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The Loneliness is real. How do you/I deal with it?

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Life with Jack and Nicole

Life with Jack and Nicole

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Loneliness is not just a problem for those that have lost loved ones. Recent studies indicate the problem of Loneliness is spreading throughout society. We know now that the lockdowns and isolation during the pandemic did nobody any favors and the damage will likely be felt for many years. For me personally, my Loneliness comes from not having my Pam with me anymore. Days like today the pain feels more intense. I'm told it's just part of the grief journey. But, like many of you, I'm tired of it.

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@leebuchtel4660 Жыл бұрын
Don't apologize Jack. I lost my wife of 40 years 20 months ago. I still have meltdowns and sleep in. Everything you share I relate to. Thank you.
@joycee1039 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. My husband has been gone over 3 years. I still am in love with him. Irreplaceable.
@ceegee100 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy, can I relate. It's been 9 months since my outwardly strong, healthy husband passed away in hospice from cancer 11 days from his official diagnosis. I'm still reeling. Many days I don't want to get out of bed, other days I feel I'm coping, but in truth those days are rare. Getting out of the house is a temporary fix, but then coming home to an empty house is the absolute worst. I've traveled to visit family a couple of times since he passed and all I can think while I'm there is that he should be there with us. I go to grief counseling and meet up with other widows and widowers who understand what it's like, but, again it's a temporary fix to a permanent situation. I miss him all the time. All I can do is hope and pray for better days ahead. It's all any of us can do. Take care, Jack.
@shariyahlevvi9142 4 ай бұрын
Same here. Nights and weekends are the worse.
@lynny5510 Жыл бұрын
I miss my husband so much that I will literally physically ache. I literally ache all over. It feels kind of like a flu. It is the strangest thing. It started right after he died. It comes and goes. I have had check ups and I am fine. So it is just grief manifesting itself physically. Sometimes I go to Cracker Barrel and sit there by myself and see all these older people, sometimes very older people coming and going. I remember saying to my husband while sitting and waiting for a table at CB not long before he died, "I want that to be me and you one day" and he squeezed my hand and said "It will be". But it won't be. And I think of that everyday. I understand everything you are saying. Some days I do decide to just stay in bed. I just sleep off and on. And I find it is good for me to just not do anything sometimes. Thanks again for sharing what has been going on with you. It helps me to know I am ok. And I will keep being ok.
@WeepingWidowSueAna Жыл бұрын
This broke my heart because I feel the exact same way.... it's just so heart breaking. I am so sorry!!!!
@lynny5510 Жыл бұрын
@@WeepingWidowSueAna From one widow to another...thank you. And I am so sorry for what you are going through as well. I watch your channel too and my heart breaks every time I hear you speak of your loss. I relate to every thing you say. I watch your channel and this one to connect with someone who can understand the pain I live with every day. I have no one I can share that with. I use to share everything with my husband. Now there is no one to connect to. I get the feeling you understand that too. God bless you my friend.
@Anondlynn Жыл бұрын
Believe me I totally understand, I lost my husband 26 months ago. Everyone that thinks that life just carries on like normal afterwards given enough time have no idea. day they too will understand. God Bless💔
@bipinparmar7645 Жыл бұрын
Yes Jack everyday is crap,some people can talk, write make videos and try to express them selfs. I do not want to live till I am hundred I would gladly go today, no one understands until they are in that position. WHAT IS THE POINT OF GOING ON.
@WeepingWidowSueAna Жыл бұрын
This is spot on for me, Jack. SPOT ON. Exactly how I have been feeling for the last month. It's like you are inside of my head knowing what I am thinking and feeling. That emptiness, that loneliness.. it is just so profound and makes you physically ill and drained. No matter how many people you talk to, how many activities you do.. it is never able to fill that void and it can't. No amount of dating again, doing new hobbies, or anything else will ever fill that painful, deep hole that is inside of me now. I am so sorry that you are going through this too. Seeing older couples together who got to have my dream.. that is the hardest thing I have ever had to face.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing a bit of your story and I'm so sorry you too are going thru this as well. I always like sharing my pro football player analogy on grief. I had a player tell me how he injured his knee, thought his career was over. However, he had surgery followed by physical therapy and was back in the game one year later. However, he said despite being back on the field he never forgets the injury. I think that's what grief and loss is like. We can get back into daily routines but we never, every forget the one we lost.
@rabick62 Жыл бұрын
Well said, I understand, I'm sorry for your loss. All we can do is try our best. Praying for you.
@WeepingWidowSueAna Жыл бұрын
@@lifewithjackandnicole Thank you so much for replying and that is a good example about the football player. Yes. It is so true. We may be able to get back to some semblance of a life, but it will never be the same. We'll never be 100% like we were before. We may continue to function and some may even thrive again, but we will never forget the one we lost and there will always be that wound or scar to carry with us until we go home to Heaven. I really appreciate your videos. You have such a calming and soothing demeanor about you and it helps me. Thank you.
@WeepingWidowSueAna Жыл бұрын
@@rabick62 Thank you for those prayers. God bless you.
@picklemommy87 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate you being real. It’s been over 3yrs now that I lost my husband & some days I’m able to occupy myself & be busy. But some days, as you know, that doesn’t even help. And I get tired of the TV too after awhile. Anyway, I just appreciate you being real about what it’s really like. Helps the rest of us know we’re not the only one. 💕
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. I'm so very sorry you lost your soulmate. However, you are correct that it seems to help a little by knowing we are not alone on this journey. Not sure if or can it ever be great again but if I simply have some "ok" days that's considered a win.
@clarencehogrefe1220 7 ай бұрын
My Beautiful Wife Jan went to Heaven Feb 2021, almost 3 years. I try all the things we all do. Staying busy helps a little sometimes, nobody in our home. The Loneliness.has really been hitting me very hard the last few months. For me it is very hard trying to do a lot of things myself, Grocery stores are very difficult seeing people together. Iam 72 and i have many sad days. Jan is the Love of my Life and my Soulmate. I no Jan is always with me and i talk to her all of my waking hours, Jan waiting for mr in Heaven. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
@EdLyk Жыл бұрын
Jack, it is okay to say "WE traveled". I do that too. Susan is in my heart just as Pam is in your heart. She will be with you forever. I battle loneliness every day. Even if I am with my daughters I still feel alone. But then I remember, she is still with me in my heart. Yes, I'd much rather have her beside me, but this is what I have now.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thanks again for sharing. "We" will always be part of our vocabularies. We have some good friends and they put it best when they said there is simply no Jack without Pam.
@brendafrancis3939 Жыл бұрын
Saturday was an incredibly long day for me as well. It was beautiful weather here in Tennessee and I didn't have a thing planned. Around 8 a.m. I texted my daughter and asked if she'd like to go for a drive to locate land once owned by our ancestors. She said she'd get back to me. So, I sat here all day waiting to hear from her. Finally, I sent another text. She apologized, saying she'd taken a nap and totally forgot to get back with me. Already feeling down, now my feelings were also hurt. I made it through the rest of the day then, went to bed early thinking maybe tomorrow won't be so lonely. These kind of days happen and I've learned to work through them.
@garyingram6466 Жыл бұрын
I'm right there with you. Lost wife 17 months ago. It us still a struggle but I'm trying. The last two days have been very emotional for me. I just miss her so much! Trying to find my purpose in life without her.
@rhondawilkins_ Жыл бұрын
I posted a lengthy message and it seems to have been removed. I am 5 1/2 years widowed. I actually wished Jack a Happy Father's Day since he has a daughter and a son. I also have a daughter, age 22 and a son, age 27 that are a part of my husband KEITH. I was suggesting Jack put some energy into his son and daughter because they are part of his wife Pam. The best way to honor our deceased spouses memory is to find things to do with our children or grandchildren that are part of them. My son and daughter are still SINGLE, unmarried. When I miss Keith really bad or grief begins to overtake me...I try to find outings, venues, concerts, church events, etc. that I can do with my 2 children because it honors the memory of my husband Keith.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I really appreciate your comments. I see my kids quite often, but of course, they are not the same as having Pam. We loved our kids but were never victims of empty nest syndrome, so I'm not longing for visits with them. Don't get me wrong, we enjoy one another's company, but they have busy lives, which I'm thankful for. I also volunteer at church and work twice a month with special needs adults. I travel for work and maintain this youtube channel and podcast. Did I mention I hike and play golf. The point being that staying busy and involved with my kids is not the issue. I simply miss Pam and the fun times we had together. As you know, the grief journey is different for everyone and sounds like you are in a good place. I'm happy for you, and I know others are, too. BTW, you should check out some of our travel videos from time to time. Last I looked, there were over 500! Take care.
@pamcornelius9122 Жыл бұрын
I’m grateful you do these types of videos because you describe my feelings perfectly. This August will be two years since my husband went to Heaven. I miss him every minute of every day. I pray for God to give him updates and to let him know how much I love and miss him. I feel like I’ll carry a certain amount of sadness forever.
@rmurphy3435 Жыл бұрын
Me too, till we meet again is all l can hope for, love shared is never lost.
@rabick62 Жыл бұрын
I ask the same thing of God. Prayer's for you.
@laurenorce2240 Жыл бұрын
WOW... Jack I so appreciate this video. I lost my husband of 30 years almost 2 years ago and I can relate to every single thing you said. The ups and downs of this grieving rollercoaster is hell. I struggle every single day with the loneliness. People telling me to date makes me so uncomfortable. I love my husband and I wear my wedding ring, case closed. I'm so grateful I found this video, Thank you. Have a great day!
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and needless to say I am so very sorry for your loss. I too still wear my wedding ring. The way I see it, she's now my heavenly wife! Take care.
@mjadd Жыл бұрын
I can certainly relate to the ups and downs. Some days are just crashes. This weekend is 131 weeks since my husband suddenly died. I talk to him out loud every day. I ask his advice and know exactly how he would give it. That helps me. I sing his songs and tell his jokes. That all keeps him here with me. He was such a wonderful man and I am blessed each day for having been his wife and best friend. He will always be my husband. That just is my truth and I’d not change it for anything. I know you feel this way for Pam. Sometimes we just tire from that loneliness.
@camperschoice8802 Жыл бұрын
I'm a single bachelor, unsuccessful in finding a mate. When I am depressed I try and be thankful and grateful for what I do have. Depression is a mental illness and you have to work at it sometimes daily until better times come. The good part is that your mood will eventually change. A golf match does it for me when I win. Good luck to those suffering from depression for what ever reason. Just remember there is hope for all of us. Don't let this temporary illness get the better of you.
@user-lm4nc2bp1r Жыл бұрын
Jack, thanks for doing these videos they sure help me, I lost my Sally on 11-07-2020 a little over 31 months ago suddenly to a heart attack. We were married for 46 years and together for 50 years, one of the hardest things is being a me instead of we, and like you I never know when loneliness is going to attack me it can hit in the middle of a crowd of family and friends. All we can do is keeping on living and try to do things that would make our lost loved one proud of us. God bless everyone going thru this journey. Thanks Jim
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Sally. Hopefully you find a little comfort here where so many of us are on the same journey and we share our experiences. I've mentioned before about what you did on feeling alone in a crowd and even with friends and family. Most people don't understand that but it is truly a battle no matter where or whom we are with. Thanks again for watching our channel.
@stellafong-goodhart7121 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate your realness. You made me laugh when you said with our luck, we probably live to 100. This is my thought exactly. Sometimes really tire of trying and be strong.
@jbail9149 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for putting into words and video how I may feel more often than I want. It is good to hear someone else with similar experience. My children and friends don’t seem to understand and really don’t want to hear these feelings. You are right, tomorrow should be a better day, but they aren’t all better. I have come to the conclusion that it is based on the fact we were blessed to be married to such wonderful people. I have no doubt God brought her into my life. And even though her life was cut short, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I would rather have had this time with her and lost her than never had such a great love. I will include you in my prayers. Again, thank you so much!
@rabick62 Жыл бұрын
I hear you Jack, loud and clear. Thank you for being so honest with your feelings. It's been 17 months since my wife went to Heaven. Most days are still hard for me, but not all at least. Was thinking the other day besides the loneliness and sadness I'm so dang bored, bored with life. But doing the best I can. Ready to go Home in Heaven, but will stay and do the best I can. Mother Theresa once said loneliness is the biggest problem in the world, I believe she was right.
@gf1001 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jack thank you for making this video, losing pam is like losing part of you. The love you shared shines through and helps so many of us with similar experiences, bless you and thank you. Always say we as you do love never dies, even if they are no longer here with us on earth...
@sandrapleasure4027 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jack, My grief is fresh because my sweet, kind husband passed away on March 8, 2023. I'm still reeling and I'm beginning to come to term with the loss. Please continue to keep it real because I'm so new to all of this and I need all of the advice and encouragement that I can get. I also like to hear the grief journey from a male's perspective and hearing you speak of your past experiences and present has really been on point. Wandering around, empty weekends, lonely moments are all things that I can relate to. Thank You.
@Macx912 Жыл бұрын
I now realize that I cut the loneliness by writing in my journal. I lost my wife of 41 years in 2021. I write a letter to her everyday in a journal telling her about my day, what I miss, what family is doing, anything, everything and sometimes nothing. I guess I cut the loneliness by doing this and I didn’t even know it. Thanks for opening my eyes.
@lizgreco3611 10 ай бұрын
Totally understand, it's called true love, true devotion, it's never the same, our hearts are broken in half, there is no cure,
@bobb9541 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for having the strength to share your feelings. Hearing someone else verbalize the same feelings and emotions I have daily helps to some degree. Next month will be two years for me missing my lovely wife. Some days the emptiness and loneliness are hard to endure. Other days are somewhat better but never great. Staying busy helps. Take care and thank you again.
@myrtleesther8855 8 ай бұрын
Losing a dearly loved one is such a lonely journey, facing feelings, thoughts and vulnerabilities you never knew before and trying to make a new life alone when you don't want to be happy again because it feels disloyal to them!
@grandmasue2892 Жыл бұрын
This was spot on, Jack! Just what I needed to hear. I had plans for working around the house today and then I find myself going thru boxes of photos and drifting down memory lane. After much tears, all I had energy for was a nap. I lost all motivation for my plans. I felt exhausted. Thank you for clarifying that grief is physically exhausting because I can testify to that. I will try not to be hard on myself for being unproductive but like you said, sometimes we need to just have a little down time. I never tire of your videos and they seem to always be so timely. 13 months for me and part of my heart just cannot accept he is gone. Some days it all seems so surreal. I will work on making a better tomorrow. Thanks for sharing. We need each other's support as we walk the road that God has prepared for us. God bless you!
@martijohnson9912 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jack...I would absolutely love to be on the other side of that table chatting with you...I feel so much the same . I lost my husband a little over a year ago. God bless ....
@tragedytrousers1769 Жыл бұрын
The loneliness is crushing at times. 😢 but... consider if the rolls were reversed.
@snowyowlz5992 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jack since my wife died two years ago, I’m working on putting my life together again. We were married 43 years. For me once was enough for relationships. Even as an introvert it still gets lonely. I’ve turned to Classical, Harp, Organ music along with Bluegrass music for most of my music. I have come to appreciate these types of music for the same reasons King David did: being a soldier. Keep up the good work.
@cliffmoore1360 8 ай бұрын
Good morning Jack Last night (Christmas 2023), I came home after spending the afternoon with my Son and my grandkids. I turned my set on and went to it the KZbin channel and found your very moving video.I lost my wife on January 26 of this year. So yes this has been a very depressing year for me, in so many ways. Dee and I, like you and Pam were active. We enjoys some the more low keyed experiences of going to our favorite shops, restaurants or just taking a drive somewhere. She was and is my soulmate! So I watched your video and I couldn’t help but feel that I have said these almost exact words mostly to myself. We suffer alone but we are not alone! I know what you mean when you say that talking things out even into a camera phone helps. I talk to Dee all the time. Mostly in the mornings and in the evenings but I do make it a regular thing. I like to think that she hears some of the things I say. No matter what our background is, I think that most of us know deep inside that there is much more than this life and that our separation from our loved ones is temporary. This thought is what gets me through the day. Your video really hit very close to home and in a way brought some comfort. Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts with all us perfect strangers who are not all that strange. Cliff
@lifewithjackandnicole 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words and needless to say I am very sorry for the loss of your lovely wife. It is such a long and difficult road but in time some things will become a little easier but the hole in the heart is always there and over time does heal some. It's like a pro football player shared with me once. You can injure your knee, have surgery, rehab and return to the playing field. Yes, you are back in the game, but you never forget the injury.
@nickspitzer1896 Жыл бұрын
So Completely normal to feel like you do I mean you are alone right. I realized a few years ago that loneliness and that emptiness is "the person" you love and miss It seems so obvious right well it took me a very very very long time to actually realize that. They are like a fingerprint no two are the same and that loneliness can never be fixed by anyone else except that person you love and miss why because no person no drug no words nothing can replace that special person in your life that's what makes them so special. living with it doesn't mean being happy it just means living with it and that's what you're doing as best you can. I'm in a simial situation I lost my best friend on 5-10-22 she was 8 years younger than me. It was change not by choice. I'm completely lost and broken without her. losing her was the worst day of my life I will never be the same and I will always miss her.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Yes indeed, it's just part of our new normal, whatever that is which seems to change every day. Needless to say I am so very sorry you lost your soulmate. It is such a tough journey we are on but it seems there is a little comfort knowing we are not alone.
@reggiekornas1267 9 ай бұрын
Jack I lost my wife two years ago. We were a lot like you and Pam. The lonest doesn't go away it seems on days like you said; they seem to feel worst.
@heidiachauer9562 Жыл бұрын
Your videos help me so much! Thank you! I too, understand the lonely feelings, but I try to tell myself tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes
@SueCL1480 Жыл бұрын
This is sad Jack. So sorry you are hurting so much. Father God please comfort Jack and give him peace. Amen.
@lindahollister-nelson Жыл бұрын
Traveling With Jack and Pam... I'm so sorry you're dealing with these crappy emotions Jack, dam it all 😖😤 they're so harrrrd 😫😠
@mariahoughton2998 10 ай бұрын
Wow Jack !!! This video really made me feel like someone out there really understands my pain !! I was married for 42 years to my best friend also and your words today really is the way I’m feeling! Terry and I traveled together and loved doing a lot of things and went to some of same places that you and Pam were at . Terry also died of Cancer and it’s been a little over 3 months since he passed 😌my heart is so broken and I miss him more than I could ever express in words . Thank you so much for this KZbin page ! I can’t imagine just how many people out there that u help get through their days
@ajcrum3689 Жыл бұрын
i’m so sorry for ur grief ur having to go thru . i am not a widow but my hubby is gone over half a month every month he flys international so most trips are 2 weeks at a time sometimes i feel so alone that i can relate to a widow . i know some people will think i’m crazy but it’s true being alone can be so hard sometimes . i try to stay busy but the weekends are the worst for me cause if i do go out everyone is out with their families . my brother is going thru this now as he is waiting for his wife to pass any day from cancer . he told me the last 2 1/2 years have been living thru hell watching his wife battle and suffer at times . my sil will be going to heaven any day now my brother broke down and said he doesn’t know how he will deal with being alone once she is gone . we talked for 2 hours and i’m so glad we had this talk he needed it and so did i . we are actually moving to be by our kids and grand kids so that will help big time . i hope ur doing better today .
@georgeestes9591 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video and the feelings it acknowledges. I watched it on Father’s Day - not as bad as the first Mother’s Day after losing my wife, but not great, either. Just know that there are others you have helped by your openness.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words and for sharing a bit of your story.
@kendemers8821 Жыл бұрын
I can't imagine how difficult life must be for you without Pam. I wish you the very best on your journey of healing after this great loss.
@kjs6469 Жыл бұрын
Almost every weekend is lonely, just my dog and me. I feel sorry for him because my wife was always attentive to him, he looks at me like lets do something and I just cant. I just try and stay busy with house work and yard work, which there is plenty of. It use to be that we would do these things together and now it's just me and my dog. Love your videos, they help to keep me going forward.
@deemarch2089 Жыл бұрын
Hope your Sunday. Was better Father’s Day. - we didn’t have kids. So I understand your loneliness. 🙏🏻better tomorrow
@jodipirelli8480 Жыл бұрын
Jeff, thank you so much for sharing this video. I’m sending you a virtual hug and it’s true. You show me your videos very uplifting and when I’m having more than the occasional down day because I have more down days than I do good days it’s only been a year for me with the sudden loss of my husband, the days that I see couples in the grocery store or Home Depot at the going to the beach and out to dinner and I’m just sitting there watching them watching the time go bye I realize that the sunny days hurt just as much as the rainy ones and I realize that every day I wake up and my 2 feet hit the floor then I’m one more day to get into heaven I’m hoping that my husband remembers my face. I don’t know much about children but my husband and I adopted his granddaughter in 2019 and we didn’t plan enter pass away in 2022, and I will be a single parent of just 15 year old that’s a challenge in and of itself. Some days I don’t want to even do that most days I don’t even want to do that most of y’all don’t mention your children that much and I suspect it’s because they’re younger and have their own things to do and the grease doesn’t bother them the way it bothers us. That’s the way I look at it in my house anyways, there’s no benefit me children don’t seem to offer much Grace these days! Either way your video shows that you are real, just like us, and that you feel the same way that we do and you have down days just like we do and we can only hope and pray that God will give us some sort of. Signed it. I loved ones are making a place for us to join them soon! Happy Father’s Day, Jack stay strong, my friend
@barbchrisman5066 Жыл бұрын
I'm 6.5 years along this road ... I 100% track with you. And you're normal.
@tessymccall9271 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Jack, reminds me of that song by BJ Thomas, "I'm so lonely I could die"....
@patriot1564 Жыл бұрын
I believe writing a book of your love story will probably help.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Actually, I've been in talks with a small publisher about doing that. Thanks for your support and sharing in our little community here.
@janjones91 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for being real...Its been 6 years for me...I had to move closer to my family and that had helped me with the loneliness...God's Blessings
@alanserjeant4947 Жыл бұрын
Your videos don't have to have a point Jack. Just having a guy talking who has already been through the nightmare journey I started three months ago after a 30 year happy marriage is enough for me. Listening to you has really helped me so much. Thank You.
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thanks for that!
@wandasewell4501 27 күн бұрын
It's hard to lose a loved one, especially our spouse, who slowly was dying and becoming their caretaker. 2 weeks before my husband died, we were talking about going to Hawaii, and I knew it was just a dream, but fun to talk about.
@songbird5030 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for talking about this.....loneliness, it is so hard to be without our painful! It is helpful to have you talk about it! There is no one to talk about it with. Thank you!
@songbird5030 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for being honest!!
@danielseaton984 25 күн бұрын
I appreciate your videos. The loss of your wife and the emotions that are expressed are so similar to what I’m feeling. My wife died in June and like you said in one of your videos, you’re not crying as much now but the feelings run deep. Knowing that you are coping gives me solace. Thank you
@leeverrill Жыл бұрын
Wow that was a heartfelt video..remember to always appreciate what you have because some day you may not have it...God bless you brother.
@robbryant1636 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, Jack. I needed it today as I feel like I'm having a similar day and your videos help me to feel less lonely. I hope you have a better tomorrow!
@dawncordero7760 6 ай бұрын
Jack! You sound just like me! OMG! I thought I was the only one with these exact feelings but you’re speaking out of your mouth but it’s coming out of my head every day! Feels good to know I’m normal sometimes I think I’m going crazy! The loneliness, the pain, the feelings of being short changed when I see other couples out and about happy and retired and living their dream💔. it’s not that I wanna take anything from those people. I want them to have that but I just wanted it too with my soulmate my best friend, my everything my Philip 😢. thank you so much for these videos. You have no idea I feel like I found a friend. A friend that actually understands what I’m going through without me having to try to explain it and them still not getting it no matter how hard I try. God bless you and I’m gonna look up all your videos and watch them all!
@equynenergie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks Jack for sharing and validating our pain alone ❤️‍🩹
@DeeBurleson Жыл бұрын
🙏. Praying for your grief and sadness.
@lindahollister-nelson Жыл бұрын
Traveling With Jack and Pam... Jack!! Consider this. Would you want Pam to do what you're doing and suffering with if you had left herrrrr 🤔??? It's a loneliness pain that's nearly unbearable until the next Love, life partner. Open your HEART again to the next Love/Loves and enjoy partnered happiness again so you can continue enjoying LIFE with a partner AGAIN. People come into our lives for a reason, or a season, or a lifetime. Divorce is another good example of that sadly for some, a good thing for some. You Jack were Pammmm's lifetime. She wasn't your lifetime. She was a season of your life. You were a chapter in herrrrrr life. I won't believe Pam would want you suffering as you still are and not taking part in actively seeking another partner in your life. I won't believe Pam would want you to not have another partner in love to enjoy happiness with again. I won't believe Pam would want you to not share yourself and your the love you know with another partner! You don't have travels with Pam anymore Jack. Those ended. It's Jack only for now, until you change it or create something different, or allow something new and different to develop in your now new life. It's sad to see family or friends live out the rest of their life alone, clinging to the spouse that passed and that relationship because of a promise made or burial plots purchased or family reasons. Death parted your ways and ties to one another in the Living. Some thoughts to consider and that's all. I personally feel a little better now 😄 Cheers to Love, Friendship, Companionship, Partnership, for the world is not meant to be a lonely, single life existence for humans, I won't believe it.
@myriamdavid8755 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to my life Just hang on You will have better days
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Indeed, I tell people it's like fishing on the ocean. Some days the seas are calm and other days the waves are so big they capsize your boat.
@myriamdavid8755 Жыл бұрын
@@lifewithjackandnicole Yep
@equynenergie 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing …. I so get this and the same feelings
@Julian.Castro Жыл бұрын
I can so relate this right now. I feel ya. Sending a hug.
@alaskagreat2019 Жыл бұрын
Hello Jack, new sub hier. Greetings from Netherlands!😊
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@nevenkalazo1447 Жыл бұрын
❤El dolor queda siempre. Perdi hace 2022 en julio a mi amigo muy querido tenia 61 años de cancer. 😢 Pero la vida sigue Abrazos y besos animo y vivir los que nos queda cuidese .Aca entramos al Invierno y es en esta estacion del año cuando me deprimo por lo oscuro del cielo ...cuando llega la primavera florezco 😂 y ustedes entran en verano 🎉
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so hard losing the ones we love but our hope is in Christ and a life beyond this in heaven. Take care and thank you for watching and subscribing to our channel.
@nevenkalazo1447 Жыл бұрын
@@lifewithjackandnicole buenas noches. Muchas bendiones.
@lizi5102 Ай бұрын
Thank you❤
@deborahmartin1432 Жыл бұрын
Ah Jack miss you here in Medford.
@pathughes1777 Жыл бұрын
You’re probably tired after your busy week. Your tomorrow will be a better day Jack!
@cherylhedgespeth6466 Жыл бұрын
It is one day at a time.
@sherrycortese5856 10 ай бұрын
I've been a widow for 21 months now. I'm not handling it well. I don't recognize my life or myself. I don't have the energy to conjure up a reason to do most everything. What's the point?
@lifewithjackandnicole 10 ай бұрын
I am so very sorry for your loss. What you are feeling is perfectly normal. It's a long and difficult road when dealing with loss and grief. Be kind to yourself and just know you are not alone on this journey as many of us are having to learn this new way of life. Slowly it will get a little better but we will always have a hole in our heart. The key is to simply keep putting one foot in front of the other. As a fellow widower told me, even baby steps will work.
@thomasavona1 Жыл бұрын
They are other spirits you can connect with. Most of us never had a soulmate but many close friends , find a friend
@lennyanders1639 Жыл бұрын
When I first watched your videos I thought Pam died a few weeks ago but 4 years ago? Geeze, you can't wear the grieving widower label as a badge of honor for the rest of your life, if you don't find another woman you're going to grieve yourself to an early grave. My father told me that no woman is so unique and special that she can't be replaced, I'm sure Pam was special but she would want you to be happy and not for you to constantly grieve over her.
@sherrycortese5856 10 ай бұрын
Have you lost a spouse? I'd be interested to hear how you went about following your own advice.
@grace.victoria Жыл бұрын
What about adopting a dog?? They love to spend time with you and they are great when you are feeling down! ❤
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Both Pam and I always liked dogs but am just away from home too much for work to give it the attention it needs. Maybe later down the road but just not at this time. Thanks for watching our channel.
@margueritemullarkey1866 10 ай бұрын
How about inviting another woman into your life? If nothing else it could be a nice diversion ! Try it,you might like it. I did!😊
@vedrakuca Жыл бұрын
Stop eating so healthy, stop sleeping ect.and you wan't live till 102
@lifewithjackandnicole Жыл бұрын
Wish that were true. Unfortunately, my sweet wife was 5-4, 115 pounds her entire life. Always ate right and we exercised daily with each other. She didn't even make it to 60. Just further proof that only God knows our final number and no matter what we do, it's not our decision to make. But then again, that's just my opinion which is highly debatable.
@edmundpotrzeba6094 6 ай бұрын
The old saying that love is the other side of grief is certainly true the problem is that the deeper the love the deeper the grief and there’s no escape from that only more pain. 🥲
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