My brother reached Grand Marshal on Zenedar-EU and he'd wake up at 8am, go to sleep at 3am and repeat the cycle just so he'd keep his rank. Every single day. I started to worry about his health. Eventually he hit Grand Marshal, bought his gear, then went on a Dishonourable Kill spree to unwind with the relief that it was finally over.
@shikatsu8 жыл бұрын
Talk about Catharsis
@slime81778 жыл бұрын
I wasn't around back then, but what is a dishonorable kill?
@arsonwulf8 жыл бұрын
+Brian Meaney Some attackable NPCs in towns, such as shopkeepers, were tagged as civilians. If anyone in your party killed one of them, everyone was given a dishonorable kill and deducted honor points which affected their PvP rank.
@reffa28582 жыл бұрын
@@arsonwulf wait so he spent days getting to a rank then once achieved, he did things to purposely decrease his rank?
@stuarthutzler66702 жыл бұрын
@@reffa2858 He got his title and his fancy weapon. That's all he needed.
@Wheel_of_Kain9 жыл бұрын
That vanilla pvp video guide was *disturbing*
@NoLeCe9 жыл бұрын
+Kain Bloodshower ayyyyyyyyy
@NoLeCe9 жыл бұрын
+Kain Bloodshower ayyyyyyyyy
@Wheel_of_Kain9 жыл бұрын
Holger Burgard Dude, It was just a bad pun.
@CeasareBorgiaSuX9 жыл бұрын
+Holger Burgard Exactly it was like nothing before it, PVP but not shoot em up or sports. It was great and sure it changed but everyone who played it was part of something that would be big!
@CrazySwiftGamer8 жыл бұрын
+Kain Bloodshower Yes it was. Stop pretending you were there.
@heart0fthedrag0n9 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who tried to click away the ad at 0:56 and accidentally skipped to 7:15 ?
@ZepplinsEverywhere11 жыл бұрын
Oh my god I burst into laughter at the start of this video. It took me back to me and my friend joking around a few years ago about how every single pvp video back in vanilla had that intro where the player had their toon slowly walking around with the camera panning around them to show off their gear. Or unnecessary slow motion. Thank you XD
@Daemeon9310 жыл бұрын
I think the problem with current WoW, and even some of its players, is that they want everything to be handed out to them. Some of the charm of vanilla wow is that NOBODY had the epic gear, and not very many people were level 60, at least when compared to how many people are max level today. When you saw somebody who had a high honor rating, strong equipment, and had gone into Molten Core, you really felt like you were looking at somebody epic. The thing is that there should NEVER be end game. The journey of always leveling up to get to 60, along with being able to do raids that few have ever done, was what made WoW seriously epic.
@jodyboles820810 жыл бұрын
No there should always be end game or it would be boring when you are at the end
@LittleBigPoet10 жыл бұрын
Trust me, not really. I know a game with no endgame, where you can endlessly develop your character. It's plain frustrasting, especially because it's kinda pay to win game. if you care to try it, search Age of Wushu/ Wulin( if european).
@DurgNation10 жыл бұрын
I dont plau wow but im a gamer and have seen videos. I get what your saying i noticed people can just buy max level.
@jodyboles820810 жыл бұрын
Durg Nation lvl 90 is not max
@ecx327410 жыл бұрын
EXACTLY! If anything....Blizz should have instituted just a heroic/mythic mode to raids. They would have had to because 1 difficulty would not have been enough. But these days, people get epics so easily it means nothing to them. Even questing drowns you with upgrades. In vanilla when you got certain blue items, it felt like getting BiS epics today. Getting gear was a legit achievment. Even today when I see someone with an OG Zin Rokh it's a big deal, because you know they raided hardcore for it.
@stanjuan11788 жыл бұрын
I keep coming back to these videos. watched this series as many times as world of rogue craft. I love you man lol
@grahamvandyke10 жыл бұрын
Everything in Vanilla was ridiculous and just getting anywhere in the game took so much time and effort, but that was exactly what made the game EPIC. I for one had more fun actually NOT having anything good. Now anyone can get anything with ease, and that just makes the game boring as hell. I don't think anyone who didn't play vanilla could understand the absolute awe of seeing a lvl 60 player in full epics on an epic mount.
@rabidwombat66656 жыл бұрын
Even better was when you got your first mount at lvl 40 and had people swarm around you just to look at it and congratulate you for getting the mount.
@kanrethadebonlocke43638 жыл бұрын
Fun story, we were raiding AQ20 and a sword dropped. A dagger rogue had highest DKP but the master looter decided to give it to the combat rogue instead even though the other guy was "planning to switch to swords". The dagger rogue immediately GQuit, farmed 1.1 million honor over the next 4 days and was high warlord come maintenance day. Needless to say, he pissed off a LOT of warlords.
@kuba96808 жыл бұрын
You can say it was technically bad all you like, but you can't deny it was fun.
@searcey7 жыл бұрын
I remember being invited to join a world pvp raid on the barrens as a lvl 41 dwarf hunter. Two full raid groups invaded after a long ass haul across the world. Still my favorite WoW memory of all time and have been hooked since.
@SnikkasHD11 жыл бұрын
omg. this is so much fun to watch. Especially because i started playing with classic... I remember that i had like 50k Honor points and just 1 day left, until i get the new Honor Rank to enter the halls of champions... turns out this one day was the wendsday when BC was pachted in i could shove the honor up my ass XD. Alterac mountains... classic... it was dem times when the whole PvP raid desperately tried to summon that special Monster XD. So much fun.
@jgndev7 жыл бұрын
Love the video, Preach. You have to admit several of those Classic PVP videos were very entertaining and still are. I love the Grimm videos, watch them when I am feeling the nostalgia.
@GeminiWoods10 жыл бұрын
I found vanilla WoW's PvP extremely fun and rewarding. SS holds great memories for me. No rules, no objectives, no bullshit. Just you, your friends, and/or guildies fucking shit up. Gank a few lowbies and watch the hornets nest explode in retaliation. We would spend hours pushing back n forth and eventually it would spread to other areas like Arathi and Silver Pine. Was it grindy? Yes, but it was a fun grind that I would gladly spend hours working on. I don't care what anyone says and how they defend modern WoW. Nothing will EVER compare to the experience I had playing WoW during my first couple of years. Good times indeed. Still in contact with several of my guildies to this day. Literally a life changing experience.
@blam934610 жыл бұрын
And here we are in the year of 2015, 10 years later. Boy the times have changed, things have changed, people have changed, since then... Life is something
@cp966210 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's the content that everybody misses about Vanilla, but the community and the feel of the game back then. The world was alive and vibrant with people out leveling there characters and professions. Guilds were families, and you had a hardcore allegiance to your faction. You also only knew your server. For example, I would see the same Horde guys that were leveling the same rate and zones as me from Stanglethorn Vale all the way through being level 60. I developed feuds with many of them over the 30's 40's 50's and at level 60 as well. Also my guild back then (which was the top Alliance guild on the server) had a feud with a Horde guild (which was top Horde guild of the server) and about every Friday night one of there guild would gank one of our guild and then a few of ours would show up then a few more of there's and so on until a massive guild war broke out in some random "noob" zone as we called it back then. World PvP isn't even really around today. And I was on Illidan too which was the top server back then and probably is the most infamous WoW server out there. The main thing, however, is simply the fact that the game is 10 years old now. Everything was new and fresh back then, so of course every single little thing was epic and questing new zones was fun even though it was always the same thing with new monsters (kill 10 of these, collect 10 of those, kill this boss). Does that mean the game still isn't fun? No! It just isn't that same epic game it once was. But, WoD actually looks pretty cool! I've been there since the beginning and every single expansion, and the reasons above are why everybody says Vanilla is better. -Vanilla through Cata (then quit mid Cata) Mop through present.
@erikh123110 жыл бұрын
Music at 1:20 Disturbed - Meaning of life
@lewisa73979 жыл бұрын
Best song ever
World PVP was fun imo, Tarren mill was a classic spot and as was STV camp, STV arena, Ungoro Crater and all the world bosses that generated a lot of PVP. AV had the major problem of poor map planning, it was very imbalanced in regard of distance, pathing and choke-points. Thanks to the lack of BGs in early Vanilla you'd find people EVERYWHERE at all times. Once BG's were introduced world PVP centered around world bosses, instance entrances and BG entrances. BGs was fine imo, the problem was arena as well as flying (in TBC); those were the final nails in the coffin. After TBC flying/arena the game world died immediately. I rarely ever saw anyone out in the world unless 5 people dropped from the sky to insta-gib me and fly away. If they saw me in a group, they'd just fly away to another path. I also enjoyed the vanilla damage scaling. It made the game much more dynamic, by having GREAT gear in a BG you immediately became a primary target in BGs. Sure you could one-shot people every now and then but you had to have a tight group with dedicated healers to stay live. This lead to much better immersion and competition. PVP gear was ALWAYS fine because of how many people couldn't get into AQ40/Naxx guilds. They could then rely on rank 12-13 gear to have a decent competetive chance agains the few top tier PVE characters. Til this day I play on a private Vanilla server because I love the original.
@HarryNewbury10 жыл бұрын
Vanilla PvP was absolutely AMAZING. It was a lot more skill based than gear. Naked rogues could stunlock Rank 14 warriors.
@douglasbennetyson570610 жыл бұрын
not if the warriors were orc
@badshelflife11 жыл бұрын
I haven't played WoW in ages, I just found your channel and watched a couple of them. haha Love it. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
@MrAnasthetic11 жыл бұрын
oh and 24hr AVs were badass.... brought out the real pvpers
@haczu8611 жыл бұрын
more like nolifers...
@Darkrocmon11 жыл бұрын
Robert Sieniawski lol someone who is mad that someone has some free time to do the past I have played a 6hour AV...most people wouldn't play the full game because its bad for you and they knew it...dumbass mad because he cant pvp probably
@itsgreenblackman10 жыл бұрын
Robert Sieniawski If you are watching this video, chances are you play WoW, if you play WoW its kind of a given you have no life, if you do have a life then you are a fucking idiot for paying $15 a month on a game that you don't no-life...
@haczu8610 жыл бұрын
itsgreenblackman you dont have to play for 24h straight to enjoy WoW you know...
@mikehunt46076 жыл бұрын
Robert is a casual
@Bollalillo11 жыл бұрын
Mike you are the most enjoyable person i've seen on youtube. Your videos are awesome!
@jacksonjDell9 жыл бұрын
southshore pvp never went away. it was there all the way through TBC
@dah0heavy9 жыл бұрын
+Dan it died on mine as well it died on all three of my realms tbh
@mattbryan10994 жыл бұрын
Even in early wotlk
@ekkirusti46374 жыл бұрын
@mattmccgowan8 жыл бұрын
I have watched this SO many times one of your best Preach
@takeshiC110 жыл бұрын
For me, World PvP in vanilla was all about Stranglethorn Vale - kill or be killed! Also I hate to think of the hours I wasted in endless AV's ...
@SinOfAugust7 жыл бұрын
World pvp in Blackrock was incredible. You had to run through a gauntlet of player ambushes, roving guild murder squads... it was like a raid by itself during primetime...
@Fisch2k410 жыл бұрын
He got some valid points ofc, but not everything he says is true here. What Vanilla had in any aspect of the game, be it PvE or PvP, it was more social. You couldn't act like a douche else you would lose your spot in your PvP group or guild. You were actually forced to socialize with at least 9-39 other people constantly to achieve anything. This made for some long lasting ingame friendships. Not that anonymous dungoen finder or X-realm bgs there is now.
@gromann10 жыл бұрын
Teh Fabled Clan VXIX would disagree. I had never met a bigger group of douchebags in general than when I raided with those guys.
@TehFabled10 жыл бұрын
gromann Ey, then a bunch of assholes that seemed to click with each other managed to form a guild. WoW's a big game, players are bound to find people they can play with.
@gromann10 жыл бұрын
iirc they were a guild that cared nothing above progression so as long as people did their jobs it didnt matter how they behaved. My few outings with them in vent were some of the worst things I've heard in WoW. "You're such a fucking piece of shit" and so on were the norm when someone messed up, one guy left the raid halfway through (offtank) because of the ridicule he was getting. We sat around like 30 minutes trying to find another one... and ended up having to call it after Garr. Garr... I was pissed, I put up with them and throughout their entitlement and immaturity they couldnt even back it up with a solid MC run.
@Fisch2k410 жыл бұрын
Sagramorbald Well was the same for me. I played soccer, I went out, I met friends. The only thing you were missing out on was hard core progress raiding or honor grind. You were still able to do all the rest. Game wasn't all about achievements at that time.
@SanctumRubis11 жыл бұрын
You almost made me tear up. Aha the good old days. Thank you for that post man. Memories :)
@bobbybrady809410 жыл бұрын
People always seem to talk about how pointless world pvp was back at the start before bg's. As I remember it, it was more about killing questgivers in major lowbie quest hubs (xroads, southshore/tm, etc...) in order to prevent the other faction from effectively leveling to 60. If you look at server populations today, the initial reason that determines today which side is more populated likely goes back to those world pvp slaughter fests. Once the lines were drawn on each server, entire guilds started rerolling on ones that favored their preferred faction. It was actually quite fun seeing how long you could hold down a quest hub before being over-run, and it felt good when you successfully defended those hubs so your guild mates could turn in their shit. Large groups of level 30-40's trying to battle the first level 60's on the server. And as the levels evened out and everyone started hitting 60, finding that douchebag that kept you from turning in a quest for 2 days and corpse camping his ass with your friends. Good times, man. Back then, the tears on the realm forums were fucking delicious... Today's pvp system is much more effective and organized, sure. But oh man, the feels back then during the original race to level 60... so good. If you think the nostalgia for it is misplaced because of poor mechanics, lack of objectives, etc., maybe you just don't understand how nostalgia works.
@Saerise11 жыл бұрын
We had a blast with Wintergrasp on our realm, both sides really got into it and I'd probably consider that the next closest thing to the awesomeness you guys enjoyed. :D
@Pixxeltrixx11 жыл бұрын
Dude I miss old school AV.. good times
@angelofdarkness4911 жыл бұрын
What I miss about world Pvp was the cut throat rivalries. It was exciting because being ganked was unexpected and random, you could then call in your guild friends to seek revenge against that person. Then before you know it, it would turn into a guild vs guild battle.
@Martin-vh3ei10 жыл бұрын
raidfinder, dungeonfinder, battlegroundfinder etc ruined it... now u mostly just stay in sw/og and wait for a group, i think it would be cool to have to run to the entrances instead of teleporting everywhere x.x
@JarthenGreenmeadow7 жыл бұрын
Exactly its like sitting in a lobby for a 15 minute TDM in COD just a one off kill fest for as long as it lasts. Honestly I'm surprised the Eastern Kingdom/Kalimdor areas arent just closed off 100%....
@EQOAnostalgia7 жыл бұрын
Just got into Vanilla WoW last night, reminds me a lot of the old EverQuest Online Adventures days to be honest. Makes sense seeing as they were in development at the same time and released only a year apart. It's not quite EverQuest, but not anything like current WoW. It has no loading between zones that exist on the same continent, high fantasy setting/races/classes. Had to run to dungeons, only in EQOA we didn't zone in, there was no loading from the highest peak to the lowest dankest dungeon pit! This is when MMO's really held a lot of weight. In that i mean decisions mattered, companions were like GOLD! Adventure was around every corner and exploration was PARAMOUNT! They really don't make them like this anymore. I hope Pantheon delivers, every oldschool WoW fan needs to look into that game. But i'm having a metric fuck ton of fun right now just grinding my balls off in Lordaeron.
@itsVilu9 жыл бұрын
While you got it right about what was wrong with the system(s) back then, you completely ignored at least 2 factors why people preferred it. Community and fun. Because everything was server only you knew everyone, and that made world pvp and later battlegrounds alot more fun. "oh it's that guy who just ganks everybody, time for a revenge!" "cool it's the guy who helped me to kill quest elite while I was leveling! I'll just /wave and let him be" These days you know no one and never see him again when you do BGs or even instances. And thanks to CRZ it happens in "world-pvp" as well...
@JuveConstantine8 жыл бұрын
So true... ;) I hope Blizzard makes legacy servers.
@meganjk8 жыл бұрын
So true! That part I do miss, I knew people on the opposite faction by name, we'd fight at Crossroads, we'd fight at Booty Bay, and run into each other in the BG's. Some, you hated with a passion, some you grew to love, or at least respect. I never got higher than rank 9, but I was quite proud of that. (Though I wanted the mount, so bad, and I wanted the horse so I was also working on rep, too. Remember turning in stacks of cloth for rep? Haha!) I like a lot of the new content and upgrades BUT I hate the cross realm. I can adapt with the times, but I miss the community
@meganjk8 жыл бұрын
How is me saying, I personally miss the community, "rose colored glasses"? I never stated it was perfect, but in MY experience, it was pretty great. I personally enjoyed it. In fact, I was quite clear that I have no misconceptions of Vanilla WoW being perfect, I simply stated I missed one small aspect but am happy to adapt the game. So you calling me out, makes no logical sense at all. I don't know what your experiences were, but mine were quite positive. This is completely subjective, so sorry if my personal opinion doesn't mesh with your own
@meganjk8 жыл бұрын
And again, that's your opinion, which is fine. Mine, is different. I have also played since early vanilla. You can't tell me my own personal opinion and experiences are wrong lol. Control much? I'm sorry yours wasn't as good, whether it be your server, or maybe your own choice of interactions. MY P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L experiences were awesome, and I have friends to this day, from that time. Maybe you need a new server, or attitude?
@meganjk8 жыл бұрын
lol no, but I'm sorry me not sharing your opinion has somehow brought that conclusion. I played from early 2005 to the Cata release, stopped and came back a few months before Legion dropped. I don't know why you're not hearing me say that we can both have different experiences, it doesn't mean any one is wrong, it's just different perspectives. And frankly, WoLK is when it started to go downhill, in that regard. But the new systems added in Cata broke much of it. I never claimed some perfect community, I was very, very clear. I even said, some people were awful, but I met a great community, as well, and enjoyed it a great deal. If you didn't that's just your personal experiences.
@crabsupreme8 жыл бұрын
can't believe you didn't put in vurtne in the end of the video. best frost mage videos by far.
@Chrisco2oo28 жыл бұрын
Funny thing, I loved the PvP zerg-festing at SS/Taurin Mill, BG's killed my enjoyment of Vanilla WoW. There was nothing more stupid than joining into a "PvP" BG and watch both sides run past each other to go PvE the Bosses so they could "win".
@zsoltsiro13105 жыл бұрын
If you are talking about AV you haven't played vanilla AV
@elden44611 жыл бұрын
Vurtne Elemental PvP 4 HAS TO be on the list for best Vanilla PvP videos. Beyond Godlike
@Zechstoeren8 жыл бұрын
Glad to see someone calling out the shitty PvP movies from vanilla. I had an inordinate amount of hate for Pat at the time; how could anyone enjoy watching an unskilled, overgeared mungo two shot people in greens and blues? Used to drive me mad.
@westkoastdogg66808 жыл бұрын
Playing on kronos 2 atm, got a group together to run SM arm and just as we are approaching through tirisfall we got ambushed by a bunch of horde scum who were our lvl and a skull lvl druid. Out of nowhere we had a 10 min long battle and it was fking awesome, we even killd the high lvl druid, was so fun!
@JuveConstantine8 жыл бұрын
U make me cry ;( Nostalgia blows me up. Nice little story, thanks ;)
@hydromancer49168 жыл бұрын
nost is coming back on the elysium server this december :D
@mattmccgowan9 жыл бұрын
I've watched this a 100 times and it still gives me nostalgia
@madcat7898 жыл бұрын
What is the music playing in the background?
@TomNookWB28 жыл бұрын
sounds like music from a zelda game
@grillbe8 жыл бұрын
also from the first atlantis game on ps1
@General12th8 жыл бұрын
I hope Preach releases his music at some point. It's so fun to listen to!
@MThrow10 жыл бұрын
I grinded out Centurion on horde side, and Knight-Lieutenant on Alliance side. Always a premade, and I maintained those ranks through being on constantly. Had to earn a minimum of 150,000 HKs just to keep the rank. Then summer came, and all the kids were out of school, and there was no way I could keep up with having a steady job and family. I'm suprised that you didn't mention Enhancement shamans running around with Arcanite Reapers chanted with Crusader back when Windfury would proc off itself. You could take a pally down from 100-0 with a well placed purge. Lol, those were the days.
@RaiderDave420698 жыл бұрын
Retail WoW can keep it's balance, the PvP in Vanilla is way more fun for me.
@Kavou8 жыл бұрын
I wish they could remove the Ashran queue in Legion and replace it with the old version of AV.
@Diavolo2228 жыл бұрын
While some balance is fine, their tireless quest for balanced started because of arena and the game getting "officially" competitive. I think in a MMO it just doestn work. They are removing as much fun as possible. I dont come after work to do a couple of BGs for fun but wait....I Cant kill undergeared people, I myself am not undergeared so there's never a sense of urgency or a sense of accomplishment ( like tophealing with low gear ), this whole stride to make it "Balanced" has made the game boring as fuck. I mean really ? Not being able to fucking use TRINKETS in 2016? wtf.
@issack288 жыл бұрын
Diavolo222 if u cant kill undergeard players in balanced pvp without the use of special gear the problem is most probably your own skill level rather than a fault of the game itself
@Ezzekiel738 жыл бұрын
His point is as you ranked up/got gear, your character became stronger (OBVIOUSLY!) as a result. Unfortunately, some people found this unfair, therefore nerfed how you dealt damage to another player, resulting in boss battle 1v1s. In Vanilla, you have power through CDs, items, advantageous class, teamwork, or just lucky crits. You don't have 100 different spells saving you, you only have your wit.
@silverspear217 жыл бұрын
My gm took a week off from work to get the GM title, later on we all had to chip in to give him the gold required to buy all the gear. What I loved about world pvp post BG's introduction was that I could find a player of the opposite faction go kill him and wait for him to call his guild mates for help which in turn would force me to do the same. After some time waiting for everyone to arrive we would go ham on each other. TBC hit and flying became a thing, there was this time by gruul's lair where we were fighting 5v5 and suddenly over the cliff's we see flying mounts with the enemies reinforcements. We got our butts handed to us but it was moments like that that made world pvp a thing. Wrath came out and my server had a bounty system, gank someone on the list you get put on the list for your faction along with gold and bragging rights, it made world pvp interesting again as players would try to find where other players were to the point where they paid the opposing faction to help them locate said targets in hopes of nabbing a hk.
@BigManJay6910 жыл бұрын
NOSTALGIA is the word indeed! i only been playin since cata so i dont suffer that nostalgia, but im sure that the vast majority of veterans who say how much better vanilla pvp was are blinded by nostalgia
@RaiderDave4206910 жыл бұрын
Maybe for some it is just nostalgia. But there are quite a few Vanilla servers with healthy populations. For many people, it's not nostalgia. We like different things, no way!
@TheTomtah10 жыл бұрын
I played vanilla, tbc, skipped wotlk, played cata, played mop and confirm this statement. People forget the shitty stuff really quick. Everything was new and for most people it was their first MMO experience so it was very special and they forget all the shitty stuff.
@LordAnasterian10 жыл бұрын
That, or they honestly enjoyed the balance and feel of the game that much more. Like Henry said, that's why there are legacy servers. What makes a section of the game "better" is subjective and everyone has a favorite. I preferred BC and Cata PVP over all of the others, but it's just arrogant and needy to call someone else blinded because they don't agree with your opinion, especially when you base yours on being literally ignorant of how the previous expansions worked and how you would have experienced them. You're not right or wrong, but you're awfully self-important.
@ToHighToSub10 жыл бұрын
TheTomtah ouch u skilled Wotlk and came back for cata :(
@reptasaurus112611 жыл бұрын
The entire Southshore / Tarren Mill thing is literally the only thing I miss about vanilla pvp. It was some of the most epic world pvp I'd ever seen. The entire community was just so into it. I agree, the zone wasn't even good. BG's back then were all people from the same realm, and some of them were really good, you learned to fear them. Unfortunately because of that, they were often lopsided. I think the fact that PVP was all on one server made it great - you learned the names and guilds of the opposite faction. Remember, back then you couldn't communicate with the opposite faction at all except in the forums. You couldn't have an alliance/horde on same server either. The combination of pvp having a local community & the mystique from facing another enemy faction was what made it so good imo.
@MusicIsTheJoyOfLife6 жыл бұрын
My buddy had some wealthy folks and offered to pay my rent ($200/month for a for a couch in my guildleader's apartment), gave me a $90/week stipend for fuel, food and weed. I helped rank his rouge up from rank 11 to High Warlord while he was in college. I basically abandoned my rank 11 Orc Shaman for the duration and played an undead rogue for a minimum of 15 hours (on days he would play) and sometimes up to 22 hours a day, for a month and a half. I was living on Pizza Pockets and Mountain Dew. Warsong gulch all day, Arathi Basin all night, when more people were online. And this was before cross server Battlegrounds so we saw the same people all day long on the other side. Sometimes other premades would enter the game and see us and just leave. We mostly steamrolled the Alliance, but there were a few teams rolling in occasionally with Naxx gear and sometimes we just didn't have a chance if we didn't have enough guys on our side with Tier 3 armor. There was a pretty real divide between the hardcore PVP and PVE players and they didn't seem to mix too often with one another. My favorite day was when I had 9 shadowpriests join me in Warsong Gulch. We were all on teamspeak and they were focus firing down targets with mind flay as we all literally walked across the field. I can't explain the bond I formed with some of those people, during that run. I wonder where they are now, I wish I'd stayed in touch with more of them. Only a literal few people on my squad knew who I really was as it happened; we had to pretend my buddy's microphone was broken, or that his parents (who he lived with) didn't want him to make noise talking all day on teamspeak, so he'd only be on occasionally. The day the boards went up and that undead rogue character sat at High Warlord remains, to this day, my most cherished memory in gaming. It is an unforgettable moment and feeling. Afterwards, my buddy let me use his rogue occasionally for world pvp. Having those high warlord daggers and running around Stormwind and Ironforge ganking all the poor flagged Alliance with another rogue buddy who was on our team provided the best 2 months of my gaming life. And then BC was released. I don't regret a damn minute of what it took to get there, though. Once in a lifetime experience. I am humbled in this life to have had the opportunity.
@dmv43438 жыл бұрын
World pvp died not because it was worse, but because it had no rewards compared to battlegrounds with all that reputation and marks for honor.
@aweha11 жыл бұрын
I was one of those, ran with a premade. Was the most fun I've ever had. When you came up against your most hated guild on on your server and beat them in a long, tough as nails WSG or AB. The rivalry was great, and members from other premade would substitute or lend a hand and you'd form "all-star teams" etc. It was great. Back then it really was Horde vs Alliance, and the unity was great. People wanted to win BGs, they played to win, not just for items. Even the PUG WSG/AB games were amazing.
@larkfeast9 жыл бұрын
World pvp was fucking awesome. Fail video
@bennemeth6259 жыл бұрын
Wow you truly are a vanilla fanboy.
@larkfeast9 жыл бұрын
+We know You know nothing. You obviously never played Vanilla...
@alexanderortner60679 жыл бұрын
You know nothing Jon Snow. Kappa
@bennemeth6259 жыл бұрын
Larkfeast Yes I have in fact I still play vanilla on a private server. World PvP was a chaotic mess.
@larkfeast9 жыл бұрын
+We know that's why it was awesome....
@tygee7138 жыл бұрын
I didn't start playing until after BGs came out, but throughout vanilla I never had any problem finding world PvP. Stranglethorn, Blackrock Mountain, Silithus, there were people to fight everywhere because there was a reason to be out the in world. I remember after raids my guild and I would head over to the alliance boats to dustwallow, hide in the sleeping cabins, and come out and kill anyone heading to Onyxia. We would camp lowbies on the ships until they got backup and there would be huge 'boat wars' as we called it. This was not a zerg fest at GYs, this was pure spontaneous world PvP.
@backpedalnambaone613810 жыл бұрын
For all vanilla wow fans 2 words -> KRONOS WoW (probably best future private vanilla server ever) #kronoswowforlife
@cloudli371310 жыл бұрын
Yeah, i saw their videos, pretty awesome! o.O Going to see you there.
@ImLTyme10 жыл бұрын
Nostalrius releases Feb 28th
@ronnydevlaming302310 жыл бұрын
Kronos WOW for the win!! Real cookie cutter pvp
@ImLTyme10 жыл бұрын
Nostalrius is going to be better.. releases 2/28/15
@ImLTyme10 жыл бұрын
The reason I won't play Kronos is because buying 60s... not my thing
@awilkinson199111 жыл бұрын
You forgot the golden rule to a successful pvp video, you have to open the character sheet and highlight every piece of gear you own, also grims video and yours are the only videos ive kept for years n years, both are just amazing
@TroopperFoFo11 жыл бұрын
In current wow pvp fights between to players last way to long. To much resilience and pvp power. I fought 1 person for an entire warsong once. I know I was fighting in the middle but I was determined to kill him. Nether us could kill each other. I think we both realized this is stupid neither of us would win unless another person came and helped or stun locked. So basically WoW pvp now is stun locks or 3 on 1.
@LordTrigg11 жыл бұрын
I am so frustrated with 90 pvp.
@TroopperFoFo11 жыл бұрын
Tacit Blue I wish they would take exp from bgs away so I could make a 60 twink again. I loved it so much fun getting gear from raids to try and be better. I had a Death knight in wrath that had tones of gear from bwl and the sword from zul gurub zin 'rokh. I also used a warrior 60 twink. Loved it so much.
@Yesbutnope11 жыл бұрын
TroopperFoFo Oh noez, cus they implemented "Stop XP" which works excellent.. Or... NOT. Want lvl 60 twink? "Blizz; Fine you can now stop XP and get queued ONLY vs other ppl who stopped XP gain" - seems like a good idea, oh wait, 2-12312314134hour queues? Woops!
@TroopperFoFo11 жыл бұрын
***** All they would need to do is just put the people that stop their xp in the regular que. Enough people have full sets of heirloom gear that they match the level of twinks.
@LordTrigg11 жыл бұрын
That would be awesome, then I could just keep playing 70 pvp, where things are sufficiently fast-paced. Instead of my current practice of continually leveling characters to 70 to twink, out leveling the tier then starting all over again :/ ... granted I have gotten pretty proficient at leveling
@ktvindicare10 жыл бұрын
Some of the most fun I have ever had in WoW was during the original Honor Grind. Specifically there were the battles between two of the top ranked PvP teams on the Realm. On Kel'Thuzad there were about 2-3 top groups per side and when they met in Arathi Basin or Warsong Gulch the battles were truly epic. Eventually late in Classic's lifespan the teams gave up fighting each other because the games would simply take too long but occasionally they would battle just for the pride of the server. Those battles were epic and the trash talk that would occur after them was even better. Lost in all of the talk about mechanics or grinding is that PvP before the introduction of Cross realm Battlegrounds was as much about faction pride as anything else something that is lost on modern WoW players. PvP will never be as fun as it was back then as long as people can swap factions and swap realms whenever they want, without the faction rivalry that existed on my realm it simply would not have been any fun. I don't PvP anymore in World of Warcraft. PvP is still frustrating for all of the same reasons it was in Vanilla (high burst, cc chains, bad puggies) but without the community aspect that existed pre-realm transfers and pre-faction swaps it just won't ever be as fun as it was then.
@leventefarkas883410 жыл бұрын
Listening to this guy made me realise he sucked badly in WoW Vanilla...That was the best.. No other game will ever be as good as WoW Vanilla.
@PrismaticFitness10 жыл бұрын
It was shit now take off your nostalgia goggles please.
@thantoon10 жыл бұрын
I would drag my balls over a mile of broken glass rather than play that old garbage behemoth of a video game called "vanilla wow". I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me at the time, but wow is just simply superior to that old dog shit in every way now.
@Garthock11 жыл бұрын
One of my play group's favorite thing to do before there were BGs though were to sit in the ravine between the Badlands and Searing Gorge. We'd hide in the trail that forked away from the main road, and we'd jump out and gank people during raid hours. Sometimes that was our guild's meeting place when it was raid time, and we'd assault Kargath while we waited for everything to get organized. Was amazing.
@jackjelf079 жыл бұрын
I find the peoole who boast 'muaha you noobs have no idea what vanilla was like, we are the true wow players!!' never even played vanilla themselves -.-
@rickeyryan3038 жыл бұрын
No it's teh people who did play vanilla but sucked at it are the ones who complian how bad it was.
@DriftNick8 жыл бұрын
It's pretty much the opposite, the people that were bad in Vanilla and are still bad think Vanilla was the hardest thing ever, the people that were good in Vanilla and kept being good players in other xpacs are the people that know Vanilla wasn't what the crap players say it was, the classes weren't hard, the raids were very simple, it was more about grinding for months then player skill.
@Vetano11 жыл бұрын
I tried a classic private server recently (there's only one good out there - and people know which one I'm talking about) and it was similar, but not exactly the same. A private server will never be perfect and core abilities like Mage's Blink break or stay broken for a long time. It was still amazing to have this big community of a few thousand people living, farming, PVPing and raiding on the SAME SERVER. Suddenly the community feeling was back. Quit the game for LoL after a year or so though.
@Ezzekiel7310 жыл бұрын
This video literally shows why Vanilla is so much better than everything pvp wise in retail nowadays. PvP nowadays is a boss fight with every opponent you face, there is no skill at all just whoever can smash their keyboard faster wins. Large scale pvp existed and thrived back in the day because a single person could make a huge impact in a battle. And this idea that "There was nothing else to do pvp wise except go to Southshore before Battlegrounds" is a farce. Maybe on one or two servers that was the case, but most definitely not on a lot of servers. Southshore existed and happened, that's a fact, but what occured more often was guild/faction wars that sprang up due to ganking. There's a reason people constantly refer to Vanilla WoW as the Golden Age of WoW, and rose tinted goggles are a poor excuse.
@DriftNick10 жыл бұрын
people saying the game takes no skill now compared to Vanilla make me face palm so hard, even the WoD version of the game (which compared to Mop is really simple) is far more complex then Vanilla, just compare any spec and what they have to do to be played at a high skill level between Vanilla and WoD.
@Ezzekiel7310 жыл бұрын
equoowe The skill in Vanilla is more based on team effort. You have to use the limited abilities at your disposal, understanding yours and your enemy's limitations, work together and come out on top. Skill in anything past Mists' is who smashes all the keys on their keyboard the fastest. I don't enjoy playing WoW where every class has an interupt, a snare, a stun, a CC, the ability to remove snares/increase movement speed (except for warriors), and have excellent self-healing. Plus, PvPing is so much more fast paced in Vanilla. Having every single pvp encounter in WoD be a boss fight was fun for a total of 3 minutes.
@DriftNick10 жыл бұрын
Ezzekiel73 You say WoD is all about who mashes their keyboard the fastest then say Vanilla was the best because most classes only did damage, had no utility and you say the fast pace is better, the slower pace of the game now means it's more about decision making skills and team work and less about mashing keys hoping you can global someone. Vanilla was the king of the mongoloid style of play, there was no skill in 2 shotting people.
@RealAsianShip10 жыл бұрын
Ryan W Yet everyone today got macros so thats about 5 buttons to spam ;D
@Solaxe9 жыл бұрын
Ezzekiel73 I want to see your pvp rating then, if pvp is all about "smashing buttons"
@g-lojr54553 жыл бұрын
I actually tried to click off the old youtube ads from the flashback videos out of reflex. Some things from the old days will never die
@Robology139 жыл бұрын
"AV is still a favorite amongst the current pools". See Preach, just because someone has an opinion, doesn't mean it's true. According to you Horde just loooooves AV. Yeah, ahem .... yeah ..... You're entitled to your opinion about old WoW and you make some valid points. At the same time if you think the current version of WoW should appeal to everyone you're fooling yourself. Some people actually miss grinds, craaaaaazy hard grinds. You don't have to be one of those people, but don't go trashing those who miss what Vanilla brought to the table like your version of what an MMO should be is the only valid one. You know what I personally think, and it's just an opinion. If WoW would release another version of WoW, kinda sorta / so to speak, and made it like Vanilla with craaazy hard grinds and all the 'negatives' you attempted to point out. I think you'd sub, and actually enjoy yourself
I can remember the first time I stepped in AV back in '05...and it was the longest, most epic game ever! I had no clue what I was doing, but it was so fun
@simonsalgueiro62179 жыл бұрын
South Shore pvp wasnt dead when BGs appeared. Neither Black rock. Neither winterspring. Neither crossroads. Neither city pvp. Neither Astraanar. Either you didnt played vanilla, or you are somehow trying to make the new too easy for everyone wow that lost its touch long ago look much better than vanilla, when its obvious they should have kept some stuff from vanilla. Random world pvp was damn fun as it had no objectives. people didnt do it cause it gave much honor or items, or bg rep, nop. It was 100% pure fun. If you are happy with what wow turned today its ok, but really, its a repetitive formula for deranged players who became obsessed witht eh game and dont want to admit its just a repeating formula. If theres no gain or loot, people wont do it. Vanilla wow had laods of things with no reward that people do. World pvp was one of those, people would join just cause it was awesome to assault a town and see how much could you stand untill the reinforcement appeared. Now how many town/city raids do you see? NONE, cause people are too "busy" doing dailies and HCs for that expansion's currency. World pvp still was there during TBC. And definetly it was there afetr BGs in vanilla.
@seangannon60059 жыл бұрын
I raided the alliance cities a few weeks ago
@maxben33919 жыл бұрын
+Simón Salgueiro He is talking about mass PvP, not small group raiding. There was a time when you would just have a massive non-ending brawl in Hillsbrad or Arathi, after BG that stopped being a thing.
@simonsalgueiro62179 жыл бұрын
Maxben L I know, and i say its not true. I played in vanilla in 2 different servers, one ally the other horde. In both we still had insane croosroads, Astraanar and hillsbrad pvp well after the BGs appeared.
@Butterpants19879 жыл бұрын
+Simón Salgueiro agreed. what killed world pvp was dishonorable kills. bgs had nothing to do with it.
@beyondobsession19 жыл бұрын
+Simón Salgueiro World PVP was one of my favorite aspects of the game. It was just plain fun. Not mixing realms into PVP was also amazing because if you PVPd a lot you started recognizing names of people on the opposing faction which lead to you eventually having a nemesis. You would always look for each other on the battlefield and go after each other no longer even caring who won the total battle so long as you killed him as many times as you could. An endless back and forth between you and your nemesis that spanned from the PVP "areas" spilling over into the lvl 60 zones where when grinding you glance over and see him and he hasn't noticed you...oh boy. Incoming hours of fighting it out between the two of you. That, or he saw you first and you got ganked instead. Current WOW isn't terrible, but I never had so much fun in this game as I did back then.
@ovanmaru8 жыл бұрын
I got to rank 10, a few of the people in my group got to GM. It was still a really fun experience, but I don't think I cared enough at the time to push 14 even if I had more time before BC came out. Shout out to the vanilla pvp community on Hellscream!
@chromaticdeath10 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention how you lost honor/ranks by killing NPCs or being in a group with someone who did. Good times.
@DriftNick10 жыл бұрын
good times? it was a horrible system that punished the whole raid, if you wanted to push higher ranks you just couldn't do raids on cities because the chance of someone killing npc's and you losing ranks was very high.
@InfectTheNet11 жыл бұрын
So happy you included Maydie at the end. That was the most outlandish, ridiculous, dumb, exaggerated, but amazing pvp video of them all. I do miss my old friend Walle a gnome rogue who was a god among pvpers.
@VSCassidy11 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it was so bad- thank god we got our casual Achievement farm and repetitive queueing out of home cities! All that wild west and amazing PvP moments with their great variety and entertainment value- fuck that shit. So sad, to watch this- it's like a person that should know better praising the Downfall of Games for a bunch of 14 year olds to get some bucks out of the whole thing as well.
@KitKatNisa11 жыл бұрын
If Southshore was so good, why did pretty much everyone immediately leave it when BGs came out, and why did they never go back?
@VSCassidy11 жыл бұрын
Is this just about Southshore. do you have any idea what Vanilla PvP means? That it comes in all forms and shapes and everywhere in an amazing online world?
@aaroninky11 жыл бұрын
getting rank14 in the vanilla WoW pvp system is still one of my best gaming moments. co-running a PvP guild was incredible fun. everything in vanilla felt like it 'had a place'. it was great to be part of a server community (yes: COMMUNITY) where everyone knew one another and had forum rivalries. clearly defined class/spec/gear, too. nowadays every class does everything. what a mess.
@KT-ti9bk10 жыл бұрын
Can I have my view back? Didn't want to hear the casual view of classic.
@RivenEnjoyer689710 жыл бұрын
watch storytime..... ok now say that again
@cowboy3xk9 жыл бұрын
Preach you should really finish up the class Legacy videos. I really loved those, especially the rogue and paladin ones. I would love to see one about tank shamans in Vanilla.
@ganasde658 жыл бұрын
pvp was much more fun and simplistic. literally anyone could get into it.
@strongside45658 жыл бұрын
There was no top end though. There wasn't a goal to push for since the top tier titles were reserved the people in the most current raid sets that grouped up and played for 10 hours a day.
@ganasde658 жыл бұрын
Strongside and that was fine with me. very few people raided so it always felt like an even playing field
@Nunez878 жыл бұрын
The goal was bragging rights. Before Xrealm, everybody knew everybody. You had your feuds and your pvp team vs theirs. It was epic to say the least. Yeah sure you faced ridicolously geared people, but that never meant they were unbeatable.
@MichaelDahlkvist10 жыл бұрын
I love all these back in the day vids, all the top 5´s ... I lost it at the Disturbed part.. so true tho!
@Reikis6459 жыл бұрын
I miss old AV...
@M3mphix8 жыл бұрын
+Reikis645 Damn straight. It was absolutely epic. Battlegrounds becoming a furious rush to the finish ruined them the exact same way the LFG system ruined dungeoning. I often found that the more streamlined they made it, the more of a mindless grind it became. Noone cared about having fun. Just getting their points. And it bred a multitude of self-absorbed assholes.
@ezdoggydog11 жыл бұрын
Oh the joy of 6-8 hour AV battles. LOVED those!
@franbellagamba348910 жыл бұрын
Well, not trying to be an ass or anything, but you really make it sound like you actually resent the game because you were not good then, rather than the game being bad. Personally I enjoyed the game a lot, and I didn't even dedicate it over 3 hours a day. In fact, you make it sound like you are exactly the kind of person everyone hates in WoW rigth now, you know, those people who want every reward right away, who don't want to earn anything and think their monthly fee should pay for their end game gear. The game wasn't planned for the casual playerbase back then. I was and still am a casual player, and I have little to complain about the game back then. Sure it would've been awesome to have some of the features that exist today, but the ideas just weren't there, that's what improves a game, new features and content. You sound a little bit hysterical, just saying
@varanidguy9 жыл бұрын
My biggest fond memory of Vanilla PvP is 15 hunter AB. So epic, so ridiculously OP and epic.
@NecrolicVG10 жыл бұрын
I dont agree the fact of you dont need skill.. of course you need skill, even more than other games(expensions). If you telling ppl doesnt need you have no idea of vanilla dude.
@Sigmundfruit10 жыл бұрын
Not that you dudn't need skill to pvp, you just didn't need it to make a pvp video
@ToHighToSub10 жыл бұрын
No you dident need skill, you needed a rogue or a warrior.
@ecx327410 жыл бұрын
ToHighToSub Not true at all...skill was still needed. Gear has always been important and there have ALWAYS been OP classes so it's pointless to argue that. You can try and argue live is more balanced. But all I have to do is show you a feral lol... When Mike made this vid it was trendy to rag on Vanilla. But fact is PvPers back then had skill RELATIVE to the time. Plus they didn't have 10 years worth of experience, endless online guides, gladiator twitch streamers, etc etc...When someone says "People in Vanilla sucked" it makes me facepalm, because of the reason I mentioned.
@ToHighToSub10 жыл бұрын
EC X I was jokeing dude, i know you needed some skill as you do for anygame :P However that does not change the fact that if a t2.5 War charged a clothie and hit Mortal Strike it was GG, and that takes no skill.
@Sigmundfruit10 жыл бұрын
EC X the point still stands that naxx and some aq40 gear could one shot people
@devaldawgstormrage975210 жыл бұрын
I do miss the old all day Alterac Valley's wrecking faces on my first toon (Fury Warrior). The group work and community of pvp players on the server seemed so much more tight knit and friendly back then compared to nowadays. At least for the server of Perenolde, I don't know about others, but it was definitely a fun time and I'll never forget it.
@TheAceDread9 жыл бұрын
I disagree with your World PvP standpoint. It did not die after BG's were released. Obviously, when BG's were released, a lot of people did stop going out of their way to find fights in the world. But to say it died? That's just not true. Everyday there were still fights in Southshore, XRoads, outside the major cities, fucking everywhere. To reiterate, after BG's were released, a lot of people stopped logging out in Southshore/Tarren Mill just so they could start fighting as soon as they woke up. However, after the initial craze wore off and things stabilized, World PvP was just as active as it was before hand. I personally fucking loved Alterac Valley. There were actually real battles with 40v40. Now-a-days, the fucking armies just run RIGHT FUCKING PAST EACHOTHER!!!! Like, Oh, hello mortal enemies, were just gonna rush straight for Galv, lets hope we dont have a turtle match this game!@!
@carolasmx25169 жыл бұрын
TheAceDread yeah to say current AV is better than vanilla AV is absolute madness.
@youstandcorrected9 жыл бұрын
TheAceDread yeah, plus world PvP existed at flight points (for BRD,MC,BWL) where your whole guild was ambushed when trying to get to a raid. irritating as hell, but fun as fk. "we can't get to the raid, horde.." -EVERYONE OUT NOW! :)
@waaagh32039 жыл бұрын
+TheAceDread This is true. World PVP was solid all through Vanilla. Remember PVP guilds jumping PVE guilds trying to get to raids? That was some real fun!
@HorusHeresy19829 жыл бұрын
Man I forgot we used to get honour assigned weekly. Damn that's a flashback. Waiting for the weekly reset to see if you had the honour needed for the gear. Same for Arena when it was first released. I recall the Arena axe in TBC Season 3 was the best in game until you hit Black Temple. It was mandatory as a Hunter I had to PVP in arena to get that axe as the Opera event in Karazhan never dropped the axe and I was still lugging a polearm I got from Shadow Labs while progressing on Lady Vashj in T5 lol.
@xxoxoyyoyo513310 жыл бұрын
I feel like this channel is focused on hating vanilla,things aren't always black and white as they picture them to be.
@carolasmx25169 жыл бұрын
Xxoxo Yyoyo preach catered to an audience with this vid, which was the people who hated on the "nostalgics" but now the haters are far more obnoxious than the nostalgics
@ryancontant33949 жыл бұрын
In AV it was just Ivus or Lok. You'd also push after managing to farm enough resources to summon either your mercenary footmen, or your cavalry.
@D4AM10 жыл бұрын
The old honor system was perfect. You don't get it, what is BG pvp now? It's a MASSIVE grind. It's not fun. I made it to Commander back in Vanilla and I LOVED doing Bg's. It took a long time and the queue times were horrid, but I had fun and it actually showed commitment.
@byteresistor10 жыл бұрын
Yeah because the grind to rank #whatever was not a grind. /rollseyes
@D4AM10 жыл бұрын
byteresistor My point completely rolled over your head, read it again and use your brain please :)
@DriftNick10 жыл бұрын
Dane Mac What is your point? what has changed that makes grinding bg's all day less fun now other then maybe it being cross realm?
@byteresistor10 жыл бұрын
Dane Mac Was your point something like the following: old pvp was the gud new baad QQ
@D4AM10 жыл бұрын
I hadn't done any pvp in Wod when I wrote that. Was refering to Post-Cata
@Evravon6 жыл бұрын
Started playing Vanilla WoW a few months after release. I remember the early days of no battlegrounds pvp. That big dead tree outside Crossroads. I remember being level 49 with a friend and we would 2v1 this Undead Shadow Priest named Ilovelamp for hours every single day. We'd meet up, wave, then fight this guy over and over and over. BGs came out and I lost myself in them. I was alliance back then, and I only made it up to Marshall, but holy hell it felt like it took forever and was a grind.
@Denkart9 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but if the extent of your world pvp section in this video only covers hillsbrad, then you're missing a lot of info. You either never played vanilla, played on a pve server, or played on a dead server. World PvP was by no means dead as soon as battlegrounds came out. It was still very active. Towns and cities were raided regularly and you could find someone to fight in pretty much any zone. You don't even make mention of places like Blackrock Mountain. It's obvious to anyone who actually played and participated in vanilla pvp that you have no idea what you're talking about, at least when it comes to world pvp. I didn't bother to watch your video after the first few minutes of your video after it was clear you had no experience in what you were speaking about. Vanilla WoW wasn't perfect, but it was still great. You shouldn't make videos about topics that you're clueless about. There's a reason WoW subs were growing through Vanilla and BC, and falling so drastically once Cata, MoP, and WoD came out. It was obviously much better than the garbage that blizz force feeding WoW players today.
@huzzabuzatrolol9 жыл бұрын
fyi, he has played WoW since beta and played on a PvP server (Al'akir-EU) throughout vanilla. While he was mainly a raider/raid leader during that time, he did PvP some. All of that vanilla priest bg footage was him playing in vanilla, he still has that same priest to this day, it is just on a different server and has been race changed to undead.
@hykoru1939 жыл бұрын
telling preach he's clueless about WoW x))))))
@Denkart9 жыл бұрын
Christopher Chavez Honestly, I don't follow his youtube channel. With as many subs as he has, I'm sure he's very knowledgeable about WoW in it's current state. However, it's painfully obvious from the first few minutes of the video that he didn't have a whole lot of experience with world pvp in vanilla.
@catcosby9 жыл бұрын
+Denkart he was a raider. if you no-lifed pvp im sure you had alot more experience than he did....
@Spladoinkal9 жыл бұрын
+Denkart I agree. I was the pvp leader of a guild that had over 260 in it at one point and every Friday night I'd get a large group of people (mulitple 40 man raid groups) and coordinate them by vent. We'd go to Hilsbrad or crossroads or the horde area in darkshore and this was all AFTER bg started. One of my favorite experiences with gaming and the lack of that is the reason I don't play today. I still like to watch vids for old times sake though!
@eNSWE9 жыл бұрын
vanilla rank system sounds really cool with some tweaks and balancing. actually playing to improve and compete with players on the realm and getting rewarded based on how good you're doing sounds way more fun than just doing a grind for honor points that you use to buy stuff.
@basuo83789 жыл бұрын
vanilla = bad game lots of bugs terrible pvp balance 40 man raiding waseasy exepct naxx hardest part in raiding was not geting fucked over by dkp and geting 40 people
@Telarius9 жыл бұрын
+natures profit Yup! That's why on ever private server people faceroll the content, players are better now, almost every player keybinds and knows the tactics. The hardest part is getting a group together, rofl. Already 35% Of my old private server is done Nax and it came out 3 months ago. Like lol
@KevinArcade879 жыл бұрын
+Natsu Dragneel with vanilla talent point and skills? If not.. its those changes that make it so easy
@Telarius9 жыл бұрын
Yes, with Vanilla talent points and skills.
@basuo83789 жыл бұрын
+Natsu Dragneel yeah the content was pretty stupid and people think of the nostalgia when in fact BC is just vanilla that isn't bad lol. people always think of what they thought at the time. for example i thought question was the most fun in WoW and its dogshit other then some cata and wod quests.
@basuo83789 жыл бұрын
+Natsu Dragneel questing
@MrZodiark7 жыл бұрын
This just became most relevant thing ever today
@apo93237 жыл бұрын
Going to back to Classic boi
@uncleanon644511 жыл бұрын
"Aw the smell of bullshit". I'm sorry to break it to you, but WoW pvp was plain better pre pvp gear/arena bullshit. If you disagree you don't know shit about MMO's. It's pretty simple.
@Stinkfist93611 жыл бұрын
you have an awful taste in gaming if you think permanently unbalanced pvp was good in the first place.
@uncleanon644511 жыл бұрын
You have very bad judgment if you think that WoW pvp is "balanced" since the "pvp gear" introduction. (Everyone with half a brain knows that it's a complete balancing nightmare actually) Or to think the actual World of Warcraft did not stop being an mmo world after that "incident". To be melodramatic, it killed the fucking game bro. One has to actually don't like mmo's to not have realized that fact.
@Stinkfist93611 жыл бұрын
I didn't say WoW pvp was balanced with pvp gear lol, also if you really think that pvp gear "killed the game" well in the next expac they are dropping resilience and pvp power on the gear, take of those nostalgia goggles though, not only was vanilla pvp awful, almost every mmo aspect of vanilla was an unrefined mess. the game didn't start getting that playstyle we loved so much till late TBC and most of WOTLK. I gotta say though, playing right now is just like... fucking pandas man, why?
@thenarrator198411 жыл бұрын
100% agree uncle anon.
@thenarrator198411 жыл бұрын
***** it did kill the game. used to be you'd go into ANY zone on any server and there was 20-50 people playing in that zero.
@kyremz11 жыл бұрын
I was a rank 13 mage and didnt wanted to reach 14 cause I had the claw of chromagus and didnt felt like 1 more week whithout sleeping was worth it. I still remember the feeling... asking my causing to play 1 or 2 bgs for me so I could get a shower or even have breakfast. It was so fucking hardcore yet epic. It made you feel like you were really into the game cause you almost had to live for it. You dont speak about "real" outdoor, just the pre-bg soutshore zerging (shatthrah mages). The "real" outdoor was waiting ppl at the blackrock entrance and try to kill them down before their raid arrives, killing people at Tyr's hand while they were triying to farm the aye of flame or some orbs for the crusade enchant or maybe seek fortune at the scholo/baron entrance and try to 1v5, among others. By the way, I dunno if you killed c'thun by that time but it was even more hardcore. Hours dedicated to farm for flasks and potions and weeks of wipes. Conclusion: Vanilla = Hardcore gaming (before beeing a gamer was considered cool, it was more like considered ultra nerd and you had to hide it) and now ... I dont really know, I quit at LK cause I didnt feel it anymore. Anyway you show mouseclicker captures telling the pvp sucked and that we should feel bad for enjoy it ... totally disagree.
@MyViolador8 жыл бұрын
So many triggered vanilla pvpers
@Neox198611 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention how the PvP Trinkets worked back then. They were class specific and dident reamove all CC. Some classes got a trinket that romved Fear, Sheep and sleep, and another class got something completly diffrent.
@ВладЧумаков-д1х10 жыл бұрын
i hate vanilla(
@RainniteGaming8 жыл бұрын
Maydie is still my fav pvp video.
@xxxDjFreddyxxx9 жыл бұрын
@simplicity27199 жыл бұрын
Freddy Olsen Aren't u immature.
@sleazysid2539 жыл бұрын
Freddy Olsen Clicker? This was taken back in Vanilla, genius. That's how the game was played.
@xxxDjFreddyxxx9 жыл бұрын
LJ Sidwell that is prob the most stupid reason to ever come up with
@sleazysid2539 жыл бұрын
You obviously didn't play back then. Proceed.
@xxxDjFreddyxxx9 жыл бұрын
LJ Sidwell nope, im just 2.5 rated np im bad . pceout bye pve scroob
@stinger15au11 жыл бұрын
For all of its problems, vanilla wow both pvp and raids had an absolute epic feeling about it. From a purely technological, mechanical and logistics standpoint the current game is better for sure, but for some reason the epicness, the difficulty, the frustration, the time, all that added up so when you DID finally kill that boss, or obtain that rank, it really did feel epic. I still like to load up an old classic pricate server every now and then to bring back that feeling
@captainfaya10 жыл бұрын
you'r all wrong. You didnt play vanilla. Just delete this vid.
@JacobGLush10 жыл бұрын
Gotta love youtube, even when someone puts video of them playing pvp in vanilla, people will claim that you never played vanilla. Of course, disregarding all of the other footage from other videos.
@paulreeves859410 жыл бұрын
TELL ME GO to trUThcOnTEst$~`5coM, reaD tHe presEnt$~`
@elenien10 жыл бұрын
HatersGonnaRage there are about 15 seconds of vanilla footage, whos to say its him playing in those 15seconds? rest is from TBC/MOP etc. just look at the gear.
@JacobGLush10 жыл бұрын
Leo Christoffer Winnem Preach Gaming. Priest name is Preach. He's told stories about how he played priest in vanilla. Pretty obvious to me.
@Sigmundfruit10 жыл бұрын
he was a raid leader in vanilla, he tells stories of his old serbian guildmates and other things that happened
@danielskrivan69218 жыл бұрын
The problem with AV (nowadays, anyway) is that there is no requirement to fight at the objectives. Warsong Gulch: you need to fight at a flag to either defend it or get it back. Arathi Basin: you need to fight at the nodes, or else you will lose your nodes (or not gain enough nodes if you're losing). Alterac Valley: it's often a race where nobody kills anyone on the opposite faction, because losing a quick AV is more currency-per-hour than winning a "long" AV (meaning 30-45 minutes).
@DiamondTear10 жыл бұрын
I did not regret stopping at 13. And I didn't regret getting to 13 either. It was one of the best experiences in WoW. I got to 13 on a horde warlock while I raided Naxx on my alliance druid.