The Lost Tomb of Jesus--A Critical Look from All Sides!

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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@JamesTaborVideos Күн бұрын
@ALL who are commenting on this video, I thank you for your interest and your responses so far. I simply can't take the time to reply to each of you although I appreciate your input. My one suggestion would be to update your knowledge of the research over the past decade and a half on the topic by looking at the Description and the links I offer so you can get up to speed. For me to just repeat what is there to dozens of people here who are making inaccurate assertions or "shooting from the hip" as we say, would not make good sense as a way of communicating. I take it that those in fact interested will dig a bit deeper and take that time. Otherwise it is what it is. This video is part of the "archive," and it is what it is. I am making it available as it would otherwise be lost. Since it came out the very day the film aired on Discovery--and I give the link to the film for those who bother to read the description--it represents the early reactions, and there was a lot of inaccurate information and assertions made here.
@darthorama Күн бұрын
I’m totally fascinated by the subject. I’ve read all that you’ve written, watched all your videos and read info from numerous other sources. Your video “The James Ossuary- Getting the Facts Straight”…I bet I’ve watched that 6 or 7 times. Love it! I’m just not totally down with “The Lost Tomb of Jesus”. It’s not because I don’t believe it’s entirely possible, but because of the presentation. I rewatched after posting earlier and still feel the same way. “Dr” Pellegrino? I read one of his books. I’ll just leave it that I’m not a fan. Hell, I’m just an agnostic with an avid interest religion and history. Maybe in the age of Trump, misinformation and downright disdain for expert “elite” opinions, I’ve become sensitive. Idk
@Ammeeeeeeer 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the video Dr Tabor, you're certainly more fair and open minded than the moderator in the vid 😄
@jameslifetalks 25 минут бұрын
I now understand how it works. You are a gentleman sir. I will watch more of your videos to understand your point of view. May I make lives or videos on my understanding of what you are saying, and try to have discussions with others out there?
@EvanGrambas Күн бұрын
Prof Tabor, you are always a gentleman.
@annettecloutier2094 Күн бұрын
Way ahead of the curve, you were then and are now, Professor Tabor!
@sirvicemanone Күн бұрын
I agree with you Professor Tabor although to some very controversial provides a welcome perspective and position much wanted and needed in education today. I have learned alot in following his biblical discussions regardless of agreeing or disagreeing with his findings and respect his positions!
@davashorb6116 23 сағат бұрын
Thnk you, Simcha and Dr. Tabor. ❤
@msluvnbloved Күн бұрын
Simcha and this show changed my life, it ignited my curiosity as to biblical history. My lack of access to biblical documentaries prompted me to read more. I would love to watch the whole series again. It’s a shame everyone gave him such a hard time, as he said, he is a filmmaker and he did a great job. Those guys would have hid that story from everyone just because it can’t be proved 100%. Sometimes a compelling story will cause others to finish the work, and I’m glad he brought the story to the public. He needs to do more, he’s very talented and if the series can be rewatched on any platform,I’d love to know where I could find it.
@DN-kf4gg Күн бұрын
It’s all over KZbin. Just search “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.”
@sp1ke0kill3r Күн бұрын
> t’s a shame everyone gave him such a hard time, as he said, he is a filmmaker Don't know, because he seems to bill himself as a journalist or filmmaker depending on the point he wants to make: If he's being questioned on accuracy, he's just a "film maker"
@DrDM2007 Күн бұрын
I believe the Talpiot tomb is the tomb of Yeshua and his family! I have read much on this topic. I attended the University of LaVerne many years ago and took a class by professor Reed. I am a retired neuropsychologist who enjoys reading all I can on Yeshua! Thank you Dr. Tabor for your knowledge. I have read most of your books. Thank you Mr. Jacobovici for your journlism and exceptional film productions. Praying for all those in Israel ❤🙏🏻🇮🇱🇺🇸
@Ghost_bros 18 сағат бұрын
You'll believe in anything
@xifangyangren9997 Күн бұрын
I’m not offended by Ted Koppel’s hard and probing questions. I wish more of today’s journalists were as thorough as Mr. Koppel.
@anthonycostine5067 Күн бұрын
I split my sides laughing at the 3 Christians who appear during the 2nd half. Their every utterance proves that blind faith is anathema to rational argument.
@bensinclair8684 Күн бұрын
Boy that moderator is gunning for you guys.
@danielgregg2530 Күн бұрын
You don't remember Ted Koppel? This is klassic Koppel.
@StefanMusicHuntley Күн бұрын
It's classic something.
@leecarney4373 Күн бұрын
That moderator!!!! I’m not even American and even I know who Ted Koppel is 😀
@sp1ke0kill3r Күн бұрын
That is his job, so to speak
@bensinclair8684 Күн бұрын
Even that moderator was a real hard guy!
@sirvicemanone Күн бұрын
Koppel...a pillar of "modern journalism"
@eddyimpanis Күн бұрын
@truincanada Сағат бұрын
Uh, ' that moderator' is Ted Koppel! You must be very young.
@KangKadmus Күн бұрын
Love it when they asked hard messed up questions and you guys came firing back fearlessly, it was like watching a good boxing match.
@johnhenryruminski8662 Күн бұрын
VATICAN PAID TED WELL !!!! Love John !!!!
@patricktilton5377 Күн бұрын
It irks me somewhat, I have to admit, that theologians throw around the word 'faith' as if it merely means BELIEF in something without there being any evidence to back up that belief -- but that's not really what the word means. The English word 'faith' is etymologically derived from the Latin word 'fides', which Cassell's defines as "trust, confidence, reliance, credence, belief, faith." The Greek word 'pistis' is defined in Liddell & Scott as "trust (in others), faith, belief, persuasion (of a thing), confidence, assurance" as well as "good faith, faithfulness, honesty" and "credit, trust" and "that which gives trust or confidence, an assurance, pledge of good faith, warrant" and "a means of persuasion, an argument, proof." In the context of a 1st Century Jew, the concept of 'Faith' is actually more about the problems that Hellenized Jews had living in the land that God had supposedly promised to the Patriarchs and over which King David once ruled . . . a promise that God had seemingly not kept to His 'faithful' who were under the yoke of pagan foreign oppression for half a millennium (excepting the brief time of the Hasmoneans). In a time when it seemed that Rome was going to be the permanent ruler of the known world, where its pantheon was worshiped as well as some of its emperors -- abominable notions to the monotheistic/henotheistic Jews -- how could any Jew living then truly believe that the promises God had made to Abraham (et al.) would ever be kept? Despite the power of Rome, the most fervent Jews still retained their belief that SOMEHOW the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would indeed keep His promises. They had 'faith' in their God. 'Faith' wasn't the BELIEF in the mere existence of their God. No! It was the belief that He was going to KEEP HIS PROMISES -- that He would one day set up a Kingdom on the Earth such that all the goyim would realize that the Jews were right -- that THEY were the only ones, being God's Chosen People, who knew God's ways, and that they would serve the purpose God had chosen them for: to be a kingdom of priests who would teach all the other peoples of the world how to serve God the way He demanded of every tribe. When Paul and other Christians talk about 'faith' they're not trying to convince anybody that God exists -- most people back then had no problem believing in the supernatural. Paul (et al.) was more concerned with convincing people that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, of Moses, etc., and that his advent -- and his yet-to-come Second Advent -- were all part of God's Plan to KEEP HIS PROMISES. As the self-proclaimed Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul was trying to convince people that God was going to fulfill His promises through the acts of Jesus at Calvary (etc.) -- that God was worthy of their Trust in Him. When a politician makes promises -- in his/her campaign and then later throughout his/her term of office -- yet never KEEPS those promises, the voters are well-advised to question the sincerity of that politician. God is often described as "long-suffering" -- as one who endures the sinning of His human children for long periods of time before He finally puts His foot down and intervenes (usually catastrophically) . . . yet the people who seem to be most fervent in their beliefs about God, one could argue, are far more long-suffering in that the final verses of the Christian Bible -- Revelation 22:20-1 -- state: "He who testifies to these things says, 'SURELY I AM COMING SOON.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen." Note that word, "testifies" -- a word used in legal cases, usually referring to sworn TESTIMONY, to the presentation of information spoken by someone who does so on pain of legal punishment should the sworn testimony be shown to be FALSE. Jesus is quoted saying, "Surely I am coming soon." . . . but it has been more than 19 centuries since Jesus supposedly gave this testimony to John of Patmos around the end of the 1st Century of the Common Era. Early Christians -- such as Paul -- believed that the Second Coming was going to happen within their own lifetimes. Christians are kinda like the guy in the taxicab whose cabbie, Ted Stryker, had parked (badly) at the airport entrance area, promising he'd be right back . . . and the schmuck in the taxicab is still in that car at the end of the movie, saying he'll give the driver just a little bit more time . . . Now THAT is 'faith'!
@hans.stein. Күн бұрын
Great stuff. The 'soon' in the final chapter reads ταχυσ tachys in the Greek, meaning: fast. That is unexpected, at any time. (This is how He had instructed his disciples. He, or the prophet, even said something like: if He should delay... His coming is after the number πλερομα is fulfilled. (Acts 2 or 3: Simon to Jerusalem, Rom 8, Rev 7)
@patricktilton5377 Күн бұрын
@@hans.stein. Well, how fast is 'fast'? The speed of light? Faster than the speed of light? Is his seat at the Right Hand of God 2,000 lightyears away or so, and he's left that location on an Earth-bound trajectory at or near the speed of light, only he can only go as fast as a material body can muster -- say, 99.9999% the speed of light, undergoing relativistic Time Dilation -- and we schmucks on Earth have to wait for his light-travel time for some 2,000 years while he experiences a relatively short amount of time, say 3 and a half days or so? Frankly, I don't see any real difference between translating 'tachys; as 'fast' or 'soon'. That penultimate verse of Revelation gives the reader the sense that he's coming back at a high rate of speed -- which implies 'soon' (i.e. sooner rather than later). My Liddell & Scott Greek-English Lexicon, by the way, doesn't include "unexpected, at any time" as a valid translation of 'tachys'. It translates it as "quick, swift, fast, fleet" and (of events) "quick, speedy" -- and also gives the Comparative and Superlative forms ('tachyteros' and 'tachistos', respectively) meaning "more quickly" and "most quickly." I was quoting the RSV's translation, which I think makes the most sense. The KJV has "Surely, I come quickly." Maybe if God's Throne is located about a thousand lightyears away, and it took Jesus -- transformed into a creature of pure Light -- a thousand years for him to get there from Earth circa 33 CE after instantaneously accelerating to lightspeed from a standstill, and after a brief layover in Heaven to do his thing, he'll take another thousand years traveling at the speed of light ("quickly" -- at the speed limit of the Universe) to get back to Earth . . . then maybe -- MAYBE -- that verse quoting Jesus might make sense. But I have my reasonable doubts. After all, it does seem rather silly that while Jesus is away up in Heaven, one of the things he's supposedly getting done is having a tattoo put onto his 'thigh', reading: "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." WTF??? And how quaint that he's coming quickly riding a HORSE, of all things. It seems to me that the fastest velocity human beings of the late 1st Century knew had to have been atop a galloping horse, so the author of Revelation naturally has Jesus riding out of Heaven on a horse. But why not in a heavenly Chariot -- one drawn by celestial cherubim or seraphim, faster than any earthly animal could ever muster? Why a friggin' HORSE???
@danielgregg2530 Күн бұрын
No, in religion the definition of "faith" is believing without evidence. That most assuredly it exactly what it means.
@hans.stein. Күн бұрын
@@danielgregg2530 Yes, in religion. In the Scriptures (truth) πιστισ / אמןה (gr. pistis / hebr. emunah) means trust and loyalty.
@stalker7892 20 сағат бұрын
@@danielgregg2530 You may be referencing the common idea of faith but it is not in agreement with what the scripture of the Christian faith. Whether you agree matters not. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see." In Hebrews 10:22 it says "let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full ASSURANCE of faith..." Also Dr. tabors idea of resurrection is not how the scriptures portray it. The resurrected Jesus says to his disciples Luke 24:39 "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have FLESH and BONES as you see I have. The resurrected body is the same body glorified by the spirit of God, never to perish.
@josephwurzer4366 Күн бұрын
Remember this in the old days. Thanks for re playing this.
@lionman.mysoldier 17 сағат бұрын
They were hard on you James, and the academic arrogance and belief in the mind was high, when the true power comes from the heart. There will be no bones James and soon you'll understand and see it all with your own eyes. Thank you for your discussions and programs, they have teached me many things. God is a real living God and I hope you will soon have a chance to discover him again, and tell him all that you know. He will listen. Thank you.
@darthorama Күн бұрын
@JamesTaborVideos Thanks so much for posting this video. I’m a huge fan of your books and videos. Every field needs someone who goes against the group in good faith. I know your views because I’ve been reading your work since I saw you in the Waco hearings. The critique on the documentary is totally valid. It was edited by Simcha not as a hypothesis but as fact. Filmmaker yes. Journalist no. The scientific method matters. My instinct tells me Simcha is Israel’s Geraldo, but I give him the benefit of the doubt because I trust you.
@dandurisek9533 Күн бұрын
Seneca said," religion is regarded by the common people as true,by the wise as false,and by rulers as useful"
@thomasnimtoft1955 Күн бұрын
Seek and you will find - Simca and James Seek Not and you will find nothing - the rest of the panel. Excellent video 👍
@davashorb6116 20 сағат бұрын
@@thomasnimtoft1955 These are not the droids you're looking for.
@slimdusty6328 Күн бұрын
Thanks again Professor Tabor 👌👍. Love to be able to learn a little from this access to the results of your studies and hard work💖💯
@MsSme123 8 сағат бұрын
Clear questions, clear answers. Follow up on a controversial idea. Real journalism. I wish we could get back to this. Especially in politics.
@bensinclair8684 Күн бұрын
Well Dr Tabor, this video you just posted with Simcha was brutal! Lol Wonder why they're gunning for you guys so bad to try to knock your guys's research down several notches? Both of you gentlemen did a good job standing your ground and going toe to toe with these other experts.
@Terran.Marine.2 Күн бұрын
Was this documentary one of the ones which Sony removed surport? People thought that they had purchased it, but, apparently it was a "license" and the license was ended.
@fgizat Күн бұрын
It is an old interview. Could you please provide the date when it was recorded?
@redleaf4902 Күн бұрын
The date is given. See, in the 'Description'. I says the discussion was recorded in 2007.
@therealjasonbueno Күн бұрын
“Archeology has nothing to do with Faith.” That about sums up your detractors.
@peterhook2258 Күн бұрын
I love the commentary on that Christians need to be critical thinkers about biblical if archeology is even biblical. Christians Do need to find out about biblical archeology....from both sides and they will find the academic side very enlightening...and Im a believer.
@bradleyforrester5757 Күн бұрын
It's a first century burial site. Does it really matter if it is Jesus' family? We didn't know it's whereabouts for several hundred years and now that we think the tomb may be from his lineage, nothing really changes. It doesn't really matter in our daily lives! 🙏
@crossxcats Күн бұрын
you have the patents of a saint
@johnhenryruminski8662 Күн бұрын
@Ghost_bros Күн бұрын
Ted koppel makes this feel like it was filmed in 1997
@ChildofGod98765 Күн бұрын
Lord Jesus please give me strength. I seem to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders as a single mom, I often face challenges that can seem insurmountable especially with raising two children with special needs. I’m trying to balance everything but Lord I’m struggling to make ends meet, to pay bills, and to put food on the table for my children. Jesus hear my prayers.❤️
@peterhook2258 Күн бұрын
why are these , that disagree with the film..I bet they don't get as upset with docu dramas that support their faiths. I am a believer, and would love for Yeshua to have been a teacher, whom was "one" with the creator, even prior to his birth in a special way, who taught with such power, that faiths all around him saw his teachings as a pinnacle of thier faith. The power of his word moved groups, people and conviction of so much power...even governments felt the must grab hold ..or lose it all. Now...thats a KING. Peace.
@Egyptianfruitbat 11 сағат бұрын
Ted Koppel excellent as always
@CKennethBauer Күн бұрын
Must be nice to be in a profession where the people you disrespect and piss off can’t get get up and kick your ass. It would make a great WWF tag team Friday night fight though! Tabor can be the mad professor, and Simcha can be the flying Canadian. The others can be the bad banker bros.
@missfriscowin3606 Күн бұрын
Mocca Sin
@johnhenryruminski8662 Күн бұрын
THE TRUE ONE COMING !!!! Love John !!!!
@Kim-yl4bz Күн бұрын
I enjoyed this. Hopefully, with each discussion, the subject is taken more seriously. There is something important here that does need to be discussed. It's too bad that the ossuaries were scrubbed. Getting DNA will be hard, but I don't think it's impossible. Touch DNA! Science is making strides, and I'm a believer that science will prove the existence of G-d.
@PhylosophyHour Күн бұрын
I’m pretty sure it’s in the garden of gethsemane (spelling?). Mary thought Jesus was the gardener = it’s in a garden. They had to stoop down to look into it = it’s probably underground under a rock. If anyone wanted to keep it hidden they could have planted a tree over it which wouldn’t be far fetched considering how old some of the olive trees are there. They are also associated with peace and there’s a written word ‘peace’ in the garden, and a tree has a stone next to it, so maybe check there just in case
@PhylosophyHour Күн бұрын
Alternatively it could be in or under the grotto nearby there
@davashorb6116 23 сағат бұрын
It seems that some important questions have been raised here. They should be explored further. It shouldn't be keft hanging, whatever the answers may be.
@kyleparker678 Күн бұрын
If we had a direct family line of DNA and 1000s of living family members in an an unbroken line with written accounts of each burial, they would still not be swayed from their current preferential conclusion.
@davidchurch3472 17 минут бұрын
Don't you wish they would stick to making one point at a time, instead of combining multiple challenges within one speach. Clearly it would be better to settle each subpoint individually, before using them as a foundation for a larger point - but often the larger point is lost because of too much controversial argument about supporting points which are not settled first!
@marksmith9684 Күн бұрын
The gentleman suits underestimate the audience of the documentary. The film was not propaganda for goodness sakes. When studying history do we all not use our ‘imagination’. Having visuals is something we all do no?
@bwhotwing411 20 сағат бұрын
I agree that someone shouldn’t be 100% agree either way but you can’t dispute the evidence isn’t compelling. Sure it’s highly unlikely it is the historical Jesus but you can’t just completely dismiss it due to the evidence.
@bwhotwing411 20 сағат бұрын
I thought the job of a moderator is to be I don’t know… to be moderate.. the other guys were hardly even questioned and challenged to their position
@eddyimpanis Күн бұрын
Both the archeologists and theologians say, “Don’t confuse me with the facts my mind’s made up!” Their power of propaganda is strong. Their personal interest at stake well hidden.
@bensinclair8684 Күн бұрын
Well I'm sorry to keep messaging but as I'm watching further into this older interview they brought out a whole another round of it ballbusters" Good Lord" no pun intended lol none of these people seem to have any positive aspects to add with the wonderful research that had been done.! Geez oh man talk about a biased interview if I've ever seen one
@sirvicemanone Күн бұрын
So very true
@LukumbeNdju-qu7iz Күн бұрын
Wow! At least someone clearly telling of this shinnangan of making billions belive in wrong drama, and then blaming the film maker for dramatising. Why don't they go to look for Jesus archeology in Sweden? The theologians and the presenter suckled on drama while being ignorant that depictions of blond Jesus is not an issue. We deserve a 24 months without a bloody Christmas and its titanic sinking impact on billions. Lol, fellow Jesus, James Tabor looking like chap whose all was ransacked and turned into colonising machines. Thank you James T❤.
@chrimony Күн бұрын
Kind of funny that you're getting it from both sides -- the archeologists and historians, and the religious theologians. Those two guys on the right were very dismissive, and it seemed they were more concerned with shooting the whole thing down than examining the idea critically. Everybody brings their bias to the table.
@JacquesMare Күн бұрын
As an atheist, this is sad on so many levels ....
@CaliRaveBoi 21 сағат бұрын
I know right! The cognitive dissonance was thick. That second half the lady was like 'ya but the dramatization made it so people wouldn't critically think as its entertainment' and the priest quoted the its by faith verse, so if science critically think.. if religion use faith. Double standards... or I think that's the word hypocrite?
@aprilparker4030 Күн бұрын
Wow, they are haters They don't like someone or something It was a match
@WhiteDove73-888 Күн бұрын
You mean you want to believe this ludicrous fake history so you can go about sinning. Hell awaits
@sirvicemanone Күн бұрын
Mr Koppel comes across similar to the ABC "journalists" who ran the presidential debate.... aggressively trying to make Mr Jacobovici and Professor Tabor defensive and foolish . As to the fellow saying his best friend and teacher who was in the video and gave his thoughts in the video one way and this guy saying he knows his friend better and the guy would never say that was comical at best...and meant nothing I also watched the movie in question along with several other films by Mr J. and thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and informative value of his films. I find the so called "News" channels to be unreliable and aggressively channeling their own agendas and therefore have stopped watching their antics long ago. Mr Koppels comments reflect the reason I don't care for his work and his colleagues even less than his own opinion if this project I hope Mr J will continue to make his films regardless of these responses he is very talented.
@CKennethBauer Күн бұрын
I agree with Tabor on his Paul explanation, but probably only applies to the humans waiting for the coming. I don’t see the Jesus situation having to play by those rules, and correct me if I”m wrong others that have ascended into heaven didn’t leave their bodies did they? Elijah for example. James made a great case in John about how Joe of E. came back and moved the body before Mary showed up, but I would find even that to be contradictory to the guard and sealed entrance testimony in some of the gospels. Hey, chin up James, it is good solid work, we’re just to early along, thats the problem with being too advanced or ahead of the times. At least you have the ability to propose ideas and get time on things like tv. I cannot even get a decent reply from people to whom I am paying to critique and disprove my theories that I come across in the NT.
@integrationalpolytheism 23 сағат бұрын
While Simcha Jacobovici's documentaries are a bit sensationalist and speculative, this particular subject was handled with more than usual rigour, I thought. I'm not even convinced there was a specific historical jesus, but I would never refute what evidence there is, which was presented in the film, as these guys, including the interviewer, are on the verge of doing. For that guy to say Simcha decided the conclusions at the beginning is ridiculous, seconds after Simcha said he tried to refute his hypothesis at every stage. That's the scientific method. Propose a hypothesis, then try to knock it down. I hope these guys know how obvious their motivations are: fear of having to climb down from an ideologically held poaition that they've become too comfortable with. It's the same arrogance you see from those who tell you that everybody who knows anything is certain there Was a historical jesus. This evidence comes closest to supporting that, but as they said right at the top of this, it could be one of the many other men with that name, around this time.
@joecanis484 Күн бұрын
If those challengers do not like Simcha's version of his storyline, the naysayers are able to go make a film of their own that portrays what they claim accurately represents the truth about Jesus. Oh, wait, every Easter we see a dozen films of Jesus as God rising from the tomb. People are more willing to accept that highly improbable story without scientific evidence more than Simcha's suggestion that a more natural, human history of Jesus has some with real evidence exists and they start throwing bombs at the critic. The believers of such incredible religious stories should be the ones on the defensive for proof. All religions are contrived by men for power and control over the weak minded who would buy the promises of those selling snake oil and miracles.
@jeffreyerwin3665 Күн бұрын
Oops! Scientific evidence? That evidence proves that Jesus' corpse vanished fromt he inside of a sealed tomb. What more do you want?
@slimdusty6328 Күн бұрын
ive come to suspect/wonder that perhaps the root of these kind of problems runs far deeper within humanity than it merely being related to religion alone. For instance, how do we explain how bullying existing within military forces, would exist there, when in fact the military employs their own military psychologists . It cannot be completely down to lack of education, or science, can it? Or maybe even at some university's too. Who'll perhaps have psychologist teachers of professor level within their ranks. Who'll perhaps still put up with bullying. And maybe even of the blatant kind too sometimes. Or within governments. Which may have a number of highly educated people serving on their party lists. A number of who perhaps could be expected to "know better" than to ever dare to "agree" to go along with it, and choose to turn a blind eye to any level of bullying within there, at all How to explain this? My point is, i suspect that something other than science or education must perhaps play some fairly large role in what's going wrong
@apotropoxyz6685 Күн бұрын
Isn't this the most likely scenario: Jesus' body, like everyone else who got crucified, was left up on his cross until the birds had their fill and then his remains were taken down and tossed into a common pit? Would there really have been a reason for Rome to treat him any differently than other messiah claimants?
@jeffreyerwin3665 20 сағат бұрын
Yes, there was a reason. Joseph of Arimathea had money, lots of it. His use of financial inducements (otherwise known as bribes) would not have been reported in the Gospels.
@apotropoxyz6685 20 сағат бұрын
@@jeffreyerwin3665 ... Crucifixion had two distinct purposes, the first was to brutally punish a lawbreaker. The second was to make a display of the criminal. If the second purpose was thwarted by bribes, tradition had it that the body of the bribe-taker would replace the missing corpse- in this case a Roman soldier. For that reason I think it would be extremely unlikely that Jesus' body was taken down prematurely. The Joseph of Arimathea story is, to my mind, likely to have been an invented, corroborative detail that made the resurrection story easier to believe.
@johnhenryruminski8662 Күн бұрын
@WhiteDove73-888 Күн бұрын
You wanting to sin is the truth
@sp1ke0kill3r Күн бұрын
Is it me or should Ted have been quiet more?
@jeffreyerwin3665 Күн бұрын
Neither Simcha nor Dr. Tabor acknowledge the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, and that fact makes their "tomb" hypothesis suspect.
@moojza Күн бұрын
Thats because its a known forgery an serious scholars wouldnt take it seriously
@TheDanEdwards Күн бұрын
You're doing a logical fallacy.
@danielgregg2530 Күн бұрын
@@TheDanEdwards The world is filled with idiots, and the KZbin comments section makes it o that we are never allowed to forget that.
@kyleparker678 Күн бұрын
The shroud is an embarrassing fraud, and anyone that believes it is real is frankly simple.
@redleaf4902 Күн бұрын
No clue why a comment of mine was deleted. 🤔
@paulmccabe1121 16 сағат бұрын
Sounded a lot like arguing for the sake of arguing. I would guess there really are some valid concerns and counter hypothesis, as you yourselves state that you appreciate and encourage. But they were not shown here by the opposition. I really didn’t get the theologian input either. Simply saying “that’s not what we believe” is not a counter argument. I got a laugh out of the accusation that you don’t understand the theology at play here. Thanks for sharing!
@alessiorando100 Күн бұрын
If the Talipot Tomb would be related to any other historical figure no one would doubt that all the evidence are pointing out that the tomb is the one of that historical person; but since we're talking about Jesus of Nazareth then everyone is skeptical about it. To me there's enough evidence to demonstrate that the Talipot Tomb is infact the tomb of Jesus Christ and his family
@johnhenryruminski8662 Күн бұрын
THE PARTY IS OVER !!!! Love John !!!!
@StudentDad-mc3pu Күн бұрын
The entire burial story is highly suspect for many reasons.
@WhiteDove73-888 Күн бұрын
The conclusions are already drawn in the beginning
@johnfoster6412 Күн бұрын
Why not hold the same standards of evidence to politics as being demanded here? I don't think that the "nay" side here is making a good case. That doesn't mean that it IS the tomb of Jesus, but I don't see much science in the "refutation", only opinion, belief and faith.
@davethebrahman9870 Күн бұрын
Simcha didn’t even answer the guy’s question on DNA.
@davashorb6116 23 сағат бұрын
Ted! Where is your curiosity?
@thomaskittrell6550 Күн бұрын
i like The Naked Archeologist Simcha does some good work on the show
@danielgregg2530 Күн бұрын
It's always fun to watch, but there is often more truth in watching whatever you can find of George Carlin.
@craigrobbins3540 Күн бұрын
Bunch of bunk !
@BryanKirch Күн бұрын
Mariamne is the name of ALL Herods wives …. How is that a name automatically associated with Magdalene? Only through a late Gnostic manuscript. Could you elaborate on this point? If it’s rare why do all of herods wives have that name? Isn’t it quite possible that Jewish mothers named their daughters after this princess who died just 30 years before Jesus was born? Or after the other two mariannes that followed? Every wife of Herod was named Mariamne this seems like an important point to at least discuss: The other option not discussed is that these ossuaries are actually forgeries by gnostics. If the spelling is that found in late manuscripts and that spelling is an eroded version of the original spelling and there’s no other one with that exact name then it’s more likely a forgery as there are unlikely to be unique names given at that time. Names conveyed deep meaning and parents would never create a unique name if it’s a nickname what does it mean in Aramaic or greek if it’s truly unique then it’s a forgery that is from a late Gnostic manuscript. I’d like to see a real scientific discussion not an agenda by religious people or even yourself who has come to his own personal religious belief of Jesus. Thank you
@davethebrahman9870 Күн бұрын
Mary of Magdala is both in the gospel of John and that of Mark.
@davethebrahman9870 Күн бұрын
The form ‘Mariamne’ is one the usual Greek transcriptions of the name Miriam. Josephus used ‘Miriamē’
@BryanKirch Күн бұрын
@@davethebrahman9870 hi sorry I’m not sure you watched the whole video or have context for my argument
@davethebrahman9870 Күн бұрын
@@BryanKirch Yes, you’re right.
@Ammeeeeeeer Күн бұрын
Eh I'm still sceptical that its the tomb of THE Jesus, those cluster of names are common even in the New Testament. Even among the twelve apostles, you have more than one James (Yacov) and Judas (one Judas Iscariot, one called Jude). Names like Jesus, Judas, James, Joseph, Mary, Salome etc and their variations seem to be common during that period of Judea.
@JamesTaborVideos Күн бұрын
Hi Amm, I understand but what you assert here we explore thoroughly...the key names that count are not common at all...but see the links in the description where I cover all of that in detail and with stats and facts. It is the cluster that of like Paul, John, George...and Ringo! In that cluster...
@Ammeeeeeeer Күн бұрын
​​@@JamesTaborVideos I like the Beatle analogy 😁 I totally get your point, but considering how common those names in the tomb are, that causes me to be sceptical. By contrast, with that analogy, Ringo isn't that common of a name at that time (I could be wrong on this, please correct meon this of so), you'd immediately think of Beatles with that name. The only reason we'd even consider the tomb has anything to do with THE Jesus are the names, which are common names. Now if there was a unique element to them, like that theory of Jesus being known as "Ben Pantera" or Mary has "Magdelene" attached to her and we have those elements among the that's a more promising foundation. Of course I speak as a layman so this may all be nonsense 🤣
@bensinclair8684 Күн бұрын
Yeah I guess the odds would really not be in the favor of that really being the right tombs in the right names. Just seems to me like that interview was loaded. Like it must have upset certain people in certain areas / positions where they got five adversaries trying to tear down the documentary almost in a way where they were trying to make it seem like you guys intentionally misled the information. But it's a documentary and of course like all documentaries producer / researchers are going to try to make it thrilling as possible to open up the creative thinking in the viewers minds to get a better rating on the documentary let alone the excitement that you guys must have felt just to imagine what ends were trying and hoping to accomplish in the findings. Just seem like the interview was set up to try to railroad you guys. Almost like they were trying to make a joke out of your guys's experience and knowledge. I actually watched that series about a year ago and it was exciting so I believe it served the purpose whether it was or wasn't the right ostrary
@nycgweed Күн бұрын
Where can I watch it?
@Youngster12_ Күн бұрын
So if you came up with this story, it must be true.. or a great deception. And I’m the only one I can see it. Having Jesus on my genealogy DNA must mean something. All the kings that you can mention are on that tree. Can you explain how this happened? Or someone have a lawsuit in their hands by putting my DNA in the wrong spot. This story is coming to life Son !!!!
@angiehayes7754 Күн бұрын
Simcha and Pro Tabor
@seekandfind5005 15 сағат бұрын
Please remember this code First Core Fifteen
@mariodesilva8193 Күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤beautiful simcha and James the simple for standing up for the truth❤❤❤❤❤🔥love you🕊️🪔
@hfranklin2009 3 сағат бұрын
The guys opposing you are somewhat disgusting, all three of them. Really disappointed in Ted.
@robbiebobbie2011 Күн бұрын
What is faith good for it’s a reason to believe non demonstrable beliefs 🤷‍♂️
@juliemooney6663 16 сағат бұрын
A disgrace the way they talk to Simcha.
@ruthbelda3887 21 сағат бұрын
Ted Koeppel sure was a jerk.
@juliemooney6663 16 сағат бұрын
Archetypal porn? New one one me. 😮
@juliemooney6663 16 сағат бұрын
Mary the Teacher?
@WhiteDove73-888 Күн бұрын
Nothing of importance. Bs fake history
@anthonyshannon6744 Күн бұрын
This just proves tabor has been full of shit for a long tims
@davethebrahman9870 Күн бұрын
@@anthonyshannon6744 Thanks for your learned contribution :)
@Admin_comments Күн бұрын
Critical? More like a hit piece. Lol
@belisarius2776 23 сағат бұрын
The last 30 min is a waste of time.
@belisarius2776 23 сағат бұрын
Theologians have all the answers scientsts are looking for answers
@PaulStrachan-kp9ed Күн бұрын
Religion is a thing of faith not of facts . Facts will never match faith . But between Jesus and Mary if The Mary osterary is of no relation to any of the others then why is it there, because non family members would never be in that tomb . So reason states that Jesus and Mary osterary are of husband and wife.
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