The Latin Mass vs. Novus Ordo (part 1): What Does the Church Teach? - Explaining the Faith

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Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

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There is so much confusion today regarding the Mass in the Extraordinary Form (TLM), so what is the truth? Is this Mass suppressed, and if so, why? What are the differences between the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass? Fr. Chris Alar explains what you need to know about this important part of our Church tradition.
Part two is here: kzbin.infoa7RgyJCMjF0
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@layanglayang8255 Жыл бұрын
Covid lockdown and church closure lead me to TLM and I very much thank God for that.
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
- a fruit from these dreaded Covid lockdowns. God bless you and all my fellow Marian Helpers. 🙏
@MC-ln9dj Жыл бұрын
Me too! Nothing has shocked me more in my life. Never, ever thought I would go back to Church or even believe that Jesus was real. Jesus is real! God is good! ❤
@kathrynratenski-harrison4635 Жыл бұрын
I returned myself to my childhood with the high Latin mass I've been attending There is no way U could believe in abortion , cheating on your spouse, believe in more genders than 2, going to a church for its social life, but quietly get closer to God. Going back to your roots.
@matthewanderson7449 Жыл бұрын
TLM comes from heaven
@themoderncatholicwarrior7216 Жыл бұрын
Here is the problem, if the church said no priests can say the mass and you went to a priest who disobeyed and said the Tlm. According to st. Paul in the bible, that mass profanes the body of Christ and is therefore a satanic black mass.
@Floridiansince94 Жыл бұрын
The Tridentine Mass was the mass of Saint Padre Pio, the mas of Santa Teresa de Avila, the mass of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the mass of Saint Faustina - that is the mass I want
@ntmn8444 Жыл бұрын
@@snowy1634 seriously. These people need to get over themselves. It’s like a Backstreet Boys vs *NSYNC type of conversation.
@Floridiansince94 Жыл бұрын
@@snowy1634 they sure didn’t celebrate the NO- thank you for replying to my comment
@justinreany1514 Жыл бұрын
The Mass developed over two millenia. Developed is the key word. The Novus Ordo is not a development but fabrication as Benedict XVI put it. A break with the process of development and imposition of novelty. The Latin Mass is the 1962 and before. The Novus aordo is the Novus Ordo. You have to search far and wide to find a "unicorn" Novus Ordo - reverence, piety, Latin, ad orientem, incense, good preaching, chant. We have one here in Phoenix. They even do the Gradual instead of the respondorial psalm. All readings chanted. Men only. It's thoroughly Catholic!
@xaviervelascosuarez Жыл бұрын
@@Floridiansince94 for sure they celebrated something closer to the NO than the TLM. To begin with, I seriously doubt that they did it in Latin. They probably did it in many different ways. Some of the twelve went south, all the way to Ethiopia, at least one went east, all the way to India... And I don't think they had Internet to check with each other for consistency.
@jimmyrumney4379 Жыл бұрын
@@xaviervelascosuarez What they did would have more resembled Jewish worship in a synagogue, with elaborate vestments and sacrifice as described in the Old Testament. It would not resemble a guitar Mass or a Life Teen Mass. Also, due to persecution, the early Masses were also said in the catacombs.
@matthewanderson7449 Жыл бұрын
The traditional Latin mass saved my life. God bless you Father Chris. I’ve listened to all of your Saturday talks from start to finish! I was raised a strict Protestant but am coming to the Catholic faith in adulthood - largely in part to you and your talks. Yet, my journey has been a circuitous one. I left the Protestant church at 22 and dove head first into exploring other world religions and spiritual traditions. A whisper kept nudging me towards Catholicism during that time and often I listened. I went to over 100 novus ordo masses all over the world over the last 14 years - masses in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, France, Italy, Germany, Ukraine… everywhere I traveled, I made it a point to go to a local mass. I was searching for something divine, something that would touch my soul. Sadly I left most NO masses(but not all) feeling 50% satisfied. It was the same halfway feeling that I felt with Protestant services and the other world religions I looked at during this time. By God’s grace, I recently stumbled for the first time into a traditional Latin mass in Brazil… and I wept. This was what I was searching for since I left Protestantism. Finally! Reverence. Contemplation. Meditation. Deep prayer. A congregation of fellow beings coming together to revere God in the highest way possible. The rituals, the music, the kneeling before the alter… it’s unmatched in its reverence and power. The turning of the priest towards the altar changes everything for the TLM. As an outsider to the catholic faith, I find the TLM to be extremely special. It saved my spiritual life. It needs to be protected. It’s one of a kind. Even if you don’t align with it and are a modernist, it’s important to preserve it and not cancel it entirely from the tradition. There’s no reason to do that. If the TLM was more commonly performed, it would have saved 14 years of unsatisfied spiritual seeking that I endured. However, God bless both the novus ordo and the TLM. I think both should exist. As an outsider, when I see the two sides lobbing rocks at each other, I cringe. This is where humans stop being intelligent beings and start sliding down into the dark realms of pure idiocy. Both Mass forms should exist and people need to be free to pick and choose at their personal discretion. Since the church says they’re both equal in graces, then simply cast the die and let people choose. Pope Benedict was a genius in relabeling the Masses to the ordinary and extraordinary, thus allowing for both to coexist equally. In contrast, Pope Francis is acting in pure ignorance if he thinks oppressing and shutting down the TLM will make way for future church unification. It’s nothing more than a desperate power move to patch up the mistakes made 60 years ago. This will accomplish nothing but brew resentment and frustration in the oppressed, forcing them to take their movement underground - eventually creating a schism. The TLM is incredibly powerful, it comes directly from heaven, and it will never go away - even if it is forcefully oppressed. The numbers tell all. 97% of people feel the presence in the TLM and 30% in the NO. That’s a difference that can’t be overlooked or brushed off. I felt the presence in the TLM within 30 seconds of being there. This was the first time I felt the presence anywhere on earth in my 36 years of life. It’s immoral to put shame and blame on the congregation for bringing down the efficacy of the novus ordo. Maybe their lack of reverence or self-discipline during the Mass would cause up to a 10% decrease in efficacy. But here we have a 67% decrease in the presence feeling!! The numbers are painting a very clear picture. I’m an accountant by trade so I’ll leave you with a practical analogy. If a business was a factory manufacturing goods and for 500 years it was operating at 97% capacity. Life was good. Then management decided to come together and introduce some reforms which upon re-analyzation dropped the factory’s efficiency to 30%. Would one be satisfied with that performance drop and just embrace reform for reform’s sake? Would one go as far as to blame the workers for not putting in the effort required to produce at a higher rate? I doubt it. Protect the TLM. Stand up for it. Don’t let the diabolical destroy and eliminate what little is left sacred on this suffering earth in these darks times. God bless the TLM.
@alhilford2345 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful explanation. Thank you, and welcome home to the Church.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you Matthew and God bless you. Please let me know if there's anything we can do to help you in your spiritual journey
@johnholmes4759 Жыл бұрын
Sadly, Pope Francis likely has little interest in strengthening the Catholic Church as he refers inviting those of other faiths as “proselytizing” but prefers to merge all religions into a New World Order religion which won’t be Christocentric nor Trinitarian. The God of Islam and Buddhism and Hinduism is quite different than the Christian/Catholic God. Some refer to it as “Chrislam”. Does he not realize how unaccepting Muslims would be merging with the Jesuit Fr. James Martin types?
@johnholmes4759 Жыл бұрын
Welcome! I’ve become aware of many, in addition to actor Shia Leboeuf, discovering Catholicism through the Latin Mass. Converts are motivating to cradle Catholics as they’re most enthused and are interested into delving into learning about Catholicism. Once they’ve discovered it, they know it to be the one true faith, unique in that it was instituted by Christ Himself more than 2000 years ago for the salvation of ALL. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, instructed the members of the Society of Jesus tin”Go out and baptize all nations.” The message got muddled along the way as Pope Francis is not on course with his directive. Pray for the pope.
@lulabella9249 Жыл бұрын
Perfectly said! I was a lost and wretched soul until I made my way back home theough the TLM. As a fallen away Catholic the NO served a surface-level spiritual purpose but it wasn't until attending the TLM, praying the rosary daily, going to confession, adoration and monthly devotions to our Lord and His Blessed Mother that my faith grew fervently. Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow-Jesus Christus heri, et hodie: ipse et in saecula. We do not need to reform Him to our "development" needs that's precisely the standpoint of a modernist. Pope Francis is dividing the Church in so many ways by wanting only the NO as the main rite. Still, I pray for his conversion and I pray that priests like Father Chris seriously consider learning how to lead parishioners in the TLM. One huge no-no of the NO (sorry I couldn't resist🤪) is receiving communion in the hand. Most Catholics (myself included at one time) have no idea how irreverent this is in how we receive our Lord.
@berthahernandez2209 Жыл бұрын
I go to daily Novus Ordo mass. I recently found a TLM. I started going to the TLM on Sundays when they offer it at another church. It’s a beautiful experience 🙏🏼❤️
@MyImmaculateQueen Жыл бұрын
Went to my first TLM 3 years ago. It was literally the most beautiful experience of my life. There was so much piety and respect for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. When I went to communion I felt like I was getting married. The TLM is the closest I have felt to heaven. Saying all that, rhe holiest priest I know is Novus Ordo, he has perpetual Adoration on the main altar, 24/7 (ecept during mass) but his masses are holy and there is dead silence all the time because of perpetual Adoration. He dims all the lights, be has a spotlight which just lights up the Host and he has real candles burning under a beautiful statue of Mary. Utterly, completely beautiful and serene. This priest is a saint. Getting side-tracked, anyway, Jesus is truly present at both N.O. and TLM. The TLM is a far more reverent, pious and beautiful worship of Jesus. He deserves the best. P.s. A lot depends on the priest and how holy he is. It's like he dictates the degree of reverence of the laity.
@Thomas_Roland Жыл бұрын
This is what I'm trying to start, I like Novus Ordo for how it teaches me to apply the Bible to my dailylife, but I love the extraordinary worship on Sunday for simply how you experience true Reverence for Jesus.
@Bornhunting777 Жыл бұрын
Welcome home lost sheep!
@faby7306 Жыл бұрын
I love the Latin Mass, it touches my heart ❤❤❤
@littlerock5256 Жыл бұрын
Put on your seat belt: Francis is rumored to be preparing a new decree against the 1962 mass.
@prayingtherosaryJM Жыл бұрын
Whoever reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He stands beside you, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have right now be confident. God is with you. Amen 💖💖🙏🙏
@stephaniepeterson2814 Жыл бұрын
I needed to hear this right now, thank you ❤️🙏
@laurie2822 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I needed to read that.
@catherinenewton3850 Жыл бұрын
I also recommend watching Mass of the Ages. It’s so important to know what happened to our beautiful liturgy so that we can get back to celebrating Mass reverently, whether at the TLM or NO.
@holysaints2929 Жыл бұрын
@capecodder04 Жыл бұрын
Good point. That's a good documentary series. I haven't finished watching this video yet so I don't know if Father Chris Alar has mentioned this or not but there were many prayers removed from the Latin Mass to create the Novus Ordo and according to Father Chad Ripperger the Tridentine Latin Mass is more efficacious. You can feel it or sense it too when you are at a Latin Mass.
@christineplaton3048 Ай бұрын
It's not the same. It's a fast food restaurant.
@canadiense1969 Жыл бұрын
I was so worried about this talk because I consider Father Chris Alar one of the best priests that we have in this time who has literally changed my life and gave me a better understanding of the catholic faith. I cannot thank him enough. Before I pretended to be catholic and rarely attended mass. Now I am a practicing catholic that attends mass every Sunday. During my sinful days I looked up to a certain talk show celebrity. Now I look up to Father Chris Alar and so this talk did worry me a bit because I am a person who attends the Latin mass and will always attend the Latin mass. But this does not mean that I will not attend a Novus Ordo again either and I look forward to attending Father Alar's mass because I have watched it and he is exactly as he describes himself. That is, a traditional Novus Ordo priest and I thank God for that because I attended the Novus Ordo at my daughter's catholic school, and I have to say that I was horrified. Mass was interrupted with jokes; the Eucharist was given in the hand by other parishioners. In fact, it was my daughter's teacher that put the Eucharist on my tongue. I believe she was not used to putting the Eucharist on the tongue because she appeared to be surprised when I opened my mouth. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to kneel, and I had to stand. There were guitars and drums. Female servers and in fact I don't believe there was a single male server. What a difference between the Novus Ordo mass Father Alar holds and the Novus Ordo that I attended here in Miami who's name I will keep anonymous. But what a great talk this was, and it was so respectful to the traditional mass and those who attend it as I do. Thank you, Father Alar. I look forward to attending one of your talks and mass someday if I can get all the way up where you are. I pray that you will continue your mass in the traditional Novus Ordo form or become a traditional Latin priest. Or even better, can I suggest what they do here? The Novus Ordo in Coral Gables allows the Latin mass to be held in their church. Similar to your message in this talk, people have the option of going to the Latin mass or the Novus Ordo. Anyway, you are an incredible priest spreading your message to every corner of the world. Thank you and God Bless you.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
Hi Daryl, what a great story that is of your life being changed by Father Chris. So many of us have a similar account of the changes he helped bring about in our lives. I allude to my story in my comment to today’s presentation elsewhere in this comment feed. I am currently snowbirding in South Florida, until March and my goodness just attended a vigil mass at a church that shall remain nameless, because a friend of mine was going to be a lector for the first time, and I wanted to support her this evening. We had a visiting priest this evening, because the pastor is on vacation. He truly gave a great homily, but right before communion he announced “just so you all know, I only give communion in the hand.” When I approached him for communion. I took my time as he placed the Holy Eucharist in my hand and put it in my mouth in front of him and maybe it’s just my imagination, but he seem to be getting impatient because the person behind me had to wait. He was a very kind priest, because I actually had him hear my confession before the start of Mass. father Chris has always said that illness cannot coexist with the Divine presence so the comment coming from a priest was shocking. The parish itself tends to be very showy, the music is So so, but as I say, it’s not my regular winter place of worship. I went into the gift shop after Mass and inquired about the availability of Divine Mercy “swag”. The clerk told me they had none but received many requests for it so I sent parish info to Peter. I actually have been attending daily mass at a more conservative parish in Lighthouse Point (Broward County). I feel fortunate to have found Saint Paul the Apostle Parish. It isn’t perfect, but closer in vibe to my home Parish in Massachusetts. Saint Adelaide’s also offers 7 AM TLM 9 o’clock Novus ordo daily and 12 noon, TLM every Sunday. All masses are celebrated Ad Orientem. So I am indeed, fortunate. If you are comfortable, please share the name of the church you attend in Coral Gables; I’m not sure what the distance is from 33062. Friends from back home also recommend st Thomas More in Boynton Beach. May God bless you. Hopefully someday you have the opportunity to attend Father Chris’ Mass in person. That’s what did it for me. May God bless you and your family abundantly 🙏🏻😇
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Daryl for the beautiful and kind comment. We really appreciate your words and what you said makes perfect sense and the love of both forms of the Liturgy. God bless you!
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Daryl, I just love reading your comments here! Fr Chris has changed my life and I look up to him as well. Novus Ordo masses at the Shrine are done with such beauty and reverence. - it’s even better in person. God bless you, Daryl! 🙏
@immaculateheart1267 Жыл бұрын
I attend latin mass too and will always BUT I LOVE Fr Alar so much and he has helped me grow in my faith as well. I saw the the title and was worried too. Thanks for your comment. I will listen worry free now.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
@@immaculateheart1267 thank you for having an open heart to God's grace and God bless you!
@loshooter Жыл бұрын
The Latin Mass (as a Vatican II child) has brought me to a deeper and TRUE understanding of "right and proper worship" at mass of the Eucharist. I will still attend Novus Order but it is very very distracting and difficult to get into the deeper Catholic Meditative prayer communing with Christ present in the Eucharist. It is amazing the difference. It also is clarifying for the practice of Adoration. So a richness which, to my mind, we tossed aside to make the mass more "accessible" to the Protestant and modern people.
@stldrew6810 Жыл бұрын
And because they did this Our Faith as a whole has suffered greatly. Not many Clergy are willing to admit that, unfortunately. I relate to your comment deeply as my daughter attends school at a NO Parish, where I actually came into the Church. Because of this I still occasionally attend, but since I found the TLM, I find the atmosphere in the NO to be a hindrance to my participation and prayer at Mass. So many abuses that are allowed and defended
@maryvz345 Жыл бұрын
The Confetior is enough for me. The words in TLM are so beautiful.
@cardician2008 Жыл бұрын
TLM rite really humbles me and touches my very inner soul. After 20+ years participating in NO mass then suddenly by God's grace I knew about TLM and joined it, I cried like a little baby. I felt like this was taken from us all this time :( for me personally, nothing until now compares to TLM in terms of reverence toward the Eucharist.
@johannamathieu1756 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Fr. Chris, for a very illuminating talk on The Mass. Love my Mass today but grew up with the traditional Latin Mass. May the Lord continue to guide & strengthen you as you educate us on Catholic church teaching on the Mass. God bless the Marians.
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
I love the way Fr Chris has taken the time to poll his audience and speak on the topics we want to hear! To him, our opinions are important. God bless him and God bless you, too, Johanna! 🙏
@johannamathieu1756 Жыл бұрын
@@tanyac.9005 I agree. God bless you too, Tanya.
@lyndapisano6373 Жыл бұрын
The extraordinary form of the mass is what we should be doing like our fathers did for over a 1000 years.
@janinepamnani6984 Жыл бұрын
Father Chris - I attend TLM. I started a year or so ago - I love it! Thank you for this talk and for your hard work. You are such a blessing to us all. May God bless you always and keep you close. P.S. you will do well celebrating the Latin Mass, just look at your Novus Ordo Mass, look at your Explaining the Faith talks - Holy Spirit. ✝
@roberth1378 Жыл бұрын
These episodes just keep getting better and better Thanks be to God for the Marian Fathers and Brothers and all Marian Family 🛐❤️🕊️
@debkas5175 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree dear friend!
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
You are so right, Robert! So thankful for this Marian family.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you Robert, we greatly appreciate you being here as one of our Marian family!
@roberth1378 Жыл бұрын
@@DivineMercy_Official I had a similar experience teaching Baltimore Catechism to 7th and 8 grade.LOL
@annELLI Жыл бұрын
Agree 100%! Just now catching up with this teaching. Blessings to all Marian Fathers, religious, helpers and family!
@AWKN7777 Жыл бұрын
I am so blessed that I found my parents’ missal it says MARIAN MiSSAL it was dated 1955 I cherish this missal and for me it is my greatest treasure now.
@paperclip612 Жыл бұрын
Lucky you.
@marybailey6254 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Chris for this very informative presentation. At 75, it is never too late to learn more about our Faith🙏🏻🙏🏻🕊🙏🏻🙏🏻
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Well said
@annELLI Жыл бұрын
I hope not, because I just joined the Catholic Church at 69 - mainly due to Fr Chris’s teachings! So thankful!
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
@@annELLI God bless you Ann, it's never too late!
@sarahnicholas7973 Жыл бұрын
I was invited to a TLM mass for a priestly blessing. I fell in love with it.
@jmm91910 Жыл бұрын
I’m blessed to have a TLM 20 minutes away, I grew up with NO and once I found the traditional mass I felt robed. Reviving on the hand and standing, the music, girl altar servers, deacons telling personal stories, Eucharistic ministers while the priest sits. And the music. The whole environmental is different even the behavior of people attending, I don’t thing it can be fix. I’m sorry I think also religious instruction went down since the NO started. 😢
@littlerock5256 Жыл бұрын
Brace yourself: Francis is rumored to be preparing a new decree against the 1962 mass.
@stldrew6810 Жыл бұрын
The hierarchy will never admit that there is an correlation between the downward trend in numbers in regards to practicing Catholics since the implementation and abuses of the Novus Ordo
@marys5624 10 ай бұрын
@@stldrew6810 So sad that us Catholics are so divided. Please stop making silly statements like this, not all Vatican 2 compliant churches are run by “abusers” of the mass! Please just stop.
@ericgray2485 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Chris. Sending love from Scotland 👍
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
God bless you Eric and everybody in Scotland!
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Fr Chris, thank you for speaking on the topics we Marian Helpers have requested. While I am still wrapping my head around today’s talk, this is my biggest take-away - the purpose of the mass is worship; as long as worship is done reverently, it matters not if it be in the TLM or the Novus Ordo form. If done reverently, I believe either is pleasing to God. Lifting my dear friend and fellow Marian Helper Anne up in prayer. Praying for you, too, Fr Chris as well as for your parents, sister Pam and cousin Sandy. As long as you’re able and willing to bring us the truth, we Marian Helpers are staying at your side to listen and learn. I love to hear you sing what is in your big heart. God bless you! 🙏
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
How blessed are we Tanya, that Father Chris wants to know what we would like to learn. Joining you in prayers for our dear Annie, as well as Father Chris’ family. I’m praying for you as you reach a milestone this week, and I look forward to April when at least three of us will all be together at the Shrine. God bless our Marian family.
@roberth1378 Жыл бұрын
This episode is one that you need to listen to a few times. GBY Tanya🕊️❤️🕊️
@loridisney3782 Жыл бұрын
@thelmauy9383 Жыл бұрын
@@alwaysmisskaryn hi by ug
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Well said Tanya!
@450mijaou1 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to see Fr. Chris Alar celebrate a TLM in that beautiful altar.
@veronicabradley5433 Жыл бұрын
We still have the Traditional Latin Mass here in Dayton, Ohio. It's so beautiful and Fr. Gabet is the best. What a good man!
@sac1303 5 күн бұрын
As always Fr. Alar gives food for thought. May God bless him and his followers.
@beatricec9238 Жыл бұрын
My spiritual life as a Catholic grew deepest when I started receiving the Eucharist on the tongue, kneeling at TLM with the SSPX in my country where I live here. We don't have SPP here. But it's a true pity that SSPX is not fully accepted by Rome yet. I would hate to be a schismatic
@andyandroid2155 Жыл бұрын
They're in union with Rome and not schism. Many sources explained about this.
@Maranatha1963 Жыл бұрын
They are not in schism. 🙏
@user-ks3qr5fk6m Жыл бұрын
They are in schism. The current and previous Popes do not have any role, influence or authority in the society. Just because they pray for Pope Francis does not mean that they are communion with Rome. Remember, Martin Luther never stopped calling himself a Catholic.
@dickheder4940 Жыл бұрын
Pope francis granted faculties to d sspx
@user-ks3qr5fk6m Жыл бұрын
@@dickheder4940 If they are in full communion with the Pope, why did they need to be granted faculties? The Pope did this because the SSPX did not have the faculties to marry. This means that people who were married in the SSPX and died were not validly married in the Church. This is a big deal. Some of the faithful are joining “traditional” schismatic groups because of their ignorance. Where I live, we have the Norbatines offer mass in Latin. Although I prefer the Latin mass, I know that the NO mass is valid and not sinful. People who refuse to acknowledge this are in schism and make an idol out of the Latin mass. They believe that the mass of the ages was in Latin when it was not. The first mass was in Aramaic. Have you heard of the other 23 Catholic Churches? Also, I provided a link to a recent episode of Pints with Aquinas. Matt interviews a former SSPX Chapel attendee. kzbin.infogd0OhVy1JtM?feature=share
@JazzyJacksJokeShack Жыл бұрын
Amazing talk. Very brave and insightful. I am a traditionalist, and very very very conservative, but love how you discuss all sides of the argument, very thomistic. Someday in the future we will have a united and elevated liturgy, the church will come back to faith, and great fruit will come from us for the world. Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
Very well said, thank you for your insightful remarks
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you for joining us and God bless you
@mypeacefulworld-calmambien2806 Жыл бұрын
Yesterday i started praying in latin and now you post this, what a "coincidence"🤓 God bless you fr. Chris you have made me so much stronger as a catholic and made me learn about so many beatuful devotion. Thank you and greetings from germany😊🙏
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
God bless you and thank you for joining us!
@doresdebrito4254 Жыл бұрын
Father Chris , I love Latin mass , I started a two years ago . The reverence the kneeling to receive the holy communion at mouth tach my heart . I pray to God to Latin mass continue . May God bless you .
@annELLI Жыл бұрын
I love how the Holy Spirit prepares our hearts for the next step! God bless you!
@mypeacefulworld-calmambien2806 Жыл бұрын
@@annELLI great times are ahead, god bless you
@AQ-tm5th Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Chris! In Virginia there’s several churches celebrating Traditional Extraordinary masses on Sunday and Low Latin Masses. DC also celebrates Traditional Latin Mass. Its Beautiful. The churches attendance are full 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇
@littlerock5256 Жыл бұрын
The Diocese of Arlington and DC recently had their 1962 masses greatly reduced. There is a reliable rumor that Francis is set to issue more restrictions.
@jenniferv2198 Жыл бұрын
@@littlerock5256 I am in Arlington diocese. Unbelievable restrictions. We have a big beautiful church and have to go to TLM in the church hall. Doesn't make sense
@littlerock5256 Жыл бұрын
@@jenniferv2198 It makes sense if the goal is to phase out the 1962 missal. I imagine you're aware that there are strong rumors that more restrictions are coming shortly. May I ask what you will do if the diocese ends the 1962 mass? (I imagine if Arlington does then DC will likely as well, or vice versa.)
@mysticalbodyofchrist1812 Жыл бұрын
Please father Chris Alar, please offer Traditional Latin Mass!!!!
@melvingeorge8420 Жыл бұрын
Praying for the restoration of the Traditional Latin mass
@paperclip612 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes. Nothing else like it.
@dwpjoyce Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Alar. As a full-time attendee of the Latin Mass (and I don't encounter negatively, just love for the Church and her worship), that was a very encouraging talk. But a couple of corrections if I may: 1. The Dominican, Franciscan, etc., rites of the Church are not older than the Tridentine rite. They are, in fact, "uses" of the older Roman liturgy. The word Tridentine is a bit of a misnomer, as Pope St Pius V only codified the Mass as it already existed, with some minor changes. The rite itself goes back centuries earlier. The Canon of the Mass is from the time of St. Gregory the Great in the 6/7th century, and other parts even earlier. 2. The SSPX does not "oppose all of Vatican 2", but have called into question such teachings such as ecumenism, collegiality and religious freedom, which they believe have contributed towards the crisis in the Church. They have no problem, according to their own Bishop Fellay, with 95% of the conciliar texts. Like many, I occupy a middle ground, not liking the liturgical changes, let alone the Novus Ordo it produced, but at the same time, not calling into question the validity of the Novus Ordo either. The Church should allow constructive criticism. The Ottaviaini Intervention is one such example. Thanks again.
@AniBanani24 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you for clarifying that about the SSPX. So many have it wrong.
@Frank-828 Жыл бұрын
Abp Lefebvre himself said that V2 constituted a new religion, he was correct. The SSPX under fellay has been constantly compromising with the modernists and this must be condemned
@canadiense1969 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, David, because I did wonder about number one. Your points are interesting to know.
@dwpjoyce Жыл бұрын
@@canadiense1969 The liturgical scholar Father Adrian Fortescue put it this way: “Essentially the Missal of St. Pius V is the Gregorian Sacramentary; that again is formed from the Gelasian book which depends on the Leonine collection. We find the prayers of our Canon in the treatise de Sacramentis and allusions to it in the fourth century. So our Mass goes back, without essential change, to the age when it first developed out of the oldest liturgy of all. It is still redolent of that liturgy, of the days when Caesar ruled the world and thought he could stamp out the Faith of Christ, when our fathers met together before dawn and sang a hymn to Christ as to a God. The final result of our enquiry is that, in spite of unsolved problems, in spite of later changes, there is not in Christendom another rite so venerable as ours.” The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy (London, 1917). p.213 Michael Davies wrote a great little booklet called "A Short History of the Roman Rite". You can find it on the unavocecanada dot org web site, if you're interested.
@John_Malloy 3 ай бұрын
Your first point (1), which is true, is all that is needed to understand that the TLM is vastly superior to the N.O. It is the law of the Church that matters, and the key principle within that law is that the law of custom governs the celebration of the liturgy. It looked to me like the purpose of the talk was to make catholics feel comfortable with the Novus Ordo mass.
@Jackieebner14 Жыл бұрын
Love this talk! Can’t wait until next Saturday! Thank you Father Chris for all the hard work you put into these talks for us! We’ll all be praying for you on your journey to celebrating the TLM. God bless you!
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Fr Chris gives us so much! He continues to go above and beyond the call of duty. I join you in gratitude. God bless you, Jackie! 🙏
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
Father Chris will celebrate the Extraordinary Form with such love and reverence, singing ability or pronunciation won’t even be an issue. Joining all in prayers for your journey to celebrate the extraordinary form. 🙏🏼😇
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
@@alwaysmisskaryn Fr Chris’ reverence during mass is unlike any I have ever seen. Such a blessing to have attended his mass in person with you, dear Karyn! Can’t wait until we are able to do it again.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
@@tanyac.9005 I don’t want to wish away the days, but can’t wait and with Holy, and Chris and Annie. It makes my ❤️sing.
@debkas5175 Жыл бұрын
@@alwaysmisskaryn Amen to that dear sister❣🙏
@marynagy8072 Жыл бұрын
An important point about SSPX founder Archbishop Lefevere’s call in beginning SSPX (1970) is the preservation of the Tridentine rite and form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and use of Latin language. No other religious order existed at that time with this express mission. Newer religious orders with similar missions came after this date. Another religious order (aside from FSSP) is the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign High Priest (ICKSHP) founded circa 1986 is also expressly using the Latin Mass and is in many U.S. dioceses now. ICKSHP has a beautiful mission to also preserve Catholic culture.
@R75423 Жыл бұрын
TLM is true, truthfull and trully Catholic mass. Period. At my place, (Zadar, Croatia), we have TLM from time to time and it's so accomplishing experience.
@joanwheeler2183 Жыл бұрын
I have experienced SO MUCH irreverent activity at the new Mass ! On Sunday leaving Mass, I found a Host on the ground , people walking on . The cleaning lady working there told me , “so far she has found 36 Hosts , one in the garage in the mens room . I saw my self a man put in his pocket a communion Host. I told the priest immediately, he did nothing. When I was in Europe , Hosts were found under the pews in church. I saw with my own eyes - the Most Holy Host dropped on the ground because of no patten under It. Etc etc - DONT TELL ME HOW GOOD THIS NEW MASS IS !! Evil is there . Never ! In the Latin Mass …………
@wendypoginy4972 Жыл бұрын
I can relate,the abuse is outstanding! However,May your holy and honorable behavior, in the midst of all the sacrilege, be a beacon of light to all of your peers.
@rolandcyr8599 Жыл бұрын
Yes you’re right
@veronicaf9444 Жыл бұрын
The reverence in the Extraordinary form is undoubtedly striking! We are all one Church so we must pray all Catholics understand that Jesus is fully present in the Host. This is the surest way for reverence to return.
@rolandcyr8599 Жыл бұрын
@@veronicaf9444 Well Jesus I’m not present in the host’s of vacation Il it’s a fake mass witch make it invalid
@carolynschuster291 Жыл бұрын
you need to speak to your bishop asap, this is unacceptable
@burkeiowa Жыл бұрын
A few years ago, I traveled around a bit, and I took advantage of being in some other cities on weekends to attend other liturgies of the Catholic Church. My parish does the Novus Ordo. Another parish in town is still allowed to celebrate the TLM, which is the last of the four I experienced that year. While in Milwaukee, I visited a Melkite Catholic church. While in St. Louis, I visited a Ruthenian Catholic mission church. Each liturgy brought with it differences. I focused on the positives and found great appreciation for a few things in each. It felt like I was doing justice to what Benedict XVI desired by allowing liturgies to bring out their own strengths to bring a greater benefit overall. When I saw the Melkite's touch the garment of the priest as he processed forward, and then they would pass that touch on to those near them, I recognized the tie-in to the woman who touched the garment of Jesus. Receiving the Eucharist that began the liturgy in the form of leavened bread in sticks or cubes, and underwent intinction, that was also different. The warmness and the more fleshy experience of that also added a great deal. However, a thin wafer is much easier to receive. And when I received that dropped onto my tongue in the TLM, it felt like bread from heaven, almost like catching a snowflake on the tongue. These are but a few things that went through my mind. I am glad I experienced each of these liturgies, and wouldn't mind catching others.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences Jim. God bless you.
@melgreen5112 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father, We are so hungry for the teaching of the Church, the Word, the Truth, I am so grateful for you, and the Marian Fathers Divine Mercy Fiat
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mel for practicing your faith with us and God bless you!
@diannahughes729 Жыл бұрын
Hi Father Chris! I've been really sick for a very long time and have missed your talks. This was a good one to come back to. My mom always struggled with the Norvus Ordo and used to say they took the beauty out of the Mass when they took the Latin out of the Mass. I sometimes goto TLM and some parishes in my diocese have started to say Norvus Ordo facing the old altar, including my own pastor sometimes. I have started to wear a veil at every Mass too as does my best friend. I recently became a member of Regnum Christi, which my friend belongs to. The older I get (57 this month) the more conservative I become.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
God bless you and hope you're doing okay
@jenyoung2473 Жыл бұрын
Just be wary of the regnum christi pray you stay well.
@lorrainebrown7099 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Chris! In N.C. we have wonderful Bishops ! Bishops Jugis of Charlotte allows both and we here have Beautiful TLM masses and Beautiful NO masses. THIS your teaching today on TLM and NO is very much needed as so many Catholics do not know both are equally beautiful and there may be a risk of religious division from the devil himself. Thank you for always teaching the TRUTH for the salvation of our souls and to protect us all in our Holy Catholic Church from error.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said Lorraine. You are fortunate to have open minded bishops.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you and God bless you for joining us
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
As Fr Chris often says, we can’t love what we don’t know. Many of us have limited-to-no knowledge of the TLM (myself included). May God open our minds and hearts to the TLM so we can know it and love it as you do, Lorraine. God bless you! 🙏
@msheaver Жыл бұрын
I am SO looking forward to part 2! IU praise God for giving Fr., Alar the grace to teach on this vital topic!
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to part two next week as well! God bless you. 🙏.
@beatlecristian Жыл бұрын
They are both valid and we need both.
@jodieelizabeth4905 Жыл бұрын
@tpc0531 4 ай бұрын
Valid is a very low bar
@AdryWoods Жыл бұрын
✝️ God bless you Fr Chris and thanks 💟 I just love Latin Mass even I’m actually participating in the novus ordo but I pray the Rosary every days in Latin 🛐 Pax et bonum 🕊 Amén 🙏🏻
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
God bless you, Adriana.
@ColleenW2019 Жыл бұрын
God bless you Fr Chris! I enjoyed this talk so much and learned a few things. I grew up with the Latin Mass and left in the late 60s. When I came back three years ago I knew nothing of the NO mass; I thought what the heck is going on? What are these people doing?? I've grown to appreciate a reverently done NO mass but I still feel an emptiness inside when I leave, even though I feel God's presence there. Then I found an FSSP church not too terribly far (9 miles) from me and bingo! I fell in love with the TLM all over again. More often than not I am brought to tears of gratitude and sweet joy after receiving the Eucharist. The beautifully sung Gregorian chant of the high mass is to me like a gently flowing river that carries you way back into the antiquity of the faith. I am walking on air when I leave that beautiful old church.
@Stephanie-nj6tx Жыл бұрын
An old lady told me after the first time she attended NO mass, she went to car park and started crying, she said “I feel like my faith has been taken away”. I’ll never forget that.
@DimitarBerbatov11 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for teaching me and teaching us so much about the Catholic Church, father. You’re doing an incredible job. From Colombia we say thank you and God bless you.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you and God bless everybody in colombia!
@DimitarBerbatov11 Жыл бұрын
@@DivineMercy_Official ✝️❤️🔥⚔️
@marlenegomes6501 9 күн бұрын
The change from only Latin Mass to English in the 70's was one of the best things that happened to us as children growing up Catholic. For the first time in my life I could not only understand the full Mass but participate in the Mass fully in English and appreciate every moment of it, since the priest performed the full Mass facing us, especially the miracle taking place before my very eyes at the hands of the priest during the Consecration, while before it was hidden from us with the priest facing the altar and always speaking in a foreign unintelligable language - Latin, which we could neither appreciate nor understand - a by now dead language. That change of the Mass into English brought greater faith, firm belief and full participation into every moment of the Mass and into every service. It was like an answered prayer we were now praying with the priest, not separated from him! We are forever grateful and thankful to God the Father, our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit for this most wonderful gift of allowing us to truly understand and fully participate in the Mass for the first time in our lives because of the simple use of the local language we communicated in. That was the miracle of Vatican II which was multiplied all over the world. The fact that the Missal and the Bible was both translated into every known and spoken language and dialect was in itself a miracle. I would never want to ever go back to a daily full Latin mass now that I know it in English and can truly participate in the Mass to my heart's content with my mind, heart, body and soul. Why the defiance and arguments among some Church clergy about holding on only to the Latin mass? Latin is a foreign language to most of us, except to those who speak and understand Latin fluently. I have sung in Latin for all the High Masses before the 70's and the music and liturgy are grand and holy and beautiful, no doubt and has its place for special occasions but on a daily basis I communicate with the Lord only in English and I never want to stop, especially at Mass. So praise God for what He did at Vatican II - He invited us to be full participants in the Mass and every other liturgical church service and for that I will be always grateful. It made me a much better Catholic because of it.
@1hart Жыл бұрын
I know I'm late to this video but I just wanted to thank Fr.Chris for a perfectly clear and just approach to this subject. I attend the TLM at an fssp church almost exclusively. Occasionally I attend the novus ordo for daily mass after work because my parish requests women not wear pants in church and I'm in scrubs after work. It's so disheartening how many times I've heard that I'm committing sin by going to the novus ordo. My only complaint about our TLM communities is that there are rampant extreme beliefs and it isn't based in truth. It leads to so much confusion and even some people leaving TLM communities altogether. You succinctly cut through all the confusion and I really appreciate that! Can't wait to listen to part II.🙏
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you for joining us and God bless you
@stldrew6810 Жыл бұрын
There are more people leaving the Novus Ordo than the TLM. What made you make the statement about people leaving the TLM.? It's just incorrect. People are drawn to it because of the truth it shares. The reverence, the Orthodoxy, the Authentic doctrine. The prayers, all pointing us towards God. It truly will transform you. I left my Novus Ordo because of all the lukewarmness. Validity aside, Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
@1hart Жыл бұрын
@stldrew6810 I said there are SOME people leaving TLM communities of which I know many.Are you honestly trying to say that noone is leaving TLM communities? Seriously? I know at least 25 just from my parish who have not only left the TLM but have left the church altogether. I know of at least a handful who left and had KZbin channels devoted to the TLM and why it was the higher form of the mass. You can see their comments all over social media about why they left the TLM. Many people have left the church altogether because of the scandals or things that Pope Francis said or did that scandalized them. They didn't leave because of the novus ordo and if you think that lukewarmness isn't possible in TLM communities then you are in for a rude awakening. However to compare the number leaving the ordinary form versus the TLM is ridiculous. The TLM communities make up about 1% of the church while the ordinary form comprises the other 99%. That's like comparing apples and oranges. I despise the comparisons because it just leads to more division. I'm thankful to be part of a parish that does not participate in the division.
@stldrew6810 Жыл бұрын
@1hart find that hard to believe without evidence. You've spoke about it, but can you provide these you tube videos? It appears you have taken my reply as a person attack.
@VeronicasVeil333 Жыл бұрын
Fr. Chris, I am in tears listening to you. This is the best talk I have ever heard about the Mass. Thank you and God bless you.✝️ And I love the St. Michael prayer at the end of the Mass. I grew up with the Latin Mass. p.s. St. Pope John XXIII is in my family tree……my Mom’s maiden name was Roncalli (my claim to fame… And I still don’t like the kiss of peace.
@arvelote4581 Жыл бұрын
We are so blessed by priests like Fr. Chris Alar. Such a tremendous help in these times of confusion. May God stay with you forever
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
God bless Father Chris.
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know where I would be today without Fr Chris. You are right - he is taking our world of confusion and giving us clarity and TRUTH. God bless you, Arvelote! 🙏
@smrtlx Жыл бұрын
Fr. Chris Alar, don’t be worried about how you will offer your 1st (or 1st few) TLM. Our Lord knows the purity of intention in your heart. God bless you in your search for TRUE WORSHIP.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
That’s beautifully said 😇TS
@suzannephillips6236 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful story of Fr. Richard and Boko Haram, I must share this with my daughters as yet another miracle of Jesus! To God be the glory! Father Chris your love for the liturgy is so inspiring to me, thank you for this talk. It is so good to know both are valid, but to lose the TLM would be a tragedy. Fr. Ripperger says the old exorcism rites (in Latin) are much more efficacious than the new ones in English. That alone is quite telling of the power of the TLM in my humble opinion.
@heatherwhitehead3743 Жыл бұрын
The TLM has literally saved my faith. It's depth has no rival. It is obscene that francis is destroying it. Heartbreaking.
@lizlovsdagmara5525 Жыл бұрын
I agree.
@justinreany1514 Жыл бұрын
Pray for Pope Francis for his attacks on the Faith and tradition will not be dealt with gently by our Lord on the Day of Judgment. Pray for him!
@stellaodey6856 Жыл бұрын
God bless and increase you in his wisdom and knowledge through Christ our Lord. May St. Fustina continue to pray us 🙏🏻❤️
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Amen. God bless you, Stella! 🙏
@jodieelizabeth4905 Жыл бұрын
St. Faustina pray for us. Amen 🙏
@debkas5175 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr Chris for today’s enlightening talk. Having been raised in the extraordinary form and witnessing the subsequent changes with the Novus Ordo, I must admit I prefer TLM. But I can appreciate, and even attend, a reverent NO Mass-both of which are beautiful representations of faith. Hearing your desire to learn TLM reminds me of Bishop Strickland’s similar experience…praying you have the same opportunity❣️🙏🏻
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the day we can both celebrate mass at the Shrine together! Love you, Deb. ❤
@mariesolomon206 Жыл бұрын
Hi Deb. Happy Saturday!
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
Hi Deb and Tanya, I’ll be there with you God willing ❤⭐️🙏🏼😇
@loridisney3782 Жыл бұрын
@debkas5175 Жыл бұрын
@@tanyac.9005 That will be a very special day indeed❣
@AngelaRodriguez-hr7yk Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Chris, for speaking on this topic. I love the TLM 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️👍
@judys5638 Жыл бұрын
Fr Chris I don't know if you realize how much you are appreciated, and your musings add so much to all your talks. To be clear, I want the pilot facing forward, not facing me. This talk was very enlightening, I learned much I never knew, thank you.
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
I, too, appreciate all of Fr Chris’ talks. I never miss listening. God bless you, Judy! 🙏
@judys5638 Жыл бұрын
@@tanyac.9005 and you as well Tanya. 🙏
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
I too am thankful for all of Father Chris’ talks, the digressions, and I too want the pilot facing forward. At my parish, the masses are always celebrated ad Orientem, and whenever there are visitors, for example a wedding or funeral, the celebrant always explains the stance of us all “praying together.” Looking at the crucifix.
@debkas5175 Жыл бұрын
I love the "pilot facing forward" analogy❣
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you Judy and God bless you!
@sandym.2485 Жыл бұрын
Thank Fr. Chris. I love the TLM (low mass) has helped me understand the mass as it is spoken - so reverent and beautiful. I feel like I worship God more fully!
@slowroastedmarshmallow9226 Жыл бұрын
If you love the low mass, you would Really love a High mass. Is there one nearby where you can attend? I am lucky to live near a Monastery -Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem where only TLM is offered.
@iangrunke616 13 күн бұрын
God Bless You Father Chris ❤
@dandifusco1868 Жыл бұрын
I live for your talks father. God bless you as you have brought me a broader understanding of my Catholic faith!
@ThuyBui-oz1wr Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Chris! 🙏❤️ I’m on the same page with you - I am a traditional Catholic, but not radical.
@robbieray9164 Жыл бұрын
I think Father Chris was dead on about this, Benedict’s approach was correct and Novus Ordo could and probably should be reformed to be more strict with the details and adding reverence , TLM defiantly has a future in the church If the church wants to be relevant in the west
@marynagy8072 Жыл бұрын
Father Chris Alar I pray you follow through and learn the Latin Mass at least in its low form. Singing (chanting) is not a requirement.
@mariesolomon206 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr Chris for these excellent talks about the Latin Mass today your doing an great job of your teachings and it's the weekend about the message of all priests and confirmation and doing the rosary and the chaplet as the devotions to our First Fridays and First Saturdays as possible with prompting and some testaments and covenant is gospel and Precepts of the Church and domestic church and your explanation was simple and offering the sacrifice as the sacrament as confession also getting good and matrimony and also the prayers for the mortal sinners and the beautiful saviors about the receiving the health of the lectures and also the ministry and the baptism as the Marian Apparitions about the culture of the relationships of God during the liturgical year and the traditions of Christmas and also the Lent and Ordinary Time and Pentecost and Advent and also the bishops and voting rights of the homily. Thank you Brother Mark for assisting Fr Chris as always. Praying for you, your family, Marian Helpers and especially Rosalie also Dad and Mom and Pam and Sandy also your nephews and your grandparents. God bless you, your family, especially the Marians. Amen!
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Good seeing you up on today’s talk, Marie!
@mariesolomon206 Жыл бұрын
@@tanyac.9005 Yes Tanya!
@Sheilamarie2 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Chris. I have both Missals you presented, and now I understand that my 1962 Missal has only 1 year worth of readings, and I wondered why... I love both Masses, and think the Latin Mass is beautiful. God Bless you and all the Marian Priests.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
I remember receiving the Saint Joseph Daily Missal in junior high school. For a kid in Catholic school it was the penultimate gift and symbol that you were now one of the “big kids.” No Catholic bride walked down the aisle without one under her bridal bouquet back in the 60s and 70s.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
@Sheilamarie2 Жыл бұрын
@@DivineMercy_Official Rather, a 1961 MaryKnoll Missal with beautiful colored artwork.
@conniedeleon850 Жыл бұрын
Greetings fr. Chris alar I love, love, love to attend tradiistional latin mass. Novus ordo & TLM they are borh praising jesus. For me TLM is more Sacred, I pray much more deeper with jesus. Being catholic, The kindness & beauty of your heart. And also by the fruits that's count. Stay safe & healthy. GOD BLESS TO ALL.
@zoeynorman6563 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this Father Chris! My husband and I are converts who came into The Church through an fssp latin mass parish a few years ago! The priest who brought us into The Church is so faithful to The Church & speaks out against schismatic ideas & always helps us make sure we understand Church teaching. My husband has been stuck on night shift for a while and its been very hard on him to drive far for mass, plus the cost of gas is so much, so we go to our local novus ordo mass most of the time right now. We miss the latin mass for the reverence and beauty but we love the priest who does our local novus ordo and know Our Lord is present🤍 We got into trouble a while back listening to rad trad commentators who slipped in sspx schismatic ideas. We nearly fell for the schismatic ideas but are so thankful we finally realized how we were being led astray into those errors. Thank you so much for being clear about the errors of the sspx and the schismatic mentality like denying vatican 2 & the new mass. We need the clarity! I hope sometime we can attend a novus ordo with gregorian chant, ad orientum & with latin! Excited for the next talk, Thank you Father, God bless!
@rudymatheson1415 Жыл бұрын
The SSPX are not schismatic
@manuelagrangeio2347 Жыл бұрын
Hello Father. Thank you so much for this great talk. I pray that Our Lady of Fatima bless you.
@roberthiguera6828 Жыл бұрын
I thank and pray to God everyday for Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve!! If it was not for him the TLM would not be here!! A true Bishop of the Church!! I believe he will be canonized a saint one Day!! I don’t know what is going on in the church today with Vatican 2, Novus Ordo, or TLM. but Jesus said by their fruits you will know them!! I choose the TLM of the SSPX just my choice. We all have to do our inner search and go we’re we feel we are staying true to the church! I pray one day this gets all sorted out and get a Pope who can unite the church rather than divide it!! Pray the rosary and do the FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS!! As our Lady has asked!! Then we can have peace!
@marlonlora5061 Жыл бұрын
@annewaggoner5265 Жыл бұрын
Archbishop Lefebvre ordained bishops for his society without permission and in an act of disobedience. There were many other societies who existed who used the Latin mass in full communion with the magisterium .
@kathleenhamilton7608 Жыл бұрын
Excellent, Fr. Alar, I love you and all the Marians!
@nml5802 Жыл бұрын
TY Fr Chris, on some sites the comm boxes have to be shut down bc this topic generates so much vitriol. I knew it would be okay with you and all people devoted’ to Jesus Divine Mercy. St Faustina pray for Mercy and unity in the One True Church. 🙏
@henryvella6733 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father for this important talk. I’m an Australian and really appreciate all your excellent explanations. God bless you.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you Henry and I will be in Australia this summer!
@charflorida5433 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful talk, Fr. Chris, thank you. I attend a beautiful and very reverant Novus Ordo Mass, but grew up as a young girl with the Latin Mass. It is nice to be reminded of the differences. I look forward to Part 2. (And yes, I love to arrive 45 min early before Mass for quiet prayer time, as you suggested in this talk).
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@solomonaster Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Chris for sharing the faith of Fr. Richard. We need such a faith from our priests and the faithful. Help us Lord and increase our faith.
@tatiac3879 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful specifics, thank you. I first visited St. John Cantius in 2015 for a Maria Goretti exhibit. Since then, I am a member at my local parish (20-30 minutes away) which celebrates Mass in the new form, but regularly attend Cantius for TLM (usually low form, but LOVE Gregorian chant. (Never set out to attend TLM).
@berthahernandez2209 Жыл бұрын
May God bless you Father Chris. Thank you for all your videos 🙏🏼❤️
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
I am consistently amazed that Fr Chris takes the time to bring us these “Explaining the Faith” live talks every week given his busy schedule as Provincial Superior. God bless him and God bless you too, Bertha! 🙏
@kdublock Жыл бұрын
Fr Alar always has his finger on the pulse. Thank you God for this wonderful Priest!
@rubicon2288 Жыл бұрын
We attend both masses but you are the ONLY PERSON that explains. So clearly for us
@christophergrillo5099 Жыл бұрын
God Bless Father Alar for doing a nice job humbly walking the tight rope on this discussion! I'm a cradle Catholic re-vert who discovered the TLM at a diocesan Cathedral and then later an FSSP apostolate early on during the COVID thing. I grew up at a very typical Portuguese-American parish which was ok but very ethnic to someone who's mostly Italian and only part Portuguese and 3rd generation. Since returning to being a practicing Catholic, I've primarily attended TLM at my regular FSSP parish and it has profoundly effected my faith. Namely, regular and available confession, silence and reverence during Mass, and communion kneeling at the altar rail on the tongue. I felt an instant connection to generations of my ancestors at my first TLM and it clicked and just all made sense. I bought the 1962 Angelus Press Missal that Father kept waving and rest is history. I'm on fire for Jesus and even taught myself most basic prayers in Latin especially the Rosary! I have no problem with reverent NO Masses but feel like several things need to be done to make improvement to liturgy including ad orientem worship, no Extraordinary/Eucharistic ministers, altar rails, communion on tongue, no female altar servers or women laity in sanctuary, and Latin for at least the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and appropriate parts of the Canon (EWTN TV Mass also does this well). I think there's something to be said for Latin and TLM being a unifying universal force such as experiencing the same Mass no matter what country...there's a reason Jews pray in Hebrew and Muslims in Arabic as it's tradition and unity regardless of country/location.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you Christopher for sharing and God bless you.
@mysticalbodyofchrist1812 Жыл бұрын
God truly brings good out of evil! COVID lockdown brought me to TLM. I praise God for that! It’s totally providential
@myhabibilovesme Жыл бұрын
I agree that the Covid lockdown has also changed my spiritual life for the better. Praise and thank you Lord.
@sharonstout7802 Жыл бұрын
This was just wonderful! There are SO many things I didn't know about V2. It is very surprising the things I have seen done at churches, and things not allowed to be done at churches, all citing Vatican 2, and they contradict each other. The faithful should all be educated thoroughly on this! Thank you for this very insightful talk.
@peggybartley5253 Жыл бұрын
Yesterday (2/3) I went to a NO Mass for "Grandparent's Day" at our granddaughters' school. There were guitars and a pastor who made the Mass more about him. I knew I would have a problem at Communion. He and the others distributing Communion wore masks (!), we were told it would only be distributed in the hand and the priest went to the back of the church instead of being at the front near the altar. I prayed and decided that I would not receive (bummer - it was First Friday). I explained to my 7 year old granddaughter (who is preparing for her First Holy Communion) that I was not receiving but we would both go up for a blessing (by the lay principal of the school...). Back in our pew, I pulled out my Miles Christi prayer book and explained to her that we could pray a Spiritual Communion and that she could do that until she was able to receive Communion. During the Other Father I folded my hands (Grandma example) and she had the orans position. Of course, I hugged her at the sign of peace... and of course, the pastor left the altar to shake the hands of many. This 7 year old is very bright (tests at the 4+ grade level). I wish she could be at a Catholic Classical Liberal Arts School -- but there aren't any in the area. I really dislike going to Mass at this church and only go for such occasions.
@Crusader33ad Жыл бұрын
I think your steak analogy is spot on. The Mass of Paul vi is valid but I’ll have my steak sautéed not microwaved.
@lynnebiery9936 Жыл бұрын
I am a convert as of 1967. I just moved here from Kentucky to Colorado because I’m partially handicapped and my son is taking care of me. I have joined the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic church in Fort Collins Colorado and it’s wonderful. I have never been to a Latin mass but I think I would love it. Every once in a while, they do part of the Mass in Latin. God bless all of us, Marian Helpers, but especially the gift of having such wonderful priests such as Fr. Chris and Fr. Don. God bless them, and all the helpers.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being part of our Marian family Lynne and God bless you!
@lesmen4 Жыл бұрын
Whatever the conspiracy or fanaticism may be, one of the great fete of V2 is celebrating mass in varanacular languages is highly welcomed by the developing countries and helped the growth of Catholics.
@marydewar5675 Жыл бұрын
I was received into Catholic Church 30 plus years ago now during most reverent Easter vigil ceremony in Latin at what is now Oxford oratory. Have been very lucky with choices of churches, thankfully.
@dianestrutz7169 Жыл бұрын
For me it took Covid to re-experience and understand the Mass of my childhood and teens. As a teen I simply enjoyed the silent time with Jesus daily. I didn't understand Latin, yet that didn't matter. I truly credit the four years of high school TLM as a big factor in saving my faith as an adult. During Covid I spent three months learning all the Latin grammar and vocabulary. An aged good priest said the TLM for me and one other daily. The raw Latin spoke truths to me. I preferred it to English. Those prayers close to Holy Communion time touched my heart so deeply. I really appreciated that the priest said to me as I received Jesus that He, Jesus Christ may protect my soul unto eternity. ...likewise that the Eucharist is a healing remedy. I Iove the reverence and especially some other prayers very much too. Those private Masses helped me love the Mass and understand the Mass so very much more than I'd ever experienced growing up or any Novus Ordo Mass.
@zenaidatuscano5434 Жыл бұрын
Thank youFr. Chris for your explaining today , I catch up with the Latin Mass , I respect what Gods teach us my faith and trust God remains ,although I don’t understand Latin or speaks it but I’m born in a Catholic Church . I attend the mass with the Devine Mercy Church with the Marian Fathers 🙏🙏🙏🤓 Holy Spirit come to our hearts , 🕊🕊🕊🕊♥️♥️♥️♥️
@claudiaputnam9550 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Alar for your videos. May God grant you the grace and strength to continue teaching the truth.
@tanyac.9005 Жыл бұрын
Amen, Claudia! We need to hear the truth from America’s Truth-Telling Priest, Fr Chris Alar. God bless you!
@eamonanthony6767 9 ай бұрын
Fr, Alar since the very 1st, day of Novus Ordo our One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church has gone downhill, I'm old enough to remember 9 Masses a day on Sundays & Holydays from 5am to 1pm and the churches filled to standing room only, the nearest you get to filled churches today are the Latin Mass Churches, Benedicat tibi Deus Pater Chris.
@solomonaster Жыл бұрын
Teach Teach Teach Fr. Chris. You are awesome. God bless you and God bless all your ministry.
@stephaniepeterson2814 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos Fr. Chris! Ive been watching your videos for over a year and they’ve been so helpful for my reversion! After a lot of trepidation, I’ll be attending my first mass in 13 years at a local NO parish soon, please pray for me I’m very nervous but also very excited to be so close to Jesus again ❤
@alhilford2345 Жыл бұрын
Welcome Home. Don't worry, just relax and let His love flow over you.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Wow, Stephanie that is awesome, God bless you! Please keep me posted and let me know if there's anything I can do to help you in your spiritual journey.
@stephaniepeterson2814 Жыл бұрын
@@DivineMercy_Official just some prayers would be very appreciated! And I’ll be praying for you/the marians as well! I don’t think satan’s all too happy he’s losing my soul, I’ve been facing a lot of spiritual attacks ever since I made the decision to go. I’ll be going right when the weather permits (I don’t drive and it’s been rainy), the experiences are pretty scary, I’m hopeful just being in Jesus’s presence and hopefully a confession shortly after (last one was also 13 years ago) will stop whatever it is. Please pray!
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
@@stephaniepeterson2814 yes
@stephaniepeterson2814 Жыл бұрын
@@DivineMercy_Official just went tonight and it was beautiful, although I was a bit too nervous to take it all in 😅 Thank you so much for the prayers, it took a lot to step through those doors and I felt some kind of force telling me not to, it disappeared and became a nice warmth right when I stepped in. Thank you again ❤️
@hnguye22 Жыл бұрын
Fr Chris, thank you for your lecture. Allowing us to understand our faith better in the mass Latin Form. We'll keep praying for you to lead us.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being with us and God bless you
@solomonaster Жыл бұрын
No matter what rite we follow, it is necessary thae we do believe in Jesus and deepen our realtionship daily.
@StarCrystal9 Жыл бұрын
I visited China few years ago.Whenever I could I went to a church.They used to have at last one servis in Latin. Believe me, it was my relieve and pleasure being in that strange country! I did not felt so alone. Of course one should study latin ( the church portion) but our ancestors had to too - and they managed! So what is the problem nowadays?
@paulacosta9550 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Chris. Your talks are the best and they help me so much to grow in my faith.
@alwaysmisskaryn Жыл бұрын
May God bless you Paula. We’re all so grateful for the lessons.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you for joining us Paula and God bless you
@christinezallo Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Father🔥
@caballefam Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this talk Fr. Chris. I went to TLM for the very first time 2 weeks ago because my husband invited me. He was going to TLM once in a while when he was still single and said that he liked it. I loved the experience, and he but personally I prefer the ordinary Mass (though I agree nothing is ordinary in any Mass) because I can understand the words used. But definitely coming back to TLM if the husband invites again. ❤️❤️❤️
@carolynmscotti827 Жыл бұрын
Father Chris, thank you, for your talk and for all the time you put into all of your talks. You are very much loved and appreciated. Looking forward to your next week talk. God bless you and your family always.
@DivineMercy_Official Жыл бұрын
Thank you for joining us and God bless you
@annlasher230 Жыл бұрын
This is another great talk !! Information straight forward and clear !! Thank you Fr Chris for all you do for the Holy church. !! May God bless you 🙏 ❤️ prayers for your parents 🙏 ❤️ 🙏🙏🙏
@sherirourke9339 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been waiting for this! Thank you! I remember getting pulled from my religion classes (catholic school) having to sit in the library because my father and uncle (priest) wanted me to learn from the Baltimore Catechism. This was done in a private home with other kids in my situation. I was born in 1965 and still have very vivid memories of my dad and uncle going crazy over Vatican 2. They said it was the beginning of the breakdown of the Catholic Church. I have to say, I prefer extraordinary mass and sometimes travel miles just to get to one. Great talk! Loved it!
@ralphauer150 Жыл бұрын
At 79 years old. Thinking back to my Catholic education. Being an alter boy needing to learn Latin for serving in the mass. I have always believed the change from Latin to English language was and is better for clearly understanding what is said in the Mass. One important matter for the Church now is to bring people back to the mass. Those who want Latin or English so be it, bringing believers back to 97 % as father mentioned. And stop in infighting between Pope’s and Priests, is what’s important now. So people believe in unity. Especially in 2023, where people make up their own rules and discard the rules of Jesus.🙏
@lizolson282 Жыл бұрын
Well said.✝️
@jonkalmen1556 Жыл бұрын
Prior to Vatican 2 no one knew what was being said but knew what was being done. Today after Vatican 2 everyone knows what's being said but doesn't know what's being done.
@lizolson282 Жыл бұрын
@@jonkalmen1556 with social media we are learning what is being done and why it's being done. The older generation has always been reverently attending Mass first in Latin and then in English. We don't necessarily want to try to "learn" the Mass a new way or go back and try to learn the Latin language. God is and always will be the reason for Mass.
@jonkalmen1556 Жыл бұрын
@@lizolson282 Well said, but what do you say about the statistic of only 30 percent of Novus Ordo believe in the real presence ?
@zealousideal Жыл бұрын
They are both good and nice. I agree we need to stop this division and saying the NO is invalid or whatever. But yes TLM is beautiful and divine and loved. But sadly just heard the news about the attack in Spain. May we pray, fast, pray novenas, rosaries, etc for our beautiful historic faith. Catholics and Catholic Churches are being attacked and vandalized so much now. There’s been over 450 attacks vandalizing Catholic Churches in the US alone recently!! Also Terrorist attacks during Mass in Spain today and Nigeria recently. The devil must be so mad, so we have to pray more.
@jodieelizabeth4905 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏
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