The Last of Us Therapy: The “Good Death” - Therapist reaction 1X3 "Long, Long Time" | Bill and Frank

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The Truth Doctor Show

The Truth Doctor Show

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This Simply wow. ❤ If there is something missing from this episode that you'd like me to comment on let me know and I'll try and answer it in the comments or in next week's video. Thank you for being here! 👇 Please remember help is available. Speak with someone today. Call or text: 988 - Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
@rodgersmith6891 Жыл бұрын
Only surprise was the omission of them seeing and talking briefly about the crashed plane and seeing the Graves of probably uninfected people
@warrron Жыл бұрын
One thing, which dawned on me during the second viewing is the fact that on their final day the garden and the street in general looked really nice and well-kept. Frank was in no condition to take care of it, so it must have been Bill. Bill! The guy who didn't give two shits about how things looked as long as they did their job (which he clearly stated in their argument in 2010 while Frank emphasised that those kinds of things are his expression of love). He must have been working his ass off for months/years on what he considered an utter waste of time and energy just to make the person he loves happy. Now that's true dedication!
@iannacardoso9820 Жыл бұрын
a reason for Ellie is so angry at infected is survivors guilt. She is watching others she knows get bit and die while she gets to keep living.
@memsesosmo5084 Жыл бұрын
One thing I was wondering about is why people (myself included) do cry at these scenes. I don't think they are sad, the love story is beautiful and moving. Death is a sad reality, but overall their choice and positive for them. So I am trying to pin down the feeling. Closest I have is other similar candidates that have me crying without fail, like the end to the last unicorn. A good but bittersweet melancholy that life... keeps going. That is wondrous. Would love to know the the professional take on this.
@user-wg1ov6uf5k Жыл бұрын
When my kids watched this episode I told them it was a privilege to be able to see, live, what will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest episodes of any show (or movie) ever. A masterpiece of writing, acting, and tone.
@lofilazy. Жыл бұрын
I think the reason Ellie is so angry at infected is survivors guilt. She is watching others she knows get bit and die while she gets to keep living.
@forkless Жыл бұрын
For those who have played the game (or DLC for the first game rather) know where it stems from, it is also briefly referenced in the first episode.
@pinklefoo Жыл бұрын
This will be explored in future episodes. It's kind of a spoiler to bring it up for people that haven't played the games.
@lofilazy. Жыл бұрын
@@pinklefoo Not really a spoiler, it's kind of obvious with with Tess.
@bouboulroz Жыл бұрын
There are strong hints in the previous episodes that Ellie wasn't alone when she was bit. She also mentioned she had already seen what someone being killed by an infected looks like.
@kieranireland2598 Жыл бұрын
@@bouboulroz Hints or no hints. NO spoilers for people who haven't played the game please
@TheHiddenNarrative Жыл бұрын
I've heard some people criticize this episode for meandering away from the main story, but I think they're missing the point. Frank worming his way through Bill's built up walls and fortress, and then gradually into his heart, is an exact internal parallel with what's happening inside Joel, as Ellie slowly but surely breaks through the walls he built up inside of himself in order to survive and not get hurt again. The letter Bill writes to Joel at the end doubles down on this theme and directly spells it out for him.
@SlamDunkPyro Жыл бұрын
Your description makes frank sound like a tapeworm which gave me a nice laugh after the sadness sandwich that is Ep 3
@fayesouthall6604 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said
@nimz8521 Жыл бұрын
The main criticism I have for this episode is that if you make Frank a woman it gets super problematic very quickly. Bill finds a cute funny woman in one of his traps and she's willing to do... things in exchange for food, shelter and protection. That's fucking ugly. In the game it never addressed how Bill and Frank met so it wasn't an issue. In the series Frank might not have been gay but just scared and hungry. So the writers didn't trick the audience into watching a gay love story, they tricked them into applauding Stockholm syndrome.
@ccasserole5267 Жыл бұрын
​​​​​@@nimz8521 ​This comparison of Bill and Frank's relationship to Stockholm Syndrome, as well as your consequent claim that changing Frank's gender would be seen as more problematic, is so bizarre. First of all, Frank staying is not a result of being captive to Bill because Bill immediately lets him go. In fact, him CHOOSING to stay after being let go is largely IN SPITE of Bill's initial commands for Frank (at gunpoint) to go away. Bill also never holds shelter, food, drink, resources, etc over Frank as a means to control his autonomy. Similarly, Bill never threatens to kick Frank out nor does he make any attempt to keep Frank trapped with him. Sure, Bill providing those resources does put the two at a certain power imbalance, but that does not make a relationship inherently problematic as almost all relationships hold some level of power imbalance, especially given how the show goes out of its way to constantly foreground Frank's autonomy. For example, would you call a relationship with one party being the primary "breadwinner" or with one party having a disability who needs to be cared for as inherently problematic and/or "Stockholm Syndrome?" And even if power imbalance did make it inherently problematic, calling it a depiction of Stockholm Syndrome is still just straight up inaccurate and reduces Frank to a powerless victim despite him being depicted as anything but that. Another thing I found weird was your interpretation of Frank's decision to stay as being primarily driven by a need for access to Bill's resources despite both the show and Frank explicitly saying that is not why he stayed. Literally, right before they have sex, Frank says that he "does not have sex with people for lunches--even good ones." This is the show clearly communicating that the main reason Frank stays is not because of the material benefits, but because he is choosing to stay with a seemingly kindred spirit he miraculously encountered in a post-apocalyptic world where such encounters seem impossible.
@headfangs Жыл бұрын
@@nimz8521 That's a strange reading, it is obvious from the start that regardless of their circumstances, Frank has more power over Bill by virtue of being openly gay, confident, and having both relationship and sexual experience. By contrast, Bill was isolated, deeply closeted and uncomfortable with human relationships. He invited Frank into his home long before realizing he was gay, gave him a shower, food, clothes all before Frank showed any romantic interest in him. To say Frank was scared, and exchanging sex for food and safety directly contradicts not only a direct piece of dialogue, but all the body language between the two of them before that. He was casually looking at the decor on the mantel, he didn't once worry that Bill might poison his food, or kill him, he casually begins playing Bill's piano-- do these strike you as the behavior of someone who's worried and anxious? Who is thinking, "I'd better offer this man my body in exchange for staying here"? Frank teared up just listening to Bill sing, because he realized under his gruff exterior there's a sensitive person inside. He was clearly attracted to that person, and found something intriguing about him in that moment. Then in the bedroom, he's naked and takes off a (clearly vulnerable) Bill's towel. He leads Bill through every interaction with empathy, not with seduction or in an attempt to weasel his way into his home. There is absolutely no indication of the underhanded, uncharitable reading you're giving this episode.
@branthedon22 Жыл бұрын
Bill running outside with no cover during the raider scene is so unlike him at the beginning when it was strictly survival. Now he was strictly thinking of Frank and put himself in irrational danger even knowing that “the fence will kill the rest of them.”
@kylegouveia1969 Жыл бұрын
Also drawing fire away from the house - from Frank.
@frozenharold Жыл бұрын
The rules Joel gives were already there before and now they were said out loud again. But Ellie has ignored them for the most part. As they were approaching the store, Joel tells her to hang back, but she never even breaks stride following him in. In the truck, he repeatedly tells her to put the tape back, but she just keeps going and puts it in the player. However, she does know Joel is experiencing loss after he reads the part about Tess. Before he walks out the door, he says stay here. He goes outside, takes a moment to think about Tess, goes to the garage, and builds a battery. When he comes back inside, she hasn't moved from that spot. (As far as we know) I think it's because she knew he was serious and respected his wishes because she knew what he was feeling.
@mots503 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s also because, in her mind, he has accomplished what he promised Marlene and what he promised Tess. He no longer has any obligations in regards to Ellie, and she doesn’t know what he or they will do from here on out.
@lockekappa500 Жыл бұрын
@@mots503 Yeah this show does a better job of giving us a realistic reason for why Joel is doing this. He still thought of ellie as cargo by this point in the game, so why would he risk everything to still bring her to Marlene? Because of one phrase from Tess? I dont buy it, and I dont think Craig did either. There's a suspension of disbelief that gaming has to a degree that I dont think most serious television would allow itself. Im glad they're tightening up the character motivations.
@TukaihaHithlec Жыл бұрын
@@mots503 Curious what you mean by that. He agreed to deliver her to the Fireflies, so how is that accomplished here? He was doing it for the vehicle which he has now anyway, but he hasn’t delivered her yet.
@TukaihaHithlec Жыл бұрын
@@lockekappa500 In the game Joel has lost all his contacts in the QZ and says he doubts he could get back in anyway. Game Joel never refers to Ellie as cargo, just that he wants to hand her off ASAP because he’s certain she’ll die at some point and doesn’t want to be on his watch. He can’t abandon her either because if she dies then, it’s still his fault. The logical conclusion is to meet up with Tommy who can help her anyway. In the show Joel was only delivering Ellie so he could get a car to go find Tommy, which he has now, so he theoretically doesn’t need to deliver Ellie anymore. He only calls Ellie cargo and only brings her along because of Tess in the show, not the game.
@mots503 Жыл бұрын
@@TukaihaHithlec I’m talking about from Ellie’s point of view. On what she might be feeling about what Joel is thinking/considering. Not from the point of view of a “quest completion” check mark.
@jeremycrane7418 Жыл бұрын
My uncle has ALS and towards the end, he couldn’t move anything but his arms and I’ve once woke up hearing him scream for someone to kill him. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever been through 😔
@wyattcoe8825 Жыл бұрын
That's awful, I'm so sorry.
@jeremycrane7418 Жыл бұрын
@@wyattcoe8825 It's okay. He's at peace now. Thank you though
@gr1mreap3rz15 9 ай бұрын
i'm a disabled person in a queer relationship. i see a lot of myself in frank's mannerisms and beliefs and way of living, and a lot of my partner in bill's. i grew up playing the game and got him to watch this show with me because i knew he'd love it - we had to pause right before joel and ellie turned up, just so we had a minute to cling to each other and sob. the "i like you older, older means you're still here" line also means a lot for queer people, considering all that has happened to our community over time (aids, discrimination, high suicide rates, etc etc) and how rare it can be to see queer elders - for all this episode was bittersweet and hurt, it gave us hope that we could be an old married couple someday too, that even the world falling apart wouldn't stop that possibility. i'm sure this has already been mentioned here, given how late i am to this video, but it's also really interesting how their story has changed from the game. in the game, bill survives past frank's death, which is a more traditional suicide that bill wasn't aware of until he stumbles upon him. you can find notes around their home and hear dialogue from bill implying their relationship ended on kinda rocky terms. game bill is overall more closed than the bill we see here, and it shows in the way that game frank seems to genuinely question whether or not he's loved. whilst this isn't about joel, it serves as a reflection on his character - in the game, bill was written as a warning for who he would become if he refused to open up (a lonely, angry man who lost everything due to his own stubbornness and refusal to communicate), whereas show bill is a demonstration of what he could have if he lets himself have hope (a man with purpose, who knows what it means to love and be loved back, who is ultimately satisfied). it's so well done. i'm kinda just rambling here but tl;dr: this episode means the world to me, it's such a beautiful story. it makes me so happy to see relationships i can identify with portrayed as more than just tragedy - it's bittersweet, yes, but it's hopeful. to live a full life during an apocalypse is a wondrous thing.
@ToddPro Жыл бұрын
Damn, your reaction is a breath of fresh air, brilliant, I was right there with ya about 99% of the time, amazingly beautiful episode...lots of Emmys!
@davidedwards1705 Жыл бұрын
It looks like ALS that Frank was suffering from. It broke my heart seeing Frank fading away like that.
@stefenleung Жыл бұрын
You're a good doctor/therapist. You can really restraint your emotion and talk us thru. It's not even easy to maintain shape and not turning into a puddle of tears.
@michaelkb8783 Жыл бұрын
I also think we see him open up a bit with Ellie - asks her a question (about Linda Ronstadt). I think the letter also showed him that Bill was able to let someone in... he never let Tess fully "in...." or at least he didn't express it in a way that was equal to her. Love your reaction. Thank you.
@eugenielebel1521 Жыл бұрын
Hey! I just wanted to say, everytime you post a new video it makes my day. Love you
@j.w.k7600 Жыл бұрын
This episode got me just as much as the Westworld Episode “Kiksuya”.
@animeman84 Жыл бұрын
I come bearing gifts-the show got renewed for season 2.In unfortunate news,the VA for Tess in the game died from cancer recently at 45 ☹️
@AlgernontheWizard Жыл бұрын
I'll never forget that my one of the last things my grandfather said was asking his nurse if there was a easier way to die. He was on oxygen and had trouble breathing for a decade before that. It breaks my heart but it was probably the right choice.
@manuelcano8995 Жыл бұрын
After watch your reactions is like to see a complete diferent show. The way you get into the mind of the characters is AMAZING, yes !!! in capital letters. And I just wanna thank you ...
@Scott_Forsell Жыл бұрын
I have dealt with agoraphobia for years. It is not fun. At its current level it is now more tolerable and less intrusive / impactful, but it still is there. Not every waking hour, but every time I open my front door, or think about it, it kicks in fairly hard. My breath, my heart rate, my adrenaline level. Every time I get very anxious to the point I get very avoidant and really, really want to deal this massive thing tomorrow and not today, not right now. Right now is overwhelming my ability to cope. Tomorrow, please! If I go outside people can see me not being able to cope like a normal person and that freaks me out fundamentally. I am most assuredly not trying to make you feel sorry for me, fuck that very much please don't, but to give you a brief insight what it feels like. It sucks. You're not going to get it fully because of layered panic and anxiety and heart going BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. It sounds so stupid, being desperately afraid of opening your front door to pick up your mail. It is stupid, I know that, but it is also real.
@derekalmquist1537 Жыл бұрын
I cried SO HARD during this episode. please tell me I was NOT the only one who felt like they needed therapy at the end of this episode? even now I'm typing this, tears are streaming down my face, and I'm shaking. Now, as I'm re-watching this I still need therapy. ohhhh this episode hurts so much. but ill be okay. this episode breaks my soul. thank you dr. courtney to react to this episode. all I know is I'm not watching this episode again. I'm a mess!!!!
@miradinoh8577 Жыл бұрын
Same! You are not alone 😅 And just hold on to those tissues.. we will need them for more episodes
@sortingoutmyclothes8131 Жыл бұрын
I'd be interested in your take on the Oscar nominated film "Banshees of Inisherin." After watching it with my sister yesterday, we had a stimulating discussion about whether Colm's requests for Colin Farrell's character to stop overstepping his boundaries were reasonable, given the absolutely bonquers way he reacted, or if he was showing a lack of emotional responsibility in his refusal to engage with Colin Farrell in any way while still inhabiting the same social spaces with him in front of everyone and ignoring him, and also, you know, doing what he does. Anyway, if you're interested in watching it I think it's an interesting quandary.
@7S77S Жыл бұрын
Please react to Attack on titan if you haven’t watched it already. It touches on so many moral complexities and I believe that anyone who studies or is interested in psychology will fall in love with it. The story is the best I’ve seen too
@DougHanson2769 10 ай бұрын
The Raiders
@fy_tv Жыл бұрын
My interpretation of Ellie's violence against the infested: Yes she is immune but she still has a part of the Cordyceps in her, we see it several times on her arm, it doesn't really look like a normal scarring. What I'm trying to say is that maybe she sees in the infested what she can become or could become or the fact that the fungus in some way is also part of her. Even if my interpretation is incorrect, Ellie is still a child who may not fully understand her immunity, perhaps she sees a connection between herself and the fungus (due to the fact that her connection to it is so different from that of other humans) that she tries to break. A little bit like I consider my long-term illness to be part of my identity. (it could also just be that she lot of people to the Cordyceps, and she is angry about it, but I like my interpretation). Also: Episode 3 is one my favorite piece of recent television. Great acting, music, directing, writing. Perfect storytelling. In each episode they make us fall in love with a character (or more) to take them away before the end. It's tragic and beautiful. I cried my little black heart out.
@ctakitimu 2 ай бұрын
I think episodes like this are great for us straight people to see, to learn 'other' love is no different than our own. Might sound silly to some.
@a.a677 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for including asexuals in how love can be portrayed.
@83gemm Жыл бұрын
To me, the most beautiful line in the whole episode is, “I’m satisfied.” It’s kind of like when Frank eats that delicious meal that Bill first makes him. It’s SO good and he’s SO hungry, but there comes a point where he’s full. He’d love to be able to eat more, but that’s all he needs. There’s Bill starved for real connection (and it seems like that was the case for him even before the disaster). So he has this life with Frank and, sure, he’d obviously keep going if that was an option for them. But it’s not and it was fulfilling enough that he is “satisfied.” Жыл бұрын
I love this ❤️
@83gemm Жыл бұрын Wow! Thanks! Really enjoyed your video!
@wtimmins Жыл бұрын
A lesser creative team might have shown the people dying in 2003, or Bill and Frank's bodies for the shock value. This team understands that we don't need to see it, we get it, just note it and move on. I absolutely am floored by how good the subtle decisions and composition they've done with this show. Man.
@wtimmins Жыл бұрын
@@nahadoth2087 I wish I could like this comment multiple times...
@W4rr4X Жыл бұрын
@@nahadoth2087 Loved the first seasons of TWD, cause there were actual story telling. Stopped after season 3, didn't connect as much, story was... weird...
@MegaGeNeRaLEE Жыл бұрын
True it reminded me a lot of the scene in the game with David and the machete and the conscious decision to not show the aftermath
@redheadstoner7788 Жыл бұрын
Them giggling over the strawberries is the sweetest part of the episode. Them sharing their first meal as their last is the most heartbreaking for me 😭
@DougHanson2769 Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@zemoxian Жыл бұрын
It just occurred to me that in a sense, they’re hanging from a vine that could break at any moment with a hungry tiger trying to get at them. And yet, they’re eating the strawberry and living their best life.
@joshuaanol3853 Жыл бұрын
Bill and Frank's relationship reminds me of a quote from another great show. "It's not enough for people to survive. People need to live."
@redtoneredtone6592 Жыл бұрын
Does this show rhyme with "barbane"?
@TukaihaHithlec Жыл бұрын
I friggin love Wall-E!
@raeofsunshine4 Жыл бұрын
I think the thing that truly wrecked me about this episode is that this is the closest to a happy ending anyone is going to get in this world. They were happy, in love, safe, and got to die peacefully in their sleep.
@shannonbutler-williams7261 4 ай бұрын
That's what wrecked me. Virtually everyone in the new world is going to die a scary violent deaths that is not on their own terms, whether they're hanged in the QZ, or attacked by cordyzombies or raiders, and Frank and Bill got a long happy relationship together enjoying the normal aspects of a relationship (bonding over small silly things like strawberries, fighting about how the yard looks when company is coming) before dying a peaceful death together on their terms.
@jonathanross149 Жыл бұрын
The nature of Joel's relationship with Ellie has changed in this episode. Ellie was a key to getting the supplies needed to find Joel's brother. Now, Joel is going to protect and help Ellie reach her goal while he reaches his own goal.
@TomTomson81 Жыл бұрын
But he still sees her as cargo.
@syntheticvocalist-p472 Жыл бұрын
@@TomTomson81 for sure.
@miradinoh8577 Жыл бұрын
@@TomTomson81 that’s Joel’s protection from potentially getting hurt again 😢😢😢
@TomTomson81 Жыл бұрын
@@miradinoh8577 I know
@ratsock Жыл бұрын
One thing that wasn't picked up on was when they're playing the piano, Bill says, "not this song". Clearly points to past trauma or loss that is attached to the specific song in some way.
@Stark-Raving Жыл бұрын
Bill was a closeted gay man in his middle age, so it makes sense that a song about being in love with someone you'll never be with would affect him.
@cephalonwolffe6642 Жыл бұрын
One thing (of many) I love about this episode is it allows us to have a conversation about a topic that is so sensitive. And this is mainly due to it being a story in such a fantastical setting. I think that allows us to really explore how it makes us feel without fear of judgment and I love the way you approached the topic with such respect. A true professional.
@mmmaryj Жыл бұрын
The moment when Ellie told Joel to shower… wow. He must have had to thought about his daughter in that moment.
@gissellest333 Жыл бұрын
the sweet thing is he listened to her the same way he would have done with Sara.
@chapstikcrazy Жыл бұрын
Bill and Frank's story was unbelievably touching. One of my favorite things was how their story gives so much body and depth to Joel as a character and his relationship to Ellie. Joel smiling to himself after Ellie says, "Eh, it's better than nothing" and then them driving off into the sunset is one of the most beautiful scenes to me. It's such a perfect start to their blossoming relationship. And then the camera pulls us back into the room of these two people who loved each other with all they had, looking out of the window. It's like Bill and Frank are saying goodbye to them as they drive away.'s profound.
@snowboredsnj Жыл бұрын
You think she cut the infected guy 1st to see if it reacted at all prior to killing it? As if to check if there was still a person in there?
@robincraft4682 Жыл бұрын
Such an episode. 😢💔 Bill knew how to survive. Frank showed him how to live and love. Thank you for your thoughtful review. Subscribed. Looking forward to the next week.
@kharnzarro6308 Жыл бұрын
Also despite Bill saying he and Joel weren't really friend in the letter you know that wasn't true because when he was shot his first thought was to get Frank to contact Joel because he knew Joel would look after the one thing in this world he loved and trusted him enough to suggest it and that it was most likely Joel and Tess supplying the meds Frank used also going by the fact Joel was selling drugs he smuggled in episode 1
@nathanmiller8213 Жыл бұрын
Beat me to the punch on this one, in addition, in his last letter, the last thing he was ever going to leave anyone, he attempted to give guidance and his offer of all supplies to help him. With him and Frank leaving this world together, his last actions outside Frank were helping Joel and Tess as much as he could one last time.
@ZacharyFinch Жыл бұрын
I think you are my favorite reactor for this show. The way you've been consistently analyzing Joel's relationship with loss as a defining part of his character is confirming to me that this is, and will continue to be, an incredibly well-executed adaptation.
@davidedwards1705 Жыл бұрын
Bill & Frank an epic Love Story we didn't know we needed. Thank you Naughty Dog & HBO.
@WatashiMachineFullCycle Жыл бұрын
I have been waiting ALL DAY for this video to drop - this episode might just be in my top ten episodes of television, period. Absolutely masterful, absolutely beautiful, can't wait to dig into your analysis, here we go!
@Diiixiiinormus Жыл бұрын
Top 3 for me personally
@WatashiMachineFullCycle Жыл бұрын
@@Diiixiiinormus agreed, I want to rank it at number one but I'm not sure if that's just because my strong emotions surrounding it are so fresh, it's just so so good
@AL-fl4jk Жыл бұрын
I can think of many episodes I’ve loved but very few that disabled me for half a week
@trevorstull40 Жыл бұрын
My uncle had ALS for over 10 years. He was in the small percent that it affected him form the neck up, so he eventually had to have a feeding tube. After his youngest daughter graduated from medical school he was ready, and asked to stop receiving his feedings. So he got to leave on his own term.
@auntijen3781 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't help but think of the dialogue between Joel & Sarah in first episode at breakfast; Tommy enters & wishes Joel a happy birthday. Sarah says "aww, see? He loves you" Joel replies "no, he's dependant on me" to which Sarah replies "same thing" Easy to see how Sarah, a minor, only knows love to be a synonym dependency (the beginning of the show makes it plain that this father daughter duo are equally dependant upon each other) However, via the shows' depiction of the Bill/Frank relationship in episode 3, the story arc of these characters shows us both the difference as well as the relationship between love & dependence.
@alexflorea4879 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction and very helpful. I also have MS and have been feeling pretty down some days, especially after by wife left me after learning about my diagnosis, but I'm still here and hopefully I'll find that special person just like Bill did.
@alexflorea4879 Жыл бұрын
@@Trendilien69 Thank you very much !!!🙏
@yoshihermann1756 Жыл бұрын
I hope you will!
@mfpperera Жыл бұрын
It's amazing how many emotions we're feeling while watching TLOU. I'm honestly glad that I'm watching the show and your reactions shortly after, because it makes the experience so much different! Also, I never expected that this series could be such a rollercoaster of emotions 💔
@amartin3893 Жыл бұрын
Now the finale has aired Bill's letter becomes so significant. Men like us have a job to do, one person in the world worth saving, god help any mthrfckrs who stand in our way. TLOU is so connected, it has so many layers. One of the best TV shows I've ever seen.
@PugAshen Жыл бұрын
I think I have watched this episode about 9 times now. I can't get over how well it's written and performed. The smallest details I keep discovering I the story. It is such a leap in quality over most of the shows that are currently being aired. And "zombies" of course... But it really feels like a side story in some parts.. And yes, the tears come every time ...
@pitipiti_ Жыл бұрын
Okey I was looking for this one 🥺🥺 Жыл бұрын
I hope I did this episode justice. Thank you for being here. ❤
@mediacritique1065 Жыл бұрын
I can tell you love what you do. Just like frank said paying attention to things is how we show love and you pay a lot of attention to the shows you watch :) thank you Dr. C!
@GDQ Жыл бұрын
Joel referred to Tess as "mine" instead of "my partner" because he never tried to open up to Tess and get close to her. Even in the game version Tess tells Joel "What do you know about us? About me?". Also this episode has lots of parallels to future story arcs.
@Nse204 Жыл бұрын
He has the gun on the table during his first meeting with Joel because now he has something he is afraid of losing. Frank. He wasn't afraid for himself (as he expresses later).
@kensredemption Жыл бұрын
Hearing you talk about the research you cited regarding euthanasia has reaffirmed my decision to sub to your channel. It's too easy to come across channels that discuss this content through a contentious lens when we need more objectivity. Can't wait to see what you do next!
@hander929 Жыл бұрын
I spent half this episode crying and here I am to put myself through it again.
@KevinDooley420 Жыл бұрын
I've been watching a lot of reaction videos for this episode (something I never do, I just keep thinking about this episode), but this one is the best. What a cool channel! Thank you for this.
@peterbabicki8252 Жыл бұрын
My mum was diagnosed with MS 25 years ago, and she slowly stopped being able to do the things she loved. First badminton, then hiking, then walking in general. She's now bed bound and struggles to use her hands. I thought of MS right away when I saw Frank. As bad as it is in our world, at least there are care options available to us. Frank wouldn't just have to live with his condition, but the guilt of being burden to the one person he cares the most about. He wanted to go out on his own terms, and I respect that.
@killgoretrout9000 Жыл бұрын
My mom also had MS and she was 28 years from diagnoses to death the last 6-7 or so she was in a wheelchair so the scenes with Bill taking care of Frank hit hard specifically when Bill was putting him into bed, I've been there done that. That said as similar as it was I don't think it was MS because it MS works slower it took my mom about 25 years to get to the point Frank was in the show I figure it's ALS but the symptoms do look very similar.
@peterbabicki8252 Жыл бұрын
@@killgoretrout9000 Sorry to hear about your mom. Yeah, I forgot about the time period. The show makes it seem like they've been together much longer. Before she got care, I too had to help my mum on and off the toilet, and in and out of bed. I hope you and her found some semblance of happiness towards the end.
@killgoretrout9000 Жыл бұрын
@@peterbabicki8252 Honestly I had kinda grieved for my mom before she died. I miss her terribly but it was so hard for her especially near the end that there is a kind of cold comfort in knowing she's no longer suffering. At her celebration of life I had someone tell me I'd take her back and I told him not with MS I wouldn't. I wouldn't put her through that.
@Scott_Forsell Жыл бұрын
I'd take ignorant and curious over ignorant and cock-sure any day of the week. Ellie rocks, in short. She knows what she does not know and is incurably curious about everything. I dig that about her.
@Scott_Forsell Жыл бұрын
And it isn't just tell me, but show me. I need to see it with my own eyes. That's bold in their circumstance. Ellie is bold.
@jonathanross149 Жыл бұрын
Awesome, was looking forward to your reaction to this. Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@kimii.i Жыл бұрын
10:00 my boyfriend is one of those people that was completely cut off from people at one point (growing up between ages 10-16, the most pivotal time to make friends and learn how to socialise), so he has a very hard time making friends, participate in quick banter, having a friend group, etc. I have a lot of patience and I got to know him as a wonderful human being, who is full of stories and full of love, but only when given a lot of time and patience. I nudged him to go to therapy for depression because he has a whole lot of it (mainly because he feels like he is never gonna be a functioning member of society without his social skills) but he recently quit because he didn’t actually actively participate and viewed the therapy as just another appointment in his agenda. Which kind of therapy would you recommend he would try, based on improving social skills and such? Because he thinks it’s “too late” for him (he’s 21 now) but i think that’s not true.
@agamermom0014 Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful story and relationship. While it may have been bittersweet, it's also so lovely. Beautiful reaction to this as well!
@tezster0 Жыл бұрын
I was looking forward to your reaction of this episode the most because of the context you would provide between Bill and Frank's relationship, and you did not disappoint.
@caronstout354 Жыл бұрын
Bill was living his dream life..until he met Frank, then he truly learned how to live a full life!
@chronicallykat4920 Жыл бұрын
I found myself very angry after this episode. I am disabled in the ways that many people assume means I am going to want euthanasia legalized etc. I do but I also don't want it to be done in a way that allows abuse and pressure for people. I found myself unable to process the positives on this and I really appreciate you breaking it down. I am still angry at it but I have more than the emotional response without context. I couldn't understand my anger. Your father in law is doing very hard work and I am glad he has you for support. I couldn't do his job. I have had a life of extreme challenges from my abusive parents (a diagnosed narcissist and a diagnosed sociopath with a very medically vulnerable child who didn't fit their idealized desires for said child = I confuse my doctors by being alive because I medically should not be). I have been shot. I have been isolated. Essentially the way that our couple lived without any love. I didn't have any positive touch until adulthood and I find it painful to be touched now. It's been 2 years since my last touch. Non abusive because I made myself safe. My brain got angry because I saw myself there and I hate it. As an adult I do have a chosen family but there's some things they cannot fix by existing and I want to see a person like me that survives. My brain missed the fact they got old in it's anger. So I am very much crying because I don't know what to do with the thing I wanted. The challenge to my subconscious assumption this was more "You don't deserve a life" narrative from Hollywood is very appreciated
@robert_bbiii Жыл бұрын
One thing I got from this, and COVID, is that there is a difference between being alone by choice and by circumstance. I can be reclusive but I also know I can easily go see people if I want to or call them. So really thing four years of not seeing or not talking to someone. You would hunger for contact. One thing I love about the fight they have is even though it is shouting is they listen to each other. I also loved the get the gun out of my face line. It isn't really a threat but a get to the point of you trusting me to not need it. I also read there is a nice sweet easter egg in the letter that shows what Bill thinks of Joel. He tells Joel a wine to pair with a meal to cook for Tess.
@johanstenfelt1206 Жыл бұрын
This was a very interesting Episode, makes me wonder what the rest of the Season, rest of the Show, is going to be like. …and your analysis adds to it, i will look forward to see your take on Future Episodes.
@user-gx9xe4kx6j Жыл бұрын
Ok I'm actually obsessed with this whole reaction! Thank you so much. There were so many points I never considered.
@GinoGonzalez12 Жыл бұрын
The one video I was waiting to watch after seeing this masterpiece of an episode. Love your insight and videos! ❤
@carpevinum8645 Жыл бұрын
I've seen people calling it tragic or sad, but I think it was a happy story. They got to pass in old age, after a long life where they were loved, with agency and dignity. This is something neither queer nor disabled/terminal characters are usually granted in media. The apocalypse happened in 2003. That is the societal framework they are coming from. One where gay marriage wasn't legal. One where initial meetings were often conducted through coding because being too open, too out, was dangerous. Especially in a small town. Bill probably had more genuine social interaction after the outbreak than beforehand. Because of small town stigma and pre 2003 socially acceptable homophobia. From this perspective the apocalypse gave them a chance at life they may not have gotten otherwise. Bill likely never would have known love. Frank brought beauty to Bill's life. As I have seen others say, Bill and Frank won the apocalypse. And Bill and Joel became friends. Even if they didn't want to call it that. Mutual repect. Mutual trust. Mutual care for the other. And Joel had the code. Watching Bill's arc was a great way to externalise Joel's internal arc, they are so similar. The show story is exploring how love and relationships can be toxic. And this was a beautiful juxtaposition to that. Functionally it didn't change a lot from the game story. Bill and Frank existed. Joel and Ellie got resources. Joel and Ellie still broke down some walls. But, story wise it did add things for the show. A lot of what was cut there will be plenty more of in the show. And game players get to experience something new. In the context of queer representation in media, including the "kill your gays" trope, I really appreciated this change. And the lack of bodies was really respectful of the story being told - it wasn't a story about their death. It was a story about their life and love. Sometimes in apocalypse stories you can end up in a place wondering if the world is worth saving. The love story topped off with sprinkling of Ellie's delight at the world and Joel's ability to find purpose and drive again showed that there may be something to fight for.
@knjigofilizam Жыл бұрын
I cried my eyes out on this episode. And I cried again now. So heartwarming and heartbreaking, too much for my little heart😭
@joeokabayashi8669 Жыл бұрын
I came to your channel thru Episode 3. I'm now hooked on your channel. Thank you.
@RachelsCrazyWorld Жыл бұрын
My Mom has MS and this episode hit me hard.
@josephjohnson5766 Жыл бұрын
This was a great episode and really flushed out a lot of this relationship. As for Ellie, in the game we did learn all about what drives her but it wasn't until the mid point and at the end of the game if I remember correctly. I really hope we get the magazine joke in the next episode, not a spoiler it was just a bit of levity to break up the sorrow and violence. Can't wait for the next one. Your review and understanding of the characters is really spot on.
@hawaiianpizza9386 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunate this amazing masterpiece of script writing and story telling is being review bombed simply because of homophobia. They do exist in this world and they do fall in love like regular human beings. So many heterosexual and lesbo kiss scenes in Hollywood, but everybody wants to go up in arms with their keyboards when two men wants to just simply live a happy life together.
@mattcollins3591 Жыл бұрын
It’s upsetting but it’s also telling that even WITH review bombers it’s still at. 7.9 .. which isn’t bad at all. But still
@lefromthecity Жыл бұрын
Really, I’ve only seen amazing reviews for this specific episode 🤔.
@kaydens6964 Жыл бұрын
@@lefromthecity dude is making stuff up to express a point lol
@TealJosh Жыл бұрын
@@kaydens6964 nah, it's real. I've watched couple videos critical of this episode and the comments are straight up heinous. Even on channels that wouldn't naturally garner that kind of audience.
@indiefaerie Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad someone else noticed the moment Joel said "if my, uh... If mine-" about Tess, oh my gosh. It pricked up my ears immediately too and I think it's so telling that he can't bring himself to give their partnership a label while simultaneously implying everything with the more vague and avoidant word choice. I'm loving your reactions so far. Thank you for specifically mentioning bisexuals when you ran through the LGBTQ+, too. We get overlooked and erased a lot, along with asexuals, and I really appreciate it. 💜
@morgymoo94 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic reaction! Frank is from another HBO show called The White Lotus. You should definitely react to it if you haven't. Super good and you could probably spend a month analyzing the characters in that show 😅
@irrelevant_noob Жыл бұрын
25:40 that's a bit of a catch-22... If the person is capable of making such a decision, the go-ahead can be given... and if they're not, then what kind of mental life will they now have to struggle with?! :-s
@deeanna8448 Жыл бұрын
I wish euthanasia was legal everywhere. I'm a veterinarian, and I euthanize pets every week. It's a kindness, and it's often beautiful. The family is present and they get control over when a d how to say goodbye.
@RoxxSerm Жыл бұрын
I dont think he had the gun on the table because he was afraid of Joel and Tess. At least not more than he was of Frank. The thing is that he feels responsible for Frank, and the gun isnt to protect himself but his partner. An emotion that can be even stronger than survival instict, when love is in place to beautifully fuck up our brain chemistry ^^
@avaguavaa Жыл бұрын
i started watching last of us during a really long flight, i was bawliiing during this ep 😂 surely made the person next to me uncomfortable
@DemoDog21 Жыл бұрын
When the raiders attack, the reason Bill is already outside and Frank is still asleep is likely due to Bills paranoia. Bill likely wakes up every time one of his motion seniors goes off and rushes to see what caused it. Frank has likely become so accustomed to Bill waking up to check motion sensors that he no longer wakes up. Bill knows Frank will want to help fight the raiders and is so afraid of losing him during the fight that choses to not tell Frank and fights the raiders himself.
@kingunda5013 Жыл бұрын
When you said if a person who is in pain, someone who is suffering, and people keep on telling him it's his fault, it can be very tough on that individual. I can relate. I need more of your insights regarding human behavior. And so therefore, I am subbing. 😊❤👍👍
@oliwia3513 Жыл бұрын
Your outtro for these episodes is so bad for me because I'm already emotional from watching the episode and what you say is just the nail in the coffin for making me cry 😭
@lukephillips1188 Жыл бұрын
This episode shattered me 😭
@voinyhelvetti Жыл бұрын
I like to think that part of the reason Bill didn't have his gun out when he was eating with Frank but did when eating with Joel and Tess was that, like he said, he wasn't afraid before he had Frank. So he had his gun out because he had something to lose now when he didn't before.
@hollyw8085 Жыл бұрын
This episode of Last of Us absolutely destroyed me. So beautiful and heart breaking.
@kennethmorgan8795 Жыл бұрын
2 things I like to point out for this episode. 1: You're right, 'ALS' is their primary inspiration, they didn't want to get it wrong so while they used it as the base they chose not to clarify it. 2: In 2003 (when the outbreak started) Massachusetts didn't allow gay marriage (it was legalized the next year)... so for all they knew even if they had been able to meet before the world went to hell they wouldn't have been able to get married here.
@BlackDerek Жыл бұрын
Saw something mentioned elsewhere. 2004 was the year that the first gay marriages happened in the US, meaning that in this world it never happened. End of the world gave them a chance to have something that society denied them.
@Saphthings Жыл бұрын
And wow, I've seen many "doctor reacts" or "therapist reacts" and etc, and no offense but they all sound very snooty, or just do "reviews" and no actual reaction. You're the first channel like that that I'm subbing to! You don't talk down. That's a remarkable skill. Thanks for the video! Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate you saying that. I hope you enjoy my episode 4 reaction ❤️
@Inthera_ Жыл бұрын
I hope you're right about Ellie's anger and wanting for retribuition. When I first watched that scene I thought they make Ellie sadistic or something. But rethinking it and knowing the game, yeah she just have deep anger toward the infected. Hopefully that the reason.
@thomashiggins9320 Жыл бұрын
I found your reaction to, and discussion of, this episode both interesting and insightful. I'll certainly watch your future videos about this show, and I await your reaction to the next one, with tremendous anticipation. 🙂 I don't know what you have on your schedule, and I realize you're probably a busy professional with a day job, but may I recommend you consider watching The Expanse?
@nickblood7080 Жыл бұрын
When you mentioned Ellie not telling Joel about the infected you perfectly articulated how this Ellie is so a different than the Ellie in the game
@ozzy7471 Жыл бұрын
i'm not crying you ARE 😭
@lockekappa500 Жыл бұрын
I dunno how much you know of the video game story, and I think it's something a lot of people are missing in that scene with Ellie and the stalker. Ellie was just bit 3 weeks ago, and has very good reason to be upset, or have built up rage against the infected. So I don't think all of what we're seeing with Ellie is just some natural inclination to violence. I think they're starting to hint at her PTSD towards what happened to her 3 weeks ago, and the things she might have lost.
@MichaelDavis2754 Жыл бұрын
When Joel mentions the stuff that gets you infected going into the flour supply remember that Joel never got a birthday cake Sarah wanted pancakes but they didn't have pancake mix and the neighbors were eating biscuits and they had raisin cookies that Sarah turned down because she didn't like Raisin cookies
@gailscrypto1536 Жыл бұрын
this was the one tiny possible hole i saw....when frank says now go make me some toast....where is the flour to make toast coming from....possibly he makes his own flour??? but unlikely....earlier we saw the food was all veg and meat based so yeah, held up...that one line sort of caught me off guard.
@MichaelDavis2754 Жыл бұрын
@@gailscrypto1536 it's likely there was multiple flour supplies and the bread happened to not be involved with the flour supply that was infected
@gailscrypto1536 Жыл бұрын
@@MichaelDavis2754 actually not sure if flour is a great prepper storage item....might have to research that...rice and grains last longer lol
@akinpaws 5 ай бұрын
​@@gailscrypto1536 I'm watching all of these reaction videos hella late, because I finally watched the series. Here's my idea about that line. It was a quip, a 'prove how much you love me by bringing me an impossible thing', like the lyrics to Scarborough Fair; "tell her to find me an acre of land between the salt water and the sea strand and then she'll be a true love of mine". Like "Do you want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down" from It's A Wonderful Life.
@j4242 Жыл бұрын
Bill and Frank forever! Oh my heart.
@petersonchan9250 Жыл бұрын
Moments before Ellie stabs the trapped infected, he seemed to look at her and give a very subtle nod as if to say "Do it". He didn't try to reach out to her or snap his teeth at her. He looked at her and waited for it. 🤔
@mattcollins3591 Жыл бұрын
It’s upsetting but it’s also telling that even WITH review bombers it’s still at. 7.9 .. which isn’t bad at all. But still
@juneyoon4432 Жыл бұрын
It’s a 10 but people suck
@mbank3832 Жыл бұрын
@@juneyoon4432 yep. which is why people are more dangerous than the infected
@bellalopez6085 Жыл бұрын
Is getting overwhelmed somewhat easily normal? I do mexican dance, and me and my dad often butheads. I often get overwhelmed when i am dance tho i love it or when im trying to deal with my dad or other relationships if there is a conflict in which i get very emotional and lash out. In dance it often ends in me just trying to get through the class getting really tired and not being able to think as well. Im curious if this is normal because not alot of people talk about getting overwhelmed how often it happens and when and where it happens
@cameirusisu1024 Жыл бұрын
I've seen what happens with these things. Its a very very very easy choice. I cant see how you could possibly not do this for someone you love, the alternative is abhorrent. I hope someone loves me enough should i ever be in this position.
@Ataliah87 Жыл бұрын
The last of us is just the best storyline ever and the tv show is so well made. I can’t wait to play the games all over again and can’t wait for episode 4
@No_Named_Nobody Жыл бұрын
I got into a conversation with someone over something and they brought up how they may be playing into Ellie's survivors guilt in the series. Which makes sense so far, but also **Game Spoilers** Those of us that played the game know exactly what happened in the mall.
@ludovica3463 Жыл бұрын
I cried watching the episode, and I cried SO MUCH watching this video. The thing you said about vulnerability, about how human beings are so much more than what they're allowed to show made me so emotional... Thank you for being here and making people feel seen through your videos
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