surprise Any single person could be her lurking She could be working in burger king Strychnine in my onion rings More seriously, High Charisma, social skills, knowledge of poisons, Disguise Self, she could easily bribe the sushi delivery guy to take his shift and deliver the sushi to my home, and to add insult to injury, I'd even give her a decent tip for the poisoned sushi delivery that kills me! So... guessilldie.jpg I have literally no defense against her.
@seabass819 5 ай бұрын
For my goblin barbarian, probably set out a couple beanbags, put on some bob Marley, and make a couple grilled cheese.
@Telemergion 5 ай бұрын
Wait, are you also playing a stoner goblin barbarian?
@nekiguess8304 5 ай бұрын
It really depends on what I did to cause them to hunt me. Last character I actually got to use was basically this sort of new game plus demigod asshole who has basically worked up to max level then sacrificed all that power to go to level 1 again multiple times just for the thrill of adventure. It’d be hard for me to do anything worth them taking me seriously, so they’d probably just kinda fuck with me for a while, using weird spells to annoy me and see what happens.
@alextunneyware 5 ай бұрын
Donovahn Myles is the last character I played, I would either hide, or pray. We're talking a Blue Chromatic Dragonborn with 7 levels Eldritch Knight, 1 level Wizard, 6 levels Undead Warlock and 2 levels Paladin He has a variety of offensive/utility spells and features, an AC of 28, and a variety of magic items from a 3 year long high magic campaign, along with level 2 grim hollow Werebear lycanthropy, so he could literally just turn into fucking sun bear and tear me apart without a second thought
@recentteen14 5 ай бұрын
I forget which of my two I played last, so I'll put them both in. Aenlaiel, my Ranger - if he's after me to kill my ass, I'm screwed. My best bet would be to appeal to his good side by talking shit about bandits and playing nice with Facerender, his Giant Badger pet. That's assuming he gets close to me at all and doesn't just off me from down the block with his bow - so would have to hope that I get the chance to explain. Maleus, my Warlock - Depends more on his mood and whether or not he gets distracted. If he puts his mind to killing me, he's got Mask of Many Faces, Fly, and Fireball - plus the usual Warlock shenanigans. He could be anyone and wreck me in an instant. The upside to him hunting me is his Patron was one that gave him his powers out of boredom - and he's using them to go out and explore the world outside the underdark. He'd be naturally curious and eager to learn new things about the city around him - so if I can catch his interest in some way he'd likely end up ignoring whatever made him try to hunt me down in favor of bringing the wonders of the world above back home in a sort of cultural exchange. At that point I'd be relatively safe and likely even make a friend.
@somerandomdudeyesarandomdu2301 5 ай бұрын
I'm good, my character always tries to go for peaceful solutions as much as possible and if the person isn't a scumbag. Safe to say, I'm not a scumbag.
@mattiekarwin3667 5 ай бұрын
Duma's a bard with no physical weapons save for her blade fins (fish person) and only 1 damage spell. She hates violence and was built from the ground up to be an epic support (which she is so long as she has concentration). I'm pretty sure she'd commit seppuku with her own fins if I called her music shit XD
@Fusrodog 5 ай бұрын
My character, "Wayfinder", will not only revoke my existence, but because hes a level 20 Chronomancer Wizard, he'd do that before i could even finish typing thi-
@shealupkes 5 ай бұрын
most recent one has an honor code to not kill anyone unless he has to so worst case I get a javelin in my shoulder before he realizes that's all it took, part 2 is the revenge plot against whoever sent him after me as I'm not remotely a worthy opponent
@Christian83042 5 ай бұрын
The last character i played as is Zladark. Keep in mind that we play in an Elder Scrolls setting and use some homebrew. Zladark is an Argonian, so a modified lizardman. He is a Level 3 Artificer Battle Smith and a Level 2 Blood Hunter. He has a mechanical arm where he keeps all his gadgets (spells), such as a glass orb filled with glowing fungus spores that he can shoot at the enemy (Fairy Fire), a lot of serums he injects into himself or his allies with his syringe fingers, and his favorite, a glass orb filled with oil that he shoots at his enemies before igniting them with an exploding bolt shot from his living plant crossbow that can grow its own ammunition (Repeating Shot infusion). By the way, he is an expert with his crossbow. Did I mention his Dwemer spider klank (a steel defender) that he charges up with electricity before riding into battle on it? At his side is Root, riding with him, a small spriggan (modified awakened bush) that can release swarms of bees at the enemies. He has also mutated his body to grow sensory detecting organs, such as bat ears, heat-sensing pits from snakes, and electricity-detecting pits from electric eels, all giving him enhanced senses. He has expertise in perception, he has blindsight of 10 feet, and when he reaches the next level, he will mutate even more as an Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and gain advantage on perception checks that are smell and hearing-based, so there is no hiding from him. His enhanced senses also help him evade his enemies' attacks by dodging out of the way (a modified version of the Shield spell I call Reflexes of the Viper). So if my character comes after me, there is no hiding from him, he Will track Me like a blood hound and within a short time, I will probably be dead from multiple reasons, ranging from being burned alive to being shot full of holes, battered to death by a giant electrified robot spider, or being stung to death by bees.
@Shrikeswind 5 ай бұрын
Last character I played as a player would have been...fuck, probably this superhero campaign where I was the only one who didn't have powers and honestly kinda discovered my love of martial classes. He'd be dangerous for a regular person but he was a techbane so I'd have to say get a room in a hotel that uses keycards and wait for the cops to show up. Problem is, that's been a long time ago and I do a lot more DMing these days, so that means my current campaign's focal character, who is a marilith. So for her it's either a nat-20 on the Persuasion check to let me make it up to her for whatever I did wrong, or just ask for the decap so it's over quickly.
@Attaxalotl 5 ай бұрын
I'd hide out somewhere with a lot of water, but my dragonborn sorcerer has Witch Bolt
@OrdericNeustry 5 ай бұрын
My storm elementalist would just lightning me to death. However, he is not very subtle, so my best bet is to hide whenever I notice a strong wind, clouds, or thunder.
@breakfree8387 5 ай бұрын
I get therapy. My last character was a centaur cleric of life, who was the mother and care taker of the entire party. Sure, if she saw me as Evil i'd be dead, but I don't think I've lived an evil life, just a messed up one. So all in all, free therapy, someone who will teach me skills I never learned, and get every medical license to ensure I got medicated, and a job I love.
@GirlPhoenix85 5 ай бұрын
Iphigenia the Custom Origin (styled Harengon) Gloomstalker 5/Assassin 5 would absolutely destroy me. First round with advantage from being hidden in the dark or steady aim, three arrows, plus sneak attack... She could absolutely nova the first round and was still quite competent through the rest of the fight.
@lucassworldofletsplays9270 5 ай бұрын
Charity, a Neutral Good tiefling Draconic Bloodline sorcerer. I doubt I'd last more than a minute or so against her. I rolled fairly high on her ability scores, and she has fire spells. The thing is, she's only level 4, so I *might* stand a chance... *if* I ran away as fast as my legs can take me.
@adrianbrown3085 5 ай бұрын
Now, I'm being chased by Drogan: a lvl 16 ascendent monk/storm herald barbarian/unarmed fighter tortle with advantage on initiative and 50ft of movement. Hopefully, he'll want me alive...
@kleverkitsune4363 5 ай бұрын
My Warlock is a Cabaretti callgirl from New Capenna. So I'd be fine. Except she has a husband and a half-sister who work for a different crime family that aren't as opposed to getting their hands dirty.
@itsindigoleaf 5 ай бұрын
I'd simply offer Dormyar(fairy cleric) a delicious pastry and he'd be happy
5 ай бұрын
I'm fucked. How thoroughly, well, that depends on whether we use my last D&D character (in which case I'm very dead) or my last TTRPG character (in which case I better show some remorse for whatever I did and take up his offer to cooperate with him, then I'll be offered a job). Halkyone, my D&D character is a level 11 eloquence bard / celestial warlock. While that sounds like something survivable, she is also Chaotic Neutral as a former career criminal working for a good-aligned god's servant as a work-release program. She is not a murderhobo, but if I pissed her off badly enough that she is hunting me, she _will_ eldritch blast my ass straight into the abyss. She also has the social and investigative skills to track me down, plus flight, Invisibility, and at-will disguise self. Her weak point is her -1 strength, but even if I manage to grapple her, she will just misty step away. If it's Enaq, my PF2e character, then I'm more likely to survive. He is only level 3 (though a low-level PF character is generally less squishy than a low-level 5e character) and a Liberator, basically a CG paladin. Since I'm not a slaver or a despot, him hunting me is probably not personal. If I cooperate with his interrogation, I'll be alive, in one piece, and if I play my cards right, I'll be a newly-minted acolyte of the god of alcohol.
@drao81924 5 ай бұрын
Kou will forgive me if i explain myself honestly and show no signs of fighting back. But if i dont get the opportunity im cooked, his unlimited illusions will make me think im alive and well while im already dead.
@bradwolf07 5 ай бұрын
Current Character is a Lvl 4 Goblin Cleric named Belch. He's dumb and obsessed with the Fey. So I may be able to distract him with asking about the Fey or telling him "He went that way". But he just got Zone of Truth (if he remembers he has it), so maybe not. I think I may actually have a chance now. Edit: Belch is 5e. My ladt Pathfinder character was put in a comment in the first video of this series. Tetsu would obliterate me, I'd have no chance. I gor lucky this time around
@Snowthree 5 ай бұрын
Last character is a drow bard. I'd probably survive but I wouldn't like it. She's arrogant, full of herself, and such. Not much of a threat, right? Just some snob who can be tricked? Well, she's also extremely capable and effective at anything charisma-based. So her charming her way to me would not be an issue in the slightest. But what I'm really scared of would be what would happen once she caught me. A few sessions ago she found out that someone had hurt her friend. She proceeded to seduce her way into that someone's inner court, lure them to bed, and then proceeded to just... go completely *nuts*. Knives, daggers, spiked maces, everything she could muster. And then she stopped, healed them up, and repeated the process again and again. And, to top it ALL off, once she was done, she *forced* the person to thank her for it all. Not just 'sparing' their life, but for giving them a 'night that they would never forget'. And then she promptly got the party to defeat them and gave them a chocie between a nunnery or eternal humiliation working as a servant girl. All because she hurt her friend. I'm not worried about her killing me. I'm worried she might not kill me.
@DevilFruitZero 5 ай бұрын
Zephyr Half-elf fighter Hexblade, 4 eldritch blasts a turn and teleportation cloak. He'd kill me.
@briankristensen7847 5 ай бұрын
Any TTRPG then my last on is Gannen a cypertch engineer/fighter form 5e Star Wars, for those who dont know a cypertech engineer, as basicly an artificer, what makes body modifications. He has a backgroud in the criminal underworld, an expert marksman (has advantage on pretty much every fire arms) and a somewhat brutal close combat fighter also advantage en every vibroblade weapon. He is a pretty chill dude (an Ardennian which is pretty much a 5 foot four armed Chimpanse) bu if you piss him off, he holds a gruge (maybe thats why he's hunting me) He might stand out in a human crowd but with i climb speed the same as his normal movement, simi consield in wooden areas and a 2x boost to jump, and another 5x form a tech power, i wouldnt be able to out run him. He also has 18 int and 16 wis, so he can out think, out plan, and out fight pretty much anyone. I can only hope that he shows mercy and kills me fast, while he's running his mouth with jokes and smartass comments (his "wice" is having a joke for every occation, so there's that)
@gutsFunnyman 5 ай бұрын
If My Lawful Neutral tiefling monk of mercy is hunting me, assume I deserved it.
@pikachufantastic 5 ай бұрын
Pathfinder 2e not dnd, but i think it still fits. Facing my inventor kitsune, while he has fun tech, i can definitely die fighting him. Though if i kept out of his view he will eventually get distracted by a woman or some danger. Or if he dose find me i can appeal to his sense of good and desire for better and more effective tech. Je might just try and take apart a car off the sideof the road then put it together again and having it run better with parts left over.
@TheDapperDragon 5 ай бұрын
Last one I played was Clacker, a streetwise Kenku who's just done with everyones shit. I'm fine, Clackers old
@johnwilliamson4368 5 ай бұрын
He just leveled up, so I'd say my chances dropped. Then again, i could always offer to help him make a magic item. Then he'd consider it.
@durzafire22 5 ай бұрын
So.... my character is a level 10 gunslinger fighter who's built for mobility with a short range teleport and enhanced speed, sharpshooter, and a decent hp pool. She's no slouch in melee, Is both stealthy and perceptive, and if it got in her head that I need to die for the greater good, no moral quandary against killing an innocent. I am, at best, a level 1 ranger irl, more likely a commoner with a weapon/survival proficiency. It's been a good run of life I guess.
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